, .: . MONDAY MOItiC; JULY 14, 1S19, . 10 1 ... . v ,THE NEWS AND OSSEItVER. - . RATE3 lOCcnU 'Fr LINE 11 HELP WANTED MALE WILL TAY SINGLE MAN $49 PER '. month with board and lodging to " work e firm; on with experience ' in tobacco preferred. Doi't writs un . less-yon men business. Address W. C. Powers, Jnneshoro, N. C. 14-2t WANTED THREE CAPABLE MEN TO i manage bottling plants, lad six bot " tltft to operate Foot Crowaing Ma - ' chines,1 nd tbres bottlers to operate Automatic Crowning Machines. Quali-'r- fled parties apply to Pepsi-Cola t'om . , pany, promotion department, New Bern, X. C. U-7t WANTED LINOTYPE f , operators, day work, $3S.OO . "perl wek. Edwards and , ...Broughton Printing Con pur, Raleigh, N, C. 14-3L WA TED-ONE FIRST-CLASS WHITE Barber, 135 and half over or 68 per cent Caa make (30 to .'15 per week. Wirt N. W. Thrower, Lourinhurg, ' N. C. 14-2t WANTED TINNERS AND SHEET metal worker!. Budd Piper Roofing Co., Durham, X. C. 10-7t WANTED i- ALL ROUND MARBLE utter and letterer familiar with pneumatic toola; one capable of man aging thop. flood job; steady em ployment. Apply to Columbus Marble Works, C. C. Moore, Mgr., Whiteville, 5. C. H-7t. WANTED NEWS AGENT UN GOOD train; must be a huitler and furnis'r. $25 cash bond and uniform. Union Xews Co., Rocky Mount, N. C. H-7 WANTED MEN TO LEARN COTTON buaiaeat iu our sample rooms. We also teach thorough correspondence course with type eamplea. (lood openings. Charlotte Cotton School, Charlotte, N. C. 6-7t. WANTEDRULER AND BINDER, who can do good ruling and oc casional job of binding; well equipped, roomy plant, beat city, host opportunity for ambitious young man of Initiative 'n Carolina. Box 974, Charlotte, N. C. fl-7t. . Ill A N T r lit AM EXPERIENCED w-tiftlltsftlA ffrni'iirv llinihn In aork . th city trade. II. H. McCnv Co., a ' Kinstnn. X. C. ll-7t WANTED BARITONE, TRUMBONE, cornet, base and clarinet player for land auction aale band. Steady work ; must be aober. Prefer young men tkst have had service in military band. Write Carolina Realty Co., Raleigh, N. C. ll-7t. WANTED: DISCHARGED 8ULD1ER - o( sailor to solicit subseriptiona all over the State to Every woman's Maga zine; SO per cent commission. Easily mate 110 a day. Adlrcsa Mrs. N. II. Covington, 60S K. Blount St., Raleigh XV C. "? 11-71 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN AND 'CLERK WANTED FOR A LARGE GENERAL STORE AT GREENWOOD, IN ALBE ,MARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. at WILL HE EXPECTED TO . ASSIST THE OWNER IN THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OP THE BUSINESS, AND MUST NAVE HAD PREVIOUS EX TENSIVE GENERAL STORE SERVICE. WILL SELL HALF INTERE9T TO DESIRABLE PARTY BRINGING SATIS FACTORY REFERENCES. AN Nl'AL SAL EXCESS OF $120. 9M.es. ADDRESS "H-oV GREENWOOD, VA. WANTED AT ONCE-TWO PRINTERS fat job and newspaper. Wiro if can til bill. Tree Press, Kinston. I t-'Jt WANTED AT ONCE: WHITE WAITER tot first-class service; good pay. Tay lor's Cafe, Wiljon, N. C. 11-.lt COOK WANTED AT ONCE FOR service la first-class enfs; good pay. . Tsvler's Cafe, Wilson, X. C. 13-3t BARBER: ONE FIRST-CLASS BAR br wanted at once; good job; wire or write, C. P. Moore, Uoldsboro, x.c. , is WANTED AT ONCE: SAWYER FOR aawmill, 12,000 feet rapacity. Must be thoroughly '.capable l set down and keep up mill. I-ocntion 3 miles frost 2 prosperous towns in thickly Settled eountry; 25 miles from Hi leigk. References required. Only first-class men need apply. "M-:i," earn Newt and Observer. l;i-;it WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH Ex perience in bottling buaiues to pur chase half interest in bottling plant tad manage same. Plant located in prosperous section. Apply to Tepsi Cl Co-, Promotion Department, New Beta, X. O. lS-7t. WINDOW TRIMMER WANTED Southern town of thirty thousand. Getd praetie.il trimmer need not be ear writer. Write, giving exper ience, ete., to B. P. Kronheimer, Dur ban, North Carolina. Palnry 1J00 a .yesr. For dry goods and h-adv-to-wear. U.lt - HELP WANTEDFEMALE WANTED PIPIL NURSES, ST. Lake's HoapiUl, New Bern, N. C. Oae of the most modern hospitals in tha State, is desirous of pupil nurses. AppUetnta writs to the Puperinten- -lent. , .7t. WANTED THREE BRIGHT CAPABLE ladles to travel, demonstrate and tell dealers. 