THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 24, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. It mm AGES FORALLEGEDTALK Durham Man Claims Former , Partner Made Derogatory Remarks About Him ' By JAMES A. tOBINSON. Durhtm, July 23 Claiming that he Si tntitled to damage! by having derogatory remarks made againit bia hoaesty at a business man, Bobert N. Poe haa instituted suit, through ia at torney, Hugh Scarlett, to recover the amount of $2,000 from Mra. Minute Holt and W, E. Holt. Four months ago a company composed of C. C. Crou, Bobert N. Poe, Mrs. W. R. Herndon and Mrs. Minnie Holt, was organized for the aale of groceries and meats, and was known as the Poe-Cross Company. During the time the business was in operation, the plaintiff claims a large amount of business was (lore, but not enough to more than pay the running espruses, find they were unable to de elare a dividend. After three mouths no dividend was declared, the plaintiff claims that Mrs. Holt, oue of the co partners, made remarks to the effect that he and Cross misappropriated the profits. This brought about such state of affairs that be and Crom aud Mrs. Herndou sold ther shares in the concern to Mrs. Uott. Poe claims that the remarks made by Mrs. Holt against his honesty has placed him in such a position that he is unable lo secure credit with other business men in the city, and also claims that he is entitled to damages. Mrs, Womble, wife of Mr. John T. Womble, one of Durham's oldest citizens, is extremely ill from the re sults of infijrmities of old age. Her family has been called to her bedside, and her condition is looked upon as critical. Question of Housing. Hobsrt D. Upjohn, eminent archi tect of New York City, is expected to arrive in this city some time tonight for the purpose of conferring with Burke Hobgood, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, on the local housing question. Mr. Upjohn is one of the leading architects, of the country. Four Men Enlist. Although the week is not as yet half gone, Sergeant Joe Yogt, in charge of the local army recruiting office in the postoffice building states that his office bids fair to compare favorably with any other office of this kind in the State. Up to the present time four men have been enlisted at the local recruiting office this week and prospects are good that as many more will enlist before the week has passed, the sergeant stated today. Ewlng Allowed Rami. Nick Swing, the West Durham man charged with burglary in the first de gree, and committed to jail without bond by Judge Paul C. Graham, who presided over the hearing of tu case ifl July, was ordered to be released oa a bond of Cow by Judge w. r. tsiaey if tha Rnncrinr Conrt after habeas cor pus proceedings had beea instituted at Uxlora ty Attorney " urougen, representing the defendant. Ewing who haa beea ia tha county jail since the preliminary bearing will ia all proba bility do a Die 10 secure me dobu touay. TuMdav Attorney Brodtea went over to Oxford where he presented a record or the evidence taaea auring me pre liminary Bearing logemer who cer tain , recommendations for clemency from the attoraeya who prosecuted the ease ia the first bearing. Upon con sideration of the whole record presented by the attorney, Judge Stacy formed the opinion that it was a ease ia wnicn hnml ahnuM'he allowed and timed an order for the release of the prisoner upon the bona meniionea ior nis ap pearance at the next term of criminal mirt nt thia anuntv to answer anV charge that may be preferred against aim. Tlia 4ndir atatait that from the evi dence recorded of the preliminary hear- ing, he was reasonably cure inni me nrinnar alintllri I la allowed bond 14 it seemed that he did not enter the Guy- ton home with any ieionious inieni of to eimmit any crime whatever, but ac cording to the evidence it was onlr the wanderings of a nan under the lntlu ence of some intoxicant. M'KELLAR SPEAKS FOi l LEAGUE Tennessee Senator Sizes Up The Opposition As "Reactionaries" Washington, July 2a. The League of Xaticus v?ss supported in tha (Senate today by fcxnttor McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee, s one of the greatest for ward steps ia the nation's history. Most of the t'l position, he asserted, came from ''reactionaries" of the same school as those who opposed the Federal Con stitution and those who later handi capped the growth and development of the country. "There have always been reactionaries in our country,'' said the Tennessee Senator, "and there have always been progressives. There have always been forward-looking niea and backward- looking men. There have alwaya been men who looked to 'precedents and to t the past end men who looked t the future. If tha reactionaries bad bad their way ia tha beginning of oar gov ernment we probably would, not have had republic. If they had bad their way tha republic would never have been enlarged. "I am not a reactionary. I am a Dem ocrat ia its most progressiva sense. Ws ought to improve upon those who have gone before us. We have had better advantages than they bad. They blazed the path. Every, dictate of conscience, every'dictate of commercial and indus trial advantage, every dictate of a de sire for peace, requires the establish' ment of this great world pact. "Reactionary Brpublicans and reae tionnry Democrats who are opposing this league, don't let your hatred of any one man