SATURDAY M031uKG,'JULY 10, 1919. ' TIE K2VV3 MO ozzzavzx II If i V AUTO REPAIRING WB PAINT 'AUTOMOBILES AND com awtomobll top. Jol W. Ivan' Son. Baleigh. H-Bt. SPECIAL .- ! - " " J . ACT QUICK! U. S.. ARMY GOODS ALMOST 6lVEN AWAY 1 . IF YOU WANT A TENT, KEFRIG trator, harneaa heater, or. cooking ateaaila of any kind, ro to your opportunity to eeeure what too want. It ilaoM Ulf-pricv An V. 8. Army good and guaranteed to br - the btt. Sea prieei below and aet nickv v .,. ,' U. S. ARMY TEWTS x - AT BARGAIN PRICES: VSED BUT SERVICEABLE. 8KB 16x16x11 ft alga. 8 ft. wall, guaraa tood ataadard 1M on. army duck, 818.83 saeh. ."'-? - - - .-- OrriCERS WALL TENTS, lit FT, 176.85 eexlu Ol FICEIi WALL TENTS. 1IU FT, 828.38 each. TENT FL1. S. Hall FT, I1I.M EACH SHELTER TENTS, $3.11 EACH. V. S. ARMY FOLDING CANT At COTS, IKS EACH, - U. 5. ARMY - ' KITCHEN UTENSILS BELOW COST , HEAVY TIN OTPS, lit EACH, 11.88 locea. ALUMINUM CUPS, ISe EACH. IMS Iorea. FOLDING METAL MEAT OR MESS pan with lid And handle, tSe eaeh.tfM loren. ENAMEL CUPS, HEAVT, 18c EACH, 11.00 donea. - ENAMEL PLATES, lie EACH. TSe dotea. JCNAMEL PUDDINO PANS, 8Se tarh, 4JH doten. . ENAMEL PUDDING t'ANS, 45c each, 84.73 do son. , ENAMEL PITCHERS, lit EACH, 12.79 dost a. U.S. ARMY WrVRNES: SHIRTS AND BREECHES . FOR SALE CHEAP DOUBLE WHEEL H1RNESS, 158.88 let. DOUBLE . LEAD HARK ESS, 848.88 Mt. KHAKI BREECHES WA8HA0, GOOD roadition, 95e. pair, 19.06 doseit. , WOOL BREECHES, SERVICEABLE eonditioa, $2.25 pair, $4.50 denwn. WOOL SHIRTS, SERVICEABLE tondition, 82.23 pair, 814JO doxen. U. S. ARMY REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW AT HALF COST PRICE REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW, Gramd Bapida, 2 large compartment nth, 8 ft high. Si" wide aad M" deep; 509 poind Ice capacity. Worth $350, our aperial r. O. B. Qreeuv.Uo, $112.75. REFRIGERATORS ALMOST NEW, Alaska, 1 compartment. 800 pound ire capacity; worth $400. Our special $190 earn. U. S. ARMY - . HEATERS, HARDWARE AND CAMP SUPPLIES GOING DIRT CHEAP HEATERS 112 M EACH AND UP ward. Various make and aire. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS, Hi ZP, $1.T3 eat: -1127". $2.50 earh. GALVANIZED WATER AND Flf.E j backet; good" condition, from 50e, 65e, 75c, 85e each. U. 8. ARMY CAMP 8UPPLIES OF all kinds. ENGLISH KNIFE BAYONETS MAT ' h (round into an excellent butcher, earring or fish knife, 60e. ." : STEEL SCABBARD TO FIT THE bore, 50. RUSSET LEATHER WAIST BELTS, . worth $2.00, 50e. tSjm PIECES ASSORTED ARMY enamel ware. WRITE FOR BARGAIN PRICE LIST ef Army go." . TERMS CASH WITH ORDER. INCLUDE POSTAGE WHEN ' ORDERING GOODS SENT BY V MAIL ' ' EVERYTHING FOR CHAIN GANGS, CAMPERS, AND COMMISSARIES. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ARMY GOODS OF ALL . KINDS. -WE DEAL IN ARMY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. .. V. 8. Government require at te pay vmih when we bay. Ne C. O. D. order pted. Money back If aot satirOid. .BRADLEY BONDED .. WAREHOUSE COMPANY, GREENVILLE, S. C LOST FOUND STOLEN T YOU HAVE LOST TOUR POCKET book or your watch or your eyeglaaae ' or anything (ejeept your reputatioa), call oa The Newa and Obterrer to help you And it Ahnott everybody ia koneet and yea will probably get " back your loit prorarty if you will eommunieate with the Snder through , rt "it and FouadlL cpluma of The New and Obaereer. U)ST-A TAN HANDBAG. JUIrY It, between Lealiburg aad ForeetTllle, containing pair of pant, ahirt, few .