23 to i per week. Write or eall Curaminrs Chemical Coi, Cor. Fiftk and Hiekery Sta., W inston alem. X. C. g-7t WANTED TttlO WHITE WAIT teases tttt dining room. X. Constat lna, Tartar, X. 0. 1.1-7t. REFINED. SETTLED WOMAN AS boueekee r far si!l family. All saodera eoaveaiences. Address "L," Postntllea Aei Ka. M7, Oreeaslmro. y-C- - ' IMt. . HELP WANTED I 'Male and Female) RAILWAY MAIL AND OTBE r.nv , rame ele.-k wauted. :,rPf,Jor I ninimwiii ma prepare yon .'for ed.90; a eitrsa. Pittmaa Civil 8riea IV' hoe V WuUBftait, JX a lliifiilil i: E9BR1NG IMMEDIATE RESULT HELP WANTED (Main and Female V TRAVELING MEN, WOMEN, BEST aide line la the world; 11,000 monthly; nothing to sell or carry; in formation only. J. H. Walker, Bout? der, Col. l:M4t WANTED AT ONCE COOK AND housekeeper. White or edlored. Pre fer woman for country home, four miles' of Apex Good wages paid. A. V. Barker, Route 5, Apex, X. C. ' H-lt. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS HUN dreds wanted. l,100-(j00. Age, 18-3J. Experience unnecessary, fcx amiationa everywhere, August 2.1. For free particulars. Write John Leonard (former government exam iner) aS Kquitubla Bldg., Washing ton, .is-at TEACHERS WANTED WANTED MALE HIGH SCHOOL As sistant; teneher for grades 5-6; teacher for grade 7 and part . for Norlina High Hihool; liberal salar ies; good town. Only trained teach ers need apply. C. H. Johnson, prin cipal, Trenton, X. C. IJ-!it. WANTED SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES of N. C. to know tbt the bureaji of Registration and Employment of Teachers of the Department of Edu cation of Routli Carolina has a num ber of experienced University men recently discharged from the army viho want positions. They are well qualified for superintendents and de partmental work. Notify the bureau of your wants. No charges. Jos. II. Hhealy, Registrar, Columbia, 8. C. 14-U WANTED PRINCIPAL AND GRADE teachers for eight mouths school. Ad dress Box B, Mayesvllle, N. C. 10-.rt POSITIONS WANTED POSITION AS AUCTIONEER IN CAR- olina community 1st eJepti-mber ; SO years experience; satisfaction guar anteed. Address "L-4," core of Ni-ws and Observer. 12-7t. TOBACCO WAREHOU8E CLERK, bookkeeper, book or clip carrier. Fifteen yeurs experience. Speed no object. Absolutely sober. Desire oontrnct for season. Address, "Ex pert," P. O. Box riTin, Raleigh, N. C. 1.1-L't "BANKERS, ATTENTION!" HAVE - you a ninn who would like to take his mention any time soon! I have just tin inliod a course hi banking and must have some experience oil a post ing machine. Ho, would like to work for you for about ten days or nioie. A-l references. "M-R,'' c.ire News and Observer. 14-7t. EXPERIENCED PHYSICIAN, MAR ried, just from overseas service, de sires immediate location in thriving town of not less than 3,0o0 inhabit ants. Address "K-5," core News and Observer. 1 l-St YOUNG ARMY OFFICER DESIRES EMPLOYMENT I DESIRE TO BECOME PERMA- nently connected with some aggres sive urganirution that offers advance ment for proven worth and ability. Willing to start nt the bottom. Mil years in the I'. N. Regular Army Private, Corporal, Norgonnt, First Ser geant and riecnnd Lieutenant, Per fect record. Recommendations from two Colonels and two Captains of the Regular Army. High school graduate and one yenr in Mars Mill College Miiis IliU, N. ('. To be discharged about August :tl)tb, 1D19. Address Lieutenant i. I). Craij, Assistant to Superintendent, OITlee Building, No. 1121 W., Camp Grant, Illinois. EXPERIENCED HARDWARE MAN open for position; good references. Married. "1-5," 'nre News and' Ob server. -7t POSITION WANTED BY WIDOW, 1 child of 3, as hounekeeper; domestic nurse, matron or :iny work where child enn be under my nwn'rare. Mrs. I). K. Kusel, Route 2, Petersburg, Vs. -7t TRAVELING MAN OF EIGHT YEARS' experience, wants good, strong line; commission or snlarv basis. Address "K-7," rare News and Observer. 