murxDAY i.:orJw;a, july 17, icia. ! i'f !.:0NEY EONDS A m A SECURITIES "i MONET 1 vrbitc, J W. c. MONET T4) LOAX ON fOUITOT AND test estate j long term, kit 319 Kew Sen At, Raleigh, MB OWN AMU Of fin SUBJECT TO I prior sal, all r any part of $25,00040 worth of gilt-edge, aoa-taxabl pre- ferred stock ia North Caroline or J t .poratioa.- Durham Realty and later aaca Compaay, Lease and Seeoritie i,' Departmeat ' - 13-15-1T. PROFESSIONAL DR. W. W. STAN CELL i office HOURS 1 riM l(:Me It, y rrwa $:$ t $t( p. as. 402-403 TUCKER iJLDG. PHONE 1313 . ! SCHOOLS-COLLEGES BOOKKEEPING, SBOETBAKD THOR enghly taught E pedal Rummer Kate. Addr OTeonjbore " Oommertle) ' Bchool, Greensboro, N. C, for Csts - logu. ; S-18-1S '.. WANTED TO EXCHANGE WASTED TO TRAD A FINE BIOS grade, first-class ae piaao, never used. Just from factory. Dark ma hogany aad a mad 4 lattramtnt. : for a good seeoid-oand Automobile. Want a car to aaa right away. . Wp.1 trade ria-ht Bos ISO. Goldiboro, N. c: ... .- . i7-u YvlLL TUADC DIAMOND RING FOR A $30 Liberty Bob J. If you hev a 130 - Liberty Bond aad wast to trad for a ladle diamond, valued at $30, eon nuaieat wilb "f-135," ear Wowe aad Observer. . CLEANING PRESSING CALL BELL PHONK 17il OR RAL . eigh rkoaa 60S if yon waat your ' auit cleaned, pressed or repaired. The Jamestown Tailoring Compaay. MISCELLANEOUS FREB DIRT CORNER CABARRUS aad Harrington atreet. Mas Baae. . TAKE NOTICE IMPLEMENT DEALERS For several seasons certain job bers have beea selling and sup plying tha trade wit "CUO SWEEPS" THAT ARE NOT GENUINE "CLIO SWEEPS." We make this announcement to notify dealers and fanners that GENUINE CLIO SWEEPS, ' SHOVELS AND BULL TONGUES catf'be hid only through nt aad that all Genu! "Clio Sweeps14 are stamped with oar trade mark, Our aaleamea will call .' ' upon ipnr rc pilar customers as Boon as possible. If any dealer handling Upright Btoek and "Wing fcwecpe of other makes will write ns we wttl have o -own representative call, without any ouligation oa yoar part. We believe that we caa con vine you that yon CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO HANDLE OUR LINE "Clio Sweeps" and other steel goods tore cheaper than Inst sea , son. W reachless Upright Stocks are the same price. Kone of , our goods are higher. We guar aatce delivery aad p.icca. Deal r write is. MARLBORO PLOW STOCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY ' CUO, MARLBbRO COUNTY, S. C COT TOUR OW!t HAIR WITH YHE Duplex Ealr Cutter, tha greatest ia veaUoa of the see. Bead IS (or I asmnla, Wrrth Id. Fries will sooa b 13. Ton can eut your own hair at easy aa yea a ehavc Jast aaak your hair aad it cuts, at th asm time. Just aa thing to keep yoar children's hair ia perfect trim. Pays for itself ia a few months. Th Duplex Bair Cutter," Bos 70S, Ral eieh. K. C J$-7t MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUST DISPOSE OF MT BEAUTIFUL Upright Piaao at once. Well kuowa make. Condition perfect Beasoa, leaving- eltv. Will mak prie right Address "L-T." ear News and Ob- . Server. A 13-T WILL PAT SPOT CASH FOR UP tight Piaao, tat design. Matt b reasonable. No dealer. Addr "L-8." ear News aad Otaurver. lS-7t RUBBER STAMPS BUBBER STAMPS-WB MAKB TERM. B. 8. Bterr Compaay, Raleigh, N. C . OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT WE boy, sell, atehaaga, rapair all mak, H. 8. Btorr A Company, 123 W. Martia f treat. W Mak aad SU National Cash RtfitUrt and Credit F 1 1 a Lowest . price, Small monthly pay. toeata. Ko iatereet chargea. Writtea ruaraat. Old tegistara repaired, re built, bought, told, aad asehanged. J. E. O'DONNELLs Aftt The National Cash Register Co. 17 W. Martla St Pkwaa Belt 1$ PRINTING MULTIGRAPHINQ WE DO JOB PRINTING OF ALL , kiada. Prmpt Hrviea, B. I, Btort Compaay, Phoae $88. : M IT.TIC RAPHING, - PlRSQNAL LET ; tert, addraulng, maUiag, list fur. aished. 