TII2 fCZVVS AKD 03SEUVZR. ..'.THURSDAY'MOISNING, JUIX31, 1919. 12 TiailEELfffiiEB; TO PAY FULL FARE anaamuniaaeaanam . .... ; If. R. Administration Considers Agriculturists As Being in Professional Class SPECIAL RATESSOUGHT FOR STATE CONVENTION Wert Raleigh Gets Ho Zxcur - lion Xatea Tor Annual edu cational Gathering Thia --Year; Funeral of Col. John I. Battle, Native of Warren ton, Held in Washington ' Tie few aad Observer Barren, 603 District National Baal Bldf. By 8. R. WINTERS (By Special Lrai?l Wirt.) TPaahinrton, July SO. Tar IImI farm :( art, Journeying to the aaaaal toaventioe of tat North CaroUaa Fnrnsar JU (latin, to bo held it Wert Hale1t fram August 27 to 29, will bo denied ttar opportunity of sharing fit-union rate. Edward W. Caambere of tho ,' Bailread Admlnietretlen, in a letter to Senator Simmons, tloMifled tho firmer oifaaitatiaa in the asm category wit a jearafers, real entile dealora and nard ' ware merebaats namely, a baaloena or prafeaeioaal organisation. Tha operating roiti of tbo railroad," tbaorre Mr. Chamber, "like those of many other importait iadaetrir at tbo ntaaotit time, are eieeedingly hlgfc tad ' if Adequate service is to ba rendered, tha fMoaenger traffi Huat produea Its aha ojf th needed reveBne.' Ba anggesta that to let dowa tha bars far farmer would invite similar rt qanJtt for redored farea from other or- ' gaalaatioaa. Consequently "the coun try ould hare been blanketed with re dan' axeuraion farea thu almost nul- . lifyinc the existing regular fare ar raagrnient." Answering the appeal that tha North Carolina firmer organisation i ei- teaual eduestionsl in nature, Mr. Chamber would label eTery orgnatrv tlsa ia th roantry as having some fra taraal or educational feature. There fore, the applieatioa for icurioa , rataa to West Bateigh from th ntter meat torners of agricultural North Carolina ha beea rejected. Onena Cotton Omce. W. B. Cooper, eotton eaporter, buai ntaa man of Wilmington, and more re cently identified ia the role of eandi data for the office of limtenant-gover-aor, write hi brother, Wade H. Cooper, of Washington, that he has aueceeded U ra-ewtablishing hi cotton exchange la Baropeaa countries. Ia Italy, Eng land, Franee and ere Germany, he wiB reaew busineu relation a an out let for the white lint which i grown U twrh proline qiiantit.es at it nt nrmMlng point Wilmington, favorltoly termed the "Gateway of taste rn Nona Carolina. " Mr. Cooper It eojonrnlag ia foreig eoaatrlea for severs! months. . Ha anti eipatoa returning to th United Bute early ia September. raneral of Cel. Battle. The funeral of Col. John B. Battle, XT. 8. Army, who died uddenly at Walter Reed Hospital of pneumonia, following an operation, wai keM thi afteraooa at Arliagtoa National ceme tery. He as buried wiu m.u.ur) uwa . or. Tha coffin, wrapped in an Artnr kaa flag aad core red with llowera. us -.. bora ta the grate on an artillery ' eaiaaoa. A platoon of infantry formea , the military escort, and the pall-bearer wore fellow army officer of the dead coloael. Chaplaia C. H. Beese, I. 8. A., wb waa armor chaplaia of tho 90th idtrialon, read the impretaira fuaeral , ' tervie at the grave, which i on the oath elope of Arliagtoa overtook ing 'Nth Potomac, where the gallaat officers : 'Wh eerved in the grrat war are in terred.. . Amoag th member of tho family who attended the fuaeral were Briga dier tioaerai William C. Rivera atd ' Mrs. Bivera, formerly Mia Mary Danry Rattle; Mr. and Mr. J. R. K. Co .Tan, tf White Thorn, the latter formerly Uiaa Maud Battle; Col. William 8. Bat tle, of Roanoke, V., chief claim agent of tha Norfolk 4 Weatera railroad; , aad a . number of member of tha family aad friend from Virginia aad v North Carolina. Colonel Battle wi a aativ ot War reatoa, N. C, the aoa of Capt. Jame 8. -Battle, tad wai bora February 1, 1871. Ha waa appointed to the Vnited State Military Academy at West Point, Jua IS, 18S9, graduated ia im, wi ap pointed aecoad lieutenant af infantry Jua It; ISM; nrct lieutenant April 26, 1891 captain February 12, 1901 j major July 10, 191j lieotenaat-eoloael April 8:21 Pes?!i Are r.i::rsb!s, Half Sick, v Tired Alliht Thai Thay Da Net Knew What la tha Mat tar, aad Thetr rayakiaa Caaaot , , - NaM tha Dtaeaae. Thar art Jam Ms aad 1st or mi wh a ilih a nlr rm mm to f Ihreiwh Mr werk ear eitat m. Thee kM whmt to the master wtlh thwa a4 their pbrcwto mM ohm the enne tkH arisMsWa, ttrt4 all the Mom" foe'ma.' la mtl ma, the