SATURDAY MOIUOTJ, JULY 19, isi9. THE tiZWS AICD OBSERVER. I 1 , lilt GRA CLUBS H0LDGQ11VEIII1I o. Max Gardner Speaks Community Gathering Jn Oxford t ? at Oxford, July 17. Granville county's Federation of Cora tad Canting Club arid aa all day eoaveation her today with expert from th Siata Departsaeats f Afrieultttra and Health Mlinf th tooraing program aad Lieutenant Gov ; irnor 0. - Max Gardner . addressing ' a Vmrthouss fall af people in the after ' JiooaT Between timet, the Indira of twford terved a lunch to the count j ' tolka who came here to attend the meet kg.. . Ten different clubs, including the known pig clubs, were represented " b the Federation meeting and with the v Hub met the Boy 8eouts from Camp 1314 With a report that rated a fine for - war service, aa did the TMr cluba for : lompunity tpirit. Granville Boy Scout, In the fir Liberty Loan campaigns, se- lured subscription for $28,000 in bonds ind found 623 walnut trees that wer raid available to the government for making gas masks. The convention opened in the Oxford : graded school building with aa address of welcome by Mrs. A. H. Powell. Fol lowing this, Mrs. Kat Brew Vaughan, f Baleigh, spoke on "Developing a Health Conscience in the County. Mr. 6. G. Bubinow spoke on Community Spirit and Mr. E. A. Pound, supervisor of ths American Red Cross, from At , lanta, apoke on "The Publie Health." Lieatenaat Governor Speaks. Following a basket lunch served at th school building, the meeting ad journed to the Granville courthouse where a large crowd had gathered to bear th Lieutenant-Governor. Mr. Gardner spoke on 'The Bearing and Direction of North Carolina." "It was a blessing and not a curse," h said, "it was in merry and not in wrath that man was commanded to earn hit bread by the sweat of his brow. Labor is the source of all wealth and all happiness aad this meeting here is representative of labor scientifically applied to agriculture. The impulse of the Boys' Corn Clubs and (be Girls' Canning Clubs is touching the lif of our State as nothing else ami through theiiaetivities we see everywhere a de air to press onward .and upward. "I have always had sympathy," he said, "for the boy who has never had the experience of going barefooted, stumping his toes, getting stonebruises or enjoying the exquisite torture of eat ing green appler." Mr. Gardner was introduced by D. G. Brummitt, Speaker of the House of Representatives. After his talk, Mrs. R, . Ransom told several stories for - tha amusement of the young people and she was followed by several of the boys and girls in recitations snd mnsical number that were enjoyed by all pres ent. STARTS PRESIDENTIAL BOOM FOR SECRETARY DANIELS Elisabeth City Independent. Edmund Alexander, for many years a resident of Euzsoetb, bnt now Pi-trirt Manager of the Pacific Mutual Life In surance Co., at Kant a Barbara, Calif., has started a presidential boom for Josephus Daniels, on the Pacific f oast. Geo A. Cox, of this city, has recently received marked copies of Pacific Coast papers containing evidence of Mr. Alexander's activities in behalf of the Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Alex ander wr.s in the University of' North Carolina with Mr. Daniels aad has fol lowed his eaVeer with increasing admir ' ation ever since. He says Josephns Daniel) is th biggest, sanest figure in American publie life today. DANDRUFF REIOVE i S ill 1 M m .i mm n QUEEII J7 Hair Drowsing rnfewotrfarfaC-wwdia. ; imn WW MaolBtely i ww kalr trata nJI- - -ana sad wik toM the toots a' auk -eat Hair are Sow boa M "QUEEN" Swa see now sjoaokJr M wul Ibobiov hm Heir B III tfi lh ft, i. j, 1 1 Sr IfcTrtrt Iff.. C. IttaaU, U AG.TS WANTkD ENLISTED AS PRIVATE, . . WINS A CAPTAINCY (Special