HIS NZWS ATtD'OZCZRVCL Tuesday i,:orj;;r;s, may 27, 1:1 a EdD DR ATTEiiDSESSiOilS i! Kid-Biennial Convention of " General Federation of Wo 5 men in Asheville EX ECUTI VEjiiiT! N GS OF - OFFICERS AND Dl RECTORS tieni-GoT. Max Gardner Will Weleomt VUitori , To State at Reception Tonlfht; lira. Mm. W. J. Bryan and Other Prominent Speakers On Pro gram For Addresses ' Asaeville, VUj tfc The mid-biennial eoaveatioa of ths Seaeral Federatioa ef Women's Cloks apeae! today with tat largest attendance la the hiatory of tk ergaaiantiea, women being pretest from, awry aactioa of the aatioa. The eoaveatioa, Whiek will eoatiaue natil Betnrday, promises to ba oaa of taa bait (a tha history at tha ftdsration. The presiding aflcar of tha eonvsa tioa ia Mra. Josits Ivaaa Cowles, of taa legatee, Calif, whoso husband, Or. : Cowles, waa a former resident af ttateeville. - Taa eieentive oataloaa were held to lay by tha geae-al fodaratioa offlrers tal directors, wha art stopping at tha ; Itm Pirh laa. Two ethar baaiaata , lOMiaaa will be 'held by thooa women tomorrow morning. . Cevaraa- 1'aable to JUteae. , -Tha frat eoosien, at whkh all tht ilah womaa will ba present, wilt ba tha taeaptloa aad oflelal welcome tenor row night at tha city endltorlom. May . sr Gallatin Eobarti will addraaa taa hdlee la behalf of tha eity, aad many 1 Bromines speakers will ba oa tha aromas for that eveat, tt haa been an f nounoev tha Governor Biekett will ba aabia to attend, aad hla plaea aa tha ' program will ba Sited by lieutenant Governor Mag Gardatr. ' Among tha prominent tpeakert who will apeak tomorrow at a laacheoa to be givea at Grove Park laa, arei Mrs. Kogeae Beilley, Charlottoi Mra. W. 0. i Rpoaeer, Wlastoa-balem j Mra. AUisoa Hedges, Bithaoad, Va.j Miaa Oortrado . Weill, Gold-bore; Mra. Folia Harvey, Rlattoat Mra. J. t Cowles, Mra. WsJ. tar B. Sharp, Mrs. Clarence A. John toa, Ealeigh; Mrs. CharlM Malcolm Piatt, Ashsvills, aad n-aay other. Most of the speakers will respead to toasts, aad Mra. Kugeae BeUly wUl bo the . toastmistreas. j Mra. Brraa To Speak. Mrs. iruiiam Jennings Brysa, of , Ashsvllle, will respond to a toast aa "Our rriaad." The laacheoa at which the touts will be aade, ia aae of the ' atoet elaborate affairs plaaaed by the the local women for the entertainment of tha vioitiag elnb members. The chairman of the laaeheoa aemmitteo is Mrs. Free I 8ee1y, danghter at E. w, Oreve. owaar of Grove Park laa, aad she la baiag assisted by a eonnittoe beaded by Mrs. & 0. Lasts, of this lt. The efflelal welcome at the aaditoriuai tomorrow night will be followed by a reeeptioa at tha Battery Park Hotel, tivea aomplimeatary to tea visitors by tka Aaheville Board af Trade. This treat will ba aae ef tha moat oajoyabla af tha entire week, aa tha official rep reseatativee of the eity are giviag the reeeptioa, aad aothisg has boea spared to make it a Motets. Baaiaaas Sssslaae Dally. Brief eeafereaees will f eater the mtetiaga throaghoat the week, aad the ladies are plaaaiag to keep their basW aess aeosioas clear by holding chert meettags aaeh day aad tr.ua hse all baslaeea aottled at tha aad of tha eon teatioBw , i .. . , PROGRESS OFTHE Fl II Plaintiff Has a Good Day With Witnesses Who Refute . One Charge (By the Associated Press-K Uoant Clam-ess, Uich4 May 2 Wit bosom for Htiry-Pordrirho-it aviiif the Chieago Dally Tribaae for 1100,000 damages oa a charge of libel, gaTC gUmpeea of the routine of the big Ford plaat today. Opealag testimoay wu along the line of refutstioa of the as sertioa ia ths Trlbane'i alleged .libelous editorial, headed "Ford Is aa aaarchist, that at ths time the astionsl guard was sailed oat for certiea oa tha Meiicaa border, Mr. Ford would not bold his employees jobs open for them while ab sent. . The witaessee were John 3. Henkel, head of. the employment department, hirh ku Dower to hire aa dismiss aa average of 10,000 persons employed ia the factories Harry Soairuors, his as sistant and Normaa M. Baker, a foremsa la the plant,' who for seVfea years has beea a member of tne Nienigaa aanonai guard. Rakat aaid ha served with the USr duriag the copper strike ia upper Mich Igaa la 1918; answered the eall for Mexl eaa service ia 1916 aad had attended the aaaoal guard encampmenta