TIE !3VS AND OZZZZLVUL niurDAY Morjrj,G, july i7 isia. The News and Observer . it . - tsi mri and observe rcButsixa . . --rr , COMPART , nmntm auintu, ruinr ' I i wfnciii - v - mm ANB OMKKVU BDIt.liim t tlt-IM Wal Btartm I ImI Mm Dept ....0 Ctraelattaa Das. ...Ut at km bib or tumocuna ratn far taeakUaaMea mt aU mi ! na4.at la M, M awt aiharwlae rrea'tWa k IMa pea aaalaaaa MM Isasi newt aalkl kmih AN rfcrhas af nsetlln a a aaactel wtiaat MM else mi ASSOCIATED PRESS kEPGRTS acMcxirnoH racxt Dattr mi Mir 90 Yaw ItJt 0e Year If fla MoMto M Ik ktanUa i J sees ata-nat .,,. I.TS rati M BtaaHh ........ X Cm I Uatka 1 IS One Yaar KM lis ..(LM The Nam aw Oeeervar k denvera to carrtm a Mf a4 aaWnM at tflsaa aewts SOT weak Daily mm r. IMU7 awlr, twelve eaarta par waafc. Mara! OUT rVatATBet at 1MB. fear AH- anaanaMl iwailnllm wffl to tajattad. N aaraaarrtrt wig to tetanias aalan ai 1 1 nasal ii to MORNING TONIC (Miller) Infinity ia the retirement in wkirh perfect love and wisdom only dwell with God. Ia infinity an.t .eternity, the skeptie area an abyss in which all la lost I we in I hem the residence of Almighty power, ia which my reatnn and my wishes find equally a Arm support. Here, holding by the pil lar of heaven, I exist I sinnd fast. . UNCLE WALT MASON PATIENCE. Xa Matter what ftwa wrong, ao edda what wlraa are crossed, you'd better heave a eng, then aee year temecr lost. If ceasing things weald help, I'd y, 'By all means cun; pat cp a hew I and e!p, and raise a beaatly fast." Bat this tni deeea't rhase the shades of gloom away; Jast wear cfcaerfal face, and taints will he O. K. I drev eight hundred allies, this spring, la my tia ear; the rsln, la fifty atylr. tame dewa, fro eloed. Jar. The roadway was a Hoed, and my aid faith fal host jast foaadered ia the mud. and there g:v ap Ha foal. Tina was when I'd lave reared end pawed aroaad and wept, and lora my sorrel board, while watch and ward I heat. Bat years have made me wise; 1 I. new that patleaee wins nd ferty thoasaad sighs area't worth a brace of grins. At so I waited there aad whistled half a day then aaw a traafer fare with horaea dowa that way. He kaajed me from the mire and aalr :ked a bach, and I taned ap my lyre and Betted my goodly Inch. The mad hairs dot life's way, aad there we aft are mired; aad some stand- f aad bray, and make the welkin tired; Iba wise nun aita aad heme a tone thst should be canned, atll aeme fellow cornea aad haale him to dry bad. Aad the wets had it floured out t lint they were t Win. Their dope book t not up to dale. If this sugar business keeps up we wilt have to Kid hurry rail for Henry Page, v Evidently the brewer will continue to kold I hit ni!ioa barrela of 2 3-4 per rent beer. Htroafrr beer waan't strong enough to get votes anougk to indirate that the thing was in regard to bear at all. , ( .It may be all right to try tha head of the Ger- .. hot the thing to do with him after the trial la to Kara U,im to death. Trading with Germany ran begia at a nee. Bo hj Bill baa a horse to swap he eaa drop ia at the , (Sandhill fair tills fall and probably some of the Godbleaeed Macs down there eaa show hint a few trifka ia equine rommetyinl t ran (actions. Mr. Igoe, of Ohio, la arguing la defease of the brewery in Congress, inniata that tha war la oxer. He haluld run aver lata the Hennte a few miaate aad ath the hell-roarers give evidence that it ia aot. It la aanounred that 167 German are to b tried V tat allira. That ia about all that need to be Included eieept perhapi the other aiity-nine wl lioa. Bat they cm be taken up after thaw are fist. Taa laeipieht Koomlet of 0o. Lowdea, for Re publiraa aomiaatioa for preaident will be received .ky cartala aclcit coterie in Washington aa a Cfteaatb point, for there are those who expert to pretoat any presidential boom that eaa be taken ear of without auy coming from tha outside. Ktw.Yerk Slate has above kalf a million auto aaoWle. Tha Halted Slate baa above flee mil- t:... .1 .t ti. .... .a . i t i . i s n o im oi iu woria nas aoout two