VVtATHEH Fair Saturday Bad Sundays wild lemperatarei gektle tenth winSa. 7D "T V-r 1 - t yam HP, f - Car Man nU" . VOL OX. NO. 123. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 3, 1919. fracE:nvEcnrr: . UuCLE SAM NEEDS woie JO F1I11SH UPWAR PROPERLY .Message Will Be Carried To ; Every Person in U.S. To V Speed Up Loan SLOWNESS OF PUBLIC WORRIES THE OFFICIALS I Latest figures For Victory k Drivs Show Less Than On. ' Third Raised With Individ. , ual SuDicriptions in Nearly Ivory DUtriot Running Short of Thoie in Previous Loans (By tke Associated Press) Washington, May 2. Ths need of the government for funds to brief th war to a successful conclusion will be car ried directly to every person ia the United States who cam be reached, ai a reault of the ilowaeaa of the public ia volunteering subscriptions to the Vic tory Liberty loaa. Latest figures compiled by the treas- -wry department tonight ahowed ll.47 84700, lea than one-third of the loaa quota, aubacribed. Individual aubaerip tioai ia nearly every reserve district were aaid to be running far ahort of ' thoae ia previous loana, apparently In dicating that the public waa not awake to the necessity for raising the full 4,500,000,000 naked for ia order to bring the men back from oversees, complete demobilisation and care for ' those wounded in the service Plana iniinedistely were laid and telegrami sent ta every State organization in the - country t make the laet seven jrotkiog days of the loan campaign productive of euffieient individual subeeriptioosfto put the loan "over the top" without calling oa the financial inititulion and tying up credit. St. Lenle Diet r let Lesdu. The St. Louia Federal Beaerve Die trict leada the country in having sub teribed S9.68 per cent of its quota and two other wettera districts, Chicago and Minneapolis rank aecond and third, re ipectively. The Southwest or Dallaa district waa at the bottom when the lateat tabulation of subscriptions waa made. The amount! aubacribed by the Federal, Beaerve dietricta, together with the percentage of quota attained by each district, ts officially eeperted to tke ' Treasury tonight were aa followa: Districts. . Subscription.. Pet. St. Louji .....,..ll6yi85,030 69.6 'Chicago ..,.....,.020,601,700 40.1 ' Minneapolis . . . . . 75,070,020 47.6 Boston y. ....... . 138,202,300 42.1 Kanaaa City ..... 69,800,900 SSJ Richmond ....... 70,337,050 3.1.4 Clevslund ....... 184343)00 29.8 Philadelphia 97,484,900 85.9 New York , . 3.12)00,000 US Atlanta 84,630.500 0 Baa Fruneisco ... 08,237,300 22 J Dallaa 18,324,850 , 19 J Richmond Made Biggest Gala. The Bichmoad district today reported the largeat gain of any aingle day since - the campaign began, increasing ita sub scriptions nearly 110,000,000, taken by 17,233 persona.1 Maryland has subscrib ed $20,001,150, Virginia 618,951,630, West Virginia $3,038,800; North Caro lina, $8,281,050 1 South Carolina, !, fi8,100; and District of Columbia, $7, 854,000. - Ia the New York district, tie day's gala waa 643,527,800. 4 New England ahowed an Increase of 113100,000 for the day, total subscrip tions by States being: - Maeaaekuaetts 693,000,000.; Bhode Is land 613,000,000; Vermont 66,000,0000, New Hampshire 68,000,000, aad Maine . 65,000.000. Honor ' flags have been a wared to 232 communities. St. Paal Has Good News. St. Paul was eae of tbe few cities with a cheerful report aa to the number of iadividual purchasers of Victory Botes. Ths city kas oversubscribed its quota by more thaa 10 per cent withent any subscriptions from banks. Very encouraging reports came from Minne apolis district, 30 per cent of the coun ties having subscribed their quotas. Four additional counties ia the Cleve land district have exceeded their quotaa,' Lexington and Leslie counties, Ken tucky, Hancock county, West Virginia and Champaign county, Ohio. In the Dallas district 102 counties are over ths top. Subscriptions ia Tens nlone compromise 