ID,. THUHSDAY MOHTuTs'G, JULY 31, 1S19. Rock Pabcsi of Ancient City r;;v8 no lenanu; wi im TMblngtom, D. (X, July J9. "Tioogi Turkey will be dismembered had pushed out of Europe, tk Ottoman Empire probably will eeatiaoe ia .eoairol of aom,of tho eacred ehrinea and aiott precious history apoU of Atia," aaya bulleria fro tb Batlosal Otographin boeiety . ' . Toe euanl. there if the Rock Cirv of Prtnvawn at the "tofe deposit' of - caravan ea. root vita prerioue warei to Tyt snd BUaavwhich also eostaiu Tharsoh's TIewrr.,, v. v ' Tar bulleti smics front a eommuai. eatio by Fmshlia B. Best hit dc-Wrtb- inr Fstis a follows: "Tk higfamada est! at the Jordas rive so strewn with ruis marking tk rite Bad fall af toesessivo civilisations ' Srm'itia. 6sfc, Re tun, Christian, Mo- hammmia end Crusade. Thcoe ruiat - bar bee pi em ltd ft the moders es- - ploreT by the. tide at nomadic Ufi .which knew awrpt sp An tha Arabia deceit; bu a tha southern end of Ikia e-mas' hmi, dorp la tka mountsis f Edaw jttt mm mi tka strangest, most , beautiful, and meet oMbasting spot , upon this aartk larky. City af . Petrat Its story carries aa bark to Ik dawtf af baas kiatary. I Castor Far Caravans. . ! tn days af tka, Kabatkcaai, Petra becam tba crBtTa! paint to wh'eh the caravans from tka interior af Arabia, Persia; and India ram mden with an the prMooa wmmodiaos of the Katt. sad mat wblck thaaa commodities ware -distributed through Egypt, Palestine, Syria ad alt' tha countries bordering on the Mediftmaeaa for area Tyra and Bido derived May n their precious wares aad dye frost Petri, "Tka pock caty uaf atwuye to tb regies aad people wkat Borne was to the Bomu M erueeiem to taa rfews. Berltet, EdmoniUs, Vahatheaa and BoDwai, kav alt raiaioti aad koaeUd ia tbt paaaeaaiok af tbk paiqaa troag horn a m nmni j'y or aa tiqnlty, 'Tka eatraBM to tka Bork City it tha Btt atrlkUf yataway to a ay city .. oa ay plaaet. It a earraw rtl or dcfllf, bliaetiaf atouaUla of ny hoed, ndtoi, wiadlag tkrmtfk the rock M tbouid it wm tba moat pUrtlr of ely, Thil' ;k, or aUftt. ia ararly two aiilea )a. IU faaanl cantonr if . a wide eemi-eirewlar awiaf from thv right ta the left, ftith iaararrabio ahort beada, havjag ahara aarvca aad eornari U ita geaarai towrae. ' , An liapaalag Mrvcttra, "Tka width f tha aii rarlaa from twelrt feet at iU arrew4 p4at to 85 or 40 fiH at otktr plm-n. k -rv .the gtooaiy walla aetily otrarkaag Iht roadwDjP aad alaMtat abut aut the blue r bhna of aky, it aaava .varrower, and - perhlp at ay folate aboe the .. a rouw tba will do tOM elouf thap J J foot. Tba belgkby of the Pfrpra ' dtculir tide tttf hero born ritkaMad . at from 3)0 to 100 lUlghta, like diitaacoi, ia thli clear 4Mrt U are imptiva, but after many trtta aad ok v arrvaUoni w ua prepared to aay tbat ' at plteea they are almoit iheer iot WO to C0 feet. 6a at aioraiag, at midday, or at nldnicht. tha ilk. tble matrhlaas ea- tKnaa to a hlddea eity, ia aaiuoetioa ab' oa of the groat tloriea of ancient Petri. Along ill eool, gloomy gorgo file th oarann of antlqultyfrom DamaMut aad th Eatt, from the de- ert, from Egypt aad tha. bean of Africa. Klnffi, quoeaa, aad eoaquarort have all marveled at ita beaatics and ita ttrangi-nete. Wealth untold went la and out of it for centuries, aad now for over thirteen hundred year It kat brBnilcat aad deaerted. "Cat red i Wrtmt -fto-rfiffrhatf wvcilcd, half concealed in the growing (htdowa, U on of th larger), meat perfect, and moat beautiful monument of antiquity Pharaoh' Troaaury, Al mort perfect aa the day it earn from beaeath th tulptorn ehlael, IN . teen . hundred or two thoutaad yean at colored with th Batumi