THE- NEWS AND OBSERVER. a:gwday MorJiiriG, may 19, itm :?!!? GAftDLER TO COLLEGE VOMEN ?crmanence of Christianity Discussed By Divine In Greensboro Sermon Greensboro, Jay IS. BUhof Warren i. Candler, chancellor of Emory Uni rtriity, Atlanta, preached the bacca laureate NraM tt tbe North Carolina College ft Wmm today at 11 a'eloek. Hit teit wa St. Mattkew 2:33, a ami en rib .k!! hae larar. hat bit ward hatt .wot pa away." Tb ewriker thfmf wai eta led by' Unrta be "Tbl rirraaaaaac of Christianity, or Hal It Com, to Stay!" Other rtligioni aa failed, Mid the tpeaker, for one of Ihre reaaont, or mor' than aa of the three: () It taught tltti wrong Idea witk reference to aiture. . (b) The moral code eaueci ated by the religiea wa bad or vtclou. (c) Ita teaching II to the dcfiny of ana failed to eatiafy. Oa the ether haad, the Ooapel Chriet ealirle oa every ea of these point a. ; Btakop Caodler ae ratker eauatle la referring to the attempt of certain group of aeicntiati who try to dieercdit 'the Bible. He eaid followera of t'hriat ehould aot feel alarmed over the often-refrred-tn conflict beiweea eieaee and relifloa, any more than the driver of a l'ord ehould fear a eolliaion with a tar in hotk f wa-Tbo-jrjoring bodiea are upon different plane. ' i The morning' Biertiaoe began with a organ frr ln.l i.y Mr. fltoU-fluater af th lufH'tv. illtr whiih the congre gation Mi ".tlitcr Mil, the Heautiful." The Invocnlwii mn ly Kev. 8. M. Kan kit of thia aity," and the (Nth t'anlm mat read reaponeively. A violiej aolo fiat followed by the Bcripture reading by Jtev. Mr. Kirkpatrirk and prayer by Dr. 8. B. Turrcntlne. irreaidcnt of Ureeaabora College for Women, Preei dent Fount preaeated Biahop Candler. The audience King "America' (I the ale of th aermou. . Toroerorw morning the annual reun ion of the literary eocietiee the Adrl phlua, Corn I la a aad Whean will be held. The alumnao reunion will be at Jtl o'clock. Senior elan day eterchca will be in the afternoon. The annual concert will lie at 8 o'clock in the evening. Tuesday will he commencement dny. The literary aildreaa will 1 by Dr. Anna Howard Braw, the noted woman public let and reformer. The eoaetltu tlena and Biblea will ba presented by Dr. E. C. Brooka, ea eflielo preiideat of the board of truttre. Preaidcnt Fount will deliver the dipkunaa. Thia will ba the eieaing event of the commencement. Tk trueteet will meet Wednesday. Small fill SfliflH Satan Price lAtYTml For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills wiU set you right . over night CV Purely Vfctbld URmESS V1LL BE REPEATED TONIGHT Will Be Given This Time For The Benefit of Wake County Children's Clinic Tor the beneat of the Wake County Children' CUnie, the Kir mean, already preaeated ueeetefuUy before three audi earae la Raleigh for the benefit of the Baleiga Womau'e Club, will be given again tonight la tk Academy of Muate. Mr. E. K. Trader, who orgaalaed and di rected the local talent prediiettoa, baa contented to direct tonigbft pcrform anee. , Teraoaa wltneaalng tbe three porror anee of the Klrmea hat Monday aad Tnoaday totaled over I,, tb a.oad anre oa the la1 perforanane being larger thaa at any other Mae. It waa decided Tneaday night to re peat the Kirmeei and all receipt will lie give to tht Cnildren'e Clinie of Raleigh and Wake eouaty. The admit aiea fee ia reduced to nomlaal turn for thl erformaaet. All attendance -Kj-ordl for at ama teur porformancola fKreItreTconl pletely demoliahed during tie three ap pearance of tbe Kirmes. Practically every erat waa aold aad hnndreda failed to attend leeauae they were unable to arrnre choice eeata. 