- eollara and tiat,. Bewrd. a O. Rjgjta, I-tulnbtira. N. C. 10-tt. VOST. BETWEEN 8ELMA, SMITH field er Kenly, a coatj aaeekrM ia pocket narked "Pepeia 8yr. Ca." re - tarn te 8figg BotcL Wilioa, JT, C " for reward; 08T 'ON .COUNTRY ROAD BE tweea Baleigh by Clayton, Bmithfleld, Princeton, Uoldnboro, La O ranee aad Klnston, ladle' ipriag weight gray eoat, Mixed colore, ? lining about (fcouldewa. Flader pleaae notify 74 Hancock Street, New Bern, N. C aad get reward. ' - JS-2t LOST FOUND-STOLEN LOST-i BETWEEN WAKI FOREST lad Henderaoa, imall hand bag witk Ivory toilet aet' Mr. B. E. Smith, Baleigli Cafe, Baleigh, N. C. ' 18-3t. TEN DOLLARS , REWARD FOR IN- fomatioa leading to recovery of Dodge tearing ear, Ne. M330, ewaed by J. B. Goiter, Baleigh. . Alhby Lambert Atty., Baleigh. ; 13-7t LOSTt BRACELET WATCH -WED-' Mtdiy evening between Baleigh Ho tel and Faqnay Spring while oa a "hay tide" party. Reward.. Return to New aad Obeerver. 11-St 3IDS WANTED , SEALED BIOS WANTED FOB BOAD teastrnetioai The board of eoanty eonmiaaioaera for Pamlico county will, aatil Monday, inly Jl, tilt, at II o'clock, a at Bayboro, N. Cv, re- eeiTt aealed bid for the eonit rec ite of eevea aiUei of dirt road, la eluding the eluring of right of way; the laid road te be ef ataadard grade and width. The connty reaerre the right to either reeelre or reject laid bid. Further iaforaution will be furaliked ape rquet by the nader .igned, July 8, 1. Z. Y, Bawl, caukrv attorney. 10-llt. MiaiaiaJaraaMMaiiuwr(awaa WANTED TO, EXCHANGE WILL TRADE DIAMOND BINO FOR A 150 Liberty Bona. U yon Bar a sag Liberty Bond aad want to trad for A kaW diamond, nte4 at 50, -muaicate with "T-VO," ear Newa nd Ohaerver. CLEANING PRESSING CALL BELL PHONI 1741 OB RAL eigk Phoae SOS if you -waat your uit cleaaed, preaecd or repaired. Tht Jaatowa Tailoring Company. MISCELLANEOUS CUT YOUB OWN HAIB WTO THB Duplex Hair Cutter, the greateat la- reatioa of the at. Bead $1 tor a ..-r.1- W-rth as. Price will aooa bi $3. Tou can cut your owa hair aa tear aa tou caa aaaea. Juat aomb your hair and it cut at th iam time. Juat the thing te keel your ehildrea'a hair La perfect trial. Pny$ fer iteelf ia a few aaoataa. -.a nu Hair Cutter." Boa T03. Ra eiah. N. C. 58-7. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUST DISPOSE OF MY BEAUTIFUL Piano at once. Well known make. Condition perfect Season, leariag city. Will make prce right Aitdren "L-T." care New and Ob' fTr. l3-7 will PAY SPOT CASH FOR UP I-K ri.n. Ufa Action. Mult be reaaonable. No dealer. Addreaa nvg," ear Newi and Obejrr . l!