THE NEWS AND ODSZRVER. :j3i:;ess opportunities 13 FOR SALE . (Miscellaneous) FOR SALE Miscellaneous) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FnoDUcs-cnccEniia WE MANUFACTURE A CARBURETOR for Fotd cart wbiek li guaranteed to giv double tit, aulcag wr ty other tarburator tray constructed (-aidless of iu, mtks r pric. JJoney refunded if fifta-day tnt trial doe tot prove it Entirely at prinalpl simple plait tube-not t ruoviag part. Guru teed to rtart la aera - weather witkout keating priming, i Trameadeu ' demsad. Thousand -aw U e la Chicago, territory., Bellabl, nergeti man who eaa guarantee ealti aad carry tack of $500 to 12,000 depeadlng oa demand, eaa aoear exelotive territory aid will oaaily act $10,000 Uia year. No special aiporieaea accessary. Will alaa. famish earbaretors for other car la about eixty days, Frank A. Urwaa, 609 W, Jaeksoa Bird, Chi cago, 111. , 8 PARTNER WAMID FOR GOOD rAY lag prepoeitioa to be titabiithed ia cither Boeky Moaat, Wilto or Tar boro. 8om investment aedeestry. Ualimited field for develppment. Will bear atriotoct imetigation, aad U worth eoaatderatloaK, Address " Port Offleo Boa S3, Charlotte, N. C. T-13-lt PRINTING let after MULTIGRAPHing IM PRINTED ENVELOPES $1.44, postpaid. .. Wombl preie A, Bear Creek, N. G. 13-20-27-30 GREAT PROFITS WITHOUT EXPERIENCE ON A SMALL INVESTMENT Many wideawake net ia eitlea ia the 2 Middle Wt and Et are today mak ' lag $300 aad up per month oa aa in- vtttmeat of $4,000, who knew nothing whatever of the baking business natll they aeeociated themselves with the ' . Barker Original System of Bakeries By tUt tyttem the bread ie baked la plait view, attracting aa interested andieaee, wheee appetite la appealed to by the appean nee ot the loaves, aad who patronage it eeeured by the eleanlinee of the procee. We have aolTod all problem for these , , people, f araiahed aa eipert to start them tad. covered every idea to aeture their wieoeee. W eaa aad will do the am for yon. Get the facta NOW.' Do aot wait until aomo one oloe with eaterpriao covert your eommaaity. .Lot a rg yon t leut to investigate by writing or teeing us it onee. Barker Original Baktrlt System (lac) 1170 Broadway, New Tork. TEXAS OIL LEASES SIX MONTHS ago the famoni Burkburnett and Banger ell fields of Texat were con sidered wildcat territory by oil men. Lampasas County, Teut, pronoune- d by eminent geologists to have the - beet showing for oil, it now putting dowa many wells. It promises to be the aezt great oil center. Do yon want at oil lease in Lampasas Coun ty, Texas Don't wait until the wells ' tome in. Only those who venture eoeeeed. Address, C. D. Corbin, Ty ler, Texas. 6-29-8-5t FOR SALE . (Miscellaneous) tf. R ARMY TENTS, 14x14x11 FEET . high, S foot wall; guaranteed 12.4 army dock; used, but serviceable; special 119.95 each. U. 6. army offi cer's wall teats, 9x9 feet, 925.95 each; 12x12 feet, 929.35 each. V. 8. Army shelter teats, $3.95 eseh. U. 8. army teat flies, l!il feet, $13.95 each. Bead cash . with orders. Waits for ,brgaia prices; list army goods all .kinds. Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co.. Greenville, 8. C. 9-7t. .y- FOR MEN ONLY. AVE YOU TRIED THE "HEMSHAW . Quality Boek"t 11.60 for 1-S otea ft $340 dozea by mail White, Black, , Brown, Gray, N. Blue; sites 10 to " 11 M. Made of high trade ns-eer- - 1 lsed yarn, aad ipeclally knit to ab sorb perspiration. Very durable aad comfortable. Being sold ia nearly every State la the Union, aad giving universal sstitfaction. Sold ander strict guarantee ef Sttitfsetton . or " ' Honey Back Local representatives wnnted. HEMSHAW HOSIERY MILLS, " Dept. B-l, Oxford, N. C. ' - " ' '- ' - - is-is-jo. FOR SALE MILLION FEET STAND lag timber, assy logging proposition. Poor mile couth Wendell, T. B. Wall, B. F. D. 1, WssdelL 29-S-1S-20-27 ICR CREAM CONES BUT DIRECT FROM MANUFACTUR- rj save snlddlemsas' profit; finest , rrado eaks eose Se site, $4.50 per ljOOO, lots 6,000 or more; terms essh. f. . b. 8C Louis; satisfaction guar- teed. Belda Mfg. Co, 226 Market it, 8L Louis, Mo. FOB MOGUL KERO ot no ail eagiae; right tiso for 80-saw gia entflt, ot will trade for auto. Box 94, HesdersosvUle, N. a 13-ZL FOR SALE ON R SET ATWOOD 4 ' Joaot Standard Nigger Valvoo for Rill ' Nigger. Used about two weeks and Just a Rood at stw. Address "X-l," ear Now and Oheerver. 