i i TIC bvS AI.D OCSSRVZR. ; r.:o:,T)AY KorjG, july u mtv L-.IV. r t tE PUT oiiiiiuini PLANS READY FOR BUILDING PROGRAM Eig Welcome Awaits Returned Soldiers On Richmond' I - Home Cpming Day T " r; -VtV . lockinghtJn. July, H. BepreetBta , liven ef a deeoratiag company were la . lioeaingheii Betarday arranging, for the decora tkia (or the city oa th oeca . aiea af tt big eelebratiea to th Rich mond coenty eervie bub atit Friday. Thia eoanpaay baa tha contract for dae ' orating tha principal atrecte, and tha feree' win Wgia aetlva work Tuesday .aaerntag.. All plant-new are,la anal ihapa for tke eeiebretioa. Tweaty theuaaad peo ple ara expected,- Tha city will ba ia . gala attire, aad ia prepared to giro tha Voya a royal welcome. It will ba tha - biggest eeat ttagsd ia tola aatira - tiea. .. Governor Bkkett and thret" colonel of North Carolina regiment will ba - tha apeaker Colonel Minor, Colonel alette aad Coloael Scott Captala B. J. fiauader will give atrial eshibitioae at S o'clock, flying ear free Papa Field, 60 mile dittant. At IM tha Camp Bragg team will Una ap against tho atrong local aggregation. : Tha day's areata will be capped by a (tract dance .beginning at 9:30. Bpaee will ba roped off for tie old-fashioned faqunre" daaee aad a apaca for other 4aaeea. linen iaterett li being mini felted ia tail daaca which ia given ia honor of tha service men. Large num ber of tha dancing folk from Hamlet, aad neighboring townt, ara coming, and Ithia feature will be a mort attractive - aae. It la managed by William Leak aa juat Diggt, Tha day'a program will begin with a : -Mad concert at 9:30 by two band, tha Boekingham aad the Iecniorlee band f Monroe. Tha parade atarti at 10:30, fully ISO floate, decorated automobile . and vetlelee will ba ia line. Tha Con federate veterans will ride at guettt of - aoaor. After tha ipeaking, the bar be cot diaaer will ba nerved, of barbecued -aacata, Braaawick rtew, ire cream, 'watermelon, etc. All in all, a big pro free aae been arranged, and a big we! tome await the people. MUCH EXCITEMENT WHEN v PLANE FORCED TO LAND ... awaaasnanw , Wlleaa.July II. Two bo.vt were fined try "Squire W. B. Wood i23 each for tpeediag aad reck lest driving. Thev appealed to the Buperior Court and are boats of 1100 for their onpearance They claim, that they were testing out a feeter track which wat turned over and injured. For the test the machine was 'taken -aut in tha country aad passing 'tp a road to the annoyance of the - neighborhood partiea fired pistols in the air to frighten them but they kept tip tka reekleea speed, after s nick war rant were aworn out for their arrest. ; Tka following member of the Wllann Tira Company, have gone to attend the State Firemen' Convention at Aahe .yille: Need hum Herring, B. l Wilson, ' A. A. Xuffin, Frank Farmer nnd. How4 . ArdAdkiaa. : Saturday afternoon one of fhret navy planet that ware heading for the land ing ield at the country club, while hov nring over the farm of Mr. John Owen font aad half mile eait of thia city, . wat fereed t land oa account of the gat tupply becoming exhautted. Not Knowing what the trouble wtt with the , "birdmaa'' Held handt for a milt around went to tho rewue and by the time the plana had 1 nettled in Mr. Owena' cotton patch teveral hundred ate women 'and children had aur fiaaded it trampling down eonaider obls rottoa. After tha machine had .kea gaated tha crowd puahed it to the alait of n kill and it "hopped off." HAMLET NEEDS ANOTHER i BUILDING FOR SCHOOLS ' Hamlet, July 13. On account of the crowded condition of the Hamlet public r , krhoola it kat been uercmary to pro Vide additional room. Tha eonimiition art kavt approved tha plan of building tomporary wooden building of fcur raoma an tka high ackool ground, and Work kaa boea commenced on the build- The camaniaaioBera aleo ditcutted the " bniMing af another large brick achool , tmlldiag, and plant will be made to build tkia by tho opening of the lf20 . aeeelea. - There kaa been a revival of