ivAI. r.:utfTtG. JULY 31. .-vcb .. oa - - ,'ax, r- .SEJD M i FOR ' - SAMPLE DUPLEX '.. hair cutter. Tim ypur eva aad anil. dreai hair. Great invention. Agents J wanted for excluelvn territory. At J quick. Duplet, Halt Cutter, Bot 703, ttalclgh, W. ft - . - .HAPPIEST WOMAN IN CEOBGIA I Xree from morphine after Being U J yer; write ne for information) J free to til sufferers. UrtMary'Q. Mitchell, No. 10 E. Unlet 8t At Isatt, Ga. " i1 r tod to Angll PERSONAL v , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IF YOU 'WANT A TALKING MA , . tnlne eecoadhand, .bat without the . "squeaky sound, tie that Unload ' , tough for tbo neighbors to boar whta , played lata o nights, get it throQgh , The Newt and Observer Witt Ad. If 70a meed a gaa range or a piaae lamp or anything, get It Ue taiy way, Oa the ether hand, yen eat ecll the old . furniture that no longer flta lata . your household scheme. Get rid . . old ehairt that , offend tha family Larea and Penajessell them tad put the money ia bank. Let a Newe tad .Observer "Want Ad" attend to the little job. ' , OFFICE EQUIPMENT TTPEWBITKlf. NKW BEBCILT WB . bay, tell, exchange, repair all eaters. . H.8. 8torr 4 Company, 128 W. llartia Street. I'OU SALE CORONA TYPEWB1TER8. Phone 1848 or x. Wren 110 Fayettevllle Htreet, Raleigh, N. C. 87-g.31 Wa Make ad ScU National Cash Registers and Credit Filai Lowest prices. Small monthly pay menta. No interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired,- re built, bought, sold, and exchanged. J. E. CDONNELL, Agent The NaUoaal Cash Begtater Ce, 1ST W. Martla St. Phone Bell !8 PRINTING , MULTIGRAPHING WI DO JOB PRINTING OF ALL Blade. Prompt eerviee. H. 8. Btorr Company. Phone CM. MULT1CRAPUING, PERSONAL LET ton, addressing, mailing, lists far ' nlshod. Special attention given par - eel post orders. Carroll Utter Writ Ug Company, Raleigh. 8-JOt RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS WB MAKE THEM. fl. 8, Btorr Company, Raleigh, N. C WANT AD RATES THIS IS THE REGULAR "WANT AD" type, (8 point). The fl.rt lino is act ia 8 point black caps, for which no extra charge is made. Tha rata for this type is 10 jnts per line. The rate is based oa the count of six (6) avenge length words to the line hyphenated words count as two words. No abbreviations allowed in tha body of the advertisement Every aane or initial ia tha aarae aad ad dress tounts as a word. Always count the tame aad address. ' - I For year coavealeace, tha costif twa a mora tlaea for tingle laaertleaa aad f aad II eeneeentlve laaertlaaa la regular ' waat ad type are Sgared below: Oae Sevea Oaa A Una. Wards. Tlene. Tltaee. Heath, S ,12 JI.,..IUI...,UI S ...... 18 48... US-,'.. 8,18 4 14 .48.... Hi.... ItSS S 38 J!.... 8.1S.... 18.88 8 ...... 88.V.. ...... S.8.... 18J8 T 41 .71.... 4.41.... !8.tt ST..... 48 A.... 844.... 11.88 14..... .11.... 8.87.... 24.M IS 68 81.88..., 848.... 17.H Tha 18 par rent dlacaaat hat heea de fatted aa tee above a notation The abova T aad 19-tlme rates apply ealy for aoaeoeatlva day-ey-dey In aertioaa. Thee rttea DO WOT apply a Saaday laeertlan aloae, area though crdertd for conootatlve Saa deyt. If tha Saaday ealy la need the rata la 10c a liae each Insertion, regardleaa af tha aamber of Saadaya tha adver - tiaement appears. . THIS IS 8 POINT BLACK CAPS. THE BATE IS DOUBLE THE ABOVE OR St CENTS A LINE. LIGHT CAPS SAME RATE. THIS IS 10 POINT BLACK CAPS. THE RATE IS TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR 30 CENTS A LINE. LIGHT CAPS SAME RATE. THIS IS 12 POINT LIGHT CAPS. RATES $1.00 PER INCH, 5 CENTS A WORD OR 40 CENTS 'A' LINE. BLACK CAPS SAME RATE COMBINATION OF TYPES $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEYED AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN 80 CENTS WHERE THE AN BWERS ARE TO BE MAILED THE ADVERTISER. NO AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN 10 CENTS. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS A discount a 10 per sent is allowed for sever CONSECUTIVE DAILY la aertioaa. Where .white pace ia da aired above and below a charge of 10 cents per Hat is toad. THE J .NEWS AND OBSERVER """ TBB BEST, .... ' "r , TH E BE8T, 1 NOT THE CHEAPEST. WANT MEDIUM IN NORTH CAROLINA." T RALEIGH. N. C in rayettarlUe Street, SOLDIERS TRAINED fl Interesting Account o( Recon .!..