at Gray ling, lilea. u tesuaea (nss auring am mlliUry service he wss always reia t.ta4 aad never dlscrimlaatod against because af hit activity la the astionsl guard. The sub-Uses of ths testimoay of il ItnaMM (hat for rears It lilt btea tha Ferd policy to relnstats msa who eeaeed employment for reasons be yond their control, each ss sickness or military service and that this policy was ia fall Operation whoa tha astionsl guard was called out la 1916. U.k tha taatlmna revolved arouad mtmoraadam slips made out by foromea wbsa men quit taeir employ ment aad little discs givea some of them whea they left to go with the fuard. A maa who quits his employment st the Ford plaat, it was said gets the slip as clearance from his foremen aad returns It.to too employment cuvis loa whea he wishes to reenter ths ser lea. flnina SO or 40 emnloves joined the guard, It waa said. Those who saaM personally to Henkel ar Sommers, thsy lestiflsd, were givea the little aiMta t-Ma tha fjrltnaaa-a 4larad aa. cured them reinstatement when they re turnee. rod ctntTAXxacKNTa Vdmkm aa4 anhaO. aawUal rnr reHaia t44v. Aa Flan For The Allies To Assist Anti-Bolshevik Strug ;' 4. . . . Qle In Russia , (CawUaaed frees Page Owe.) merely a beginning. Oaea the militia is farmed la tha boroughs, thief towas i aad districts, thsy will be grouped to (eras previacial eerpa. Ia each regies aemtral military commission will be appointed to asaut tha local authori ties an all enactions relating to or gaaiaatioB of Us SJilitia-T SOLUTION Of ACITKO , . BCNGAKIAK FINANCBS - Paria. May H-(By The Aaeeeiated SkV a V al M a9Latlkal 1 1 1 ll anUl aba ftkan Wavaaa. vtrff arc)cj wtr 41 liwvrii.f a . fLa a woay. ezora taa reperaueaa eomaia da to represent their objections to tha proposed solstiea af the Aastro Saagariaa laansial problem aader which they weald bo held reeponeible fet their ehara e ha nra-wa 4M the war debt, the war tatae of ear reacy aae reparations aaa would be re sulred te eaaneaata Aaatrta aal Rna aary aa they will be eoattituted in the A i - - Atv - 1 . a .. taiara ser taa vaiae at we psblli balldiage aad property inaide their limitst Tha pretests agslast this groat har den worn met si mrjatbatiaall h tka counell ef four, which seat tha qucs- iiea to ue reparauoaa ub-oomaucsioa for a. rahaariB. Thia aaha.;!. tll ba atrpplemeated by Pmncw-British repreaentativca, who are aaderstood to " ofp-wen to aay eaaaga. The British reoreseatativea A-Uaatail aa Oeaerai BmnU aad John M. Keynes, an tat f rancs are captaia Aadra Tar lien aad LoniS Lsaohonr. Ths belief U held here that a aew repors wiu DO BUdS ClCnpting the ew eutea from aay paymonta oa ae oant af reps ration at pablio property akea Over. , The prime factor la the negotiations therefore has beea the fact that about Area billion francs af tha Anstrisa pro ear debt la held in rranea, and the rrcaeh governmeat haa promised a wure repaymeat to ita nationals. fTnre it haa been anxious to distribute lbs Insnrial burden, in order te pre vent the bankruptcy ef tha aew Austria sol Easfsry, To Drive Oat Malaria Aad Balld Up The Bretem Taiia tha ni.i Ht.a.i.ri fipnvrn TASTXLE8S chill TONIC. Von know what yon nre taking, as the formula is printed oa every label, showing it is QCmiXB aad IRON ia tyelees form. The Quinine drive out the malaria, the Iron builds np the svstsm. Price 60s. -Adv. v - - : OF FEDERAL COUR J MRS. BUSBEE LEADS IN LOCAL MOVIE CONTEST first Oonnt of Votes Made By Strand Theatre Manajement; 13,740 Votes Oast First count of the votes in ths Strand Theatre's motion picture contest was made to the theatre last night. Within tha last fsw days a number of ballot have found their way to the big Coca Cola barrel in front of the theatre, aad the asanagemeat was getting eurloaa. Incidentally, the maaagemsnt had nt monopoly on the curiosity nbout the contest. The. votes orc eouated at Manager Morcfield's desk ia the foyer, nnd as tha crowds esms out from ths show, The Political Boss," they ashsd so many queettono as to make countisg impossible. Briefly, the count showed tha follow lag facta: that there hsvo brearSS gtrls aad IS boys aomiaated for tha leading roles, aad a tot-i of 1S.T40 votes cast. Mrs. Charles Bu.bte, Jr., ieadc tho girls' list with 92J