16,000,000 of ths dis trict's total . MILL MEN ANXIOUS TO HAVE PBINCIPLK SXTTLEa (By the Associated Press.) Charlotte, May fcV-Winstoa Adams. secretary of the American lottos, Man , u fact u rem' Association, with offices here, tonight authorised the following - statement regarding Ike child labor es decided today by Judge Boyd: . - "The manufacturers are contesting mis jaw as a nutter or principle rather thaa merely ths working of young peo ple. The masufaetursrs claim that if this law is held constitutional the precedent' kas been established where by tba Federal government can make and enforce any regulatioa covering eonditioas of employment, wages, hoars aad other kladred matters, - "The manufacturers contend that this is a matter for Stats regulation, rather thaa regulatioa by ths Federal govern ment. ,; ,'- This esse ' kaa beet appealed lid will be carried direct to ths Supreme Court of the United States. Aa effort la being made ta aecurs S hearing at this scasioa of the court." F , Airplanes For Rtchmead. Newport News, Va- May 2 Five army airplanes will leave Langley Field, sear this city, early tomorrow morning to atage a great air carnival ever Bich moad i interest of tbe Victory Liberty Loaa.-' , M American Troops On German Soil After Peace '' - Washington, May 2. Determination of President Wilson indicated in press advices from Paris; that no ,. American troops shall continue on German soil for a longer period after the signing of the peace treaty than may be necessary to embark them for home, is borne out by present plans of the War Department, which contemplate the return of the entire American Expeditionary Forces by September. Because of this, General March, Chief of Staff, is making every effort -to speed up the demobilization in this country. An official announcement issued today as to the , , accumulation of surplus clothing for the troops stated that the estimates were based on "troop withdrawal to be completed in September." The statement also said that "if an army of occupation is maintained after September, a portion of this surplus will be needed." This computation was taken to reflect exactly the present information of the department as to future troop movements. The September date represents estimates by em- barkation officials as to the maximum possible speed in withdrawing the entire force in Europe, including the troops holding the Coblenz Bridgehead sector on the Rhine If anything, officers anticipate that the move ment will be accelerated rather than retarded. The schedule has been exceeded recently and in increasing measure from week to week. With an indicated monthly movement of 450,000 men, the best predic tions of General March and his aides bid fair, it was said, to be more than realized. JUDGE BOYD HOLDS LAW TO BE INVALID Greensboro Jurist Again Doubts Constitutronaiity-of -Child-Labor Provision (Special to The News and Obserrer.) Greensboro, May 2. Julge Boyd, in Federal court hcte today, held that the pro-ieion of the Federal revenue set, taxing at the rate of 10 per cent, the entire net profits received or ac crued ia any year by any company em ploying children under 14 years of age, or employing children under 16 yeara of age mors than eight houra ia a da is unconstitutional. Tito case waa net argued at any con considerable length, aad Julge Boyd's opinion, will ..be brief. He wiU reduce it to writing right sway, and ths esss mill M taksn by appeal or writ of er ror to the Circuit Court of Appeals, or the supreme Court of the United States.4 The ease will bo continued ia ths Supreme Court of tbe United States aad beard at an early date. The law ia contained -in Title 12, of the Revenue act of 1918. It waa expected that the argument of the case would take' considerable time, but when tbe matter came up this morning. Judge Boyd early Indi ented that ha was of the opinion that the law is unconstitutional, and this mads