THE NEWS AND ODSERVEIt. THUHSDAY MOHrONG, JULY 17, 1S13. EQUAUTY lilOCEAH RATES IS ASSURED representatives of Southern Ports Win Another Victory . ; For This Section HURLEY IMPRKSED BY . SENATOR SIMMONS' PLEA Senior North Carolina Senator Fointa Out . Absolute Keces it of Providinf fieUef For - Congestion .,. In Northern Ports; Shipping: Board Will Take Actios Tlii Kew aad Observer Bureau. ' 601 District National Bank Bldf. By, FRNK W. LEWIS (Br BptelnJ UtM4 Wlr) Waeblagtoa, D C, July 16. Today aether vfctory wss woa for tbs South . Atlantis tad Gulf porta and the vat art f country interacted ' la them. Assurance by the Ualted States Ship ting Board, through Chairman Hurley, tallowing a aeonng on aiwriminsiory pecan .tntos, waa gives that tha evils complained of would be remedied and that tba South Atlantic and Gulf ports would ba treated fairly and justly ia thii aiattor. . . Those "who msd tba pica for the re adjustment of oeeaa ratal, asking that tba Southern porta be accorded inch fates at would anable tbem to compete with Kaar Tork and other North At lantis aorta declare that this Is a signal victory for tha Southern section that has all aloag bee at suck dtsadveatages la tba shipments of exports. It will ba recalled that something ever moath ago a hearing before tha United States shipping board, Hens- tor Himmons, speaking for North Car all aa, made a speech which wss com ' (netted apoa extensively throughout tba country, ia favor of tha jlloentioa of ships to tha South Atlaatie porta. Slaee that time, these ships bara bees - and are being allocated to those porta. Seecmd Victory This Week. Oa yesterday at a large hearing par ticipated ia by many Senators and Bepreseatatlves from South Atlantic tad Central weatera states, before the railroad administration, Senator Sim : mans made another appeal ia behalf of giving to Wilmington aad other South era porta, aa equality in rates to those rlvea North Atlantic ports. After the earing satisfactory assurances were vea by the ' representatives of the illroi AdiSlnWratttin before -whom tha hearing held that these rates Would be readjusted upon a basis of equality. Today these delegates and Senators 'appeared before the United States klntil4 HaapA kin Itint Ain rates ba si adjusted aa to put tha South At lantis porta upon an equality la rates WHM inp npria niwnm n. bringing about equal treetsneht between ' these porta, both la railroad and acta a tatea. At, this later meetiaj, it la said .that Senator Simmons made a most 'powerful presentation aot only in tha Interest of these ports aad all of that peeUea at the country ts which they are tha natural outlet and furnish by far lha shorter haul, but la tha Interest of freeing tba business ef tbs country of tha terrible baadicaps brought about by tba congestion which exists la thi Northern porta aa the, result of aa art) fielsl concentration ft our lateraatloaal - traff la at these ports. Open Southera Parts. Ssaator Simmons maintained that this was tot a temporary condition, although H Irst became acuta during tba war, but unless relieved would become per manent, .retarding tba axpaasloa of in ' dustry and producing stagnation,, lie - insisted tba only quick and efficient way to relieve this situation was to open tha Southern ports and allow this tea flic to folio iu natural tread. Two things ba cobte-ided wers necessary to ba dons befori this could happen. First, squall aatlet 'of rates to these porta. That, bs said, tha kailrosd Admialetratloa bad , promised. Secondly, the cqualliatiea of oeeaa ratea from these porta. Bs laid that this could nofhave been done under old conditions when oar Inland aad ocean traffic wss conducted , by private capital aad only inadequately controlled and regulated by the gov sramtnt, but that this could be done new without difficulty by the eo-opera-tloa of the two government