PAWlflJ SI & mmm C:&oR Wan fcrlously In iecf! Senator KeAdtw i,. , la Seer anedbwrter fewtan, 104 Boutfc Johe Street , ftjr WfltTt M. BKOWf Golfeboro, H. (X, july 18-After SM.Vollo. of ftWrimfco. -. - i tftW, lit boJv C B. ABatU, ft ;6ang wW liu employed en Ihe eeosirac tio Tore of tae Carolina Poorer and TJM fnmmmm, J ftki- -: T . Wa UIDK" ; to irom ui top ei ei tatom-.! )&v- poiea her yesterday in aa un eviamlen eMditaoa. TbM Austin re ceived A She! wnifc djmtin torn wire Be wee runrlied W total hospftsj Mini a esanrlnation of kh juriea tree made fre which,, it lnmu4 tlilhft paralysed Ht hi left . - .. . Eon. W. 8. OTB, Sobitfcn ( tha local lmr, received a telegram today from Senator Reed, of Missouri, la which th latter wind thftt fc WonU t tilnwd - te fcrrer na tavratien rWd V Mm . b$- tJolitbera eHftem to deliver ai ed- firw it thfe etty nest Tatmday on the .Leagn f Nation.' Tha Jrour for the attaalii In text Kmmm, mimmm, bat will prnWkMy lie at 11 eVloek a tke Bioraarr, ordimr to tte opinion f Jvdfe BoMMoa, and la the eonrt kwrn. Cubit to the inclement weather the Ekriaerr. barbecue scheduled to bo ires today, hoi been indefinitely post poaed, according to at announcement mad thi morning. City manager Dr. L M. Cashell an nounced thia morning that Ooldsboro tititeiii were paying little htcd to the reeent warning tprdhig dogs at large oa tha atreete in violation of the city Ptdisaaea. Baaiaf atit Moadny Haaager Carhell aay dog will be eiOfJit whrm yotaible aad inpoirad ed, aad, ia addition, the owaera will be , proteeuted. A large cage ia aow being erected to )ae the dog ia and the polio have ta laatiacttd to enforce tha law. Beeently IXayor E. H. Bain, of tlii ' Tty, waa officially cited for .brarery ia actio m Bepteaiber Sflw 1918. Tea-torday- aotiee was received here of a farther aad ataeb greater official hon or keetowed apoa Captain Bain for nil watioai afrrtr white la France. It ha beet officially anaoaaced through Waahiagtoa that General Pershing ha awarded Captain Bain the Diitinguisfc ed fierrieo Cros For ettraordiaary aerojmk ia action at Butigny, Franee, on October 0, ldlt. ThU 1 the Irat honor of ft kind to be conferred apon A ColdibbrO aoldie. However, o each decoration hava been awarded ta fbldirn la thi connty. i .Tha eonarjr conrniiaaibiiert have grant 11 peraiiaiioa to the War Camp Com munity Bervte to. as tha brick bond ing foraierly aed aa tha rtglittr of deed' office. Oaea at twice a week will b given ever to cotanianity tinging ta which everybody wil( b iavittd. Lo rn aa uera tnu ta atntetie ana dra Mtia iatertainaent. For the benefit of Goldibor mOtherl Who with to go faopping the War Camp Community flmlia kaa employed an experienced colored anrte who doty It will bo to take earn of their table. The nunc wfllbe located at tha pnblit comfort foom. v , BV. C U. nomaa, of Wilmington, DtU 0ted revival meetiag tonight at Belfast, near Golds boro, aad ha with him a to-workert, Beva. Bartlett, t Wilmington, aad Taylor from Eng- U::3 li Tc:r Life; Yea ht Ret? If hrs All Impurities Must Be Eliminated. Whta the Mm CtxA from th fciMims of petamooi (ufaaUlK, wbkh tht had? a anafcb t ainr aff, t caa ko lonr tavO the acrreh brain an niacia kk IwhfcsMat aad (ttmatk. The nralt h that M Sr mlMnhbL halt sick aa4 fni tins an ma lim , It roO Will dMiw the Waai at all bnpurt Vmt, ran wffl a that t work will bt a alaania, roo will aataa4 slat wall an4 aior taad haahh. One ft tha bait Meed ahaaati mti hnaw iaaay fc bt niaahjiUaa of a tOnaMfol lbjstetaa. He mH ft tor ywm in hai va. bM lor Um tnatacnt W Asordcn ot tbt .ah - Toa ana atffl at UiA baaw sptaHrM . 