I at tvw WS AND OBSERVER. THURSDAY MOniZXG, JULY 21. j:ik It RATES 1Q Cents . Per LINE ' j Cg HELP WANTED MALE WAA'TED-YOrG f MAN WITHLN sges f 21 sad 30, with knowledge of , bookkeeping sad experience whole - Mia groceries. Apply to K. B. Fiffea Co- Spring How. N. C. 3I-4t WANTED MACHINIST (TO TAKE charge of maiateaaae of water wheels ia thirty-two thoutaad H. P. hydro eleetrle station. 1110 per month. - BottM rent, M" lights, water aid "lea free, tiood location. Address ' Tadkta River Power Co., Pee Pee, K. C. 31 -4t WANTED TEN PLASTERERS: TWO y months steady work. Bring your tools ready for work. W. B. Barrow, 31-2t r WANTED FIRST CLASS BOTTLER ' for foot marhia; food aalary for ' right aiaa. Chero-Cola Bottling Co., Wilson, N. c. ::i-i-! WANTED TEAM FOREMAN . TO build roads. Johnston Porter k Peck,, Greenville, N. C. 31-3t BLACKSMITH WANTED ONE THAT v eaa do wood work also to keep up rc pairs around saw mill and log woods; . good help furaished, and right price to right party, and doa't apply unless I'M hsvs practical experience, and eaa do tho work. Vs. Lumber 4 Boa Co., Oeldshnro, X. ('. 31 -7t , WHITE BARBER WANTED AT ONCE. $2S guaranteed, 70 per cent over $37, to a tint class workman; 5 chain, 5 lavatories. J. W, Langley, Dunn, N. C, 30-2t WANTED AT ONCE TWO WHITE lady waitresses and one man cook. "Busy Bee" Cafe, GrceaTillc, . C. 30-7t WANTED FIRST CLASS WHITE ' barber, 70 per eeat which will run , $30 to MO pcrweek to good maa. ' Write, wire or come at ones to Sani tary Barber Shop, Goldsboro, N. C, 30-2t WANTED FIFTEEN OR TWENTY No. 1 all-around machine men to . crerale iron working machinery, such as iahes, tfca;!, millta luachiae, . He. .New work from blue I -Lt, ao rcia.r work. Virginia V.'s.2ia Com nanv, Inc., Sonlh Bostir, V i :1-3t WANTED A SODA DISPENSER AND genera! front-maa; good salary for ' right man: Address "N-9," car of News and Observer. 28-7t. , WANTED A BOOK AND CLIP MAN ' - for the Greenville tobacco market; also auctioneer for small market Ad dress, naming salary and giving ex- ' perieace. P. O. Box 230, Greenville, N. C. ' 2fl-:it. WANTED FOR PERMANENT I08l tioas: Linotype operator, one com- binatioa operator and floor man, boy .' press feeder that wants to aerve time; . union; top aalary. The Evening Tele- sir m. Rocky Mount, N. C. 29-3t. WANTED PIANO TUNER. PER. anient position. Duff Piano Co., r.lirsbeth City, N. C. S8-.1t. WANTED PIANO SALESMAN. GOOD pealng for aa experienced man. " Duff Piano Co.. Elizabeth City, r.C. 2-:ti. , HELP WANTED BY LARGE PAIL FACTORY. FIR8T-CLAS8 TURNERS. BELTERS ON PAIL LATHER. FIRST-CLASS TUB HOOPERS. ADDBES8 QUICK, NATIONAL BOX COMPANY, NATCHEZ, aOSB. M-7t WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST STATE SALARY EXPECTED IN FIRST LETTER TUCKER BLDG. PHARMACY WANTED A GOOD BOT TO ; DELIVER A NEWS AND OB ,' SERVER ROUTE. APPLY AT ;"" ONCI TO TIE CITT CIR ;'; ( CULATION MANAGER FROM TO X. CUT YOL'R OWN HAIR. SEE AD- vcrtiseaaent wader Agents Waated. ! WANTED SIX JOB AND BOOK COM . poiltors, 48 hours, open akop, $32.50 lies WMk M in i Mil m fn Si-t mmm Address Bos 70S, Richmond Vs. 27-St LINOTYPE OPERATOR, IF ACCUR t and reliable, eaa get good job, dav .work. Write 'V-4,3 tin News and Observer. Stati salary expected and when vom eaa report. 20.31 WANTED MEN OF ABILITY TO . tears cotton business ia our sample rooms; good demand for rlassers and traders; eater bow. Also corre spondence tours with type samples - aad eettoa trade guide; the greatest book of actual eottoa facts; a book that every eettoa rasa should have, Coftea calculators furnished ap t 0 cents per pound. Charlotte Cottoa School, Charlolte, X. C 29-J1-J-5-7-10. HELP WANTED FEMALE COMBINATION LADY BOOKKEEPER, , stenographer waated State eiperi aaet and salary desired. Boa Ml. -.;'.. ' 20-2t COMPETENT j STENOGRAPHER wanted Expsrieneed. Give foil psr tSentara la flrst letter as to qtiajif. ; eationa, axpsrieaee, aalary neslrcd, at. Bfraeea required. Box A, Glen- . weed. N. C - vi.' M.3t WiSli.lt -. TWO YOUNG LADIES, with god rfrea. Expsrieacs art wnsaaary. 