LS MAP SHOWING DIVISION HEADQUARTERS OF REVENUE DEPARTMENT IN STATE . ' ' Stat Cloaca f :N P. If. Jtatardaya, . ' .2 w w m . t -w n vVill Continue For 38 Weeks; According To Superintend ent Harry Howell PLANS FORixPANSION OF SCHOOLS ARE MADE fULEICHt-THKirr 8TOBJC mi BIG DEPARTMENTS ) m nnu cnunn UM.LIUII UUIIUU I fiTEP - XXiss Zmma Conn Ii Appointed Principal of Mnrphey School . .tad '. Mill Lixxie Holman, Principal of The Thompson School; Attendance Officer Xi Kamed fK , emJSSMsssnn . The Baleigh. Public Schools will ohi for the session 1B19-1920 September 2 ad win eontlaai for thirty-eight weeks two nor than usual. This wii aanoaneed yesterday by Su perintendent Harry Howell following -, me regular monthly meeting of the ; Baleigh School Board. At the meeting yesterday, Miaa Emma Cona waa elected nriMiml t9 tka aVff..A. ii I 1 A ! MHfvj Awa tw UV" eeed Miss Myrtle Miller, resigned; and Miss LiiSl Holmaa wti elected prin cipal of the Thompson School to sue- ee4 Mr. M. B. Terrell, resigned. Both, arewveteraa teachers in the Bs 1ih schools, hawing taught Baleigh children for eighteen or twenty year. In their appointment, the School Board followi out ita policy of promoting thoie teaehera who have made good and who hart aeea long service. Name Attendasee Officer. An attendance officer alio waa elected yesterday ia the perwa of Mr. A. E. Oleaa. ' He will -immediately take a achool eahaut aa a baiii for determining those who ought to go to ichool. Under the new law, there eaa be no exemption! allowed thoae children under fourteen ytart of age. Coatiderable eipaniion is planned la , the Baleigh achool ayatem 'this year, se cording to Superintendent Howell. Thin will include the industrial department of tne High Bchool. For tha hoya thin will be under the direction of Mr. C. W. Wll kiaaon, of Ohio, while Miaa Mutid Vn - burgh will be in charge of the girli worn. A building will be erected in the rear or the high ached where the industrial work for boya will be carried on. On account of delay ia getting equipment fere and other neresssry atrps to be (-' tnken, it ia possible that the opening Of the industrial department will alio be slightly delaro.1. Longer ReceN Period. A longer reeeea It enable the chil dren to ffO to their homo fur full mldiUy menl ia being seriously eoniid red by the achool authorities. Super intendeat Harry Howell ia very much interested ia the proposition, but be lieves that, perhaps, aa hour rather than an hour and a hall s at Brut proposed Will be sufficient. Ia case of the hour recess, achool night be dismissed at 3:3fl p. in. IC the recess were held for aa bonr and a half, theu 4 o'clock might am ine Closing time. Another propoanl made by the Wo man t null is to lure the schools taught for sis days instead of fire nek week. It la not likely. it.eppear that turn a a arrangement will go through. To aay that aUt-Ji a move wonld not be populsr with the school chlldrca to whom Saturday ia aa in stitutlon aa aacred u some other days would be trite. A coramittoo of the Woman's Club, investigating the school ituatiou, has auggeiled the feasibility of this plan to the Superintendent. However, It is understood, that the club women will not insist upon it. . ' . The map shows the division of the Internal Kevenuo Department oflcea in North Carolina under tSa reeent plan of re-oriranlaatlon that mm iBta.frW f- morrow. Collector Bailey becomes collector for the State with the consolidation of the eaateni and westers district offices with headquartera or tka State ia Raleigh. Division headquartera will be located in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Statetville, Aaheville. Charlotte. Wllmiaiton. New Bern. Ellnhath Pit ai Mount with subdivision offices in Salisbury and Durham. Zone deputies will be etatioaed and offleea maintained ia rsyrtteville, Henderson, Banford and Smithfield. The re-organization brings the force of Collector