8pecial atteatioa givaa par- ' eel poet rder. Carroll Latter Writ. . lag Compaay, Raleigh. - -$-0t SPECIAL' - ACT QUICK! ' hi f U.3. ARMY GOODS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY IF TOU WANT k TENT, KEFRIG erator. harness heater, or cooking , aUasila f tar kind, her ia yoar opportunity to seenre what yoo waat at almost half-price. All U. & Army goods aad guaranteed to b th best. Be price below aad act ,ttKkUS.ARMYTEilTS AT BARGAIN PRICES USED BUT SERVlCtARLE. RItl ISslosIl ft. hiah. f t. waU. gnaraa teed ataadard 12.4 oa. army duck, $19.M each. OFFICRRI WALL TENTS, 1st FT. tZi5 each. ; ' OFFICERS WALL TENTS, ItalS FT, 29 J9 each. TENT FLU.S, ttslf FT. tlUi XACB SHELTER TENTS, tSJl EACH. IT. S. ARMY FOLDING CANVAl COTS, $231 EACH. U.S. ARMY KITCHEN UTENSILS - BELOW COST HEAVT TIN rttPS. It JACB. $1J dozen. ALUMINUM CUPS, IS EACB. $LM doeen. FOLDING METAL MEAT OR MESS pans with lid aad hakdie, s5a each, $2.26 doien. ENAMEL CUP. BEAVf, le EACH, LOO dosea, ' ' ENAMEL PLATES, It EACH, 71a dosea. i ENAMEL PUDDING PANS, 19a ach, $4.00 dosea. ENAMEL PUDDING PANS, 45t aeh, $4.73 derea. ENAMEL PITCHERS, Me EACB, 2.73 doze a. U. S. ARMY HARNESS SHIRTS AND BREECHES FOR SALE CHEAP DOUBLE WBEEL BARNES S, S$.M set. DOUBLE LEAD HARNESS. S43.M set. KHAKI BREECHES WASHED, GOOD eoaditiou. V5e. Mir. $9.00 dossn. WOOL BREECHES, SERVICEABLE conditioa, $23 pair, $4.50 dossn. WOOL SHIRTS, SERVtCEABLl eoaditioa, $25 pair, $1460 doeea. U. S.ARMY REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW AT HALF COST PRICE REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW. Grand Rapids, 2 largt compartments eneh. 8 ft alch. 14" wide aad 84" di '500 pound ie capacity. Worth $330, our special I. U. B. Ureraville, 1112.73. REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW, Alaska. 3 compartments, 800 pounds ie capacity; worth $400. Our special $130 aeh. U. S. ARMY HEATERS, HARDWARE AND CAMP SUPPLIES . GOING DIRT CHEAP BEATERS $11J EACH AND Up ward. Various makes and sizes. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS, lla 23", $1.73 cne ; 21i27M. $2.50 each. GALVANIZED WATER AND FICR buckets; good condition, from 50c, $5, 73c, 95c each. U. 8. ARMT CAMP SUPPLIES OF all kinds. ' ENGLISH KNIFR BAYONETS MAT b grouad into aa eiealleat butcher, earving or fish knife, 30r. STEEL 8CABBARD TO FIT THR above, '60e. RUSSET LEATHER WAIST BELTS, worth $2.00, 50c. $l,0 PIECES AS80RTED ARMT ennmt'l ware. WRITE FOR BARGAIN PRICE LtST of Army go;, " . . TERMS CASH WITH ORDER. INCLUDE POSTAGE WHEN ORDERING GOODS SENT BY MAIL. EVERYTHING FOR CHAIN GANGS, CAMPERS, AND COMMISSARIES. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ARMY- COODS OF ALL KINDS. WE DEAL IN ARMY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. TJ. 8. Government reqniree as to pay cash whea we buy. No C. O. D. order aeeepted. Moaey back if not satisfied. BRADLEY BONDED WAREHOUSE COMPANY, GREENVILLE, S. C 1U Fsyettevllle SUt, Barnes Safe & Vault Cx Ull RaM Mam Strees, BwhaSlv. Va. Rt, at km, Prea. aad Mar. ' RIgbtfaUy t rm a -North Cre!iWs Graateit Market Place, tha Clauified Page b Th : New And Ohrveg f et thla recognition by producbf result. . ' ' 1 : lt RALEJCH Jfj LATE REMEDIES FOR SNAKE BITES Old Ones Discarded As More Dangerous Than Original 1 Wound (Dr. Harris A. Boughtoa ia Kew TEA Herald.) - " v 8 far is It ha beea possihlt to see taia, a fallowing la th first preserip tioa fer task bit, tak from, th tweatyflrat ahaptar f Numbers, aad th ecurreae bappeaed ia 1458 B. (X, aetordlag to the ehroaology f Usher i 9. Aad th peopl spake igalatt God d kgaiast VI oses. Wherefor have ye bruf ht at ap oat at Egypt t die ia tha wUderatsst for thsr i a brad aad ther te a wstsr; aad ur soul loathsth this light bread. ' , Aad th Lord Mattery Mrptata amoag tha people, aad they bit tha people i aad math peopl of larkel died. "7. Therefore, th people cam aat Mo, aad said, Wa have sinned, w hex spoksa against tha Lord, aad against thee; pray ant th Lord, that he take away th serpents f rent a. Aad Moses prayed for th peopl. i "S. Aad th