AUGUST 2, Thel Ncvssxid ." Observer ... NIM Sata amy to aha T V tn mews axv obscitm rcBLissrxw Whuraws BAmUb . MtnoN s. trawi aw oHtBiM ami, at mi UMltWM .. 51 f33Tf , u..iet ...Iff mm or tn amocut rtiimin ef a i lettae ; MknM m4iM Is ai dwawhai atat e H at run Aisocu f id. M k rsxss Mcpobts WTHCiirnoM rucii ranem. ( I 4t Cm Tw MN ta Maatka At Tkm Motto IM i ,, Oa Tear vv. !- Bta fto ow Hl Chmi b 4anaJ to easvtavc la Al4ca m sai at if mm mm tar Weak ttettr M Daatr Mir, mh oaa pa I Ska rMtaNtt at BaMak. Kola AM' aiwil ii H M w to isiiHid. Ha MORNING TONIC 4: V Wat Orty.) .. Nevertkeles I know . Out $t tk dark mutt grow, Booatr t Uter, whatever la fair, ' . Sin th hotveat have willed it to. 1 Mount, mont above bereveRii ttd Paia, There toaat th 1 aad th sadait gala, Ko'er kadew, bit beyead thr ' light, ' Day alt eiithrancd Tv blackest night. UNCLE WALT MASON HARD TERMS. , Th Germeaa are dlsfaated, their blood for Wewka kaa bailed; their foadeet hetea a'r hatted, their faith I h) apelled. They ear. M0r lick if rwttea; wt thought ear wertlmo el at and trtmee wetld be faraatUa, f we wart Waa griMi W theag ht ear pretaatatleaa of Borrow aad re fret weald eaaaa the AlUed aaltoaa to wilt, al toady yet. Iaatead ef which ther aaak aa, de Bland ear ateck aad atere; aaa the leld tbVjr brake aa, la peace ther break M tera. Aad ae the Genua kartara hia fatare fat hie paati wa are the Madera aiarijrra, ach hlaaMl aad dedgaat" We bear tha GnR whlalag, wba rvifind erefy hear, whea aa hia htlai waa ahlalag the aaa af temp aad awer. If bp bad beta the Utar, ha had doae brawa, dotgaaa hia agly abrtar', wbat tenM weald be In dawaT Weald ha he at reag far BMrtrt Mt't aat that klad al geat ! bpt, awallea ap aad aa7t' he'd Uke oar hat- taai ceaU He'dahaat aa fall af balleta, aad fire f yrlaewai brtv fad at ear beat (pHag pallets aa alpe ear Baadaj ahlrta. With CrnatM far ear aiaatara we'd kaew what hard lack la; ea- vtreaed by diaaatere, we'd aadly algh, ee whli!" . Wa bear the Gerinaa graaihli"! aad beaag at hie lot; he thiaka the tenaa are baaibUag, aad all that kind ef rot. . . jr 'And now U it time tp Inquire whit ku eant f the e. t. editor of Ik Chitaga Tribuae who apoi A time railed tka 8outhjr peopip a clan f "African kead-kantera." - - wimwGTOjri jwr pat. ' ' It ww iltoftthcr fttisi that Wilmligtol kenoref tke editori af the Bufa bj kTU kis laoscbed ia their koaor, for it wu aa kiitoric Teat. fU aewiaaer aua war araridc4 ri A practical IIlajtrHe f the fketkat sew era teckoai t an It 1$, a alwy. the day af (apportalty, bat epperUaitiaa mart eoait la ew directioai is tka future that now Kea befete p ' Av.erlr U longer Jaolated, but tt keep it tetk with all the m Thrangk tbe aiedium af tka re die aad tka table the world ia aaaiiai ta think. U anUoa, Vi kgrg' international torn unity of ideaa an! though tt. Through the medium of ehipe the world ia brought ia contact ia Material way. Through the building of shipa and through the tueceWnl operation of them, America will keep ker place ia the eaward aitrek of progreea, aot u warld eoaqieror, bat aa oae of the demoerttit ationi of earth, determined to contribute her part ta the rebuilding of a ditorganized world. Building ekipe of mud to iadaed a etrikiag at perimeat but one which htt prered altogether ftaeible. It furalihet a new example of the power of ta eapijiiar tbi ilementi of. cartA, both abort aad beneath, and to apply them to hia end. To him aothing ia impotiibla. Be claime the world II Big own, gad It li ia hli hindi. Vetaeia of dirt were only a (hort while ago eoneidered out of the quritiea. Today thry are thought Bathing out of the ardlaary. v. .The tditerg ocupy a peculiar relation ta the public thought af the State and . Nation, for to them mora than perbtpi any other particular clan i eommitted tka retpenrlbillty f properly guiding aad directing it. They are the mouldera of public tkiaking, got aimpl through the aipreeaioa of th editorial page, bat to ei larger degree through the Intelligent handling of newt and ideal, The impretaWe ebjttt-leteea af a ew