13-5t. FOR SALE ONE CORDON PLOW, $. A. B, Utsle. Phone J755. . FOR r SALE ONE : SECOND-HAND Aatrieat Soda Fountaia complete. Oa preseriptioa counter ' tad tw aid ixtaree. Address inquiries tt . P. a Boa S17, West Durham, N. C. . it - . FOR SALE i TWO se-SAW WINDSH1P tit aad til trstam wark miQt omplot. Will stU together or sep arate; tflOQ gaJloB eypreee tsnk aad . ail ther Sxturee good U tow. Boa, aett Rowland, Willow Springs, N. 0. Cardenaa phone. ' ' 13-7 OfiR OLD STYLR CORDON PRINT lag Press, 13x19. withoat throw off. A tplendid press, int chock for $30 gets stmt f . o, a. Dorham, N. C, C F. Delay. s . tlt I MIST VIVE IT LP, SINCE. I kavoat the fores to htadls prsssat crops. Will -tell tilher two of the thre (mall tracts spltndld farm aad woodland lands ia best tobacco, cot ton, grain eeetios of Wake county; 71, S3 and 89 acres, oa highway, B) puiiUu roads, aeer B. B, cbarehes and ' schools. CemfortabU 4 and S room tonnes. Will sell for actual vaiie of land and give crops, stock tn'f toolt. Matt be quick. If yoo rfnn't mesa bntlness, doa't aaswer, A !;!.; a for sons sis. Address P. O. 't ', F'Vli. IJ-lt ALE A IOLR GKJhS - ! i f t ;,:; 's barfV.a. Phont FOR SALE I SEMI-WEEKLY TAPER, wits linotype, flrrt elasr preetet aid eleetri motors. Enterprise, Nswtoa, N. C - s-7t OFTIOIAL LIST or TBI1 ' ' r j ' UNITED STATES '' J' . FOOD ADMTNI8TEATIOX ' Toil NORTH CAROLINA roB SALS MORE TEAK 90,000 NAMES. UP IN MAILING LIST FORM. $15.00 FEB SINGLE LIST OS $350.00 FOB ENTIRE LOT OF US SETS, INCLUDING MAIL ING MACHINE. D. T. KINOj BOX 182 ,RALEIGH,N. a FOR SALE FINE BANKER PONY; Shsetoa harness and ssddls. N. C Tswbold, Raleigh. Bell telephones 1750 or 1681. 12-?t. TWO MAILING MACHINES FOR SALE TWO NO. 1 BORTON-WINO MAILING MACHINES FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN GOOD CONDITION. 81LI9 BACH. L A. MORRIS, CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C. FOR SALE STANDARD MURRAY ginning outfit consisting of two sev enty esw gins, press fsn, condenser, etc Ia use four persons. Box 815, Tarhoro, N. C. 9-7t. FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION EQUIP meat. 14x14x4 WaU Teats, Flies, Metsl Cots, Bed Sneks, Blankets, Banges, Cooking Utensils snd Dishes, Disph ragm pumps, Nash-Quad Trucks, Troy Trsilsrs, Clsvslsad Tractor. All uted three to six months, In good , condition. Apply Phoenix Utility Compear, Harttville, 8. C. S-S7t ARMY GOODS V. S. ARMY REFRIGERATORS. Grand" Rapids, 500 1 lbs. Ico eapteity; two Urge compartments S feet high, 8 feet wide, S feet deep eseh. Worth $350.00, special $112.75 each. U. 8. RErRIGERATORS'C T. HILL, 8' feet high, 0 feet wide, two 'eompsrt meats. Ice espaoity 500 lbs. Worth $200.00. Special $75.00. U. 8. ARMY REFRIGERATORS. Alasks, 8 feet bigh, 5 feet wide, four compartments, les capacity 800 lbsr) Hide feed les ehsmber on top.' Vsry thing for markets. Worth $400.00. Special $150.00. U. S. ARMY COMFORTS, COMMER elaL Und la bales of 20 each. We sell them ss they eome from the gov ernment While they last $25.00 per bale of 20. U. S. OLIVE DRAP WOOL SHIRTS, ased but serviceable. A-gradc, $14.50 per dosea, $1.98 aingly; B-grsde, $12.00 psr doten, singly $1.50 enrh. V. 8. ARMY OLIVE DRAB WOOL Breeches, uted bat serviceable. A rrsds, $14.50 doten, singly $2.35 pslr; B-grade, $12.00 doten, $1.93 pair. U.. 8. ARMY CANVAS HAVER tacks with leather thoulder straps, a: d but serviceable. Excellent for camp ing, etc., 85c each. U. S. ARMY GALVANIZED IRON girbtgt ciot, ased 'but it good condi tion. For institutions, restauraats, mills, city health department, etc. Worth $3.50. Special $1.75 etch. V. S. ARMY GALVANIZED IRON watsr buckets, fonr grades aad sites, 85c, fi0e,'75c, $1.00 eseh. V. 8. ARMY LEATHER RUSSET waist belts. Used bat ia good condi tion, 80s each. ENGLISH KNIFE BAYONETS. Mak , a fin esrving, hunting, fish knife, etc Shiffleld steel, cost sbout $3.50. sscb 60e; steel tesbbards to fit this btyostt, eseh 60c. U. S. ARMY AXES, VARIOUS weights, from 45e, 3e, 95e, $1.15 each, U. S. BLOCKED TIN CUPS, NEAR ly atw, 4 1-2" dis. 2 1-2" deep, $1.00 dotea. U. 