115)0 par week; ed MdLea. Apply ta Laotarss CiiJy KlaM.-flrawivill, M-tV ; M-st IMO IMMEDIATE HHBULTITH HELP WANTED FEMALE CUT TOUR CHILDREN'S HAIR WITH Tb, Duplex Hair Cutter. Be adver tisement under Agents Wanted. GIF' S LEARN, MILLINERY; BE IN depeadeot. Demand for milliners in creasing daily. Good position always opea. Start now for fall Sessoa. Mas ing and trimming taught is four to ni weeks by artistic milliner. Full course, t?5. Bparks Practical Milll- ery College, 40 1-t Whitehall St., Atlsnta, Gs. 27-30 WANTED LADY ASSISTANT) OP portunity for state-wide experience. Requirements : reasonable experience ; efficient stenographer; general knowl edge of bookkeeping; initiative to haadle offic in absence of exeeutire. "B-S," car of News and Observer. 27-7. BEOINNZB" 8TENOGBAPHER OrrEBED AN OPPOBTCNITY TO BECOME A "REAL" STENOGRAPHER IP YOU ABE QUICK, CAN transcribe your notes correctly, and hav just finished school here is an opportunity for you to learn business under s men who haa trained mors than SO atenographera during the past 10 yeara from "Beginners" to "Real" Stenographers. ir TOUB EDUCATION WAS not thorough before entering 1 business college do not take up our time with your application. UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING to start on a reasonable aalary do not answer. A FEW MONTHS EXPERI ence in this office and you will be capable of handling moat any position; will be able to com mand a good salary. STATE AGE. SALARY Ex pected and extent of your edu cation in your own handwriting. THE ADVERTISER HAS BE quested the News and Observer to hold his nsms in confidence, so do not attempt to seek .. personal interview without first making applicstion. ADDRES8 "T-J5." CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. WANTED YOUNG LADIES WITH one year high school credits, to take up nursing in the Mary Elisabeth Hospital Training School, Raleigh, N. C. 17-14t. WANTED MIDDLE AGED LADY TO keep house for imsll family in town. Children all grown. A happy home for the right one. Must furnish good references. Address "IM," rsre News and Observer. 27-7t HELP WANTED (Male and Female) Wanted salesmen and sales- lsdies; something entirely different; now proposition; will sell quickly, and could be handled as a sids line. Com mission or salsry. State territory preferred. References required. Ap ply Box No. 453, Norfolk, Virginia. 30-7t WANTED DISCHARGED SOLDIER or ssilor, or young womsn, to solicit subscriptions all over the Stat to Ererywoman'a llagaxine. fasily make 10 a dy. Address, Mrs. N. H, Covington, 80S K. Blouat St., Raleigh, N. C. 27-7t WANTED COOK AND HELPER, also dining room girls for hotel; good wages. Address Leesburg Inn, I -ess burg, Va. 2l-7t TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS WANTED TWO PRIN eipals at 1125.00, one at 1100.00; also primary and intermediate teachers at good salaries. Apply Huperiutendent Dare County, Manteo, N. Ur ,11-lt WANTED LADY PRINCIPAL, RURAL high school, eight months, salary, 1125 per month. On six months, $123 per month. Principal two teacher school, ntts pr month; tem six and eight months. Two flrst grade teach ers, two intermedial teachers at 195 Ser month. Address T. B. Attmore, upt., Stenewsll, N. C. 27-7t POSITIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED SEPT. 1ST. BY young man with several years exper ience as bookkeeper, shipping, aad general offic work, wholesale or manufacturing preferred, Address P, O. Bni 324, Rocky Mount, N. C. 31 -ft LADY WITH MUCH EXPERIENCE will take charge of motherless chil drea, aot babies. Couatry preferred. "W-3," rare News and Observer. 