14 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. THURSDAY MORNING JULY 24, 1819. .1 IT RATES lOCcnU Par LI N 1 1 3g" The Newt and Observer Has opncl up Branch Office in GOLDSBORO, N. C at ,104 S. John Street, next to Southern Bell Telephone Company. ' Subscribers served at 15 cents a week, daily and Sun day. If you don't get your paper promptly notify man ager of the G o 1 d s b o r o branch. 7 Bring your news items. "Want Ads" taken and information furnished con cerning display advertising. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED WELL DRILL OPERATOR to operate Keystone Well Drill. Apply Baleigh Granite Company, Raleigh i ' and Greystoce, N. C. 1.1-71 WANTED: A.N EXPERIENCED ELEC trielaa for pole line and maintenance work; steady position; giv reference, experience, and salary wanted. Klee trie Light Department, City of Kin atna. ?;i-.it CONTRACTOR WANTED FOR THE const met ioa of two one-teacher aefaool buildingi and additions to two other srbools by the Board of Edura tion of Greene Coujitv. Applv to Bapt. J. K. Dehnain- Suuw Hill, N. ('. for plana and specification. 2:t WANTED BV OXFORD COIXEGE, AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER TO SUPERINTEND KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM FOR 19W-20. LIBERAL SALARY WILL BE. PAID F. P. HOBGOOD, OXFORD, N. C. WANTED SAWYER FOR LEFT RAND band mill; wagea W.OO, tea hour day. The Interstate Co-operative Company, Belh-tven, N. C. 2.'t-."U LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED AT once for daily. paper ia he,t town in North Carolina. Good chance for a young man to work his way up. Kin- (toa Daily News. Kinatoa, N. C. 2:-2t WANTED FIFTEEN CARPENTERS for ail months work, $7.15 for ten hoars ; transportation paid; bring ' tool aad don I write ; factory work D. J. Tallman. Louisburg, X. C. C2-.1t. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WATCH repairer and engraver; steady posi tion. Address P. O. Boi 304, Wil- aon. N. C. 22-.lt. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS Al TOMO- bile mechanic; good ularr and per- manent position for the right man Greenville Motor Co., Greenville, N. C. 22-flt. WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST STATE SALARY EXPECTED IN FIRST LETTER TUCKER BLDG. PHARMACY WANTED PARTY WITH ONE. TWO : r three small taw mills to contract cutting several good locations of pine timccr. Contract to mcude logging to loading on car. "R-3," rare Newt ad Observer. !l-4t WANTED NOW REAL PRINTER, who anderstands nsnline rnrtnn. fm newspaper work, ads, jobs, preasea, toliciting, nuke-np; also competent macmaist operator for 14, and com peteat helper for circulation, ad and job department; good pay for best kelp. Wire immediately what yon can do, salary, soonest you will report. - H-t," care New and O server. Ra- lelgh. N. C. ;i-7t. WANTED - ELECTRICIAN COMPE. teat to take care of 115 KW A. C generator and aevea motors. Apply at once to The Veneer Manufacturing Co., Coawv. 8. C. oi-7t WANTED - YOUNG NEWSPAPER ma a with auecessful eiperience, alil- itV aad "pen" Ia An M-rnlin4 WAvIr in business department of small but live an progressive aneraoon daily in food North Carolina towa. Must be good writer of advertising copy aad . aalesmaa for tame ia home field and "deliver the gnod.M Prefer man who also anderstands bookkeeping, bill ing and collecting. Eieeptinnally good opportunity for tW right ma a to work up and establish himself in permanent position. Stat fully in rat letter your qualifications, ctpe rieaee, etc, and give good references. All eorrespoadeace held strictly eonfl deatial. Address "P-9," car News - and Obeerver. 