ageaclea Why Look So Thin? It t is not becoming -nor safe for your health. Add ash bp jour bones and roses te your ' 7TV k,.ik'? Slam of tbfs delWou digest ant with each meal Shivar Ale Wat oieonvt aaosiATiGt itm WW" "lac (MTU AID UNU Thoa your grocer or druggist for esm bottles. Sslisfactioa gusr. V aasead r yew mewey refunded oa first dosea used. "' . Bottled? bad gusranleed by the eele. brsted Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel. toav 8. C If your regular dealer caanot, supplj you telephone - PORTE! CAM CO, Wsarttuters fee fUletgh. Say It With FWWERS We bava Corsage Bouqueta ' - for persoaal gifts, Liliee, . Rosea, Bweet Peas. Bpring , Flowers, pad ' .growing y ." plants. , - : ..,,. - . ' Hi ;STE1TOIETZ Florist ' t XALEicn, y. c which bow coatrol tha rates, and that tha failure oa" their part to ca-operata ia bringing about this imperative re sult would ba looked, upon by the peo ple aa a failure to perform a manifest duty to the eouatry. . At tba eoaalualoa of tba conference, tba board, through Chairman Hurley, gave positive assurances that tha ap peal which had been made te them waa convincing sad that tba evila aomplaiaad of would be remedied aad tba Soutbera porta and tba territory naturally trib utary ta them, given a fair opportunity ia tha matter af vean ratea. Te rarity aad clrkh tha Btded Take GEOVTB TASTELESS Chill TOXIC which . ia simply 1BOX and QUININE suspended In Syrup. So Pleasant Uvea Children Like It. You caa soon feel ita Strengthening, Invigor ating Effort. Price 60c Adv. NOT UNEASY ABOUT BONE PRY MEASURE (CaaUaaod frees rage One.) . supporters it they ahould bava a heart to heart talk with tba Presidont, who it Is conceded knowj more af the ttinuta details of tha treaty than any other in dividual ia America. Senators Call Oa President Senators Bwanson, of Virginia, who delivered tha keynote speech ia defence of the treaty, held a rouferenee with the President today, as did Seaator Cham berlain, of Oregon, Senator Owca, of Oklahoma, and 8enator Pomerene, of Ohio. Each one of these extended aa invitation to the President to visit bis State upon some special occasion, and an Interesting feature connected with these individual conferences is the fact that the President and Senator Cham berlain, between whom there had been a perceptible coolness, following a point ed: statement by the President early la the war, had evidently reconciled their differences aad that tliey are now; ready to affiliate cordially as ia prevtooa days, on matters of public cnccrjiti Bammer Diarrhoeas eaa be controlled more quickly with GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE and It la absolutely harmless. Just as effective for ado Its aa for children. Price SOe. Adv. Conservatives Warn Radicals That They Are Inviting De feat of Bill- (Caatlaned from Page One.) scntial a Congressional defialtion of what alcoholic content liquor shall ba considered prohibited under the war time law against ''intoxicating bever ages.' If enforcement of war-time and con stitutional prohibition ia lodged with the department, as seems moat likely, and ant with the Bureau of Internal Revenue of the Treasury Department, a apeeial bureau will have to be created to handle the work. Mr. Palmer mads Prickly Heat Some day now wilt ask yourself. Why v id i refuse to uae Treat's Antiseptic fowder for these tormenting aaeee af Poison Oak. Prickly Heat and Mosquito Biteef The person who does not use Tyree's Aatlseptie Powder freely In these cases fails la two ways, aectect and fore . eight . For the effect of Tyree's Antiseptic Powder ta these eases Is almost marvel one. One or two tablespoons full dissolved la a basin ef water Invariably relieves you while yeu are applying n. When sed In the same dilu tions Its application Is vsry pleaaaat aad aoneauterlslng. For thirty years Tyree s AatUeptte Powder has been