hue of th brilliant aanditona, tfkiek added aa iadeatribabla element to tha arthltoe tural beauty flanked and avrmouatod by th eliffi, which had beea aarved d tiated In turn by th aowert of Mtare; appmeked by th mytteriou d81o it it almoat orerpowering in it f et. SOLDIERS ARE INTERESTED IN FATE OF MONDELL BILL Waahlagton, July tf. That IndWidaul - aoldier aad aailort af the great ' war r much tntereited ia thakloadell bill proTidlag for tha atabliabmnt of community oettUment' fr .' America a , veteran ia th world conflict k appar at from tha lumber af eommuaicatioai . - that member of ' Coagreaa, especially memtert of tk house committee oa ' publl- laada, ar recciring. A great many af tk reterawt kva taken the tronbl to tall at th committe' rooms ia th house office, bsildiag to Inquire about tk atatua of tha bill aad ea. prcea th hop that it will aooa be far orably acted .upon. . Tk bill il uaderstood to occupy a farorabl poaitiou before the ' public bad committee, The committe has beta eoBiidering "aateadmeats ta the . meaaurf for om limr, aad aaa re port U almost aay tin. ' v f . pi. i iiiiiii ii ' i At I rut laty people Ho the most -Aa aune of prmation ia better than a tOO-pouud phyiiaa. v GIRLS! USE LEMONS m SUf.SURfl. TAII ' Try ttt fdakt ihli tarna Ittlan .to vrbltm your tomwd o.s Cquett tk julc of two Icmoa into n bottle 'conUlning three auaeet'Of Orchard White, thaka well, .ad you hee a quarter pint of th best frock), sua bora andtau' lotion, aad toaipUxiou ohiteaer, at eery, vary mall coat. , Vour grocer has tha lemon aad aay 'Iruf store or toilet counter will aupply three ounce of Orchard Whit m a tew (Ttt. Vattag thin cetetly fragrant ! into tba face, neck, anas ad ' is i tad ace bow quickly .he frcaklea, 1 "'n, trimlburn aad tan. disappear . .1 hum t'. ar, aoff and white tho e'.ra ! . les! It i kirmlesv A Jr. . i BOMBARD I.QY YORK HOV CITY FIGURES GEIEMIO HOUSE SHORTAGE Teutons' Scheme Was To Send inu vi i in co fccpfviur,. . , taiwr ueciarei T - KeW.Tork Herald. In a paper on "Commercial Transat lantic Ariation" rod before th Aro- aiutieal Bocicty p: America, at No. West Thlrty-piath itrest, Leon Cam men. second vieo president of the soci ety aad nasociat editor of the Journal af tk Amberican. avwiety oi woc.iunt. cat Engineer, declared that the ea!l of the German submarine off Nantucket a yir ago wat to prepare th way for aa ambition project of bombarding ew York and Washington -from th) air. A fit lafofmatioa ia acailable," aaid Mr. Cammea, "the project wa to scad two or three of the largest Zeppe lias carrying nothing but fuel, Th ZsDir were t tab bomna from sub marine off (bore, drop them op New York and Washington, possibly on the work of th Bethlehem Bteel com- paay. tlea fly to ses. xna men aim records were to be transhipped to the libmariaH aad th Zeppoljni destroyed. TOO owwj mm nawi r rwnv. "Appareatly. however, in tba latter part of th cummer of 1018, tba Hermans were too busy an we wester rroni to carry out thla project, which, by the way, could hare bee csrried out w:in out doubt." Betardlnc commercial trnnaatlnntir arlstioa. Mr. Cammea said, that it will not come until "there ire dollars ana cents in it" "Commercial, he slid. mean something that not only ptys it war but bring a profit. Th course of commercial flying probably win follow at flrst the pis a. though not the route, oi the MJ-t cross lag direct from New York or rather from Mon tank Point to. Ireland, but reUyiug at sea." he nidi "Thl would mean that at certain point, ssy two, along th line of fllgfit. there would be mother ships cruising. By means f radio lightships th plane would b