. UJ3)AY K03NRG, JULY 13, 1919. THE NEWS AfiD OZZLRYLR. 17 LOST FOUND ST0LE1 Trx. MLUl fttWAlD to . fomatle laadlag tt raeetery , at Dofee toariag Mr, Nfc 16230, m4 : ''-V J. ft. Goiter, ftalelgk. askby JUmhtrt. Atty., taletga. 7t ITaUYED, ONE HORSE, TUESDAY if ht, Jubs 8th, my bona ttrayec off. fceeerlptioai Light bayj whit left front foot; f years old; wetgat, bout tOO pouada. Finder please to fy J. T. Craft, Walstoaburg, N. C. 10-3t. LOitx - BRACELET WAtCH WED keoday tmiDf between Balelgk Ho M an4 faqnay Eprlags while oa a "hay ride arty. Beirard. Betura to Rewa aad Observer. 11 -St CLEANING PRESSING CALL BELL FHONE Vli OB BAL ish Phoae 608 if 70a want your Kit eleaae4.pt aad of repaired. Tit Jamertewa Tsilorinf, Company. BUILDING MATERIAL FOB SALB NO. 1 B. C t CEDAB ' ahiagle. All hoar and tlearj no if ieets, 18.50 per 1,000, t. 0. b. ear, . Apex, N. C. Sample mailed oa re quott. U 8. 01 We, Apt, W. C. 6-10t. BIDS WANTED SCALED BIDS WANTED FOB BOAD eoastraetloai The board of eonnty OmmbeloBert for Pamlico county win, MH Mottdaf, Jaly SI, lilt, at 11 o'clock, at Bsjboro, N. C, re eelre eealed bide for tho eoastrue tioa of teven mile of dirt road, la eluding the eleariag of right of way: the aaid road to be of staadard grade nd width. The eonnty reserve the tight to either receive or reject said . bids. Further information will be furnlehed upon request by the under Signed, July 8, 1919. Z. V. Bawls, County attorney. 10-1 It. BIDS WANTED FOR TBE ERECTING Of two-story brick hotel building, to be erected at White-UIe, X. C Plans nd specifications can be secured from H. E. Bonitx, Architect, Wilmington. N. 0. Owners reserve the usual rights to reject nay and all bids or to let the aoatraet to a oontraotor who May SOl be the lowest bidder. Date f opening of bids not finally set. J. D. Maulteby and Ceth Smith of Wsiterille for board of directors. 1013 MONEY BONDS SECURITIES Wt OWH AND OFTER SUBJECT TO prior tale, all or any part of $25,000.00 worth ef gilt-edge, aou-taaable pre ferred stock in a North Carolina cor poration. Durham Realty and Insur ance Company, Loans and Securities Depsrtment. 1 .VI 5-1 7. PROFESSIONAL FOR SALE SIX THOUSAND DOLLAR prSctirs, with seven room house (fur nished), barn, stables, garage, house Oa double lot, nice garden. County cat, town of 1,000 inhabitants, no ether attire physician in eonnty. Bargain to quick purchaser. H-1,M re ef News and Obeerrer. -t. DR. W. W. STAN CELL Wishes to Announce that he has Moved his Office to 402403 TUCKER rfLDG. PHONE WIS orricB houbsi From 1:M to l.M. From 4iM U l:M p.m. rilTSlCIAN JUST RELEASED FROM the army desires location in some good town. "G-102," care News and Observer. -7t SCHOOLS COLLEGES WANTED MEN TO LEARN COTTON buslaess in our sample rooms. We also teach thorough correspondence courts with type samples. Good Openings. Charlotte Cotton School, Charlotte, N. C. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND TUOK oughly taught Special Hammer Ratea. Address Greensboro Commercial . School, Greensboro, N. C, for Cats lnffue. S-1.V19 SUMMER RESORTS HOTELS BUltttt BE8ORT8 HOTELS PERSONS DESIRING A RESTFUL, qniet place, daring August; ratea very reasonable. Address Boa 188, Chapel Hill, N. C. lVSt MACHINERY FOR SALE OXt ALLIS-CHALMERS ENGINE, 1MU, heavy duty. TWO lit 1. F. RETURN TUBULAR boilers, lis It, pressure. ON 8 ALLIS CORLISS ENGINE, 18 SStaS. ONI C ft 0. COOPER CORLISS EN- giae, 14x38. ONB ATLAS AUTOMATIC ENGINE, 14X1S. ONB ATLAS AUTOMATIC ENGINE, 911. ONE LTDDELL AUTOMATIC ENGINE, 910. One leffell automatic engine. 71-JalO. (DN1 LAMBEBTSTILLE IBON WORKS sum valve engine, 12x2. ONB ITUBTEVANT SLID1 TALTE esgue, 12x13. ONB BCHOFIELD IBON WORKS slid valve engine, 1014. TWO BRIE CITY 8L1DB TALTB EN glaes, 9xli. Alt large stock shafting, pulleys and Hangers. ALEXANDER A GAR5ED, Xfcartotto, N. C B-)0t WANTED TO EXCHANGE STILL TBADB DIAMOND RING FOB A 50 Liberty Bond. If yoi have a $30 Liberty Bond and want to trad for ladisr diamond, valued at WO, com maaieate iU "F-HS," eara News and uneervor. SPECIAL ATTENTION HUNTERS FISHERMEN 1,600 acre preserve oa ocean, aound and rlvsrn western eectioa Brunswick county. Dock, fish, squirrel, fox, eta. Aaeoaunodatioat $i00 per day. No feet. Limited number, liana rwser rations new for fall and wiater. Vir ginlk Dart Eaat Club, Bhallotta, K. C. 1V21 AFTER JULY UTH ALL SUITS pmsefl will be 40e per suit Club t rate 8 suits for f 1.00. Suits