the accepted standard for per--snnal hygiene. In small, me dium and large aise for tare by all drug aad department stores. R em ember the name TTREKS accept no ether. Better Tires on the Market Try a Gray Sidewall Firestone CAR OWNERS of the South have gained a new conception of tire satisfaction from the Gray Sidewall Firestone Tires that are pro ducing such remarkable mileage. . Good dealers are handling these tires everywhere. If you have never tried one, do so at once. I - TIRES - - - - . - : Most Miles per Dollar MILLS TIRE CO. --Distributors for FIRESTONE Tires in Eastern North Carolina. t 32eS Fayettamlle Strwt RALEIGH, N.C SHALL CITIES TAKE VR UTILITIES? That Is One of Only Two Ways To Get Street Railways On . Sound Basis . FIGURES GJVeTfEDERAL ELECTRIC R. R. BOARD Little Market Now For Street Railway Securities, Chicago, Investment Banker Bays; Witnesses Heard at Meeting of Commission TeU of Labor - COStS ----- -r -r (By Tba Associated Press.) . Washington, July 18. Street rail ways ef tba Ualted. Stat si will ated a total of approximately $1,000,000,000 each year to enable tbem to meat ade quately tba demands mads by tba pub lie, according to estimates given tha Federal Electric Railways aommiaaioa today by W. O. Bradlee, president of the Stone aad Webstar Management As sociation, of Boston. Mr. Bradlee declared that batwaea 6UO,000,Q00 aad $700,000100 ia new capital was needed annually for exten sions aad Improvements aad probably $.150,000,000 for refunding of outetahd ing obligations. He said that little had been dona la tha way of improvements iu the last four years owing to aa usual conditions. "There are only two ways to obtain this money" Mr. Bradlee aaid, "either through municipal ownership or through tha establishment of soma plan so that tba private iavestor will feel that ha caa count oa a reasonable rs tura if ba Invests ia street railway se curities. " H. L. Stuart, aa investment banker of Chicago, said tbsra waa little market now for street railway securities. Many Beaded for Bankruptcy. Guy E. Tripp, chairman of tha corn- it plain today that importaat work be fore tha bureau of investigation would not permit it to be burdened with other problems entirely unrelated. Just bow tha bureau of investigation is concen trating every energy on radical plots against the government, resultiag la attempted bomb outrages. Just Another Ji Reminder The Cream That's Pure is found at prantley's V y-sJ E T m, mittca of one hundred representing the America Electria Bail way Association, wba aeeupied much of tha day's sessioa, predicted that many of tba larger aloe trie lines would ba a bankruptcy be fore tha commission. : completes its heariaga. . . X - '- i, Mr. Tripp told tha aommlasioa ba be lieved tba fairest method for ealeulat iag earnings would ba to toka tha issues of securities determine whether the moaey they produced was put ia the properties, extract aay "water" and uae tba result. Taking up tha surface traffle situation la New Yark City Mr. Tripp said be did aot believe tba one-man car could bp successfully operated there, because af traflle conditions aad tha . uausual sfdwding ia tha rush hours. Ba aaid that rasa art sew , operated oa New York streets as closely as it possible. "I would .like to ask your solution af tha New York problem," aid Boyal Meeker of up aommlasioa. i That," aaid, Mr. Tripp, lwauld re qulre aa eaalysis of the deaeit that exists. . It ia bard to aUte, but a asvea tad oat balX sent fare might de it" -l meant so far at physical improve ment la toncernsd said Mr, Meeker. 