directed to them, drop the bags with goods carried, on th deck, and a'ight on tka water ia th neighborhood of tha mother ships. The tg would b immediately pkked up by a relay plane and carried to destination or to the ant relay point, a th case may be, while tlis plan that has performed th duty will b picked ap from the water at leisure and Bottc ready for th net leg of tk flight. Oaly IsMlkle teaesM. There may aot be la thl scheme as much glamor at ia a non-stop flight, but from operative point of view this is Ike only eeasibi asheme. In ft, even railroads, which r operating under tar more favorable conditions, work on a relay principle, aad no train from New Vprk to Omtbii for example, whieb Is apprailmately the dictaaee from New York to Europe, would be spocted to carry fuel for the entire trip from rw York. And If a locomo tive caa b coded and ometltnt changed on the roeb;why no b planet A avaft nC IwamIsv mmiii ttint each plan would be ia th air aboufl kvcb hours, a thing of which practi cally every Urge well built pltne ought to be capable today. It would also meaa that in addition 1o thn fuel aad oil carried there would be a good reserve of lifting capacity to take up a paying amount of load." In re gird to th kind of goods for n trauj-atlaatla airplane to rarrv Mr. Cammea said: "Let us start with letter td mail generally. A Investigation recently carried out would point to the likeli hood that mnay atom of thousands of letter would go out dally by plan if it were available, aad that a rat of It aa uao wouU bo by bo mean eacesoive." Honors Thai Alt Tagether. Paris, July, I. T honor President Wilton, Marshal Joffre, Premier Clem eaccau, Oeneral Pershing aad Jdarshal foch all ia oae, the municipality of th ancient town of Casttlsarrssin, ia th south of France, ha baptised, a new st reel Wiljofelcniperfoch arcane. 1 Bootblache la Berlin Again. 4 Berlin, July W On more of tk Cetical "fruit Of th revolution" has a th appearance of bootblacks in tk downtown, struts of Berlin. - They arc especially welcomed by the hotel guottt wh sines lh da a "of new freedom" aad th shortage of footgear tro- steadily discarding the one proper Bight custom of placing their boot in front of, tbe door of the apartment where picy awaited the porters nrly morning round. Greater Berlin his just licensed 1MO public bootblack stands. Operators will wear a number aad Prussian esgel bead on their cap, Luck sends mssv a fellow up la th air imbued with h idea that tha sky is th limit. HAVINO your house wired by folk! who know their buslnes is'uot a thing to be dreaded. It caa b ' doa with far let muss and fuss thaa you put up with ia.kaving th boos papered T painted. We caa wir yur house in two ot three day bad ksav noti scr ,a yr wood-work .r plaster. . , ; ; . Tken'a a dirtaor aay Iaca ' venience t row and tk coot it -less thaa ywd pet. i ' -; W wUl come nd tclt yu aii" actly what it wiU cost if you wUk. Walker Electric -tat W. atirtff ft. pbmst tio 3s. mUtttV V (&yfT New York Survey By .Recon struction Commission snows 36,000 Homes Needed H Btatlatief akowiat Just kow fur New York City ia lugging to ito tnuliing program, recently compiwd by tk New York S tat Booonttictioa CommUiioa. moat illuminating ia that tkey will serve a bssl for th preparation of smrtlar reports la citie Otaer sec tion of tk country, av tka Amen can Architect's weekly rfvitwIt waa found after wtensivs ecaminatio of all tb available, bousing facilities . ia New York CUy that borne will b aeded to take ear of th Increased population before th cad of tb year. Tbe report jay that alt ot th bone thould c la tn process or construe tion