" TiiunsoAY r.:om;z;G, july 17, lsia r AliOTie DAY OF lAPPREHEIISIVE OF I f DECUHE IN GOnON M Y. MONEY MARKET Ket Loss 65 To CO Points With October 3430; N. T. Spot 3525 " . " : !.'-.;- ' Kew Tork, July-18. The contlaaeJ weakaeee'tef Toreiga Exchaags aed is 1 prevlag crap aeeouate aaaeed a further sharp deeliae la the eottoa market to r day. After eelliag at 8A55 early, Oeto ' ' bar railed to 850)7 bat later broka to tUS and eloeed at K30, with thi gea art Ut closing barely steady at a at ' ' Ion at 63 to 80 poiata. . : Tka market opened barely netdy at - -;a dsellae at U to 40 pelata ia retpaaa to relatively eaay eablee gad aooa eold 80 ta M poiata below but Bight"! eloa ' lag figures. Jl 'favorable lookinf . . weather map helped the decllae, while T then was alee selling la aatlelpatioa at aa eaoouragiag weekly report from tka weather bureau. Thi stated that -, the crop waa Improving but laid it Was fruitiag pearly ia parte at Teiaa aad . slat meatioaed the activity at the boll weevil. . Evideatly ita favorable fea .tores bad beea pretty well dieeoaated, a; for the Market irmed. ap shortly after Its pablieatioa aa trade baying aad ' ' aoveriag which was probably stimulated by reporta at high temperature la the Southwest. These were aot sufficiently high at general ta cause aay aerious anxiety, - however, aad the market : weakened again daring the atteraooa " . .'" loder renewed liquidation local aad. toathera aelliag. The further break ia Sterling exchange seemed ta aasettle .... sentiment aa ta etport prospects oa the deelina which- carried July off from 85J3 to 34.83 and January from 34.77 to 14.00. Closing prieea were within -. Ire or tea poiata at the lowest. A local 'authority places the mid June eoaditioa . at the atop at 68J aad the Indicated yield at 11,063,000 bales. Wall Street ! aaAJWeetera iatsraata were heavy eell I a bera during the day. y Cottoa eloeed barely ateady. i " ' High. Low. Close. - January 34.77 34.00 34.10 Uarch . 84.70 S3.7S 33 M ' July 33.14 34.35 34.43 . October .. 33.10 3413 4.30 December 33.03 34.17 3313 Spot cottoa, quiet; middling, 3313. KOIFOLK COTTON ktAKKKT. (By Holmee Dawsoa.) . Korfolk, Va, July 16V-Mlddling cot ton, thirty-three! strict low, thirty-two j , marhet qaiet. - - HEAVY DROP OF 68 TO 86 POINTS AT NEW ORLEANS Cotton Market Largely Influ tnced By Coatiattsd Decllae In Exchange " New Orleans, July 18. A soft feeling waa take a aa by eottoa today, the mar ket crumbling ia the early trading and gain ia the atteraooa under selling orders coming -from traders who were afraid of the consequences of the con tinued deeliaa la foreiga exchange. Late ia the aaaaioa the market fell away to such aa extent that stop loos orders were reached oa the loag side. July traded1 aa low aa 84 seats. Ia tha first' honr of business roach selling appeared, being partly due to the foreiga exchange situation, psrtly to tha spread of tha marine atrihe and fear that it would become international and partly oa expectations of favor able weekly crop report from tke gov , ernment. Prieea fell off to the extent of 60 to 73 poiata. The weekly reports were much less favorable than expected aad by boob the market was back to a level act unchanged to 11 poiata dawn. V - Ia the atteraooa the new low levels reached by Sterling aad Francs brought ia fresh celling to which the market made quick response aad new lew prieea for tha day were mado where tha trading moatas stood at aet do sllacs of 70 to M points. Final prices were M to M points dowa, aet for (he ay. High. Low. Close. senary 34.23 3.1.