11 -St lOl'NG MAN EXPERIENCED SALES man, wants commission proposition to work in Eastern North Carolina. Prefer territory with Rocky Mount as headquarters. Any good line con sidered. Address Post Oflice Box 3.1, t'linrlotte, N. C. IH-21 WIDOW WITH TWO SONS READY for college desires position as ma tron or housekeeper in mat college. Address "M-2," care News and Ob server. 13-2t YOUNG LADY JUST COMPLETED stenographic course at King's Busi ness College desires position in Ral eigh (at once). Call Phone 15M.' 13-Ht SALESMEN WANTED GOOD LIVE salesman or broker to rep resent an up to date line in this vicinity. Apply Flem ing It Christian Co., Whole sale Oroeera and Manufac turing Confectioners, Rich mond. Va. 10-7t WANTED) SALESMAN WITH CHAR acter and sales ability; a new propo sition with merit that all) lutsresl 701. Write ar tall Cummings Caemi rsl Co., Cor. Fifth and Hickory Sta. Winston-Salem, N. O. S-7t WANTEDS SALESMEN GIVEN EX eluswa territory for 'greatest fuel saver a earth. District manager wanted at oaec. IVrite, wire or eome. Demonstration rooms, 262 Bank street, Norfolk, Va. Vlrginla-CSarolina Mfg. Con M,, WANTED - EXPERIENCED TRAVEL inj salesman, ncii flour, meat and ' xprieced shipping dark and double eatry bookkeeper, Parma neat positions. Good ealarlea. 44 drew Bos N. 41T, Balalgb. it. O. 14-3t v irt.'vf . 4 '.l' t. .-'' 13 j SALESMEN WANTED DISTRICT MANAGER for old Una stock accident and health company; liberal polldel giving com pleta coverage to all wage-earners, both mea and womea. Will make direct home oflice contract with right party ; open territory near you ; write today. National Casualty Co., De troit, Michigan. 10-7t. ONE OF THE OLDEST COM . mission houses in New York would like to bear from reliable mill manufacturing GREY SHEETINGS, TWILLS AND CANTON FLANNELS FOR DOM "TIC AND EXr RT diatributi n, with a view of making arrangements for tha selling agency. All correspond ence will be kept in strictest confidence. KINDLY ADDRESS REPLT with full detaila as to construe tio a manufactured,' production, "department " P. O. BOX NO. 207, NEW YORK CITY AGENTS AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUN ty in North Carolina for the Duplex Hair Cutter, the greatest invention of the age. Just the thing to keep your children's hair in perfect trim at small cost. Can cut your own hair easier than you can shave your self. Just comb your hair and it cuts at the same time. Sample mail ed for (2. Price will soon be 3. Full instructiona with each cutter. A harvest for agents. Send 2 for sample and special terms. "The Du plex Hair Cutter." Box 705, Raleigh, N. C. 5-7t. FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOR SALE TWO 70-SAW COTTON gins, feed system and collector. The fan lias only been used very little; all pipe connections good; outfit worth fiO0. Will take 2W. Alex. Garner, Hnider, N. C. 14-7t I. 8. ARMY TENTS, ltiltxll FEET high, 3 foot wall; guaranteed 12.4 army duck; used, but serviceable; special il9.i)3 each. U. S. army offi cer's wall tents, x9 feet, (25.95 each; 12x12 feet, (29..15 each. V. 8. Army shelter tents, :tJ5 each. V, S. army tent Dies, 12x16 feet, $1.1.95 each. Send cash with orders.1 Write for bargain prices; list army goods all kinds. Bradley Bonded Warehonse Co., (ireenville, S. I'. P-7t. FOR SALE lt-HORSE MOGUL KERO sene oil engine; right size for 80-s.tw gin outfit, or will trade for auto. Box 204, Hendersonville, N. C. 13-2t. FOR SALE ONE SET ATWOOD a Jones Standard Nigger Valves for Hill Nigger. I'scd about two weeks and just as good as new. Address "X-l," r ire News and Observer. 