Lord said unto Moses, at ass the a aery eerpeat, aad set it apoa pole tad it shall eon to pass that a very oae that is bittta, whea he looksth apoa it shall live. 0. Aad moses made aerpent ei brass, aad pat it apoa a pole, aad It aat to pas that if a serpeat had bit tea aay maa, when h behld the Mrpeat f brass, he lived." . It was aa a of those f request occa sions when tha ehlldraa of Israel had wandered far from their aeual path of reetitad aad had to be tailed ap with short tart. Nearly eight hundred years later, aa related U th second Wok of King, a regular reform king set on t throa of Israel, aad his asms was Heteklah. Precedent waa nothing to him, for: "4. He removed th high place aad break th Images, and eut dowa the grot aad break in piee th brae sera at that Uoees had madei for unto those days the children of Israel did bora incense to it, aad ha called it Nehushtaa." - Old Remedy Baa- Gone. This atory fMm the waaderinta of the Israelites furnishes several interesting themes for discussiea. Tha time is opportune, for many are in tha mount ains where aa teeasioaal rattler make it escitlag if aot dangerous. Thee, too, tha favorite old time remedy for snak bit is theoretically, aot avail able at this time L ., whiskey el- teraally, internally and eternally. Bo it is qaite ia order to find out really how the modera scientist would treat a eaake bits.x la North America there r practi cally oaly two types of poisonous snakes, the rattler and th copperhead, which Inds home leargely ia our Southera States. The bites of both are eitremely dangerous, but aot always fatal, which makes it difficult to deter' ina oftentimes just what method of treatment Is efficacious. Take th whiskey cure, fir instsae. Ther has bea ah mora persisting sup erst itioa ia or eat of tha profeasioa for many decides than the effectiveness Of this treatmeat New, it has beea tho roughly prove that the humaa organ ism is obliged to fight two serious tntosieatioas iastead of oae, whea the old whiskey treatment Is admialstered for snak bit. It has been a good deal eaecler for th average man to forget the old ehickea treatmeat of th Keataeky mountains thaa tha whis key aura. This consisted of ripping th body of a blaek hea opa and put ting that part blttea withia the gory feld. , Rattler" Pelaea Act Qalekly. Tha poison of th rattler, injected usually into a hand or leg tbrongh the fang at the time of th bite act quickly. . Burning paia fellows ImmediaUly, aad withia flfteta mlaute eoastltutioaal symptoms ap pear, first tha legs begia to get weak aad flaally refuse support to th ua fortaaat victim. Ther is great pros tration, feeble aad fast pals, aad beads of peraolratloa stand ut on face, which ii sallow aad pale. Tha mind begins to wander and,flally there it ltthhrgy aad ao atteatioa ia paid to aarreaadiags. Death, if it oeeuri, doses th picture ia about twslvs hour. It Is aafortanat that at th pre seat tim ther is a "specific" trestmeat for rattle snak or copperhead poisoa lag. Th poisoas of ail these serpent sre of a protela aature, acid, and the case of the cobra, aad a few other, anti-toxines have beea very successful ly employed. Th difficulty, however, it that the aati-totiaet is not at haad sooa enough after tht bite to accomplish a cure which would readily b expected. If th injections ar prompt. There tr Inherent technical difficulties to ba overcome ia making anti-tosiee for tha rattler, aad beside th demsna aow Rubber, of Courte" Ask any electricai mao to name tin beat all-round insulation. .Tttv to one hell say rubber. It ia th right answeri toes particularly wkar aterag bat t trie ar eon car nsd. That's ana of th thing that tbxe years -BMWIilardTlaaSwdKubbar Inenlatioe baa yjeaeyad. --- ---.:.