at the present time, 1 Th calculation is based opon the average aumber of buildisg and apart ments erected in th years previous to the war. combined with a considera tion of the shift in population and the number of meant apartment which have been filled ia that tim. From this is subtracted the number of apart ments which will probably b ready for occupancy in the Autumn. It was learned tint during the two years preceding our entrance into the war that 1,271 buildings were erected. giving aa averago of 21,517 apartments each year. But this was not continued, for in 1017 ami' 1918 but 890 buildings, meaning 16,947 apartments war put up. If th population had continued normal the shortage would b Zd,087 apartments. At th beginning ot this period, however, miay vacancies ei isted. Some of tbem have ba filled, thus decreasing this number. Nearly 10,000 of these vacancies, which were 33.635 in 1917 and but tl,4M ia 1919, were filled in qld law tenement bouses, really unfit for hsbltstion. The normal shortage of 28,017 was reduced to 11,93c .by these 14.150 v eanetes owing to the number of build ings destroyed this doe not constitute th final flgur. In torn way 4331 apartments had been destroyed. Thus, while in March, 1917, ther were 972, 810 apartments in New York City and between March. 1017, and March, 1919, 10,97 were built, there wer in reality oaly 982,928, whereas 980,707 (bould hnve resulted. Adding the normal shortage of 11,934 to the(811 destroyed the number needed st the bfginaing of this year wa 10JS0. It ha beea esttmsted that whatever lea of population New York may hive sustains; irom a iea of immigration this wa fully bsls need by tk influx of war worker. Bo far this year plan hive been filed for 279 building con taining 4,975 apartment. Subtracting this from tb total shortage of 19. 7C5, 4 present need is lowered td 14,000 apartment. la th day before tb war ft was possible for oa to almost take hi pick f newly crested apartment at almost .-.any price one felt inclined to pay. VToday long waiting lletr are th rule practically every apartment house superintendent's ofllee. .Th most sever shortage Ii being felt ia apart menta renting from ISO to I4S, aa th heaviest demand com, naturally nough, from th moderate wig earner, the clerk and oilarlcd professional man'. Prices ars being paid for old, poorly arranged apartments, without modern improvement, that two year ago would naver have been considered at half th money now being obtained. ' " t Meat Scares! Stock Forgotten. Berlin, July 29. Tha government troop gunrdlng the Liclrtenberg station la the east end of Berlin, have discov ored several carloads of livestock which were sidetracked to the freight yards a n d"a ppgrently forgotten, Meat ofJ fli animala won dud from starvation, Monwhil tb shortage of meat in Berlin ia one of th most diflloult prob lems facing th food authorities. FOR SUMMER COLDS Catarrh, Asthma, Hay-Fvr, t. Inacrt ia tM nmrtriU a email omnthy mm ii f. rm WIU not stsla the Clotbec At aB drug Hem 30. (Ot sad tUSt mt mailed direct nmvaxtmm, iaWc,i.t What Could Be More delicious These Hot iOays Than SURETY -of-- PURITY in the Brick Style Throw Flavor WHITE Ice Citeam Co. 1217 Phont 1218 UflF HEADLINE JINGLES By tOBEKT H. WXLCH, iX. Ta akow we'r iust a i any Leadon Daily Newt, W offer twenty dollar that . -Wa used t spend for booxa; At eask reward U kirn who f rat f Win y around tk globe, Without deeading t fb cartk A aiagl tim by Job, , It' raining wku wc f to bed. It raining wbCB w rise, It rains all day, aad all aifht tow, From sunset to mfnrmtt Tb field and yard, th Ian and road, Ar tw fort dp in mua, W