8. BLOCKED TIN CUPS QUART site, 10 etch, or $1.00 dotea. ..U. 8. ALUMINUM CUPS, 6" dfa. I 1-2 deep. 15s each, 11.50 dotet. U. S. ARMY BLOCKED TIN FOLD lag met! or mess psi; ttsd but ia good serviceable condition. A splendid camping utentiL With lid aad handle 25c, or 42 23 dotea. ARMY RIFLE, 41 CAL. BRAl'MONT five shot rspestor. Will shoot ball and shot cartridges, standard ammunition. U. M. CH $90 eseh. MANILA ROPE, ALL SIXES. . IN splendid condition, 25 pound. " U. S. ARMY FOLDING CANVAS eo U, tsed bat aervleetblo, tt&i eseh. U. S, ARMY STEEL COTS, USED bat serviceable, $395 each. U. S. ARMY TICKET SELLING MA ehlne, aeariy tew; adjustable 2,000 tickets. Special $99.00. S.9H PIECES ASSORTED U. S. army emmelware. EVERYTHING FOR COMMIS SARIES, CHAIN GANGS, CAMPERS, ETC , SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ARMY GOODS OF ' ALL KINDS. WE DEAL IN ARMY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY, Term 1 1 Cash osly. U. 8. Govera at reqnlres as to pay cash whsa w bayr- N -C.O.D.- orders - accepted. Money back If aot sstlsfied. ' BRADLEY BONDED WARE HOUSE CO., GREENVILLE. S. C. ' FOR 8ALB A i COMPLETE SET OF bank fixtures for small bank. Almost a good a aewf wUl tell chesp. Also . one Urge iro saTa for aal. Addrea ."U 5." b4 OVtemr. . "t CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. FOR SALE OK HlBEi ,108 MORSES aad male, dump wsgons, lumber wagons, transfer wsgont tad etc, too - numerous to mention, 1 My contract bat aspired at Naval Bsto and have ao other work to do. E. L. Willlsms, 817 Brewer St., Jorfolk, Vs. 8-14t WANTED (Miscellaneous) WB WANT. SAWMILL MAN WITH two or thref tmsll portable sawmills to contract to cut 15,000,000 feet of timber. Jeffreys, ' Myere Manufse- ing Co., Oxfordt N. C. U-3U WANTEDi 29 . CARS OF TOBACCO itickt, 9-8 a l"x 4,1-2; phone or wire ut your bctt - price for immediate shipment. Bardyt A Newtom, LaGrsnge, N. C. 8-7t WANTED GUM AND POPLAR LOGS. Twelve, fourteen and sixteen-foot lengths; cash when loaded oa tars. Denny Veneer Company, High Point, N. C. 17-30t. WANTED SMALL PAPER .. CUTTER for Job office. Box 340, Tarboro, N. C. 12-5t -' WANTED ONE MEDIUM SIZB SEC ond hsnd firs-proof ttfs. Addrsss W. T. Meadows, Tresiurer Town of Williamstoa, Williamston, N. C. 9-7t. WANTED QUICK DOUBLB O I L tank, editable for hauling kerottne and gttoliae. If mounted oa motor tiuck of ttandird make, eould use that. Capacity ot Unk, 300 to 900 gal loni; mutt be bargain. G. O. Edger ton A Bon, Kealy, N. C. H-7t WANTED TO BUY IRISH OR ENG lith male setter. State price and qual ity ot dog ia first letter, C. T. John son, Bosemsry, N. C. ll-3t. WANTED! 2 COPIES OF THE NEWS AND OBSERVER OF MAT 8, 2 COPIES OF MAY 23 AND 8 COPIE8 OF MAT 30. D. T. KING, MAILING BOOM, ' NEWS AND OBSERVER. WANTED SAWMILL MAN WITH smsll portable mill to contract for sswisg several medium else timber tracts. Job would last two or three yean. Jeffreys, My en Manufactur ing Co., Oxford, N. C. H-3t. CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. WANTED AT ONCEs TO RENT A Bank Vault Door for temporary use, pouibly one to three months, Hits bought new door, but cannot get it before we are ready to open our doort for banking butiness, which will be about August 1st. First National Bank, Spring Hope, N. C. R-7t WANT FOXES WILL PAY FIVE DOLLARS EACH for young wild foxet, if half grown and in good condition. Ship and check will bo tent you promptly. W. T. Hughes, Danville, W. 19end-l.M WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE A , furnished hotel or rooming house. Nothing but first-cits proposition considered. Address, P. C. White, Jr., Andrews, 8. C, Hotel Andertoa. 13-lt ROOMS FOR RENT ONE LARGE COOL ROOM. SEPARATE . entrance. Every convenience. Gtragc. Privsts family. Also Urge room snd kitchenette for light housekeeping. On esr line. Bestonsble rent. Tlione 1441 between 9 tnd 9. 1.1-1 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman, aetr Union Station. Phone 941-R, , n-2t Nicely Famished Ream; Convenient t Bsth. Nesr Boarding Hoisse. 319 SO. DAWSON STREET. ' FOR RENTi TWO OR THREE ROOM apartment. Pbons 1021-M or call at 134 New Bern avenue. FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM AND kitchenette, completely furnished for light housekeeping; bath connection; close In. Phone 720. 