. i ' DAY L.C.it.tiGi JULY 7, 1C1D. NEWS AND OBSERVLU liBVSPAPER f,IEIl TO DANELS Secretary of Navy Will Speak At Annual Meeting At ' ; Wrightsville Beach ? i , - i 'Wilnlagtoa, July 6. Secretary of the Xarjr Josepha DaaieT will bt one of the speakers at tht anal meetinr of ' tb North Carolina Prcia Assoeiatioa, bwa eoarene for a three-day mmioh at th Oceanic Hotel, WrightsTills Ueach, July 31st. Byroa B. Newton, collector of tba port of th city of New York, hat alto accepted in invitation to rnak an add res. Mom than 100 'editor art expected to attend. Om of tho interesting featurei of tbo eonveatioa will be an' address by Hn. Carolina Land,' of the Albcmarlo Xswt, who ii one of the few newtpaper editor in the State. The annual poem will be read by the venerable Dr. WU liam Laurie Hill, of Maxton. One of the big daya of the conven tion will be the concluding one when the editors will be taken to the Caro lina ahipyard to witness the launching of a iteel ahip. The editor will hare dinner in the mess hall of the ahipyard. Z. W. Whitehead, editor of the South era Lumber Journal, of this city, is president of the association and has worked untiringly for several weeks to arrange a program of surpassing in terest. Secretary J. B. Sherrill, of Con cord, has announced the complete pro' gram as follows: ----- Tkarsday. t:3t O'Cloek. Call to order by the president, Z. W, Whitehead, of Wilmington. Invocation. Address of welcome. fieiponse to address of welcome Eantford Martin. Report of executive committee on new members. President's address. Appointment of committees. Address by Albert Sidney Johnston, director war loan organization, fifth federal reserve district, Richmond, Va. The Press and the Task of Kecon atruction" R. F. Beaslcy, of Raleigh. Address "Taxation and the Revalua tion of Property Sn North Carolina' A. J. Maxwell, of the State Corporation commission. Address '"Freedom of Ppr-eeh and tho Liberties of the Press" Charles John son Post. Historian's Paper. Night Session. Address by Secretary of the Navy, Bon. Jnsephus Daniels. The Annual Toem Dr. m. Ijuric Hill. Annual Oration- H. R. Dwire, Winston-Salem Sentinel. Prlday Morning, Auanst t. Friday morning, 5:')0 o'clock. Tho editorial party will be taken on a fish ing party, returning to the hotel by 9::t0. Address bv Dr. Jo1 Taylor, a real paper manufacturer, On the subject of "News Paper." "Woman and the Fourth Eslate" Mrs. Caroline Land, Albemarle News. Address "American Commerce snd Trade at Home and Abroad" by Byron R. Newton, collector of the port of New York, and former assistant secre tary of the treasury. "Propaganda Advertising" H. Gait Braxton, Kinston Free Press. ''Development of lcal and Foreign Advertising" H. B. Tamer. "What Is An Adequate Price for a Weekly or Semi-Weekly Paper!" J. A. Hharpe. Three minute talks on the following suhjects: "Should Not North Carolina News papers Exchange With Each Other?'' 'The Cash In Advance System." , "Political Advertisinc.'' "Whst Do Readers Most Prize in a Local Newspaper t" Friday evening A complimentary dance at Lumina. Batarday. August 2. The Carolina Ship Building Company will launch a big fi,50O ton steel ship. The party will be taken from the Oceanic hotel on a special ear and taken out to the shin building plants, where they will be shown over them and given a luncheon, after which the launching exercises will take place. USEFUL CITIZEN PASSES' AT HOME IN .TARBORO Tarboro, July 6. Saturday afternoon at 7 o'clock at bis) borne here the funeral services of the late Job Cobb were con ducted by Rev. B. A. Lspsley in the presence of i .ay mends and relatives. Ia the death or air. job codd tne towa and community baa Buffered a great losa. He wa spotless la character, the soul of honor, affable in manner, one of Tarboro' beat and most .eloted citi- teaa. He had been in ill health for some time. The immediate cause of his death, which took place Friday noon, was dilation of the heart. . i . - For many yean he was cashier of the Pamlico Insurance and Banking Com pany of Tarboro. He leave a wife and a host of friends to mourn hi loss, BOLSHEVIKI FOSTERING AFGHANISTAN UPRISING T London, June 12. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) British gov erament officials are convinced that the uprising in Afghanistan, ia being fqst ered by the Russian Bolshevik i. It is stated that the government has positive information that the Amir is in close touch with the Bolsheviki in Turkestan and Moscow and that Russian emissaries have been sent to Afghanistan. It is believed hers that the Amir is delaying answering armistice terms which he requested until he can further concentrate hia forces, stir up more trouble among frontier tribe and get assistance either in the form of pro paganda or money from Buasia. Recent successes of the Bolsheviki in Trans-Caucasia are regarded with ap prehension and aa likely to impress the Afghans. The Bolshevik aspirations undoubtedly are two-fold. Official opinion here is that they hope through this method to spread their doctrine among the people of the near East thereby widening their influence and embarrassing the United Kingdom. ERECT MONUMENTS TO MARK ACHIEVEMENTS OF AMERICANS. Verdun, June 15. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Monuments to commemorate the achievements of the Americans in the battle of the Argonoe are being built, details of the work be ing attended to by different army units. A series of concrete monuments adorned with German machine guns and in some instances with German helmets and rifles hns been put up to mark the front line of a division advance or to tell of the capture of a certain village by some regiment. Most of tfie monu ments are being placed in prominent places near the main roads, when pos sible, so that theywlll serve as guide posts for toijriss visiting the scenes where the Americans fought their great est battle on French soil. Germany Get Order From Resale. Coblenz, July 7. According to infor mation, in the hands of intelligence offi cer of the Third United State Army, Germany recently'received order from Kussia for farm implement the con tract price of which wa 75,000,000 marks. A German delegation is plan ning to leave Petrograd for the pur pose of completing additional detail for Increasing business between Ger many and Russia. . , Thl Hon Like Candy v Kinston, July 6. "Bob," a big sorrel horse dnwing the light hoso wagon of aa East Kinston volunteer fire company, is a wise equine individual with a sweet tooth. The East Kinston fire tighter say that at the next tournament held ia the State, "Bob" is going to break the world' record for his class, now held somewhere in North Carolina. He gen erally get out on an alarm within SO. seconds and is almost invariably the first to reach a fire. But it takes candy to start him as apt s not. A pound of chocolates changes him into a docile nag. ''Candy for the horse" is a regular item on the company' bill of expenses. Short Conn planned. West Baleigh, N. O, July The Fifth Annual Short Course for club member will be. held at the State College on August 20th to 22d, inclusive, for the benefit of the 6,000 boys who are now enrolled ia the agricultural work of the Extension Service. This short course, under the active direction of Mr. H. H. B. Mask. Assistant Statr agent, i planned to give instruction ia club work to approximately live hun dred members. Mr. Mask will be as sisted by the different club agent and the county agents ia those counties tending representatives. .; ' . ? i Each Loot Three Sons la War. Paris, June 7. General de, Castflnau has accepted 'the position of president of the national committee formed to look after all question connected with the grave of French soldiers and Paul Doumer. who, like the general ha lost three son ia the war, ia the vice president. The TvinMe of AD Soutli!: Tired Business Men Hava Copfsed Lower Bowala " Ifeaw era wlllia; ta lavaat la a bee oi BURTONS, It wCll te-aa the "SPOT" la the Vmmm bieile waare all J simImW tael sj stlii , si , fan' mi iMliaf hwi. Try ta M tilt , Trrtt a-tst M lataed ta yea) SBvtaWteBema) Aa saVeaTAmW anf efc the Unite WILL falls ratal! W. Va,ay USE BURTONE Dies At Horn In Wilson. Wilson, July 6. After a lingering ill ness of several weeks, Mrs. A. N. Cul loui died of heart trouble at her late home here Saturday in her 64th year. 81o is survived by a husband, one ion and six daughters. Prnf. A. N. I'ullom, K. M. Culloin and Miss Florence Cul- Jom, of Wilson; Mrs. Durkett I'urnell, of Sumter, 8. C. : Mrs. Catharine Tysor, Rocky Mount; Mrs. Lewis Wilson, of Stovall; Mrs. C. C. Howard, of r'sy etteville; also three brothers, Rev. C. M. Duke, M. D. and Walter Duke. The funeral was conducted from the late residence this afternoon by Bev. Dr. I. M. Mercer, after which the remains were taken to Fayetteville for interment. Save, the Babies; INFANT MOETAIITY Is something frightful We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent, or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirty-seven per cent, or more than one-third, before' they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen! ,' We do not hesitate toaythat rtimeryiise of Castorirwotdi save many of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and sooth ing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium or morphine. They are1, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons.ln any quantity, they stupify, retard circulation mand lead to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no danger in the use of Castoria if it bears the signature of Ghas. E Fletcher as it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind. ; Vsti Content lSTtaUDfaolnT 'fs'jjpjjB-j (. loomj Times st Hamburg. Treves, July 6. Mail from Hamburg passing through the American censor ship indicates a gloomy condition of affairs there socially and economically. According to letters from individuals writing to relatives or friends in the American occupied area, since all the navigation companies had to surrender their ships to the entente there have been 50,imk1 to 7(,noi men walking the streets in search of work. Children Cry Fop " V, rnant.