20-24 WANTED A GOOD BOY TO DELIVER A NEWS AND OB SERVER ROUT. APPLY AT ONC TO THE CITT CIB VcCLATIOX MANAGER FROM TO t WANTEDl SEVERAL COMPETENT compositor aad'irtt-elat moaotyp castor operator. Boot oalary aad per- maaoat portions. -Open saep aoa- ditiona. Stats ta yonr laswrr whether untoa or Boa-ajiiea. Living eoadi tioaa a- ocoaomicai as aay eity -of eomparativt lo. - Virginia Etatioa- f ry Co, Kichinoad, Va. V, 13, IT. ft tS, , XT, tt; 1. I -f 1 K 0 IMMDIAT RESULTS' HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED DISCHARGED SOLDIER or aailor to solicit subscription all over tho Stat to Everywoman t Mag' aiine; 60 per aent commission, F-asily make $10 a day. Address Mrs. N. H Covington. 605 N. Blount St., Raleigh N. C. 20-7t BRING YOCR WANT ADS IN BEFORE t O'CLOCK IP YOU -WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. BOOKKEEPER. WITH 8TENOGRA PHIC EXPERIENCE, MUST BE COMPETENT. P. O. BOX 420, RA LEIGH. N C. 20-8t EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT NEED ED AT ONCE. PERMANENT POSI TI0N WITH A WELL E8TAB LI8HED 6TANDARD BUSINESS OF THIRTY YEARS STANDING, IN ONE OF THE BEST TOWNS OF THE SOUTH. ALTITIDE THIRTEEN HUNDRED FEET. PURE, SOFT WATER. GOOD 8CH001J8 AND CHURCHES. PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS. NORTH CAROLINA GRAN ITE CORPORATION, MOUNT AIRY, HURRY COUNTY, N. C. 24-141 PRINTER OR TWO-THIRDER ONE who ran let some Linotype and want to improve; permanent. State wages wanted, when can come. Common wealth, Scotland Neck. 24-27-29 WASTE D G O O D ALL-ROUND printer for country ahop. Good posi tion for steady man. Write stating wage wanted and give eiperience and references. Duplin Record, Warsaw N. C. . 19-7t WANTED AN EXPERIENCED, RE- linble cotton nun to buy and take up cotton in Lantern Carolina. Giv ex nerienca and reference, flr.t ltt. Mint be able to buy, receive and hip ngn. Ajlres 1-4, cre New and Ulieprver. 19-7t WANTED: f APER HANGER8 AND twenty brush bands. R. L Curtis, raint-uontraetor, Kinaton, N. C. 19-7t WANTED CONCRETE CURB AND gutter finisher at Tarboro, North Carolina. F. J. McGuire, Tarboro, North Carolina. 18-7t. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN with ability and willing to work. F. G. Mollis A Company, Wholesale Gro cers, Bcnnetttville, 8. C. lK-7t. WANTED FIR8T-CLA88 SALESMAN with ability and willing to work. F 0. Holli k Co., Bennettsville, S. C. 17-7t. WANTED--COMPETENT YOUNG MAN stenographer with knowledge of book keeping. Starting aalary 175 to linn. .Moe full application immediately. nedmunt Business College, Lynch burg, Va. WANTED BARITONE. TRUMBONE, cornet, has and clarinet player fof land auction sal band. Steady work; musr. oe sooer. rrefer young men that have had service in military band. Write Carolina Realty Co., naieign, is. t, EXPERIENCED SALESMAN AND CLERK WANTED FOR A LARGE GENERAL STORE AT GREENWOOD, IN ALBE MARLE COUNTY. VIRGINIA. HE WILL BE EXPECTED TO ASSIST THE OWNER IN THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BUSINESS, AND MUST HAVE HAD PREVIOUS EX TENSIVE GENERAL STORE SERVICE. WILL SELL HALF INTEREST TO DESIRABLE PARTY BRINGING SATIS FACTORY REFERENCES. AN NUAL SALES EXCESS OF $110, 000.00. ADDRESS "K-S," CARE OF NEWS AND OB- SERVER. H04t. HELP WANTED FEMALE THOROUGHLY RELIABLE WOMAN for position of trust; must b- well recommended. Permanen. Address "lfl." care Newa and Obse.-rer. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLI- aer; must have eiperience in manag ing department. Good position; good salary. Address Postoffir Boi :i37, Burlington, N. C. 20-3t WILL FURNISH PUBLIC 8TENO- grapher, typewriter and offic for imaJl amount pi HW ..."Attorney;' Boa 71 ; phone 1491. 