31-St YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DE' sire positioa. Experienced aad eaa furnish good references. "W-J," ears News and Observer.. M-3t WANTED POSITION AS CASHIER r aaaiataat cashier la ouatry bank by young married Man with five Scars' general banking iprieace. are served a asaistant cashier ia bank with resources over tw milliea. Aa sew employed by large city bssk. Answer "V-7," ear cf News aad Ob server. ' 30-St CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED MU si teacher desires positioa. Best ref erences. Address "W-l," car News and Observer. " ' SI-3'-nV10 WANTED BY WELL TRAINED ysung lady, kaviag thrc years' x perleae at principal f tw-teacbr chsols, positioa is" good graded eehool ;small tows west sf Cumber land aauatv. t. 4 t I mil r. lrwV-Vrit .:XlCjri jffws and VDswrvwr, . -, , gu-ot COUNT WORDS ',s L 1 N ;5 POSITIONS WANTED WANTED! POSITION Al JUNIOR drug clerk. Best tsferene furnished, "T-4'" ear News and Observer. 26-7t WANTED POSITION AS TELLER OR assistant cashier in Bank; two yeara experience; college graduate. Rcf 1 rences upon request. Address "T-l," car of New and Observer.-- S5-7t. If YOU WANT A TENANT FOR your apartment or your furnished rooms; if you want to rent your hom while you go away for the summer; if you want to take ia a lady board er for companionship for your "wife on lodge night aad, incidentally, to help pay the grocer, a "Want Ad" in The New and Observer will at tend to the matter for you at very little cost and practically no troubl to you. , SALESMEN OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALESMAN Excellent opening for clean-cut young maa who can aell office equipment and make estimates on printing. Salary or commission basis. Give referencee and interview will be arranged. P. O. Box 674. Raleigh. 24-7t SALESMAN FOR COFFEE BY long established well known rossters; ran positively only consider experienced salesman, now successfully selling retail grocers Raleigh territory. Give full particulars, sge, salary, selling record and whether can drive Ford. Permanent and de sirable position for right party. Replies confidential. Address "W-4,'t car of News and Ob- server. 31-10t. INSURANCE MEN SHOULD WRITE for splendid sgency proposition from the largest company specialising in accident and health insurance; dou ble your income. Openings through out your State. Johnson aV Adams, Southeastern Managers, 805 Southern Bldg.. Washington, D. C. t7-29-31. WE WANT TWO LIVE WIRE SALESMEN of ability. Sell dealers county rights to handle "OVER ALL," biggest seller on market, nat ionally advertised; good posi tion to right party; send ref erences. Write DUNWODY BROS. CO., 513 Edgewood Avenue, ATLANTA, GA. WANTED SALESMEN WHO ARE calling on merchants ia small towns aad general country stores to aell our new So punch boards on commission. Write for salesmen outfit. Empire Manufacturing Co., 125 W. Plume St., Norfolk, Va. 27-7t AGENTS CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH' THE DUPLEX HAIR CUTTER As easy as you ran shave. Just the thing to keep your child' en's hair in perfect trim at a small cost. Simply comb your hair and it cuts at Mis sum time. Sample mailed for 2.k0. Price will aoon be $3.00. Worth 5.00. Ex clusive agents wanted. Send 12.00 for sample and special terms. The Duplex Hair Cutter, Box 703, Raleigh, N. C. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONNECT WITH A REAL MONEY maker, No-Air-8eep tube patch. Ever heard of a money back guaranteed tire patch- Ever bought or sold it in a popular priced package! Elastic, sclf-vulcanising; will not creek nor lesk; stretches with and becomes a part of the tube; nothing just like it ; one used, always ifjed ; sells for 35e, regular sire, lave representative wanted; big profits. Send 35c today for lsrge sample. Plan Rubber Product Co., Dept. K. Charlotte, N. C. sf-S-V9-. BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED. IF YOU WANT THE EXCLU SIVE AGENCY IN YOUR COUNTY FOR THE DUPLEX HAIR CUTTER, THE GREAT EST INVENTION OF THE AGE, ANSWER THIS AO QUICK. YOU CAN CUT YOUR OWN HAIR JUST A9 EASY A8 YOU CAN SHAVE YOUR SELF. SIMPLY COMB YOUR HAIR AND IT 18 CUT AT THE SAME TIME. JU8T THE THING TO KEEP THE CHII DREN'8 HAIR IN ' PERFECT TRIM AT A SMALL COST. SEND 2.00 FOR SAM PI jr. AND OUR SPECIAL TERMS TO COUNTY AGENTS. DUPLEX HAIR CUTTER, BOX 705, RA LEIGH, N. C. FOR SALE 'Miscellaneous) FOR SALE PHONOCRAFH BOXES, 33, so sad 73 cent each. J. E. Cray. ton and Company Raleigh. 27-29-31 CONTRACTORS, SHIPPERS WE DO carload dressing- ia transit large di ssensions. 3.00 bails. Inquiries soli cited, all kinds building meter is 1 fur nished promptly. Ellington Lum ber Company, Raleigh. SI -2-3. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE GARAGE equipped with seeesssiy machinery ssd working tools. . Also full stock of Ford parts. For particulars apply. Bot 71, Enfield, N: C. - 80 5t POPCORN -AND PEANUT WAGON for sal. Dunbar make, good sondi- ties aad extra equipment. Coats to- day in50.00. Geo. B. Fleming, 27 Jonet.7BlelgHi' t-t. IS YO UR OFFICE : RENT . PRETTY HIGH ? ' Perhaps you could 'spare a part of .your office space for the us of some man who ia not in a com petitive line of business. High rents often require some such remedy. Tell, through The News and Observer classified columns, what sort of space you can sub-let, and what lines of business are eligible. ' y ------ - 1 The whole matter is a business problem, and should be met in a practical way. The Newt and Observer -Ti e LEST, Not the Cheeses WANT MEDIUM In North Carolina" RALEIGH, N. C. n: FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) (OR SALE FOUR GOOD MULES OR will trade for automobil or real estate. Address Box 128, Jackson Springs, N. O. 30-Ct TIMBER FOR SALE 7 MIL LION FEET; 8 MILES FROM RAILROAD. BOX G, WAKE FOREST, N. C 31-7t FOR SALE ONE MILLION FEET pine timber S miles from railway; good location for logging. This tim ber is located in Johnston county. If interested address "V-10," ear of Iews'and Observer. 31-7t. FOR SALE-CAS BOAT, DAPHNE, 48 feet long; draft, 4 feet; cabin with lavatory; 24 horse power Lathrop en gine; in first-class conditioa, 61,500 cash. Will make trial trip. John L. Roper Lumber Company, New Bern, N. C. Jl-lOt. FOR SALE FIVE MILES RAIL, FIF teen, twenty and twenty-five pound, - live standard gauge cars in rolling condition, five psir standard gauge wheels, forty sets 38-in. gaugo car wheels, spikes and bolts. J. W Stewart, New Bern, N. C. 27-29-31 COTTON GINNERS WE CAN MAKE prompt delivery on all sizs of Mun ci oil engines if order nr placed promptly. Wir or write. MuncM Oil Engine Company, Muneie, Indiana 2S)-10t FOR SALE BARGAIN IN GOOD HIGH grade Sewing Machine. W. A W., friO to 20. Singers, $15 to 135. Whites, 10 to 435. Call and inspect. Curt.s Morong Co., Inc, 117 W. Martin St., Ksligh. 