day af forded the Tar BeeJ editori at Vilmiagtaa wilt be enligbtenlng ia a practical way, They were forty te (a being able to ritit the moit een terra tire city of the 014 Ifortk State aad there aaeiag far tbenteWe that it ia catching atap with tka new day. Mot to many yeprt ago Wilmington waa tbe aval t tor et center of the warld. The India crimiaate dettrartiea af tk foreatt banagbt la end to that industry. More recently the City-by-tht-Sea eajoyed a rich eiport trade ia aattaa aad other goodt. For a time the war put aa end to that bueinett, and ita people had to turn to other (hinge. Then came the thJryaidt. They wero tfc bar- ngert of a new era. It a aot enough to build hips, kewtrer. Skip are bat tka eervanta ef the farmer, the manufacturer and the trader. They provide a neerisary vehicle through which the channel of induitry will be kept going. Let it net be forgotten, however, that they alto furnith aa all-important chain for tbe linking af continent! to each other to make the world one great family. The thought of compelling importance illustrated la Wilatlagtea ia that every city, or tawa, or ham let, or community mutt be alive aad alert, ready to teite apaa aew deldt of endeavor and likawiae ready to develop thotc already in their midst to the fullest eitent aad aecerdlag to the 4eaadi aot f tka peat bt of the future. w lay th fheeta oat la tka opea est coaparo ear owa value witk those of our aelghbore, aad all of a pat l Judgment ea every otber potaoatlo it houli sot bo 0017 kArd ta reach rather latel tlgeat eoaslosion, aad wt will Cad wkea w have eorreetly raUd Kortk Carolina wealtk lEat It will total ap far eioagh above anything that wo ka boea willing to eoafeae ia the paat, upt at tack time a we want to elL Oar real eitate heoJd be aatoaood at nek price that It we waat to eel! at any time or that any oae waat to buy it At any time a fairly correct idea of th price could bo obtained by aimply looking at th registry. There ia ae rtaooa ea earth why a piece of ground er a house or Any other real property eho14 have "tore thee on value unless it i A purely teatimental value that attachoe to eometblng that the owner dot aot waat te.eeij without aom eitraordiaarjr inducement There la ao legitimate roaaoa why the holder of pieea of property should undervalue It at Any tima. Aad it 1 logical that if correct value (hould bo lied ea tbe land la any eommnaity it would simplify land traaaaetloat, fa aome approach to ward a dednito price would toad to (quali all price ia tb aelghborfcood. -, The new Ui law to tA attempt i As true value on property. W can t do better than to help asakt that law work, aa) profit by it ia it working, ' "Belief from high 'cost of living," leyi a head Una. Come to think af it tbe ItpublUea 414 Vote ta, repeal the tag eg Uo eretat aad soft drink. t Th Bepublicans are going to be "flabbergaated" , tlU mora before they get through with thip 1usl' aee of finding out how the war waa wpp. ' Tka Pottofflc Department annoaaaes that w are ta have a better quality of ftampt. Ae long at the present two-centers get the latter there tkey are good enough. . Wonder if the ku klui organisation of two kua' dred mea ia Richmond, nil mounted, are equipped ' with old-fashioned horses or modern utomeil. The art different day from tkoe. . . Thota foreigner who eomplaia of the TJaited State were a brought kere again! tkair own will, and the ocean it no wider to cross goiag back to where they same froaj thaa it was eemiag this way. . It ia iad ef tough oa the Oermga katefulness but aiaatoea af tho ftermaa ahipa atattled at leapt Flew are about to bo salvaged by the English. This 1 a bard world for lb fellow who rtllgie to to be aa aa M at. - - - If Homer Cummiege ie eorreet ia hie atatomeat that California la four to one la favor of ratif yiag tka treaty Hi. Jahatee had batter go back ta CaU foraia aad 4 te talkiag rath tkta watta kit time p it Htw fnglaad braeitg tip Ctbot Lodge's conttituetcy. TbowwawbHerway o aaowwra f oal thta by kit aw folly. Tho time thing might bo aaid of some Northera editor who, once upot a time heaped abate apoa the lo4th Irrespective of elat or kind Veeeaee af oporaile MtboHkt of lawteee aesa. It'i bad for tuck thing ti kappea Aaywhore. .