to Newt and Observer.) Richmond, Va July 1S Fentoa Jacobs, formerly on the advertising staff of Th News aad Observer, at Raleigh, N. C, aad later with th Newa Leadet. in Richmond, who enlisted a a private with th Richmond Blues for Mexican, border service and' when th war ' agaiast . Germany started went to Fort Myr aad cam away with a com mission aa second lieutenant tneked away in his inside pocket, today wear the two silver bars of a captain, having gained, hit promotions overseas, , . Captain Jacobs is In Richmond and will spend several day in Virginia be fore returning to Fort Ethan Allen, where he is - stationed, being now a member of th regular army. He has aa interesting story to tell. He was in th army of occupation after the armis tice, stationed . on th Rhine, near Coblenx. He says th Germans firmly belir've that they are only temporarily subdued and will, be able to "come back" la fifteen years. Also, he says there is considerable sentiment there to have the Kaiser back in power. "Is it true.tbat some of th Ameri can officers want to marry German girlsf Captaia Jacob was asked. ' It certainly is," he replied. "Many of th American soldiers are of Ger man descent and can speak the Ger man language. : It is no uncommon thing for a German to ask the question 6f aa American soldier, Do you know my uncle, Heine Schmidt, in Milwau kee f or some other such question. "We made those Germans uncover every, day at retreat, while the Star Spangled Banner was being played. They are disciplined properly. ' John L. Kecter Dead. Haliax, July 18. After many months of great suffering and total blindness, J "in Long Eeetr passed sway at the home of his son, YVaverly Kecter, re cently, in the sixty-second year of his age. In his esrly manhood he eon- nectel himself with the M. fc. Church at Ebenezer. Aa farmer, blacksmith, car penter, wheelwright and brick mason he was the most useful citizen in the Dar lington community. He was a loving husband snd tender father snd leaves a devoted wife, one daughter and three sons to mourn his passing. It isn't all profit. Even the baker doesn't lie in floury bed of eaie. Hedyour child's sick skin with Resinol ' 'The minor akin troubles to which Infants and children are subject itching patches, bits of chafing, rash or redness so easily develop into serious, stubborn affections, that every mother should have Resinol Ointment onhand to check them before they get the upper hand. Doctors and nurses recom mend Resinol for this with the utmost confidence because of its harmless ingredients snd its suc cess in healing eciema and similar serious skin diseases, tttinoi Ointment i told bf all dro-xut. I0IH DAI1C E S GIVEN AT Ml Between 750 and 1 ,000 Cou ples Participate in The .. Grand Marc!) f- ' (8peclal to Newt aad Observer.) Wilson, July 18. Th first annual dance of the Garber-Davia orchestra givsa at the Banner warehouse last evening was, perhaps, th largest af fair of th kind ever given in Eastern Carolina'; - L'ader th - supervision of Madam Corinna Barnes th interior of th building was a bower of beauty. ' Oa th stroke of 12 th Grand March begin, and if is estimated that there were between 730 -and 1,000 couple oa the floor. . ' There were big jams at th railroad depots, occasioned by erowds arriving oa every incoming train to attead th dance. ; At th A. C. L. passenger sta tion two ladies, Miss Helen Woodson, chaperoned by Mrs. Gertrude Smiley, both of Rooky Mount, was run over by Mr. J. T. Barnes, Jr., who was driving his father's car. Both wer taken to a local hospital where it was found that their injuries were slight. 