unnecessary any extended argu ment. The case was brought by ku gene Johnson, by his father as next friend, against the Atherton Cotton Mills, of Charlotte. The plaintiff waa represented by ex-Judge W, P. Byaum, of this city, Julius Parker, of New York aad Maaley, Headrea and Worn ble, of Winaton-Salem. W. N. Wil son, of Charlotte, appeared for the defendaata, aad District Attorney Hammer represented the government. It will be recalled that Jadge Bsyd held the Keating Child Labor Law aa constitutional, and was later sustained by the Supreme Court of tks Unitsd 8tatet- . . . INVASION OF RIGHTS OF STATES COURT DECLARES. (By Ths Associated Press.) ' Greensboro, May L Federal Judge James E. Boyd .today beld aa uncon stitutional ths provisloas of the Beve- aaa act, iatended to prohibit the em ployment of child labor. Judge Boyd last year held ths Federal child labor law aneoastitutiosal, aad bis decision wss upheld by ths United States Su preme Court. The previous ease was brought to test ths Federal statute, which deaied the ebsnnels of Interstate commerce to goods mads ia factories where child labor waj employed. Despite tks rally ing of well knowa constitutional law yers to the defense of tks statute, it waa held ia valid by Judge Boyd. After ths Supreme court upheld aim, Con gross wrote a provision- lata the re cent revenue act, placing a privilege tax of 10 per cent on products of fac tories employing children under 14 yeara of age to any extent, or ths em ployment for longer thaa 8 kours a day of ekildrea from 14 to IS years of age. Ia making permanent aa injunction granted, temporarily stay of executioa of this law ia ths Charlotte, N. C, case hers today, Judge Boyd said that ths Federal law tries to accomplish regulatioa of employmeat by indirec tion under tks taxing privilege ia this instance, as ths previous law attempt it wader ths interstate commerce pow ers. Both attempts hs kolda to be in vasion ef states rights. -s , WASHINGTON OFFICIALS ARE UNACQUAINTED WITH ACTION. Washington, May SwOffleials of tke Department of Justice were without in formation of ths decision ef Federal Judge Boyd at Greeasboro, N. C, to day declaring the ehlld labor sectloa of tba war reveaus law unconstitu tional, aad could sot say what tks next step la ths as would be-, It wss stated, however, . tkst tks deciaioa would aot affect operatioa of the law aniens upheld by the Supreme Court Aa the case was brought by aa em ploye against a Cotton mill, ths gov srament having as direct part ia the proeeediaga, it was said tkat the question of aa appeal would lavs to -be decided locally at Greensboro, CABLE LINES BACK IN PRIVATE HANDS The Turn Back Last Midnight Was Without Ceremony or Formality Washington, May 2 (By tin Associat ed Presa.) American cable lines taken over by the government in November were restored to private ownership and operatioa at midnight tonight by direc tion of President Wilson. Tbe turn back waa without ceremony or formality, tbe wire control board of the poetoffire department hairing ar ranged detaile of the transfer on April 9. at which time the eomrnment uh known Ita intention to rrlinanUh mbU -sr I iTroTDrine properties. Binee December, reweomb o. Carlton, president ef the Western Union Telegraph Company, has beta directing head of the cable service by appointment of the Postmaster Gen eral. Beginning tomorrow, however, Clarence H. Mackay, president ef tks Commercial Cable Company, will re sume his former duties with that com pany. Mr. Mackay waa removed by the Postmaster General because of hie re fusal to cooperate In goverament efforts to unify all trnns-Atlantie service. Postmaster General Burleson durimj the day received another telegram from Mr. Mackay requesting the return of ths Postal Company's land linea at once Mr. Bqrleson replied as follows: "Replying to your telegrams of yes terday aad today you are advised that my telegram to you of the Srst