, Thursday ?.:orj;a. july uim I ' REAL ESTAtE FOR SALE ON MY 43 ACRB FAKM IS DIXWID- dis scanty, I aav U1 liU ob tht Appesaattaa river. , I atiUi frssn f Peterstrarg, Virfinia. where mm mill ws epsrate. and was warned. ; Mart ef the old daat jreaaiM, and, Bbtvy.il repeating- itself, nr to) country it again growing wheat. A nill U snack seeded aad water ia tht cheapest power saw. jfetersbnrg and iti suburbs, being Caa La aid the do Posts, sro growing - rtsy : rapidly tad Badly neede another ent lag froond for picnics, ate, aad this ia the spot for same, aa the mill aita U aeav tha river and ui ba made aa ideal plaea aad produce a (ood rev enue at anal) coat- and, tka miller eaa collect tka teat Address tka ewaeri ... Howard. Japee, o JS4, ?atarabrf, a. . . . . - ta-lt 1.WACKB FAKM IX JOHN atom County, 600 acres cleared ;. excellent buildings; good neigh borhood. This ia ona of the best tobacco finite la county. dM'ACKE FAKM NEAR. CLAY- Wat about 300 cleared; good - - baildiuga aad neighborhood. IN ACRES KEAE SMITHFIELD; road bulldtage and baraa. Wt tUVK A NVktBEE Of after farnta for aale. ' JCAIOUNA ettALTT CO, Eaklffe, N. C 14-7t VaRM 10 SALE 2M ACW, T alearadt 7 room residence; twa tea ant nouses; usual ovt buildings millioa feet timber, sawmill, log wagon, all for 70 per acre. Very desirable location. Write aner for pnrticulars. B. H. Jerdaa, B. P. D. Kb. t, Boa , Windsor, Va. El-It. 3,200 ACRE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL FARM FOR SALE IN CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY, SOUTHEAST, ALA. ' TRIS FARM LOCATED CLOSE TO town on Central of Georgia Railway, graded dirt road, mile fro a tags aa Chattahooehe River, steamboat ser Tica, splem.id land, 1.800 aerea ia cul tivation, 800 acres free of stumps, wall fenced, good houses, plenty ef labor, water worka system, land level, can ba cultivated with improved snaehineiv, Magnificent atoek farm. WITH THE FARM CORE SOME 199 bead of cattle, 100 bogs, 40 mules, and horses, in addition to other live atoek, alto all farm equipment such aa Reap in; Machines, Threakiag liathinee, Gasoline Engines, Mowers, Cultivators, Harrewa, Rakaa, Plows, Wagoaa, Blacksmith Shop, Sawmill, etc, WE HAVE FARM COMPLETE WITH all additional property above for 33 par acre, one-tbird eaab, balance ten aanual instalments. Pleaty af tim ber on place, the river full af Sah, woods and Holds full of game. Close by are two racking Houses, Grain Elevator, Mixed Feed Mills, Peanut Crushing Plants, Canning P'-ut, eta. Cash markets for everything raised and produced. Write SMITH ft MORGAN, DOTH AN, ALA. 33-34-37 REAL ESTATE WANTED FARM LANDS WANTED 5 TO Ma gcre tracts with buildings an public road; describe fully with price. Boa 44E, Raleigh, N. C. - 24-2t CHEMICAL TOILETS APPROVED BY fitats Board of Health. For catalogues apply John Bamahsw, Bland Hotel, nnoign. 3-7t WE SUBDIVIDE AND SELL CITY, suburban and farm property at ana. tioo, We guarantee aatiafaetery re sults to owaer. Let na kaar frani yoa - today. Give details. Atlattla Develop ment Company, Boa 32, Fayetteville, 10 . V. 16-1 it VIRGINIA FARMS FIFTY t AGE catalog free, describing properties that will interest any nan er woman who may be thinking of purchasing. Business established twenty years. Allison Land Agency, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 1-T. WANT TO iiUY FROM OWNER, FARM in Eaitora Xortk Carolina, contain ing two 16 five hundred aerea. Must Va well located with pleaty ef road frontage and necessary buildings. Boa 302, Raleigh, N. C. . iXT US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL . YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS, RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TEUST CO. RALEIGH, N. li ls-r WEITE US ABOUT SUB-DIVIDING and selling your