- 1- t . Baa . , . siruciion wor in rrogress at Fort McPherson . ''''! (By Sergeant Battle Williams, of Army seeoastructioa Division.) Wera voa to visit Fart McPhersoaa GeaeraVHoipital aear Atlaata, Georgia, aad while there ask to be showa through tha racoastructioa dlvisioa where aevea huadred disabled soldiers are being taaght aad initrueted along lines that will aaabla them to overeoma their physical handicap yea would And four large state buildings constructed dur lag tha summer af 1818 purposely for housing tha educational service of the hospital. Going through those buildings you. would tea aver a dozen urge aad eommodious class rooms, and in-one baildiag aloae yoa would observe an antra floor devoted to the ate of tha class in auto mechanics where practical Instruction ia given in the repair aad upkeep of automobiles and trucks. Ia aaother building similar spice ia occupied by the agricultural department where classea 'are held and demonstra tioa civea ia tha use and care of gas engines, aad the operation of modora farm machinery including farm tractors. Tha printing shop with its linotype ma chine nad presses la located ia t ho third building, while upstairs ia the same buibling is established the photographic department nad telegraphy class rooms. The offices are ia the fourth, building along with the commercial department and general education data rooms- May Bacama Diacaarageo. When oaee a pereoa is within tha boaads of General Hospital No. 4, or any ether large army hospital for that matter, it is not dimcuit to realise taai sick aad wounded mea ia their efforte- to retpoad to the skilled medical and surgical treatment that is being given them should at times become disheart aaed tad wonder whether after all it ia really worth whllt to makt the flgbt to overcome a physical handicap that appereatiy dooms them permanently unfit to resume their former vocation or enter upon a new one after their re turn to civil life. Such momsats of despair are bound to come in the lives of disabled soldiers, mea who perhaps have lost a leg or arm, or have bee a partly bliaded by war's terrine strain, aad it is then that the reeonatruetioa divisioa through its hard workers, in structors and occupational aides enters into the situation . by extending its facilities to tbo disabled soldier In aa attempt to aid him ia overcoming his disability. The work of physical reconstruction has been tarried oa at MePhertoa for over a year and the results and methods established have made aa enviable record for this hospital. The work of the educttiontl service if divided into that doae in the thep er class-room aad that accomplished ia the wsrdssmoag bed patients. All Study la Velaatary. Whea a soldier becomes able' to at tetd classes la the school buildings he is permitted by. his ward surgeon to come to the aUfxt-sroa and remain e long at hit scheduler cslls for attend aaee apoa flat. While ia the class roam er chop, as the tsse may be, the soldier studcat is girea individual ia atraetioa and ntteatiea by the Instruc tor aad Bathing it kit undone that will go toward msking the course in teretting and helpful to the disabled war veteran. It should be borne ia mind that all af the reconstruction work is dote voluntary oa thepart of the soldier, aad that he ltallowd to se lect whatever class er subject he de sires, it. be tag remembered by the as sigameat afflcer that the soldier stu dent should study subjects here that will flt into the liae of work he in tends to pursue ia civil life. In a vast majority of the easet carolled at Me Phertoa the mea are deeply interested in agricultural subjects and the stu dsat it permitted to elect any branch of the agricultural work that appeals to him most. Farm crops, a practical touiie embracing a study of geaersl farming at applied to the needa tad demands of the Southern farmeris a decidedly popular cauisc and proves lateaesting aad profitable to the aver age Termer boy who aims to follow