'Another ac cident occurred at the corner of Greene and Goldsboro streets on ear was badly damaged ; the other got away un identified. No oae injured. Hoax "That fellow gives me a fit." Joax-Who is he!" Hoax "My tsilor." THE WAR IS OVER But the soldiers sad uUora will never atop (Iking eboat th comfort the- sol tram the Allen's Foot-EaM, the enttaeptie sowder te be hakffl into the shoes, which their -weetnemrte, mother or eiaten seat them. Until tt I tried an one know what a quick and wonderful relief Allen' Foot-Eate I te painful, sehins, swollen, tender f ee Corn. Bunion and Cel. loum. It make welkins a dellsht Bote everywhere. (edv. ) KINSTON BARBER FOUND . DEAD, PROBABLY; KILLED Xinafon, July' 18. William Dew. aa ' old negro- barber x- knowa and respected by many , whit peopl who had beea hi patrons for years, was found dead at a tobacco bara ia th out skirt of Aydea early today. Hs had been shot, apparently, while sleeping beside th barn. Bloodhounds have failed to locate th unidentified slayer. , -v.. y . . w . q Ton aever can tell. . Just beeaus a maa throws bouquet at himself doesa't prov that he pays th florist i I Don't say "thsry're Inst bad." SoanethiaaT ) b the snartei Hth th.. Probably If, D VOUCHER'S has beea raking too 'cross'' ' out of "kiddie" for sulfa century. They LIKE It,. bocwHM it tastes good. Caa't hurt that. Got it at yosar, dnig store. Tea. U.I.A 'A BONDS FOR BALK. Th town of Aurora will receive sealed bids for t2500.000 street improvement and light bonds until Aug. Hth, 1919, 12 o'clock noon. Certified check of 11000.00 munt strompsny all bids. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ad dress , L. D. MIDYETTE, Or Mayor PAUL T. SPARROW, Towa Clerk. LATE SEED POTATOES! , Crimson Clover. . (Formerly Called German Clower) ' And all Clovers and Grass Seed ready for shipment. Write for Prices. GRA Y SEED COMPANY Petersburr, Va. Just Received New Stock Of Handsome BRIEF Cases Full Leather, $5.00 to $15.00 NEW FICTION Cup of Fury Rupert Hughes $1.75 Dawn Eleanor Porter $1.50 Tin Soldier Bailey $1.50 Love Stories Rinehart $1.50 Jungle Stories of Tarzan Burroughs $1.40 EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Orders Promptly Handled. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. RALEIGH. N. C 1867 MO'IME-RS LISTEN ft In Our Children's Dept. we sell Slipova Flay Clothes Creepers, Rompers, Play Suits; For Little Boys and Girls. . " - ". f "Slipova" Play Clothes are real champions of the economy clothes idea for children. Full sizes 2 to 8 years. Designed with due consideration for the feelings of the child,' ' no bind, no rip. All fabrics are standard and guaranteed fast color; buttons are -sewed on tight, and double seams are reinforced to take care of the strain and hard" wear. "SLIPOVAS" "Indoors or outdoors, of dressy appearance." "There'i, plenty of room for freedom of action." "They look good and they wear good." 98c A GARMENT Call and See Them Hudson-Belk Co. 21 STORES "Sell It For LtH For Cah" 21 STORES M:asBinravffl -in- "4 THE RED LMMTEKM The Greatest Picture Ever Shown In Raleigh SUPERB A THEATRE v Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday BRINGING UP FATHER ,i.-r - air JS WMtnAHtU I "EVER 1 TO THAT I I HOWOOXOul II I MONAHAN 1 CLl -FOR COOONt I ( I KNOW IT- I f I I MlTiSEn TWn 1 MUTT AND JEFF No Use Talking, Cicero's a Chip Off the Old Block ; tt (CeerrlcM, lilt, faf H. 0. fbhef, Trade Mark teg. 0. S. Pet Off. ; By BUD FISHEn - r MW, CICCRO, PAPA'S '6st TO C6 TO UiHtLC I'm Cewe AM X)ONt Go tM Xwimmimg; bo ' I :-rvs-ii---.--i - I I 1 v,4'i., I 3 - :if V H J '.',2Z&- r WN WHYblW'T i V I - 5? 41 ON l lw I sA.. V. . SAT AM I " r I t M lUCW? ;'jj6eTTA AWBlT- I XOVJ VMOOUDN T 6 "favj.THC WAV Vr "f A: r XCtr FOR BRINGING V IM VAllkASAIM & f YOw'W TA06HT ) SJtjJ? . 1 , kit wot T-to a A sA ' '" ' j 6 "aC- i