farm at awctian. We get yoa beat results. Laaa Land Company, Greenville, N. C. tl-SOt LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GET RE SUITS. CAROLINA REAL TY CO., RALEIGH, N. C 0.7t LIVESTOCK POULTRY WANTED TO EXCHANGE i FINE, ive-gallon milk saw, far bred aowa and gilta. O. & Sogers. Creedmeer, FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS, OMR FE. male tkoroughbred Enclish Mlnter puppy, three months old, retrieving on yara now, faery marked, being white witk liver spot; right for fall training t typical boater; first akeek ' Has pigs, ten dollar. A, It. Cettea Werry Unka, N. C. J4-It WANTED TO BUY 2S 8 BOATS; NO laney at oca, ua good, thrifty akoatai give pnee per pouna greee. o. S. - Rofrert, OrwedmooT, X. C. 24-Jt F YOU HAVE LIVE STOCK. PET reel, poultry, eggs, iaecrt aa ad aa der this heading aad it will reach over kw.ikjo weti-toHlo people. BRING YOUE WAUT ADH IN REPABB! O'CLOCK, IF. YOU WANT THEM rnurtiKLT CLASSIFIED. SEEDS PLANT rOanuiCEliRT, COIURD AND . lata tomato plants. H. Steinateta. Bal- elgh, N.O." ' 17-Tt JkEW CROP TURNIP SED PU RPLE Top White Globe, Strap Uavsd, YeU low Aberdeen, Amber Glebe, Whitt Norfolk, Bonthcta Prise, Ravea Topa, , S'ellew Ruts Br pi, tlM pound poet paid. Job P, Wyatt Sou Co, fiaJolga, N, C . 13-Tt. SEEDS PLANTS SEED DURHAM COUNTY CRIMSON Clever seed, twenty-tws dollar per kindred panada, aleaa aad alnety. two per cent germination, eaa yon beet HI Red Top Globe White Nor. folk. Rata Baga, Seven Top, South tra Prise Tarsia goad, ana dollar par pound, postage paid; aold atoraga ' Cobbler potato, six dollars per aaek, ' Boat scrap for year ebickena, Sve dollarg wef kandred pouads. ' Cask . with order or ahipment made e.e.d. Robert Hackney, Dnrham. 24-IOt. BR1NO YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. ' CABBAGE PLANTS. FLAT DUTCH. Dramkaad, Rarekaad, aal Callard plants, (tSQ tkoaaaad. I, a. k, Greeaville, 8. C Prompt shipment Raleigh Flaat Co, Baleigh, N. C, W-M-14 PRODUCE-GROCERIES SANDHILL ' PEACHES, SELECTED crates fancy Belles or Elbertaa, $3 M at Express office, 8ontkern Pines, -Disie Orchard, Sonthcrn Pines, 80- BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PBOPEELY CLASSIFIED, WILL SELL YOU SUGAR HOUSE MoUaaea In ten gallon kegs, CO tenti gallon, cask witk order. Guaranteed to keep sweet all eummer. Winaton Orsin Co., Winston, V. C. X0-7t FANCY CANTALOUPES PEE crate. Cash witk order. J, f. By. Bulea, N. a l-7t. AUTOMOBILES For Sale Wanted) BU1CK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER- LATE anedeL Yon eeuldn t tell it from new. Tor luisk sale wiU aell for 11350. Ante Eichange, Raleigh. FOR SALE OAKLAND ROADSTER ia good ruaaing shape. Price $500.00. W. E. Viverette, Spring Hope, N. C. . 24-3t DODGE TO I' K IMG AS GOOD AS NEW ia every particular. Looks almost brand new. Price, 91,000. Caa maa immediate delivery. Auto Exchaage, Raleigh. WANTED TO BUY A FORD ROAD ster. Coupe preferred. J. H. Wheeler, Hollr fiprinrs, N. C. 24-1 1 FOUR ADVANCE" TIRES AND tubes, 35(4. $30.00 eack. Ia good condition. John Boner, Lneama, N, C. 23,7t 1911 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING ear, ia sew condition aad guaranteed by na to bo in perfect running eon- 04IIOB. rew tires, extra tire and hamper. Price $1200. Auto Eichange, Kaieign FOR SAL E AUTOMOBILE. 1917 model, (-passenger, la fine condition. For demonstration- Bell phone S43, 23-3t DODGE ROADSTER, IN FINE RUN- Biag condition. Pnee t'OQ. Auto Ea change, Raleigh, WANTED TO BUY FORD ROADSTER Fere Chassis, er light delivery truck. Price aad terms. Boa 863, Raleigh. 