milUei, la tki country we have one ear for aver twenty people. Ia tha rest of tha world ia aa tat for ry 750 people. Ia proportina t olir pepulatiok we hav Uirty. seven timea aa many cara ai fh rest of tha world. ,W eaa atill feel a littl avelled p overeur rating.' Tha Womaa'i Club ia it'a effort to see tkat tkf daaee it which tk yeuag aomea partieipate art f tha right lort-auck that a reasonable critieisa taa ba made af - a w in wj mpmtuy aad to-opertlioa.of every eaa who eaa be of aay kelp. It if easy U erlticlse, but tk aelf restraint aeeerni m aerraia (rota erlHdslng eftoa doe freat deU Bsot gad thaa tpeakiag aad fxaarw finding ftmlt. 4io If you caa't ad a kaad aad klp v ; OU MUSOCBI COitCKESl - ptToagT kaa alwaya beea aa Interesting tkarae- r atady, aad tk Coagreasmta baa always beea aa iatorcatiag utapl af tk woaderful work creatioa. Tat it appear to baa ba left for tk pre seat exlraordiaary aestioa tf pro It alalia t tk word exlraordiaary by it ingujtr dealr far laformaUoa. Tha xtr esloa 1 11 from Missouri. Every few minute it would seem aom inquiring member Jump to hi placd air for kaowledge. Bo aa investigstloa ia itartedT ' Bom' plat tki I all right It 1 all right for tb ma a from Missouri. II eoafcaae tkat ba u omcwhat from tb aticks, aad aot aliv to all the dark ways of human kind, and ba want to kaow tk anawer before be get too far into the play Bui be ia aot a Congressman, and hat aot com to Washington ooxing wisdom tkat ia vital for tb saving of tk nation, and k i aot receiving alary for bit work. Tb Missouri Malt it frankly telling a by hi demand to b ahowa that be i tryiag to (id tep tb abort-eard. artlit, tad the fakirs, and the buneo-ateercra who atand thick round t segregate tka Beubea from bit means. Congress i aot exactly of thl ly ft. CongreM want to investigate, but, thl aot for information. Congress kaewt it all. Congres may act likt tb aiaa from Missouri, but that i camouflage of tk highest degree of skill. The Missouri man doe aot baow, bat want to find out before be step oa the sticky fly paper and gets hit lege tan gled up. The Congressman knows, bat ht wanti t iaform tha world, aad at b kaow tht, world has grown tired listening to the informer who information is as old s the antique Joles that Joe Miller dug out of the Nil valley ia the dnyt of Cleopatra the Congressman who want aa in reatigation want it so tb information he hi tc offer eaa b pressed oa somebody officially, like tke sheriff serves the summons. Congress ia investigating these days more than t rat, and hanging around the mouse hole just in beut the same manner, in th hope of something to investigate, yet right sure that whtttvtr hat been ia tha hole ha een investigated eo often that it hat beea caught tad eaten long ago. Yet it serves as a subject for investigation until something elre ran he found, and at Investign Hon doe not tak murk time that the est or th Congressman would devot to anything mora worth while nobody so far, has ever seen any reason to object. Congres is from Missouri, not bacauee It really wnat to be shown, but because it like to ss the old women say once ia a whjle, "snnnp It is a rharacteriatrriatie of some folks. It is not harmful, and hardly annoying. beta show U the most conclusive tray. Bat tht Beet Itartt out to g by raaaata aad tb peopl will wtcb it progrea wore aa a vcriBcaUo of tb safety af tb aatiaa ia tha potsemioa of tb taaal thaa aa a teatLolakat the eaaal will do. Wbil tb fiett la going terota from tb AtlaatU to the Pteiflt fleet af antatnobll truck ia going wtit aa the highway showing aaotkr eeaaectiag link betweea tha two eoattt. Ia the eveat af aa othtr war the YJaited Bute will bavt eeeaa de- fen e movable from coait to eoast, railroads, truck line and air navigation. The Pacifie is ao longer far from tb eaat. Thia country la today at torn pact at a barrel af aaolaMea. :- THAT AHTI-PBOHIBITIOX COLLAPSE. Tb eollap of tb aati-probibltloa effort it getting funny. Tha announcement were made a few moatha age that wbea th