sever taw ao darn muck mi - ' -Sine Noah and kU flood. , 1 Tk Senator and CongressmcB, O Hickory, Dickory, Deck t, Aren't willing for th President r To monkey with tk loek ( W move to tkrowsth clock away, For why let ackedule kauat you, And jet th labor union wbiek Work oaly when they want to. Impartially w Introdue For your Maaiderttioa. A lit of men who have a cfcanc To get tk aomiastlea For Presides. Tk war waa ft Pollteal bonanza, And brought to light a lit ad aua (CoBtlauad la laat Itaaxa.) Although it' hot aa- steam- just aow Bbow wisdom aad rsmembcp That ho who ordsrs coal today Will keep warm 1b Desember! You know the rain always did sook Tb back of him who wouldn't Icpsir hi roof aa many day, Fur wkea It rained, he couldn't Professor Ally ssyi h fiada That Buttermilk contsln torn on per cent of alcohol I Bo after tki take paint To let whate'er you Mt or drink, From noodle toup to anal, Be analyzed beforehand, or You'll fiad yourself la Jail. . . Amcrcann who sent their aeni To settley Europe's trouble Won't take much more from Mexico's Poor goversmcnUl bubbUi W ugbt to nd a kuadrad thoutaad man aerooc th border, Aad put a quick, if bloody, and To Mexican disorder. W wonder if th Washington Disorder Is a schism Ia bolshevistic doctrine, or Just negro Bolshevism; At any rat' we reslixe Thst Trotsky will rejoie T heir f the new converts to The Calibani vole. A lot of folk ar thinking sow Tbat uz aia t quit to awful, For Congress says that atowlng drink Within th horn i lawful; Psrhsps because w bar so wine T stow w'r tonit"hat rieious, But ttill we think such conduct look, A little bit autpleioua. . Who might entice our veto. But her' Our list, cans more adoi Josephua Daniels. Pershlag, Wilioa, Clark aad MeAdoo, Ole HansoB, Hiram Jobiaoa, Titt, And Hsnry Cabot Lodgv : J And wa ourselvot if called upoa ' Shall sot nttompt to dodge. T. W. Dobbin COMPANY Formerly Dobbin Fcrrall Ralelgk' YAXD GOODS IT01I Window---CURTAINS Showing a distinctive line of piecevffoodi and made jtp curtains specialties that roust attract every housekeeper. Prices range from 25c to 75c yard, and made-up curtains from $2.50 to 17.50. Mad in Ecru, Cream and White. We Sell for Cask) and Mark Our Cooda at Cash Prices. School of Law Washington and Lea University Next sesifon begin 8opt 18, 1919. Two-year Mara for LL.B, Beginning September, 1920, three year cours required for degree. For catalogue, etc., address. Provident HENRY LOUIS SMITH, Lexington, Va. SCHOOLS AND ' COLLEGES. Iledlcal CcSege of Virginia (State bwUtutloa i Co-UuoUoh1) srwaar tutuiti, at. a. n a, rm. MEDICINE DKNTI8TKY PBABMACY NURSING SMow balMhiss. eoanplotolr oqolpra bofatBriai aaoar full Uaw awlracton, nanal albilaal faetlltlas affcro 1a I hosaltala oano br the seUeta, also kt eKr booptUb WltatkW (lot Sooaloo, tortao SJoaCaaisoe IT, 1S1B. For CtUlocuo Aosroa J. B, MeCAVLEY, Secretary III Boot Ctar K Mehatawa, Vs. GflbertC White CONSULTIO ENOINUB Butsuahlta WATEBWoakB, LIORT Ajr ,w 'f0W V nTBIITS PLENTY ROAD BALDING y y GOING 0M IN ALASKA Jan, July LTh total toad mile ag ia Alaska Afarck 1 waa m Of thia amount total milragw Ilarekr 1, ItU, road sad jmila, , KO. Of thte amount 1,809 mile eompria 'a eoaaeet- d aytm reaching from Valda and Chitina to Eagle,' Fairbaaks, place above the Arctic Circle, tothe Lower YnkoBrNome, Candl aad other Be ward Pcaisula poiat. Tki yetem la joined at aevernl points a the Ykoa river by a second ayttom of I,73fl mile, which begin at Sewsrd, aad serve th lditarod, Opbir ahd lanoko dis trict. Ia addition to these two nectcd system tner ar K$ mile af thort roadt and trail ia variou part of tb' Tarrltory. 