-7t OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT W boy, aell, ackaaga, repair an make. a & Btarr Company, 123 W. UartJa Street. We Make aad Sell NstioBal CB RegiaUra and Credit File, a Lewett price. Small moataly pay eat. Ne iatareat ekama. Writtea fuaraatea. Old regiatera repaired, i built, bought, told, aad exchaagtl J. E. O'DONNELL, Agent Tke National Caak Begtaler Co. 117 W. Martin St. Pkeaa Bell 1$ PROFESSIONAL DR. W. W. ST ANCELL OFFICE HOURS t Freea 1$:N to 1:$$. Frew 4t$$ to iN p. m. 402-403 TUCKER rfLDG. PHONE SCHOOLS COLLEGES BOOK KEEPING, SHORTHAND THOR. ouirhlT tausht Bpeeial Summer Ratee. Addreaa Orenbero Commercial School, Groeatboro, N. CH for Cata logue. . S-1MS RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPSWK MAKE THEM H. 8. 8torr A Company, Raleigh, N. O PRINTING MULTIGRAPHING WE DO JOB PRINTINO OF ALL kind. Prompt Mftlee. H. 8. 8torr Company. Phone eno. MULTIGRAPHING, PERSONAL LET tore, addreaaing, mailing, lltta fur nuhed. Special atuatiea given par- eel port order. Carroll utter writ- Ing Company, Raleigk. -30t 133 Fayettevllla Stoeet. BRA08TREETS REPORT. New Tork, Jnly 18. Braditreet' to morrow will aayt "Buaiaea momentum Is ao great aad demand i o heavy aad to eager that atfleetioa ia hardly yet viiibl in either trade or induetry, of the more diaturbed outlook in the labor eituatioa, or of th further ahading af eatimatc of early planted eropt notably wheat aal oata. Of tha latter It may be tald that winter wheat yield have again beea abaded, while drought, teat) or other trouble ll the West Northwect ha cut' apring wheat and other crop' pmpeete and J eauaed very large thipmeat of half maturea aatue xrom woauaaana Piorta Dakota to better feeding ground Eait ward. Th crop eituatioa, however, lad aa almoet complete balance la the puck. Improved r porta at to corn aal rotten, which have Mutinucl the gala Iirevieutry aoted. Tha' labor eituaUoa l teriout, 8rt, beceuae af tbe practical tying-ap ef akippiag a tha upper At laatia eoaet keldiag areet of eerieu iatcvruptiow of esport trade already feeling tka bad atTectr af demoralised exchaage market, aad aett, keeauaa th threate af a lockout f building kind at Chicago ia aigu of nret af thb claa of labor at a time wkea building eonst ruction the country over waa never tc active. i -Weekly bank clearing S,83152K)0. WIOIRADIICE" IN COTTO?) FUTURES October Up 90 ; Points Above Preceding Bay; Net Gain. All Months, 70 To 103 , Nw Tork, July 11 There wa a tery aharp adrance ia the ottoa market to day owing to re-Mag aerreuta am aew trtn procpecU .aad th atoaaier ton of aterliag exchange. October eoa- tracti toM Up to 30.M or M poiat above' lat aigbt'i eleatag price, tad cloeed to U.40 witk the general market aieeiag atreag at a set adrance as to to 10$ polnta. Tie aariet epeaea am at aa an- ranee of 30" to 87 polnta ia retpona to trm LiTerpool cable aad report of further raiat la the Eaatorm belt. The early improvement mat eoatlderabla teaming er liquidation whlek wa anp- So ted to ootn from We tern er Wall treat latere rti that had tarried the eoatraeta am the break ef Thureday morning. .Thie eauaed oome irregularity dariag tke middle of the mrnlng wkea price ooid eff om is at 33 point ai tke beat, but there wal aetir baying by I4rpooi aad alee eealiderable demand front aomeatia trade kouree. Offeriucw m abeerbed