building la Hamlet, la addition to a large cot ton gin being treeteoV by W. H. Ban dera, N. B. Jeaerette aad B. Stark aad large brick a to re building being aroeted by J. B. Benderton, tkera ara 17 dwelling being a reeled. Among tha new enterprise of Ham let ia a real attatt aad iaturaace buai iaat by Mr. H. T. Proeaar, who wat for aitrly iaduttrial ageat for tha Seaboard M Hamlet, lfr. Proater wat for tomt ttmt witkvtba Federal Land Bank at Columbia, joining tka army laat ytar. After aecuriag kia dlaeharge, ka de- - tidod ta locate at Hamlet. SC0TUND COUNTY ALUMNI ORGANIZE ASSOCIATION " Laurinburg, July 13. Dr. J. & Tor ? Bet, ttudent pattor at Waka Forest Callage, apant Thursday and Friday ia - Laurlaburg and Scotland County vit- - itug Waka Foreat alumni, and Friday night at Lanriaburg wat argaaized tha . Bcotlaad County Attoointioa of Wftkt I Fareat Alutani. W. H. Weatherspoon - in proeident af tka attaelation, C. L, Moore, aeeretary, aad J. H. Jonea, , treaaurer. Dr, Turaer pretenttd tha program Waka Foratt alumni kava map- - pad ant for the future at Waka Forest, aad thia program it unique for mort reatoat than oaa. No other college, f ft) f knowa,' U tka 8outh Am adopted tka itudaat-paator via a. orriczu bkskitb corps oxi - Of TBI BIO ASSETS Of TBI Wit ". Watkiagtta, July lS-Army affleere , peiat to tka new officer reserve eorpt aa ana of tka big attatt obtained from tka war. Tka eorpt now numbert mora tkaa aSOA membera, auffieiaat aa tha . baaia at 1 affiter ta Z0 men ta famish tka eemmiationed aenoael af an army af toow urncer ia - tha - higher grade include M eolenel, 1M Ural an- aat anlaaali and S.JM maiort. :.r ' -: , Tkera ara aa file 24,117 applieationa for nppaUtawat at af men a tka regu lar amy. Work Will Start Soon on New Structures For Caswell Training School amnwM taa Kinaton, July 11. Blueprint for at eiteusiva building program at the Cat well Training School art to ba made during the next few days. Fundt avail able from 8tate ' aad insurance at buraed building give tht Institution approximately-1325,000 for construc tion and reconstruction, it la aaid tt tha tekool. Two dormitoriea were buried ia area of incandiary origin laat winter, when pyromaaia edited a number of feeble minded boya and girlt thera. At lea at three big dorml toriet Bra to bt erected shortly. Tht plant will be considerably larger than before. Approximately 00 children kava been cared for at tka eehool in the pttt. This Cay Waa Oa Tka Job. Choctaw Indian telephone operator wko foiled German lliteaert-ln at tht battle of the Argonne by naing their native langungt, which of all lingoes no Hun could understand, aaid little of an edge on si!jkinnd Americana who in aa extremity fell back on "good old United BUtea talk," according to a Kinttonian eojoaralng at Chautau qua, N. Y Where thousand gather at this teaaoa to be educated. A story told there it that a a American toldlcr wat trying to catch a defaulter. For tomt ration it waa necessary that thii aa well aa information of a more strictly-military nature be kept from the Germane, fiammie eould think of no language that could be expected to baffle the threwd Heinle llnquisti who at nearly tit timet had their win systems connected with tht Americans. Finally he recalled the dope of the baseball diamond; and seat thia acre's: "The main guy hat twiped the apoadu lix and beat it. We are left on the hum because ka kept tka account la hi bean.", ROANOKE RAPIDS FOLKS WELCOME SOLDIERS HOME Boanoke Rapids, July IS. The Ba rem Class of the Roanoke Bapid Bap tist Church, neting in tht capacity ef welcoming host, delivered on Thursday night such a glad reception to the re turned soldiers of the community aa will long be remembered among tht pleasant eventa of the town. Rev. A. O. Moore, pnltor of the Bap tist church it Clayton tnd a recently released trmy chaplain, who sow ser vice overseas, was the invited speaker. Hi discourse was realiitio aad impas sioned with the recollection of personal experience