12 THZ KZWS AliD OBSERVER SATURDAY MOIUw.G, JULY 1 D, 1S11 FOUR CA IDIDATES I IE Report From Goldsboro . That f.jor Matt Allen Will Run For Congress ABERNETHY SAYS HE . HOPES REPORT IS TRUE Ieiirs. , rfiorriion, Gardner,' Stubbs ard. Abernethy Visit Capital Ci'.and Talk Things ' Over; Members of Senate ' Say Brown Will Ban For Commissioner Agriculture Two caadidate for Governor, on for Lieutenant Governor, and on for Con gress It the turn total of aspirant visit lag the Capital City this week. ' la order came Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte, here Wednesday; Harry W. - Stubbs, of Willis mston, here Wednesday ad Thursday; O. Mat Gardner, Tiers Thursday and Friday, and Charles La baa Abernethy, of New Bern, here Tri- - day., On the heels of this quartette tomes a piece of news, relayed through Goldsboro, that Major Matt II. . AUen upon his return from France will get into thi' Congressional scrap iu the Third. Mr. Abernethy had not been apprised o this report last night Both t'e candidate for Uovernor were expressing themselves fully satia ted with the situation up until the present, time. Mr. Morrison declares that his friends are mobilizing to a mat and lire going to put him across ; in grand style. Mr. Gardner believes that b has the stannchest supporters la the country and that they are. Imck Ing him until the hint ballot is counted i Bert June. New Third District Nime, Capital City politicians nttuch one hundred per cent plausibility and half s much possibility to the story coming from Goldsboro Hint Mai.ir Matt Allen is going to run for Congress licit time .against Alernethy and Brinsnn. Major Allen hits bcn in France junt n little . ' hit longer than a great many North Carolina soldiers and the report ii that he is anxious to get buck and get in touch with Tar ,'loel affairs, particularly affairs concerned with the job of rep resenting nine Eastern Carolina comi ties in the National House Of Kcprc . . aentatives. Mr Abrrnfthy passing through Ra leigh yesterday on Ins way to Wash ln:,ton, hopes the report is correct. He would, he anid last night, lie glud to sue Major Allen in the race. Ho avows that h has more friends ready to pick up the trail where he left it' last October . than he did when he stopped at the re ; quest of the National Committee. Senator Hurry Htubbs, hearting the Wllluimston delegation that appealed before the Highway Commission, also "declares" that he feels called upon to . nuke the race for Lieutenant Governor thia time irrespective of whether Frank: .Hampton, Henutor Rirnmons secretary, runs or not. Mr. Btubbs ss;.s that he doesn't want to enter the erntesr against Mr. Hampton hut intends to le a eandidato whether or why. W. N. Everett, of Rockingham, has positively declared himself out of the race and so has F. C. Harding, of Greenville, but Senator Cooper, now scouting in the :t Asorcs, will be n enndidnte just as cer tain as theru is a primarv. Drown s Friends Are Tslklng. Members of the Hennte coming to Ra leigh are assured that Senator Joseph 4 I. . . .... 1 , . oruwn, or l oiumtius, will lie a enn : didate for Commissioner of Agriculture to succeed Major Graham. Colleagues i i in v iiiumuus oenator have approach ed him with the request tlint ho make - 4 posiitve announcement at an early lata and this, tliey feel assured, will be forthcoming in a short while. EARLY INSPECTION HOTELSOF STATE Many Complaints Reaching .Health Board, Particularly About Health Resorts Representatives of the Stnte Hoard of Health under instructions from the Htate health officer, will, in the next few days, begin a tour of inspection of the various resort hotels in the Htnte. At the height of the vacation season numerous complaints are resiling the ' Btate health authorities of Insanitary conditions existing in many of the re aort hotels, and an investigation is or dered. Discussing the condition Dr. W. f?. Rankin, State health officer, yesterday aid: iom complaints being reeidved it is evident that a number of th hotels at resort points are beiug so operated aa to be dangerous to the health of ., large numbers of people spending their vacations in them. One by long distance telephone, and many I ia person ana tiy letter. "There are two things thst can o dont about the situation. One is to make aa inspection snd whoa a hotel ia found below r standard estab lished aa safe for !iealth of it pat roaa to hale the p. dor into a mag istrate's court and ,xact the penalty provided by law, a tine of five or tea dollar. The other thing is turn the light of publicity npoa such a ease.' Tht Utter will be done. Tb in spections of all resort , hotel to be nada within tha next few daye will b thorough. The hotels' will be rigidly cored, and the result will ha made knowa te all the people of the State through