SATUrJUYrtOrJwNG, JULY id. m. r-i,. V' - V first victory hi . st. lqu1s of year Hew York Yankees Win When Browns' Defense Cracks in Seventh Frame fit Unit, lie., Jnly ll--8t twit ftasc erseked la the seventh aad Kew Terk today won iti Bret victory here thlt himi, 4 to 8. , Three error is eue eeetloa with abacles by Baker and Hnn aak gave the visitors three font aad vereame the lead which 8t. Loou took ia the fifth whea Staler kit the ball Into tat right told bleacher, scoring Tobin bead of him. ' . Bcorei ;.', R.H.K. Now fork ,.,.......100000 8W-4 St. Louis 010O20000-4 10 Bossell tad Hannah; Weilmaa aad Berereid. - WILLIAMS BREAKS WINNING 8TBXAK OF WASHINGTON 3 Chicago, III, Jnly 18-"Lefty Wil liams broke Washington's wiaaiag streak today by holdinf tke visiters to fear " Mattered kite, while Chicago kit Rarpot hard and ahat eat tke Senators, S to . Score: B.H.X. Washington . 000 000 000-0 4 1 Chicago 001 200 00-a 11 1 Harper, Veaeky aad Piaich; Williams aad Sekalk. TWO IBBOBS PROVE OOSTLT TO ATBLBTICS Detroit, Hick Jnly 18.-Pkiladel- ala'a twa errors prated eattty, coon led with two ainglee aad a sacrifice la the third , aad a eiagle, walk aad steal ia the sixth, they gavs Detroit to day's fame, I to 0. Store: . B.H.E. Philadelphia .......000 000 000-O 6 S Detroit 0010O2 00-3 4 t Naylor aad Perk las; Leonard aad Alasmith. . BABI RUTH CRACKS OUT TWO HOMERS IN AFTERNOON Clevelaad, 6., July 18. After Piaek Hitter Harris, batting for Jaiper ia tke eighth ianini, bad triples with the bas s filled potting Cleveland in the lead by a score of 7 to 3, Euth hit his seeoad kome rna of the game. Score: R.H.E. Boston ....... 000 200 105 8 10 2 Cleveland.... 100200840-7 7 2 Caldwell. Joaee aad Behang; Jasper, Myers, Coumbe and O'Neill. BABE ADAMS OVTPITCBES NEHP AMD PIRATES WIN Boatea, Maes., July IS. Ia a gnm three times held up by heavy shawora and finished ia a drisile, Pittabarg, with Babe Adama outpitchiag Nehf, de feated Boston, 2 to 0. today. Store: B.H.E. Pittsburg . 002 000 000-2 10 0 Boatea 000000 000-0 6 0 Miller, Adaats aad Schmidt; Budolph, Nehf aad Oowdy. Baseball Summary NATIONAL At Bostoa 4; Ptttobarg 2. At PalladelaJa-8t Uala, rata. At Braoklya-Cladaaau, rata. At New York-Chicago, rata. AMERICAN At St. Lot la I; New Tork 4. At Chicago I; Waakiagtoa 4. k Detroit 2: Philadelphia I. At Clevelaad Boatea 4. SOUTHERN At Memphis 4-1; New Orleaaa 4-. At CkatUaooga-Atlaata, rata. At Uttka Back I; Mobile t. . At Blraalagkam-NashTllla (e4, wet graaaaa.) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Cotaaabaa It Kaaaaa CMy a. At UataWlb 11: Mllwaaboe 4. At ladlaaaawlla 2; St Paal 4. At Toledo I: Mlaaeanola L INTERNATIONAL. At BlBgbamteo Si Baltlaasta 4. At Rackeatar li Readiag 2. At Batata 2 1 Newark 1 At Teraate 2; Jersey Oty 1. SOUTH ATLANTIC At Aagaata 1: Ckartaatea 4. (8I l- alasa. rata.) At Calamkla I: Saartaakarg 4. (Seeoad gaaaa called la third laalag.) At GreearUle 14; Charlotte 8. VIRGINIA. At Norfolk-Newport News, rata. At Potersbarg-Saf alk, rata. W0RIC0F YEARBY BROS. - DEFEATS M'LEOD BOYS Piling up Urge atora la tba early etaaea of the game, Cross m Uaeua defeated MeLcod A Wataoa last aight ia aa interesting game of dackpla ea Y" alleTs. Tke work of tke Taarbr bowlers waa a feature af tkeS areata g's bowling. Detailed More: MeLasd Wataoa. 1 80 111 !. 108 82 101 , Wataoa NowaU Noble 78 Middletoa 11 etaeeeej Totel-1.0tw. Crate a Llaehaa Ca, 1 M 87 S 107 2 I 84 83 87 M Ttarby, Z. B Snakenberg ...... SUpleford ....... Tesrby, C M...... 108 103 1 108 -urt eat-l Total lA5i-' Alws; art T ivt try te see int oesunmi ia be plain,1 anvaraisbed trttk tety be imPVtd by a coat of veneer. WANVtO - FIRST-CLASS GROCERY tpJesmsa at once in thriving ton. - Applv at enee, stating salary and ref erences, . "Bustler," Roanoke Rapids, K. C. . Standing Of Clubs NATIONAL ,Woa. ' Lest Pet I Kew Terk ........... 