1'eraoa attending all three per for to oucea aald that the Tueaday night per formaare waa tbe beat of the throe at ly that tiaie the aetoro were thor oughly familiar with their parte, for thia reaaoii, it ie believed that the ahow for Mondny night will le tlie beat yet. All (eata'are reeerved aad will be on anle at the Tucker Building Pharoiacy Mnnduy morning at 10 o clock. Lladaloy Realgwa. Waahlngtoa, May 18. Henry D. Llnd- airy announced today bia reaignation na director of the Treajury'a bureau of war riak insurance, declaring that ei opiva "red tape aad poadernut auper viaioa of the Treaaury over minor rou tine matter! made aucceaeful adminia- tration impoaaihle. Australian Stakes All To Beat Americans Jn Trans-Atlantic Flight (Contiaaed from Page One.) ing wiib the north etar at Might. Should thick wtarhft obecarw the ety, wo are prepared to tea tbe clonda fr calculat ing purpoaee, although o admit the re anlte would be) ly approtraante." Every minute of the long flight will I a buay one. Watching thermometer, altmetera, wind - gauge, oil preaanre regtatera; awing tbe eextant to Reboot" the aua or atari, bad dropping nawke bom ha overaide, figuring bearing, and keeping a eoottant ear t tbe tiny wire lean will oreopy all "epare monjenta." Wltbowt Leading Devtcea. : Witbia tbe paat few day Banker had iaatalled radio act witk tranemitter of 25 wile rdin; . ' "" In the Bopwitk plane Hawker and Grieve are without landing derieee other J0 iftS St -f i.itpiiiT.f.iw- iji e .rj iff f ' UNITED STATES -IUiIrol AdmtnUtrttion ROUND TRIP f . Excursion Fares Summer Touriat TkkeU aal May 1Mb limited to retort ta October tut, 1910, to Vigiaia Beach, Va., Cape Beary, Va, Norfolk, Va., Morehead ity, N. C Beaafort, N. C, Nag Read, N. C, Manteo, If . C. WMk End Frc ta polnta nan ad. Ticket oa , anle wry Saturday aad Sunday, May Clth to September 7th. limited to re turn Tueaday following date ef aale, '1: ; ' Suadajr Excuralona . - ........ IVIryiaU Beatk, Vt, Korfolk, Va-, Ue'rekaad City, K. C, Cape Weary, rYy Beaafort, K. C Ticket ea eale . r.y Saaday limiuil to day ef aaia, I.iy 5tb ta September Ita. For fare, deecriptioa folder aad f.her Ip.-talloa apply t aeartat Tlfkel i .... ' . 1 Gilbert C. White ; OOXSUtTINa KM61MIU ' i DxWsB, W Cm WATMWOIM, UCHt AXU .... fOWtS, STIXSTS Gscrge U.Daucom, Jr. Attorney-at-Lav C ; . ' Ul Katlonal tank Bldf. Morgan were lifted out of the 'wreck age etreamiug with blood. Too heavy a carriage wa aaid to have , eauaed the collnpae of the Martinayde'a under carriage. It waa trying ta carry ; 3fi8 gallon of gr.aoline. Hanker and i Orleve, in their eleventh hour effort to . wreat tran Atlantic flight honor from . the United State naval plane, ar fly lag over a eourae all their owa, figured ut laet night aad thia morning witk tk i on object in mind of how to head off tb American.'' I A aoon a they had finiabed break-. faet thl Morning Hawker and Grieve hurried to the office of the Koyal Air for a meterologiit. rinding eondi-, tion Improved a little, though aot a favorable aa they would bav demanded bad not the Americana been well atarted en their paaaago, they went di rect to tbe Mount Poarl Plateau where the Bopwitb waa waiting in the air drome, and began preparation for the Oiaht. , They were wholly ealm at the atari.. Methodically, and without the alightcat trace of norvoumem, they climlied aboard their amatl craft and aet to work dipaiontcl.v. Ilawker'a ennfl-' denca in bis navigator ai d in hia eu gin were ahaolute, he aaid, quietly. Opened the Throttle. 1 After a preliminary apin of the mo tor, Hawker opened hia throttle to the full, aad thi" ground rw waa forced to call for help to hold the plane in place. Hawker throttled "down" again, aaid a few final worila, aud tlirn gav the word to kno k out the auporting block f rom beneath the craft while be ' opened wide the throttle. ! Hawker followed hia announced In tention whea he dropped the under j earring of hia plane. Home pertont ! thought the act waa Intended aa a chal- j lenge to hia rival, Raynham, and i quoted alaoat the lnt word of Haw ker before he atarted: Baaterlng Raynkam. "How almut old 'TinaldeaV Tell; Raynham I'll greet him at Brookmndl, England." ) The wirrleaa tent word of Raynham' . mmhap to Hawker and Mackenrl Grieve, after they bad put out to aea. ; Opinion her i that on roault of tb ' meaeag will he the. rutting down of Hawker' aiieed, a tbe Ropwitb will not I forced to rariag aperd now that it rival ha bee eliminated from the overaeaa eenteat. , When the Ran Went Down. At the at art, tb aua waa only a lit tle over two hour a bryoad tbe meri-: dian. Tli flying adveaturere had It aid i in navigating for four or five hour a , they (tied eaatward. After that they i plunged into darknea over lb ocean, j with the prospect of atar-light and 1 moon-light to break the monotony of I aky aad tea at night, and