1.1-M. FOR SALE ONE SECOND-HAND American Hod a Fountain complete. One prescription counter and two aide fixtures. Address inquiries to P. O. Box 517, West Durham, X. C. n-:t FOR SALE: TWO aa-SAW W1ND8HIF gins and all system work with bouse complete. Will sell together or sep srite; 3,000 gallon cypress tank and nil oilier fliturea good as new. Ben nett Rowland, Willow Springs, N. C. Cardenas phone. 13-7t FOR SALE A FOUR GOOSR feather bed for sale; a bargain. Phone 12WI. 710 West Peace street. IS-.1t. FOR SALE: SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER, with linotype, first class presses and elecfrie motors. Enterprise, Newton, X. g-7t OFFICIAL LIST OF THE UNITED 8TATE8 FOOD ADMINISTRATION" FOR NORTH CAROLINA FOR SALE MORE TIIAX 20.000 NAMES. IT IX MAILING LIST FORM. I5.00 PER SINGLE" LIST OR r0.00 FOR ENTIRE IvOT OF 115 SETS, INCLUDING MAIL ING MACHINE. D. T. KING. . BOX 2, RALEIGH, N. C. TWO MAILING ' MACHINES FOR SALE TWO NO. 1 HORTON-WING MAILING MACHINES FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. GOOD CONDITION, f IS49 -BACH. L A. MORRIS, CARE NEWS AND - OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C rUeUR Ai E-flXAJSDAKD MAM AY finning oath, consisting of two sev eaty saw gias, press fan, coadsaser, ete. Ia net four persona. Bos (15, : Tarbore, N. C ' , " 9-7t. 104 Per Cent Gain r , . - in' '- News and Observer CLASSIFIED ADS Last Week Over the Corresponding " ; Week Last Year. 'THERE ARE SEVERAL REASONS FOR THIS ' One of the Reasons Road This Letter Z. V. ROBERTSON Virginia Farmers Land Company REAL ESTATE OF ALL KINDS FARM LANDS A SPECIALTY i . . BUcketone, Va-, jAily 12th, 1919. Tlie Xews and Obseirer, ' ' Raleigh, ". C. ' , . Dear Sirs: " - - " I am greatly pleased with results from the advertisements ia your valuable paper. Closing deals to tha amount of 1250,000.00 within the last 90 days apeaka for itself. I do not object to tha people of your section knowing this. , , With let wishes for Tha Newi and Observer, " Very truly yours, Z. V. BOBEBT60N, Blackstone, Va. FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION EQUIP ment. 14x14x1 Wall Teats, Flies, Metal Cots, Bed Sacks, Blankets, Ranges, Cooking Utensils and Dishes, Diaph ragm pumps, N ash-Quad Trucks, Troy Trailers, . Cleveland Tractor. All used three to six months. Ia good condition. Apply Phoenix Utility Company, Bartaville. 8. C. S-27t CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. FOR SALE OR HIRE: 1M HORSES and mules, dump wagons, lumber wagons, transfer wagons and ete, too numerous to mention. My contract baa expired at Naval Bfesa and have no other work to do. E. Ia Williams, S17 Brewer St Norfolk, Va. 8-14t ARMY GOODS U. S. ARMY REFRIGERATORS, Grand Rapids. 500 lbs. ice capacity; two large compartments 11 feet bigh, 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep each. Worth .m00, special 9112.75 each. U. S. REFRIGERATORS, 'C V. HILL, 6 feet high, 5 feet wide, two eompart meats. Ice capacity 500 lbs. Worth 92110.00. Special 75.00. U. 8. ARMY REFRIGERATORS. Alaska, 8 fet high. 5 feet wide, four compartments. Ice capacity 800 lbs. Side feed ice chamber on top. Very thing for markets. Worth 9400.00. 8peeial $150.00. U. S. ARMY COMFORTS, COMMER eial. Used ia bales of 20 each. We sell them as they come from the gov eminent. While they last $25.00 per bate of 20. U. S. OLIVE DRAP WOOL SHIRTS, used but serviceable. A-grade, $14.50 per doien, $1.93 aingly; B-grade, $12.00 per dozen, singly $1.50 each. U. 8. ARMY OLIVE DRAB WOOL Brecehee, used but serviceable. A- gradx, $14.50 dozen, ainglr $2-15 pair; B-grade. $12.00 doxen, $1.95 pair. U. 8. ARMY CANVAS HAVER- sacks with leather shoulder strips, u: d but serviceable. Excellent for camp ing, etc., 95c each. I". 