- . enwaBWaanaajBajpjanlBapejB Tbe armblakf tbe hundred nilllot people of tbit aoaatry for tbe oarplua feed the goveramoat to about ta Mil for the credit of tho War Depart moat wHl be either A big game or ovideaeo that the people e get take Ajaterett g geverameat surplu m grIl ko Air, Svery pottataitor will bo a aaloamaa ia the big drive, aad price are telie eott aad pottag. Ker will be A ehaaet to aea what the covemmeat fed tht teldiero Aad what the food rappfierf charged TJle Seat. for what they told. It wlQ alt give at 14 faglgki into the difference charged 4 wbtt jg (Aarpi the private buyer. It will be ae IHnniaating a i aoveL ' LEATHER AND SHOES. Oae of th Utett tubjeclt far eoagreaaioaal ia Ttitigation if os. Th price of leather goods are to come under fire, and while Coagreae to at this job another phase of tho leather question could just as well be looked into. It ia not as well known as it should be that leather i pa of th most cheating article of wtar that wa have to buy, la gaod aa authority as th Agricultural Department of the Federal government tall that A rpriting)y large perceatege af tola leathers teatains great quaatitiee of foreign materials." Tk material used for loading leather include glueeee, sulphate of magnesia, eulphate of soda and ether thing eottiag a fw eeata a peued, aad 1I iag it leather for mtay timet what they tost, They add aathjag U tho value af the leather, the Agricultural Department stys, but tkey give flabby, cheap and uatervieeable leather the appearance of good solid leather, aa4 allow aboea mad of bo sold at prices that the buyer thinks he is getting good shoes for, only to find that he hat been deluded into aomrthing not worth tbe money 14 pot worth buying at hardly any price. The department save that fully 10 per cant of the tale leather is loaded with useless material, and that (Mat af it runt at kigk a St per teat. T realiap tk fra4 tkat tkit put on tho buyer of a pair of ahoee made of tho Inferior leather take a pound of the loaded leather a aa illuatra tion. Let it he assumed that th leather to wartb M centa a. pound. If onMhlrd af that leather aome useless filling the buyer i paying 66 cent for two-thirde of a pound of tetual leather an one-third of a pound of filling, or about a dollar a pound for real leather Instead of 66 cent. But instead of getting geauiae leather even at the price h It really paying be to getting a flabby aoft atuff that ha ae wear la it, aad which weald bo dear at a third of what ha attmlly pays. At least thli the way it wppear from th statement of the Agricultural Deptrtmeat eiperte, The department tells tkat ia fear tests of loadsd leather from 20 to 34 per eeat of tho weight of leather tested washed out ia water. That to bow valuably a shoe material some of tho modere leather make for wet weather. The atatemeat ia also made by tho d partmeat that la A reeeat yea set let thaa twelve million pound of glueoeo gad tptom tall were sold th people la leather a leather. Coagreo ea fin la to mating ttibtoet bora if It want ta tuat out tho toeto ef shoe leather. TAX YAtVM. Ia the pew AtetMat kbevt Hortl Care-H. should rejoieo i the erportiipity to pu UgiH mate value ea the peosettioa ff th Bute. (Mae th ayatem of valqatloa of property for taiatipa waa Instituted men have beca hiding their-m eial light aadtt the bushel of poverty (a ordsr that they might be touched lightly by the Us eo! totter. AH thm thiagt Art teUtiva. Tbe world ku boot toward because the iadividaal too af tea has thought he eoald fool the crowd. But bow wt are toning ut with Aa itaett vtlotUoa. let M put tht IgurM tight. Let f4 blow for gate jutt what wt ire worth tad what wt would like tt hvt Braditreet or oar er editor rglt at. If wt ktvt at tptg nluatloi, tag tkat to la plain eight of everybody at al timet, wa will kg frtoadt ta kelp a ia filing oar assessments. If BITTER rARMIMG. The