1 , ; ' 1 To March 1, 1919- th total' amount expended for all maintenance and eon etructioa since January, 1908 was 4, 923 1215,700 baa tjeon pet for maintenance and coattruetioa of th Richardson road from Yaldea aad Chi tina to ' Fairbanks, r approximately 3,770.00 per snlle oa the 410 mil. During th past winter automobiles mad tb 10 mile from Chitina to kle lers is a day; from Moiert to Littl Delta led war used; aad from littl Delta to Fairbanks, 60 miles, autoa have beta making regular trip all winter. Tb bulk of tk summer traflrt n tha Siehardeon road is haadlad by pas. tongar aad freighting automobile, thee machine do not mak th trip with th nam degree of comfort and ease that i possible oa th Stat roads, whleh cost from 110,000 per mil and up, they do get through and witk favorable weather condition th trip from. Chitina, to Fairbanks, SIQ miles. YOU CAN CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Remove Tan, Sunburn, LtVor Spots, Froekles1 and Other Skin Blemishes. By Use of a Woll-Known Toi let Preparation. ' law I aeoolo . dlsllks te tao fase sewSsra, wne or reuse, but tkMr eoaiMt suiter the smbarraMnent H a Cark, eallew, Usteby, plmslr skin. Thar Mwnrere raters U c autks te aids thlr aU kUabkMv Httle raaJisbu tka tke ktaaCr their om V tlaat4, the asere aasravataw the treacle ae Tf ru want te slsar and nmrni these skia tlmlahas which sswm you snbarrswawiit, ftm ilmM we ths Black an WhIU BMUtr treatiaeat at kietlaas. sleaastaif roar fue ia the saeralas. G te rear sruerlst uk htm fee a ti eeat packate ef Black an White Olatrntnt an a iar or tube of para, while vaMlta. Blask aa Wktte Soa ia a nieadid aM to tha trot- LHMtuM ul uxole will, te sktahr nnIM rM oa teaaart Write Blaeh u4 While, Bos IU, Kesarhis, Taav(4v.) BUCiEVHlTE IML4Sfaf 1 'II' SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, GROVE INSTITUTE (Formerly James Sprunt lastitute) Pir'rr adwal for OWa. Chaapse thaa IMns at heme. HmhnOs. thee. tcM Chrlathm. Aak) tor aatalaawe. Next pom to. Bov. It. W. F. HOIXINGSWORTB, Pews. tUsaasfUle, M. C. HOTEL8 AND BCS0BT8. Virffiaia Mineral Springs HOTItasd BATBS Craig Co, Va. A thoroughly modern aad sp-to-dat dealth sad Pleasure Resort, on th Appalachian Divide of th AHegbanits. Easy of access. Seasonable rata. Ask for booklet. J, D. FOBSYTH, kUsager, Bipley Bprisga, f, Vs. sssosTsATUimo cm. a. . - Coolest aad Meet AttraetHo tiaaMis HOTEL ESPLANADE WHOLE BLOCK. OCEAN FBONT. Dlroetlr oa the Bnnhratk. Bilia aa Boo. snla , in oxoluoloo Chohwa eoctsoB, Co. so'Kr sua. irm aau toa vatar Baths art. nitt aa aabllo an mn aoaotataooat. hfoaV era brara thtraawitle Sopartaisat. OralMotra Daaetag. . Ami has aMsta ttahu. Baaklot. Owaenhko diractiaa. W. t. StUW. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ROANOKE COLLEGE SALEM, VA. A Buaaari Aararleaa Colks of librrtl arts fa bmbi h aaaTat amets evorr. whore Lenlod ia the ,.. Roaaohs Vollor. aotni foe boalthtalcllauto an traaaonr of aMawtala . uwr Kor all iBforaMtloa aadroH fho" rratooat St. Maru's Sckool BALEIGH. N. C Now in 77lS Annual ' Saasioa . Largest resident school of tha Episcopal Church in tha United States for the education of young women and girls, '. " ' ' " 'i'' ' , . Address Rar. Warren VY. Way ia mad ia sbout tweaty-foar hours runnins tim. - v. ? . - ' When eoweideriag road work is this Territory it is well to keep is misd tbo difference botwees Aloska cost snd those obtaining outside. Ia aonasl times, oattide. Jve dollar will hir team sad tlriver one dsy, snd ths owner furniabe feed. Oa.maeh f tb Alaska work ia th interior it osU 100 r more te feed oae horse n day, sad many other coats srs is