8. ARMY GALVANIZED IRON garbage cans, used hut in good condi tion. For institutions, reetsurnnts. nulla, city health department, ete. Worth $.1.50. Special $1.75 each. U. S. ARMY GALVANIZED IRON water buckets, four grades and sites, 35c, 5V, 75c, $1.00 each. U. S. ARMY LEATHER RUSSET waist belts. Used but in good condi tion, flOc each. ENGLISH KNIFE BAYONETS. Make a flue carving, hunting, fish knife, etc. RhiSicId steel, cost aboni $3.50, each 50c; ateel vabbards to fit this bavonet. each 50c, U. 8. ARMY AXES, VARIOUS weights, from 45c, 5c, 95c, $1.15 each. V. 8. BLOCKED TIN CUPS. NEAR ly new, 4 1-2" diz. 2 1-2" deep, $1.00 doaea. U. 8. BLOCKED TIN CUPS QUART size, 10c each, or $1.00 dozen. ..U. 8. ALUMINUM CUP8, 8" dix. t 1-2" deep. I5e each, $1.50 doxen. U. 8. ARMY BLOCKED TIN FOLD ing meat or aueas pan; used but in good serviceable condition. A aplendid camping atensil. With lid and handle 25c. or $2.25 doxen. ARMY RIFLE, 4J CAU BEAUMONT five shot repeater. Will shoot ball and shot cartridges, standard ammunition. U. M. C, $9.50 each. MANILA ROPE, ALL SIZES. IN splendid condition, 5e pound. IT. 8. ARMY FOLDING CANVAS cots, used but serviceable, $2.95 each. U. 8. ARMY STEEL COTS, USED but serviceable, $.1.95 each. U. S. ARMY TICKET SELLING MA chine, nearly new) adjustable 2,000 tickets. Special $99.00. S.9M PIECES ASSORTED U. S. srmT ensmelwsre. EVERYTHING FOP. COMMIS SARIES, CHAIN GANGS, CAMPERS, ETC SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ARMY OOD3 OF ALL arsajre s svsiiaj. ' WE DEAL IN ARMY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. Terms Cash only. U. & Govern ment requires us ta pay cash when we buy. No C.OJX ardera accepted. Money back if not satisfied. BRADLEY BONDED WARE HOUSE CO., GREENVILLE, 5. C FOR SALE A COMPLETE SET OF beak fixtures for small bank. Almost aa good as newt will sell cheap. Also one Urge iron safe for aala. Address H-a," ears Xews and Observer. S-7t. WANTED (Miscellaneous) WANTED SMALL PAPER CUTTER for job OSes. Box 340, Tatboro, X. C. -l!-t- WANTED TO BUY A LIGHT WEIGHT Tenoner with ball beariag Uble, Ad dress Box 701, Raleigh, K. O. l4-3t 3. Ik HAWTHORNE WANTED (Miscellaneous) WE WANT SAWMILL MANv WITH two or three small portable sawmills to contract to cut 15,000,000 feet of timber. Jeffreys, Myers Mannfae rag Co., Oxford, N. C. 11-St. WANTED: 29 CARS OF TOBACCO sticks, 5-8 x l"x 4 1-2; phone or wire ' us your best price for immediate shipment. Hardys 4 Xewsom, LnG range, N. O. 8-7t WANTED GUM AND POPLAB LOGS. Twelve, fourteen and sixteen-foot lengths; eash when loaded on tars. Denny Veneer Company, High Point, X. C. 17-50t. WANTED ONE MEDIUM SIZE SEC ond hand fire-proof safe. Address W. T. Meadows, Treasurer Town of Williamston, Williamston, N. C. 9-7t. WANTED QUICK DOUBLE OIL tank, suitable for hauling kerosene and gasoline. If mounted on motor truck of standard make, could use that. Capacity of tank, 300 to 900 gal lons; must ba bargain. G. G. Edger ton Ron. Kenly. N. C. ll-7t. WANTED: 3 COPIES OF THE XEWS AXD OBSERVER OF MAY 8, 2 COPIES OF MAT 23 AND 3 COPIES OF MAY 80. D. T. KING, '". MAILING ROOM, NEWS AXD OBSERVER. CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. WANTED AT ONCE: TO RENT A Bank Vault Door for temporary use, possibly one to three months'. Have bought new door, but cannot get it before we ars ready to open our doors for hanking business, which will be about August 1st. First National Bank. Rpring Hope, X. C. 8-7t ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentlemen, near Union Ststion. Phone 941-R., J 13-2t Nicely Faraiahed Room; Convenient to Bath. Near Bearding Honaea. 