votes, aad Mr. J. W. Uaeaster the men's list with 1,900 votes. - - . One of ths girl ushsrs had put in a number of votes, but by n ruling of ths management ao employees of the theatre msy entsr ths contest . The tnal preparations for taking the picture are aew andcr way, though the date for the cloaiag of tho eoatest has aot yet beea aaaouaeed. A complete list of ths nominees appears elsewhere la tha paper. j Spring Term Will Convene In Raleigh This Morning; Con ' tinues Two Weeks - The Bpriag term of the United States Circuit Court at Baleigh will soaveae this morning with Judge Henry C. Cos aor, of Wilsea, presiding. - . With nearly 100 ease oa the docket, it Is espocted thst Baleigh will have about 600 court visitors during ths two weeks of tho session. It is oaa of the heaviest dockets ia aevsral years. . - A feature of the term will ba District Attorney Thomas Warrea's first appear ance before the bar of tha court la this city aa prose it log officer. It will also be Marshal George Bellamy's flrst court la Baleigh. Both of these dfstrkt officers began their duties since the lest session of court in the Capital City, but both have been on duty at the sessions of the Federal Court in other cities with in the Esstern North Cnrolian district. Tho docket is composed largely of cases Involving tho Illicit maaufsetnrs of whiskey originating 1, several coun ties. Several eases, however, old eoa ilderable local Interest. Ons of thess is sgsiast two Gypsies, Millsr aad Steve Joneoe, charged with violating tha Mana "White Slave" act. George Joha aad his dsughtsr, Boss, are the principal government witnesses against ths two defendants who, it is alleged, brought Rosa from Virginia into North Carolina for Immoral purposes. Other eases of interest la Baleigh a ) those against Louise Price, BHache Me Cede, Clara Lester, white, and Nancy Cotton, colored, who are charged with immoral conduct. The women were ar rested in East Bslcigh during a raid by agsnts of tho Department o'f Justice, local police and military police of Camp Polk. BARLOW NO MATCH FOR RAZOR; HENCE CUTTING Mamie Boblnsoa's : barlow waa - no match for Carrie Chappell's trusty razor Isst night whsa tha two negro women dashed on Wilmington street and as the result of the hostilities Mamie was rush lad te St. Agnes Hoepitsl with a severe gash oa her left arm. Carrie spsat the night ia jail. The fight occurred ia front of Hamlin's cafe and drew a large crowd of spectators. .Ths weildlnc of the deadly weapons, sccording to Carrie, followed a euddea rage of Jealousy. It was all about a sua, both claiming tha same follow for a sweetheart. Carrie stated that Mamie chased her aevsral blocks with the knife before she succeeded in entangling her razor from Its hiding place. She did aot ay where she kept tho weapon. She had it ready for action; however, in front of the cafe oa Wilmington street aad there the chase eaded. If Mamie recovers sufficiently, ths trouble will be aired this morning in city court. From reports of the woman's condition It is-tspoeted their will be soma delay. ' Bitter Speech Aiainst League By Senator Reed (Continued franc Psge One.) nola, made a speech criticising it in taa House and declaring the American peo ple never could mingle on equal terms with the peoples of Europe. No geaaral debate developed, however, at that aad of the capital. Boblnoan to Speak Wedaaoaay. Whea the Johnson resolution comet up in ths 8enate Wedaeeday Bcaator Robinson, Democrat, of Arkaasae, as pects to opsa debate witk a speech sup porting tho league. Hs hsd givea notice that ha would speak today but adjourn moat was token before he had the opportunity. M'ADOO EMPHASIZES NECESSITY OF LEAGUE New Tort, May 16. Europe and the world nt large will be plunged agaia into "incessant turmnil nail atlfa" is i. United States Rensts fails to rstlfy the iagno or nations covenant, William O. McAdoo, former Secretary of the Treae ary, predicted tonight in nn address at a non-partitas TaagUtTbf nations din ner.