en - a i Iowa by tkia buying, aad tke market latef became tery Srm aa eorerlng by recant tellers ltd rebuyleg by toM-eut mag. December deliterie told up to 33.45 aal January te 3313 er about N to 107 point above mat night doting quota- boa and witlua 30 at S3 polnta ef the kifY record titeblUhe! aa laat Monday. Reporta reMkiag kera from Maaekee ter iadieatel that Brltiah mill were de ist aa active bucineta ia rood at aati factor- nriee and there anneared to be a feeling around the ring that the Liverpool buying here might be aiat forward trade, rrfqulremeat. There were aameraut eemplaiat of too much rain into the JUatera Mil tecueaa aad the 8eet af the wet weather ea tke pread af boll weevil. High. Low. ciee. July. .. KM 24.(7 UM October v S3.efl 34.7S 330 December 35.43 34.70 35JM January 33.25 34.80 34.20 Maren 34.40 33.10 Spot eettoa cloted ttrong, 100 point adranee; middling 36.30. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Reported by Parker Brea. Co.) Receipt yeaterday (bale) ., SO Good mjddling ...34V Btriet middling JHU Middling 34 NORFOLK COTTON MARKET. (By Holmea Ddweon.) Norfolk, Van July 18. Middling cot ton, thirty-four; itriet low, thirty-three J market ttendy. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, July 18-!ottoa epvt ia moderate demaal. Prieei higher; good middling, 2.44; fullly middling, 21 J4: middling, S114; low middling, 1S.48; good ordinary, 1744 1 ordinary, 17 JL Sale, 4,000 bale, iacludiu 3,000 Ame r'in. Beeelpta, HflOQ bale, iaeludlag 13,100 Amerteaa. Futuret eleeed irregular. July. 3L30: October. 21.43; January, 11.43; March, 113 1 ; May, LIVERPOOL COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool, July JSTotal forwirded to mill, 61.000 bale, ef which Amer ican 42,000. Stock. MfiOO; Amerteaa, wo. import, 78w; Ameneaa, 71.000. Eiporta, 1,700. COTTON SEED Oil- New York, July 18. Cotton iced oil wa heavy early under scattered liquida tion due te the break ia lard and bear iah economic condition, but a fair rally followed on Outaide cupport aad thort covering. Final price were 13 poiat lower to 8 aet higher. Sale, 3,100 bar rel. Prime crude, aomlaal ; prime auai mr, yellow apot and July 27.00; Sep tember, 27 JO; December, 24J8. NEW ORLEANS COTTON ASCENDS 55 PER BALE New Orleaaa, July 18, A firm mar ket developed ia cotton today, chiefly beeaute the trade placed considerable confidence in the efforte being made to atnbiliae foreign exchange and ac cepted the higher quotation in that market a proof of improvement in th situation. Unfavorable crop aew and predi. tion by labor leaden -that the marlae atrike wa likely to ead before the week closed were additional en couragement io buyer. The opening wa at the advanee aad the riaiag tendency persisted throughout Aa ati lioa, highest price Being reached ia the last few minute of the day when tha trading month were M to 108 point up. The eloee wat 81 to 108 ap. Initial trade wer higher ia eym patby with the better Liverpool market taaa due and the demand waa iaereaeed by the rains on the weather may aad later by private aecouata ef crop deter ioration through heavy thowen, both