23-8t BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. USED CARS FOR SALE WRITE US for our list af used cars with prices aad terms. Each ear aold under a guarantee. Anto Eichange, Raleigh FOR SALE BUICK KOADSTEB a bow Urea, bow paint, perfect running condition mzm. fan be aeen at tha Oaldsbore Gas A Fuel Company. P A. Egan. 22 -3t CHEVROLET TOUBlkfi CART IV good running ooaditlon. Owner has aeea aica aa must ceil aad will take 1300 for it- terms $190 down, tha bal ance tn tares months. Auto Exchange Raleigh, IF YOU WANT A SECONDHAND AU tomohile, oae that ia "just aa good as new," ar almost ao; If yon feel you canl afford a new ear, but must have a goad one aevertheleea, good-looking enougk to fool the neighbor into thinking it's a bread-new machine, tnen advertise for exactly what you waat aad youU Sad it mast likelv. Hay be, yen eaaeae evea tha email eoat of the advertisement Read tha 'Automobile'' column in The News and Observer. Possibly some one ia advertising for aale the ear that ia jost your sue. If not, then have year owe advertisement inserted STUDEHAKER SIX SEDAN, BRAND new. Cost owner around 92800, for qniek aale we will aell for 12300, mm EicBango, Kalciaii LOOK FOR THE HANSON SIX. NATIONAL SIX TOURING CAR. A good as new aad yoa eeulda't tell it I rem new. J'rice 91730. Ante Ea change, Raleigh. MOTORCYCLES WE BUT AND SELL NEW AND KG. end hand motorcycles. Repairs for an aaaaee. we aell a time. L Francis Motorcycle Shop, 131 8. Wil minevwa Street. l-30t LOST FOUND STOLEN LOST DIAMOND RING, SINGLE TIF faay setting, about 7-8 carat Either lest en A. C. L. train, Wilmington to Ooldaboro, Pullman ear. Golds bo ro to Wiaaton-Salem, Thursday night ar aear depot at Winaton. Liberal re ward for return. Address Boa 143, is on a wmoortoTo, w. a !9-3t LOIT LADltg' DARK BLUE FOLD, ing parse, eenUining ona $8 gold . piece. S3 eesU im aUver, two geld asedala and aae beauty pin. Reward If returaed to Ror Itoepltfcl. 22-3t BKl.vo Yoi'R WAJKT ads in RcrnaK O'CLOCK IF TOU WANT THRM rKOr-EKLT CLA88IFIED IP YOlf HAVE LOST vmiai inraar. , book or your weick or your ayeglaasaa or anything (eseept wear repuutiea), call an .The News aad Observer-ta kelp yen tad H. Almost everybody s aoaewi aaa yoa wiu probably kktk VHT kri miMrrr'tr ni communicate with tka inder through uo -Loat ana Fonad column of Tha Ntwa aad Obearrer. '. REWARD IF PERRON Will, at , tarn bicycle to Lce-Heary Co,' Wil- aan, a. u, lert in front poatoffica Right ( July It, Deecriptioa, keavy , service Pope, 22-inch frame atoal riai,-o. e J.' herring koae Urea or Mat. Na. KJ3308. - Mt CLEANINQ-PRESSINQ CALL BELL, PHONE -1741 0E RAL- aigk Pheae dot if pan want yooi autt alanned, pressed or repaired. Tka Jamestown Tailoring Company. ' . 3IDS WANTED NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE BOARD of Comasiaaionere ef Kaak Conaty, at Its special masting Monday, July 14, 1919, aenled bids for tha construc tion and improvement, lighting and heating tka Nash County Courthouse, uader plana and spool Stations drawn by . John & Stout,- are asked, said kids ta ba accompanied wltk certified check for per cent of bid. Bids ta be opened at Nashville, N. C Wednesday, August 10, Jl, Right leaarvad to, reject any or all bids. Plans aad gpecifleations. furaiahed npea deposit of 125, or can be seen tt the Courthouse. J. B. Boddie, Clerk to Board ef Commissioner, Kaak County, Nashville, N. C. 2O-Ca-24-S-2-S0 DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER f O'CLOCK. PROFESSIONAL 1 DR. W. W. STANCELL OFFICE HOURS i Front 14 :49 ta 1:99. From 4:99 ta 4:M 9. m. 402-403 TUCKER tfLDC PHONE 133S - SCHOOLS-CRLEGES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND TnOR- oaghv taught Speeial Bummer Rates, Address Grautsbero Commercial Behoal, Greensboro, N. C, for Cata logne, ' S-13-19 SUMMER RESORTS HOTELS FOR RENT ONE 9-ROOM HOUSE, famished, 9"3 per month ; one 8-room house, furnished, water and lights, 930 per month, a. a. Craven, Kidge lidge- 2i-3t ercst