of war tragedy and vietory. A Urge number of men in khaki lis tened attentively And a crowded he use of civilian folk gave ttrneat heed to Mr. Moore'a message. After the conclusion of Mr. Moore's address, an invitation was given by Mr, Jj,,W. House, teacher of the Bible ciott, to Ihe soldiers and ether invited guettt to gather about tn extended ta ble steaming with delieioua bruaswiek ttew. . At pre-dinner talks, words of wel come were delivered by Mayor J. T. Chase aad Bev. . C. Few, and a fining response waa made by N. W. Nor wood, one of the men of valiant ser vice. Bev. A. G. Carter, paitor of Rosemary Bnptint church, invoked a blowing of divine thinks, and every hind was quickly turned to the entic ing reault of Mr. W. D. Tillery' cook ing. Appropriate and stirring music by the Boanoke Bapids hand gave to the occasion an added pleasure. WEEKLY COTTON REVIEW New Orleane, U, July 13. Last sek in tha eottoa market tka range of pxice was more tbaa two cens n pound and the close was ner tb top, the act ive months showing net gaina of 211 to 233 points. July rote to 15.35, tht high est price ever mad in the kiatory of contract trading. In tha enrly part of tht week the continued rain in the eastern belt were tht main buying ia fluonce but kighett price were vide on the announcement of the lifting of the blockade agninit Germany. Larger exports, the settlement of the Lancashire mill atrike, mere tonnage and easier ocean freight rate and tha extremely favorable aceounta from the dry goods markets of this country ton tributad to the strength ef tkt market. Thia week tie main thing at nrat will be tha effect of open trading with Ger many. Bulliah trtdert tkink thia will stimulate tka export movement and the ipot demand In tht South but bttrith traders teem to bt ef the opinion that much cotton already hie beta bought Indirectly for Gorman account and that no Immediate or severe buying pressure will be ftlt in order to supply tht imme diate need i of that country. Weather conditions will be a fsature et bardly eeeoadary importance be cause of tka claims from many sections of tht belt tbat the crop ia doing better, under a tmalltr rainfall. Tha weekly reports oa Wednttdty will probably be regarded at among tht moat important ef tha trop review tbua far this tea ton. 1 Tht ipot demand will be tleeely wttehtd, partly oa aeeenat ef tht tltu ation in Germany and partly because ef the thtory htld la aome quarters that the buyiag of the aetbal Hull will be stimulated oa tha part af both Eng lish and domettle tplnntr new that the tompetitioa af mllle ia tka eeatral coun triet of Europe ie te be felt tnet mere. FINANCIAL REVIEW in i in .' . 'V New York, July ll-Oreatr lidut trial aad mercantile activity, i akarp dvinea ta rait loan ta auotitlent ap proximating tke year i highest rstss, tie banker this movement emphasised the a ted for early eoaplttlea af tka plaa to effect Europe's financial rekabilita- tion. " v. v . Tke Pretidtnt'a address ta tke Senate waa made tke eeeatioa ef a bear attack but prices rallied easily ia ieauee which haVe beea the special object! ef epeca lative attention - for - the . past . four montka. - ' - ' . . ' From the viewpoint ef tke investor, the most diaappointing feature waa tha further backwardness of high gride rails aad tke failure of tha bono market te reflect more than n moderate mid-year inquiry. Latest official id vices thow a down ward revision ef estimate for tome et the principal . crop, especially wheat, but the prospective yield premltoa to exceed by fully 100,000,000 buthtlt tke kigk record, for four yean ago. MANY TROOPS ARRIVE IN N. Y. FROM OVERSEAS Kew Tork, July 13. Four transports arrived here today from Brest witk 13,000 troopt, the Cap Finitterre bring ing 24)701 the cruiser Pueblo 1,889; the cruiser Bt. Louis 1,483 aad tht Im- perator 9,432. ' Troopt aboard tha Cap Finitterre in eluded unit oftht 113th Service Flo aeer Infantry, the majority of whose men bail front Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia ltd Tennessee. Units of tha 341st service battalion, including men from Virginia, Texas, Alabama, and New York, aad a contingent of casuals among whom wis Major General Wil liam H. Hay. Tht Cap Finitterre also brought 167 "war brides." Criticism of the port authorities at Brest were voiced by army officers, 1,000 of whom arrived in the ship't steerage. They declared the transport had been overcrowded. Casual units aboard the Imperator were reported at irom Pennsylvania Virginia, Tenntstet, Ohio and North Carolina. Of tht cssuils returning on the Pue bio were 600 loldlen classified unoffi cially as "Bough Neck of tha A. E. F..' who had been detained overseas t pun ishment for violttiona ef military regu lations. Big Soldier Among 'Em. Motor truck company 4, in command of dpt. J. U Londtree, of Lynchburg, va., brought home Sergeant L. W (Babe) Child, tit feet four inehet tall, weighing 300 ponndi, witk 27 yea re ter vice ia the army. THOMAS R. SYKES, VETERAN DIES AT SOLDIERS' HOME Wilmington Mas Who Served With Barrinrer's Brigade Will Be Buried Today RESTORATIOIi OF TRADE IN GERiyiANY Mr. Thomas B. Sykes, a Confederate veteran, died at the Soldier's Home here yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, He was in his 75th year. Mr. Sykes waa born in Wilmington May 1, 184o, and entered tha Comfed erate army, with Genera! Rarringer brigade, oa February 22, 1862, serving until the end of the wr. He waa one of the most beloved men nt the Bold ier a Home. Surviving him ia n brother in Wil mington and a son, Judge ' Robert H nykes, of Dtrrhtm. He also leaves an adopted daughter, Mist Lula Shelley, Of Wilmington. The body will he carried to Wilming ton on the Southern train this morn ing, and the fuaeral will be held in that city at 8 o'clock this afternoon Interment will be in Oakdnle cemetery there. .'X Resumption Between Occupied Territory And Interior of Germany (By tht Associated Press 1 Coblcax, Saturday, July 12, The la ter-allied Bhlnelnnd eoramitaiou today Itsued a notice to eiviliana in the oc cupied areas that trade would ba re established immediately between tke Interior of Germany and the occupied trae under certain restrictions. Thia action wat taken after official aotifice- tton from Faria that the blockade kad been lifted. Under the orders of the commission the importation of arms into the Rhine- land is forbidden. Shipments or coal and eokt would continue under preeeat regulations. Tho commission aa ed that it would prohibit) except eial permit tke removal ef 20.000 tows of ilyeituffs and chemical -predueta in the Bbineland. The conditions provide thtt SO per cent of the 20,000 tent may be purchased by tht lilies if they desire it. Ninety per cent of all the dyea made in Ger many were manufactured oa the left bank of the Bhine before the war. PARIS CELEBRATES THE COMING OF PEACE Paris, July 13. Celebration of ths coming of Ponce, which will reach ita climax ia tha victory parade of Allied soldiers on Monday, the Mtionji noii dny of France, be gnu last night. Sol diers aad civilians partieipaed ia open air dancing throughout e nllit in tbt public squares bedecked for the victory fete. American soldiers wore very popular at dtneing partners aad despite the inclement wenther, joined with ths girl of Paria ia the intricacies of tango etept on the wet asphalt pavemcat of the Plact de la Bourse, the Placo de la Bepubliqut and tke Place de la Ma deleine until the early hour Sundiv. In tht shadow of the Are de Tritmplie sad-eyed nnd blicked-garbcd widows aad orphans gathered to watch ttt or me might be free and that tke cruel kind ef Praasiunttm might not hold away ever tkia, the lead ef the free and the hem of the brave. : ; We premised eur bnyt wkra they re turned tbat we wouldjiava nothing toe good for them. Have we kept ear prom iee to thensf Not to we fear.