Watts' office to Baleigh and put Mr. Watt ia the field a supervisor of the diviaioa headquarters, aub diviaioa headquartera and tone offices. . BURLESON RATES TO BE CONTINUED Release of Wire Lines By Government Will Not Affect Charges Here' AYCOCK IS STILL AUTOIB ILE MEN GETTING THE TAX PLAN TO ORGANIZE And Mayor Canfield, of More- Representatives of All Branches head City, May Be Charge h of The Industry To Attend With Molesting Officer Dinner Tomorrow i'jr- pui'di thtcle J-ajft Vf' irtiwl&Aua?! U'k RAILROADS MAINTAIN ' "V EXCELLENT SHOWING "vhuia Buuiucro nu Jtecora of 97.5 Per Cent Sched ,T' ule Time Bailrosds ia the southern region are keeping up their eicellent allowing in oa-titne passenger train nertlce. Mee orda for June, made public today by the United States Rsilroad Administra tion, diacloae that M s per eent of near ly 1,000 trains apemted during the month maintained schedule or nude up . 1 - Mil. ... . ... inia am not equal tht new high record of 95.1 orr eent set in Way, but it aurpassed any other pre- kui poriormance. The flgurca given are for all of the a.. Rnillh.ra ...J. ...J.. . control. These roads operated exactly oOfiii pasaengcr trains la June, and 43,140 of them maintained achcdule or aade up time where delaya had been caused by ronncctiqg linea. Trains ar. riving on time at final terminals ia epite of delays for any eauae, num bered e.8S3, or VI per eent of the total. Aa nsoal. the performance of the 17 larger roads waa aliahtlr better thin that et eleven ia the smaller group. Of toe ,wu trains operated by the lar ger linea, 9iA per eent maintained achednle or made up time, and 92.1 per eent arrived on time at their ftssl ter aiiaala, compared with 93.7 and 90.8 per cent, respectively, for the i,8M traini of the entailer group. Beading the larger roada ia the oa time at final termiml eolumn wat tht Illinois Central, with 90.6 per cent for 6,1t0 train. The Georgia waa i close eeond with MJ pet cent for SOU trains. The Southern railroad, operating 15. 01 tralna, or about one-third of the total for the larger roada, bad a record of 9S. per eeat maintained schedule or made np time, and 92.9 per eent J time at Bnal termlnala. The Norfolk Southern railroad main tnined a very txeelleat record: out of 1,' Ml tralna operated, 1.053 ar 97.1 per fnt maintained schedule en made up t me, and 93.5 per rent arrived on time at their final termlnala. - , L'EHCHANTS WILL CLOSE AT 9 P.M. SATURDAYS The irierchants of Baleigh hart en. Wed iat aa agreement by which, be ( nning Saturday, they will eloH their ! s'fj of bnainess esgh Saturday sight f t 9 o'clock. : v- - T; ,9 etJeet .of thin, ia to ttlleve the U tit:, the severe atrain of long t hourt Batarday during the. hot her of Maimer, : - srr -j'na "Every married man should a fre font." Unrsrfna "Tea, it i lii.iuul.tiJly" enable llffllo'do Return of the wire systems of the country to private ownership tomorrow will not affect the prevailing scale of charges in North Carolina. The Cor- poration Commission yesterday pro mitigated an order authorixing the com' paniea to contimin the aame charges heretofore established by the Postmas ter General. Commissioner Jcc, chairman of the body, writes tb? c.dcr that continues the present rates for all telegraph eerv iee. He quotes Mr. Burleson's state ment that the ratea, now in effect, "are barely sufficient to meet the cost of operation" and directs their continu ance in North Carolina. t.m. The order rends: Wjf "It appearing to tie Corptfrttion Commission of North Carol ihf t Congress has panned an Act b ihih the control of the PotmasteaJ,oW(f.H of the United Statos over tha system! of the country w July .list, 1919, and effective IA 1st, 1919, the operation , of (telegraph 1 : 111 - . 1. I. . - .1.2 4k. . thereof; and it aluo appearing ikU-.Kf t . . . 