N. C. FOR RENT i FURNISHED' COTTAGE at Wrightavills Beach for August aad Beptember; three bedrooms, bath, kitchen, servants quarters; vide hall aad porchea with beautiful view ef oeeaa and eeund. Address P. 0. Box 43, Wilmington, N. C, 17-7L WANTED TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE DIAMOND RING FOR A 950 Liberty Bond, If you have a 950 liberty Bond and want to trade for a ladies' diamond, valued at 950, com municate with "F-135," cars Newa and Observer. MISCELLANEOUS CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITK THE Duplex Hair Cutter, the greatest in vention of tha age. Bend 93 for a sample. Worth 95. Price will soon be 93. Tou can cut your awn hair as easy aa you eaa share. Just eomb your hair and it cuts at tha same time. Just the thing to keep your ehjldreu's hair in perfect trim. Pays for itself ia a few months. "Tha Duplex Hair Cutter," Bos 70S, Ral eigh, N. C. g-Tt. WANT AD RATES THIS IS THE REGULAR "WANT AD" type, (8 point). The first line is set ia 8 point black caps, for which no extra charge is made. The rate for this type ia 10 jata per line. The rate ia based on the count of six (0) overage length words to the line hyphenated worda count ai two words. No abbreviations allowed ia tha body of the advertisement. Every name er initial in the name and ad dress eounts as a word. Always count the name aad address. For year convenience, tke eeet ef one or mare lines for single Insertions and T aad 39 eoneeculive Insertieaa la regnlsr want ad type are I fared below i One Seven One I J nee. Worda. Time. Time. Month. 3 12 J0....I1.J4....I S.49 3 18 M.... 1.89.... 8.19 4 34 At,... 3.43.... 19.89 S 39 44.... 3.13.... 13.50 9 39 99.... 3.78.... 14.29 Jf .T8 ... 4.41.... 18.99 8 A4.... .94.... 3149 9 84 .19.... 8.47.... 24.34 14 99 91.99.... 9J9.... 37.44 The 19 per cent discount has been de ducted on the above notatlone- Yke above 4 and 19-tiaee ratea apply only for coneecatlvo day-by-Jay in aertlans. These ratea DO NOT apply oa 8unday Insertions alone, even tknagh ordered for conaecatire San days. If the Sunday aaly Is a sod the rale la lac a Hae each Insertion, regardless af the number ef Snndnys the sdvsr tiaement appears. - THIS IS 8 POINT BLACK CAPS. THE BATE IS POUBLE THE ABOVE OB 19 CENTS A LINE. LIGHT CAPS SAME RATE. THIS IS 10 POINT BLACK CAPS. HHE RATE IS TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR SO CENTS ALINE. LIGHT CAPS SAME RATE. THIS IS 12 POINT-LIGHT CAPS, RATES $1.00 PER INCH. 5 CENTS A WORD OR 40 CENTS A LINE. BLACK CAPS SAME RATE. COMBINATION OF TYPPS $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEYED AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 10 t ENTS WHERE THE AN BWER8 ARE TO BE MAILED THE ADVERTISER. NO AT) TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20 CENTS. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS A discount ' 18 per sent ( allowed far save CONSECUTIVE pAILT in. anrtions. Where "Wkitr 9PM4 lsdei sired above aad below a bsrge of 10 jwatsjer ling M ailda. . The Newt and Obttrrcr "THE BEST. NOT TBI CHEAPEST. Waat Media In North Carellai" . RALEIGH, N. C .PERSONAL SEND S3 FOR SAMPLE DUPLEX hair antcr. Trim your on and chil dren's kair. Great invention. Agents ' wsnted for axeluaive territory. Aft quick. Duplex Hair Cutter, Boa 7UC, Raleigh, N. C. HAPPIEST-WOMAN IN GEORGIA I . am free from morphine after nsing 13 - years j write ma for Information! free to U anfferera. lira. Mary C. Mitchell, Na. 10 IV linden Bt At lanta, Oa. ' - " ' eod to Angia MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS win. SELL MY PLAYER-PIANO reasonable or trade for something useful. Whs bsve yon to offer t Ad dress "Q-S," care New and Obaerver. - tO-Tt IF YOU WANT A TALK1NQ MA shiae secondhand, but without the "squeaky" sound, ana