-OaMia. LetaateSyeurMre about Threaded Rubber. Ask. while bare. Cor e eopy ef th . . booklet. "Tb Wkki ef the Wfflard." j Raleigh -Storage Battery Co. ZTyfotkr, MaJsater " rbama 1U V? VQ ag W3 aot s larg aa to warraat tha s- peaditnr of tim aad moaey. aloag that lla. , Th4 result U that h who would b esred aFrattl snake, or eop perhead.bJtea must aat quickly aad oa hit wa retoorcea. - , , ' As kas bee said, tht bit it usually at aa extremity. A turalquet should b Immediately fitted abov th wound by tying a handkerchief ia which it eneloeed th asual stick for Ineraasiag th pretsvr by turning. This stops th flow M th poisoa aioag th lymph channels aad veias late) th system. Thia tort of pressor cannot ba kept ap ater thaa half aa hoar without fear at gangrene. If aa targeoa I at haad to act qalekly, th pressure caus ing a partial aaaeatheiia f th part, aa may take a sharp Jack knife aad freely Hp opea , th flesh arouad th poiat where th fang has entered. Better, if possible, la to remove a portion at flesh Mftlraly, leaving a hoi about tha tis of a thlmbl where flesh I thick enough to allow. This proee- dnr It beet whea mpioyd quickly. Th wound caa the be packed with any on of a somber of different tub- ttaaeea, pertassium permihgaaau ' be ing tha beat, if preeursbl. Th wound should b allowad to bleed freely. If not th acidity of the venom can be aeatralited by any alkali like baking aoda or eaustie soda. By this Urn th half hur leeway it nearly ap, aad the aext mora to prevent th little poison which remains in the lymphatic chan nels from working Itself further tad farther upward. Ther are two "don tr for the per oa who treat snake bites. One I not to nek th wound, end th ether it not give th patient whiskey, coffee, etrong had black, is much better aad safe;. .. There I hlstnrle res son fer th physician to b Interested ia tnaket. Long before th birth of Christ, when aa eseulaplus of Kot and Knidos llvd and gave to humanity the first inkling of what scientifle (renovation) medical prsetice ehonld be, be adopted tha stnff aad tht snake a symbols ef th healing art, an Insignia to this day seen oa tha roller of medical officer of tha army. But while tha Insignia has remained much the aame dowa through the eea tnriee, the prartle has advanced until now like Hetekiah, the medical man no longer either us whiskey or (alive for task bites. VAST AMOUNT OF LAND IDLE. , F. Pt Speake Before Labor Ua. alveralty Coarse Lesga Washington, July 13.-Louis F. Ppst, assistant secretary of labor, spok last evening at tha Public Library before th Labor University Course Lesgue, which presented its fourth of a series of lecture preliminary to the opening of a university ia the fall. Hi subject wss "How Bhall W Pay for th Wart" "Th only lustifleatioa for private ownership of land," Mr. Post said, "is that the mea who Owns it shall put it to its best use, aad if ha doesat do this he is guilty of a breach of trust He declsred th nubile has no eon- eeotion of the amount of farming taaa out of use in this country. A large nortioa of thia land, ha said is under the eontrol of large eoneerns, who are holding the lead for increase of value, Besreseatatlve Sinclair of Fiona Da kota will address the league next Moa- d.v nle-ht. His subject will be the pur note of the noa-partisaa movement of North Dakota. WORKING IN BAUNTS OF MAJESTY Coblena, July 16. American toldicr employed in the United Btatee post office in Cobleat have beea sorting mail la school rooms whieh during the early day of the war, were need by the then German Emperor for holding councils of war with his shlefs. Soon after the beginning of the war ia 1014. th Emperor wss la COblena several months, spending severe! hours aeh day with army generals who were thea using ths school house as an army headauarterr. The school building near the eeater of towa and several large rooms oa the first floor were taken over for tha army postome a lew aayi after the Americans took over the to bleaa bridge-head last December. Waat Lotteries Back la Mexlca Mexieo Citr. July 1J. Efforts are be lag made ia com quarters to hav the decree prohibiting lotteries revoked aa.l a petition to that effect haa beea handed President Carraasa. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY OF ROANOKE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Ia tb United State District Court for the Eastern District of North Caro linn At Raleigh. Virginia Trust Oompaay aad American Nntional Beak, Complainants, vs. Boanoke Biver Railway Compaay, Defendant Pursuant to aa order catered in. the above eatitled causa, J. H. Bridgera, Receiver ef th Roanoke River Railway Compaay, and Commissioner, appointed by tha Court, will, oa July 26, 1910, at 1S:00 o'clock hi, at the Court House door ia the towa of Henderson, North Carolina, offaa for 1 to tha highs! bidder, tubjeet t confirmation by the Court, tb line ef railroad of tha Roa noke Biver Railway Compaay extend ing from Mansoa, Warrea County, N. to Townsvills, Vnne Coaaty, N. 0., together with all lsads aeqairad aad used by said railroad aad all the right of way, esemeats, roadbeds, tracks. bridgta, eulterts, switches, aid tracks. station honeec, wereheuses aad erec tions aad fixtures of every kind and nil such reel aal-peraonnl properly, rights f way, eaatmeatt d appurtenances at may be germane to tr accessary to the construction, ope ration or niaia teaaae of aald railroad, also all a giaet, ear, rolliag stock of every kind, tool, mncLinery of every kind, rails, spikes, joint fateaings, timbers, ties, superstructurs, aad material of every kind ao ewaed aad possessed by laid railroad vompaay, alee all furaiture, safe, book, aecoahts, maps, tarveyt, chart eel offie tqulpment belonging to aald railroad company, also nil materials and jubpliea at every char acter ewaed by said railroad compaay together wrth all and alngular th teatmtnta, htreditamente aad appur teaanee thereto belonging or In any wit appurtainlng aad also all th right and pewsrs, privilege and fra ehlsee.of r beloagiag t aaid railroad company. .' .. . - J. B. BEIDGERS, leeeivar of Boaaok Bivtr Railway Company and Commissioner. j- MINIMUM WAGE FOR WOMEN FIXED AT $16.50 Washington, July 13. Th minimum wag for women mployd in tb iaer eaatll industry ia th District of Col umblk will ba 116.50 a week, if th unaaimoue recommendation of th eon fereae thai bat had tht matter Bader eoadratioa ia approved by th nia imam f age board. This finding, just aaaouneed, will meaa a eoaeiderable booet ia the pay of women, as th board ha ascer tained that oaly about kali at th 40 woma employees of mercantile establishments he receive $12 a week or less, aad about eae-foarth reach the rating ef $16. Before th mini mum rat can become effective it must be considered at a publia hearing, th data of which mast 6 advertised for month. Afterward, th board will in sue a formal order which, under tha law, eaaaot become effective for two months. , This will make tha mini mum wag operative about November I. '. It is a nappy circumstance that th conferees in th matter, ef tha minimum war fer th mercantile in dustry f th District ef Columbia reached a unanimous agreemeat,w ob served Charles J. Columbus, secretary Of the Merchant and Manufacturers' Association, wha has labored with th (0W IHEER delight that ' what you'll find In thla mild Meditation Cigar with its fragrance of finest blended Havana. Indoor or Outdoors, it makes no difference. TheMedltaUon touches your smoke-palate just in the right spot. It never "bites" or hits back. You're as fresh when you throw the butt away as when you put a match to the tip. Ask for the Meditation Cigar today at your dealer's. Eight Sites: 10c and t for tSe J. B. LEATHERS A Ca WhtUmk DMntrntoit -Oriaahsra,M.C I r- c Here is theioutfit that so many farmers have been waiting for A'thn hontpowtr jfu'triiinf dinct connecfei fo,anvefocfrio tfeflerafor enif'lffec with pulhy that' maea tho tngitw evtiaWo' for anjr ether;power Ineeefon th Arm., DOrTT niait the mlttakrof buyinXrtjant' that U not large enough. Yen want w be able to uVjt)ur, light andatnaametirne perhaps several of