cleaned "' j eiu ; T.fiiM .nit. (leaned, ana jreseea fi.mfc.per suit. HXn presMd AOe, one piece dresses sleaned and pressed 75c Thee ad vanced pilose made accessary at ae count of Increased coat of labor and ! rnaterlaJa. iamettwwa Taflorinj Co. JM Phoaa 1749. Balelgh 80S. SPECIAL TAKE NOTICE IMPLEMENT DEALERS for several aoaaons eertaln Job bers hive been selling and sup plying tho trade wiU "CUO SWEEPS" THAT ARE NOT GENUINE "CLIO SWEEPS." We make this announcement to notify dealers and farmers that GENUINE CLIO SWEEPS, SHOVELS AND BULL TONGUES ran be bad only through asaad that all Genuine "Clio Sweeps" nre stamped with our trade mark. Our salesmen will tall upon our regular customers as soon as possible. If any dealer handling Upright Stocks and Wing Swoepa ef other makes will writ ua we will have o r own representative call, without ay obligation en your part We believe that we can con vine you that yen CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO HANDLE OUR LINE "Clio Sweeps" and other steel good arc cheaper than last sea son. Wrenchless Upright Stocks are the same price. None of our roods are higher. We guar antee delivery and price. Deal ers write us. MARLBORO PLOW STOCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY : CLIO, MARLBORO COUNTY, S. C CONTRACTS TO LET WANTED A CONTRACTOR WITH U Bea to ditch a large farm 9 miles from Kineton. Write E. O. Barrett, Klnston, N. C. 11-19 15 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS WE OFFER BELOW THREP USED Pianos, everyone of which is thor oughly guaranteed and presents a real opportunity for you to purchase a high grada Piano at half of the original eoet. f HOWARD PIANO, ORIGINAL COST 475.00: ease Mahogany; In nice shape. Price I18.1.00. CRAFT9 PIANO. BEAUTIFUL FIG ured Oak case. Used eight months. Original price 450.00. We offer same at 8245.00. CRAFTS PIANO. R B N T B D FEW months to United States Army. Serial tag still on the back. Perfect shape. Original price $450.00. Going at 8305.00. Best Piano buy In Balelgh. A. J. CRAFTS PIANO CO., 331 Fayetteville St., Baleigh. 13-16 MUST DISPOSE OF MY BEAUTIFUL Upright Piano at once. Well known make. Condition perfeet. Reason, leaving city. Will make price right. Address ''L," care News and Ob server. 13.7 WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR UP right Piano, late deelgn. Uust be reasonable. No dealers. Address "US," rare News and Observer. 13-7t OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOB SALEi BURROUGHS ADDING mneh.lt, 1 colomaj used only three week. Will aaerlflc for cash. Ad drees B01 tit, Balelgh, N. O. M-lt TYPEWRITERS HAVE US REBUILD, overhaul or repair your typewriter. W da H correctly. Headquarter for tapplle of all kind. J. E. Craytos A Ce Charlotte, N. C.-2-14t WE DO JOB PRLNTING OF ALL klads. Prompt service. H. 8. Storr A Compsny. Phone 488. TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT WE buy, sail, exchange, repair all make. B. 8. Storr A Company, 121 W. Martia Street. MISCELLANEOUS MEN - SEND 11.88 FOR SIX PAIR "Hemshaw Quality Socks." Aay color. One dozen, 83.00, Tbs sock retails at 40 cents a pair. Absorb perspiration. Made of high grade creeriitd yara. Bold everywhere. Money back if aot satisfled. Local agent wanted. Hemshaw Hosiery Mills, Dept. B-l, Oxford, N. O. n-11-is-H-to, CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE 'Duplet Hair Cutter, the greateet in vention of tha age. Bend 12 for a sample. Worth 85. Prlea will soon be 83. You caa cut your own hair as easy as you caa thavt. Just comb your hair and it tut at the same time. Jast the thing to keep you children' hair In perfect trim. Psys for Itself la a few months. The Duplet Hair Cutter," Box 70S, Ral eigh, N. O. gMt. MULTIGRAPHING MULTIGRAPB1NG, PERSONAL LET ters, addreesing, mailing, list fur nished. Special attention glvtn par cel post order. Carroll Letter Writ lng Company, Balelgh, 6-30t PERSONAL TOBACCO AND SNUFF HABIT CURED or no pay. 81.00 if enred. Remedy sent on trial. Superba Co., W-278. 3aitimore, Maryland. tf RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS WB MAKE THEM. H. 8. Storr A Company, Baleigh, N. C FOOD PRICES IN GERMANY ON THE DECLINE AND WHY smmkaav "V Stocks ia Occtpitd Tirritory Exceed Demand; ' BerHa Last To Ott Belief Berlin, Friday, July ll.