(13 83.85 March 34.18 83.43 33 JO Inly 84J0 34.00 34.12 October . 844.33.73 83.88 December .-...,.34.48 33.63 33.83 Spot cottoa, flttiet and aachanged. Bales oa the spot, 853; to arrive, 200. Law middling. 39.00 : middling. S4.tfl: , good middling,. 1513 1 receipts, 4,440; Stock, 3o6Z4. LIYBKPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, July .16-Cottoa apol la a improved demand; prieea easier. Oood middling. .36t fully middling. C1.8: middling, 1118; low middling, 19.31; good erdiaary, 17.8; ordinary, J7.33. Kales, 6,000 balea Including SflW Ameri . aaa. Beeeipta, aoaa. Futures alaaed Irregular. July 21.38 j Oct, 21.23; Jaa 31.10 r March, 20.87; fay, toil. ii i i COTTON BEXD OIU , New Tork, July 18,-Cottoa seed ell started higher aa short aoveriag, but , later reacted aader aalllag for westers . account aad ia aympathy with tha lower ruling ta eottoa aad lard. Closing bids were gaaarally aaehaagad. Sales, ly)00 barrels. Prima erade aomiaal; prima summer yellow spot aad July, , 17.00 fieptambea, 87.78 1 December, ' 1130. - , MW TORK our coo Da. New York, July 18,-Cottoa goods were quiet aad Bra today with yarns advancing. Laasdam bleached muslin , advaaead to 80 cent a yard. Eaw silk waa steadier. There was aa advance ., at 1 14 to I seats a yard aa barlap followiag active buyiag of Jute ta In dia, Drees goods were very ira mills i accepting email orders. " . ' WCXKLT CROP BULLITIN. Waahiagtoa, Jaly 16V-Tha masimea t Isaperaturet were high and tha dally tern perat area ware above aormal la tha ' Karthweatera part ef the eottoa belt, aeeordlag ta tha weekly balletia issued by the Weather Bureau today but betk ware tar from aormal elaswaere ia ths area. Although eottoa growth waa very food ia Texaa, It, was fruiting poorly. . It was fruitiag wall ia Boathera Oeer & however, aad bloom lag well ia ta Caroliaa, with aaaay full-aUed soils ia tha Central aad Southern per ' Hioaa af that State. Weevil eoatlaaet pleatiful U the Boathera part at the area aai some sre reported la Central iiitrieta. While, enlUritioa aaad very atiafaetorr arosreaa there k atill 4 sidcraUe grass ia lecahtiee, . . , But Stock Exchange Specula 4ors Became Active Tra ders in Final Hour :Nsw Tort, ' July 16. Slocks, wsrt hssitaat aad irregular the early aad in termediate stages of today's session, but streagtheaed all arouad ia tha furiously active final hour whea mora tbaa half a millioa shares chanced baada. , . Early . aaaertaiaty wsa traeaabl fa I part to' apprehension regarding thei money market ia ita bearing apoa ht mere speculative issues, but thia proved' aafoaaded, rstes for the twa classes of collateral varyiag enly. a point antil towards the cIom whea loaaa oa mixed collateral were made 7 per eeat, while 8 waa demanded for all tadustrials. Another developmeat whleh prompted eautioa ia eoascrvativs quarters, but seemed to make no tmpreeaioa among speculative interests waa tha absolut demralisatioa of the foreiga exchange market. . Bemittaaeet to Loafloa aad Paris fell to tha lowest points la tha history at tha local market; Italiaa esehange approximated ita low point of the war period and extreme unsettlement was reflected la tha rates to neutral coun tries. . One of the most encouraging fea tures of the stock market was ths