2.1 -2t WANTED-,0O$ LADIES TO CALL at Curtis-Morong Co, Inc., 117 W. Martin 8t., aad securo a fre coupon oa tho Free sewing machine given away Saturday, July W. Nothing to bur. . WANTED TWO GIRLS FOR DINING room. roo or wire. Farrar Hotel, Tarboro, N t 1 WANTED YOUNG LADIES WITH sas year klgk school credit, to tak ap Baraing la tho Mary Eliaahotk Hospital Traiaiif school, Raleigh, K. & ' - - lM4t. TI nJv I R E A D i rnur i t i i HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED LADY ASSISTANT; Op portunity for ttat-wid experience. Requirements : reasonable experience ; efficient stenographer; Jfneral knowl edge of "bookkeeping; Jnltlativo to handle office in absence of executive. "B-5," ear of New and Observer. , 27-7t. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY double entry bookkeeper and steno grapher; good salary to a capable lady. State what eiperience yon have had, name of put employers, age and aalary expected. Address P. 0. Box, 792. New Bern, N. C. 22-t. WANTED A RESPECTABLE SINGLE woman to do ganeral house work (in cluding "cooking), in a family of four. Permanent position, with board, lodg ing and good wages to right party. Apply in own handwriting, stating age, experience and wage expected per week. Address Postoffice box 444, Wilson, N. C. 22-7t. HELP WANTED . (Mate and Female) RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. HUN dreds wanted. $I100-$1500. Age, 1SI5. Eiperience unnecessary. Ex aminations everywhere August 23. For free particulars, write John Leon ard, (former Government Examiner) KCIft Kqnitnhle Bblg., Washington. TRAVELING MEN, WOMEN, BEST tide line in the world; 1,000 monthly; nothing to sell or carry; in formation only. J. H. Walker, Boul der, Col. l:t-14t DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER O'CLOCK. TEACHERS WANTED WANTED: ATLANTIC HIGH SCHOOL male principal, salary, $12.'); lady as sistant principal, salary $7.1; teach ers intermediate grades, salary, $110. Apply to Dennis Mason, Atlantic, N. C. 23-.1t. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS for rural schools, one, two and three teacher schools for term of six Months nt sulariea ranging from $50 to $7ft per month, most of salaries be ing $6i per month. Applicants must 8tate certificates. Terms to begin in October. Apply giving full informa tion at write for application hlank to Supt. J. E. Debnam, Snow Hill, N. C. 2II-2t WANTED SEVERAL PRIMARY teachers at salary from $85 to $100. Lady principal at seven, eight hun dred dollars per term. Intermediate grades, sulsry $S0 to $85. Write Box 497. Chapel Hill. N. C. 18-7t EXPERIENCED TEACHER. (MALE) of Mathematics, Sciences and Span ish desires position in good schuoU Address Hoi 2fifl, Weldnn. N. C. I7-7t BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE I O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. WANTED TEACHERS, SALARY COM mensural with training, experience and cost of living. Only Normal graduates or equivalent wanted. Grndea 7 3, Writing and Drawing, Stenography and Typewriting of the Isaac Pittman systems. Apply Box 24, Tarboro. N. C. 19-7t. POSITIONS WANTED SALESMAN OF FIRST RANK, DE- mobilised army officer, ia open far preposition of merit. Experienced specialty lines and result getter. De sire opening with future where ag gressiveness and hard work will count. Highest indorsements. ''S-5," care News and Observer. 24-2t REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER CAN give some time to outside work. Ref erences cheerfully given. "S-rl," earo News and Observer. PHYSICIAN WANTS LOCATION IN small town in North Carolina. Ad dress "R-9," care News and Observer. 