1 1 fetlOaBw aMaisf tw9wWd fpBW JMT aaTVSaTmft. fmt Mil (or PraMTiDtioa C-Hil, or ti C-mi ttabaratorr. Btamphai. Tana. wBI Bull yea HA hottl on ronfe of prh. riawi liita C-tX oantaias no wmn, tpham, aMrpkbM, rblaial ar atmhaiaa. Wblla enM at oaaecatraM form ana to ha tka la anl oom aa to w not barm tha aiaot HaHcate tonweb. Wrtt for Ulan tar rMCI Uboratanr, Mamrhia, Taaa-ioav.) Eren'ln ttahotte.i wk.iU (Kk KniaxkabU luhckaa ataya tnogaatra-- IMial ani aramamtiriiw-- aa ml aali J- Caw Caair is 01 Traal. For lWlera prOaoaitloA writ ; UtC BULUNOTOM Jb CO. : atribrlora, "' I ' Blchakowd, Va. J L. ... . .. . . land' thi latter "being ah rtrrelTwt mqMclan, ; , , ' "r- . The Wayne County North . Carolina State Cblltg Alomai . Aoci4hn hM been effected in thi city. Bvxtoh Whitev nlutnai teeretary of tha State CoUego, was present and aokisted la tha erganitation. B. E. Stevens, of Goldflbore, wi !petd president Ja Her fi. Pplnt M Fremoht, lr1 vle pretidcat; H. C. McPhail, of Mount Sire, aecohd viee-frHident, And A. K. ibertton, of Ooldsboro, ieeretary and trtaearer. . v ;'. :r - . . -r-. meats m woiasoor ana torongnnnv ina ouiiv wui ov pievava n iora m-i Mr. J. B. ThonnMn on of Wayne eanty nost highly esteemed farm bra, to now considered safely round tha crtsl of hi reeeat operatioa at,' local hospital. BAPTIST MOBICE SCHOOL -HI EXT VYf EK AT CARY Cary, Jniy 18. One of the "Baptist mobile schools will be toadJcted It the Cary Baptist Charch. July SI -25. The. faculty will be a follow: Deaa, B. B. White Bbaday schools, Geo. I. rlarwardi the atonement, C L. Do well B. Y. P. UH T. W. Foglemia; steward ship and mission; Oscar Creech: Bible, F. I Browa; pmcher, t. Eloaa Gray; HosVB. B. Gordoa. Five day of intenkfv drill work will bo done. It I expected that at least two member from every Baptist jchurch ia thi section of tnt State will bo'in attendance. Entertainment to on the Harvard plan: bed tad breakfast free, diaaet and inrpper to be paid for, .r ( ..... ....... . ... ... i. ..t NEGfiO TO rtCE TRIAL -iSe SUPEttSOa COURT . iohn Richmond, A negra, Vaa liosjhd ever to Wake Joprkr eonrt yMerday oa a ehargo cavo Nt eoaled Weapon. Hk Waa fin A hearing be fore Justice Owen. 6 vend day ago Depattea HoAeyewtt and Wyntt wwrn la learen ot home hske aAa VroppH lA hbt passing them aa .the Aighiray. Richmond wat driving. Bdnpeettog that tht negro 1id whttkey la hm eat, the officer searched aad fostad A pl la Riehmehdl pocket Tfaerb rah no Wito key in the machine. N - If yoa'lr eoAHaced tht the Wwrtd It grbwitil re kVery day takh aeare-, thing for yoor Mm. '" - r'-n m ririi Iff I t If " V.'.jVN i .it rvy i Just Atidtkr Cddd Main Gbiie Wron-Fbx-Trot , . Pepf ully phjtt bjr thfe LotiiSlahl t1 Jazz Orchfestfiu tKe htwttst Columbii cbfhbinatiortk which ilco ptays.lhs cbu- tt ift "Yfc d riff Hound BIus." another JP irrtoictiblc fox-trot . A-2t42-&St 1 Tears (of Love) -On Step u lama Yama muesrat-irdt V ears (o! Love)' introducing Tm Glad t Can Make You Cry1 , and "Pahjamah," tvoh't rhakb you cry, but dance. " Yama Yarha Blues will make you dance Bdmemore. V If 4 . -ar4mmaiajjBnj J TV , TheKSd Lferft lBbt efti. tr e;. t-. iktt.i ? Net waltz, and the WafdoH- Astoria Dince Orchestra this