1 , i i . l . ' . V . r rosimuicr uenerai, auring inr covin uance of his control, ever the wire' aya .tenia of the country, mad a thorough investigation of the cost of operation and eatabliahrd rates which he himself states "are barely sufficient " to meet the cost ef operation, and this com iiiimioa desiring to enable the tele graph companies to meet such opcrat ing costs and knowing full well that the rajes existing in thia State prior to the war are insufficient; it ia there lore "uraered, that the telegraph com panics doing business in the Htate of North Carolina are hereby authorised to continue to charge aa ratea between all points within the Bute of North Carolina on and after August 1st, 1919, the ratea heretofore eatabliahed and promulgated by the said Tostniaater General of the United Statea." TEN DOLLARS ADDED TO VACATION EXPENSES D. W. Miller Started To See The Sights, and Hit Guide Tried To Rob Him ARGUMENT OVER TAX ON PLEASURE BOATS Bepreaeatativea of all branches of the Baleigh automobile iadustry will meet at a dinner to be given in the rooms .i ll l n J a M.vav niiln't W.v. Pa tv 01 cnamoer or commerce tomorrow T m nv ..J a I " oojeci wuKw -uu uvu of ,h, meetinl wju u t0 otm n n UOnstltueniS not TO DO BO tomebile association and the obieet of Either; Threatened To Hare Deputj Collector Jailed On False Pretense Charge .Mornings after are common things in eity court, and that of I). W. Miller, young Mount Olive man who waa found running down the highway yesterday afternoon, was the same aa many others have been ten dollars and costs Judgment waa placed on Miller's pickup companion, Charlea Evander, charged with selling whiskey, for ais months on the roads, but later sus pended, and he was allowed to go, Ac cording to his own story, he haa hoboed it around the eountry for the past nine years. The trouble came here when Miller eaae in on his vacation, and mat up wun .vender. The two started out to do the town. Evander waited hia chance, and while Miller's attention was otherwise occupied, made away with the Mount Olive man's money. Miller gave enase, and the police arreated them both. Elbert Choplin was found guilty of transporting, and was ordered to pay fine of s)50 and costs. The man for waoni he moved the whiskey, J. O. King, has a road sentence ia the offing, awaiting a physician's eiamlna tloa to see If his hesrt will survive the shock. His axplsnslioa of tha kmmi. sioa of whlekey was that he needed it lor nean trouble, WAR GARDEN MEDAL IS RECEIVED BY MUSEUM Mr. H. H. Brimlev. euratnr n h. 8tate museum, has received for the museum en of the National War Gar- aea Commission medals, similar to those presented- to the heads of the Allied governments. . The medal shows oa the obverse a young woman ia shirt and overalls working over some garden plants. Ia low relief arc soldiers snarehing across the medal, surmounted by the words, "United States of America." On the reverse is a basket full of nrAaa ducts. Above are the words. National War Gardea Commission," and below, The aeeda at in (. ti Vni t peace," with a hoe aad rifle treated and the dates, "1914.1919 , t , 'r1npa wwoi Pffr; irtinw Rim esaoa sojt Ben Ayrork t "art ill collecting the government's luxury tsx on pleasure boats that ply the watera around Morchead City and Mayor Canfield, of that city, ttanils in danger of being in uiciru lor inicriering witn a govern ment officer in the discharge of his auty. ayor Csnficld, who owns a boat bim- told his constituents not to pay tax which Aycock went to collect end threatened to arrest young Aycock, nhe ia a deputy ia Collector Bailey's office, for obtaining money under false pretenses if be persisted ia his efforts to get the launch devotees to help pay rue ton or me war. , Tne Mayor became irate, the people got hot under the eol lar and around the atrect corners, hotel lobbies and the poatoffiee a much ani mated discussion took place about the tax. Mayor Did Some "Cuaalag." Deputy Collector Aycock went to Morchead City Monday, made a