the aewspapers.'1 - - . - Hero ia sample of the complaint received recently. ' It is from on of the best physician ia the Btate, and wit regard to a very popular North, Carolina retort t "The breeaa and surf ia fiae. The Botftl n4i!i management need, you inspection, and that badly. If you hav any authority over hotel yo certainly should inspect this Joint kitchen. Tb during room and waiter art bad enough; I do aot want to tea into the kitchen ; but somebody ought to. You would be rendering humanity a great eorvieo if yoa could tondema thia PUBLIC MAY BUY UTILITIES STOCK Carolina Power and Light Co. inaugurates New Feature of . Financial Policy The Carolina Power and Light Com pany has announced an offering of its 7 per cent preferred stock at par and e:r:ied dividend to its consumers and loc i public ia each community where the oo m pany operates. This la the first offering of this nature which ha been made by the company to the cublie generally. Colonel Charles E. Johnson, president of the eoupany, ha issued the following statement regarding the object of the eompany in thia depar ture from its customary practice. "The purpose of thia offering of our preferred stock to the public generally and especially to, our customers, is la Order to establish partnership relations between the company, its consumers,' and such other citizens of the commun ities in which the company operate as may desire to iavest in securities of the company. The company feel that by establishing such partnership rela tions with its consumers and other cit izen that this will promote the inter eat of the public generally in the util ity which serves it, and will assist in promoting cordial relation bewteea the company and the public. The com pany also feels that its offering will prove very attractive to thosa who de sire a safe investment with a substan tial return as the stock is preferred both as to assets and dividend and cumulative. The annual dividend of 7 per eenf (1 3-4 payable quarterly), ha been paid regularly ainre the or ganization of the company. It is the desire of the company to have the stock, as largely distributed as possible, and for this reason it is being offered either for cash or on a partial payment plan which will put it within the reach or everyone. , The business of the company hss grown very rapidly during the past few years and the territory which it serves hifs been largely eitended. Such expanaion and extensions are continu ally untlcr way and the necessary new capital for same is provided largely I through the sale of stock and all pro ceeds from such sales are used lor' ad ditions to plants, lines and equipment. "The company docs not anticipate, and it is not its desire, to raise any large amount of capital through the offering of its stock locally, but it wishes to have each of it consumers leei-me a stockholder and such other members of the publit who may desire to do in, thus becoming interested in the affair of the company. Thi plan has been adopted quite general'y in recent years by companies desiring to establish and promote more eordinl re lation with the communities served. "The company had planned a simi tar offering at the outbreak of the war but deferred making the offering at that time as it did not wish to offer its securities in competition in any wny with the, Liberty Loans." . me company nss uesmned its offer ing and the purposes of same in a cir cular which is being mailed to Its pa tron, and applications for subscription are being received through employees of the company. Llsnt. Stanback Here. Lieut. Jeffrey Stanback, of the Sani tary Corps, V. H. A., stationed at Camp Dix, New Jersey, arrived yesterday to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Htanhnrk ,on ' Hlllsbnro street. The Weather Atrml OMce. United States Bartaa. Weathet FORKCAeT Ealelgh, N. C, July 18, JPlfl. For North Carolina: Local thunder showers probably Saturday and Sunday ; moderate temperature, moderate south winds. Sunrise .0:11 a. m. Sunset .8:29 TEMPERATURE. 9 n. m. 1 p. m. Dry Bulb 72 79 Wet Bulb 71 73 Rel. Humidity ... D7 76 p. m. Highest temperature Lowest temperature Mean temperature Deficiency for-1 lis day Average daily excess since Janu ary 1st 83 ! 78 3 Precipitation (In Incase). Amount for the 24 hours ending at 8 p. in 39 Total for the month to date 4.H.r Excess for the month 1.73 leficiency since January 1st .... 4.43 Sunday Services At The TABERNACLE Baptist Church Corner Rargett and Persoa Bts. JULY 20th - Sunday School 9:30 A.M. . Morning Service . 