THURSDAY, MORNING, JULY 31, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, rr ARRANGE PROGRAM FOR ROCKY MOU in f DURHAM QUARRELED Confederate Veterans Will Be Formerly Welcomed To City; . By Mayor Thome (Epeelal t Kews and Observer.) ' Rocky Mount, July JO, The reunion " of tie ConfeJerate etra of forts, Carolina m Wednesday and Thursday of nest' week la' expected to be target? , atteaded. Invitations to attend aav jbeea tent to every veteran ia the State, to far if inSWn; and it iswtpeeted that with the attractive railroad ratet ef- tfered that a majority of then trill at tend. ' ' The szereiees proper begin Wednes- , day morning at 10 o'clock with an ad drees of welcome by Mayor T. T. -.Thorne. Interspersed with various en tertainment features the program will culminate with an address by State Senator Tasker Polk and a response by Gen. Julian & Carr on Thursday morn iag and a dance in honor of the veter ans Thursday evening. The complete ' program is announced as follow,; Wednesday, Angnet . " 10:00 a. ml Assembly hall. 7 Music America. ' Invocation Kev. E. A. Osborne, Charlotte. Address of Welcome Mayor T. T. . Thorne. . Music Dixie. ; Welcome Mrs. M. 0. Winstead. . ' Music The Bonnie Blue Flag. ' Greeting of State V- D. C Mrs. Wal ter Woodard, Wilson. Solo Miss Cary Ellington Poole. -Greeting Junior Bethel Heroes. ' Original Poem Mrs. Geo. Bunn, fiprlng Hope. ' Response CoL W. P. Wood, Balelgh. Introduction of Matrons, Sponsors and Maids ef Honor Dr. E. G. Moore, Elm City. Music The Old North State. Dinner at Mess hall. i ' Afternoon session, 2 p. m. Music. Roll-call of Camps. I'nflnished business, election of officers. New business. Automobile ride at 5 p. m. Night Picture show. Thursday, Aagust I. Parade 9 a. m. ' Assembly hall at 10 a. m. Musie star Spangled Banner. Invocation. Solo Annie Laurie Mrs. L. W. Eornegay. ( Introduction of Speaker F. 8. Spniill. Address Scuatur Tasker Polk, War renton. Address Gen. .In" i s. (arr, Dur ham. . Musie. Dinner. Afternoon. Automobile ride at 5 j. n.. Thursday night Duoco. MARINE A88ICNED TO ARMY VEU1E DEALERS IN li One Wanted To Form Monopoly ; To Boost Prices, Another 'f ; Objects, ' Threats I Follow i By JAMES A. ROBINSON. Durhsm"july 30.-Steve Proctor, pro prietor ef a local wenie stand, ss be fore the recorder this morning on a peace warrant,' charging him with Mak ing threats against the life of Louis Costelloa, another wenie . stand owner. According-to the 'testimony. Proctor went to Coitello's place of business, on several occasion!, and requested Costel lot to align himself with four other wenie stand owners, in the city, for the purpose of failing the ' priee of wenles and drinks. When he refused to do so, Proctor visited his place of business yesterday, and threatened to "crack his head and break his back." Later the same day Costelloa says Proc tor nM Mm tbnt he wnn'd bet one thou sand dollars that he (Costelloa) would not 'live three days unless he greed to make the proposed raise. Proctor denied threats. Judge Graham returned a verdict of probable cause, and placed the defendant ander a 1200 bond with the requirement that he on the first Tuesdsy in eseh month, for six months, to show good behaviour towards all citiiens and towards Louis Costellos especially. . Proctor appealed. His, bond waa fixed at $100. Yesterday afteraooa, around o'clock, Deputiea Cut Belvir, Joe Pleasant and Lonnie Morgan, . returned to the city from the northern section of the county, where they raided a blockade distillery, securing a Urge still with a capacity of 80 gallons or more, together with other equipment for successful opt ra tios. A large run of whiskey had just been' made aad the operators had disap peared with it, the officers failed to make ant arrest. The officers etatt, it was one of the best equipped ef Its kind they had ever seen. The still was brought to the city. Carried Him ta StauaewalL L H. A. Forester, superintendent of pub lic welfare, and probation officer for the juvenile court, left the city this morn ing for Concord, accompanied by Lock wood Pickett, a small boy who is being placed In the Stonewall Jackson Train ing school by the local juvenile court. The Pickett boy along with Ed Green a. small eolorcd boy me the only two delinquenta out of a number of be tween 40 nnd 00 handled by the court that have been given aentences for breaking parole after being placed on probation. . . ... ' City Kaglneer ta Speak, City Engineer H. W. Kueffner (a slated to give an address at the con vention of the North Carolina Society of Civil Engineers, which is to be held at Wrightsvilie Beach, August 13th-and 14th, according to a program received in the city-Mr. Hueffner'a subject will be ''Bituminous Pavements." a . Citing Jobs Wholesale. Since the war, the American Govern ment has become accustomed to doing things wholesale. It ' is how getting 8ERY1CK RESTORED TO NAVT. i Washington, July 30. Under an or der issued