up farming. And its interesting to observe that la aver IPO per cent of the arollmentt when a soldier gives farming at his farmer vocation he etprtstet a prefer ease to retara to it provided hit phy sical disability will aot prevent the per formance of farm work, aot so mark because it is a profitable following, but because he "likes It la a number of cases where the disabled soldier hat a brokea 'angle or bad kaee, aad feart that he will be aaable to do any work la which he will be required to stand upon his feet, ht it urged to select a course in telegraphy, or perhspt a commercial course, so thst in civil life he will ha relieved from ttaadiag apoa his feet. Tripe of Inspection.' A aery interesting besides entertain ing feature of the work here ia the In tpcetlon or ehscrvatioa tripe takea by the pupils. These trips are made almost every day by the aid af ambulaaeet The Newt and Observer , Has opwtMc! up a Branch Office) in , COLDS30RO, N.C., , at 1(4 S. John Strowt, next to Southern Bell Telephone Company. Subscribers served at J 5 cents a week, daily and Sun day. If you d o n ' t g t your psper promptly notify! man affer of the Goldsboro branch. Bring your nswi ftemi. ."Wnl Ads" tknjtnd A a a M em " Information furnished eon cerninjjr display adyertisinjjr. VHILEiriHOSPlTAL aad tracks. The students ef various elssses ander the direction af an in ttrvctor are taken en toura of Inspec tion during which time they are fives an Opportunity to vtew modern up-to-date dairy farms, in operation; nur series ttd fruit farmt arc visited; cot ton forms coma in for a large' share of the inspection trips 1 tours of in spectioa , through the maaufaetnring plants la Atlanta are made weekly, and nothing i overlooked in the way of affording aa opportunity for the eoldier student, to tea ia actual operation those things la which ha Is most interested. Classes la typewriting aad commer elal subjects are conducted through the large offlcet of many t-uslaeat con cerat ia the city, and printing aad linotype classes are taken through the office and plant of Atlanta aewapajKrt. On each Journey the iastrueter arranges for a guide to point out the most ia terestiog and prominent features of the particular ' farm, plant, er office, tad the students make aotes and report to the class tha results of their observe tion, .' ' ;.V " ' In tbe ward Work of 'the hospital specially trained occupational tides give til of their time aad attention to bed patieatt who ere interested ia mak ing articles of different kinds. In pass ing through the wards where occupa tional work it etrried on 'oaa will set soldiers engsged in making toys and painting -themf otherurill Je .found weaving on htad looms ; while rug-making and weaving mats comes ia for a large share of the work; bead work tad knitting proves aa Interesting occupa tion to a large number, while' Jewelry work affords pleasure to others. Bat ketry is quite a fascinating work aad many ward patient have proven them selves skilled workmon in basket-mtk- 'lag- Opportunity ia afforded bed patieatt t take troewrwitltf by meant of htv ing aa adjustable table arrangoeatoag the bedude, ana Dy means or a lever swlatina tha msehint-aerott the bed. Classes ia general educatioa are taught to mea ia wards, aad books oa varied subjects are takea them by aidos. There it practically every kind of work con eeivtble going oa among ward patients aad to a large ettent the time it ptstsd away ia doing simple handicraft work, A dally record it kept of etch patient enrolled la ward work, just ti there if t complete record made of the shop and class-room soldier student, and at the end ef the week the aide grades her Broker Wanted A newly organized Teste oil com pany controlling vtluablc hold ings in proven Texas oil fields, wants live broker to handle block of stock. Liberal commission for broker who will move it quickly. MAHON OIL a GAS CO. Baa 411 Port Worth, Teias msx M MA Bernard Mcftdden. edi tor of Physical Culture, the monthly magatiae, aad the editor cf the Bochy Moun tain News, both deal tome tledge htmmer blowt for the dntglcsc methods. McFaddsa tort la a