119 SO. DAWSOX STREET. FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM AND kitrkenette, completely furnished for light housekeeping; bath connection; close in. Phone 720. H-7t. HOUSES, APARTMENTS Wanted WANTED TO RENT A TO I ROOM house. "M l," ears News and Ob server. 1.1-M BOARD BOARD AND ROOMS, REASONABLE rates, 528 Fayetteville street. I2-2t WANTED BOARD WITH PRIVATE family; one large front room with bath for couple. Cbickamanga Trust Company, phone 718. 10-7t. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FINE FARM OF 298 ACRES ON Bankhead National Highway, 3-4 of a mile from McKinney, Va a growing tawa and tobacco market; 1-2 mils from graded high school. Oas nice dwelling, and two tenant housis, and all necessary outbuildings. About caa hundred fruit trees; 80 acres in good stats of cultivation and balance in yoang timber. For a quick sals at $45 per acre. Apply to T. 8. Crow der, McKenney, Virginia. lMt. FOR SALE 799-ACRE FARM, 199 acres ia cnltivatioa; 400 acres easy to clear; 6 good tenement houses, one 5-rooia dwelling; good barns and stables all ia good condition; land ia high stats of cultivation For par tieulara address or call aa C. H. Bryan. Pollohseille, X. O. 10-7t LAND FOR SALE A 299-ACRat FARM. 11 TO 2$ MIN utei rids from New Bern, kaowa as tha Basset-Golden Oak Farm. This land will produce eottoa, son and tobacco,. Last year'a crop 1,200 pounds, which told at aa average of between $5. and $000 per acre, Thia property was bought ia 1919 before tha advance ia the prica of real es tate, aad lierefore caa bo arid at t a t4ms st--fcarfaiar-rot terms aad prices, write THE LANE LAND COMPANY "v: Grosaville, V. C ' 1Mb. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAIN FOB A QUICK SALE) 127 acre farm at only $30 per acre; en Bankhead NationJ Highway, i 1-2 miles from XIcKinnsy, Va., a. grow ing towa and tobacco market; 1 1-2 ilea from graded school; about SO ; seres la cultivation; balance ia tim ber. 'For farther information ap ply, to T. 8. Crowder, McKenney, Va. .. ll-4t. . VIRGINIA FARM LAND BARGAINS "SABGAIN NO. 1. THBEE HUNDRED ACRES OP LAX 3, practically all tillable, ia tha best Bright Tobacco section of Virginia. One mils from depot on aplendid road; well watered by creeks and springs; ao gravel. Improvements consist of two tobacco burns, four tenant houses and other outbuild ings in good condition. Convenient 1 to high school and ehurehes. Nine room residence, which would cost $","00.00 to erect; hardwood-4Wrs, Situated in a pretty grove- Terms: Oue-third cash; balance from one to five years, secured by first mortgage bearing 0 per cent, in terest. Sufficient wood and timber to take cars of farm and outbuild ings. Drice, $15,000.00. BARGAIN NO. 2. FIFTY-FIVE ACRES, GOOD 7-BOOM houne, barn, sheds and other out buildings in good condition; six miles from Richmond. Forty acres tillable and soil especially adapted to Bright Tobacco. Terms: One third cash ; balance payable in three years. Price, $3,500.00. BARGAIN NO. 3. THREE HUNDRED ACRES, 200 Till able, 40 miles from Richmond, on good road; accessible to schools, stores sad churches. Splendid 9 room house, large cattle barn and other necessary outbuildings in good condition. Three miles from railroad station. Soil is a red clay loam, adapto4 to heavy tobacco, grasses and grain erops; good cat tle farm. Terms: One-third cash1; balance payable from one to five years; deferred payments bearing 0 per cent, interest. Price, $1.1,500.00. BARGAIN NO. 4. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, 150 IX CUL tivation; quantity of growing tim- , ber, within 30 miles of Richmond, in excellent community. Accessible to schools, stores sod churches; excellent eclnniat type of 10-roora residence and outbuildings. This property will double in valu3 if properly handled, within threo years' time. Terms: One-third cash; balance in one to five years. Price, $10,000.00. E. F. SCHMIDT & CO-, INC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. 