- v ' , Our bleed waa made to boil a few day ago ia , tha city of lumbertoi when we aaw tke treatment eoeorded tkree of eur returned soldier. Tbt last General Assembly created the office of Superintendent of Public Welfare for each eouaty. The duties ef aaid officers, we presume, are known to all. In Bobe ton Mr. Walter Smith, one of our most effieirst rent policemen, wnt being urged by (nuny te apply for the place. Learning tkat n soldier boy was aire an aspirant. Mr Smith snvs. "No. I woa't be tn the race; 1 won't stand In the way ef aay returned soldier," tbua showing ke appreciated their great snrridre. On. Monday, July 7tk, the aforearld Superintendent was to be elected jointly by the Board of County Commiaeionera and Board of Education. The aspirant were ' John Gilbert Conoly, tf Bed Springs, n returned soldier liny frt.m nver mm. far Atkee rAiia mldlev hnvn "eraod air. W. r. McAlitter, one of Luia "J ape-Ybprton'a leading and most successful merchant. As wt all know both boards jointly- wonlit hafe eight votes. Mr. Julia W. Wtrd, of Rowland, who is chairman of the Hoard, of County com mist loners, was elected chairman of this joint meeting. The voting wnt by bal lot, tke irat ballot resulting as follows: Mr. Conoly received four tote nnd "r, MrAlister four, the csnirmnn, John W. Ward, voting for Mr. McAliWer. Thi of eourve, caused a tie. Tho chairman, John W. Ward, voted again, thus giving MeAlister five votes nnd Conoly four, a total of nine votes east lv eight men Contrary waa this voting ef the chair man, John W. Ward, tn nny use or usage, as well as to parliamentary nw, Thee, Mr. .Kditor, are faets and they are stubborn things, yet Mr. Ward says he did right, aad no doubt thinks Bohc eon's fifteen hundred soldiers should support him for office next time he runs. We have nnthinr arninst Mr. MpAliater. ! w are his friend, but ns we have tuid, Mr. MeAli"- is a successful business man with at. established business nru does not need the position. Mr. Cnnolv it the .ton of n widow and (s the sole dependence of his mother nnd sister, When CneJ am entered the verb! wnr be did not claim riemption on the ground of dependents, he gave un a good position, hade farewell to mother, sister, homo and loved one r.nd offered his all. Now he comes hack to his home and friends, whose fireside he went to defend and through his friend aoked An Old workmen fin ink the erectioa Cenotaph in memory of those who dwu ! for thli jitioB-aad received the treat- fighting in the war. The boulevard Champs El) sees nnd meat we have described. We wish to say in concluding that the line of march were crowded all day young Conoly is a college mnn. 8undav and were still crowded t ..iehi The best of the vantage points wm lngly will remnin "occupied until the parade atartt at S:S0 o'clock tonierr..w morning. Families bringing their lunci hoxea with them are ramping in the Champa Elyteet and around the Plare da l'litoile, where they are keeping company with the spcial night guard i over the Cenohiph to the dead in the war. I n nil the squares of the line of march the gaiety which we dernp ened Saturday night by the rain m ift full vent tonight, the most cosmo politan crowds thtt ever celebrated France's National holiday dancing nnd singing to the music of more than a hundred- band Bad owhaaUn-. .. REGISTERS COMPLAWT. pable as any man in North Carolina. A young man held in the highest esteem by nil who know hini -be is both ag gressive aad progreuive. lie had the en dorsement of lesding eitixens st home and in other sections of hi county, but with Chairman Ward they counted for nothing. Thi ia the way we have kept our promise to nt IcaM one soldier boy donn ia the good old countv of Buhennn. If it is an honor thus tn treat them we want penrde to know it, if it is not, we are equally anxious in order (list we may keep hifory straight. . Very truly, J. X. Bl' IE. Bed Springs. K, C. more adverse movement et exchange against London and Paria aad the Preaideat'a delivery af tha peac treaty ta tke Be aate were tha aatitindlng fac tors of aaetatr bary week la tbt stock market