warp and aet aside your judg ment. Whatever may be aaid of Mr. Wilson, he has surely done great things for America. Under his administration we have become a world power faster than in any other like period in our history. All of his work has been done for America. Let not America, who has given this great peace covenant to the world, be the only one to repudiate it." The speaker quoted Senator Lodge's peace speech in tha Senate last Decem ber and declared the peace terms laid dowa there bad beea substantially n bodied in tba treaty. Senator Knot, be said, had desired to go even further than the league covenant in hia resolu tion declaring the United 8tates would co-operate to remove any future men ses to European peace,, Three incontestible reasons for the league, continued the Senator, are tha cost of war, its sacrifice of human life, and "the utter folly of creating nations in Europe without giving them" ' the guaranty of life." He aaid he could not f agree that article ten imposed only a moral obligation to go to war to pre serve the integrity of members, but that it rightly imposed a legal obligation to do so. Replying to the charge of Senator Reed, Demcorat, Missouri, that the Up T Hiss. Young Jimson had a reputation to keep up. He was regarded aa a great "wit." So one morning, when an unpopular professor set the clsss to write an esiv on "Manners," Jimson sprang to his feet. "May we write on "Bad Manners!" he asked amid titters. "Certainly, replied me proiessor, blandly. "Just write about what you know best." Edinburgh Statesman. Lift qffComs! Doesn't hurt a bit and Fueezone costs only a few cents. p ""i ) With vour fingers! You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezon'" costs little at any drug store; apply few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right iff, root and all, without one bit of pain or sore ness. Truly! No humbug! Adv. Calomel Loses You a Day's Work! , Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead Bead my guarantee ! If bilious, constipated or head achy you need not take nasty, sickening, danger ous calomel to get straightened up. hsague might be controlled by black, red and yellow races. Senator McKellar quoted thia passage from a speech nude whea Jeffersoa bought Louisiana: "Ws are soon to look for our rulers ta the black, yellow and red brethren beyond the Mississippi." A Geaeraaa Caart. I eaa't go to jail," said a funny vagrant. "I have no time." "The court provides .that," said the msgistrate. "I give you ten days." Saa Francisco Chronicle. t Thirty Seconds For Repairs. From Film Fun. Flora Ia the most interesting part of a magazine story, you always find it's to be rontinued in the next issue. Fauna Yes, and the most thrilling point ia a photoplay ia alwaya wher tha flint break. CONSIDER THIS WOMAN'S ' . CASE Mrs. A. L. DeVine, of Los Au.., Cal., aaya "After I had suffered from, a female trouble for years, not being' able to do my housework, or get any relief from doctors, Lydia E. Pinkham'l ' Vegetable Compound made ma a well woman, and I want to tell tha world tha good thia medicine docs." Thia woman', is perfectly justified, and should ba commended for telling others bow aha; regained her health. Adr. v Every druggist In town your drug gist and everybody a druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel- They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel ia dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist, Dod son's Liver Tone is personally guar anteed by every druggist who sells It. A Urge bottle doesn't cost very much but if it fails to give easy relief in every ease of liver sluggishness and constipa tion, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no bilousness, tick head ache, acid stomach or constipated bow els. It doesn't gripe or eauaa incon venience all the next day like violent eal-mcL Take a dose of calomel todsy and tomorrow you will feel wajjjk, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a dajffa work I Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition Adr. BROOMS at a Reduction 50 cents each $ CM doi. 60 ceats each 7.29 dps. 0 cents each $19.80 dos. $1 00 each $12.00 dos. SI. 15 each 113.80 dos. $1.25 each $11.00 dos. Quality Unsurpassed for the Price. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS Raleigh, N. C. THE BIG HARDWARE MEN Whoopee !! 11 Zoom Ovt r Yoar Troubles With a Clau of . PEPSI-COLA! See the Aver zoom over that soft fresh cloud high up in the heavens he's cool and happy. Are you t Or are you 'hot and sticky, men tally fagged and sluggish f Try an exhilarating zoom over your troubles with a bubbling, sparkling beaker of Pepsi-Cola. It make i you simply tcixltflaU t To catch the incipient headache to give Old Man Humidity the merry ha-ha! Drink Ftpifymt Siim!ttit Htjmtnatmf PEPSI-COLA ZOOM!! Raleigh Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company W. J. RICHARDSON, Mgr. : PHONE 544. ' ,.1 J IFOR SALE S00 Shares of Stock In The Brady System (VISIBLE MEASURE GASOLINE TANKS and PUMPS) 99 Louisville, Kentucky (Incorporated) NOW 2. peir OHARE (Par Value $10) August 1st This Stock Will Positively Be $30.00 per Share TERMS: 15 Cash. Balance in 3 Equal Payments Demands for The Brady System 7 Times Output of Factory a -For Further Information Call at 119 W. Martin St. or Phone 784 .... DON RICHARDSON District Manager for North and South Carolina Raleigh, N. C. i