that ia loud aaeugh for tha neighbors to hear when played lata o' night a, get it through Tka Nawa aad Observer Want Ad. If yea need gas raageMr a pinna lamp or anything, get it the easy way. On the other band, you can sell the old furniture that no longer Sta . into your household scheme. Get rid of old ehaira that offend the family Urea aad Penates, sell them and put tha money in baak. Let a. Kewg and Observer 'Want Ad" attend to the little job. - , PRINTING MULTIGRAPHINQ WE DO JOB PRINTING OF AIL hade, Prempt eerviea, B, 8. Gtorf Company. Phone 460. MULT1GRAPH1NG, PERSONAL LET ters, addresalng, mailing, liata fur aiahed. Special attention given par eel post orders. Carroll Letter Writ ing Company. Raleigh. fi-tm OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT W bay, aell, exchange, repair all makea. H. 8. Btorr k Company, 12) W, Martin Street. We Meke and Sell National Cssb Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices, Small monthly pay ments. No intcreat charges. Written guarantee, Old registers repaired, re built, bought, aold, nd exchanged. J. E. O'DONNELL, Agent The Natleaal Cash Register Co. 197 W. Martin St. Phone Bell 39 RUBBER STAMPS RURBER STAMPS WE MAKE THEM. H, 8. Btorr A Company, Raleigh, N, O. 131 Fayetteville Street. NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PROPERTY OF ROANOKE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Ia the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Caro linaAt Raleigh. Virginia Truat Cempaa? aad Americaa National Baak, Complainants, vs. Boauoka Bivsr Railway Company, Defendant. Pursuant to aa order oatered in tha above entitled cause, J, 11. Bridgets, Receiver of the Roanoke River Railway Company, aad Commissioner, appointed by the Court, will, on July 26, 1919, at 13:00 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Henderson, North Carolina, offer for aale to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by the Court, the line of railroad of the Roa noke River Railway Company extend ing front alanaoa, Warren County, N. C to Townaville, Vaaea Couaty, N. C, together with all lands acquired aaj used hy said railroad and all tha righta of way, easements, roadbeds, tracks. bridges, culverts, switches, side tracks, siauoa nouses, nareaousss aaa aree tiops and fixtures of every kind and all suck real aad personal property, rights of way, easements and appurtenances as may bo germane to or necessary to the construction, operation er main tenance of aaid railroad, also all ea- ginea, cars, rolling stock of every kiad, tools, machinery of every kind, rnlla, spikes, joint fatenings, timbers, ties, superstructure, and material of every kind now owned and possessed by said railroad company, also all furniture, safes, books, accounts, maps, surveys, charts aad office equipment belonging to uid railroad company, also all materials and supplies of Nery char acter owned by aaid railroad company together with all and singular tha tenements, hered taments and appnr tcnaacei thereto belonging or in any wise eppurtainlng and also all the rights aad powers, privileges aad fran chises of or belonging to said railroad company. 3. H. BlttDGERS, Receiver of Roaaoka River Railway Company gad Commiaeioner, Made ta Grow Long, Straight,. Soft and Silky , Bf anang EXE LENTO 4) IN WHS 94atMg eru. Feeee Ue km tt ItaitStaM wmwf ore vass ianasaa laseaia, BKNT9 WAN TU .