29-7t. FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION EQUIP ment. 14x14x4 Wall Tents, Flies, Metal Cots, Bed Sacks, Blankets, Ranges, Cooking Utensils and Dishes, Diaph rsgm pumps, Nssh-Quad Trucks, Troy Trailers, Cleveland Tractor. AU used three to six months. In good condition. Apply Phoenix Utility Company. Bartsville, 8. C. 5-27t FOR SALE VALUABLE PEPSI COLA plant and Pepsi Cola franchise for the cities of Newport News, Hjmptoi and Williamtburg, and the coiintis of Warwick, Elizabeth City; York and James City. Owner wishes to lejve the State and will sell at a bargain. Newport News Pepsi Cola Co., Nett port News, Va. 2i-7t FOR SALE ONE POWERS MOTION picture machine ia good condition, ready for operation "8-4, ear News and Observer. ' 28-fit WANTED (Miscellaneous) WANTED LARGE ICE BOX SUIT- able for storing 300 lbs. of ice, gen e rally used by small stores for cool ing soft drinks. Call Phone No. 14S1. 31-2t WOULD LIKE TO BUY HORSE AND bt!k"gy "V-5," care of News and Ob server. 30-2t WANTED 1,000 TO 2,000 GALLON UNDER GROUND GASOUNE TANK J. C HELMS, MOREHEAD CITY, N. C 31-7L CEDAR WANTEDBEING THE LARG est direct user of Red Cedar Lum ber and Logs in America, we are constantly in the market for both cedar lumber and logs. We mska this lumber and logs into chests; hence we eliminate the middle-man; there fore we can afford to pay you more than the lumber dealer, who has to sell to som msnufacturer of chests. If you have cedar lumber or loga for sic, write us. Standard Red Cedar Chest Co., Inc., Altaviata', Virginia. 30-3t WANTED TO BUY A REXALL DRUG store. State location, price, terms, etc. j. IV. 1'ittman, Oiford, N. C. 30-7t WANTED LUMBER WANTED AT all times, gum, poplar, ash, o:tk maple, juniper and pin lumber. Never cell your lumber whiiot.t con sulting us. There' a reasoa." We pay SO per cent cash oa receipt rf shipping paper. East Carolina Lum bee Owtpaay, New Bers, N. a 2!M4t WANTED ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF the Csrona Chemical Co., lac, of Wilson, N. C, who resid ia Nash County, to confer with th under signed ia Bailey, N. C, oa or before August 1, 1019. C. F. Bissette. Hil hard Bevhia. Bailer, N. C. l-16t ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT TWO THOROUGHLY reaovated, nicely furnished rooms; good location. 'V-l,n ear News an Observer. -2r NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM - ia private family for rent. Near depot. Phone 122S after S:M . nings. CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. ROOMS WANTED BRING YOUR WANT ADS IX BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THtv -.properly cLAMinrrL St HOUSES, APARTMENTS For Rent FOR RENT UNFURNISHED APART . meat, three large rooms. 107 E. Lant street. 3i-5t BRING YOUR WANT ADS IN BEFORE O'CLOCK IF YOU WANT THEM PROPERLY CLASSIFIED, HOUSES APARTMENTS Wanted DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN 'YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER O'CLOCK. WANTED A HOUSE A C OUPLE WITHOUT , CHILDREN WANT A HOUSE GIVE LOCATION AND PRICE ADDRESS "V-8," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER BOARD CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER O'CLOCK. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE CONSISTING OF 75 acres; well watered, good orchard, pears and apples; 14 acres wood land, remainder in cultivation ; 5-room house; all nrcesssry outbuildings; one mile east of Gordonsville, Va. Terms 'l.000. W. P. Evans. 3!-7t ONE TRACT 30 ACRES OF LAND, 7 miles south of Clayton, aear churches and schools, for sale; good fall crops, and nice large nine-room house with lighting system, and plenty of out building: five tenant houses. Terms essy. Address W. T. Johnson, Box 762. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 1911. 