- ...... "If no league ia created and a aimnl. treaty of neaea ia attamntail th. ... be ao stability ia Europe," he declared. tt A a ? a m . . a rwnuauai lerment oi turbulent pop ulation, already averburdanail h am ana struggling in povertywill precipitate aew ware in the near iture.'r Some.Coflee Drinkers continue to drink coffee even though - it does cause dis- comfort. Of course theyreunwlse! T 7 There ishodlsm . fort in POSTUM. It has a delightftil aroma -and a rich coffeeike flavor. - . . ' IMbSTAkT m7hcrcb n Reason!) : KUPAYS FIFTY DOLLAR FIKE By Pleading Guilty To One Charge. He Is Freed of The Other Two , . -, , ,i ' By special agreement nude between attorneys out of conr Prank D. Cham berlala was yesterday Ined 50. aad costs la city court before Jadgi Harris, aad the other charges againai - htm ware droppsd. . A" Thia brought to a conclusion the lit tle ahootlag affair that attracted ao much attention here nearly sin weeks sgo. It waa oa tho night of April 10th that Mr. Chamberlala shot Dr. E. B. Howie on tho street in front of Gl-rsek'k Cafe.-" . , . The ease haa been on the docket ever since. First it wai act for Wedaeadsy, April "16. Several witaesses worn absent-that morning, aad the case was continued until April 21 When Z8th esse, some more witnesses neglected to chow ap, aad tha case waa agaia continued, thia time iadennitery. Last wsek Solicitor Willis Brlggi started ia to clear np the eity court docket before Federal court, which opeas todsy, should intervene. There were three major cases oa tha docket; tkis ease, tka Johnson homicide eass and the Fleming kotel law violation ease. The Johnson eass wss tried this mornings tho other Is still needing. No testimony waa introduced by either tho State or Chamber lain. It was merely announced that Mr. Chamber lain would plead, guilty to' tha charge of carrying n concealed weapon, pay 656 Una and tha costs, and that the other charges, of assault with a deadly wcapoa aad assault with intsnt to kill, would bo dropped. Hnbltoal CMstiaatloa Cared In 14 to 21 Dara ''LAX FOB WITH PEPSIN" Is specially-prepared Syrup Toaie-inxa tiva for Habitual Constipation. It re lieves promptly but- should be takes regularly for 14 to 81 days to induce regular action. It Btbnulstes aad Begu latss. Vary Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. Adv. HOPEWELL FIBEBUG SUSPECT AREESTID. Norfolk, Vs., May W.-George Mittos, sliss George Spiro, charged by the Hopewell police with starting the Ire that resulted ia the death of three per sons in that city early Sunday morn ing, surrendered to detectives here to dsy. Hs waa identified by the Hopewell police ae the man wanted there and will be taken to Hopewell tomorrow mora lag. According to the Hopewell police Mit tos was la the eity two hours before the 6 re waa discovered. ' v DIES IN HOSPITAL, RESULT Of f BOOTING (Special to ths News snd Observer.) Asheville, May 26. Robert Buraette, colored, who was shot Sunday afternoon in a gambling game near Black Moun tain by Francia Btepp, died this even ing at the Miseioa Hospital at 6 o'clock. Stepp Is being held -in the Buncombe county jail. ' jCXb 1 net water - RELL-ANS UZFOn. INDICATION nai r m ,i ."Vc, -- .w- ' i , at van I II . K t Get Back your Gnp j On Health IIUXATED IROH Holp Build ' nd Endurance): 1000M3 pptt Lt H Annuaffy IKE A SLICE Sunny South is the famous 'a d V", "SUN ' i. l tlUK AT Af nr atar- ' mJW I at . a X fj wwi wi - L mm CURED" BROWN & WILLIAMSON'S r i CHEWING TOBACCO The choicest leaf, cured by the natural action ' of sun and air, and aged in storage. It retains all natural sweetness and fragrance that you look for in chewing tobacco. Buy one of the handy break" plugs, and you will discover a new friend. BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N, : ' I ITTTT TTaVKTi KFVXlh . . . ,2Zrw l: J' 1 ? r. 1 --mr ! f WW AA .... ' - ' AVA.. ir- v-'X ,AVJf -U'v, tmHm i 'nlljwia-wy 1 1 J Unusual Variety and Savings CONTINUE in MISS KING'S . " First REDUCTION SALE OF THI? SEASON on SUITS! DRESSES v Consistins: of all thnew nobby s t y 1 e s Navy and Black predominating, also Serges, P o i r e t Twill, etc. Values to $4 5. Your choice hi None Charged Embracing Geo rgettes, Crepe de Chines, Georgette and Crepe Combinations, : Foulards, etc. , Values to 37.50. .Your choice $15.00 No Approrals Altera'tioni Extra v Miss Saidie M.:Mnga Inc. Second Floor Over T. W; Dobbin Co; ! J I

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