2;t-4t WANTED LOCAL SUPPLY WORK during summer months, by competent and experienced lady bookkeeper and atenographer. In replying tnte date ueeded, nature of business and salary willing to pay. "R-8," care News and Observer. 23-2t BOOKKEEPER. EXPERIENCED ON Carolina tobacco markets, desires position with good house. Write V. E. Bush, Brooksville, Ky. 22 -7t EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DE" sires position August 1st. as typist or clerical work; either or both. Ad dress "N-3,'' care News and Observer. 13-10t WANTED POSITION AS MOULDER- man, machine setter or formsa of small planing mill. P. O. Bot 153, Clayton, N. C. 20-7t. YOUNG MAN WITH THREE YEARS office eiperience desires ponition where there is a chance for advance ment; reference furnished. Addre "O-10," car N awand Observer. lS-7t. WANTED POSITION AS CASHIER, by young man with four years bank ing experience. Can furnish best of referc.ces. Address "0-3," care News and Observer. 17-St. BANKERS. ATTENTION:" HAVE you a man who would like to take hi vacation any time toonf I have jutt finished a course in banking and must have tome experience on a post ing machine. So, would like to work for you for about ten days or mo.o. A-l reference. "M-8,'' car Ne arid Observer. 14-7t. FIRST CLASS SAWYER, TEN VKAII'4 experience, Al reference, desires posi- ; tion. W. 8. Johuson, Rout 1, New j Hill, N. C. 24-4t EXPERIENCED MALE TEACHER want princjpalship; expect good alary. Give full particular of work required." "8-3," cart Newt ahJ Observer. I4-7t SALESMEN OFFICE EQUIPMENT" SALESMAN Excellent opening for clean-cut young man who ran tell office equipment gad makt estimate oa printing. Salary or commission basis. Giv reference aad Interview will bo arranged. P. a Bos 674, Baleigh. tt-ft $10,000 Farm Sold Through a Nw aad Obaerrtr ' WANT AD and another permanent satisfied patron is added to "The Old Reliable's" large and growing list of Want Ad users. ' So. Richmond, Va., July 22, 1919. The New and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. Gentlemen: I am pleased to state that the ad I placed ia your paper last Sunday brought me a customer, who purchased from me a farm at $10,000. I am enclosing you another ad which you will please insert in your next Sunday's paper. I am also enclosing 2 to pay for thi ad and a tmall balance duo yon a per enclosed itatement Please nail me a copy of yoar paper next Sunday and oblige, Your very respectfully, M. C. MANN. TT SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN HOUSE SELLING ABSOLUTE- ly staple product with national distribution wants local repre sentative to sell for delivery from Atlanta Branch. Refer ences required as to character and selling ability before ap plication can be considered. Address AMERICAN APPLIANCE CO. 5.1 Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga. 24-4t. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOURj WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER O'CLOCK. LIVE EARNEST AGENTS WANTED in every town in your State to sell ac cident and health insurance (cover ing every injury and illness) on an nual or popular monthly payment plan. ..Cash compensation and liberal renewals. Johnson k Adams, South eastern Managers, 59. Southern Rldg., Washington, D. C. 20-22-24 AGENTS AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUN ty in North Carolina for the Duplex Hair Cutter, the greatest invention of the age. Just the thing to keep your children's hair in perfect trim at small cost. Can cut your own hair easier than you can ahave your elf. Just comb your bair and it cuts at the same time. Sample mail ed for $2. Price will loon be $3. Full instructions with each eutter. A harvest for agents. Send $2 for sample and special terms. "Tho Du plex Hair Cutter," Box 705, Raleigh, is. V. S-7t, IF YOU WANT A BOOKKEEPER that can really bookkeep; if you re quire a cashier, a salesman, an en gineer, an office boy, a cook or a housemaid, or any kind of help in your home, offieo, store or factory, a isewa and Observer "Want Ads will get you the help you want. If your need is urgent, if you must have quick action that's an additional reason to use The New and Obser ver Help Want Ad. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE A PAYING COLORED Mo tion picture show. Price $1,500. Good term. For particulars, write A. A. Paul, Washington, N. C. 18-7t. PARTNER WANTED FOR aNV GOOD BUSINESS IN . A LARGE NORTn CAROLINA TOWN, WITH A CAPI TAL $1,000 TO $2,000. SILENT OR ACTIVE PARTNER, LADY OR i.EN. TLEMAN. "S-r" CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. ?4tt FINE DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE I offer for lease or tale at a sacri fice my dental practice and complete equipment. On account of health. shall go into other business. H. B Gibson, D. D. 8., Red Springs, N. C. 20-7t BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. FOR SALE Miscellaneous) COATS BRICK CO., NOW DISSOLVED, desire to tell brick plant, plenty of clay, brick casings machinery. WriU or etinio at once; must close immedi ately. B. F. Parrish, Coata, N. C. 24-4; FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NO. t Steels second hand brick machine, in good condition; one automatic cntter. Write J. S. Turner, Weldon, N. C. 3$ GOATS FOR 8ALE A FEW OF them are full Angora, the remainder ire tli old Parshion stock. J. C. liurins, Pittsboro, N. C. 23-2t FOR SALE ONE SECOND HAND American Soda Fountain complete. One prescription counter and two side fixtures. Address inquiries to P. O. Box 517, West Durham, N. C. 19-7t. FOR SALE ONE 40- HORSE POWER saw mill outfit, in good eonditioj, $1,200. On 2-ton Kistell truck ia first clnss shape, $1,500. A. M. Riddle, Pittsboro 23-7t WOOD YARD 'OUIPMENT FOR SALE, saw, engine, splitter, pnllev, belt. Boi 541. 18-Tt. BARGAINS U., 8. ARMY GOODS. U. 8. Army Teals, 18x16x11 ft. high; S ft. wall, gaaranteed 12.4 tandard lnny dttck. Utcd- but- aerrieeaMe. Special $19.95 each. For camping, roadwork, children, eonvict camps, ote. tl; 8.- Atmy Shelter Tatir.T.$3JB each U. 8. Army eaavai folding tot $2.95 oack Army good all kinds. Writ for bar tain pries liat. Term: Cash with order. Bradley Beaded Warehouse Co, GreoaviUo, 6. C. . A7-8t FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOR SALE ONE picture machine POWER8 MOTION in good condition. ready for operation fc8-4,' and Observer. eire New 2t-7t ENGINE AND BOILER M-Ji. FOR tale. Also Planer and Moulder. R. L Strowd. trustee, Chape. Hill. N. C. 21 FOR SALE BARGAIN IN GOOD HIGH grade Sewing Machine. W. k W., $10 to $20. Ringers. $13 to $35. Whites, $10 to $35. Call and Inspect. Curtis Morong Co., Inc., 117 W. Martia St, Raleigh. K-7t. TOBACCO FLUES CAN MAKE IMME diate shipments, any quantity wanted. A'ire, vrite or "phone orders. J. J. Jenkins. Greenville, N. C. 22-7t TWO MAILING MACHINES FOR SALE TWO NO. 1 HORTON-WING MAILING MACHINES FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. GOOD CONDITION. $12.40 BACH. L. A MORRIS, CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N- C ARMY GOODS FOR SALE. U. S. ARMY TENTS, 16x14x11 FT. high, 3 ft. wall, guaranteed dsndard 12.4 ox. army duck, $19.95; C. a Army officers wall tent. 9x9 ft.. $25J5; U. a Army shelter tentt, $3.95; U. 8. Army folding canva cot, $2.P5; U. a Army tin cup. 15 each, $1.00 dox.; U. a Army aluminum cup. 15e eaeh, $1 JO dox. ; V. 8. Army folding metal meat or mess pan with lid and handle, 25c each, or $2.25 doxen. U. S. ARMY ENAMEL CUPS, HEAVY, lOo each, $1.00 doren; U. a Army enamel plate. 