troop am back from Franc they would jump on to thi probibi tioa outrage aad trample it in -the mud la about three minute after they arrived oa solid lead. Tk laboring mte of the United State irra to trim up all th tc hemes to thut off tht' worbtr't l)wrThaforcignlaboT of llw United Btate wouM go back to Europe and show the hide-bound narrow heads over bore what shutting off liquor stand for. 8om of the New England aad btlddlt Statet papers were reading the Mother JBhipton prophecy about the coming of the end of "the world, and figuring oa bow to arrange their affairs in event that the gin mills actually drove ia the bung and (hut up ahop. The boor erowd , best th tomtoms aad- mad so much aoise they rtally thought thylheardtpmothlsg that sounded like backing from some other thaa themselve. Thea th court tried to figure ia eomething about 1 3-4 per eeat beer. Thea CongreM grtdu slly warmed up to th rat killing, and wbea the eouat wat takta there wasn't a thing left for tht talooa but to wonder, who did it aad what with. Booze now has it rating. It know that no where at the conaideration of tba people of the United Stales doee it get tvea a chaaet to tit on tht fence and tee the procession go by. It has been a most pronounced bluffer, a modern John Falstaff in ita claiming at well a aa iaiquitout reaorter to every detestable rhen. . But it hat finally arrived at th finish. Tht' peopl Ainder- ttaad now that the rest it simply the eletn up of tht gang that persist in defying the law, aad that tbott who have ttoorwith their saloons opent in the face of the law now tee whtrt tht lightning ttrikes. The rest of tht way the bead playe the funeral march. THE SPEEDERS. Two things the paper are full of. The arrest of the speeders and the increasing automobile accidents. The folate law specific the speed -of ears on t lie streets and roads. Most people pay some attention to the law. A limited number of others do not, and they are a ronslant danger to themselves and a menar to others driving the roads. Excessive speed is justified ptrhnpt once or twice in aa ordinary lifetime, but not mare. The purpose for which the average cor it traveling requires a gait of not over fifteen to eightee milrt, and if for the sake of satisfying the driver it is bounced up to twenty or twenty-five miles an hour it ha reached the limit allowed by law and by any ordinary prudence. The oMrer ia many of tb cities nd town ar ahowiag a determination to enforce the ltw by arretting those who violate it. It it Isrgaly matter with tht o (Beers whether the inexcusable pcd on the roads and the streets is continued The man who is arrested may put up a protest and perhap criticise tb officer, but if th officer will stand to bit guns and tell the accused that the way to avoief arrett it to obey th law th bulk of th people will be with th officer. There it a theory that the law is the voice of the people anil that the whole population ia witk the law, but that is net the fact. A certain proportion of folks yet think the law is for the other fellow. Thtt class the offi cer ind the rest of th people will have 10 contend with, but they ran V set aside, for after all the law it witk tha officer, aad Ik take a big man to make headway againat the law if a nervy officer upholds it. Yet at the fiuul test it is the people who are going to atop speeding and stop tht Increasing ac cidents tkat ar occurring day by day. When the people have let it be known tkat they are with the officer of the law th law will bring the relief. I'ntil speeding is stopped the situation on the roada is as eertiia to get worse as it I certainly worse riow thaa before the first car came out. It is a matter ia which everybody is concerned, for the speeder ran kill himself and his own folka at well as he ran kill otkert. and it It a fart that he fre quently pvyi the penalty. CO-OPERATION REQUESTED. With Raleigh't community cannery available to all who wish to make use of it there ought to be precious little gardqn trurk wasted in Wak