survey or me boats operated lor pleasure dowa thoro and started in to got the luxury charge on each. Boat owners protested, Tiicy anew nothing or a war tax oa brats. Aycock explained. Mayor Can- field beard about it and sent for Mr. Ayrork. According to a report sub mitted to tho Collector's office, the Mayor did some plain, everyday ''eusa- mg. -But tho young officer stood pat. Mayor i.anricid threatened to lock him uo and Aycock told him to "go to It," adding, aa did Mr. Brinson to Mr. Aberntthy, tut water a line, come in I" The Mayor z ::"j:ihi observe anniversary definition of what a pleasure boat is. I OF N. C. STATE COLLEGE i no ucpanmeni said it is ' any boat operated other thaa for trade or I TwentT-flwe) i the association will be to better the prospects of the industry in Baleigh by facilitating tha activities of the dealers and guaranteeing a more satis factory service or the public It is honed that every branch ef tha business will be represented. Dealers in automobiles and trucks, battery men, tire men, accessory men and gar age men will be on hand. The gather ing ia expected to prove a thorouahlr impressive demonstration of what the automobile industry in Baleigh amounts to. Every observing person knows that the automobile industry here is a big thing but it is bigger thaa most neonla think, say the mea who are behind the movement for organisation. Even one interested ia the industry In this section is invited to be present. Doubtless several names have been eoaaidered by those who are the mov ing spirits -la tha undertaking but the one -woien teems to have the eall ii "The Baleigh Automotive Trade Asto elation." One of the nadertakinn which tha new organization will attentat will ne ine information of aa advertising de partment for all the members. It is also proposed to orgaaise aad operate aa exchange for the , handling of un used ears. And the organisation tim- posee to have machiaerr to nut over anything which the executive board conceived to be good for the industry ana practically possible. The association will affiliate with tha chamber of commerce and tha North Carolina Automobile Association Those who have signed the call far the organibsatloa meeting and dinner are: M. a. Kushtoa. chairman: KAMBIS 01 OUT OF CAPITAL CRIME But Restaurant Man Tried For Assault By Sep tember Superior Court McK. Goodwin. W, 8. Vrehison. P. Marshall aad W business." Aycock, of course, communicated with ths office and the office told kirn' to stick to his knitting and bring home the bacon. He waa assured that he was acting right and that the Interaal Bev cnue department waa behind him to a man. 8o yesterday he went about his luiiness getting the tax. Now It's Ayeock'e Move, And now it is his turn, or Collector Bailey's rather, to move. Officials of the department ssy that the Mayor is County Alumni Associations Are Now formed in State - The thirtieth anniversary of the Stata College of Agriculture and Engineering win be celebrated by all of the local associations, with a social function on October 3rd, which is the date for the annual meetings, and of the bounding ci tne college. Election of officers and other matters of interest will also come guilty of interfering with a government ,up d spirited at- .vhushcv vi rH u& men gaioenngs is being indicated. The orgaalxatioa of the Lenoir County North Carolina Stato College Alumni Association ia Kiastoa Tnesday evening makes a total of twenty-five tueh groups of the General Alumni As sociation. Tha prime objects which these local associations hsvs set for themselves are the boostla af fitata College and fostering eollege memories ana good-Xeuowship among their mem' oers. The officers selected, for tho Lanolr association were: President, J. H. Saunders, KUstoat Ties president, officer in the discharge of hia dutv They point out that the Mayor of More head hasn't any more authority to bother a deputy collector than ny ordinary private citlien. Upon iadlet n.ent and conviction, Mayor Cnnfield could be fined or sentenced to prison. i tin discretion of the court. Porltive action ia awaltmar the reoort oi a special deputy who went to More hesd Tuesday. MR. LYLES CAN GET ALL WOODCHOPPERS HE WANTS Attorney General Makea Knllfilri Robert G. Hodges. B. P. D- Kiastoa: w I aaataoJu. VtT A All fF On Stntnt. VmMMll..... , -...