tb asm proportion. ;. Tk Bureau of Public Bosdt and tk Forestry' Barries have joised fore with th Alaska Boad Commission for th purpoo of eoastrseUne; read with in th National Foresta. Thia eentral ine th responsibility for all of tb Federal toad ' work. Tk Territorial fgislatur passed s 'vry progresaivo road law which provides machinery- for tb most effieieat highway admtaistra tion through ee-ope ration wltk tka Federal sutbsritie. . V Bain Costs May Cost Lees. r8t. is7 JdiT JsTy -Ha a Tall lioa yards of cotton bllooa sloth enough to stretch from Bt. Louis to Chicago will b manufactured into rain aoata by a St. Louie coneern which bought th doth at auctios from th government. Th auetioa pries of the.M-lnrti sea-island cloth purchased by thv govcrsment for manufacturing balloons was sssoneed si "pprosl snstcry KSflOO. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. "peace institute ' Raleigh, N. C. EstthUshed US7. i Far tk Edscstioa of Yonsg Woman. I. College Course.- U, Courses preparatory to Btaadard College, UL Four years Preparatory School. ' Bpeeial Diplomas swnrded in Piano, Vole, Art, Expression, sad Horn Economic. Secretarial sad Commercial Courses. LULA B. WYNNE HALL - i Home School for CirU Th Junior departmeat of Peace Institute through the seventh grade. For catalogue address MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, Protidsmt SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. FASSIFERN A BONE SCHOOL FOR CIBLS w sIomM ea a r lottos oor two toons toot above tea level and oeasletslr two rioati kf th taaiaetie AssahMhiaa atoaatolaa, ra th tltr ot Hoadoiooavulo. M. C. br.UaoeC lor Ita rarioBa aollshtfal sad hoiltk-tlTing ollatat. rawUra sagaToS not a stasia oae of taSaonso arlaa term 1SIH.IS n woo ait elooM foe a a. FoooUora e7r thoroafk prarstrjr osarsos bath far ontraaet w oak bfts Mthtrt rook aa srofmioaal work. Aeorodluo br th Aaooelttioa of Boathtrn (Masai, ths tTnlvarsttr f North Corolla aa oroporoo far Smith and Wollcilr olloaa-f MoMachaootoi ta ether soUos of hlsh saab whkh ae leosor neeire eartMcat svotsats. Ifoct saaalan eaoae aMaaabar ITtb. 1(1. v Far eotales, book or views aaA eaoatal Iniarautioa, aACraw MISS KATE C SEIFF, I t HENDERSON VILLI, N. C TaaEtswinamaan i HOTEL MARTINIQUE ' Kp.nrWAY ISA a uj mr .BROADWAY. Ul A rfrjrYORjc ' I I On Nock rraat Tiaawfstrod fato I X X SB.SSl.S..smBMS..S..S .BS...i OX , PE&HING SQUARE HOTEL GOMMbpORE err or tmb tmin anb rvati ra tmj lift The Commodore has met with Instant and unparal. Wed SAiccess, AQ its moat luxurious appointments and appliances for the comfort, oonrenence, and pi tun f piests, as well as sl hs rooms, arc now complete. Iu appeal Is to tha individual who ex. pecta, in New York, tht boat asrrco n t h world. ', JOHR Met BOWbUrl ftrrrr DESK!-.'; tlalS laches, leather . Bsrcol Bast LIU T T C R . SEND Y0UB ORDEKS. . P A D S C0MMERCIi!eShT? company Uft off Corns! ''. j. sasssammamsnntsmf - - Doesn't hurt a bit and FKesxa costs oriysfew ceots. WUk your tagtrtl Jos caa lift ofi . any hard orn, toft corn, or tors be tween tb toe, and ths hard skia cal luses from bottom of foot. ; A tiny bottls of "Fmms ." eoiti Ul at aay drug storei apply few drop upoa tb cor or callus, instantly it (top burtiag, then shortly you lift tbat bothsrsome corn or eallua right off, root and all, without on bit of psia or tor, ass. Truly! No humbug I Adv. 1 iii TA Hymji ram 9sbWm,l' Jf 60Qi I r.w- i V. ROOMS I JSI PLIAAANT ROOMS Wum Fvroait 1 PerDajr SsrGassj. rKCYY lURK C4tO. W, 3WIENEY rWiw, i Cos 7 f sr corner witk corner wltk sheets ef tret elaa taper, omemglt to last a year. 11 JS ah, h. . a . -- w -07