instant disposes of the matter se fsr ss tbe Postmaster General is concerned.' SEVEN TAR HEELS FINISH COURSESjN SEMINARY Five Graduates of Richmond Institution Assigned To Pas toral Fields ' Richmond, Vs., May 2. (8pecial to the News aad Observer.) Seres North Carolinians are included ia the list of 1919 graduates of Union Theological Seminary (Presbyterian), was an nounced today. Five of them with their respective Selda of labor are: Franklin M Bain, Wade, pastor, Aecomae, Va.: Frank Fisher Baker, Salisbury, mis sionary to Brazil; Albert Bay Eowland, Charlotte, pastor, Samuel Daviea church, Hanover county, Va.; Clyde J. Walsk, Charlotte, pastor Madieoa Heights, Lynchburg, Va.j Douglas Me Dimonero, Mancbeater, paator, Green bank, W. Va. Pastor Selda for David Caldwell loung, ef Charlotte, and William Carle toa Bourk, of Wilmington, hs re aot been selected. Stuart Boseoe Ogleaby Jr, Hope, Ark, will be pastor at Oi ford, N. C. Geo. W. Watts, of Durham, president of tbe board of trustees, will deliver the diplomas. Dr. James H. Tsylor, pastor of President Wilson's church in Washington, is scheduled to preach the baccalaureate sermon. News ef ths death of 8omers B. Cabell, 33 years old, in John Hopkins' HotnitaL Baltimore, from th of Injuries sustained ia aa accident a. ions vreen, va, wane employed ss electrical ena-iaear tnr M. --i .j eoke company, wss received here today. " waa a oroiner ot Jtoyal E. Cabell, Biclmoad attnmev rvm vt.u.j t .-'""M VIWI States eommiwioser of internal revenue, ana or aire, cnanes a. flowers, Vsnder- BtSre. N. C He will hs tinr.A t. v.i.. eouaty ia the Cabell ancestral burying TOLEDO TO BE CONSIDERED AS PLACE FOR FIGHT Cleveland, May fc Toledo, Ohio, la being conaidered as a possible site for tke championship heavyweight boning contest cm Jnlv i. hotm.. J wr:i. lard aad Jack Dempeey, according to sicura, promoter et tae contest, who waa kere tonight conferring with Mat Hinkel nnd other hhiJIm aelectioa ef the Ohio city to stage the corneal, tticnara, wie returns te Tole do tomorrow.' aaiil ha nanhiM wimiM aams the city by Monday sexi. E NO ARRESTS MADE Government Agents Believe Bombs Mailed To Prominent Men Were Made InJI. Y. ORDINARY ByNAMITE USED FOR PACKAGES Details of Progress in Inquiry Not Disclosed But It Is Inti mated That Several Radicals Are Under Suspicion; Ex perts From Bureau of Mines Test Explosives New York, ' May 2. Agents of 'the Department of Justice, postoffics in sp ;ctors end New York detectives under Inspector Faurot continued today their hunt for' the anarchists who de posited in the maila more than a score of deadly dynamite bombs sddressed to prominent men iu nil parts of ths coun try, but ao arrests have been nude thus fnr. It wss intimated, however, that several radicals were under suspicion. I Details of the progress msds in ths inquiry were not disclosed on the ground thst undue publicity might en able, the Reds sought to eseaps. Dis trict Attorney Bwann announced that hejiad received an anonymous com, municstioa auggesting that be investi gate tbe activities of three men who have been prominent in socialist and h W. W. activities. B intimated that be would set on the suggestion. Bombs Are Examined. "' Cnptr llr-ft-Taouaeer explosursa, MX-.. pert of the Bureau of Mines, srrived here today from Waahington. With ex perts of ths police and Ire depart ments he msds a dose examination of the bombs. It was found thst ths dyna mite used in them wns of the ordinary commercial variety but that it bad been soaked in nitro-glycrrine to make it more deadly. ' The bombs which have not yet beea examined were hastily removed from tbe postoffire today when it was dis covered that the acid In the phials de signed to explode fulminate of mercury cape was eatisg tbrorgh the eork threatening -aa eiploeisn.