- ' ywnssaTsiiiiae fiunjjrro sudkoi ctx, iruiaA, ca. jV HALEK.H J J 1 . j ysnW. a ' f LrCaNaieA l wMsnns alMles. , K Rnam rsner- J. j'- so aae CAriTEEtfVORKERS HELP DOUGHBOYS Fifty-seven1 Attractive , Girls Enliven Uving For Army of Occupation CoWeaa, July 4, By iTail WTke f. MV C. A.'s canteen company ia tka army of occupation lea vis areas includes ifty aevea attractive girls from assay differ ent cities la the Ueited Elates. While the. boys are waitlag for the order to evacuate they are putting ea aa Intra aire campaign nf amusement exclusive of that staged by g corps af aatertaia crs working under tha auspices of that particular department of the aseoe lo tion. Time has brought "any ehangea for the canteen girl working overseas witk tke A, E. F. A 7' ago aha served chocolate aad cookies in make shift quarters along tha line in north ern France. Many were uader ahell nre and these who were not experienced the thrills ef crawling out of bed at midnight ta seek ekelter rom the Qotkaa la damp, cold cellars. Today tha eaateen girl works nader improved eoaditioaa aad with every modern convenience to facilitate her eaterprise. The huts ia Germany are spacious etruetures, beautifully deco rated and attractively furiahed with wicker ehaira aad settees. If aha serves chocolate aad the chances are aha doesn't, for ice cream is now the popu lar refreshment it is made in f'aat marraitoa each built over a stove. .. There are reel kitchens in the new "Y" huts, with running water and sinks and open windows breaking the rows of neatly arranged cooking uteasila that hang oa the walla. Ia the old days many a pot of chocolate was boiled over n Are built between bricks piled in a hollow square Sometimes the water was a mile away aad eupa had to be need aver agaia and again, but that'a an aid story new. The maximum of effort was expended by canteen girls in those days in nc eomplishing the minimum of result. They worked in rubber boots that pro tected their feetgrem the raia aad mqd ef camps aear the combat casters. Their supplies didn't slways come up. Msay, many times the rhoeolate wan t aa sweet as it should have bees, heeeuse the sugar gave nut. The cookies were broken and moist from the eternal rain. No doughboy ever gota a broken cook le now. His chocolate ia made accord- ina to the mOst improved recipes, and there ie always en unlimited supply of ingredients for every dish concocted in the Y. M. C. A. kitchens. The girl who smiled over the hard ships a year ago ia still smiling, the dnughhovs will tell you. They have plenty of time pew to leave the counter end chat with the soldiers over Chateau Thierry and St. klihiel and the Msusc- Arnonne fiahts. They know the coun try, many of them, as M as tha lighter knows it. and they like to talk about the old days as the Stater doss. There re a number of girts ia the huta sea tiered ever the Third Army region who came over sines the nrmie ties wss signed. The new workers sre very popular and have helped to make thia territory fsmoua for its dances, picnics, boat excursions on tke Rhine nnd other recreetional activities. Cseckaalorakla. Czechoslovakia is a long band of plateau and mouatain country lying in the very heart of Central Europe. It divides laterally into three fairly distinct geographical regions: Bohe mia, Moravia, aad Auatrian Silesia and the Tatra region of the Carpathians. Aa its name implies, the race inhabit ing this country is divided into two branches, the Creche and the Slovaks, the Slovaks settled in the Csrpithian mountain region to the east with the Czechs inhabiting the other provinces to the west. The Czechs are much the more numerous branch, amounting to nearly 7,00(1,00(1, while the Slovaks num ber only 1,000,000, the combined race thus amounting to about 9,000,000 souls. The total area of Czeehslovakia ia some 20,000 aquare milea, or a little larger than New York State. Tke Czechs are not merely the large branch of the race; they are also the mere progres sive. Their country is rich aad fertile. The Slovak country is poor, sod the inhabitants are backward- Lothrop Stoddard in Worlda Work. NEW YORK MONEY. New York, July S3. Mercs utile pa per, 6 1-4(33 1-2; sterling 60-day bills, 4.31 1-3) commercial 00-day bills ea banks, 4.31; commercial 60-day bills, 4.33; demand, 4.36 3-4; cables, 137 1-3. francs, demand., 7.06; cables, 7.04. Guilders, demand, 37 3-4; cables, 37 7-9. Lire, demand, 4.MS; cables, tS. Gov erament bonds, strong; railroad bonds, Arm. Time loans, strong; 60 day. 90 days aad 6 months. 