47 IS .471 Cincinnati 4 2S .461 Chicago .. 41 It AH Pittabara; ............ Si IS J27 Bieehlya ,., ...... 17 M Ml St Lent ...... .. 41 Ml Beetoa 84 ' 4S . 444 PklladerakU 1 47 . 4 1 AMERICAN fr: Wen. Lent Pet Chicago 4 II .434 New Tee 4 II Ml Clevelaad 44 14 . 444 Detroit .............. 41 14 " Mi St Leaks ......A..... 41 M Mi Washington . ........ It 44 .414 i M 41 M Philadelphia IK U SOUTH ATLANTIC Wen. .11 Pet Celambia Ckerleetaii 11 444 11 4 IS II 4SS 24 411 27 444 41 J88 It n u ti 1 Charlotte .... Green villa tiBe e a AngeatA Saartaabaurt Where They Play NATIONAL Ctdeagw at Beaton. St Laata at Braaklya, Plttsbargh at Now Tork. OadamaH at Philadelphia. AMERICAN Waakiagtoa at Cklcaga. New Tark at St Laala. Philadelphia at Detroit. at Clereland. CASUALTY LIST Waakiagtoa, Jaly 18. Nortk Car Uairai aaeatioaed ia tba latest eataalty Uat laaued by the war Departtaeat are as follows: Private Letha Buffiin, B. P. D. 3, Benaoa, died of diaeaae. PrlTate James Floyd-Btatoa, Marsa rille, died of wouada, preTioualy re ported aaiaaiag ia action. IN RALEIGH ON MOTOR TRIP THROUGH STATE lt. aad Mrs. W. E. Telmtoi and twa abUdrea, of Waakiagtoa City, speat last aigkt la Raleigh ea a motor trip throng North Carolina. They came from Fremont, where they hare been the guests of Mi. Telverton I mother, and are oa their way to Ashevilie and other pieces ia the western part of the State, Mr. velvet toa is a aewapaper - a and was formerly Waahiagtoa eorre- spoadent of the Newt and Observer, New Eaterarlses. The following corporatioa charters were filed with the Secretary of Rate yesterday: -' Tke Oxford Loan and Seal Eatate Company, Oxford; authorised capital $30,000. subscribed 43,000; duration 80 yeara; John W. Heater, W.U Mitchell w. N. Thomas, all of Oxford, ineorpora- totV kfntar Service Company of Waraaw, K. (X, Iae Waraaw; authorised capital I2S.00C. aubucribed 3M: duratioa 90 yeara; W. O. Bingleterry, W. H. Wil liama, B. C. Sheffield, all of Waraaw, incorporator!. Amendment was filed to the eharte of th- Maxwell and Push Company, of New Bern, changing the name to that of Maxwell Company, Incorporated. Gaeet of Mr. Rkhardaoa. Mr. Allen Tonag, of Charlotte, ia the gueat of Mr. Don Richardson. Mr. Clarence Kuester, of Charlotte, arrives today ta aba be a guest of Mr. Bik ardaon. SoodU Sal off On All Summer Suits e Now is the time to buy that Suit at a saving. Come early while the assortment is large. ALL PANAMAS AND -. y The City Bank 222 FAYETTEVILLE ST. "Right in, the Heart of Everything We handle 1 1 kin 6 8 of bankinsv Checking Bccounts, savings accounts. ' - Service is Our Specialty . SPECIAL ATTENTION to the TRAVELING PUBLIC ASKS DAMAGES IN OF Durham Lady Contends That vRandleman Man Insulted and ' Humiliated Her By JAMES A. ROBINSON. Durham, July 18. One of the most aenaational damage Salts to come to light locally la eomt tlm ia that of Mra. Marie Thompson. of this City, sgainet Dennis Harden, a buaineas man of Baadleman, wherein Mr. Thorn paon ia aulng to recover damages to the ex- teat af 410,000, wkkk aha claims ia dm her from being insulted aad humiliated several months ago by Harden, while be waa employed ta transport her in aa automobile to Qreeaabore from Baa dlernaa where tke bad been visiting ker pareata. According ta the complaint made by Mrs. Thompson in the ease, Harden used intuiting and . humiliating laa guage to her while en route to the above-mentioned eity. The auit waa started ia the early part of the year, but until today had aot been given out for publication. Aseordiag to one of Mrs. Thosnpsaa't