-..r, v.. . iie, xua- wva DCn ronoc unssr crmnr- IS N.0T RESTRICTED Ons of the- most amneons imnrea- lions that baa got about concerning the worn or me ea uross noma, service ia that it ia restricted td the disabled Mr. Bhipmaa requested the nling " ."" " ZV ZJT a for Wm. H. Ljle. Columbia, & C l?.,m.",?i!'A BV"'- lt aM,m1 r. viL.iT .i ? matter ia tha least. Just so yen were Attorney ucaerai Manning, la re sponse to aa inquiry from Commis sioner of Labor aad Triating M. ' L. Shlpman, has just issued ruling Which will permit aa outside employer te eomt into the State and secure labor to be employed outside North Carolina. large eontraet with a Canton, N. CJ pnip mm and wanted to get na'many or tne good wood choppers in tha moan- tains ss he eould to work for klm in South Carolina. The Bute has a very poaltive law against enlitlag labor so Mr. Lyles requested information on the la the service of Cade 8am, and became disabled ia that service, the Bed Cross wlU kelp yon to obtain the tompenta tion aad the hospital tmtmeat and u you want itthe voeational training that tht governmeat offers. - . h la the Southern division, for example, there are sis manes, their healtk im- k-c v. l. . . : I mn ami ui P" hr rnberenlosis contracted or de- ri.. " , " . I va loped daring their service. All are LvJ?vtr-X0rMr'1 Mr "jMr. .owSeeeiviag'th. regular M-pe! l ri.?' T ,lnU ' dditi Pil treatment. want irii.L, i i v I i " " 7 apter of Ue Bed Cross wll Z 1 it A T4, teU you about It; and where and how tne law, it is aimed arainit emnlovment I ta t uuiiai it .h. ...T 1-' " . I 7 " u jw. .m aZL JII u. " 1 . 1 " PWP money eompenaa- ..... j -"- inie tnaw esiuosif aa ias vocauoaai aducatioa. if other ia any other State. . w.t it, ..T: "T9 Lack of evideaee to uphold the charge of rape was the ease of that charge against Alex Kambis, Baleigh ureek, being dropped, and that of as ssult substituted, ia a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace E. Owena yesterday afternoon. Kambis was permitted his freedom on a S500 bond. He will fnce the Septem ber Superior court oa the assault charge. At the hearing yesterday, there was no absolute testimony connecting Kam bia with the crime. Ho was seea by W. C. Scarborough and others to be fol lowing 11-year-old Lola Beaves. local newsgirl, out at Bloomabury Park. He eould not definitely connect Kambia with the remainder of the evidence. The girl later admitted to Solicitor Nome everything that Scarborough naa said, but denied it to her mother, and continued to deny it on the stand yesterday. Mrs. Beaves also denied that anything had haDnened. She didnt recollect" the girl's confession, introduction of the doctors eertill eate to the effect that the girl had not been injured completed the east tor ue defease. INCREASED ACTIVITY IN SEWER EXTENSION Btate-wlde Privy Law Jnto Effect Pushes Sanitary Building Greatly increased activity la th In. stalktioa and extension of sewer sys- w-ms oy xne cities and towns of tht 8tate is indicated in Diana for annro- val being submitted to the engineering departmeat of the State Board of Health. ' Two esraset are aseined for tha an, usual amount of work o( this character mat ia bow being undertaken in many sections af the State. During the four years of fh. great war both materials aad labor were" so scarce that nraeti. eally all kinds of publie improvements were held in abeyance. There is a rush now to eatch ud with the time that haa been lost. Furthermore the State-widt privy law enacted by tht