--- - Msae It New York. Officers at work oa tke case are vir tually convinced the Infernal machines were made ia tWe city. They expressed satisfaction at tholr sueeess in finding ths plant which manufactured tbe paper sed sv a covering for the bombs. Only a small quantity of the paper has been distributed snd it may. be possible to trace the nssassins by means of it. It was aald tonieht there anDeared to be no connection between the bomb I conspiracy and the Snding of a quantity ef expleaivea in a house in West 45th street raided by -government agents seeking narcotics illegally beld. The quarters were occupied bv Charles J. Pinchel, nliss "Dr. Charles Baldwin" who conducted a "medical institute." Pinchel told the police that the ex ploaives were stored in bis living spart ments by Oscar Parker, of Philadel phia, whom he met. while eerviag in the ordnance department of the army. Tbe explosives seised included a consider able quantity of trinitrotoluol of tbe best quality. ENGINEER KILLED; I R. B. Hilt, of Hamlet, Loses His Life in Seaboard Wreck Near VYadesboro Wadesboro, May J. Engineer R. B. Hill, of Hamlet, waa killed and Ave otbeis were injured, one seriously, at 9:30 o'clock tonight wkea Seaboard Air line passenger train No. 13, from Wil mington to Charlotte, was 'wrecked at Lilesville, Sve miles east of this place. The injured are Ernest Hammond, Col ored fireman, seriously; Oscar Bailey, colored porter; I C. Mimms, express messenger, snd two ethers whoss in juries sre slight. A spreading rail is believed to hsvs been ths cause of the derailment. The injured were rushed to hospitals as sooa as a relief train was mads up at the ballast pit near here. Hammond, Mimms and Builey were taken to Ham let, while ths other two injured were brought to thia city. - Tbe engine turned over and all the remainder of the train left the track, except the Pullmaa. None of ths pas sengers were injured. All of them, how ever, assisted the lajured antil the ar rival of physicians. ' - - Ths train wns running at tbe usual speed when, according te the fireman, Engineer Hill observed aa obstacle on the track. Ha applied the emergency brakes at once aad ths suddea pressure of the brakes, it is believed, produced a spreading of the rails. Physicians 'from this placs and Ham let were called te the scene of ths wreck and rendered Srst aid treatment before sending the injured to hospitals. DrSi Terry, Jsmes aad Kinsman accom panied three et tbe Injured men back te Hamlet. .' Will Deport Revelutlealsta. Baa Francisco, CaL, May S. Parties ef alleged revolutionists are being made ap in San Frsneisce, Seattle aad other coast points for deportatiop as a result of ths receipt of mailed bombs aad other radical activities at these points, Edward White, commlnaloner of immi grstioa, announced here today. . ; 01 SEARCH FOR AIIABTS FIVE OTHERS HUR BELGIUM PEACE MUNICH IS BELGIAN SENATE it Preliminaries of Peace Docu ment Fails To Provide For . Territorial Claims PREMIER ARRIVES IN PARIS WITH MESSAGE Half Billion Dollars Which Was Assigned As Immediate In demnity Has Merely Been Placed To Credit in Allied Countries As Part Payment For War Loans Paris, May 8. (By the Associated Press.) Ths Belgian deIcgaiioa laiho Peace Conference is expressing dissatis faction over the terms of ths prelimi naries for peace its they affect Belgium. None of the territorial claims of Bel gium has been granted except that for Malmedy, ia Rhenish Prussia, a short distance south of Ait L Chapelle, tho population of which toefore ths war was largely Walloon. Malmedy will revert to Belgium. The territory oa tbe left bahl' or thf Bcheldf-rrm-iad- Maas tricht and ths Litnbourg pei..nsula are not mentioned in the terms. Of ths 300,000,000 already mentioned as aa inn. ediato financial Indemnity for Belgium, mors thsn half ths amount has merely bean placed to Belgium's credit ia Allied countries as part pay. meat of war loans. No provision bat been msds for ths retail by Germany of the sin billioa marks which were left i:. Belgium and now nre