THE'NZWS ' And observer. THURSDAY MORTSG, JULY 31, ISIS. SAF.1 JORDAN W!Lli El SPEAK! Earnest - Apostle 'of - Better Farming Will Lecture Be -iri fore Farmers Convention - 8am Jordan, u earaett t pottle of better farming- methods, and at this tint th aighett priced farm demos tsratlo scent la the Uaited Qiatea, baa tca secured to deliver a lecture It th Farmer and Farm Women' Coaveatlo mbieh meets at ths State College, Wett Raleigh, August 27, 28 and 29. H liai anaoanerd at the sub ject of hit lecture at thii time The Crimsoa Trail ot a ...New Idea," which deala with the valuable Jhinga that at flrtt hare always beca rejected by the people; Thia la a popular type of lee tnrc, yet one' that drives horn the truths of agricultural progress, a ad is aptl suited to such am audieace as an anally visits the college to lesraaew Ideas of agricultural work. 8am Jordaa was bora in log cabin in Gentry . county, Missouri, about Ki years ago, His flrtt work wss that of teacher ia the city schools, but whea his health broke down he began farm ing furnishing unlimited amusement for the Whole country-side. Bs wst broke dowa farmer on a broken dowa farm,' but soon his new ideas about the farming game began to furnish ma terial for thought, rather thaa for laughter, and it was not long before ho quit 'his eighty-sere farm to show ths State how to run an 8,000,000-acre farm.' He became known as "Sam Jor dan, The Corn Man, went with the Stats . Board of Agriculture, and later, as a result of the talus of his mate- wide lectures en; better farming, wst called t Petti county as farm adviser. Hero k gate up. the. title of Professor Jordan, acqulasd during his lecture days, snd aga' a became plain "Ram Jor dan, Farmer." ( Hs has been enimently sureeuftil in his work. Many lectures have bee give by him on agricultural subjects all over th Middle Wett snd thots ' Chautauqua cirduits which have been no fortunate as to, secure him state that, after giving him tea minutes on the platform, a reward can be eflVrwl to anyone who leave tha, audience. This reward baa never been - claimed, be cause Sam is Inimitable. Aeoordiag to Mr. W. F. Pate, secre tary of the convention, Mr. Jordan will probably speak on' Thursday. Every farmer in the Stats who can possibly make the trip should arrange to attend tha convention on that day. Mr. Jor ' dan is not the only speaker of promin ence, however, nor will lectures All the outirs program. Demonstrations of nil kinds, round table conferences, social entertainment aad other valuable fea tares will bs offered all visitors, so thas) this will b a fsrmsr's week worth remembering;. ,. .-, j LYNCH DIES OF INJURIES . SUSTAINED LAST APRIL JRTaa in Seml-Consciom Condi tioa at Hii Home; Well r-; Known ia Raleigh fe King Lynch, ths colored mas run over by Swift Company's Unci last April 29, on the corner of Salisbury and Mar tin, died of his injuries last night at 9:.10, at his home at 703 Church street. Following his injury, he ws in St. Agnes Hospital one month and after wards was taken home, where bo hss sines remained ia a setni-eoaseieu con dition. Lynch wss a well known colored mnn, snd was for 30 years Janitor for Edwards Broughtoa Printing Company. He was a descoa ia St. Paul's Methodist Church for many years, from which ths funeral services will be held tomorrow eveaing at 9 o clock. SIX BOUND TO COURT ON DISTILLING CHARGE Six men were bound over to the Fed eral court by united Mates Commit sioner W. P. Batchelor yeaterdsy after' noon on charges of distilling. The en tire party was captured six miles south east of Wendell, on