20 X. 8th St. Phone Randolph 2180 RICHMOND, VA. 1,99. ACRE FARM IN JOHNSTON county. 600 acres cleared; excellent buildings; good neighborhood. This is one of the best tobacco farms in county. 405 acres near Clayton; about 300 cleared; good buildings and neighborhood. 150 acres near Smith field; good buildings and barns. We have a number of other farms for sale. Carolina Realty Company, Ral eigh, N. C. 8-7t. 475-ACRE FARM, S MILES WEST OF Raleigh on Durham road; good house, stable nad barns. Will sell at bargain. Carolina Realty Company, Rnleigh, N. C. 8-7t. FOR SALE: 17-ACRE FARM; 1 1-2 mile to depot; good land; buildings and water; joins Tucker Farm. Ad dress "L-3," care of New! and Ob server. 12-.1t. A BIG BARGAIN IN TIMBER FIF- teen million feet long and short leaf pine; slso bargain in cut over land, aeven thousand acres for fifty thou sand. Liberal terms. Also one of the best large farms in Eastern North Carolina. For full detaila address P. O. Box No. 2, Rose Hill, X. C. 1.1-2t FOR SALE 17-ACRE FARM ONE AND ne-half miles of Fair Grounds and car line; one-half mile to depot; good land; buildings and water; joins Tucker Farm. Address "L-3," care of Xews and Observer. 13-.1t. SEE THIS BARGAIN, BEFORE YOUR neighbor buys it, contains S80 acres fine land, 250 cultivation, balance in wood and timber, five miles two rail roads,' on good improved road, near schools, churches, fine neighbors. Fine twelve room dwelling, double front porch, good hack porches, clos ets, etc., in a No. 1 condition, beauti ful lawn; a fine home, good stock barn, sheds, tobacco barnes, etc., a real homo aad a real bargain. Don't ' miss this, you'll never be able to duplicate it again, it Is worth twice the money asked for it. Write for a complete description of it, or come at oace to see it. Get our new cata log of farms. THE REALTY COMPANY OF VIRGIN'A, INC., Blackstone, Va. l.1-8t NICE COUNTRY HOMES FROM TEX to 1,000 acres, at $13 to $40 per sere. Excellent band for general farming, . grsTa, grass and bright tobacco. Ex cellent schools, churches and roads. Owing to tha cheapness of our lands, the North Carolina people ars pour ing In and bnying them np. Write to Z. V. Robertson, formerly of North Carolina, Blackstone, Va, Box 343. 13-7t CHEMICAL TOILETS APPROVED BY ' State Board of Health. For catalogue! apply John Ramihaw, Bicks Hotel, Rocky Mount. 13-7t FOR SALE SUMMER HOMaf AT Morehead City, N. C, completely' furnished. Eight room house, two hath rooms, double porches. Most desirable location facing tha water. Beautiful view ef tha Sound and Beaufort Inlet. L. C. Blades, Elisa beth Citv. N. C. 13-3t REAL ESTATE WANTED WE SUBDIVIDE AND SELL CITY, suburban aad farm property at aue- ' tioa. Wa guarantee satisfactory re suit to owner. -Let a hear from yea today. Givo details. Atlantis Dsvetop- . meat Company, Box 33, Fayatteville, K. C 9-7U REAL" ESTATE WANTED LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELt . YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. Wl G UARANTEE SATISFACTORY BE - 8ULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND "TRUST CO RALE1CH. If. C .-" - -r- ' iz-n WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER, FARM ia Eastera North Carolina, contain ing two to five hundred acres. Host be well located with plenty of road frontage and necessary baildinga. Bon 302. Raleigh, N. C. S-7t, WBITE US ABOUT SUB-DIVIDING and selling your farm at auction. ' Wa get yea best results. E. SC. Aa- " drews, Manager, Greensboro, N. C. 10-71 f LET US SUBDIVIDE . AND 5E1L YOUR FARM AT AUCTIONj-WE GET RE SULTS. CAROLINA REAL TYCO, RALEIGH, N. C 13-n LIVESTOCK POULTRY FOB SALE-ONE BLACK PERCH E ron stallioa; registered with The Perrheron Society of America. Ad dress P. 0. Boi No. 72, Aurora, N. C ' - 11-7 FOR SALE FRESH MILK COW. AP ply J. J. Buffalo, Bouts 5, Raleigh, X. C. s-7t. IF