Ml eawM of Mih ot hmlth met th Ma b (hemd hh iMOornta 4 Ik tonh. kMMn Om Hj aeawa are net erttea nreil. A t !iU kM hMrt h n. InMraxhm O-IIJI to band wimn at kbmoI m. h to HTfM rwr Tar4 ta MMMMe) farm aot to I he team in ml Into. It hat tliimw w4 mimf It bmia W U ao th fmiraail MM alaba M !. minlas, Mtat e itryvtuiiw I ft rvtMltr m riui mt rahit ehr- mm m a hmum aa mi mt Bh ! II mm aikMraU aod half tfok, t a ll.M hMtl m 1-rarrtirttM C mi (m twar itrM an mm; m the C tttl Uhmiwy. fcoBfihl. Ta "HI nwti tow a hrttl ea n m If fne Inemtanu Prescription. t, 1911, Oil being hU Mai U ttt ptr auatat aataliUthmeaU Oa August I, 1117, be waa aroaiatal eoloaal af U- faatry, aatieaal army, aad eoaomaaaea hie regiment ia franee .during th Amarieaa partii'patioa ia tha war. Ia the 8paaih war ba woa diatiaetioa eepoeially ia Porta B., where ba wa adjntaat tad one of the boat known and beloved young officer ia to American fore. Colonel Battle bad auda aa enviable record ta tha army and waa caaatdired ana af tha ible officer North Carol! baa eoatribated te the aouatry. Ha wu a nparb apoelmea af physical aua aa4, aUatiafaJahad ia any group r gatheriag. Ha bad eely reeeatly ra- taraad from aerviea la rraaee. ' Ta Chma Blltmere HaaaltaL Amoag tha ala army general hospi tal that will hi eloaed by tha Sargcoa tenerai af th War Departmtat aa September I, win ba General hetpltal N'i. 12, at Bilt m, N. C. According to a eomputfltinn en July 25, tber were J 1,407 patient ia hospital under the jurisdiction of th tturgeon-Geaer! of the army. The War Department today aathor ixed Richard H. W ray, of Baidavllle, Rockingham county, to aubmlt hi cer tificate for admieaioa to the West Point Military Academy on August 0. Be ia aa appointee of Senator Overman. The Foitogjce Department has ac cepted the proposal of . H. Crammer and R. W. Davii to renew lease of the preacnt postomce quarter at South port, Brunswick eouaty, for a term of rive year, beginning August 1, 1019. Andrew F. Wladham ha beea appointed postmaster at Walitoaburg, Greens eouaty. Robert T. Holoman who wit ) pointed in March declined ta sef. B. J. Powell, general manager of a JorKirtmeat. (tore ia Kinatoav wtt ia WaJilngtoa today on hi way to North era markot. Chas. II. Boyat, of Uroensboro, i a visitor to tha Nation..! capital. Rev. R. N. Voa Miller, of Wilsoa, it visiting hie aiiter In Wtsh iagtoa. Cspt. W, 0 Rodmaa, af Waoh ington, N C, is registered at tha Ral eigh hotel. u Visiting la Washington. Mr. A mo Wooten. of Piaa Too. N. aad Mr. J. W. Cretwell, of Salis bury, were here today arranging plant to hava their brother, Corporal Tyler Bullock, U. 8. A., given apeelal treat ment by the army at fort Pox Hill, N. Y. Corporal Bullock lost hi hear ing completely ta th result af an at tack of meaiagitia after returning from f'raac. While here Mr. Wooten and Mr. Cietwell were guest t th home tt Mr. aad Mrs. Edward . Britten, aad m rollers of a box party given by them at tha Belaaee at tha first preaeatatioa or Thomas Dixon new play, ' The Ked Dawn." BAKER WILL SPEAK IN FAYETTEVILLE (Coatiaaed Prom Pago One.) algnlDee that he enjoys tbe distinction of being the oldeet marina in active aerviea in tho United 8tatea. Since 1888 more than SI years ago he has every recurring four year re newed his pledge to the organiutioa that fought so valiantly on tha battle field of Franco. While Sergeant Ober would dlaeeuateaaaee tha popular phrase that th marlaet hava a sweet heart in trery port, h proudly elilm "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be tea nine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Croaa." Always buy an un broken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Head ache, Teotaehe, Earache, Nearalgla, Cold aad pain. Handy tin boxes of 13 tablet coat but a few cents at drug (tor larger packages also. Asplria ia tba trad mart of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoeticacideater of Balieylieaeid. aT" ' Na I Attontion! Home and Invest ment Seekers. W hava recently had placed with ua for aala several pieces of desirable property, to wit: ' 7-yoom house, McDowell St., near tha Raleigh Hotel. I room house, Qlenwood Art, r Peace St -room house, N. Blount 8t 4-10-room eottagea oa N. Penoa jt., aear Murphy beaeol. The aid (bat aew) Winder Heme, corner Penoa and Polk 8ts, U rooms. Urea baths, re cently arranged for I ar 4 apart meat, all aewly painted aad papered. 