-(By The Associated Pre.) Ia view ef tha im pending railing of tha blockade, the government' recent actio a ia reducing the price of food etaple I forcing food trafficker to gtt rid of hidden luppllea. As a result a sharp decline in prise 1 reported, from all sections of Germany, lh 'most marked de crease being la the Rheniih tone of occupation, where they btv fallen from 30 to, 80 per cent. A stock ia occupied territory ap parently exceed the demand, large quantities are being thipped ta Berlin, whert good priee (till prevail. Ber lin probably will be tha last tity to en joy appreciable pric reduction, a much of It tuppliet must be shipped long distaaees. It 1 reported from Weimar that the government will exercise active control of Incoming war' material and also ex ports. The latter part of the program it meeting with vigerone opposition in commercial and industrial export eireleo, where It 1 maintained that per sonal laltlatlve would be more success ful; abroad than governmsut control, To clerical ofgss Germany, editorially oppose tka ia jectlo of 'tv.reaaeratle compulsory measures" lata the aatieal economics during thin transitory atagt, and declare that Gernvus commerce "needs freedom." RETURNED SOLDIERS ARE FETEDAT MERRIMON Uerriman. July 12. A porch party was given Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. D. M. Salter, ja honor of the returned soldier and tailor with Mr. Salter brother, Mr. C L Becton, as guest f sonar. . Th gutsts were received by tha Boa teat, Mr. D. M. Baiter, and ushered ia tha large porch which wa decor ated with nags, aad brilliantly lighted with Japanese lanterns. Punch wa served by Mrs. Victor Howard, ef La Grange. Delightful game and contests were indulged In, after which the guests, led by the soldier tad tailor, mtrched in single file, Into the dialsg halt Bere a pleasing address of weleome was de livered by, Jtev. J..M. Carraway, -1 a beautiful gold watch wa preset 1 to the gueat af fsoaor by, little Ju.i Mildred 8eltee-BfreaMaU wr served by Mietat Florence and Kthel Carraway, Lena Ball, gad Mitti Bee ton, after which th gneeta Mtlred to tha parlor and porch whsr tausit was rendered by Miss Xeta Ctrrkway, ( 1 '" 11 . .r Tailor aad dressmaksra thoald have a kindly feeling toward tha tetptnt which ladueed Iv t dagag il tta manufacture af Sg leaf garment. , 111 Fayettevillo Street. The "HAWAIIAN" Price $9.00 Made of Black Patent Leather with 21i-inch full Louis covered heels , se same thing in genuine white kid Priced $11.00 Alee HOSIERY to Match All SHADES of Leather. Walk -Over Boot Shop 117 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Every Cent You Spend FOOLISHLY ' Is BANKED By Someone Why not bank It youraelf 7 It ia your money, Ta it START AN ACCOUNT WITH US WE WILL HELP YOU SAVE Mechanics Savings Bank 'The Clothiers" C ross Tkinkinfl of Clotkes ?, & Linel liieiian vo. c r Hickey-Frceman Schloss Bros, and Style-Plus Clothes Get Acquainted With i tho IS, Houao of Quality r Complete Line of jr t Men's and Boys' " Furnishings V.. See Our New Boys Dept The Leaders SINCE 1889 The Oldest The Best "Ask Dad"-He Knows Phone 82 Phone 82 234 end 236 Fayettewille Street and 4 W. Martin Street O THE PRINCESS Winding Up of Our July Clean-Sweep Sale L- We must Clear Out All Summer MER CHANDISE Regardless of Former Cost or Value to Make Room for our Fall Stocks All CAPES up to $22.50 Clean Sweep Sale Price $7:98 All LAWN end VOILE WAISTS, $1.50 Value Gean Sweep Sale Price 79c All SUITS up to $39.80 Clean Sweep Sale Price $13.98 All Other READY-TO-WEAR at Correspondingly LOW PRICES 4-r THE PRINCESS The Original Shop of Quality 126 FAYETTEVILLE ST. & C u c 0 QJsi. s-- : 4 9 (icP 1. 1 mm I' Take a Load Off Your Mind - Anticipate your coal needs now. Or will you wait until next winter when mines, railroads and delivery' service are taxed to the utmost and yoS may have to plead for coal at top prices, while your family's health is being jeopardized in cold 'rooms? ,1 Is there any percentage in the gamble? The percentage is all in your favor now (fir - v v vai - uvaas 'wa, a v- we.a aaiivi WiVia aaaaarja- there is the quality of coal to be con- . Z3 We are adequately supplied now with tire very; best coal quality that will be very scarce later.' This winter you will pay considerably more for coal of equal heat units and grade. PHONE US TODAY r Wyatt-Smith Fuel Company Bell Phone 2142 orncE k. 1 iuis'Iicildino t: 1 . Ralelfk'PKooelW "'f !--. . -I...- V" vVll " " i 1 v .

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