attorneys, the caae waa continued from the last term of the civil court, but in all probability will come np for hear ing ia the September term. The attor ney etated that it promised to be one of tke most sensational cases that has coma ap ia tke local courts ia caaay rears. - 1 Mrs.. Thompson ts representee: or At tomev J. W. Berbee and im Uw nrm of Puller,' Beads hnd Puller, wkile Har den ia represented by Brittaia aad Brit tain, of Asheboro, and the firm of Bry ant and Brogdea, of thla city. Bridges Wsshed Awsy. The keavy rains af the past few days have wrousht.much damage to bridges in Durham county. The principal dam age waa done to the bridge on the Bigs- bee road. The concrete abutmenta oa one side waa- washed away, wrecking the structure. The other bridges dam aged were of wool aad caa tooa be re Dlaeed. One bridge near Nelson is a total wrecks another on the Mineral AnrinM road ia moved out of vlaee. Some of the roadi were cohered with water for some diatance. The inces sant rains for several daa hat alaft re tarded tke etreotwork la Durham, aad flooded quite 8 number of the base menta of the stores. The damage ia the county will amount to a handsome sum, it is estimsred. Roysl Knights. After a three-days' session of inter- estinr business meetings, the Bapreme Grand Lodge, Boys! Knights of King David, has adjourned, after electing of ficers tad selecting Darlington,. 8. C, at the meeting place for next year. Over 900 delegates wsre present, repre senting a membership of over 21,000 colored dcodIo ia the Htatei of Penn sylvaaia, Virginia, Georgia, North and 8outk Carolina and rinrida. The era cere elected are W. G. Peartoa, af Dur ham, Supreme Grand Matter; J. L. Per son, of Blaekstone. Grand Chancellor: P. E. .Smith, Soeisty Hill. 8. C-, State Grind Senior Chancellor; Jt..B Smith, Rnleia-h. State Grand Scribe t J. J, Smith, Wilmington, Grand Statistical Secretary; H. L. Robinson, Durham, Grand Treasurer. Officers were also elected by the women's department of the organization. Telegrams Did It Captain C. A. Wicker, ef the No. station, O. D. Hill, of the No. 1 station and Alvis Umttesd, of the hook nnd lad der sfltion, retu'ned yeaterday evening from Ashevilie where they attended the annual convention of the North Caro lina Firemen's Association. Captain C. H. Turner, of the No. 1 atation, re mained in Ashevills a day longer and ws expected back this svening. The three fire fighters reported thst they did all ia their power to lend the 1620 convention for Durham but the odds agalest them were too heavy Paettevllle won out, they taid, because Tayetteville put forth a coaesatrtted effort to get what it was after. Ko LEGHORNS REDUCED. 1 $10,000 mm B8 , sooner had the 6eoUoa apentl whit i drlugt of telegrams cktn4 from the artillery camp town. There were tele grams from everybody, it 'seemed, and every telegram contained the same mes ante, vis., e.rordial invitatioa to hold tke .1920 . tsBveutioa ia Taetleille. Suck a aaited effort was aot to be dtniel nnd the Fayettsville fire depart ment delegatet at the convention were informed that the 1920 convention would be held ia their city. Never Met the Like Before. Mej. J. W. Hamilton, eommsnder of the B r. Webb Camp, V.C V.. of Durham, haoVbueeted your correspond ent ta aak The News fend Olwerver to extead the hearty thanks at bis camp to tke teed people ef uillaboro and Orange eouuty for the unbounded hos pitality "extended to the Confederate soldiers oa Wednesday last The Major aaya the Durham veterans have been from the Rio Grande to the Potomac, aad across the Pototatt ta Gettysburg, bat they have aever before met with treatment at they received at Hilliboro la the way ef koepitality aad kind at