31 -7t GOOD REAL ESTATE IS ALWAYS saleable and never more so than now. Your offering must meet the test of real value. If it does that, you can make advertising "pay." and no ad vertising "pays' better than News snd Observer "Want Ads." ONE SMALL FARM JOINING THE A. A E. Cqllege, 2 milej of the city mar ket; containing 217-10 acres, with a aire 6-room bungalow, and convenient outbuildings; four acres of a nice or chard. Address W. T. Johnson, Box 762, Raleigh, N. C. Phone 1911. ONE TRACT 8 ACRES OF LAND, 7 miles south of Clayton, with s nice 6-room dwelling. All necessary out buildings; convenient to churches and schools. W. T. Johnson, Box 762, Rsleigh,"N. C. Phone 1911. ONE TRACT. 1M ACRES OF LAND, 6 mile south, of Clayton, with s nice 8 room dwelling snd all necessary outbuildings, fence arouad all the farm. Reasonable terms. Address W. T. Johnson, Box 762, Raleigh, N. C. Phone 1911. 31-7t NICE SMALL FARM FOR SALE 13 acre; 32 acre cleared; S dwellings, 5 rooms esch; good outhousoe aad 4 tobacco barns; large pack house; highly improved; 1-2 mile, of Angicr, K. C. Will sell cheap; reasonable terms. Addree Farm, Bos P, Aagier, N. C. . . 31.5.3 FARM INVESTORS BELIEVING well selected Virginia, farm lands are a good investment at from $23 to $30 sa sere. Writ Jss. E. Cuthbert for s propositioa to invest $1,000-43,000. Box 166, Petersburg, Va. 81-7t FARM FOR SALE J H ACRES, 71 cleared; T room reside ne; two tea sst houses; usual out buildings; millioa feet timber, eawmill, log wagoa, all for $70 per acr. Very desirable location. Writ ewaer for particular. H. H. Jordan. R. F. D. No. g, Bet 5. Windsor, V. 29-2t. lfACRE FARM ONE MILK FROM I rose isry aear Natioaal Highway; good road runs through It; four rooss house; 40 acres cleared; cash or easy tersu; bargsia for quick sale. Ai T. Shaw, Raleigh. ' C6-7t DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE OF 237 rw ia Joaea Ceunty, N. C. A bar . fain for quicV nl by owner. Trims inanred. Full n&iilrnlar. Alnrt-ss -8MrJSwssnd Observer. 31-M REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NICK COUNTRY HOMES FROM TWO to 1,700 acres, front (15.00 per acr np. , Excellent land! for geaaral farming, ' grata; grass aad bright tobaeeej ; 000,000 feet original growth timber: L Excellent land for gnrai faming, Owing to us cheapness el eur lands, tbs North Carolina peopl ars posr ing is ssd buying them. ' Writ ts Z. V. Robertson, formerly of North Carolina, Blaekstons, Va Box S43. ' ' ' S0-S0L MUST SELL AT YARINA, K. C, fin location for gangs or gs ' ersl store. Lot 48x150 with 1 1-8 story bona Is good cos- f ditios. Located , ia 1 heart f Y Varina. This is good ehanes to buy s plsc for busiaea or investment ia s fait growing tows. See B. E. Roger at Vs rina or writ E. A. Rogers ears of The Progressiv Farmer, Dallas, Texas. . , 80-1-3. . FARMERS WANTED A SPECIAL propositioa ia mad to acceptable far mer with 100-5,000 to put down on the purchase of 100400 acres of excellently selected land to - b im proved to suit purchaser and to make aa attractive community. Writ Box 166, Petersburg, Vs., for particular. 31-7t FOR SALE I FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE with all modern, convenience in Glen wood, on block from car line. Phone 1136. 27-7t REAL ESTATE WANTED DO YOU OWN SOME LOTS? PEOPLE are planning to build.' They are in terested in iota. Offer yours through the New and Observer classified columns. WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER, FARM in Eastern North Carolina, contain ing two to fir hundred acres. Must be well located with plenty of road frontage aad necessary buildings. Box 302, Raleigh, N. C. 30-7t. - REAL ESTATE IN PLACING YOUR LAND ON THE MARKET YOU NATURALLY WANT A MAN OF EXPERIENCE, ENERGY AND TACT TO HANDLE IT FOR YOU. I DO BUSINESS ONE WAY SATISFACTION OR NO BAY. WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE ME. D. F. FORT, JR., RALEIGH, N. C. IF YOU HAVE A FARM OR TIMBER- ed lands, large, for sal describe same, stating distance from station, and' lowest cash