ia the Atluaties and ia 1h Western belt. The continued rise in the pried of cot ton good helped value to tome osteal tnd in the aitetnoon, short covered f.eelv fellewlat th martini ud of not quotation by 23 pornU. Middling spot were quoted at 34 cent while July elojed at 34.83 and October at 34.93. Bick. Lew. Close. Jury 34.73 34.11 34.83 October 35.00 34.33 34.93 January 34 .98 34 J2 34.83 March ;34J6 84J3 UM , Rpot cotton, 24 point up. Sate on the tpot, 1,581 bale; to arrive, 337; low middling, 28.75; middling, 34.00; good middling, 33.00. Bcccipt. 2,205; rtoch, 25747. a --- w----a---a HESTER'S WEEKLY COTTON STATE MENT, i Statement of world visible mpplyr Total vitibl this week. 4S88; laat week. 4029: name date last rear. 3194. Of tbi the total America a thie week, 3288i laat week. 3287 1 latt year, 2033. All ether hind thie week, MSOf laat wk. 1402 1 11 veer, 1181. Visible la the United Bute tbi week, 2018: tki date last rear. 1670. Viaible in other eountrle tbii week, 2870: tbia date last year, 1524. NATAL STORES.' .Savannah, Ga., July 1! Turpentine, Arm, 1J5; aale. 316: receipt, ; btpmente 81 f atock, 9,0fi3. , Boala, Srm; aalee. ljDSSi receipt. 861 1 shlpmeate, 840: Itoch. S4J03. traete B, 13.20 s D. 16JX); E, 18.10: r, 18JA; O, 18.40) II, 18.70; I, 17.40; K, 18.75 r M, 19J3J N, 19781 WU, SOW, W W, - E If! ERRATIC MARKET Increase in Short Selling Partly Responsible; Bonds x Unchanged New York, July ll. The tnal tei- aios af tha week oa the Stock Exchaage ( reeoM kavlng beea ardcred for to morrow) wa ebarecterlae! by further erratic floctuatloo of price, traceable la large part to an iacreaae of abort aslliag: - :V " 1 Revival af beariih aggreeaioaa wat accompanied by report which hlkted at approaching labor dlaturbaneei, but thee were aot caalrmabla ia tha high eat a a d beet informed lad oat rial Quar ter. Far. th long account further en eouragemeat wa found in the eeiier tread af money, aa erteatloa ef tke rally ia txekang ea London and Pari and the, weekly Mereaatila Review, whlek hwt aoae ef their recent favor able tone. Motor and their better kaowa apeo- ialtlee, eile, eflnipmeat embracing tha varioui atoal aad iron (ompaalea, to bacco, Jeatnere aad eundry peclaltle, were eonaplcaou la tke ebb aad flow of the more moderate dealings, the traaipertaUoa dlvialen ahewing rela tive baekwsrdaeet aar for a few ef the low grade tone.. Tha atock Uat waa at iowett lev) Jaet before aoea, kuf rallied witk auck ta aa to auggeet a aearetty of tke floating aupply ia aome ef tha mora rtpulat (hare. Shipping iteeh were rm to etreng for a brief period, but reacted toward the cloee. Premlaent among tha advaacea ef the day were Btuta Motor, which made a a extreme gain of 10 point ta th aew record ef ltd 1-4, Btromburf Carbure ter, 4 1 V. 8. Indnitrial AleoMI. 3 1-1 1 Amerteaa Car, 3 S-8; Boyal Dutch ie- ue am average ef almoet poiat, with Miaao-ri-Kaauf leading the rail road liit. Old U. 8. bond were unchanged oa call. NfW TOBI STOCK U8T. Salt in Huaenda, Hick. Uw. Claa. M m H ei 118 US 11 lit 9 llllt 1 AmtM, Cw U A -r. C. and F.... V Aw. H. aa4 U. (. II AMt. llll-llhl .. U A Mr let Ltawnd .. An. 8. aa It M Asm, turn I Aumc, Biua. Teh. ... U Amn. T. an T..... II AtM. Trtee 14 Aiimala Copt ...114 AkrklMW N A.6. U I ML, Q. and W. L... ll A imA a-4 Onto H Beak. SMd -B" 157 Caaieain PecM ... ll ll u 1U Central Leather rk. awA Ohio .... 