THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 24. 1919. THS fiXWS AliD OS2ZRVER FAVO AIIIDIII VAR RISK SYSTEM American Legion Behind Move- - ment To Have. Insurance L; , Paid in Lump Sum-,. .-y'-Q t - Amendment of the war risk Iniuraaca net will bf urged by ' tho. American Legion," through iu legislative fom nittee in Waabingtoa, in order to allow men tasnred under .tie act to elect whether their insuraaeo npon maturity will be paid in installments or in on lump payment. Former St aster Luke Lea and former Congressman fsomas W. Miller, joint chairmen of the com mittee, plan to hare legislation intro duced immediately to effect thii altera tion in the act to carry oat the ex pressed with of the American Legion ,delegatet at their St. Louie meeting. . The , present form of war risk ia suranee ia known ae term insurance and is payable in monthly installments for l period of 240 months. This may ba ' converted into ordinary forms of in surance such as straight life insurance, twenty or thirty year pajd-wp life la surance and endowment insurance Except I the ease of a matured en dowment, these forms of insutaneeTr under the present act, are payable only la installments, extending over a twenty year period, the amount of in itallments depending upon the amount ftf insurance. The purpose of the intended amend ment ia to allow a man to elect how the insurance shall be paid. Service men lay that their beneficiaries in many -uses are too old ever to realise any asefulnese from the insurants if paid only in monthly installments. It has ilso been suggested that men be allowed to elect payment of part of their total Insurance in one lump sum nnd the balance in installments. SMALL TOWN NEED IS FOR MORE JFIRE LADDERS This, It Is Pointed Out, Will Effectively Aid Tire Fighting An argent need in many of the smaller towns of North Carolina and about the great majority of the indi vidual premises homes and places of business is for ladders in connection with preparedness for fighting fires. In deed, available ladders are decidedly the exception when fires start or there is other urgent need for them in emer gency effort against fires and accidents. This situation came in for special con sideration in the institute for firemen held in Asheville by Commissioner James R. Young, ex-efficio fire mar shal. The plan developed is for those towns which have not yet provided their fir fighting organization with hook and ladder trucks to have light, strong lad ders made in needed quantify in rcsdi aess to have them hauled to the scene of whatever fire the need for them may develop. Theae ladders aould. certain ly prove most valusble in facilitating the nre-nghting and in enabling the ffwi to wive much property and even Ufa that would otherwise be saeri- The Commissioner and the firemen are agreed that ample supplies of Ud ders should bs provided about every manufacturing plant, railroad station and other commercial or public build ing. Then every dwelling should ba sioiilarly equipped. These ladders should be in lengths that would make it possible to readily reach the roof and then there should be specially de signed ladders running from the eaves of the apex, or comb of the roof and eeurely "anchored" over the tomb so that fire fighters or others cnnld speedily and safely pass over and about the roof at will. Such a ladder equipment might not b actually needed for fire fighting about a particular building once In a great while but being available when Meded, is a tremendous factor and might mean the savingi of thousands f dollars and in many instances prop erty that represents the savings of a life time. The need for this ladder equipment all through the State is so important, la the opinion of those participating in these State institutes at Asheville, that town and county authorities would do well to taks action both ss to fod ders for public buildings and to in duce individual property owners to to that they are available on' eviry prom SERVED 13,285 MEN , IN 30 DAYS OF JUNE Local Chapter of America Bed Cross Makes Eeport On Ac v - tivities of Month ' ' Serving of 13,283 mea at tke lalelgk Bed Cross eantoem during the ssontk of June, is oao of the amazing figures ia the latest report of the local chapter. These mea were all aboard passing troop trains, aad', represent ' only oae phase of the local A. K, C activities. The homo service department, wbica earci for the families of mea ia the ee price, looks ap allotments aad war risk insurance, and so, took oa S3 aew eases last moat, making a total of AM to date. , During the meats, Ike director of women's work skipped to Atlanta U children's sweaters, aad W pairs of stocking. Jen sweaters and 14 pairs of stockings ia that , shipment were knitted by oao woman, and she ia still oa the Job. - - - Five classes la homo nursing have boea established, foar of them at the State College with SO members each, and one in town with tea members. 