8-room house, Rillsbore St, aear 8t Mary'a, Cameron Park. Beautiful aew home, f. room oa Wert Park Drive, just off UiUsboro St., id Cameron Park. BoTcrnl af tba above houses caa jba bought for leaa money thaa they could b built for. Wt ala hava a aambor af very de sirable building lota oa eur beat resioeatial streets. We caa ar range term aa aay af thie property. , . Let a ihow yoa what wa eha da, wa da aot eharge far ear ter ra:, we giv it away. Call ar Phoaa T. B. MOSELEY HA, BLAND J. M Droughton & - Company : the dJitlaeiioa ef kaving aaehortd la very teaport throughout the world. Ha wa lUtloaal. for a while la the Philippine and China. - SecreUry DaaleU Leave. ' ' Collector i. W. BaUey, of Bnlelght Collector A. D. Watt, of Btateavilla, aad Thoma H. Taaderford, af Oraana boro, were ia Washington today for th purpose of submitting to Internal Rev laaa Collector Daniel C. Roper detailed reports as to the Teelassificatioa ef the Internal reveane district af North Caroline. They called, at tha Treasury Department thie afternoon, - Beeretary Danlela left Waahingtot to alght for Wrlghtsvllle Beach, where he will deliver ta address before the North Carolina Praia Association. Be will tie apeak IV the afternoon aa' the ee caaloa of th launching of tbe "Cape Fear" a predaet at the Victory Bhip balldlag Corporatioa. Mr. Daalali will retnra ta Washington Friday moraisg. Snull Te Mat Addraea. Representative Joha H. Small left Washington this afternoon for Mur freesboro, where bo will attend aa ea campmcnt of th Boy and. Glrla Ag ricultural Club at Northhampton and Bertie eoaatie. He will make a ipeeea an Friday, returning to Waablagtoa (Saturday. Tbo two eountlea wil) hold a .week's earampment. Former lieutaaant-Qovernor W. C. Newland ass here today for th pur pose of plating aa applieatioa for tha loaa of an airplane to Lenoir for the county fair, to ba held on October S, 4 a.d 5. W. Lowry Hardin ha returned to Washington after three week ab sence at hit home in Waynesvlll. He hat resumed hie duties a private Sec retary to Representative Zebaloa Weaver. NEUSE RIVER NOW FALLING FOLLOWING JIQ OVERFLOW Lenoir Oonsty People Buffered Greatly Irom Beoent Flood ; ia Th&t Section , (Speelal U Newa arid Observer.) lUntton, July 30-Th Neuee river hare remlhda eaa ef tha Mississippi ia flooot Dsbrl ia floating, dowa the wollea ttream. Teat af Uonaand af trace for many mile along tha basks ere ander water, tbe top ef ninny just visible above tha aurfac. A houa or two aaUiaf Seaward would complete Jib picture. . A aumber at aaimala have beea drowned at points along the river. The river it falling, tha needing watere hating accomplished th de struction ef lowland aropa valued at haadreda at thousand of dollar. It will be days yet before the ttream gets back te - normal. Nameroua persoa aaually optimiitie caa ba found to tlmate the total crop and property dam age of the past two week at a' cool million dollar ia Lenoir county aloae. Thi Dgttre mtjr aot be greatly xa rented. The exeeaatva rain probably Id aa much damage aa the flood has, although that has wrought damage aaonghfor many miles on either aide of aXinitea. w Railroad passenger have beta trans ferred across the Neuse during the past two or three days. Though there wu ao actual washout, the Norfolk South ern track hava been deep under water aear th stream. Women paaseoger Were not transferred, bat mea who In flated upon eroaaing were taken to' the other sidt te waiting train. Even the Aa Every Name Movement 'waa lauaehed by tha Episcopal church w New York ta reach) every penoa whoa 4.aame la laacribed ea tt auare roarer, and awaken all to a eeaa af duty. , Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens'! If bilious, constipated and heeid tchj read my; guarantee. Llatea to ma I Tate ao more tick aatag, aaiivbtlag ealomel whoa blllooa or constipated. Don't loaa A dayl werk I Calomel ia mercury or quitkttlvaf which vausee aecrosts of tha bone. Calomtl, when it cornea Into eoataet with tour bile, crashes Into It, break log It up. Tbla ia when yoa feel that awful nausea aad cramping. If you era tlaggtsh and "all kaoeked eat, if your liver ia torpid aad bowel eeastl pated or yoa have bcadaeba, dlaaiaeaa, coated tongue, if breath la hrd or atom aeh aoar Just take a tpeeaful ot harm loaa Dodeon'a Liver Toae. Hertl my guarantee Go to aay drag tor aad get a bottle of Dodsoal Liver Tone for a few centa. Take a (pooiinl tonight, aad U it doeaat tralgbtea yoa right ap aad make yoa