the labor aaving devlcet that are making electricity o'useful and, so popular on'th farrn. . Thit new Wettern Electric" plant' hat pOwer -plenty of It The engine burns gasoline or .kerosene; is throttl goemed and air cooled., It jautomaticany atopt when the batteries are fully charged and runs without noise. Small motors for pumps, cream separator, 'can be operated directlyftom the generator. peanerti Washing Machin and other lcu;lcaj aku.iJ tl.A ti a S S s rea Iap mm a wirrV IsaIm m at a me j4 laiW, t lha KeMf.aa Vv$f y Item w uig uivjwtvvvi yi wtpv m ka44 sviiv iuuwj&jmvwitju9twmjt9W4f$k GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR DEALERS Write us for particulars Farm Equipment Co. J. K. 121.W. Martin Street, T employers conferees through this and' other minimum wsge matter. .1 I am ur that th respective een. tercet represeatiag tht public, the em ployee aad employers are to be eon gratnlated -apoa- th great amouot of labor aad intelligent consideration that wa givca this imports at matter. ; "The Merchants and Manufacturers' Association not only indorsed and helped to bring the minimum-wag la into exwteaee, but it ia, naturally. taking a keea interest ia its interpre tation aad will ba none the lee vigi lant in it aforcemeat Ia my eea. tact with th -merchants of Washing ton, big r little, I Sad a aaanimity of va sentimental iatereet ia regard to th employes, aad tha idea ef u minimum wage appealed to them, and am tur there will be no tfrieus difference of opinion on th part 'of aay merchaat as to the equity of tht present finding. "Business men reallie tnat the value of a dollar hat depreciated aad are more tbaa pleased that the Mercbsnt aad Manufacturers' Aesociatioa helped Are You Interested in .Good Values and Saving Some Real Money? Clothing is going to be very high in price next winter and next spring also. There is no without warning at Boone's; our policy is to give you the facts and you can then be governed accordingly. Clothing Is also going to be scarce. It is doubtful If we will get near all of what ws have bought; it look! like the manufacturers will not be able to deliver near ill they have sold. So take duo notice these off days and "COME AND SEE" Is All We Ask r You can now make a real investment at Boone's, as we do not raise prices, and what we have now will be much higher when we get it in again, as we will have to pay a great deal more for the goods now. C. R.BOONE "004 QMUiy ShU Wbat Re Sell" "Boon to You" : "Boon to You fanning mill, etc. save moor tm MacCARTHY, Manager it to put th miaimua wag eomn law throagh, so that th needs of t might, ba more equitably consider. . , "Service in mercantile life has v derful attrautiene, and I feel cure t the operation of th minimum lo, "will tead t develop aa c , ,t greater rtate'ef effieteacy aad cer tainly should attract th more fU:i to this lioa of employment "Effideaey ia tb " watchword i t buiinesa, aad I am eonfideat that t-e bueiaae iaterecta, Without eeepeet in clsss, wiir resposd to the ruling ot the conferees in a whole-hearted and co-operative spirit" ' RUN TBE1R OWN BREWERY London" July IS. Because tha Coal miter ef Wale can tot buy tnouch beer, owing to the shortage, they are buying a brewery. A company haa been formed te porches and eperst it and the capital at ' $100,000, it being sub scribed by various miter's elnbt, which art taking Cut shares fa th oaer in proportion to membership. , aft " W..Cn Mhthit "mm W aMlnaai pkmt I jresr pcbmpessTejrfcierAt , ajKe,theJnewWeernectrfc every 'desire. Moirethan fortyarVt)lectric 'manuflctu!g"experienceU back of It, , Wore;youAbuyMypisnsee EledricjTuin. He canthow you tbJamachine, and otherlesJ'imdrtyrpesy'wlthf a' without engine. Ther 1a a WestmElctric plant for . . very poeaible farmjeondition, and you Wt nuke your entire equipment "Western ElectricT'Mo-i 'tors', Water System, Milking MKhtaesVetctd l .. i . - . me rarrn: an weu aa uvns, v sveuuin RALEIGH, N.C