price. W. W. Par ker, Henderson, N. C. 30-lt LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE 'GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST CO, RALEIGH, N. C 26-7t LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GET RE SULTS. CAROLINA REAL TY CO, RALEIGH, N. C. S7-7t WRITE US ABOUT SUB-DIVIDING and selling your farm at auction. We get you best results. Lan Land Company, Greenville, N. C. 21-30t LIVE STOCK POULTRY REGISTERED ABERDEEN-A N G U S cow. Four years old with calf two months old, both, '-'25. W. C. Howell, Garyshurg, N. C, 31-3t FOR SALE REGISTERED DUROC pigs, 8 weeks, $10.00 next ten days, money back if not pleased. Aakdnle Farm, Crcedmoor, N. C. 30-3t, WANTED JRESEY OR GUERNSEY frrsh milk cow, fresh; must give four or more gallons, one or more pouuds butter per day, perfectly gentle anj young. J. P. Bunn, Battleboro, N. C. S6-8t IF YOU HAVE LIVE STOCK, PET stock, poultry, eggs, insert an ad un der this heading and it will reach over 100,000 well-to-do people. PRODUCE GROCERIES MRS. R. H. GOWER SENT A "WANT Ad" to The News and Observer but failed to aend her address. Send yosr nddrpHs, please. r PEA8! PEAS! ABOUT 4 BUSHELS of Black snd Whippoorwill pei for sale,, $3.50 per bushel. 8. J. Adams, Raleigh, N. C. 31-3t. MIXED PEAS FOR SALE LIMITED quantity at $4.00 per bushel f. 0. b. Maxton. Write Box 126, Maxton, N. V. -7t "CUBAN MOLASSES" OLD FASHION "Cuban Molasses," the kind we "Old Boys" were raised on; guaranteed to keep all during summer; 60-gallon barrels, 25c gallon; cash with order; this price for one week only. Win ston Grain Co, Winston, N. C. 2-7t. GUBERNUT FEED MEAL GUBER nut Feed Meal best food on ar!h for hog snd cow highest ia protein and fat $48.(X per ton. Cash with or der. Winston Grain Co., Winston, N. C 2-7t. FOR BALE SWEET BELL PEPPER, 50 cts. peck; $1.75 bushel. Cash with order. J. G. Dukson, El rod; N. C 87-7t " CANS NO. I WITH BOLDER HEM ' cap at $5 per hundred, crated; $45 per thousand. Special pries is lar ger quantities. Wilson Gardes Arao- eistion, Wilson, N. C. i 2S-7L ATTENTION MR. HORSE FEEDER Whil hay i so abnormally high try ur roughage feed, "Fifty-fifty," which take th plae of hay. WUi ; sell yoa at $30 per ton. Bctcr feed than bay. Cash with order. Winston Praia Co, Wiaston, N. C. 27-7t FOR SALE 1 HAVE ON HAND FIF. teea hnndred to two thousand bush el of whit eora that I deair ts dis pos of, nsk m ss offer, ss s whols'or is lots. J. M. Wood, 613 E. Walnut. Ooldshoro, N. C. 26-7t SEEDS PLANTS CRIMSON CLOVER, HIGH GRADE germination,' 19c pound. Parker's special mixture turnip seed, $1.30 Sound. . W. ,W.! Parker, Henderson, 1. O... , ao-2t SEEDS AfaDFLAflTS v PENNY! PRTZ1 LATH TIM DtTTC eabbac vlanU,' aad OasoBs Baas, - 8tm seDard plaata sslg at IflM ' lasd aad Bogm, Batelgfc. CABBACI PLANTS X PER VTSW drd, tt pr ttonaand. Collard plasm SO per kaadred, AU0 per taoBesBcL Coflard. is nastiti a ll'fw tkon-ii saad. Q. U a. rmmy, SaMffe, A c Boat 1. - s-: S3 RUTTABEGGAS TURNIP 0X1D, II par pound; Bers-Top tsrsip, Tod ' pouad, postpaid. My ad will gm nsinst. B. W. King, Xalsigh, K. 0. -...... 1 . - SS-7L '' SEED-DURHAM COUNTY CRIMSON CloTsr Med, twenty-tw dollar p kasdrd pounds,. cJes aad aissity - tw per eeat gsmiaatioa, aaa y , beatitt Bed Top Glob Whit Nor, folk, Bute Baga, Beves Top, Sosth , sra Prix Turnip sd, n dollsr pl , pound, p os tag psid; sold storsgd Cobbler potato, six dollsr psr sselbt Beef scrsp for yoar ehlekens, fiv dollars per fcnadrcd poaadtiCuli r with order or shipment msds t.A. Hobert Hackney, Durham. I4-I0t ' s . AUTOMOBILES I For Sale Wanted) FOR SALE A FORD-SEDAN CASH or tim. "V-, ear New aad Ob erver. 