1 doa't see much chanp,'' Mr. Tripp raplied. The Basiaece Ia "Esasatlal." Beatley W. Warren, counsel for the association, read a latter from Chair ana Hurley, of tha United States Ship ping Board, eommeadlag tba work of tU street railwaya during the war, aad declaring adequate tad efficient strut railway facilities as essential to tha development of cities aa transcon tiseatal trunk Unci were to tbs coun ty at large. "They should,9 declared Mr. Hurley ia bia latter, be fostered and safe guarded accordingly. It appears to, tae that there it oaly eae remedy, and that ia authority to increase tha fares." Mr. Bradlee aaid bia company bad :.. . ' . .:Li"i : ; - k.:K 4 ' -"'"y ,' ' .-.I.. ,, 1M4 - " , ' " - ' J - s" experimented with gasoline busses, aad that none of them paid. Asked about Henry Ford's idea that ba could solve tba street railway problem with a gas ear, Mr.' Bradlee sa(d Mr. Tori bad "aa idea aad aot a ear;' , ' . Upoa eompletioa of the railway tes timony, adjournment will ba taken un til August a, wbea Secretary Baber aad a group af economists will begia testifying. On the eompletioa of their testimony another adjournment will be takca until August 11, when the may era of large cities, iaeluding New York, Saa fraaelsee. Boatoa. Buffalo. LNew Orleaaa, Seattle, Detroit, Chicago aia uieveiana, ana members or various eommissioaa.will ba beard. REORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL GUARD , (Centlaued fram Psge One.) company snglnesrtl 1 engineer tr II n ; 1 field hospital eompaay; I ambulance company. . Oklahoma: I regimeata inlaatryi 1 battalion field artillery 1 company en- Rheumatism ia eomplstely washed eut of tba system by tbs celebrated Shiver Miaeral Water. Positively guaranteed by .aoney-hack offer. Tastee Saa; coats a trifle. Deliv ered aaywhere by our Balelgh Agenta, Porter CanCy Co. Phone them -Adv. Don't lose any of that good Wginia-Carolina Taste S UN-ripened mellow Virginia Carolina tobacco has a lively, appetizing taste that other tobaccos do not have. But,mark this --Virginia-Carolina tastes best when smoked straight Mixing it with other leaf takes away some of that fine fullness of flavor.' If you want the real Virginia Carolina , flavor a of it smoke , Piedmont - gineers; 1 aignal eompaay (radio); 1 field hospital eompaay. , ,. , South Carolina t J , companies coast artillery; 1 regimcat infantry; 1 coia paay engiacers; L field hospital com pany.': . " ' ': Teaaeeeeei 1 regimcat aad 1 baital ioa infantry; 6 troopa, cavalry; V bat talioa, field artillery; I aignal com pany (autpoet) ; 1 ambulaaca eorapany. Texas t S regimeata lafsatry; regimeata, cavalry; 1 regiment, field artillery; 1 eompaay engineers; 1 sig nal eompaay (wire); 1 field hospital eompaay; 1 ambulaaca company. . Virginia t 4 companies coast artillery; 1 regiment inf entry; S troops cavalry; 1 battalioa field artillery; 1 ambulaaca eompaay.' West Virginia! 1 regiment aad I battalioa lafsatry. ... . ' Tba apider baa aa causa for alarm ken hie life -tangs by a thread. - just Received New Stock Of Hand some BR I EF Cases Full Uather7l5.0rtyi51&.00 . NEW FICTION ' Cup of Fury Rupert Hughes. . . . ...... . . ... .$1.75 Dwn Slesnor Porter ................... . .$1.60 Tin Soldier Biley . .$1.50 Love Stories Rinehart $1.50 : Junjle Stories of Tarzan Burroughs. ...... r: .$1.40 , - . EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES . Orders Promptly Handled. " - - ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. 1S67 ! x "Tba svftsrraa wwra Om aJsraateetfaal pmsaa arAaaaAMW. And (Aetw twy wwW sleahaA puSai OmJr pip ef faft Virginia rnfmnoq tae i wAirn tsXbai awry (aiaa ef fonif awrte aad a repeat AaffarWryfa ia tba tahmJ. "OTS-fisaXaiiA JrJtatoout'a qoattty doaa J etaty oaa ootwmka a 2Xr ""- Lynched rar the Vsaal Crime. Memphis, Tens., July ' 18-A young negro rectsttj( discharged (ram t' a army was lyached at Loaise, M!4 last bight for bf.ving aaada Indecent propos als to a white woman, aeeordi-; to re ports received here today. - Tha maa't aame was tot 'given. , - Hot water. SurR;ef ''"OR INDlCtSTfON irginia Wfter Qarettrt XbaoaVeMbodl am sow row mora. cigarette taste amy 'At -, I r I