10c, 73o doxen; U. S. Army enamel pudding pans, 35c each, $3.75 doxen ; U. 8. Army enamel pudding pans, 43e each, $4.75 doxen; U. 8. Army enamel pitchers, 5e each, $2!75 doxen. U. & ARMY DOUBLE WHEEL HAR ness, $50.00 set; U. a Army double lesd harness. $45.00 set; U. a Army khaki breeches, washed, good condi tion, 95e pair, $9.00 dozen. U. 8. ARMY WOOL BREECHES. SERV iceabl condition, $2,25 pair, $14.50 dozen; C 8. Army wool shirts, serv icesblo condition, $1.95 each. $14 JO doxen. U. a AkMY REFRIGERATORS, AL moat new. Grand Rapids, two Urge compsrtmenta, each 6 ft. high, 24" wide a-' 24 deep, 300 lbs. k ca pacity, worth $350, our special rric f. o. b. Greenville, excellent condition, $112.75 eacV; U. a Army refrigerator, almost new, Alaska, 3 compartment, 800 lbs. ice capacity, 8 ft. high, 5 ft. wide, worth $400, our special price, $150.00 each. U. a ARMY HEATERS, $IIJ4) EACH and upward, various makes and size; U. 8. Army gal van lie, iron garbage I can. $2J0 each; U. 8. Army rubber J shoe and Arctics, good condition, I S-va pair; u. . Army galvanized water and fire buckets, good condition, 50c. 5e, 75e, 95e each; U. o. Army enamel bake pans, good condition, 55e each. U. a ARMY McCLELLAN SADDLES. $18.95 each; U. a Army axe, good condition, 50c, 65c, 75c, 95e ec; U. a Army camp lupplie of all kinds, bargain prices. ENGLISH KNIFE BAYONETTES. MAY b gronnd.into aa excellent butcher, earring or fish knife, 50e each; steel scabbard to fit above bayonette, 50c each. U. 8. ARMY LEATHER RUSSET'' leather waist belt, worth $2-50 ich; excellent values in pocket kaives, 75c, $1.50 and $1.85 each. ARMY COMMERCIAL COMFORTS, A grade, slightly used, $35 Sal of 20. Army Commercial Comfort. B grade, used but serviceable, $25 bale of 20, IT WOULD PAY YOU TtVISI- OUR store honM yoa com to Ureenville. WE HAVE MANY BARGAINS TO offer ia army good of al kinds. OUR TERMS CASH WITH ORDER. Prices f . . b. Greenville, S. C. PLEAS; INCLUDE POSTAGE WHEN ordering goods seat by parte! . ost YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED, Wl AGREE TO REFUND BAILROAD faro both way to aaj easterner liv lag wtttlB mih--wlio visits oar warehouse aad purchase goods from at amouatiag to $300 or over. BRADLEY BONDED WARE- HOUSE CO, Otooavill, Boat Carolii. ; FOR SALE 'Miscellaneous) CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO- BILES FOR HIRE. FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION E41U1P aient. 14xltx4 Wall Teats, Flies, MU1 Cots, Bed Sacks, Blankets, Range. Cooking Utensils and Dishes, Diaph ragm pumps, Nash-Quad Trucks, Troy Trailers, Cleveland Tractor. All used three to six months. Ia good condition. Apply Phoenix Utility Company, HarUrille, 8. C S-27t FOR SALE WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING WOODf working machinery, immediate de livery : ONE S-INCH WYLAND NEWMAN 4 aido moulder. ONE T-INCH H. B. SMITH 4 SIDE moulder. 1 ONE S-INCH J. A. FAY A EAGAN CO. 4 sido moulder. ONE 9-INCH AMERICAN 4 SIDE moulder. ONE 9-INCH AMERICAN WILLIAMS- port 4 aid moulder. ONE 10-INCH AMERICAN 4 BIDE moulder. ONE 19-INCH WILLIAMSPORT 4 SIDE moulder. ONE Stx EAGAN CO. DOUBLE BUR face. ONE Mil DOUBLE SURFACE. ONE Sx 8. A. WOODS FLOORING machine. ONE HOBB8 MACHINE CO. BOX matcher. ONE H. B. SMITH POWER MORTI- er. ONE WAYMOTH SCAVENGER ROLL lathe. ONE CLEMENT AUTOMATIC WOOD lathe, 48 inchel between center. ONE J. A. FAY EAGAN TENONER machine, double end. ONE PANEL RAISER COMPLETE. ONE BLIND SLAT TENONER. O.NE HUNTSVILLE FDRY. a MA. chine Co. swing cut off saw. ONE RESAW 24-INCH TILTING ONE COMBINATION BAND AND RE saw, 42-ineh FAY k EAGAN. roils. ONE SMITH AND PHILLIPS CASH weight pocket machine. -ONE BERLIN INVINCIBLE SANDER, 30 inches, 3 sand drums. Write, phone or com to Charlotte and eiamine. ALEXANDER A GARSED, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 24-7t. ai iWiAL CASH REGISTER FORl saie; Ave cash drawers. Address Q 3.'' care News nnd OSserver. 