6-7t. v HOUSES, APARTMENTS For Rent FOR RENT SMALL APARTMENT TO couple, furnished. Centrally located. Address "L-9," ctrs News aad Ob server, n-n HOUSES, APARTMENTS Wanted WANTED TO RENT A $ TO 8 ROOM bouts. "Ml," 'sate News tad Ob- server. IS St WANTED TO RENT TWO TO FOUR rooms furnished or unfinished for light housekeeping, reference ex changed. Address .T-200," tare of Newe snd Observer, S3-7t, . BOARD BOARD AND ROOMS REASONABLE rstesaza FsySttcvilln street. !2-2t WANTED BOARD WITH PRIVATE ftmily ; n-ltrge front room with, bath' for ssupls. Chickamaaga Trust Company, phons 718. - 10-Tt. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WYOMING BOTEL SITE: IS ON THE market for ' short while; sest " the aaioa patsenger etttioa, Selma. Ad dress Jao. A. Mltehasr," Selma, N. C. ' ' 1 ' ' - ll-St FINE FARM OF ISA ACRES ON . Bsnkhead National Highway, 3-4 of a mil from McKlnniy, Va, a growing town, tnd tobacco market ; .1-2 mils from graded high school. On aic dwelling tnd tw tenant houses, tad til teeesssry outbuildings. About cae hutdnd fruit trees; 80 acres ia good state of eultivstioa aad ba.'aacc it young timber. . For t ouick sal at $45 per acre. rApply to T 8. Crow. der, McKioaey . :- ' " z ? BARGAIN FOR A QUICK SALE; 127 , sers farm at only $30 per sere; oa . Bsnkhesd National Highway, 1 1-2 -miles from UeKiaaey, Va, t grsw ' ing town tnd tobseeo sasrket ; 1 1-2 miles from graded school; about 50 i acres is cultivation; balaaea ia tim- ber. 'For farther iaformatioa, ap- ply to T. B. Crowdsr, MeKcnaey, Va. ii-4t. VIRGINIA FARM LAND BARGAINS BARGAIN NO. L THSES HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND. i practically all tillable, ia the best Bright Tobacco section of Virginia. , One mile from depot - oa splendid road; well watered by ereeki aad springs i no gravel, Improvsmsats ' eoasist of two tobacco bams, four tsnant bouses and 'other outbuild.'' Inge ia good condition. Convenient to high school and ehurehes. Nina ' room residence, which would cost 8 ,"00.00 to erect; hardwood floors, Bitusted ia a pretty grove. "Terms: ' One-third cash; balance from one to- five years, secured by first ' mortgags bearing 6 per cent, in terest. Sufficient wood and timber " to take cara of farm tnd outbuild-' ing. Price, SWJOO.IJO, , BARGAIN NO. 2. FIFTY-FIVE i ACRES, OOOJ) 7-BOOM house, barn, ahedt aad other out- buildings ia ' good condition ; six miles from Richmond. Forty acres tillable and soil especially adapted to Bright Tobacco. Terms: One third cash i balneo payable ia three years. Price, $3,500.00. BARGAIN NO. 2. THREE HUNDRED ACRES, 200 TILL - able, 40 miles from Richmond, oa good road; accessible to schools, stores aad churches. 8plendid 9 room house, Urge cattle bara and other necessary outbuildings in good condition. Three miles from . railroad station. Soil ir a red clay loam, adapted to heavy tobacco, grasses aad grain crops; good est tls far. Termt: Ons-third cash; bslsnco psyable from one to five years; deferred payments bearing ' 6 per cent, interest. Price, $13,500.00. BARGAIN NO. 4. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, 130 IN CUT; tivation; quantity of growing tim ber, within 30 miles of Bichmond, in excellent community. Accessible to schools, stores aad . ehurehes;' excellent colonial typo of 10-room residence and outbuildings. This property will double ia valua if properly handled, within three rears' time. Terms: Oue-third essh; islsncs ia ons to fivs years. Price, $10,000.00. E. F. SCHMIDT & CO , INC. REAL E8TATE AND INSURANCE. 28 N. 8th Rf. Phone' Rsndolph 2388 RICHMOND. VA. FOR SALE 7M-ACRE FARM, IS , acres in eultivstion ; 400 acres easy to cletr; 6 good tenement houses, one 6-room dwelling; good bSrnt and sublet all ia good condition; laad ia,high stats of cultivation. For par ticulars address or eall oa C. II. Bryan, Polloksville, N. C. 10-7t 1,4)4 -ACRE FARM IN JOHNSTON county. 600 acres elesred; excellent buildings; good neighborhood. This is one of the best tobseeo fsrms in county. 405 seres nesr Clsyton; about 300 cleared; good buildings nnd neighborhood. 