announcement thtt Bam Jordan, the Mir sourl corn man,, will bo at the eoavoatioa f farm er ia Baleigh Augwrt t7, calls ap a subject thtt It vital on. Th current issue of th Frofreaalv Farmer alludes to A cornfield that will aot yield over four bushel of torn, a fact the editor de plores. Be is justified. Korth Carolina to cultivat ing too many acre of torn that de not give A big enough yield, and too maay teres of tetto tad ef everything else that to planted ia tbl State. Tho maa who make four buikela of sort ta th ter waat to make mere. Ha ia jutt aa eager to make eight time that much a th man wha make tho bigger rop. Hi trouble 1 that ha doea aot kaew wkat is kit failing. Ant every maa who makes a crop of anything would like' to increase that crop, but he also doe aot know what stands ia his way. Maybe Sam Jordan knows why a ma will get only four bushels of corn on an af la North Carolina. If be does and will tell it will be worth the while of any farmer ia the State to there and hear hjm. Any of aa aaa say .that ii because land that does aot produce morq thaa four bushel is jutt naturally poor land and will not make any more corn, but that ia net the can. Ther i aot an acre ef land in North Carolina that somebody cannot compel to yield more thaa four bushel of corn unlets it is a aelid reek surface some place on the mountain rid or below the level that will admit of drainage. It ia well enough known that aa a State wo ti tivate too many acre that do aot bring big enough return. Ferhsp some OT the acre should be abandoned. Or it may be that they could bo made to yield a profitable return by proper and Intel ligent handling. Haw to connect (he owner ef such land with tho proper method ia what aome Sam Jordan is wanted to tell. Practical knowl edge it a great thing, but gout fslk Manet pick np practical knowledge for .themselve tad by themselves half aa wall at if they hav some other practical fellow to help them ge ova the sitsatiea and hunt out the efiffieultUa. And aay way it ia t waste pf time to depend on the elow acquisition of praetieal knowledge when the other fellow has dug it up and eta pass it-tlong in words. That far convention promises so well that it ought to bring out a big crowd from everywhere. North Carolina to t right progressive farming State, but there ja a lot of atuff the farmers can learn from other farmerf nd It ia all of value. -V FrtakUatoa Weeaaa ttoa. ' SttUl U ta y twg tad Obeervor.) Frtakliatea, Aag. L Mrt. Zluaheth Crwt, paa of tho eldest womea) af tkit plat, dial at ker heme Wcdaetday afteraooa after aa iBaeee el two Kit. Whil sitting oaMba front porta at per koato aetrly two weekt age the waa, without war Ug, (tricktt witk partly gad th aever regtiaod ta ate or atrstii waa able to autt seraeu uaderatood tgala. "the bd boea a resideat of Fraakliatoa for more thaa, a quarter of a eeatary tad thar wis aoao who kaew her bat that loved bar. Her devotita to her 1 childroa wa keauti f:. Her husband died about font year ag. Mr. Crew wtt bofa March II. ItSt. She joined the Methodist church early ta life tad Uwd a true Obrlttiaa life to tht end. v ( , Saafocd tteotiag T CUpa. (Speeitl tt the New ad Oboerver.) Saaford, Aug. 1 The MtLaadea aieotUgt, which kavo beta ia progres here for the pott moatb, will cleat Sunday aight with a big farewell serv ice. Mr. McLoadoa will prowh tt 11 o'clock Sun day moralag aad alt at 4 ia the afteraooa. During git Itay here tbe evaagentt hat mad thoutaadt pf. warn friend. Hen. D. B. Ttagtw. of tho Jpeal bar, oarrctitd well th feeling of tho groat hastes tkat have thronged th eting la an iddrotf last night lust before tat aoraioA wfcea k delard that all right thinking people who have beard him hr pt deeply improtood by Mr. -Uadsa't rit ftUkvUi aaraeiUea, ki virjlity aad hie deep tpiritutHty, V Today it farmerr day, tad the evangelist is hold- iig three atrvieet for the benefit ef tbe fanners throughout this aectloo. Mr. Mebtadoa, whom tho evaageliat constantly refer to tt "Be, wat trtaeat for the fret time tt the meeting laet tight aad wat the ecater of artraetioa. j -Aaaware To Yesterday Ewt. WEdgar Alien Foe, aaatteadod by friend or relative, died of pneumonia ia a charity bed ia A Baltimore kospl- ttL v . ,,,, SA-Aa awkward ptrtoa, t taatitf oa aa versed ta polite maaaor. . wTegetabl autter, treea, ote, that bat beea bwried ia .the earth for agta add become petrified. 