today by Secretary Baker, officers ' and men of the Marine Corps assigned fo scrvire with the army dur ing the' war will be returned to the jurisdiction of the Nsvy department immediately upon their return from France. Officers or men stationed nt Army hospitals or undergoing treat ment in such hospitals at were ex cepted. The war department has notified the navy department that upon its return the fourth brigade of the Second Divi sion which , is composed of Msrine regi ments will be sent from New York to Quantico, Vs., where it will be detached as a unit from the army and be sub ject to naval control. The fifth bri gade, the msriue replacement unit, will be taken to Jamestown and transferred to the Navy as it leaves the ships. It i ft watte of energy for nnyone who is color blind to try to make an other person green with envy.- I mi m WW K4 K4 FA ft THE FORWARD LOOIUl.'GIIAM selects his food Tnih refer ence to present efficiency and future. Happiness. Insure long life and good kedtk by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit with, terries dfreskfmits-anu tritious, delicious com bination. Crisp wKole wkeatskredscorribined witktke Tlesome,laxa tive properties of rruit aoummer -saver for ckildren and grown-ups. ; . ; . Tired Depressed j Men and Women Hava Congested Lower Bowels That Destroy Their Health llMm wlUtaf to lTt lis as Ws ( artMMt H will Uack tha tft la fr towar kmk wkm all rtmt HimkIm, Miawti.ii. BImsUm alabta. N accaaa. Faee ml ilimg mm fmi. It Is aat fHl Mm, kMaoe nor stanch that nhn imt trm bh, fcl a mmgmft m4Mn f fmw Uwr hawfla. Thar, ia M rtm far arawawt, fsv w. wjr awitivdr that thm stauaamta art tna t that tmtimt will tot M aath f actarr nlitb Maka na prara at tint YOUR DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE. - Air null fratsM la aathirlnd to asl m Ito tab. ! Barton, with a nbiai aaata auaeiae that aaiM at 4ms raa anas W4 thaa all IK. mHlcli). rn kaT. arw tahM k. wUI nfaae hnt DOl'BLK the ant nt KM aha. MUUmm Hum tektota kan a sMt. hat hw tla ban Umv fatM ta (in yvmaatat ktmftt. OH a lac tak. tnm raar aracaM tWar .r wrfu th. Ualtae rton Ca, BavaaaiwMd, W. Va., , SDORTONE Indiana service ia a eoaaidefa. laata anaaBa naananaml MmaMa( Ian anaaaaaaBUwai Aaa. .saaaai wvam sanaanasaBB amapaaarai aw anrvsrsaaaa Hi Carolina Motor Company mravHAtnc ' -R. G. BARTER - DUtrict RepreHBtatiro Kaletgk Headaaartera Motor Service Co. GOOD merchants I and good mer chandise are an insep arable combination. That's why the good tire dealers in your town recommend and sell the new Gray SidewaD Firestone. Most miles per dollar lot you means most patronage for them. : Sir A TIRES Most Miles per Dollar MILLS TIRE CO. r 'Distributors for FIRESTONE Tires : in Eastern North Carolina. ; ' . 325-8 Fa yetUTUU Street. tt RALEIGH, N. C Jobs wholesale. The Government ia not satisfied merely with granting each sol dier and aailor a fertideate of honor able Clsehsrge and a bonus of sixty dollars. IU aim ia to get every service man into a Job as well his former job or a better one.-., The Jobs are there, aad the govern ment is there to get them. All 1hat needed ia cooperation alt aronnd. The government that put over the mobiliza tion of font million men into military service in a surprisingly abort period eaa be trusted to secure the Jobs for the men ones they are demobilised. 'Soldiers aad sailors are being demo bilised at ths rats of 10,000 a day. Colonel Arthur Foods, assistant to the Secretary of War, whose job it ia to get jobs for soldiers and sailors, ad. viaea ths men to take their places as far as possible' at their old line of work, and to Jump off later to a better Job, " i .. A woman's tears and a man's grim are not always on the level. ' 6BcU.AMt Hot wafer Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION r The Pump That Holds Never a slip in these Pumps they hold to the Coot with a real grip the high throat effect is just like the best in fitting values. You may choose from patent, w hi t e or black kid. Price $10 vRaleigh8 Shopping Center" Bo ylan-Pearce Co. Ktiusuall? Attractive and Summer are these cool Blou ses Hundreds of them are here r ; just out of .their boxings. They bring the new midsummer styles that are especially smart and becoming, and v bring the styles in a variety to make the selections interesting. $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 $5.95, $6.95, $7.95 $8.95 ::,t $1500 Voiles, Organdies and Batistes are the ma-' terials that form them round collars, high collars or low necks tailored or trimmed. i ! J - J That Wonderful MOONSHINE! JOSHUA made J the sun to stand still only once. Bailey Brothers make the Moon Shine all the time. Moonshine is that Great Sun-Cured Tobacco That suits the taste of many thousands of tobacco chewers 1 all over the country. "That Mellow Flavor" Larg 20c and 30c Plugs at your dealer's Manafsctared bjr BAILEY BROTHERS, Inc. WINSTON-ALEM, N. C. ' ' Eatabllsaed 1871 , ' nw 8