8eventy-nino service ' badges were awarded, sevea of them to workers with over f kt00 hours of work to their credit, aad IS to workers with 1,000 hours or better. RALEIGH HEADQUARTERS CAROLINAS' RED CIRCLE War Camp Community Service For Two States Will Take Orders from Local Office Bsleigh is now ths central office for this district of War Camp Community Service work, the district eovring both the Csroliaas. Miss Marjorie Coltam. the district secretary, has MTsb.ished herself ia tho Pullea building, la the old homo of tho Bed Circre, now the new Community Center. She will direct Bed Circle ac tivities of the two States from here. The W. C. C. 8. is enuring oa an en larged program of reconstruction work, to include not only the returned service men but tho entire community. The theory under which they ore proceeding is that every community, as the soldiers and sailors return to it, becomes a war camp, and is therefore as .much en titled to Bed Circle help as the towns and eities around the regular canton. meats. Draft Let the next clear you buy be a Sight Draft Ten leoonds after you've lit It you will be convinced of Its value. Mild and mellow, rich in fragrance that'i the SIGHT DRAFT PERFECTO. Iff quality from start to finish. "You can bank oa a. Sight Draft" Ask for it at - your dealer's. J. B. LEATHERS liCa rtc I) I W OlWOSMSMtW """77"""'." rVfcfasWS &tltf4$QtWM . Bsfe At When wo were young and in our prime, we had a simply rotten time. We dared not loaf a single second, because the future always beckoned, aad when we sneaked a day for fishing wo knew 'twas crime against ambition. Now life is beautiful aad glorious. No more the future lies before us. Each day for us is simply splendid, because our foolish toil is ended. No more with jobs wo aro entrusted. We're safe bo cause we're old and busted. From the Mergenthaler lines O Typo News, The instinctive feeling of a great people is of tea wiser .thai its wisest men. Kossuth. R. 0. PEEBLES FUNERAL TO BE AT HIS OLD HOME Prominent Raleigh , Business Man Succumbs To ?aral ytto. Stroke j ' Funeral services for Mr. Bobert Os car Peebles, of Peebles Brathers whole- sis firm, will bo held this afternoon at I o'clock from tke homo of his gr ants, Mr. aad Mrs. J, P. Peebles, near BolesvlUe. Mr. Peebles died at M3 a, at. yes terday ma ruing, Ute direct cause of his death beiag a paralytic stroke the day preceding. Bo had not been well for several weeks, but bis death was not expected. He was 47 years old. Four brothers, Messrs, Edgar Peebles, Charles Peebles, Wiley Peebles, aad Frank Peebles, survive. Tho funeral party Baleigu this afteraooa at 12:80, and will bo Joined at tho otatiea by f rteadi who will attead tho last rues. Tho pall bearers will be. Messrs. B. 1 Hortoa. Charles Hardesty. i. P. 8telL J. M. Edwards, 3. S. Siler, and Jim Wilder. MONROE WILL ATTEMPT TO SECURE WAREHOUSE Monroe- July 23. State Warehouse Superintendent O. J. McCcmnell and James P. Brown, connected, with the Bureau of Marketa of the Federal De partment of Agriculture, will visit Moa roo Saturday, July zo, wita tns object la view of establishing a warehouse hers ander tho State system .recently created by tho passage of tho Price bill. At 1 o'clock ia the court house on that day these men will explain the State warehouse system aad the rules aad regulations governing it. The question of tho establishment of a warehouse hero will be presented to those present. Every man who it in terested in good prices for cotton is expected at the meeting. Hon. J. N. Price, suthor of the bill creating the system, is expected to be present and speak eonoeraiag it. T II OBACCO WORKERS lOTYETOHSTRlK E Winston-Salem Employes Await .Word From National Head quarters Before Acting (Special to Nswo aad Observer.) Winstoa-Sslcm, July S3. Ths head of the local. tobacco workers' union gave out s statement this afteraooa to the effect that report from aational head quarters at Louisville, Ky oa tho local labor sitastios was expected to bo re ceived tonight or tomorrow. Ia re sponse to aa Inquiry sent by Mr. Clod feller, he was advised that there was ao truth ia the rumor current to the effect that aa agreement had been reached ' with tho Reynolds Tobacco Company aad that all differesces hsd been adjusted. --The telegram received from tho na tional officers ststea that the proposi tus submitted by tho Winston-Salem union was being considered today. "We do not want a strike," declared Mr. Clodfelter, "and the nations! board now reviewing the matter has sevsral courses that may bs pursued instead of a strike order, if they deem it best to do so." As a result of a conference hers be tween Judge MeElroy, of the Superior court. Solicitor Graves, Judgs Me Kaughan, of the Juvonilo court, aad County Attorney J. H. Clement, it was decided that the judge of ths Juvenile court may take jurisdietioa la eases charging manslaughter between the ages of It snd 16, but on probable cause defendants charged with any de gree of murder must be prssented to (he Superior court. Walter T. Powell, a white man of 53 years, in ths Superior court, pleaded guilty this afternoon to the ehargs of lsrceny of goods from 8. Grossman, a local merchant, and was sentenced to twelve months on the county rosds. Powell was placed under arrest ia At lanta some weeks ago where ho was S-U-P-E-R-B-A TODAY George Walsh in PUTTING ONE OVER Sunshine Comedy "ROARING LIONS AND WEDDING BELLS" The Finest Comedy Ever Made PATHE NEWS Full of tho News of tho World. FBIDAY and SATURDAY Mahal Normand in "WHEN DOCTORS DISAGREE" MONDAY aad TUESDAY A Picture of Pictures FLORENCE REID in "WIVES OF MEN." suspected of having committed larceny when ho was found by officers of that dry trying to dispone) of sasrehsndise at