150 seres near Smith fleld; good buildings and barns. We hsvs a number of other farms for sale. Carolina Realty Company, Ral eigh, N. C. 8-7t. 471-ACRE FARM, 8 MILES WEST OF Raleigh on Durham road; good house, stabls nsd barns. Will sell at bargain. Carolina Realty Company, Raleigh, N. C. 8-7t. LAND FOR SALE 33 3-4 ACRES AD joining town limits of Fuquay Springs. Practically all cleared and beautiful land; four nif dwellings on the property, two tobacco barns snd plenty of other out buildings; town is built right up to this prop erty. This Unci it a tplendid in vestment as i farm and is a "kill ing" ss a sub-divisioa proposition. Address A be 11 A Gray, Smithfield, N. O. ' 10-12-13. PARTY MOVING TO RALEIGH DE sires to exchsnge nice 7 room bouse in Greenville, S. C. for house of equal value la Raleigh, Large lot, Out buildings." Oa stret esr line. Good loestion. "1-10," ears ot News aad Observer. D-6t. FOR SALE FINE TOBACCO FARM aear Margarettesville; lid acres; 60 seres ia good stats cultivation! bal ance good timber. Good buildings, orchard snd wster. Nicely located. $5,400. L. W. PUand, MargantUvill. N. V. l(V4t FOR BALE 7i-ACRE FARM NEAR Raleigh. C. U. Hiashsw, 107 East Una flt., Raleigh. N. C. -St. FOR SAL 17-ACRB FARM; 1 t-I mil lo depot: good land k buildings sd wster joins Tueksr Farm. Ad dress "L-S," ears of Nw aad Ob server. 12-St, LAND FOR SALE A tOt-ACRS FARM, IS TO 29 MIN ate rid from .New Bars, kaowa a the Sunset-Goldea Oak Farm. This land will produce eottoa, sort and tobacco. Levst, year' crop 1500 pound, which eold st aa average of between $500 aad $800 per ear. This property was bought Iu4l91$ before the advance ia the price f real es tate, and therefore eaa bo srld at t j tim at a bargain.-- For term aad prices, write THE LANE LAND COMPANY Greenville, N. C " 15-St FOR SALE FROM ONE-HALF Ml LB to two miles of Lakeview ttatiom, 1,000 acre of mad. 15 tent whh tw tn fit years' old peach tree la lr1 tiass eoadition; 100 seres endeared, sxeeptioaally well dspted topesehee; 100 acre fin swamp pastur laad, -with- eeversl hundred' acre aoltabl for tobteeo tnd other stops. Will sell all-or part. J. R., MoQuees, Lake view, N. C. ' 8-1I-I3-18. BIG BARGAIN LV TIMBER- IF , teea millioa feet long tad short' loaf piner also bargfla ia cut over laad, ea thousand aero for fifty thou - sand. Liberal terms. Also on of the best larg farms ia Eastern North Carolina. For fall details address F. Ltk 8o .JSi X Boat EilL JL Cw.U-2t FOR SALE MY RESIDENCE. 1101 H. Hilltbor Street.- Tea largo rooms, tw baths, pantry, aad closets. Lot 101 by 288, $15,000. .. Terms to cuit T. P. Harrison, West Raleigh. Phene 88. 13-lt FOR S ALE 1 7 -ACRE FARM ONE AND k-half mil of Fair Grona'd tad . cat lias; n-half mile t depot; good Und; baildiag aad water; ; joins Tucker Farm. Address "L-3," tit f New and Observer. 1ML ' RE-SALE OF LAND -.The bldfor Hht'laad described be low having boot raised 10 per eeat, pnrsnaat to tt order of th Superior Court, I will resell at th ecarthoass door la Raleigh, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash at aooa as ... , , WEDNESDAY, JULY 16,1919 th following tract of laad, via,i 28 acres it Car Township adjoining A. W. Sorrell, W. H. Blaaehard, and others, being lot No. 14 ot the W. H. Blanehsrd laad, kaowa as the Booth place, saving aad excepting th min eral interests ia said) land. This land lies about 8 miles northeast of Cary aad waa eoaveyed to the aadersigned by Lelia C. Keal Bryaa aad E. H. Bryan by deed ot trust recorded in kBook S21, page 217, Wako County Jfegistry,. r , This June 80. 1919. M. ASHBY LAMBERT, Trustee. ' 1-8-18. I OWN, SfT CANNOT ENJOY. DO yoa desire t Modern country horn bnilt under architect's supervision, light, heat, water, sewerags (18 rooms, including bath rooms) ; aeariy four acre good Und, snothsr good dwelling, outbuildings; at Glenn Springs (health resort); oa Appal achian Highway; high loestion; at tractive views; school, churches, cul tured eommusity. Price less thaa present cost of replacing dwelling. Boggs, Glenn Bpringt, & C. 8EE THIS BARGAIN, BEFORE YOUR neighbor buy it, eontaia 588 acres fine Jand, 250 cultivation, baUnee ia wood and timber, fiv mile two rail roads, oa good improved road, near schools, ehurehes, fine