20-22-24 LARGE SAFE FOR SALE OUTSIDE dimensions: width 68 inches; depth 35 inches; height 79 inches. Bargain for quick sale. P. O. Box 123 Baleigh. 23-3t OFFICIAL LIST OF THE UNITED 8TATE8 FOOD ADMINISTRATION FOB NORTH CAROLINA FOB SALE MORE THAN 20,000 NAMES. UP IN MAILING LIST FORM. 15.00 PER SINGLE LIST OR 350.00 FOR ENTIRE LOT OF 115 8ET8. INCLUDING MAIL ING MACHINE. D. T. KINO, BOX 282, BALEIGH, N. C. WANTED (Miscellaneous) WANTED t A SAFE. STATE SIZE and price in letter. Address "R-7," care of News aad Observer. 23-3t. WANTED -FOUR HORSE, 8ECOND hand rotd scraper. Mut be in good condition. J. C. Laurin, Pittsboro, c- 23-2t WANTED-MILLER At ONCE, FOR buckwheat and corn mill. E. D. Grepory, Chase City Va.' Route 4. 22-3t IRON 8AFE WANTED DESCRIBE and write ut your lowett cath price. Merchants Grocery Company, (whole sale), Oiford. N. C. 22-4t STOCKHOLDERS CORONA CHEM ical Company, Wilson, N. C., com municate at once with H. E. Thomp- . son, prcident, Stantoniburg, N. C. 20-22-24 WANTED E LEVATOR, SECOND hand, hand power. Writ. Box 65, Vaneehoro, N. C. ' 225 WANTEDTO BUY, TWO FLOOR how cases. On straight, one curve corner; mutt be In good condition and price reasonable; give size and description. Bazaar Dry Good Com pany, Creedmoor, N. C. 20 23 WANTED AT ONCE STORE OR LARGE ROOM SUITABLE to store Piano in. Ground floor un less building has elevator. Perman ent. A. J Craft Piano Co., 331 Fay etteville St. ' 20.7, WANTED -ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF tho Carona Chemical Co, lac.,, of Wilson, N. C, who reside in Nath County, to confer with tho under signed in Bailey, N. C, on or befort August 1, 1919. O. F. Biwetle, Hil liard Boykia. Bailey, N. C. 16-15t CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE ROOMS FOR RENT TWO NiqjLY rooms for rent. FURNISHED BED 16 W. Cabarru St. 24-2t HOUSES, APARTMENTS For Rent FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment. Best location, Box 334, City. . . 84l9t FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment, either two or three room, and sleeping porch. Address X-2 ear New aad Observer. . 22-24-27 IF YOU WAN! A TENANT FOR yout aparlmantoiyQur Juraiihed rooms; if yoa want to rent your home while yoa go away fot.th summer; lil you want to takt ia a ladv board. j -Tf for Tompaatonship- for year wife oa lodge Bight aad, incidentally, to help pty tho 'grocef, a "Waat Ad" ia -Ths Newt and Observer will at tend to tho matter for yoa at very litUo eott aad practically, as trouble $ 7OS1 , '."',. ;.' '... t'.ar HOUSES APARTMENTS Wanted COUPLE WITH 1-TEAE-OLD CHILD wants to rent throe dowm stairs am famished rooms. H I," tart Newt -and Observer. M-S4-M WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT ia good locality, clooo ia prtforrod. Mr. Underill, Hotel Bland. 82-31 DON'T WAIT UNTIL THI LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER 6 O'CLOCK. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE, FUR niahed 5-roora house, by An gnat 1 oi 15. Address P. O, Box 16. tO-t. BOARD BOARD-EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD '. with or without rooms. Call 876-iL 20-71 DON'T WAIT UNTIL THI LAST MINUTE TO BEING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER, 6 O'CLOCK. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 7 ACRES JOHN aton county; another sear it, 150 acres; both have good buildingi; will sell on long terms; another Johnston county farm, 50 acres; good build ings. R. E. Prince, Baleigh, N. C. 24-2t FARMS FOR 8ALE 40 AND 8$ acre; Boone, 4 mile; railroad 2; timber alone worth the price.. F. M. Maltba, Boone, or Writa to B. L. Maltha, Black Earth, Wisconsin. 24-2t FOR SALE 18,504 ACRES OF LAND at Hayner, Ga., in fee simple. Will eut 50 million feet timber. Located on Seaboard Air Line Bailroad, 79 miles touth of Savannah. 6,000 acres under good wire fence with 300 head of rattle. Best farming and g- ing land in Georgia. Write or wire E. M. Thorpe, Townrond, Ga. 22-7t FOR SALE OR RENT FINE BRIGHT Tobacco Farm Will sell or rent my Evergreen Firm on easy term; 573 acres; three dwelling houses; two fin orchard; one mile to station; smooth land; thirty dollar! acre; rent for one-fourth; tplendid chanc for two or three families. Addre A. H. Clement, Appomattox, Va. 22-3t FARM FOR SALE OR RENT FIFTY four acre two and a half mile from Goldsboro; on highway; eight good modern buildings; one of tho best farms in tht county; complete, mod ern farming outfit; running water in barm and-houses; all field fenced off separately; ten acres in well ma tured pasture. 8. R. Rockley, Golds boro, N. C. 8-7t. LAND FOR SALE A 200-ACRE FARM. IS TO 2$ MIN- utes ride from New Bern, known at the Sunset-Golden Oak Farm. This land will produce cot'on, corn and tobacco. Last year's crop 1,200 pound, which sold at an average of between $500 and $600 per acre. This property was bought in '916 befor the advance in the pric of real es tate, and therefore can bo sold at thil -time at a bargain. For term and prices, write THE LANE LAND COMPANY Greenville, N. C. 20-8t FOR QUICK SALE TRUCK FARM IN the famou trucking section of Beau fort county, South Carolina ; crop grow all the year around unprotected. Three and four crop are grown on the sam ground in lcs than twelve months, and sometime one crop tolls for $2,000 per aer; mild winter and sea breeze in the summer; very healthy. Thi farm consists of 376 acre and can be bought now on easy terms at $40 per aer on account of wanting to settle estate. Write for further information. Box 477, Beau fort, 8. C. FOR SALE I WANT TO SELL 4J4 acre of land located. in Dinwjddio county, Va., 8 milet from Petertburg, to a N. C. bright toharcn man, be cause these men know thot coming to our lection have done well. Prop erty convenient to church, school, postoffice, store aad N. A W. freight and passenger station. A splendid water mill lite on the property; on of the many springs flowing 15 gal lons to the minute. For price and terms write direct to the owner. How ard James Box 184, Petersburg, Va. 24-lt A REAL BARGAIN IN ' SOUTH CAROLINA FARM LANDS 1,572 ACRES 3 MILES FROM FT. MOTTE, a C, 900 ACRES CLEARED. '400 ACRES UNDER WIRE FORMING FINE PASTURAGE. GOOD DWELLING; 23 TEN ANT HOUSES; 4 BARNS AND STABLE 8. NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS. GOOD 60-HOS8E POWER MILL SITE WITH DAM AL READY BUILT. 80ME FINE TIMBER. FINE DRAINAGE. BEST TYPE COTTON LAND IN STATE. A REAL BARGAIN AT THE RIGHT PRICE AND TERMS W. M. MANNING, ' REAL ESTATE. Arcad Bldg. Phon 649, COLUMBIA, S. C. NICE COUNTRY HOMES FROM TWO toXTOO acre, from $15.00 per aero P, Excellent land for general farming, grain, grass aad bright tobacco. 000,000 feet original growth timber. -blUaLaekaaLi,xhttithaa aad roads. -Owing to tho cheapness of our lands, tho North Carolina pebplo art pour ing la and buying them. Writs to . Z. V. Rorertson, formerly of North Carolina, ' BltekstoM, Vav Boa 343.