-.l PER GENt. tlnjlheSawfiks-ni' W''aiwiww ntwiai.aaAniaitin asmm wxwavwaswiau lit ii r-iA 1 1 n n hi ii neither Opiam,Morpliiiie 2r (Mlat JaaVja- Confti a5ToaDiArrhoe facsimile SiirisM Lett Think It Over. There it such a thing at laying too much on anj rabject, and the "grand-atand" talker sooner or later becomes a bore. The truth' is always welcomed, and the truth reiterated and confirmed is more than welcome it reaches your innermost soul. Fletcher's Castoria is all its advertising has claimed for it. Scrutinized by the microscope of public opinion and used for over thirty: years it stands without a peer in the hearts of thoughtful, cautious,, discerning Mothers. And once used, mother love there is no substitute! far mother love will scorn to try a "substitute" or a "just-as-good". Masquerading under many names drugs that are injurious to the tender babe have found their way into some households, but the light or experience soon casts them out Are they cast out before it ia too late? MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT 18 AROUND EVERY BOTTLE Of FLETCHER'S CASTORIa GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of . a . -1 yj s ii i assnssssi ii 1 1 1 s ww Exact Copy of Wrapper. m CITU COMPANY, NSW YORK CITY. pics that have com our secret ranges cl sacred Fraternity c H. G of all-Ame; bloodlrumungthru t veins, the mark of tinction of being in greatest secret order the Caucasian race. " may know them by t breadth of underst; ing and you ' may :' i know them by the tv. kle in their eye or cc tersign of success. Why 'not join.tl. hosen company to this very hour ?H,V not share in 'the or Supreme in all itS d. ings with human-kir Why not nd home frc the weakness of hav! to go through this Wc with that everlast burden of fear? - Come into bur Rar of Klansmen and ; the true precepts of Patriotic American-be Nation of peoples "wh" are causing the ent World to stop and stu well. Help us to ? so' the problem then sir. with the World of ri; with our true Americ brothers. - The path of Friends! is very easy if you can i a true American Gent man, so let our . Fie Cross shine over yc Family for the profc C I I I t uon or nome ana ac ones that our Ameri be lifted to a higher le of morality and civili. Fraternally Yours, LOYAL ORDER OF KLANSMEN . TEXAS A. B. RITCHIE, Director General YARBOROUGH HOTEL ' Incorporated and operating under the Laws of North Carol! Twinkle the Eyes of all our Southland. For years the men of our Southland h a v e gonebouF their daily tasks weighed down in fear. Here is the marvelous fact a fact that gives new cause for pride to Humanity of which each of us is a part. Even in the darkest hour of our American Boys, neve once have we of America forgotten how to- smile. From every corner of it, from papers, books and magazines through out our land of Democ racy, there has come piercing through the night of blackness the blessed gleam of mirth. Mingled with the som ber undertone of suffer ing, the tinkle of fresh laughter still has lived; men have thrown them selves at death, with gladness upon their lips; and other men with heavy hearts have hid den their grieving un derneath a smile. It is an inspiring chap ter in the history, th secret mysteries or our Klan, to know this mira culous power or men to lift their load of bitter ness to mirth. 1 housands or our most i- . r i distinguished men are coming into the Secret Mysteries of this Fiery Cross. Why not you and learn? You may recognize these thousands of peo- Pat year hardens ea a. Thst'a what arc her for To half jom yoar baalassn problems. Send as your Ad with remittance tha rast Cc qalrkly and easily Classified Depsrtment. BRINGING UP FATHER .J ha-S GONE. HOPPN-. TAKC A COOO NAP . OH' QRN THAT FRONT DOO CELL JUVT I ;it TO tLCtO I'M OiTORClE0- .a ii ii ; " v WHAT'i ALL JUT A LITTLE MM- XOVJR VrflFE riOLWHT - FlFTi 1 DOLLARS OO PLEASE HAVE A. C O D PACKAGE AL: SAVE SOME ilLVCO, MH JK. Ai I HAVE SOME jAO NEVt ALt0' f av I X 50LLV- if I TAXEO IN THE HOOiE ANOTHER HOUR 10 BE, IH THE POOR-HOU! MUTT AND JEFF-Jeff Ouht to Switch Over to a Comic Sheet (Copjrrlcht, 1119, bj O. C. Fisher, Trade Hsrk Res. V. S. FsL Off, ; By BUD FBHE a 1 p " 1

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