strength ahowa by rails, secondary as well aa iavestmsat transportations miking tha best showing ia aaaay weeks. Features of that divisioa included Bt Paul common aad preferred afmet galas of 8 and 4 3-4 points respectively, aad New Haven 4 7-8 and some of tha trans continentals aad miaor lines 1 to 8 points. Oils, Tobaccos, Amsrieaa Woolsa In dicott, and sundry equipments aud specialties gaieied 1 to 3 poiata, but Crucible Steel ' aad Baldwin, recent loaders of tha rise wers moderately re actionary. Shippings wsro among the active and stroagsr stocks at the clots. Liberty bonds ware Arm, others easier oa lighter dealings. Old U. 8. bonds were unchanged oa call. MBIT TOBK STOCK LIST. Bmtas to Huaanfe Hiee, Law. CIom. Am. Beat Sugar ... II 2S ! MVl AoMricaa Cu ..... 5! Sli 0 41 Am. Cmt U F TS 114 111 114 Am. H. an4 L, tti. M US 1ISM 4 Damage From Expected Dry, Hot WeathersiSept. ,9512, : Provisions Decline ' aaaaammmmmamna Cbicaza,' July- 18.PosibUltles of crop damsge from expected dry hot weather brought about a abarp up turn today ia tha value, ef core. The bulk af tha erop la at the erltical per lod aad the marhet clossd aervoua, 1-8 to 8 84 net higher with September 1.58 1-4 to 1J8 J-2, aad December 1.83 7-8 to 1.88 1-8. OsU galaad 1 1-S to S 7-8. Ia proviaioas tha auteoas va ried "from 15 cents deciles to a cents advance. . COIN- ' Open. High. Low. Close. Sept.... U5V. WH IM LWH Dec. .....1.83 IJMft 11 l.m OATS Sept .... .78 J1H' . .73 J1H Dee. M m -eu PORK July ..... 84.70 Bent. 32.40 3143- 8313 LAID Sept. ....MM 33.15 8183 33.03. Oct 45.00 35.10 34.85 35.05 BIBS Jy 88.75 28 .55 28.70 Sept 38.73 88.80 88.70 Am. twHU .... ft (4 Am LiBMcd 7 1t Am. S. aaa at 1M l . m Am. Suaaatra Tob. Am. Tri. and Ta!. Am. Tobaara . ... Aaaaoaao Copper Auhtaea 4i AtlantW Coaat Uu. 1 AU Cuff and W. 1. SI Baldwin Ueamotlf tIT BaHimor and Ohio. Tl Beth I. ham 8tel"B" MS OanaCisa Palfk ... U Caatral Laatkar . ..47 Chaupaak and Ohm (4 Chi., Mil. and St F.41T CkL . L aad Pa..lM China Cappar 41 Cola. F. and t IS Cam Preduew tS Cratibla 8ll 24 Caba Can Bnsar ..141 U. S. read Frada... SI Erta It Geoeral Klactrie ... Oaaaral Matora .... tl Oraat Kortlwre, ptd. 41 Oraat N. On, .. M Gulf Stataa SUal .. IS miaow Caatral .... t Inaplrattaa Copper .141 tat. M. Mar, pfd. S4 l.u Mlokal let Inmraatmaal Paper 111 KannaMtt Cappar . 41 LouiarUI aad Naaa. t Maxwall Motor .... IS Max. Petroleum ...,IM Miami Copper ..... 41 Mid vale Steal ......t!7 MiMonrl Paeitla ...14 N. Y. Central M N. V.. M. H. aad St.. US Norfolk and W 1 Norther Paelfia ... 14 fannayleaaia 14 Pitta, and W. Va... 1 Bar Can. Cappar.... 44 Beadine Rap. I. and S US Seaboard Air Line.. 1 Seaboard A. L.. pfd. 11 malatr O. aad R. 1114 Smu. Bhtf. S. and I. 11 Seuthera PaelfW ...IM Boutkm Hallway .. St Southern Rr, pfd.. II Stttdebaker Oorpe. ..Ill Traneaere Copper ..121 Teue Co. 1 Teaaaae Pradaabt .. 41 UriKm PaeltM ...? United Clear Bterm. II United Pnitt 1 U. S. tad. Aleaho!.. II V. 8. Robber IS U. S. Steel ,1214 V. S. Steal, pfd.... 14 Utah Capper ....... IS Va. Cam. Cham II We. tern Union .... 