1 M Chls MIL ana 8t. P..l lOU Ckk. B. I. u4 Pae... 4 tit, CkiM Cmr 2 CsImsIi P. utt I .. H L Cms Pfa.weta 11 Ui Cradble Bul It Ckf CM Suaar...l4 uTTl tmt Pn4..... II 71 en .. i i't O-Mtml Ktoctria. .... I 10 OwmI Mrt-ra 71 IU4 Gnat Nor- pl4. .... t tt liar. Ore 0 flail BiaM Hat.... M ntaioaj CawUrot ..... t IkWfriVwrMMI CelfJfJVf t M !. Ut. M, ate... .AH tat. NVlMt 14 lot Paste IT Keen. Oavae Li. aa4 Mask. ... I Mu,Il Motors .... 41 Uwi Petrotauaa ....111 rJMrart Otwr-v IT Mitral Bai X Missouri r-eU .... 7 M. T. Central I M. T. M. H. aa4 R..IM Nor. ana Wait I Nor. PacMo II Ptnrarlvaaia 41 rtt-kmw and W. Va. 1 Bar Coo. Copocr ... 41 X7S Ro4in tl4 Rod. I. and B iz 8. A. L. 14 11 B. A. L. old Slaclalr O. aad BI--SBf. 8. aad I.. IS 71 Boatk. Paciflo 101 10SS Bslkoin Rr 41 lj4 iowikora Rr.. (d. ..1 iMdohokor Cor !( 117 THM Coppor ...1M H Ttaoa Co. 14 17 n)4 iu its ... 4S lni-i !! Paetti ....... 17 llHi VaMod Clcu Star-. 71 VafMd FniH ....... t 1M lHa 14 ir 1UH in U. B. Ind. AMSBOI... U. 8. RukW 1" V. B. Btool 17M V S Btool, ofd. I Utah Coopor 07 VaCaro. Ckoat. .... It B7H Wwt i IJntoO) -- WosUnckouoo Hot. , I Wlllra-Otrortaaa ....lU A-a. 1MI Mj Okie CUtoa Ooa 7 Roral DK-h .41 111 ! M4 7 IU- IIIH ToUl sua. Mil-- DAILY COTTON TAILS. Pft MwyvvflMiite New Orleaadl Midd'i"n M; re eclpt. 205; talea, 118; atock, 227, 4IT. Galveston: Uiddliag, 35.00; receipts, 6,871 1 tale, 131 1 etork, 19580. Mobile i UiddUag, 33.73; receipt, 80: atock. 22.764. Savannah: Middling, 34.00; receipts, 1,862; sales, 997; atock. 218,632. Charleatoa: Middling, 33 JO;' receipt, Itock, 5328. Wilmington: Middling, 33.00; re - eelpta, 278; dock, 63,100. Texas City: wock, Norfolk: Middling, 33 JO; receipt, 906; sales, 838;. atock, 95,473. Baltimore: Receipts, 75; atock, 6J81. Boston: 33 JO; atock, 9,088. . Philadelphia! Middling, 86,55; re eelpta, 75; ttoek. 467. New York! Middling, S8J0; atock, 90567. Minor Porta: Receipts, 30,316; ex ports, 27,608; itock, 88,847. Total Today: Receipts, 44,250; ex ports, 27,; atock, 1)3,188. Interior MevemenU Houston: Middling, 33,10; receipt, 6.217; shipments, 7,549; aalea, tfilt; atock; 169,178. Memphlai Middling, 34 JM; reflrlpts, 906; shipments, 3,483; talc, 2,200; toek, 194,616. Augusta: Middling, 845; rctelpt. 885; shipments, 199 j aale. 230: rtoek, 14089, fit Lauiat Middling, 84 JW; ihlp meata, 697; ttoek, 13,000. . Atlaatat Middliag. 34.80; receipt, 1,538; ehipmeata, 1177; aalea, 2,100; Itock. 26,664. i-Xlttte . lHJr1.41iBR,tJtt.7fi: re- mpw, ui i auiymeaia, e; Bans, tUj atock, M.147. Total Today i Beeelpta, 9,807 Bhlwr. meat, 14,875; atoek, 564 J94. " J COFFEE QUOTATIONS. jr York July ltVpot eoffee dan j Bio 7 , 2314; Baatot d a, t8H- STOCKS FLUCTUAT SEVERE SET BACK III PIE OF CII Caiisidt: Labor lirtrest, Which Prompted Liquidation By Holders Chicago, July 18. Severe aet-baeki In the price of Cora resulted today from liouidatioa to which holder were largely prompted by financial and labor anrett. The market thea rallied ome what, aad cloned unsettled, t to 4U act lower with September 1.90 to 1J90 aad December 1 to i.90, Oat finished IV to down, and provltion eff A5o to 9IJ0. Open. High. Low. Clote Corai Sept -.. Dec. ... .1.92 V4 .1.614 . 