11 A. M. , -Evening Service 8:15 P.M. I; - ' . r Prsachinf both morainf' ? nd evening by Pastor , DR. WESTON BRUNER PROPERTY IS SOLD BY PULLEfi CHURCH Land Left Church By Late John Pullen; 11 Transfers Re corded Friday ' In carrying out plan for building a handsome church oa another lite, the trustee of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church have told two piece of property willed the church by tht lata Joha T. Pullen. The property was bequeathed to tat etiurek npoa condition that it could be old only when the congregation decided to build another church oa a new site. Some time ago it was'announeed that the newly organized' congregation - of Pullen Memorial Church would, ia the near future, build a handsoms church ia Cameroa Park. The property deeded yesterday em brace two houses and lot oa North Blount atreet. One boast near tht In tersection of Blount aad Franklin streets was sold by E. V. Dentoa for $.1,100. Another house ' located oa Blount and Pine street was transferred to A. J. Honeyeutt for $3,000. Farms la Demand. Among the real estate deal Consum mated yesterday wa tne transfer of 83 acres of farm laad ia different sec tions of Wake county. The largest tract cold it a ZSo-aere farm la 8wift Creek township which was transferred to E. L. Cpehurobr aad others to B. F. Upchurch. The price was not stated. A farm of 64 acre in 8wift Creek township near Fuquay Springs waa told by. Albert F. Lawrence to Winston E, Irving and J. C. Lawrence for $1,500. J. R. Raines, purchased a tract of SO arres on the Raleigh Wake Forest high way In Wake Forest township from the Kaleigh Bcal Estate and Trust Company for $100 and other considerations. City Property Sold. Including the two transfer from the Pullen Memorial Church, tve other Ra leigh tract of Raleigh property were transferred yesterday. Among the deeds recorded was also a piece of prop erty in Zebulon which the Zcbulon Hosiery Mills bought from A. H. Martin for $10 and other considerations. The Pilot Cotton Mills has purchased two houses on North Blount street aeat tho mill village. One is located on Blount and Franklin streets and waa bought from Fred W. Habel and wife. The other is on Blount and Pine streets and was bought from A. J. Honeyeutt. A house and lot oa Boylaa avenue and West Lane street wss told by James W. Holman and J. R. Roger to W. G. Good win. The Raleigh Real Estate and Trust Company has sold a lot in Raleigh town ship near Bloomsbury to J. R. Holder for $100 and other considerations. The Enterprise Realty Company sold rour acre or the ljewia rarra prop erty to T. B. Moseley. TO FORM LOCAL POST OF AMERICAN LEGION Soldiers and Sailors Called To Meet Monday Evening ia Chamber Soomi A meeting of the returned soldier and sailors of Kaleigh and Wake county has been called for Monday night at 8:30 o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The purpose of the meeting is to organize permanently a local post of tha American Legion. About two months ago a temporary organization was formed but permanent organization was delayed until after the national meeting at St. Lonia, whea de tails of the legion were completed. At the meeting Monday night officers are- to be elected and a name selected for the Raleigh post. In many of the cities the local post have been named for prominent citizen who gave their lives during the. world war. fjb a rrm -- MASCOT Tennessee Rock Lime Kiln Dried Mascot Lime is to your soil what sal t is to your bread. ' AMERICAN LIMESTONE -COMPANY KNOXVILLE, TraneaMt). JAMES WHITAKER HELD ' - UNDER $1,000 BOND Prominent Wake farmer Is ' Charted' Witt Jtstaflinf and ; Concealing Whiskey Waiving examination at a . hearing before Commissioner Batchelor, Jsmes L. Whitaker, well known Wako coun ty farmer, yesterdsy was bound over to Federal mart under $1,000 bond for trial oa a ebsrge of retailing, conceal ing and removing blockade whiskey. - Whitaker wss arretted about a week ago at bit country home about air milea from Raleigh after federal aad county of Seen, waited several hoars for him. Whea tho officers reached tb house, he waa absent oa a trip to Ral eigh. A search of the place, however. revealed a quantity of blockade rhia- key, largo aambtr of empty jugs aad bottles aad measuring pots. During tht aboeaet of tho defeadant from his bom oa tht might of tho ar rest, the officers taw t number of peo ple visit tht Whitaker platfe. Some were oa foot aad others were ia auto. "AMERICAN" COMPANY ELECTS ITS OFFICERS C. X. Boone Is President and K. A. Womble Managing Di- s rector New Daily ; Orgaaiaatioa of the Raleigh Ameri cas Company, tho aew corporatioa re cently chartered to publish aa after- aooa daily ia Raleigh, was perfected at meeting of tbt stockholders yester day afternoon. C. B. Boose was elected president of the company ; George L. H. White, vice preaideat. and Edgar A. Womble, secretary-treasurer aad man aging editor. Ia additioa to the officer named. J. P. Reaves was elected a member of the board of director. It 1 the purpose of the com pa ay to have a directorate of seven pembert, the other three to be chosen after all stock ha been dis posed of. So far about two-thirds of the authorized capital haa been told. The managing director could not itate yesterday at just what time the Ameri can would begin publieatioa ia Raleigh, the date being contingent on the re ceipt of machinery. United State Railroad Administration, Director General of Railroad. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES INAUGURATION THROUGH SLEEPING CAR RALEIGH TO WILMINGTON Beginning Sunday July 20th. Leave RALIIGH (Southern R. R.) Ar. Goldsboro .... Lv. Goldsboro .... 7:1 J p.m. 9:35 p.m. 10:35 p.m. (Atlaatie Coast Line) Arrive WILMINGTON 1:11 a.m. 4 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car may be occupied at Wilmington until 7:30 a. m. Car ready for occu pancy at Wilmington 10:00 p. m. M For Reservation and Information Consult Ticket Agents. I WW PEI L BEQUESTS BYIS.11I11I Raleigh Woman Leaves $1,000 To Christ Church and $10, 000 To Orphanage v - . . , The Thompson Orphanage at Char lotto aad Chriat Church of thia city art among tht many beneficiaries of tbt late Mrs. Sadie Tacker Williamson, wife of Mr. William H. Williamson, who willed tie majority of her property to her husband and two ehildrca. Tha orphanage i given $10,000 and Christ church get $l,0O0. Mrs. Williamson died May 18 at bar residence 730 Hilla- boro street. Tbt special bequests of Mr. William son are as follow: Thompson Orphanage, $10,000: Christ church, $1,000; Mrs. Aanit Y. Perkins, Monroe, Va $1000; Miss Margaret Spca- eer, Marttnviiie, Va., $300; Miss Flora E. Creech, Raleigh, $230; Sarah Wil liamson Norria, Raleigh, $300; Miss Augusta W. Laadis, Washington City. $300; Mi Virginia Barber, Raleigh, formerly a housekeeper ia her mother' family, $100; Bert Moraa (colored), a faithful employe, $100; Sally. Boyd Perry, a faithful nurse, $50; Mrs. Kin ney Boy lan Thompson, a aieee, $100; Mrs. Ella M. Wright, a eontin, $100; Mis Fredderika M. 8undholm, a faith ful nurse who was with her whea ihe died, $100. Tht last three bequest were verbal one. To her husband, Mrs. Williamsoa give her winter home at Delnnd, Fla- and also all the fnrniturt and personal effects in the riorida aad .Raleigh homes. After the anecial bequest are made ia accordance with tha will, tht residue of the estate goes to the two children, William Un Jr., and Sarah Tucker Wil liamson. The children also get that part of Mrs. Williamson' estate which waa left her ia trust by her mother, the late Mrs. Florence P. Tucker. Mr. Williamson had no power to will it a the Tucker will stipulated that it should go to the two children upon the death of Mrs. Williamson. Leave WILMINGTON t4$.m. (Atlantis Coast Line) Ar. Goldsboro 6:33 a.m. Lv. Goldsboro ........ 6:45a.m. (Southern R. R.) Arrive RALEIGH 8:Ha.m. Go to Church THERE ABB FOUR ACTS TO A CHURCH SERVICE Preaching-Prayingingingiving The PREACHING is the preach er's part. THE SINGING, THE PRAYING, THE GIVING is the congregation's part If yoa pray, you will enjoy ihe, preaching. " If there if joy In your heart, you THE CtiURCHES OFj RALEIGH Kline & RALEIGH'S THRIFT STOCK Remnant Values And Yard Goods Specials For Saturday Drew VoiUa 36 inches wide, In checks, plaids, flowered designs andjolid colors. Yard Dreaa Percale 36 inches wide, in stripes, solid blues and other. pretty patterns. Suitable for of house dresses and bungalow aprons. Yard., tut? C Red Star Diaper Cloth 27 inches wide,. AQ in 10-yard bolts; verjr special, at, bolt,. . !- TrO One table of Lawn and yard Consisting of pretty Dress Patterns in a host of suitable-designs and colorings. Curtain Scrim In solid colors of White Ecru and Cream ; 10 yards Turkiah Bath Towel ity; unusual for Table Scarfi Pillow Shams and Bureau Runners, splendid quality and a real at Apron Ginghams In assorted plaids and col- Q C 1 on. Special, 10 yards for avDC REMNANT TABLES ARE FULL OF INTERESTING VALUES - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL CAKE MENU FOR SUNDAY DINNER Pound Cake and Rabin Cake baked fresh in Raleigh daily, per pound .35c Chocolate, Cocoanut, Jelly, English Walnut and Marsh- mallow Layer Cake, each . ; .75c Sponge Cake, Jelly Roll, Lady Fingers, Macaroons and all kinds of Pies. ROYAL BAKING CO. 109 S. Wilmington St will express that joy in singing and in giving. i If yoa five, you will be the richer thereby. Remember these thugs when yea go to church totnorrow, If you, go only from a sense of duty, you will derive little if any benefit from the services, then you will, have wasted your time and God's time, INVITE YQU Lazarus I FITS BIG DCPASTMKXTf i45c Voilee at, O C ....) C a-k pat "I 3DC 24x44, a heavy qual- AQ tot good value 48c - - - - - - - rrrrrrttinjjjj p-t' f S 1 tfl lir mi 4-

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