county this yetr. The cannery it well equipped and tht canning is done under competent direction to that th best results are obtained. People who have produreJ that they want to save and cannot wll handle themselve should not hesitate to bring it to the cannery. The eountry people can well afford to heed the appeal for co-operation which ha come from the management of th cannery. In the flrrt place th cannery is a laudable enterprise intended to accumulate atom for distribution through the Associated Charities end other agencies to the needy of th city. In the next plar use of the cannery should mean money in the pocket of the eountry people. Most of them no doubt naa mor garden tuff than they have th help and facilities to ran. Th surplus that It ordinarily allowed to wste might ss well be saved. Co-operation between the city and rural folks ought to be fr aad heurty. Th ity cannot well get along without tk territory lying around aad about it had neither can the country conveniently do without tke eity which i both a place to buy and a place to aell. Th eity audNiouniry preeinrt should pull to gether snd be mutually helpful. Our friend in the eountry can help make the community cannery a rousing success. And they will do it, too, If the fact that thir assistance is needed is sufficiently circulated. OUR NEIGHBORS ' t- Hc "V V V " ' Th Oiatty One who drops in just after breskfwt with the history of Ker life. on all the partict to tht league, to help her lick ireiana. What ia bia "argumeaft Why, that if Amerieaa capital it for the league it i necessarily viciou and mutt be made odious. It reminds of the silly demagogy we bud m thi country nearly half century ago, wbea many of our tatemn septr ated the Ametiraa electorate into two partioa the plow-bolder, all of whom were virtuous, and the bond-boldsrs, all pf whom were profligate. Like many other rraxet, tht thing twept over tht Wett like the cholera, and every citixen who advocated honest money was deaounced aa a maa whose sol aim was to 'make money tea ret" aad the masses indignant. ' Harvtiting ttobaeeo boa begun ia different tec- lion of tht Slat, and th report ar that' tht crop it damsged aom by th fertiliser and Mint by the weather. But a th price promise to be good th tobacco maa i looking thipper thi year, nd he figure ou showing the banker something long in the fall that will look good to both of them. the .Woman Club d what h ia trying to do. roa j.- .... -vu . o,,.uiMuoa i ao- eaaal aad Ita poeafiUUtice and what te eipeet kg. The Worn. a Club bat lo.g be. . fore. i. there. P.aam. es.ai I no le.ger thwry la Baleigb and It. influeac 1. going to wa rafter th ligktt legre: It ia ag atcdmpUrtmtnt thaa wit. It U a wkoletom iaCucae tot, ' of tk govwra.e.t, .d Ita pr.ctial atllity bat PANAMA AS AN INVESTMENT. In a day or two a great fleet of the American navy wilt act tail from the Atlantic to tba Pacific ores a, going thi time by th Panama eaaal. Oa th last eceatioa whet aa Amerieaa war vessel was wanted ia on ocean wken it wot ia th other tk Oregon mad th famout "run around front the Tacifie to join the fleet that was about to be gia operatioat against the Bpaaith ia Cubaa water. It wat a long run, aad a slow one, but a twtft oa for tk tim and th eoaditioaa aad successful one. Today it would b a failure. The world could aot wait for week for a abip to tome across. War move faster now. The canal his beea dug, aad put t us. Tit, fleet new about to set out will be the biggest flee' that ever moved from tkt Atlaati to tka Pacifie, aad the mo.t powerful one. It will be a modtra miracle com pared witk taytklng tkat hat gou be fore it, and it will eat through th isthmut la steed f going around the entire boundary f South America, etting a bow path aad a at record for naval mevemeat btwea the east aad weet frontier of tka VaiUd Stste. - at W baow pretty well what the fleet will do. Tb canal ha beea dug. Tb eaaal ba beea dug Ship have been traversing It until It ha become a I aid atory. A war fleet will pass