YOU HAVE LIVE STOCK, PET stock, poultry, eggs, insert aa ad wa der this heading and it will reach over 100,000 well-to-do people. SEEOS AND PLANTS FOR SALE MULTIPLIER ONION buttons and roots. Ons quart, 15c; peck, $1.20; bushel, $4.00. Southern, prize turnip seed, 1 lb., $LO0. July and August time to plant. Marlboro Farm Faison, X. C. 1 13-11 PRIZE FLAT DUTCH CABBAGB AND Carolina Short 8tem collard plaata for sale at Bowland and Rogers, Raleigh, or G. U B. Penney, Boats 1, Raleigh. Cabbage plants, 25 cents for 100; $2.00 for 1,000. Collard plants, 20 cents for 100; $1.80 per 1,000. In large lots, $1.00 for 1.000. 10-7t. 8NAP BEANS BURPEES STRING- less Gree Pod, Black Wax, 75 cants Quart, noatnaid. Job P. Wratt is SonsTSfc. Rnleiirh. N. C. S-Tt. PRODUCE GROCERIES FOR SALE 159 BARRELS OF NICK Irish Cnbler potatoes at $5.00 per bar rel f. o. b. Ayden, X. C. Check witfc order. Will aell as a whole or less. H. G. Mumford, Ayden, X. C. 14-7t GUBERNUT FEED MEAL GUBER nut Feed Meal best food on earth for hogs and cows highest ia protein and fat $34.00 per ton. Cash with or der. Winston Grain Co., Winston, X. C. 13-7t CANTALOUPES $2J AND fl.N PER crate. Geo. U. McKay, Maiton, X. C. 13-7t "SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES" WB offer Sugar Houss Molasses guaranteed. to keep during summer; 6 gallon kegs, 65c gallon ; 10 gallon kega, 60s gal lon; 30 gallon kegs, 50e gallon. Cash with ordr. Winston Grain Co, Win ston, N. C. 9-7t. FOR SALE 199 BUSHELS MIXED row or field peas at $4.00. X. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, X. C. 0-12t AUTOMOBILES For Sale Wanted) FOR SALE LIBERTY SIX TOURING ear; good condition. Can ba seen at Motor Service Co. 13-3 BIG BARGAIN 7 -PASSENGER. CAR; excellent condition; will take boads, stamps, cotton or cash. North Caro- line. Sales Co. 12-St, WANTED A USED LIGHT CAR, FOB cash. No junk. Box 55, B. No. 1, West Durham, X. C. 12-St AUTOMOBILE OWNERS ATTENTION. County agents wanted to sell tha Stransky vaporizers. Saves one-third of gasoline. Easily attached to ears. Instructions accompany. Belli on demonstration. Prevents carbon. Ia ereasci speed. Vaporizes 30 to 50 per cent more of gasoline than without it. Hig profits. Sample and instructions, $2. First cash order gets territory. J. E. Avent, Enat Radford, Vs. S-7t LOOK FOR THE HANSON SIX. WANTED ONE FORD AUTOMO bile body, five passenger, either now or second-hand, if in good condition. Address Alviu A. Edwards, Grey stone, N. C. li-is LOST FOUND STOLEN TEN DOLLARS REWARD FOB IX formation leading to recovery of Dodge touring car, No. 36230, owned by J. R. Goiter, Raleigh. Aahby Lambert. Atty., Balcigh. J3-7 LOST: BRACELET WATCH WED nesday evening between Raleigh Ho tel and Fuquay Springs whils on n "hay ride party. Reward. Hatura to Xews and Observer. ll-St LOST LEATHER NOTE BOOK SAT urday erening, containing cards ani , information valuable only to owner. Finder send contents and keep book. C. J. Tallman, Louiabnrg. X. C. 14-U CLEANING PRESSING 7 CALL BELL PHOXI ITU OR RAL eigh Pboaa 80S if you want ysur suit cleaned, pressed or repaired. Tko Jsmestown Tailoring Company. BUILDING MATERIAL FOB SALE XO. 1 B. C L CEDAR shingles. All heart and clear; so de fects, $0.50 pr 1,000, f. o.' b. earn, Apex, X. C. Sample mailed on ro fwt. I R. Olivs, Apex, K. C. S-int. BIDS WANTED SEALED BIDS WANTED FOR ROAD constrnctioa: Tha board of coanty commissioners for Pamlico county wiU, until Mondsy, July , 1919, at 12 o'clock, ssu, at Bsyboro, X. C, re ceive sealed bids for tha eoastme tioa of seven miles of dirt road. In eluding tha clearing of right ef way; the said road to be of standard grade ' and width. Tha count Mnma Ska right to either receive or reject said bids.- rurthes- information wiit be--- furaiabed pon request by the nader- signed, July S, 1319. Z. Y. Bawls, , county, attorney. 11Xj fi