state ment about the compara tive statistics of the medi cal and drugless trestpient of 8panlsh influeasa eases, "if these figures ere cor rect, and they are put for ward ac correct by honor able mea, what appalling conclusions one would bo forced te drawl Think what it would mean I It would mean that most ef ths 400, 000 who died would be Hive today, that they were ac tually, though unintention ally killed." The Bocky Mountain News cayst Then ststis tlec mean (If true) that the old school treatment of at least two diseases (the flu and the pneumonia) is In many eases more deadly thaa the diseases them selves. Death caused v by malpractice whether through ignorance or other wise, should be prevented." ChlreerMtie at a aw mUrm rmsltbic 'rem the ClMem that k4 alltiOMSt f Um (wants' mt movable wrtabne er Hnte tt the tukbviM InUrftrn with spinal nerve force and wtakmt ke toe. Me vtlwr ilwmr ever eaplahMC t swulbljr whr m sua'a Ctnnt dlfm frem aaether. Call Ssoar and learn far rmaati wkat Chlrcsraette can Co ta yaw eaaa. No Chare Itore h eaarfe tar oaanlUti tad r ere naotr a bllcstlet. Dr.F.T.HOFF CHJSrASHtACTOB) tmm wsj .'w. - -. w astT yom taipg amaivsco ran IAOV ATTBNOANT Capudine PUICM ftlU NCTACCTANIivi EASES HEADACHE Alao, tXM mn4 "nXlTr M trial Beetle ISai atoe tserva lout mi nils aad turaa the report in to the odeo of tbe Educational Officer. - Some North CaroUaitaa. - Soldiers from almost -every State ia the -Union have bee carolled ia the MePhcreon aehoal fram time to time, any number of North Carolina boys have tahea courses ia UePhersoa't Re eonstructloe school while patieatt ia the hospital A aamber of cases of in terest are to be found la the following! CdI. Earl Cecil. Compeay E, 118th la fantry, af High Point, N. C wounded in aetloa October 7. 1918, panned a course of study In general education here from llarch to the latter part oi April, whea he was discharged from the . . . i. i-i. aoepitai. ' v;pi. vwcu was svrmeny the furniture buslassc aad plans to re sume hit previoul occupation. Pvt. SsmucI Lancaster. Company M, 119th inftntry. of Black Creek, N. C tfter oil months'. service oversets ras disabled and returned to the nospi'al here, formerly earned In firming. Plant to -return to the farm. Wat as cathusiasttc student ia - Farm Motor class while, 8 patient ia the hocpltaL: . Bgt, Jesse B. Champion, Cempsny D, 120th infantry, of Henderson, N. C, wounded on tha Bomme front, Septem ber JOth. WIS, esprestcd a preference of a commercial life tc a future vocation and while enrolled ia classes of the educational service selected bookkeep ing, typewriting, ' stenography, ttd trithmctie tt subjects of study. Pvt. Thomas Branch. Company A, C, entered the aervlee September 80th, 1017. Was wounded ncptemDcr snn, IBIS. Previously farmed with father at Danbury, N. C PUas to return to farm. While a patient la tht hospittl wtt in terested ia classes la general educatioa and farm subjects. 8gt. Peyton Hsrrell, Company F, 321st Inftatry, of Buabnry, K. C, wa ACMS Cezssi Plaster Carolina Portland Cement Co. Oharleeton, 8. 0. AHaau Blrcatngtarn jackaeeviUe KewOrtoama Poultry Feed and Supplies Wkolcoalo and BetalL BUCKWHKAT BABUCY WBITB COIN HAPPY HEN SCRATCH FEED POCLTBT OB)T HEN CACKLE LAYING MASH 8UKFLOWEB SEED BABY CHICK FEED PIOF.OK FEED BEEF SCRAPS CHARCOAL OY8TEB SHELLS DRINKINO FOUNTAINS POULTRY UCB KILLER POULTRY DISINFECTANT Everything for Farm sad Cardea JOB P. WYATT & SONS CO. RALEIGH. N. C. JUST RECEIVED 1,888 paaads .New CROP TURNIP SEED. Write far Prices. Tried and True The Prices, Too Is what you find after wearing Boone's De Luxe Clothes. This is why we do not have to have spe cial sales to get rid of goods. We really find it bard to keep inoods in these days when , good merchandise is scarce, and we are not willing to carry the other Kind. The prices are just as satisfying, as we are still sell ing anything we have at old prices. No going up at Boone's. 300 Suit Left; Your Choice $10 THESE ARE SUMMER SUITS AND WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE IF I BOUGHJ THEM NOW. "COME AND SEE" : Is All We Ask. . IT IS JUST LIKE PICKING UP MONEY FOR YOU . AT BOONE'S C.R.300NE , ' "Ceee Qaelity peUe-Whal Boone Sella "Boon to You" :' ' ' "Boon to You' ' ' J ' 'i formerly tagiged la clerical work. Wounded en toe last day ef tha war. Enrolled ia bookkeeping. and commer cial law classes. Pleas to - resume format vocatioa. . -i-t-Pvt. Clareaec Telmttcr, a colored eol dier ef the agist Labor Battalion, of Ashaville, N. C, waa disabled overseas. Became interested in Motor Mechanics while patient hero aad profitably pursued a course of study la the auto mochsaiee workshop. . ENGINE BREAKS DOWN - V BRIDGE OVER TAR RIVER ' - Rocky Meunt, July . 