neighbors. Fin twelve room dwelling, double front porch, good back porches, clot eta, etc., ia a No. 1 condition, beauti ful Uwn; a fine home, good ttock barn, sheds, tobseeo baraes, etc., a real homo and a real bargain. Don't miss this, 'you'll nerer be sbls to duplicsts it sgsin, it U worth twlcs ths money naked for it. Write for a complete description of it, or eome st ones to' see it. Get our new cata log of farms. THE REALTY COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, INC, BUekstone, Vs. 13-8t BEST RIVER FARM t. EASTERN Virginia with stock, machinery and nil growing crops, 600 acre at sta tion, 400 cultivated, balance in pas ture, and timber. Land js deep rich chocoUte, red cUy subsoil and is nearly level, 60 acres river low grounds, no waste Und. Fenced snd cross-fenced, best stock fencing, well watered. Residence is two-story brick snd frame ia beautiful 10 acre park. Horse, cow snd hay barns, tensnt houses etc. Price $75 per acre, in cluding 19 horses and mules, 10 cows, 100 hogs, 16 fine brood tows, 75 torn hay, 210 acres growing corn, nil farm machinery snd immediate possession. LaFayctte Mann, 123 N. 8th St., Bichmond, Va. 13.1 1. SOME GOOD BRIGHT TOBACCO FARMS FOR SALE 1K1 acres t 5,500 308 seres 14,000 200 scree 16,300 170 scree .... :.. 11,000 116 acre '7,009 278 acres 6,500 65 teres 4,500 Come and see for your self. Let me know your wants. R. MAURY YOUNG, PETERSBURG, VA. ' FOR SALE CORNER LOT. GROVE Und Avenue and Park Drive, Cam eron Park. Address Mrs. Alfred A. Thompson, No. 317 New Bern Ave nue. 13-lt WE OFFER FOR SALE, SUBJECT TO possession January 1, 1920, ons of the .est fsrms In Eastern North Csrolins, situsted seven miles west of Mount Olive. Located ia a splendid ..rural eommusity, churches and good school ia easy-reach. Improvements Include two-story dwelling, equipped with lights and other np-to-dato out buildings. Alt five good tessnt houses. Contains 612 acres; 200 elesred. High state 'of cultivation; $3,000 worth of wire fencing on it. Must be sold quick. If interested In this or say other real ostato proposi tions ia this section (as w have for sals a number of other farms of varying sis in Wayn and adjacent . counties), writs Mount Olivs Real EsUts sad Auctioa Compaay, Mount Olive, N. C. 13-20. MCE COUNTRY HOMES FROM TEN to 1.000 crs, st $13 tp $40 per er. Excellent lsad for geaeral farming, grain, grass and bright tobacco. Ex cellent schools, ehurehes and roads. Owing to th cheapness of our Unds, ths North Carolina people ar pour ing In snd buying them ap. Write to Z. V. Robertson, formerly of North Carotins, BUekstone, Va Box 843. 13-7t CHEMICAL TOILETS APPROVED BY Stats Board of Health. For catalogues apply Jota Ramthaw, Ricks Hotel, Rocky Mount. l!-7t 7 ANTEBELLUM MANSION ON CORNER LOT ; CLOSE IN FOR SALE ' This kaa bee a oeeapled excln- sively by first families f tk had and will b SOLD AT A PRICE ' - AWAY BELOW ITS ; REAL VALUE, i. . - -and a easy terms. Nothing -v"vr offered it Raleigh ap- ' . . proathe this property as 1 pur- " ' ehaa for a most PROFITABLE INVESTMENT .r for t level home. Aaswer qoiek. "M-7, tar News tad Obse rver. t 3 FOR SALE-SUMMER BOM , AT Moreboad City, N, CL -ompItly furnUhed. ' Eight roots, kens, two bath rooms, doubls porches. t Moat desirable locatiot fiagth water. Beautiful view of th Sound tad v Beaufort Inlet I ft Blades, Elisa- lath City, H. O. . r. : 18-8t AEAL ESf ATrl WANtEL) BLUEGRASS FARMS v FOUR HUN, , dred to forty thousand. Good toads, schooU, shurches. Catalogns fr. B. v F. Perrow, Bemlngtoa, Va. 21--30t LET U& SUBDIVIDE AND BELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WB GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE ' AND TRUST CO RALEIGH, M. C WE SUBDIVIDE AND SELL, CITY, suburbs tad farm property tt aue tloa. ytt guarantee satisfactory rs ulta to war. Let as hear front yon today. Giv details. AtUnti Dvlop- mcnt Company, Bos 32, Fayetteville, N. C. ' . 9-7L WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER, FARM in Eastera North Carolina, aoataia- ing two to fiv hundred aorm. Must be well located with plenty of 'road froatago aad accessary buildings. Boa 802,, Raleigh, N. O. 8-7t. WRITS US ABOUT SUB-DIVIDING aad elling your farm at aoetion. We get yoa best results. E. VL A, drew, Manager, Greensboro, N. C . 