through la whatever order er ataaatr the coaauadtr tball eleet. Not eoaatiag a poetible accident tba ached ula can be arraaged now sad tarried eat very The impressioa aeemed to prevail that the cos gressionnj seed distribution bad been stopped, but government bulletin asks for bids on eeedt to be delivered thia fall. In the lot It about 30,000 pound of flower teedt, dO.OOO pound of lettuet seed, 73,000 of radiah seeds, 40,000 of onion teed, nd other in proportion, to be ent out promis cuously. You will get your paektta of them along ia tht winter ia plenty of time to plant them and wonder what they are. Poitibly-a League of Nttiont may not b b1 to prevent another war, but it will go much further ia that direction than no concerted action of tha nation at all. Aad if it cannot do anV good it cannot potaibly do aay barm. If in bunch of half a dowa met flv art banded to- getker to prevent a quarrel the tixtk one will aot hlvt much lucre In pulling off a fight, aad that i Ideatieally tk prlneiple of th league. Prejudice Invoked " By SAVOYARD. ' 1 eut (k following out of a aewsptper tb othtr moraisg aad it it aemethlng in th nature of a eurtity in senatorial "debate-t . ttenator Borah apoke a Imgth, and la tb eoura of hi remarks declared thet befer th ds bate o the league closed ht would Vw that big flaaajcial iateroatt were in eoaelava to exploit tk aatarai reeouree of Europ aad bate tb Valttd Stares, uaderwrit tk Uvettmeat. "Tkt math of hypocrisy will b torn off La ttld, 'and avn tk aaerd asm of a forme PrssU dent eanaot b need to protect the met who pro pos reaeu out rat country.' V , "Tke Idaho' Senator read from a oublicatio af the Lee giit ft Enforce Peace a Utemnt that thrtfOartha of tb toatributioa to that areaaU utloa cam front basis mtn aai aaid that wkjle the aamt of Kuha, Loeb Co. wat tot among tke concern! wieatlonedrhs1 had evidence that it ihould laathm Later 8ator Borah Injected tba abaurdity late the gaiety of tb totatia that, under Article X t tba letgue Great BrlUUt it authorized te aD C)rgani4d eajiital has beea guilty of some mighty mean thing in our country. Not one bit of doubt oi i.iul, uut the money power never contemplated tne oeggary or the people. A, fool ought to know that capital cannot flourish if the masse art im poverished. When Mr. Cleveland wat President the last term, financial panie spread over the country, the most disastrous of the last fifty yeara. mat panie had for parenUtbe Sherman silver law mat rrtaiaeni Harrison approved, after it wat passed by both houses of a Hepublican Congres,. it put every privt business rolneern in America on the silver basis. The Federal Treasury waa tne only truanriui institution that paid gold. (irave state-men of both parties in Congress de nounced the situation ns a "banker s panic. They told the people that the money power precipitated the hard tiuios, and was intent on beggaring the farmer, the artisan and all other classes except itseir. A banker's panic! As wall talk of mother's ayarlet fever, or a soilor'i storm, or former drouth. Of all classes, th financial panic hurt tlio bankers first and moat. It means tha payment of debts and the very first thing in order is run oa the bank, and rare indeed is the bank that kop sufficient money on hand to pay it depositor In full immediately. It is absurd, th idVa that a baaker ia agin prosperity, lit makea his giins by lending money, and durinir a nauic n aa no money to lend. ' But there it a prejudice" against banker. Tkr is a vicious vkwucui of our electorate who think it criminal to be rich, however honestly tht money may ne come ny. it is to that clement thtt Ben ttor Borak appwla. In bit philosophy it it hor rible for Ameri.fju rapitnl to adventure in Europe ro set toe numerous peoples of that continent on their feet in order that they may go to work and help rebuild the world's watte places, devastated by war. The intelligent capitalists of th United Btnte know that our prosperity will not endur unless Europe goes to work; they know that Europe can not go to wort unless money is supplied with which to rebuild factories and purchase raw ma terials. They know another thing, and it it this Unions there it a League of Nations ao American money it going to be adventured ia Europe. And that it not all they know. They know that hard time and pan!. and quarrel between labor and capital and ttrikes snd violence will come in our owb land unles Europe is put ia a condition to buv our tiirpltii products. And .they know be tide that America it now become the only ira porta nt money-lender on e.