teatica. , Meaameat Per Newspaper Man. Kiatton, July 18. A monument to tke late W. James Jordan, newspaper man nnd politician, will be unveiled in St. Barnabas's Cemetery at Snow Hill Sunday by Woodmen of tke World. Severnl eampa will send delegations to tke cemetery. Mr. Jordan, who died seme months ago, wet well-known in thi part f the State. Ia ana campaign he waa Claade Kitchiu'i opponent for the Intter't efat In Congress. Lolley Light & Power on First Prize al Illinob State Cttennial On merit, end merit jdone, the Lalley was awarded firat prize. This medal was awarded for "advancement in lighting" which covers the mechanical conttruc tioo of the plant and its operation. From the exhibit the committee could not know of Lalley savings. But thousand of wide-awake farmers know of them. They know that they are real savings of time, - labor and actual money. Lalley aavings are important on any farm, and on your farm. They mean less labor; more work done in thexeame time; a larger day la the field, and no on. You really owe it to yourself and your family to see Lalley Light as soon as you can. THE MOTOR COMPANY Winston-Sal em, N. C W 1 iUV qfco Soldovoyvliere;' - j- 9 1 e it.. - idmnics tuppueu oy tfrocer druist and dealer Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant. ST6IKE SITUATION " ! '! - REMAINS THREATLNINu Winston-Salemv July 18. The situa tion growing out of a treatened atrike of tobacco wotten tt the mammotk R ynolda plant kere ia still threatening with the belief growing that the aitna tion will be brought to a head, withla t.- next few days. Lataljee dealers toaigbt saw aa early end ef the ice famine now gripping the eity. Broken mathinery in one of the largest manufacturing plants her hsl crippled production to such aa exteat that the situation waa beginning te grow alarm lag. Machinery baa been re paired, ke men aaid, aad all local plants will run full time tomorrow. Cameron Morrison, Charlotte's entry into the gubernatorial sweep-takes, spent a bqsy afternoon here ahakiug hands with hie friends. He ia entlius iastie over hie preepecte tor victory and talked optimistically of the coming rnee. Lawrence MoRae, Charlotte banker, came through the country with Mk Mor rison ia an automobile. TO TAKE ACTION IN CASE OP AMERICAN KILLED IN MEXICO 7 Washington, July IS. President Wil son late today notified Gpvernor Rob ertson, of Oklahoma, that he had re quested ths 8tate Department., to do everything possible in connection with the killing ef John W. Correll, sn American citiren snd the attack en his wife and n by Mexttant ia the Tarn pice Oil District ji'iHHCTii::ii)ij iimnsaliiaiiliiTnii ii i. 1 1 .itiW-tr :MbTt . ii Bevo is a part of the ame -v-v it makes ood sportsmen and more enjoyable sport--$ood fellowship, health and refresh mentbest to train on and gain on. aff-tfoar-'rotind soft drink ANHEUSER-BUSCH Jonas Dlitributort Looking For A Home In Raleigh Let us show you some lovelyplaces. We; have several excellent Jjargains y oi' should see before buying. , ' ' J aUUSON AND BEITS Phona 1362 HAYNES YOU really must tba New Studeboker : j$$fl- BIG-SIX to appreciate the remarkable ' EnSi ; value it gives. Compare it with any car on jjlllllff j the market regardless of price and we will BtgHt rest our case with you. ; f" Weighs but 312S pounds; 14 miles per" - -gallon of fuel; 10,000 miles per set of tires; t the only car at hs price equipped with cord . I lj CARR E. BOOKER, Dealer ' Wmr 14S Weat Martin 8t, BA EIGH, N. C. ' ffiM:! COBURN MOTOR CAR CO., Distributors ; W ' NORFOLK, VIRGINIA . E2S ST.LOUIS Bottling Works, , - BALEIQB, K. IP- Office 107' Fayetterille St & WEATHERS at -5 V Ji,A. I K IF

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