lying ia Bel giaa banks aad vaults, bearing no In terost and unproductive, as the circula tion of the marks la Belgium ia net permitted. "Tke amount ef six billioa marks represents virtual the total Belgiaa liquid wealth assets, said member of the ilgla d'egatlom to day. M. Delcroix, the Bel.ian premier, ar rived ia Paris this morning, bringing s message of protest from the Belgiaa senate. He conferred with Hymans, of th Belgiaa peace ' egatioa, whe ia expected to appesr befoaro the coun cil ef three to make representations concerning the terms granted Belgiu SECRETARY DANIELS IS GUEST OF AMBASSADOR Many Prominent Officials of British Navy Are Present At Notable Function London, Msy 2.-Josephus Daniels, American secretary or tbe ssvy, dinea tonicht with John W. Davis, the Amerl run ambassador. Among those invited to meet Mr. Daniels werei Walter Hum Long, first lord of the admiral ty: Winston Spencer Churchill, nee re tnry for wnr Viee Admiral Sir David Beatty. commander ef the grand fleet; Vice Admiral Sir Bosslya Wemyss, Srst sea lord; Admiral Baroa Beret' ford, of. Metemmeh and Carragbmore, the Rev. Wm. Hartley Carnegie, Canon of Westminister snd their wives. Secretary Daniels tomorrow will in spect the Americsa nnval headquarters, sad then, with his staff, will lunch with Rear Admiral Harry 8. Una pp. who succeeds Rear Admiral Wm. 8. Sima as commander of ths Americsa aavsl forces ia Europoaa waters. Later he will review a parade or uanaataa troops. In ths evening he will dine prl vately and afterward attend the thea tre. Secretary Daniels snd his three chief technical advisers who have been eon ferring with British, French and Ital la.i naval officials, expects to . start horns wlthia a week. Acting Secretary Roosevelt waa advised today tbe Party would sail from Brest oa the transport Mount Vernon, probably Msy 8 or 9. Future types ef capital ships, and de velopment of nsvsl aircraft were the chief subjects discussed by the Amen mnn. officials with the leading naval au thorities at Paris, London snd Rome. NOT THROWING PEOPLE OUT OF JOBS, HURLEY SAYS Washington, May zV-6kipyards will net be forced to suspend work not will any men be thrown out ef employment ia the Contemplated readjustment ef the building program pf the shipping board. Chairman Hurley said today. Mr. Hurley explained that the pros pective cancellation of 2,000,000 dead weight tons of shipbuilding contracts would be followed by the substitutes ef contracts calling for the construc tion ef mere desirable types ef vessels. The prospective cancellations, he said, would be ef undesirable types of ships, which cannot be completed until late in 1919, with some of them being unfiniihed at the snd ef this year. Can cellations, he added, would result from a study now being made te balance ths fleet for peace time needs. Style, types aad speed of ships, Mr. Hurley explain ed, are being studied aad figures al ready obtained indicate the aeeeaaity of cancellation. To thia, it waa said, wss due. the cancellation ef S3 troop, ships ef 8,000 tons each at the Hog Island yard.'- .. . , ' ENTERS DOES NOT TREATY GIRMAN DELEGATES BATE TREIR FIRST CONFERENCE. Ysraallles,' Msy t. A meeting ef the German aad later-allied finance sommlsaiea was held this morning at the Trlaae HoteV Tke German delegates, numbering eight, arrived afoot, wslklag at rasa the perk ander tke escort ef a French captain. The merieaa aad ether Inter-allied dele gates drevs from Parle ia aateaae klles. Tke delegates embarked ea a pre longed dlscmsaWa, apparently a eea tlaaatlen ef tke acgetlatwae at the Ckateaa Pleasle Villette, nt Senile, nerr Cemplegae. Tke German dele gation Included Bankers Warburg, Melchlor aad 8traas. The American delegation comprised Taemaa W. Lament nnd Hoary P. Dnvtson. , ILSCPO, IS Secretary of North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons Ap plies For Passports New and Otaemr lim SS DUrM National But