1 .14 141 . It 111 114V . II 104 KV . II 147 III IIS TTH 'IV 10tVi III 102 IS 177ft 174 mil tiiv 47 CSV 109 10H 16S 111' 11114 111 'Bit "5 71 141 UV, IN! 142 V! 102 101 171 H7 aa-m , 100 114 1M 116 14) 1M 1M Ul WM'lnr. Blaetrie .. tl WUlra-0erbid ... II Amn. Intl. ........1M Ohm Cltiee Oae ...IU koral Dwmll Total aalaa, l.MS.7e. iixk Vubaara Cloaoa Satardar. iew York, July W. In order to per mlt stock brokers to eaten up wiia tha lire amount af bualaass trans acted during ths psst few weeks, tha board of governors of the stock si change voted today to close the cs shaaga Saturday. The dosing waa re quested la a pctitloa signed by a large number of etcnange memocra. WV.BTKBN LIVfl STOCK. mileam. Julv 15. HotTS Weak. 40 to 80a lower thaa yesterday's avsrsge. R. mm lel.t. 11.45432215: BMIUH weight tU5OZ2J0 light weight 81.33 9tn. lieht lleht. tO.7OH22.00t heavy packing sows smooth, W.704JI1.4O; packing sows rongau.wqjw.'ii Pgs, 19.759t81.00. ' Pattla naaettlc d. Beef atecrs. msdlu aad choice, 18.75Q1S.00 ; medium, 13.7oaia.73; common, iujdwi.oi 11.1,1 aUkt mruiA. U.S0ni7JK)t Com moa. 0.UXSiUM. Buteber esUlei mm .J m J. A . . . m .,.11 M . neuera, oowa, i.iuntf.vv , eaaaers aad letters, 0AOS7.75 veal aalvaa light 135Qlf.85 feeder steers, 8.8018JO stacker stesrs, 8.25 U11.7S. ' ' hecp strong; lambs, 84 ptmadi dowa, 15i4Q10i3i suns lD.aui9JU) yeaning wethers, l6.50Q14.25: ewes medium, TJQJtJl tuns, i.wcjo.to, VIW TOU MONET. - Ks York, July 18. hiereaatlls paper, 1-8033-41 starling 60-day bille. SJii-i; commercial oo-cmy Diiia oa banks, 488 1 commercial W-diy bills, 4J3 3-4) demand, 4J3 8-4; cable, 4J31-8; franca, demand, f.10; cables, 7.08; guilders, dsmaad, 178-8: eablea, 87 S-8. lira demand, 8.70 j eeble. 8.08. Government bonds, Irregular; railroad SmwafnAtaV aadhatV. a Time loaaa, strong, with little supply w uoje, w ' ueji m aix moBiBS, a Dia. Call money easy ruling rata I; bank ocaptaBBea, a I'M. " CO mi QUOTATIONI." m New Tork, July lOV Spot eoffeo, CiUJi Bio 7 a, 23 1-t j Baa tea da t8 3-4, WESTERN CORillS LOOKING UP AGAI II XALXICK COTTOX MAXKXT. (Beported by Parker Bros, aad Co.) Beeetpts yesterday. 10 balea. - . Good middling .............34 Strkt middliag ........ ....... .u..33 Uiddliag .......... ..33H OBT18 BROS.' COTTOX JTATIMKMT Kew York, July leW Better weather Over the belt, with forecast for cob tlaued favorable eoadltioaa sad a fair ly favorable weekly weather report to gether with a further decline ia the sterling rates, caused aharp liquidation sad soma short sellheg today. Da Cllaes ia foreiga exchaage ahould bo offset by adding to the cost of selling eottof ia foreiga countrlH and not by lowering prices at home. Holders of aoatracte, however, did aet take that view today. Confldenca-ia the bull side baa bees somewhat shaken. Wo look apoa ths reaeUoa at natural digeetloa ef loag ooatracu aad when llqaidatiaa baa raa ita eouraa expect the upward awing to' be retained. OBV13 BBOTHEKS AND CO. J. W. JAY & CO. COTTON MERCHANTS Mew Tata CeMea Satbaaea now vnaaaa vanaw aaeaaaoa , now sara niean Maw garh Catat aad I aasocuTa ucaiaKaat at aala at a aaat aai. mm fee drarere. Cetrmsinlea.il exiled. 38 BROAO STBCKt. NIW TOBK DAILY COTTOX TABLE. Part Movement Kaw Orlaanai Middling. 34-35 ! re ceipts, 4,496; axporta 16,318; sales, 753; stock, 368A2d- Aaleutnn. Middliae. U&Ot reosiDtS, 8,019; sales, 753; stock, f01,45. . Mobile : Middling, 330 ; receipts, 120 ; sales, 50; stock, 83,242. Rivannah: Middling 33 .50 : receipU, .4JS2i aalaa. 46 1 stock. 311.008. Charleston: Middliag, 33.70; receipts, 1,019; stock, 52,764. Wilmiaatoa: Middling, 33.25; re eelpts, 1,192; stock, 62,324. Tsias City; 8toe, mjosi. Norfolk! MiddUng. 