6 bid. Test? Sure! . PHve around any day and ask ua to teat your battery aolu tioo wtrh a hydroencter, fyo reat used to making this test yourself you wRl be surprised ta are hoar easy it really is. . w fttiS.i arg eng. box sure U have your battery regie terse and get the pcaeAt tt WtUarrj 90 day Pattary Inrur nnca, At the ampc time ask for a copy ot the booklet, WtlUH Service land You." It Una aU about the WUbtrd Service and Adjustment Pelieiea that are of ao much Importance to yoa whether your sec Is a awa toe - Raleigh Storage Battery Co. W. R DENT Mauuger Hiim tif nyt Ceesnesssisiiisii. his - Title , Tka Gorman minister to Austria win bo Coast Vlrich on BrockdortT-Rant-aaa, which ia large aad aonorena title for the raprceeatative of a nation new ly awakened to tka keaatiea of simple democracy. Waahisgtoo Star, ' DURFEY & r.lAREl Inrcstmsnt - Seneurttics " 404 Tucker .Building RALEIGH, N. C. Than 449 We Offer? Carolina Power , & Light Co. 7 Preferred Stock st 100 and accrued divi dend. $5,000 Town of Wilson, N. O, 5 serial street bonds at 101 and interest, (Maturing pecember 1,; 1924.) 8 Shares Erwin Cotton Mills Praftrred. We are In the market for both preferred and com mon stock of the Melrose Knitting Mills. WORLD'S HARDEST WOISC Vow hidianalruchs Stood flwAtidlest Don't buy a weakling in a Motor Truck. Buy one that can do the world's toughest truck work which is: 1 Westers Ore Hauling, 2-Oir-FieU Work In the western ore fields the only truck that; s consistently for yean has stood up and out stripped truJcs costing $1000 to $2000 more and stood the gaff like the steel giant it is is the Indiana Truck. The hardest oil-field work in the world is that in the Wyoming field, some of which it . without any roads at all 7 The Indiana stands up and does work that no other truck will do. It is easily champion in the Wyoming oil-fields. In the Tulsa field, in the Ranger field, whjch are more difficult for trucks than any Euro- pean battle-ground, the Indianas have stood the test where others failed utterly. For Mvan years, after every other truck had failed to conquer the wild rocky mountain roads between Carnpbellivilla and Columbia, Ky., two Indiana Trucks have Wn hauling freight, mail and Ps seniors at an excellent profit to their owners. Due to the IWrcenese ef the task, no other truck was ever able to do the work. ' So you see the Work 's Hardest Track Work done by Indiana Trucks because we built them eeer-iis fat every pert and dimension, a thing this organiz. tioo did from the day it built its first truck, which ia running today. Old Indiana Trucks, which we have traced, have run 100,000 miles and over and are still at work, If Indiana 100,000 Mile Trucks will do the world's toughest hsuling-work, ihty wtil do yours. Indiana Sales are going ahead with great rapidity, 76 increase the past month. Indiana re sold at leea cost to you than trucks they outstripped el the work outlined above. See Indiana Trucks at CAR0LHIA TilOTOR CO. STATCSVIU.E N. C. State Distributor IWerra srif fqr epwf unity in ppe tmittfj INDIANA TRUCK C0RP0IUT10N, Marios, bfa aasansattiH"StvriieMtesvmee' -.; ' At. . BRANTLEY'S To XroSd Substitution -is as eaaantial, ia to avoid error. We have it and you get xaetly what you ask for and good servict too. Everything . Clean : .Clean Clean J. C. Brantley Drugflat limn tmiiiinniiRniuniiiiniinnsiflsninn J-Moasttia Hauling 4-SootlierB Lamber HtuBag V A I lot- 7T