Bide, r i. B. WINTERS. (Br Imlil Leased Wtra.) ""Washington, May I. Application wi today received by tbe Departmeat of Stats through the o files of Senator Sim. mens from W. W. Willsnti, of I ilcigti, for a passport to Englsnd ts nttend ths Masonic peacs conference in London uuriog ths week ending June 30. He is Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Masons ia North Carolina, and in this capacity will be eae of the represents ttvts from ths Tsr Heel 8tate at thi international conference. , . As related in.ths correspondence yes terday, lbs State Depart aunt has al ready acceded te tke request ef Hon Henry Grady, of Clinton, for a passport to Europe, he being Grand Master ef Masonry in North Carolina. Mr. Grady plans tp leave New York June 10, nnd it is presumed thst Mr. Willsoa will leave oa the earns date. Ths appll tioa for the passport was received todsy and forwarded immediately to tbe De partment of State but a repast has aot been msds as to the sanction or rejec tion of the request. Wane Pastmaatar For Wilkeabere. Tbe PootoAce Department today an nounced the holding of civil service ex sminations for the selection of a post' master at Wilkeaboro to aepply a va ranry. Ths competitive test will be con ducted at North Wilkeaboro oa June IS. The post mester gets a salary of $1,000 a year. A civil service sxsminntioa will be held oa June 18 for the purpose of choosing a postmaster for Rose Hill Duplia county, a vacancy having arises ia the office. Tke competitive test will be conducted at Goldsboro. Tks post master draws a salary of 91,200. Major Phillies CeaUag Heme. General Pershing has notified Sens tor Overrasa that Major Wade H. Phil lips, a lawyer of Lsxlagtoa, has beea released from tbe army ia Francs and has act sail for America, where he will be honorably discharged. Also a communication from the com manding officer of the American Expedi tionary Forces to Seaator ' Overmnn stntes thst Sergeant Charles E. Hutch inaon, of North Carolina, ia being re turned to the United States for imme diate discharge. Te Have Seme Wheat. A winter wkeat crop wkiek is estimat ed to run close to nine hundred million lusheis aa increase or nearly 33 per cent ever the record-breaking crop of 1914 snd sa acreage aever before equalled, ia forecast ia a report on the condition of winter wheat issued todsy by ths Chamber of Commerce ef the United States through ita committee oa statistics and staadarda. "About 25 per cent of the yield," the record adds, "will be south of tbe Mssoa snd Dixpn line, for winter wheat is be ing grown now ia some ef the Southern Stntes where it wss never grown before." The story ef the growing winter wheat Is that or aa unprecedented acreage never before equalled, and a condition so high ss to be witkout precedent er parallel. It ia, ia fact, a moaotons of perfection. ARE CORSETS UNDERWEAR? GOVERNMENT CANT SAY Washington, May 2. Ths question nf whether eorsets are underwear is aot ens to be decided hastily, It vas said today at tbe Bureau ef Iaternal Reve nue. Ths bureau has been asked for ruling ea the questloa by tbe Nstioasl Dry Goods Association. Retail merchants throughout the coun try who eater te womea have beea ad vised through their national organisa tions to collect the new luxury tax on eorsets costing more than $5 antil K eaa be determined whether eorsets sre e luxury er necessity. The tax will be refunded if the decision la adverse te the goverament aad favorable te the womea GOING TO ENGLAND LIKE TERMS; RECAPTURED WET DAY SPENT V IN PARIS CIRCLES ' - anmmvmsk No Extraordinary Happenings' ' Reported Among German j Delegates at Versailles ' NO ATTEMPT YET MADE ': TO RECONCILE ITALIANS 8oviet Movement in Central Europe Seemingly Approach inf Downfall; Munich Is Ee. ported To Have Been Recap tared; Russian BolshovUd STf A - A . ecu Ultimatum ft (By Tks Associated Press.) I Aside from discussion by tks coua efl ef three of minor