Expantioa ef general trade wai most clear - thowa tn enlarged bank clear ing, tka lurxuitial gaia ia aa tiled orders reported by the Ualttd Btatee Steel Co rpo ratio aad tka widespread demand for leading eommooititt. Wnkeeti ot ittrllng and frtnfMM wni mm ns u ai aaoet iv year-, wtt withoat tffcet neon market ealaet, bat aaaeng laterattlenal MAN'S APPETITE IS HIS BOSS. DECLARES REV. GEORGE EASTES "A man' appetite ia hi bosa," said Bev. Geo. D. Castes, in preaching at the First Christian Church last night on the subject ot "Who'l Your Bossl" "It may not necessarily he his physical appetite,' the paitor continued, "but it it the dominating purpose of his life a purpose for which tha individual alone is, responsible." Mr. Sates based hit tarrnoa on He brews 12:10-17. These verses call at teatioa to the foolishness of sau, who told kit birthright for a morsel of meat. "How like Esau," tha preacher said, "do many people for on moment of pleasure at the present Time throw nway their privilege ef inheriting eternal life. "Preaehera from tha pulpit each Sun day offer miration, but how many turn away time after time for pleas ure af the world pleasures tad appe tites which are boss! How many have sold their eternal birthright for a inett of pottage I" COOL RECEPTION FOR REED IN BIRMINGHAM Birmingham, Ala., J11I7 IS. Resolu tions were adopted today by the post of tht America a Legion declaring that no member of tht pott would ba pres snt te hear the address which Senator Reed, ef Missouri, will make here to morrow night in "opposition to .the Leigut ef Nation tnd urging all "on hundred per cent Amtricnnt" to refrnin from nttendiag the meeting. Senator Beed wat handed a copy of the reso lution by a committee of tht Birming ham pott ll.tet ItAK milDIXT IRI8I REPUBLIC IK CHICAGO. Chicago, July' 13. A a audience of - 00,000 persons, it was estimated, today ksard Ei moan da Valera, ''president of tht Irish republic," tppen) for aid and recognition ef Irish independence. Mr. de Vtlera when ht rote to tpeak was greeted by a deaionatratlon thtt lasted 81 minutes. A soldier la a Canadian uniform led tht cheering. Soma ef tht ipeetatori hissed the names of Presideat Wilson, Premier Lloyd George of Orett Britain and "Sir Ed ward Carton, frith Unionist leader; bat were etepped by persons ea the epeak rt' platform. Frank P. Walsh aad Edward F. Duaae, members ef the dtlegatiaa neat I by Iriek tocletlee ia America ta pre set t ta tkt Ptaee Ceaferene a petition fat tettlemtat ef the Irlsk quettion, ltd Mayer William Bait Tkempeoa, ef Chicago, were ether epeaktrt. Retolntieaa thtt Ctapee be urged l "recognise tke Irlak republic aa new established and ta eatabllih trtd re UtIonitj1tS'lrelina"kaQltrongiy op poaiag tka Leigut af ativna. ware adopted.' .. Charge InnUnee ef Failare U Bedeesn Pledgee ta Soldier. To the Editor: 'Tit very teldom we ask for apace in aay newspaper in which to display our riew. but whew we think a principle ba beea trampled under foot, promises broken and r:tjht dethroaed, wo think it not inopportune to enter n protest. When America wat forced to enter the terrible war, wbh kas so recently passed int-j history, two million American boys were r ishcJ across the dangerous tea to fs'ht it France and three million more were ready to follow. Miracle of va'r were wrought in foreign land by our own boys, who hut yesterday were studying their school book, working in ofrl vs. hops, stores or farm here at horn nnd now thousands of those boys are lying under the troubled soil of France and the French government ia to dedicate to them, In perpetuity, a 4M of glow, n meeea for Americana through the I gel to come. ! No country escaped the loseee and Ier-1 rort of the war ia tome of their forms, t The high teat were ravaged and theu-j aanda of ships were tent to the bottom. ! Mothers, little children, nurses, tethers ' tad minister of the gospel and milliont 1 of non-combatant were alaia or suf-, fered death by starvation or diseae whea the world stood aghast and the defenders of civilisation were almost ; overwhelmed. j America plunged into the hottest fur-' met of the war aad matched victory from the Jawi ef defeat. Our own eoun-: try, we believe, gave something like 75,000 of her sons aa taerifteea npon thi awful altar, ia order that men 1 Ambassador Page En Route. Halifax, X. B., July IX-Thorn Nelson Page, I'aited States Ambswnlor to Italy, is a passenger on the Cunnrd liner Carmanis, which put in hen !:it night and proceeded to New Vo.