10-7t LET US SUBDIVIDE AND . SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GET RE SULTS. CAROLINA REAL TY CO RALEIGH, 1 C e-7t. WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER of farm or unimproved Und for sale. O. K. Hawley, Baldwia, Wiscoosin. 29-6-13. A COTTAGE, FOUR, FIVE OR SIX rooms. Hare aomo money and want to buy a little home before it Is tU gone. Any good locality ia Baleigh will do. "M-4," ear New and Ob server. 13-H WANTED A FARM 1 WANT TO BUY a farm' somewhere, but I want one that I eaa make a living on, if you have such a place let me hear from you at once. "M-5," care New and Observer. 13-lt LIVESTOCK-POULTRY FOR SALE ONE BLACK PERCHE ron stallion; 'registered with Ths Percheron 8ociety of America. Ad dress P. O. Box No. 72, Aurora, N. C. 11 -7t FOR SALE 19 RUFU3 RED BELGIAN bunnies, 3 months old, $1 each. A. B. Uczle. Phone 1755. FOR SALE TWO FINE POINTER puppiet, seven months old. A. B. Uzzle, 328 E. Morgan St. Phone 1755. FOR SALE FRESH MILK COW. AP ply J. J. Buffaloe, Route 5, Baleigh, N. C. 8-7t. IF YOU HAVE LIVE STOCK, PET stock, poultry, eggs, insert aa ad on- . der this heading and it willeteh over 100,000 well-to-do people. FOR SALE PURE BRED AND HIGH grade Holstoin-FrietUn cows; largo, young; heavy producers; tuberculosis tested; no better say place; all fresh in fall. Pure bred snd grade calves. Reference sny bank or business house in' BUekstone. W. A. Stockton, Black etone, Vs. 22-6-13-20 FOR SALE 4 PIGS, 14 WEEKS OLD. Chesp at $20.00. H. C. Garner, Spjes, N. C. 13-lt HARES AND RABBITS; ALSO . guinea-pigs of sll breeds. New Zealand, Giants, English White, Black, Kufus Red Bel gians, and Angora Rabbits, all ages. Doa't nsk me what I have, tell me what you want. State how many you want, what age, kind preferred, tox, etc. I will answer with a tpecial summer , priee. Utility Belgian Ha ret nearly grown, price $2 each ; older tnd already bred does,..:, $1 eseh; guinea pigt, $2.60 pair; nearly grown King-Neck Bab bits only $3.75 pair and some bred; 'pet raccoon, $6. Order from ad and save time. Babbit raising instruction books, 64 pages, 50e prepaid. BOWMAN'S RABBIT FARM, Islington, 8. C. FOR SALE: BERKSHIRE SOW (WILL dress about 200 pounds) with 9 pigs 4 weeke old. First cheek for $100 gets her snd pigs. J. F. Steed, Steeds, N. C. . is-lt FOR SALE TWO NICE GRADE brood sows, sbout 230. pounds. $50.00 eat 3. On with 8 pice pigs for $101.00. A. K. Jordan, Raleigh. 13.1 1. SEE0S AND PLANTS PRIZE FLAT DUTCH CABBAGE -AND Carolina Short Stem col lard plants for sals at Rowlssd and Rogers, Raleigh, or G. L. B. Penney, Route 1, Baleigh. Cabbagt plants, 23 csata for 100; 82.00 for 1,000. Collaret plants, 20 cents for 100! $1.50 per lfA. Ia Urge lots, 11.00 for 1,000. 10-7t. FOR EALE CHOICE ..PLANT1NG- Peas, all kiad. Writs for . prices; plant as Ute ss August 15th for bay. H. M. Franklin, Tennille, Ga. SNAP BEANS BURPEES STRING less Grec Pod. BUck Wat, 73 real ' ouart, psstpsid. Job P. Wyatt 6dn Co., Rsleigh, N. C 8-7L PRODUCE-GROCERIES CANTALOUPES 12.54 AND 83.44 PER erst. Geo. H. McKay, Maxtoa, N. C v 13-7t FOR SALE MULTIPLIER ONION buttons sad roots. One quart, 15c; peck, $1.20 ; bushel, $4.00. Souther prize turnip seed-, 1 lb, 11.00. Uuly tnd Aqgost time to plsnt. . Marlboro Form - Fatsoa, N. C- H-1 RIPE APPLES TO SELL, 31.44 PER bushel. Express prepaid. B, EL Gowsr, ClaytoB, N. C; ' x . .. bUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES" WE offer Sugar Houss Molasses guaranteed to keep daring summer; 8 gsjioa kegs, , 65 gallon; 10 gallon kegs, 60e gaU on; 30 gallon kegs, 80c gallon. Cash with) rdr. Winttoa GraJt Co; Wia- atow N. PL. ...I ,, ".., f-7t, GTJBERN17Y fKS atSAIsr-CUTT ant rd llaal port food tatth for , kog tad aantw kigbaat St p ratal . ad fat $34JX p to. Caaa witk r. ' dr. - .Winston, findn C JFinston, ' K.a - ' ' . -18-74 ' PEACHES LARGE 4 QUART, 1 B A S K ETS . SSc R.Y, KING. OLD MARKET PEAS, PEAS, PEAS, PEAS, PEAS, ' Peas. W will waload null ar good soand mixd pea Moaday, tk' 7th. First order get tarn tt $4-50 pr ; batheL AUo whipporwilU, Uaaka tad lays it ttock at$5pr bntbaL Bobort Hackney, Durham. Ut th wir. S-7t FOB SALE 199 BUSHELS MIXED ow or field pa at $4410, C . Stat. ' toa, LaQrango, K. C S-124 AUTOMOBILES I , FOB BALE LIBERTY SIX TOUBTNCf sar; good eonditioa. Cat b a tt -Motor Sorvieo Co. 13-84 FOR SALE MOON CAR 1118 MODEL, 8 passenger, flrst-elas eoadition. Caa b ta tt City Gang, phon 903-M or vrrit. 