33.50; receipts, 603; sales, 217; stosk, 95,343. Baltimore: Btoek, 007. Bostoa: Middling, 36.10; reeeipte, 216; stock, 900. Philadelphia: Middling, ss.so; stoei, a,- 2. New York: Middling, 35.25; receipU, 440; stock, 913S5. Minor Ports: Block, BOov. Total Todav: Bceeiots. 21.418; 01- ports, 1512; stock, 1,198,447. Interior Movement Hon .ton; Middliar. 34.00: receipts. 4,- 707: shinmcnts, 5,788; sales, lfiM; stock, 173,030. Memphis: Midaiing, sc.uu; receipu, 196; shipmeau, 2,493; sales, 700; stock, 201,020. Angusta: Middling, 33.50; receipU, 1,056; shipments, 1,175; sales, 643; Stock, 140,853. 8t. Louis: Middling, 83.50; receipU, 656; shipments, 1,136; stock, 13,956. Littls Bock : Middling, 33.75 ; receipts, 150: shipments, 406; sales, 406; stock, 21,785. Total Todav: Beeeiptu, 7J50; ship ments, 12,514; stock, 57519. NAVAL ST0BE8. rUwanaah. Oa Julv 16. Turrjcntine. firm. 110: sales. 268: receipts. 138; shipments, 166; stock, 8,6WL. Kosia, firm ; sales 7B7 ; receipra, m shipmenU, 10; stock, 5353. Ounte: R. 15.10: D. 15.70 1 E. 15.85: P, 16.10; 6, 16.20; H, 16.55; I, 17.05; Kr 18.1525: Al, ia.UKti.wi ix ia.au Q50; WQ, 19.00 05; WW, 1SJW4JZU.10. LIBERTY BONDS. New York, July 16. The Seal prices on Liberty Bonds today were: 8 l-2s, 99.26; first 4s, 93.40; seeoad as, 93.40; first 41-41, 95.00; second 41-4s, 94.06; third 4 l-4s, 95.02; fourth 41-4s, 94.02; Victory 83-4s, 100.00; Victory 4 3-4s, 99.96. fminnTmnimTiinmTTimtnTinmffrmiim?! IIMMIUtUIIHHiUIIMIIIIINIIIIHIillliMIHMHmHIHIl Liberty Bondi Wa bay or sell Liberty Bonds at New York market prices and accrued interest. Capital Ins. & RIty. Co. 314 T acker Balldlag BALIIGB. N. C Sand and Gravel For Cdncrcta and Building ' Purpooas Prompt Shipments PETG. SAND A GRAVEL CORP. Petersburg, Va. The J. B. McCRARY CO. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS Si National Bank Bldg ., AUanU, Ga. Plaa, daaiga,' oetlaaaU, laaaca aad construct Water Works, Kleetrle Light aad Power Plaats, Sanitary aad Storm Sewers, Street Ptviag aad Improved Highways. Mora thaa 600 eoatraeU sueaeaarully aad faithfully aaaeuud. Write for details af oar plaa. ! II iij Ilia COBB BROTHERS & COMPANY Brokara Members of Kaw Tork aad Norfoli Cottoa Exchaagea. Prompt atteatioa to telegraphle aad 'phone orders. Cottoa, Stocks, Boada, Oral a, Pre visiona Private wiree. 223 Plume Street, Norfolk, Vlrgiaia. Highest Pricet v PaM tar real hates amt raw See ReliabU Hid and Junk Co. 811 W, Cssarras St. BALUCa. N. C Hii GEORGE R. DOBIE ; 1 Public Accountant ROCKY MOUNT, i N. C WVATT'S Farm Mackinary and Supplies CHUBNfl CIDEB MILLS COTTON GIX8 KEROSENE ENGINES GASOLENE ENGINES TBACTOB ENGINES WIBE FENCING JEl.: Everything . WAGONS D130 HABBOWB BP 1KB HABHOW8 BOOFINO 1 RINGS . ardea. JOB P. WYATT & SONS CO. RALEIGH, N. C. - . . "V V t"t"fjZei s$ss . m. Ui. iuc ruoi iiuuuuai i Durham's Largest Bank i It is with much genuine pride that we are able to submit for your .inspection thi best statement ever published by any Bank in Durham County. : f REPORT OF TBf CONDITION OP " First National Bank Of llarhsm, N. C, at the daw ef Beaaesa, , . Jaaa 24. ISlf. , resources) L Loans and Discounts. . . . .2,503.147.76 U.' S. Bonds and Other, Bonds '. 2,427,310.00 Cash and Due from Banks 1,071,237.82 Redemption Fund with U.;f r S. Treasurer h) 10,345.75 Federal Reserve Bank , Stock , tT 19,500.00 Bankinsr House ...... 