to acrve a ; aavigatioa guide. Barring untoward event the plane I ohenld meet the etia again just abort ' f mid-Atlantic, aad race agaiaat ita ' wettward awing to reach tb lriah eoatt I be for darkata falla again, Markenti Ori' declared befor theratart'That I lk Bopwitb would -bead--eiraignX tor j t..t. a. "If w orike Ireland anywhere we will bare found out mark,'' be aaid, "But if wa hit KnglnJ w will b aarr hom." t "Tlckll.h lalltag" Thia Morning. Indication loaight ware that west erly wind would faeot the flier for th lint thotiMnd mile ef their eoara. The remainder f the way will aa "tirkllah' aillnjr,-jid It I thodght pea tibl that (irieve will have ta "bead" hi eonrM temewhat eouth ta avoid rind and weather danger ia the laat half of the flight. v A large par) of Orievt'e work wilt be la atting nbtervation of air turrenti (acoaatered, Although Atlantl air eurrente eae never be marked," k aaid, "I kop to (otnpil oheerration that will make thl trani-Atlaatle paaaat potaibli witk fewer aacertalntle for lntet flier thaa tho whicb toafront pioneer e tb tratblen wy. . 1 Prepared far 'Moat Aaythlag. Wa ar relying chiefly oa aatroaoia- leal poaition whicb we plan hr uae of! !the aextant aJettHia n kntfrly tun alfi than liylit "akidi" which must do the work of the wader rarriag which "ba dropped at the etart The poasibility of accident to Hawker' plana i great, although be aaid he eipceted ta alight in aafety. , ' Duleaa be drop , dowa gently under the moat favorable eoaditioaa with a very , abort "ran"'' be will aaaaab but propeller aad wreck the little) craft at lb rooeltttioa of what may be the tret trB-AtlaBti flight. If Tbey Drop, All' Over Witk Aviator. If tbe Sopwitb t forced into the aea Hawker aad Grieve have little bop of reacu. Both men are wearing "water tight" uU (jbi!cb are deaigned (o keep tbem floating many hour, but aa their eourae 1 eutaide the lane of (dipping the chance of their being picked up are virtnally, all. Taking Big Chance. Hawker' wire lea t will allow him ta receive wirelena meaaage from ebip a long diatanca off. aad th radio ealla be will ba able ta intercept r?ill aid hia navigator greatly ia keeping' an hia eourae. But the tending apparatua.ran aot iranemit aver 230 mi lea, it i aaid, and one beyond (he trana-Atlaatia ahipping lanea it la doubtful whether an "8. O. 8." would be picked up by a ateamer. What wai probably (he Inst message to the Sopwith from ahoro wa a wira leaa tonight telling of a fresh atmoa pberio depreaaioa developing over Ire land. It waa radiographed from 8t John upea reetipt of metcrologica! ad vie from the opea oa. Light "Cargo," Both Hawker and Mackenzie Grieve Mid before the athrt that whila they anticipated aoiae phyaical and mental atraia tbraagb tb p our in their cramped positloaa, . uifbroken by- any proapeet of being able ta "apcir enth other by changing (eat,- they eipceted to And eme relief. ' - Concentrated rations ar being car ried oa th Bopwitb, for food. Tbe fuel anpvly wa three, hand red, aad forty gallon of gawline. Troabla With Raynham. A big factor in the accident to Bavn ham'a Martinayde pi., ie wa aaid to be lack of full wild oppoaitioa. He wa THE WAR IS OVER Bt the Mldien and ullore will never ate talking lxM the mfort they aet from the Attto' Keot-Keee, the antheptle powder to he hakM Into the hoc, which their eweethtarta, nothefa or hten teat them. Until It to trM a one know what a ulck and wonderful relief Allen't Poot-Eau la to painful, athine. rmrtWn, teoaler feet, Oene. Bwtioiw end Cel. louaea. It makea walking a dfliiht Sold enrywher. ladv.l ... trying to "take fl"' oa bi wmt and weat field vith a wind exactly north and enet. Pull bead wind ia declared to be ecwntinl for a rise with a plane aa heavily Jadea aa Raynham'. Tli weight f the plan waa ararly threw toaa and the great "helft" of it ia believed to have, brought H dowa after a r'we of a few feat bad beea trained Tb ander earriagn waa admittedly weak, aad col lapsed under th "train, llnd Raynbnm beea alibi to fly direet ly ialo the wind be probably wt. ld hava attained flying apeed before the axle buckled, i Raynham Makea Statement. Haynham would' not ndd to th atate aient ha made to frlanda Inlinedia y after he bad. recovered from the