78 80 1.90 IJ9X 1.63 791. 81H 54.25 81.73 34J0 1.581 Oat i Sept. .. Dee. ... TVi 79 Pork: July .. 53.30 50.00 33.50 33J0 83.50 50.47 33.82 33.77 Sept. .. ...51.30 ...54 JO ....3455 Lard; Sept. .. Oct. ... Rib: July-.. ..,.28.83 28.62 28JW t.00 28.42 27.73 27.75 Sept. ..... 28.43 Corn No. 2. mixed. lOHfRUti No. t. yellow, 19431.93. Oata, Ko. 2, white, 78VjJ794; o. 8, white, 77HW7PV,. Rve. No. g. Barley, l.wtxis. Ti-uothy, 9.00d12.00. Clever, nominal. Fork, nominal. Lard, 33.72. Ribs, t73028J5. ST. LOUIS CORK. St. Louia, July 18. Corn, Ke. S, yel low. 1.96 1 Ko. t. white, 2.04; Sept., 1.91V. Oata, No. f, -Tsejtt; ro. 3, wklte,78Vii8eptH79 ...... WESTERN LIVE STOCK. Chicano. IU- July 18. Hog unettled Best koga steady to higher f mixed and Bachiu alow to fw lower; torn off mere. Heavy weight 20.666225; me dium weight 20.654J22J3; light weight tO.65cJ2.40; linht liflhtl 20.25Q21.C0 heavy packing aows, tinooth, 19.703 20.60) packing aowe, tough, 18.503 19.60; a ra Cattle dulL Heef steers, medium and heavy weight i Choir and prime 1" 00 18J5; medium and good 13.00617.00; eommo ll.O013.O0. Light weight: Good and choke. 14.75fjtl7.25; common 10.OOSU4.7S. Butcher rattle:' Heifert 7J0tJ14.5O eows 7-22 1.1 JO; fanners aad eattera 5.7387.25. Veal ralvet Light and handy weight 18.25(819.25; feeder itoera 9.002 12.50; (torker tteer t.ooeno. Bheep unsettled. Lamb, 84 pouad Iowa, 14,753 17 21; enll 10.0014.50i yearling wother lOOftKJW; we(, me dium, 7.3569.30; cull 3 .006.73. FOCtTRT AND DA1RT FR0DUCTS. Xew York, July 18, Butter, trm ; re ceipt, 7370 tub; flrttt, 31 MO' Eggs, firm; receipt, 1289 eaeea; Srste 4i48. Cheewe, 9rm; receipts, 3,606 average run. 31232. Poultry, nlive, irregulnr. Broilers 4045; ( fowl. 38; turkey, 1454.30 Dreased. ateady ; fowl, 938 1-2. Otb r uaehaaged. NEW YORK MONET. New Tork, July 18? Moriantile paper, 51-28i53-4; aterliag AO-day bill, ao qnetationa; commercial 60-day bill ea hank, ao quotation; commercial 60-day bille, ao quotations; demand, 4.38; cables, 4.39. Franca, demand, 6-flS ; eablea, 6; guildera, demnnd, 371-16; cables, 37 7-16. Lire, demand, 8.55 ; cable. 8.53. Oovernment bonda, irregular; railroad bond, irregulnr. Time money, 6 bid; lone etreng. Call money, ateady ; rullag rate, 6. Baa, acceptances, 8. NEW TORK DRT GOODS. Sew Tork, July 18. Cottea good were Sraa today with trading quieter. Yarn vera higher and trading waa mod' crate. Burlape were very Arm. Th wool marketa also were firm. jat tt jeen ctmoy comment. New Tork, July 18. Uneipected im provement of demand aterliag enueed a bettor feeling ia the local market and that was repUromeat of contract sold yeeterdny. Trade interests we're also reported to have taken the offering, coming principally from profit taking sour ceo. Weather condition la the eastern