last lerisla ture hat caused many .municipalities to either begin the installation of sewer systems or te extend those alresdr in. stalls", to at to serve laner nortiona of t!ie population. City and town officials are find in it difficult to engage competent engineers n lay out this work, as a eonsoanenee of which the State Board of Health is receiving many requesta from muniel pal authorities I for tht names of ea- ginecravatlable for engagements. ia order to be ia a Dotitio to sunclr su:h information Mr. H. Z. Miller, enter or the bureau of engineering rud I- -pcetion of the board, desires an- fineers interested ia waterworks and sewerage improvements to register their Mmes, with full qualifications, ia hit office at Baleigh. RALEIGH GREEK LEAVES FORTUNE TO RED CROSS Andrew Gorsey Dies at Bex Hospital; Parents and Broth ers Were Killed By Turks Hia parents and two brothers maasa- ered by tht Turks ia tht Balkan Wart, Andrew Gorsey, senior partner in Aa- arewl fruit -' Comnany. WUaniactM street product establishment has left all of hit property, eoasisting of $2,000 ia tha bank, an automobile, Liberty bonds and war savings stamps, tt) tht American Bed Cross. Tht Greek died at 1:30 yesterday morning at Bex HosuitaL Ha haa Ims la business here for .about four years wii jrete vans and Fstt Garnaa in tht east tad of tht aid market boons. Bora ia Greece ia 1879, ke eamt to America IS years auro. and haa alheo taken out full eitiaenship psperfc His ramuy was in the eity of Kalava dur ing tht Balkaa War of 1912-13. aad were all massacred by the attacking Turks aad Bulgarians. Hit bequest te tht Bed Cross U hia recognition . of what that organ Ixatioa hss dose for his countrymen. ,-.r. Servkea will be held la tha Church tf tht Good Shepherd this afternoon at Clock if the Driest arrive from Bichmond orv Waahiagtoa, Interment will be in Oakwood eemetery. .; litny a ''cI!ow'i aim a lirV la re stricted to shooting off his mouth about SUMMER PRICES PREVAIL On Fresh New Voile WAISTS 98c Crisp White Voile Waists that are typical of summer. What could be more appropriate. They are made of fine Voile with bits of trimming, lace and embroidery. Many are tucked. Some are collarlesa and some have ' frills. All will stand many tubbings. . . , f . ' (SECOND FLOOB) i' $ A iMiMi.niiiiiniMMiniiniiiiMiMiilllllllllllllllllllllirTTT 'WlioleiJOJsieJjieail . Nothing else is as necessary t5'the healthy B and normal development of a growing child as nourishing and wholesome bread and biscuits,' Made with ' SEtERisiNft (HUE3IEJ.; A product used for years throughout the Sc,-bakings not only completely satisfy, but tfttyrdsd tempt the most sluggish appetites and build the bone and muscle necessary to equip the boy and girl for after life. There also Is a big ecr nomical factor in the use of this flour, for neither baking powder, soda nor salt is needed, aH the In gredients that are required , being mixed in such exact .. proportion; that it cannot ' fail in baking. "'r For Sale ia Baleigh " by The Slier Brothers E Co. Y7K nvyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiij . i . . imiM. BA3. V 7 1st Liberty Bonds - . Bought We wish to buy Liberty and Victory ' Bondi Market Price Paid. The City Bank Rigat'la Us Heart f IverytUag. R. C ALLEN, President t H. H. MASSEY. Caahltrr 0 0 f f fflWin B-sitvK MsmaniM. . . w ' ninsasiit . - , : ; in , auMMfcK tUA 15 and PANTS W hve gone through our stock and selected about ' 60 Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Suits, all sizes, values from 17.50 to ?12.60, and the sale price Is : $5.50 ';. '"' All necessary alterations free. Other changes made at reasonable prices, .j ' . Straw Hats, What's Left, At One-half Price. S5 S. BEIUVAIJGER The Oat Fttet CLOTHfH i. Put year burdens on us. That's wM we are here forTo hp T solre yotir batineti problema. Send us your Ad with' remitUnce the rest comes e-uickly and easily Classed De-