270,000.00 Attention! Soldiers!! Activities ef Bttsinase Ufa Now CaUs To You "Orar tit Top." As sgaaay jer tha TJaloa Caatral Life iksuraaee Co, offers limitlsaa poo sibiiitles for you ta baild a bualaass. Thia company 11 be rail iaaured the Ightiag maa. Wat alauaas aoa elimi nated. All extra war premlams rsranded. Wo can aaa flfty energetie, capable mea. Writs us at oaeo for torrltorr. CAREY J. HUNTER & BRO. STATU ACRNTt II BAI-tlGM. N. C BROODS at a Reduction 88 cents each.. 88 coats sash. . M crate eech.. ..I 8.N dos. .. f. 28 dos. ..118.84 das. 81. N each 81.18 each , 81.28 each ..SI2.M das. ..818.88 das. ..818.88 dos. Quality Unsurpassed for the Price. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS Raleigh, N. C ' TIE BIG HARDWARE MEN Total $6,301,54U3 LIABILITIES. p Capital Stock Paid in. . . .$ , 400,000.00 Surplus Fund and Undi- J vlrUri Pvnflta f National Bank Notes Outstanding Deposits 31 3,937.47 Bills Payable (Secured by; Liberty Bonds) j 285,714.07 1 340,000.00 it V Total ...,$601,541.3S 4 Depository for tha United Statas, State of North Carolina, County lf Durham, and City of Durham. ,' I A Superb Banking Service f Each Department of this Institution is under the direct supervision of experi enced and efficient Banking men. Our many years of constant dealing "with ths people of this section has taught us their customs and their wants, thus enabling us to serve them with a greater degree of satisfaction. If you are not one of our depositors allow us to extend our service to you. j Wa Know Your Wants and Want Your Business. First National Bank ' DURHAM, N. C W. J. HOLLOWAT Cashier JULIAN S. CARB Prealdsaf Raport of tha Condition of THE CITY BANK At Raleigh, la tha State af North Carolina, at the close of nasi aces, Jane 88, If IB. Resources. Loaas aad Discounts '. U ,4j.7g Overdrafta, secured, 81,0458j unsecured, 838.14 IflMA. United Btatee Boada aad Liberty Boads S3.730.00 IStraiture aad fixtures 4,815.27 Cash ia vault ssd set amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Items held ever 4 hours Cheeks for clearing Ei pease aeeeuat Total LiabUitiea, Capital Stock paid la Bills payable .'. Depoeite subject to check V.. Tims Certificates af Deposit ,-, Savings Deposits Cashier's Checks outataadiag.. ....... Certified Checks a Liberty Boads , . 43.S92.S7 13J3 1.SW.48 ,. W52.78 .8104 ,394.88 t M.0OO.OP 8,000.00 . 33,444.80 . 10,500.00 . ;S,613M i.:s 363.07 1,43730 Total 8104J94.88 WATf Of KOSTH CAR0L1KA. COCNTT Of WAKE. Juae SO. 1818. L H. H. aiassev, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemaly swear that the above itatamoBt ts tree to tho best of my knowledge aad belief. I H. B. MASSEY, Cashier. Subscribed aad awora to before me, this 18th day of Jul, 1818. . , m r-o-jyfrj; ,t. Notary Public 1 Correal Attest i J.T. I'IZLE. JOHX O. t i r? 1. O. ALLEN, , Directors. FARTvi MCHMERY Repaired by Experts. 4 New Part Made if Necessary. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Raleigh Iron Work o Machinists ll RALEIGH, V. C LATE SEED POTATOES Crimson Clover. (Formerly Called German Clover) And all Clovers and Grass Seed ready for shipment. Write for Prices. GRA Y SEED COMPANY Petersburg, Va. IS The City Bank 222 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ' i "Right in the Heart of Everything" We Handle all k i n d s of banking. -Checking accounts, savings accounts. j Service is Our Specialty - ; ; SPECJAL ATTENTION lo tbs TRAVELING PUBLIC I ) rr at aommisaiBB expiree vet, H, UXS. ' i

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