part ef tke belt were net at all favorable and gave eweonrageinent t buyer. J. W. JAY k CO, LIBERTY BONDS. New York, July 18. Final price on Liberty Bond oa teda. : 3 l-2s, 99.40; Irst 4s, 93.94; second et, 9.3.32; flrst 41-da, 95.0G; second 41-4n, 9X92; third 41-K 94.90; fourth 41-4s, 93.76; Vic tory 3 3-ls, 100.02; Victory 4 3-4s, 992S. .iitMtmi I ; , Liberty Bonds We buy or sell Liberty Bonds at New York market prices aad accrued interest. Capital In.. A Rlty. Co. 364 Tucker Baildlng BALEIGH. N. C Sand and Gravel For , Concrete and Building Purpoaet . Prompt Shipments PETG. SAND & GRAVEL CORP. Petersburg, Va. Highest Prices--- RatiabU Hid and Jonk Co. - .7 81 W. C,oof,wB . m. a - VA "The First National" : Durham's Largest Bank- 'It is with much genuine pride that we ire able to submit for your inspection f the best statement ever published. by, any Bank in Durham County. bepOet OF THE COKDITIOJT OF - ' The ''.yt First National Bank Of Durkam, N. C, at tke Close of Basnesa, Jane 86, lilt. RESOURCES. . Loans and Discounts. . . . , $2,503,147.76 U. S. Bonds ahd Other I Bonds .,.,.., 2,427,310.00 . Cash and Due from Banks 1,071,237.82 Redemption Fund S. Treasurer Federal Re set? Stock Banking House . . Total eae)i LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in. . . .$ 400,000.00 Surplus Fund and Undi vided Profits 285,714.07 National Bank Notes Out standing 840,000.00 J Depotita , Bills Payable (Secured by Liberty Bonds) Total $6,S0l,541.SS Depoaitory for tha Unitad States, Stat ef North Carolina, County of Durham, and City of Durham. A Superb Banking Service Each Department of this Institution is under the direct Supervision of experi enced and efficient Banking men. Our many years of constant dealing vith tha people of this section has taught us their customs and their wants, thus enabling us to 'serve them with a greater degree of satisfaction. If you are not one of our depositors allow us to extend our service to you. Wa Know Your Want and . Want Your Business. First National Bank DURHAM, N. C. W. J. HOLLOWAT Caakler o-mm FARM RlACfflNERY Repaired by Experts. New Parts Made if Necessary. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Raleigh Iron Works Feaadere aa4 MacklaWe Attention! Soldiers!! Activrtiea of Buaineaa Ufa Now Calls To You. ' e "Over th Top." Aa agency to tka Ualoa Ceatral Ufa liuaraaee Co offer Umltlaaa poa--iUlitiee for 7 on to baild a buaioeaa. Tbia company liberally in to red the tshtlai me. War elaniea aow sUauV nated. i All extra war premtua refnaded. Wa eaa aaa fifty aaergetie. eapeWe smb. Write a at oaee for territory. CAREY J. HUNTER &BRO. STXTR AGENTS MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS The J. B. McCRARY CO. -y 3d Natioaal Bnk Bldf AtUpU, Ga. ' Design, 8 nance, eonituct Maalolpal Werka Water, lifht, Beweri, Pavin, Improved Highway. Bond pjirenaeed. Work executed. W lava you money. Writ for detail ef our pha; ' -. '..', ' , t mm a 5 8 with U, e Bank 10,845.75 19,500.00 270,000.00 ....... ?6,S01,54l.S3 3,313,937.471 1,961,889.79 , r JULIAN S. CASK Pre- eat It BALEIGH. W. C tl BALI KM. W.C a IB. m 1 LP mi w 4