fatnovis fox-rot frorn, the 'rnuslb eipecitly composed for NazitnoTft'l treat hew motion picture, Th Red Untej-h.' TP I! j Columbia Bealcftictilt 5is Fcllownn GreaU; Oralitiationi CriumMupMMBafeea ti&Utl la breaoScia . Tt Colambta Orcbaisra Bsaar's Orahasna Of .i Coluatbia Baa Mraakl Jocken BroUKf fY4ix'Orrftfs Tarn Oamul BaaM Or .. camra. b.. c aj. u - Uuuil tHlIU lAaMO. WUbuiC.8aataMatOrls KiBan Una i , 4 i ... ..,., . nat Jass Bsad ledm Uanaa 0raatra Platro aad OaUa Dalr tlarfmbtphnM Baad , LaaWuaarivaJasaOreaaatra v Aorordlo) Ewl FulUrl lUctor NorattY Tha Bipur 8I Wltmf Kaiataal BswsMa BP OrcaaaW IPaMorf-iat )aaapau.oniu svr'Bara uuaauaa iris) "T aalOialaUadiaaaBaad Don fc- Orcao)W , Roral Martaiba Baa4 - Urobeitm. WaMort-istarla Plaah ON tape and Baam (Uraia a Blea aad Whim kfariao oaao ... ... Grsoaaa Uuatcipal Baad at Boaoa ft! I M CaaamWo JUaea aa) Sam la fill amf XMt a goatf Mawtl COLUMBIA CRAPHOPHQNE COMPANY, Nsw Twt " - 1 faaaal a. - ,. .1 THE COLUMBIA GRAFANOLA Won Pint Prize in V mmm mm . i mh mm 1 dix WoHdttairt Controls music artist of the world miking the greatest line el Reedfdi known. President Wilson and his party took two "Type L-2" Columbia Grafonolas to Paris. This great GrafondU,of nitiohil fehdwn II in demand wherever a Grafonola is wanted. There is none Stipfcfioh Sold In lichderson, N. C, by : . A. T. BARNES Columbia Graf onolas and ltccord SA0NDEI&& TOYDEN . , ' WUlIitniten, N C. ' ". - ' -' !- IliRVICE LONfi AtttlX ttUtt H F()lA6ttri m nmnrt'i-iii Colufhba Graf onolas and ttetbrdl - the RALfeicm: aNrWain to; .WiUkVtrlarteUSe,RkUUh,N.C. ftUttW HNt hJkNitimk AKb ttoUiie furnishing xdobs owmBaaBiaasasaaMsithB ., .; ..n im ,'; ,t aVat.T.-a., it "rrn yr--iir , rrf t -i, ittaaa-m iriiaw-j -- i ' " 1 " jr r' 1 1 r " i iColumbtti Gtbionolat and Recordl COTTER-UNDERWOOD CQ. . r trmithneld, H. IS. ..." tVtIk:V SPtNf ItlvWtsfcNtS A HUMbltE5 tfeHTi VALUfc Jr-v. .Viwn sjssitrw tin-i.,a itti,sm-a.;le,-,TrlTii,irir-rtirT - T-ajt BOMaaaBWaSMMaykfMBaWaaWa X: o 1 lift t 1 it GV (ifohoUi ahd Re c o rds (amrSTlAN RJlMtURE CO. ' ftafle, ri. t ...... H FURNltURfe 6F LAitlNG RlPUtATlON . .. ...... ....... , - 1 lllf iii..jjjtijaiijiJ r--" iiifi.iiT ai, aifii ran a -, r r n-j t,r ,i"it a,..y.T fc.--,-f-a s immtarmik&,iXi ....,., ....... Columbia Grafdnolai ahd Retdfdl FARf,lVlLLE FURNITURE CO. etlh Fafmfille, N. C LEt J STARt YOU HOUSEKEEPING tiT.. ... iiLMiuL.Lki.uM . j.i . - .. . ...ri( rini.LiitoUmJLjfflmiiJ i"Tr""""' 1 "'i '"i i' 1 i "hi 1 " r , ' in v -ii i-tfiiia tirtiiii fi-. liMaMUaaMiieaalaWMM Columbia Grafonolat and Record! J. S. MILLER FURNITURE CO. New Born, N. t. "THE HSfME FURNl5MERirt feranth Storm MOREHEAD CITT, H. t i in in v "' it ' -rr i iif - -r r rr,tayi;AjcajUi aa Columbia Crafonolas and Recordi WILSON FURNITURE CO. Wilton, ff. C. INSPECTION iNVlf 16 COMPARISON CHALLENGED mjtMmtammMmmMmmU Columbia Grafonolai and Recordi EDGECOMBE DRUG COMPANY Tafboro, N. C. EVEftttHiNG IN DRUGS ii PROMPT atd EFFICIENT stAVtCfi Columbia Grafonolas and Record. ELLIS & TRAVIS Weldom N. C YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED ACCURATELY Columbia Grafonolat and Recordh QUINN-MILLER COMPANY Rinatoii, N. C. a - THE H6USE f HAf MARES HOMeI HAPPY Bmmaftgmmf, Columbia tiraf onolai and Recordi FAYElTtVlILE njRNTTURE CO : ' FAyettiill, H. C Mkmrnjw trf furnishing thnoujs tr j laanaaajMtiaV

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