-irtb. Our bankers are not going to lend monev in Europe if the chances ar that war are liielv ta break out any moment over there). Kvery sensible maa kaow that thore wan wilt come unlet thtr i a legue of the great power to avert war. Of all th nation, the United Btnte of America It mott vlttlly interested in politirtl tranquillity tht world round. Uiven that, and in half a century. yet, a quarter of a century, the world will emerge out of the present financial ruin, strengthened, rotrast, prosperous. And wnr will be the most ediout idet the human imagination 'can conceive, That,( Udeed. will be the state of evea the German mind. . ... The League of Nttiont mrane disarmament. Die- armament mean Deace. At mv old friend. CreedaU 8tovall, of Bnrrta county, Kentucky, eagely aug- geetM, 'j'eu etn't skin a beef without a halfe." So you can't fight a war without aa armv. Tba design rs to make public opinion king,' wi;h tuto cratie authority aa irresistible power. A to the league, it it Imperfect. It will be per fected and amcaded at the axperleaea aad Intel ligent and the -virtue of maakiad ehalt dictate. It would have beea far better document if Ba- ttor i Congres had aot aougbt to discredit th rresideat of the United Btates before the Mblif f Europe. But It will hold: it will suffic. tad la tht tad it will triumph. Borah it a bravt aad aa honest maa. Other ef hit party art cravea townrdt aad areh b.trprtmr-Tkcs Tatter pretend ta M for a, wague. xney tie. They ealr aeeh te wane a piratical tubmtrine warfare agulast It aad torpedo it without warning or plty.v . weiougioa, duly it, . 1 HUNGRY TO MHO SCHOOL One-third of Children in Czecho Slovakia Absent Each Day, Says Report Prague, Czecho-Slovtktn, June 31. (oorrespotaenee of The AjMeutted Pre) One-third of th achool chil- drea in Caecbo-lovkla art absent from school every day on neeount of hunger, according to Bed Croat Inveiti- gatorr report. Many of the child ran in th schools were found ao weak from lack of nourishment that they could not hold their beads' erect Frequently enuuren naa to be carried, home be cause thty bad not the strength to walk. Ms Edith Hoyt, of Washington. D. C, and Mrs, Ethel D. Earle, of New York City, two of the trained social workers sent by the Bed Cross into seventeen towns in the Erxebinr dis trirt, reported that ia thia section 90 per cent of the children were actually starving. To relieve the tituation, nr. rangementt have been made fot the establishment of public kitebent throughout the country. The Americans ar supervising their operation and th distribution of food supplie to tbem "The children were undersized and backward," write Mis Hoyt. "botb physics I ly and mentally. They showed signs of tuberculosis, rickete and ane mia. W went through school room after school room inking "How tniay have not had breakfast thia mornlngf la a class of 48, 19 little bands went up. This was typical of the aituatioa throughout the district. 'Nettles, a weed, from the Drincloal item of diet in the poorer home, and only on town w visited had any po uroes. vta entered many houses un expectediy, in order to obtain a tree idea of conditions. 