30. Aa tnaiae tad tender crashed through the A- U W trestle terom Tu river en the me la liae to Norfolk Monday afternoon, fortunately ae oae was aboard the lo comotive, tad ao fatalitict resulted. The eaglte wet left standing oa the north side ef the trestle to act as bal last aad at the same time to test the strength of the structure. With the continual strtia of the gittt locomo tive npon it, the eabaakmeat and ad Joining buttress of the bridge gave way. under the wsshing of the water with the result that the engine was seat crashing dowa into the stream. The accident further handicapped the traffic facilities of the railroad which had already been terribly crippled be cause of numerous washouts by the et eesslve rsins and swollen streamt of recent days. Ageata Create Satplcloa. Leaingtvu, July 30. Throe soldiers claiming to be ageata for a soldiers' mtgatlne speat Thursday night aad Friday ia Leaiagtoa taklag orders for thrlr paper, but before leaving created tuck suspicion that it it thought thst they were probably worhing. a fake I proposition. bemond the Best! GAGEI? Cydxated Use STANDARD BKAMOS OF PORTLAND CEUENT Uetal aad OompoelUon ROOFINGS Metal Lrli, Metal Cti&B(, Corner Beads. Wall Tlce7 Mortar Calers, Sltisttjl Sttiae, Wail fieaBaildiai' rtpers, Vsternrooiuii' & Alt BUILDING SPECIALTIES Www or Wrltf US ;'.-a HI: Vlv.. - li es . , j i in i -iti 1 I fr" 1 I - IN If mmm V . This Bank is . Here to Stay. - . .. It solicits the business of jnen who arc here to stsy. It wants to build up the number ef those who are here to stay:' We Want to CommercialNationalBank The Welcome Bank" a. a. taearset s. a ctew a. a. jiaasa iininiimMiiiiiiiitnmiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiinininniN You Are Hereby Invited to Attend a Sale At ft! OF U. S. Govemmonf PROPERTY ToBeHeld III t "T. At the Base 465 Ponce FORD BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. ) j THE property included in this sale is of the same general chsrscter as that offered at previous sales at this plant, and will Include such items as 1 tents pyramidal, wall and storage; implements, furniture, Pyrene fire extinguishers, harness, incom- plete mess kits, heaters, shelter halves, paulins, etc. Sale will begin at 9:80 a. m. on each day advertised. . Cash or certified checks only in settlemeab fs V By order of the War Department. , J. U. H. BARKER, Capt. Q. M. C. July, 1919. Zone Salvage Officer. HtUWt wittmtU mm eeWe GoarseHair k aaee evfc anal ear as aawajt by tab Nelson's HalrDressIng Kelson's I tKe original and genuine Hair Dressing tkat Hat boon fold and revomraandod by dmgitistf for crOer go oart, and l utod the moot pertku ear people eenrwKere. If your Kair it mJTtU early. NU'e -Jl oOe it soft. (Uery t4 tew to tnmf Get a Ua frerayaur 9M laWeJ sSaa Nelson Manufacturing Co., Inc ! J laws WCHMOr), VA. BROOMS at 88 eeatt eaea I 8.N Set. 88 eoata each 7.88 aot. 88 seals eecatt... 818.88 Set. leeeeaweeeaeaeeaeeaaeaeaneanoeaaaaeaewaoaeoeeaaeeeeaawewal Q .. . ! . I .111111 , , , 0asttantaaav- - Quality Unsurpassed for the Price, i-fy;' THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS' ' IUI.!b, N. C ' ".. ' tvl H "avrNi. Serre You. a. a. tavaaa y a s UITlf,. msi ewH Public (IT II JV 4,6,7t1i Salvage Plant ' de Leon Ave. a . rm ItaniiegomltM IfnfeTa'. JJUJ'JJ jjjjjjjjjj nWnwBBea 4 TaValkli aVathli aAwtkiiiiamhe tBfnngl oBBVBV aVMs mf JeJBB) fJP fit Me fmaan Hdna f a Reduction 81.88 eeen HI M 4ea. 81.11 each .......... .818.88 Sea, 81.18 eaea 111,88 TBI BIG BAKDWABI UKX , , ,7 ) t