31-St AUTOMOBILB FOR BALE DODGE touring ear; 1919 model; good as new; four sew tire. J. K Bell, Wil son, N. C. 80-1-3-6-7-9 IF YOU WANT A SECONDHAND Au tomobile, on that is "just as good ss new," or almost o; if you feel you can't afford s aew ear, but must hav a good one nevertheless, good-looking - enough to fool tb neighbors into thinking it'i ( brand-new machine, then advertise for exactly what yea want and you'll find it most likely. Maybe you eaa save even th imall ' cost of the advertisement Read th "Automobil" column ia Th New ' and Observer. Possibly soma on is advertising for sal th car that ia just your site. If not, then hav your own advertisement inserted. LOOK FOR THE HANSON SIX. , MOTORCYCLES WE BUY AND SELL NEW AND SEC- ond hand motorcycles. Repair for all makes. We aell on time. L. Francis Motorcyel Shop, 131 8. Wil mington Street. t-30t. AUTO REPAIRING WE PAINT AUTOMOBILES AND cover automobil top. John W. Evans' Bon, Raleigh. 25-30t LOST-FOUND STOLEN LOST OR STOLEN ONE DARK BAY mare mule real fat, will weigh about 1,100 pounds. Hind heels skin rubbed off with snaking harness. Liberal reward to finder. G. Z. Lancaster, Rocky Mount, N. C.; Route 6. 25-7t IF YOU SAVE LOST YOUR POCKET book or your watch or your eyeglasses or anything (except your reputation), call en The New and Observer to help yon find it. Almost everybody is honest snd yon will probably get back your lost property if you will Communicate with the finder through th "Lost and Found" column "of Th News and Observer. CLEANING PRESSING DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING, promptly called for and deli vend. Phones, 395, Lindley's Dye Works, 19 W. Hargett, at corner Salisbury street. 29-7t CALL BELL PHONE 1749 OR RAL igh Phone 608 if yon want your suit cleaned, pressed or repaired. Th Jamestown Tailoring Company. BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE SAW MILL SLABS. CAN ship several ears per week. Write ma for prices. L. 8. Olive, Apex, N. C. w.-f.- FOR SALE B. C. I. RED CEDAR shingles, guaranteed to last 40 years, $6.00 per thousand f. 0. b. ears Apex, N. C. Sampla mailed oa request. L. ' S. Olive, Apex, N. C w-f.-s. SIDS WANTED '! DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO BRING IN YOUR WANT ADS TODAY. CLASSIFICA TION NOT GUARANTEED AFTER I O'CLOCK. MONEY BONDS SECURITIES WE CAN MAKE LONG TERM FARM loans cheaper and quicker than any body ; correspondent is every county. Ask sbout our aew proposition. Loans on Raleigh business property also. Chickamauga Trust Co., Ralcigh N. C. , 23-7t a PROFESSIONAL DR. W. W. STANCELL OFFICE HOURS; From 10:00 to 1:00. From 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. 402-403 TUCKER .LDG. PHONE 1335 SCHOOLS-COLLEGES LEARN AT HOME OR SCHOOL . Shorthand, Balemanship, Bookkeep ing, on credit. Positions guaranteed. Edwards College, Winston, N. C. S-l-Wt. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND TI10R . oughly taught. Special Summer Rata. f Address : Grniboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C, for Cata- 'ogu. 4 WANTED -TO EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE DIAMOND RING FOR A 30 Liberty Bond. If you hsvs a $50 Liberty Bond aad want to trad for a ladies' diamond, valued at $50, com. munlcat with "F-135," cars New aad Observer. SPECIAL SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARp. eneo; anau 01ao.es 10 Durham Bator Works, Durham, N. C. 25.7 MISCELLANEOUS CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE ' Duplex Hair Cutter, th gT,tet ia- j yentioa of th sg. Send $2 for a JBU v. Werth " : y-U $3. Yoa eaa nt your owa hair s easy aa yoa csa shav. Jukt omb ' your hair aad it cut at th tim. Just th thing to keep yoar children asir i perfect trim, ht, . for itstlf ia a few moath. "Th DnpLs Hair Cut.r," Box 705, R.1- i