the edge of John ston county. " Mr. A. A. Moore, n neighbor, testified that he had seen them working with the still. The men were placed under a .t00 bond each. They sre: Roy Wall, Arthur Wall, Jim O Neal, Thomns God win, Grover Richardson, and Phoney Strickland. LIEUTENANT BOISHALI. ARRIVES IN NEW YORK A telegram wss received bv his nar ents yesterdsy announcing the arrival in New York of Lieutenant John Rouahall, of Raleigh, who has been in France for nearly a vear. Lieutenant Boutball wat for tome time instructor in Held artillery al Camp Valduhon and later be was sppointrd to study law at Montpelier, in ths southern part of France. He was theie for four months But we sre inclined to believe that actions do not speak louder thsn words at the meetings of a sewing society. wnpaiaso Young kud uanaruii am Ifchinq with rGiticura Ointment Sssmsse With Cancan Seas EIGHT NEW CONCERNS . RECEIVE CHARTERS Aggregate Capital Is $435,000 WitM98,900 Capital ; ;j 'l Sobicribed : T Eight new corporations, with , ag- gregats capital- of $432100 and with 5,800 subscribed, filed charter with the Secretary of mate yesterday. Ths new: corporations are: O -.? , Harmony Banking and Treat Com' panr, of Harmony, with flWUQ an thoriied eanital and 110.000 subscribed, Ths incorporators are I. C. Holland, Charles; W. T, Bharpe, Jr and B. L. Alexander,' Harnfrmy. '-'''' Catawba News-Enterprise Publishing Company, of Newton, with 23J)00 an thnrised capital aad 4,800 subscribed. Tht Incorporators sre W. B. (Jaitber, J. C. Gemsyel, snd George Moose, of Newton. ' Daughters of the- United Sons of North Csrojina, of Wilmington; benevo lent and charitable organization, with incorporators are E. W. Carver,, O. T. Dixon, John H. Hall, Wilmington. The State Grocery Company, of Hen derson, with $30,000 authorized capital snd $10,000 subscribed. The iaeorpora- tors are C. D. Biggan, O. N. Hill and J. 8. r.vans, all of Henderson. B. W. Southerland and Company, of Mount Olive, with $100,000 authorized capital and $o0,000 subscribed. The in corporators sis B. W. Southerland, Mount Olive, E. L. Herring, Fa i ton; I. F. Witherington, Fsison. Farmers Emporium, Inc., of Gates Connty, genoral merchandise, with $50, 000 authorized capital and $8,000 aub- iwribed. The incorporators are R. W. Gatling, H. L. Longston and O. G. Catling, nil of Gutrs Kim Novelty Manufacturing Com pany, of Concord, manufacture textiles, with $10,000 authorized capital and $2.- 1500 subscribed. The incorporators are J. L. Potts, W. I Robbint and L. A. Peacock, all of Concord. The Troutmnn Banking and Trust Company, of Troutmaa, with $100,000 mm Aft i tuthorized capital .' aad $12,500 aub scribed. The incorporators are ' Her man Brown, J. T. Smith, J. & Weigh, of Troutmaa. v. y ' Episcopal Recta Accepts.:; i- -"(Special to New and Observer.) Kiastoa, July 30. Bev. Francis J. E. Coffin, now of ths Church of the Ascen sion, Montgomery,- Ala., has accepted a call from the eengregttion of St. Mary's Episeopalrchureh. bsre, and will assume ths reetorate September 1. Be has served at New fork, Greenville., ft C and elsewhere. He Is thirty years of age and married. The jewelry1 sslesmsa should sever talk against time if hs is trying to tell a watch. r Why Look So Thin? It is not Incoming- nor safe for your health. Add Beth to your bones and roses to your cheeks by drinVing a glass of this delicious digettant with each mesL Shivar Ale rust oistrrrv awhmtics witn SHIVA MINUAL SJATU AMD SINCU 'Phone vow'tTocer or druggitt (or a dozen bottles. Satisfaction guar anteed or vour money refunded oa first dozen used. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C It your regulsr dealer cannot supply you telephone PORTER CANDY CO, Distributors for Raleigh, r- J-f-'i- X , f j - -'U, . Is Uw UrIM Bimm Dtotrkt CowV tat Uw Sums umtm or Norts urallna. Cnllail Stun fa. farut nan of oklakaf tnt mats inowaml pftajtaa or nay, Miepaa W vrw hat uram vu., uraaaruw. Ma.. aaaaNfiM la im Cook. Varirl. M C In rlolailoa Sta. tt CrlailBal Coda aWann aaalnat IntaritaU Cuamwrca. In abntkHm n a Warrant af Sahwa M aw an d. In iht shataiHIIIail aaan. I kan latw ami lalian Infa my Daaanaloa tha rolHHrli-ttiarrlhMl ta am: ran, raan ar tmiakaf aas tamti 41 auirTMH of bai. ahkiiwd b Canar Har A drain Ca.. nnokftekl. laa, ronalfiwS ta Oaa. Conk, ahliiuHl br Varhw. N. b rar Uw canan art lartk la tht Utei now aantlni In iha V. S DUlrlrt Court tor Uw Kaatam Ulatrtii at North Caroluw. at Sttelth. I harchr tin notkt a aU saraona alalailnt tht aaM SnrrihMl tony raan at wbiakrf and timitr thou' anS naanda of hay. ar km mint at havlnt anvtblna la aay why Iha aaaap ahMHl hot ha cond.wrd and farfallaS, and tha prorarih thmot Slalrlhulrcl ac eordlnt to tha nrayat at tha llaal, that tbry ha ami panr baton Iha Mid Court, lo kc haM In and tar Iha aaatora plttrM at North Carolina, at tht United Stalat Court Boon. In tha City at aaklah. an tk 4th dai of Aim.. Itlt. at tan a'erlook oa tht fora noM of that day. V tht aaan ahali ba a day af fcirU dlMhw. athrrwlaa ta tha nnt das af ItrMietMi Ihartafttr.- thm and than to Intrrnoat a cwln far Ikt auta. lad ta awha Italr alHwatlont In that baaalf. OSXI. B. nSIXAMV. V. attnkal Catttra DUulct af KarUt Caraltaa. XX THY, go' to theseashore V V or the mountainiwheh the mere touch of your fihger A will bring cooling sea breezes into your office, your bed- room, or your living room? Why swelter in the summer ' heat w i t h o u t ambition br ? energy to perform your work, when you can, at an in significant expense a ssjure yourself of cool, comfortable refreshing surroundings? CJEquip your office with an electric fan. It will pay you big dividends in the extra amount of work and alertness you'll get from your employees. J Provide an electric fan for your home, where your family can enjoy restful slumber and relief from humidity. '' i All size await your selection her anef you may buy on by paying a little down the balance with your electric bill each month. Carolina Power k Light Co. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" a a i i aialUiliiiiUi.UiaiiiiilliiUtiiilUlttiiililiiUlUlllliiiiiililliiiiUUliililiU JimUJUUiiailiiiii.. M l i i. I I' I I1 1 I li III lUiiUiWiiuiummiiwMm V TKe Estate,: of J. R Qsengarten m v. ruEsy August 5 uTj lj n n I if ( ) l ZS LJ LJ ZS LJ Ul 1l,fl SHARP Regardless of Priceand On Easy Terms ! meet Us at Allen Bros. Office Ho. 8 West Martin Street s I n Li Free Automobiles Will Be Fumisbed to Take Yea to Ttis Sale Consisting of 5 houses and lots on Swain Street, 3 houses and lots on Davie Street, 9 houses and lots and store on S. Saunders Street, 6 houses and lots o n Rosengarten Street, 1 house and lot and 7 vacant lots on Saunders and Cabarrus Streets. This sale is made to close up the estate, and will bc made regardless of price, and on very easy terms. This property is well located and of special good values for home seeker or investor. Mr. A. Rosengarten, Administrator, has in structed us to sell every piece of it, regardless of price. Rem ember th e Bate'Tesdayj Augtist Stk AT 10 A. M. Ii11(i.-lftig SELLING AGENTS No. 8 West Martin Street RALEIGH, N. C.

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