artieles ef the peace treaty, Friday ia peace confer ence circles In Paris was a quiet day . Likewise at Versailles, where tke Ger man delegates are awaiting the pleat . ure o! Celegates of tke allied and asso . elated governments te ha ad them the terms of pesos, there were to cxtraore dlnary happenings. With ths controversy with Italy and the eouneil of three still unsettled, and the Cilnese defegation reported Te' be"" disposed to protest sgaiast the award of K;ao Chaa to the Japascae, Belgium bow is declared ta be dissatisfied with - ths terms of ths peace treaty as re Cards her territorial desiree ia Ger . many. - Appareatly ao great attempts are be ing made by the council et three te , ' briag about a reeaaciliatioa ia ideas with tke latliaa delegates. Tke French ambassador te Italy, however, has sea. '' ferret, at length with Premier Orlan do retarding the eUuattoa aad tbe e-' vetopmeat ef avemts ia Parle slate the ' Italiaae quh tbe .. French . capital ad returned te Borne. . t .. . , .'' The Soviet movement ia Central Eu rope seemingly ia feet approaching iu dow'all. Munich, teat ef the Bavariaa Soviet, wkiek waa known te be tar rounded by goversmest ' forces et? Premier Hoffman, is reported a sett cially to bare beea recaptured. Ia Hun gary, tke forces ef King Ferdinsad, ef Rumania, witk ths monsreh at their kead, are shout te enter Budapest, while Bela Kua, foreign minister is . tke Hungarian Soviet continues te meke overtures for a eessatloa of hostilities by B i man in aad also ths Ciocko-Slo vaka and Jugo-Slavs. Wireless advieea from Moscow assevf tkat the Bolshevik government ia Bun sin has seat aa ultimatum te Rumania demanding the evacuation of Bessara bia. Forty-eight hours have beea givest the Rumanians te comply.. The Spanish parliament has beea diet solved by Eisg Alfonso and asm dec tioss set for June 1, according te re por' received in London f rem tke -Spanish capital. START REVOLUTION IN .' COSTA RICA IS REPORT Exiles Said To Have Overcome , Force of frontier Guards y Near Nicaragua , Sn Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, Ma? 2. Costa Bicaa sxiles met aad defeated a force of Coata Ricaa frontier guards on ths Rio Frio, aear tbe eeutheeetera shore of Lake Nicaragua, Thursday, The frontier guards retired after the Bght. It is retwrted here that other revolutionists hsve begun aa attack along ths border between Costa Bica and Passma. According te the reports reaching here, a small sehoeaer carry ing revolutionists, espslxed ia Lake Nicaragua after the skirmish ea tke Bio Frio. All ea board, however, were res eued. GEORGIA NEGRO KILLED BY MOB; BODY BURNED Augusts, Ga., Msy .Tbe body ef Bvnnie Rieharda, a negro, whe killed, bia wife and thea wounded two officers ia defying arrest, was taken to the outskirts ef Wsrrenton, Cs., todsy aad buraed, according te reports kere -to eight. He was killed early today. The negro, after shooting 7 Sheriff Brinkley and Robert Williford, city treasurer, whe were trying te capture kirn, rpeat the eight ia a swamp near Warrenton. Members ef a mob dually discovered him hiding la a hole la the banks ef a creek. The fugitive kept ap aa latermitteat Ire, although it mt discovered later that he' had beea se-, verely wounded. Gasoliaa was poured ' ia the creek aad set Sre, it was said,; but wind kept the flames ea the ethst side ef the stream. - Bombs extemporised from dynamite sticks, it was aaid, were hurled toward the negro's hiding place, as ao eae ' dared to get in front of the opening; ef his cave. Finally Richards surrendered about l.M this moraing. Sheriff Briakley aad gone to tewa for surgical attention and tbe mob tied the aegre te tree aad riddled his body witk iwllets. Later It wss tskea te the court hoses square in Wsrrenton, and from there a crowd took It to the out skirts ef the town, piled wood ea it and burned m. - ' ' - 4

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