'Among the achool children rivket- softenmg of the bouts dae to lack of fat preyaile universally. Children of aeven ar like children of four. Chi) dren of tea or twelve are the sis of aormal six-year old. Their face are gray with pallor, and abaormally saa ana gloomy. RED CROSS OPENS GREAT HOSPITAL AT CHELIABINSK Omsk, Siberia, June 2. (Br Mail) To meet aa emergency in hospital work for wounded Buaaiant of tk army fight ing the Bolshevlki, tk American Bed Cross has epead one of it biggest aospital at Cheliabinsk. The opening of heavy fia-htiae- on tha Ufa front brought auay wounded ao). Olers to tne nlreldy burdened Buaaian military hoapiUla. Th Bed Croat aeat to Cbeliabiaak, Dr. Htnry W. Nawman Cheliabintk promises to b aa impor tant tUUen for Amerieaa Bed Crosa work thi Mimmer, as it is expected that the fighting dill be psrtieulnrly heavy ia the district fronting it. PERMISSIBLE TO PHOTOGRAPH s JAPAN! IMPERIAL FAMILY Tokio, July leVPermlstion ba just beea granted to tak DhotoeraDhs Trf th Imperial family a they appear in publi driving in a carriage but not when they r on horseback or afoot Tkit it Interpreted here at a very great concession to the Mrit ef democracy. ia ta earlier days of Jatmn it was popularly sanpoeed thtt any on as tint en tht (acred Emperor would be struck blind. Accordingly hit face wat always veiled by a flae bamboo, mat wbea an audience waa granted. At late at 1915, oa the orcaaioa of the coroaatioa at Kioto, photographs et the Emperor aad Empiett exhibited ia thop windowa bad the faces of their fUajettie obscured by a piece of paper. . v- ivew taapnott ar ta Emperor ana bit f eoDtorrarr tppeariaa freonerrtlv ia the Japanese aewtpapen. It uke a maa f wmdom to ntiliza halt b kaowa. .. .... - ' "-h - Aaewer te Yeatrday'a Kwia. 1. Aa inn or liquor ealoon, to-called a an abbreviation of "publi hou." f. Oa i large water fall Ilk, fof IntUnet, NUgrn fall; th other, an eye disc in which th eryttallint ' lent become opaque, earning blind ness. S. A contrivance invntd to heave overboard from a vessel on tht turfaca of tht tea to dettroy tibmarinet, a ploding at a certain depth beneath that J ea. .- Chicago. ' ' 5. Florida, Alabama, Mlstlttippl, Louisiana and Texas, fl. In th Bering Bea, famout for ealing. 7. "The Villag Blacksmith by Henry W. Longfellow. 8. The colored rays of light ceo. rated by refraction through t prism J . Jl wanarallv avuialrlnir k ..I... I. ' m J -I - v vv.uia auvww Ml man. W. Ambassador from Prance to th Uaited Btates and dean of the diploma tic corps in Washington. 10. Forty-eight. '. "Caatlley" New Question. 1. Why do they call it opt 2. What It a poll tixT 3, What wer th Monitor nd tha Merrimaef 4. Who it William Marconi I 4. What ia astigmatism t . , fi. What famous English novtlltt firt ' i wrote sketches under the nora it ptsam Of "Bof't i 7. What color result from a mixtaua of yellow tad bluet 8. Who was Aesop f 9. What ia tba tallest building in tha world 10. What are the Iggo rotes! I Btj Edar A. Guwt A THOUGHT fOR PATH IRS I want to bavt my younisters clad That I wi ehosea for their dadu I want them when I've gone away To think of me at time and toy That I bequeathed to them n nam That never ha beea linked witk (ham, I have no great desire for Dclf Or joys which I may claim myself. I shall not whimper though I mis Th topmost peak of earthly blist If I can be, throughout my dart. A maa my little onet can praise. I want my children to be proud . Of me In any throng or crowd, I wotild aot have them turn awty Or blush tt aught that I might say , Or try to hide from public view A single died that I may do. - Whea-they ar wiser, older frown. And si. life' ways to them ar known I would not have them call .0 mind Occasions when I was unkind, Or have them in my reeerd set - J' 0 cause to be tthtmed of m t wntto leave aiv children here -- - Te walk through life without a fear) I want to have them proud to aay They bear my name from day to day. . 1 waat tbem alway to be glad Tkat I waa ehoaea for their dad. - Copyright 1919 by Edgar A. Guest Cub and Mtxke Return Relation , Mexico City. July 13. Dr. Exoonlel Garcia Entene t, recently named Minuter . to ijexico rrom Cuba, and Of.Hr WhHmaraa. first -erta.i n)' tie, errfved bee -'-- tlicir pott. Thi marJej 'T of wlatiowtTfiMwiva llhrJ wwirh bid. beea nieadf I oath. '