-k ti-dty. U M Colds Cinnntpt4 la the bad" if yon will, rhgfat at tb start. Joke of Governor After Governor David W Swain e- tired from the Governorship, ha waa elected to the Presidency oft thav. UBi-; veraitr. The atudenta affectionately styled him "Old Bunk," and oraetimeal "Old Bunk" would entertain tna youn men by teUinT jokes. . None that,"he ever , . perpetrated was so poor that he himself did not laugh immoderately. One that "Old Bunk" never tired of telling and. T laughing over follows: ' Jj Two VeraloRa. t .ffc "A young lover who had decided to rnake) f tht great avowal wat convinced that a few ' 9 's wordt would suffice to assure hia.goad j fortmi. He only lacked a beginning, a,, beautiful, poetic, inspiring beginning. At f length he found it. Presenting himself to , the desired one, and tuddenly showing keri I a ring, nt tnia, 'Jy iove ior you in ring it" hut" bo end.' Tlie young lady examined the golden circlet for a while with close attention, and thea returned It to him. 'My love for you,' the aaid, 'la also liks this ring it has no beginning.'" 1 The application is j . '(a? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, " formerly with a Capital of 1BO,000 now has an increased Capital of $400,- 000, and a Surplus of $250,000, and Un divided Profits of $50,000, is hunting New Business, and with affl the ardor and pathos of the fellow with the ring. invites your account. Give the ring to r someone else, g ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK wants your Account, and we want you to know that we want it. It's always "Open Season" at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. No Account, large or small, big or little, but will find the "Glad Hand." Wt play no favorites. We treat all alike the Highbrows, the Lowbrows, the Rich or the Poor. E. Pluribua Unum. - We Know Your Wante and Want Your Buai'neea. First National Bank DURHAM, N. C. .1 Is m W. J. HOLLOWAY Cashier JII.IAN I. CARI President Liberty Bonds We buy or sell Liberty Bonds at New York market prices and accrued interest. CapiUl lu. de Rlty. Co. 14 Tacker Building RALEIGH. N. C li alii nkva 4 I'Hiffliiimimi IMUIUUIII ?m t;waii;ii(t m 11 v r. Sand and Gravel For Concrete and Building Purpoaca Prompt Shipments PETC SAND & GRAVEL CORP. Petersburg, Va. FARM MACHINERY Repaired by Experts, i j New Parts Made if Necessary. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Raleigh Iron Works Founders tnd Mieblnlstt RALEIGH, N. C Capudiwe Highest Prices- ISM tm r aM ant fir-M aa ( s4Ua. Reliable Hida and Junk Co. lit . Cabama Bt sULBICR. N. C LATE SEED POTATOES Crimson Clover. (Formerly Called German Clover) And all Clovers and Grass Seed ready for shipment' Write for Prices. GRA Y SEED COMPANY Petersburg, Va. QUICK RtLIKPO NO VCKTANIi.tbC EASES HEADACHE lb . anal "TUT'-Tr Trial aw. 1M. b k.. -.. BONO SALE. On Augutt 1, at 9 o'clock a. aa. tht Board et Graded School Trustees af Morehead City, N. 0, will offer for tale It forty ycr eUupon bond in the tnm ef ISOJOQO bearing til per teat interest aad payable Ja Kiw .York. All 'bida open at that time aad pabliely read at ita meeting. rnrther InforjnatiQa itu llshtd by tht nndersigned. K. R. OOSHAM, ' "Vat rTK. iiHi 1 in I GEORGE R. D0BIE Public Accountant ROCKY MOUNT, , 1 , , NTC The City Bank 222 FAYETTEVILLE ST. "Right in the Heart of Everything" We handle all k i n d s of bankinf.' Checking accounts," savings account. Service is Our Specialty SPECIAL ATTENTION to tha TRAVELING PUBLIC 1