exceedingly low prices. Before court adjourael this afteraooa Judge McElroy was advised that Powell had made three ta against the life of Gross man if he didaH cent to his rescue, and for this ths sentence was changed from one to three years. .;, : , ' BALTIMORE ACCOUNTANT CAN TRISECT TRIANGLE la' ths vagus prehistoric days whea geometry was invented, says the Balti more Sun, enthusiasts of this study, which since has proved so distasteful to High School pupils, admitted among ths few impossibilities ths trUeetion of aa aagle. Those brassed surveyors of the in. undated Nils Undo trying it left this pessimistic admonition to posterity, "It can't be dose." And their despair has stood through all ' tho intervening tea. turies. Soon esmo a reel world, how ever, whea Adam and Evs wailed away ths twilight hour la aa sadeavor to leave for their children the solutioa of this geometrical impossibility. Col ambus oa his first trip to these shores, after inspecting his crew each aight aad passing several informal words with his chief mate, always west below decks and used good brains hoping te discover something besides America. So much ia history. But here in Baltimore new geometri cal history is shout to bs written. For T. W. Sofge, 68 years eld, sa account ant, living st 1701 Guilford aveaus, has hada pet diversion for many years. It was endeavoring to trisect sa aagle with oaly a compass sad strsigh t edged rule. Now he sanouaces he is sure ess ful and awaits an opportunity to dis play his mathematical genius to a board of competent judges. Mr. Sofge offers to put ap a forfeit of 10 which tho judges "may keep if I fsil to perform." And sll ha asks as background for the exploitation of his theory is "a bare table, a straight-edge, a compass aad also a aaect of paper, the straightedge and compass to he ac curate instruments." Males Against Tractor. (Kansas City Star.) A crowd of Fort Scott motorists wstehsd with interest a spirited race between a slx-muls team aad a tractor, each pulling a harvester oa tho Glens Campbell raaea northwest of tow a Mon day evening. Witnesses ssy the sis big mules kep$ pretty wsl along with t' a tractor, but they seemed to tire ' quickly. Tha mule roprsstated aa in vestment of at least 11,200 aad tractor something ever $800. Tho mules eeusumo 1,000 to 10,000 gallon t gaso line a year, at ths present prices of feed, aad tho tractor will proeablr do a year's work or f ,000 or JjOOO gallons st -ths mast, according to tho Fort Scott Trihaao. L. C WEATHERS Doctor of CHIROPODY and ORTHOPEDICS Practice limited to Diseases sad Deformities of the Foot 117 Faycttevillo St., Balcigh, N. C O. L. HOPKINS INCORPORATED Remarkable DRESS? SoAIeJE! Continues ' With Now and Exceptional ValuaMddd Including Georgette Crepe, Crepe Meteors, printed' Georgette, Taffeta Crepe de Chine and Foulard Dresses in every style and color combination. Pink, light blue, lavgnder, tan, rose, black, navy brown, flesh, bisque, IVench blue and sunset shades dominating. i Srtuiir Pried $19.75 Put Up Every Pound of Fruit You Can Get This Summer DeliciomJam, Jellies and Pre $erv$ made by thU recipe: Many a woman hesitates to try putting up fruit at home. She fears the will only waste expensive materials. It really is very simple. Just make your preserving syrup with Y Kara (Red Label) and yi sugar instead of sugar alone. You can then be aa sure of your results as the woman who always has 'luck" with her preserving. Nice fine, clear Kara Syrup has a natural affinity for the fruit juices. It blends the sugar with the juice brings out the rich "fruity" flavor, and insures firm jams and jellies that never "candy" in the glass. A well-filled fruit pantry will give you , much pleasure this winter, when fresh fruits are scarce and high, if you just use Karo Syrup with your euga. For Cooking, Baking and Candy Making Karo (Red Label) is used in millions of homca. In all cooking and baking recipes use Karo instead of sugar. It is sweat, of dalicata Savor, and brings out the natural flavor of the food. L'UCr Preserving is easy whea you have the aixty-etght page Cons Products Cook Book handy. Wonderful wclpto easy to follow. Beautiful illustrations. Writs us today for ft. It )s free. CORN fstODUCTS REFINING COMf ANY r.aiMlll m Ywrk City T. 1. NOftJUf, JaJsa renantfe im Has. BuOdiag . Atlanta, Ga. UaieICaro an (redlatclY LcLVxoufrar Makes perfecfb r jamsjslues and ' pressress. : - J1 Tracks eam mo3t only when wcldi EVERY minute a truck spends in the i shop is a double expense. It is earning money only when working. Trucks must be built right to keep; out of theyf shop, but more is necessary , A? They must be inspected regularly!" to prevent troubles due to natural wear and unnatural abuse. That is why we maintain a monthly inspection service, by factory-trained inspectors to make sure your trucks make good and continue toteam money. That is why Pierce-Anows are the most econom ical trucks in service. They are ,al ways on the job. j You cannot afford trucks that lose time when they should be on the job, earning money. , f fr. ID)0 .oeir 5TS0W Delivers more work in a givan tima ; Loses lass thn on tha job and off tha job; Costs lass to opcraia and I to maintain Lasts longtr, depreciates lass and commands a higher resale price at all times. DOWLING-MOTOR COMPANY- Charlotta, N. C 224 N. Tryon St,