tempo rary collnpat ho cuffi rod when hi aft broke dowa." Thia ntatoment waai ' , "I waa Iwuinnin." ter gel; a lift. I felt the undei earring weaken, aad palled back on tha control atiek IT an attempt to araiat the, machine elear at tha ground. Pu tha propeller atruck, wa tptllod. Another 2" yard and wa would hava beea away." Hawker had provided an'nat fuck a roiahap by iaatalling an dll-ateel under, carriage on tha Bopwitb for rnfefy ia "taking off" and a device for dropping it when well oZ the ground. Hawker :'o had Inttallcl a detachable primer aad Peptfrori A Htd Jroei Tonic Jives vigor and nerra tona to J;ed trd infirm, and thooa worn-out from v or work, worry, aacltaraent orcwa e)TvwMrit tit hovnearexF ehopek U.rte br C. L BOOB) CO. UeMtt. hai.d Hurting - magneto, both of which wer left behind vbe. ba dropped his an der carriage. J , I. contrait with tbe a mall group af pernon who aaw Hanker tirt it aeemed an if Kt. John' bad poured ita entire population ijto Quidividi Valley to, watch Raynham' Martiatyde. Ia tb attempted take-off,. Rayahant ata. hia "run dawn" dowa a laoa e; people who tritneawd th. wreck of kil taaebiaa. QUALITY CIGARS ' f r, 1 M ) if xAvwm A Moreover it is your S'';' ' .fe The one great need in America today is the need of homes From all parts of the country corner the in sistent demand for places in which to live. People want homes, they need homes, they are clamoring (or homes! Why don't jom, who live in rented houses, build homes for yourselves? And you, who have money to invest, why don't you build houses and get the benefit of the rents? Rents are higher today than ever before in the his tory of the nation. If you are a renter you want to escape this abnormal condition. If you area landlord you should take advantage of these opportunities and secure more houses to rent. In either case the answer s-BUlLDt It is conceded that present building costs are some what high but this is more than offset by the prevail ing high rents. Moreover, incomes of all kinds are higher today than ever before, so that general condi tions are enormously in favor of building now. Furthermore, authorities are agreed that building costs cannot be lower until some, future time as yet unforeseen. You, wh$) are now living in rented houses, pay out in rent each month practically as much money as would build you a home and pay for it entirely You are ony losing by waiting! If you would build now, instead of -continuing in the rent payers' rut, you would soon have a home paying actual cash divi dends in rental saved. f Moreover it is obligation as a band and father to provide your family with a pleasant, com fortable, secure shelter for the years to come. You owe your little ones the happiness and joy and safety of a home of their own today and the memories of that home in future years. -. . 6? i -V aK, ". s p- ' .; vr'ry ' ."-.....;.; In building your own home you can build where you wish and how you wish. You can build ac cording to your own desires and preferences and to suit the tastes and wishes of yourself and your family. Building your own home is not only a sound busi ness investment but it serves as an excellent plan , for saving money. Paying for a home gives you a real reason for saving and supplies you with a tangi ble objective as a check to unreasonable spending. Improved property is always salable. It is also rec ognized as valid collateral in any business transac tion and serves as stable security in any emergency. Build now! . For any information you may desire on any subject pertaining to locations, plans, materials, . finishings, f urnishmcnts, equipments, costs, inform ation concerning architects, contractors, etc. call C at the Building Information Office, Not a thing to sell, but a ereat deal to give away! WE'LL HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS J. E. Coffins Th Shingl Man N. L. Walker Walker Winn, Wins Cherokee Brick' Co. Brick of All Kind - Thos. H. Briggs & Sons Bui'lden Hardware, Paint, Oili , Raleigh Roofag and Cornice Co. J. M. Kennedy Architect Royall & Borden Oldham & Worth : Home Furniahera ' Lumber Dealers "Thompson Electrical Contractors et Endorsed by Chamber of Commerce of Raleigh aVll ttua la th daflijst'dijirtne nlork-