8. L, Fanlkner. Ul Hillsborott Baleigh., - 13-H USEDCARS FOR SALE BY THE AUTO EXCHANGE, 1 RALEIGH. N. C - - BTJICK . BIZ BOASSTEX LATB model. Pile $1450.. Look tad runs ss good a ew. BUICK LIGHT 811 TOTJRINO Car, 1918 model. Friea $150. It ' ew and fin condition; DODGE BOAD8TEB. PRICE $850. Looks good tad rana fiat, . Good tire. - ' OAKLAND BH BOAD8TEB, Utett ' model. Pric $675. Practically taw tires and a fine motor. 1 CHANDLER . BIX TOUBING CAB. Price $850. Thia ia t aplendid -ear tnd U it first -el as condition. Was owasd aad need t abort whCs by th Raleigh Chamber, of Oommereo. ' OVERLAND, MODEL 90 TOURING ear, Ut model. Price $800. But very littles aad H ia fin eonditioa. 1918 FORD ROADSTER. PRICE $500. A good running motor at over run. New tires. Look good. ' 1917 FORD TOURING CAB. PBICB $475, As good as you aver drove This eat has been well take a ear ef and is la good condition. FORD TOURING CAB. PRICE $400. New tires, fin' motor and good body, top and fenders. A bargain. FORD TOURING CAB, PRICE $375. Ton can't appreciate this car until you have driven it FORD B0AD8TEB. PRICE $325. ' Shack absorbers, tw tires tnd t dandy motor. FORD TOURING CAB. PRICE $300. Has brand new motor aad good tires. OAKLAND SIX TOURING CAB, Ut model. Pric $650. This ia t bargain. 1919 FORD TOURING CAB. BRAND new and never run. Price $725. Unloaded in Raleigh this week; Built to tske tkff-aow Ford starter. THE ABOVE ABE JUST A FEW of th ear that wa hsvs for sal. We can't list them all. WRITE US FOB OUB LIST Or used ears with prices, guarantee and terms. AUTO EXCHANGE, ' j. s. Mcdonald, mgr., RALEIGH, N. C. FOR SALE 1418 Four cylinder BUICK ROADSTER. A-l CONDI. TION. FRANKLIN AUTO SALES COMPANY, 14 WEST HARGETT STREET. s H-it FOR SALE ONE CHANDLER -SIX." A-l CONDITION. A RIAL BAR GAIN. FRANKLIN AUTO SALES . COMPANY, 14 WEST BARGETT STREET. 11-H FOR SALE 1918 FORD TOURING Car, perfect running eonditioa, looks ' good, equipped witk U. 8. Nobby I Tresd tires, cxtrt bar; good bargain. Pint certified check for $395 gets it. " ' . Addres M. C. Glover, Bailey, N. C. ' M-V. - FOR SALE MITCHELL 8 PA89EN ger. Latest model 1919; brand new; in perfect condition; driven lest thaa 350 miles. Pric $1,595. H. H. lie. Oirt, Rowland, N. C. 13-lt FOR 8ALE AT A BARGAIN 1911 model, 7-pssenger ear ia good con dition. Can be seen st Kline aad Lsrarns. 10-3t FOR SALE MAXWELL CAR, $144; on $200; Bosch magneto; 4 cylinder. Kline Sales Company, 119 B. Hsr- . gett Street. 12-2t. FOR SALE 1 1917 FORD TOURING 1 car; A-l slsps; all ready to rid. O. r O. Thomas. 8 West Davie St. ll-St WANTED WOULD BUY FROM OWN- -er a recently built residence, well kept, aad complete, ia choice location.; . "K-9," enrc News nd Observer. 12-8t USED AUTOMOBILE WANTED, FIVE' or seven passenger, 18 or 19 modsl. " Mutt bs it first-class repair tad hsvoi ' good tires. If you hav a bargainfor . cash aatwsr. "K-10," car New asd!" Observer. 12-2t WANTED A USED LIGHT CAR, FOR cash. No junk. Bos 55, R. No. 1, West Durham, N. C. J2-8t AUTOMOBILE OWNERS ATTENTION. County agents wanted , to sell th , Btransky vaporiaara. Ssvss aaa-tbird . 7 of gasoUns. Easily attached to ears.-, instructions accompany. Sells on, , demoattratioa.' Prevents carboa. Ia - creases speed, vaporises 30 to 60 per j. cent more of gasoline thaa without it.' Big profits. Ssmpla aad iastructioaa, $i First cash order gets tsrritory. : J. E. Avent, East Radford. Va. 8-7t LOOK FOR THE HANSON SIX. . -V V :v.i-,.; I WANTED ONE FORD AUTOMO ,1 bil body, fiv passenger, itbr nw or eeecad-hand, it ia good condition. .Address Alvln A. Edwards, Gaey- . ' ston. N.-C. .. ." . .,"11-18 ;. . ; AUTO REPAIRING ' E PAINT AUTOMOBILES ' AND - cover utomnbil - tepfc- Joha- W. F-vansLHon, Raleigh. ' 13-7t. HAVE YOUR CAR , v k MADE NEW - We, Palat, Retrim aad. Mak Ta te. Writ far Qtatiav " ' t HACKNEY BROS Y .., WILSON, N. C - " i ...U-1J-13-1T.. SWM 1