foal ftae aad vigorous by morning 1 weat yoa te go beck to th etore end get your moaey. Dodaoai Uvar Toae w destroying the aale at ealomel baaaaaa it la raal Uvar madklnt; entirely vegetable, therefor it can not salivate or make you alck. I guarantee tbat ea spoonful of Dod son's Uvr Ton will pat your aloggtsh liver to work aBd tlaaa your bowel of that sour bile aad constipated waste which U clogging your system and mak ing yoa feel aiieerable. I guaraate that a bottle ef Dodeon'a Liver Toal will keep jroar entire family feeling fine for month, dive It to rour ahlb dren. It ti hamlet i doesat gripe and they Ilk Its plaaatat taste. Adv. NO MATTER what the Bize of a depositors balance may be with this bank $100, $1,000 or mor3 the same courteoi treatment, the same promptness in every transac tion and the same security is extended to all! We aim to please every depositor re gardless of the balance carried. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED. Member Federal Reaerve Batik. The Citizens National Bank "Service With Safety" Call 457 "We Serve Promptly' JOHNSON GOAL AND ICE CO. 109 W. Martin St. aiea ware discouraged, but aome with argent reasons for continuing their Jouraeye braved the danger; all ware e a aucij- iniiautrraae . HAYNES & YZATtii5 ' Just Received New Stock Of Handsome BRIEF Cases Full Leather, $5.00 to $15.00 NEW FICTION . Cup of Fury Rupert Hughes. $1.75 , Dawn Eleanor Porter ... . I . . $1.50 Tin SoldIr BaUey $1.50 Lov Stories RJnehart $1.50 Jungle Storlea of Traan Burroughs-. ........ . $1.40 EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES , Orders Promptly Handled. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. tssV . ' Uninterrupted service id what. -v : . '"V truck user :vants 1 . T orditt l every what very and 1 ruck gives. The dependable every-day service given by Corbitt Motor Trucks has created the Corbitt rep utation for exceedingly low operating costs. Wil liams, Inc., of Burlington, N. C, voiced the opinion of a small army of Corbitt users when it wrote to another manufacturer as follows: "Wt havt e Corbitt Truck whkh hat bttn living u tmlnltmptti tenice for i little ovtr flvt ytart; cur truck U tht old chain drive type, and there hu been no occasion to make any replacement except chains and sprockets, Outside of tires, 'The manufacturers now are making worm-drive style only, a great improvement over chain drive or internal gear drive, and several of their two-ton capacity worm-drives are hi service in this County among our mills, all of which are giving perfect service. "During our experience with trucks, we have had six other makes, -and the Corbitt has given or the best service of all: we have had to ' funk three of tha ot Su (ft etote-name period, and we shall riplaca with Cortina as we .? need for them. 'It Is our belief that a better truck cannot be obtained for e thou sand dollars more money than t Corbitt would cost us. We know of one man in this County who has replaced (well-known standard make) trucks with three Corbitts within the past twelve months, and all of them me giving perfect satisfaction and service.' There are six sizes of Corbitt Trucks, one to five tons. All models are worm driven, have Con tinental Motors, and construction includes standard parts throughout. There is a Corbitt model which' will exactly meet your requirements. Our Dealer will gladly help you to select the model best suited to your needs. See him or write to us. Ask for catalog which describes-and illustrates the various models and gives interesting facts. atvrvm ravox 00, .aaarsn, W. O. SANDERS MOTOR COMPANY, Diatributore Smlthfield, N. C Corbitt Motor Trucks Worm Driven Mention, Baaiies's! r ....... . The North Carolina Banker' Convention will be ' held in Wimton-Salem, August 20, 21, 22 The) Annual Banker .Number of The Newa and Observer will be pobluhed Auguat 21 tt, while the intereat in the conren tioa will be at it height. , : f Thie nuinber goce to our full liet of eubecriberi with ad ditional circulation and will contain man feature and article hyour moet prominent financier. . More than aerenty bank, a well a other financial tnatitu tiotw have already reecrrod apace for thie iaeue and if you have not done ao we tuggoat that you make your rcaorvatioa ty return maiL I ' ' Addroti ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. s Raleigh, N.C. . Btl Pbawee tit) 4

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