4-Tbo.bUadfold to to prevent Jua- tiet from eight aad toatequtat preju dice or aymptthy, tad tkt tealoo to woigk tk ondenee of tbe gttue witk asactaeea. ' N o-A tmaU aalmal Uke a horto, with a otrlped eoatt aetive of Africa. - t Aa Amertcaa anaaetcr, cnatrmaa Of thq United State Shipping Board. f Aa Amrjcaa author, journalist, aad war eerrwpeadrat aow deceased. g Oklahoma. g-Irish patriot, who died it 1WJ; banged for trttseu. FIAIN WAR. Senator Curtis, pf Kansas, clarifies the situation in Washington by the statement that the President would lad la tk nd that the only way out if the treaty it ta become operative is to compromise with the opponents and that presidential refusal to sur render will find the tecatorial opposition as atrong a adamant. If tbi is to be the case it to a plain declaration of war, and th country can understand just where it tnds. Either a presidential aurrender to the refractory Seaate or a dtt of the treaty. Bur render tad the treaty to not particularly objec tionablo. But the opportunity to bring tbe Prel dent to hi kntet la thought by the (Senators to present Itself sad beside such victory nothing else it of lay eeaaeq'uenee. It will be aa aapleasaat war. Th treaty i not expected to coat out ef sommitte until the tniddle of August, aad the debate that wUI follow will probably reach a (degree of bittoraes not common in these day la Wathlagto. Th politi cal cumpaigu of ntst year will be fought eg the floor of the Seaate for the teat two or three moathi, for It i hardly likely the d will eoot before early witter. It It aot A battle to defeat the treaty., It to apt to be imagiatd thtt th treaty will bo throw ever. It to a death ttruggl to aav the BepublicAB party la th elections neat year, iud because of the deeperat tltoatlon tbe battle will bo. fought to th limit. It to teen that it is to be war without quarter, nuking to prisoners, allow ing none to escape. GOOD SCBIDVLES. Uncle Earn has been nuking a fair railroader sine peace conditions let up a little la the de mand for, railroad serviet, Whoa road run ning at many train the Southern eta hav them tnak tke eskedule ia atere thaa 93 per cent of the total, or U the Norfolk Southern did, in 9TA per cent, there i mighty little to complain of ia the way ef making time. While thia wa going oa it to to be remembered that the govern meat wt moving thousand of troop from'steamer to camp and from camp to the homo of the toldler for' discharge. With tht bulk of tht mea bow dismiaeed from eervlt tk future will let the troop movement ltstid, tad th butiaetf tf tke tea. try aoarer t A loraul btti. It it reaaoaable tt atpeet that ga even btt)t achtdule preatog may be taadt, ' ";- It a well to recognize thoM things. We kicked tneugh during tfclwar to mike t ptly fair to coa ls a bow ua ( oprtoa w aot to oaa out wnat it might rt wort. ,Wbta Mr. Hiae leave ki job he ia batltltd t t rocommeadttioa front kit promt employer, tbe people of tke United State. ' leademwa Waat Cottoa MiU. (Special to the News aad Oboerver.) Henderson, Aug. 1. Henderaoa ia to have a aew eottos mill in. the aear future if plans of tho Chamber of Cemmerce do aot miscarry. Tkt cham ber already having taken tke lead ia the agitation, will egret te do tho live (hare or the work in getting the w industry started off. At a auet lag of the board of director Thursday night, th secretary wat Instructed to give the widest pub licity to the proposal of the Chamber of Com aiereo tad It effort to to be made immediately to bring the aew iadustry to tho city. The offer 0 aome of the bueiaeae men of thia city ia to guarantee 75 per .coat ef the capital stock f tho enterprise, to secure the land n ere Mary aad at a nominal price, and also to get the labor. Aaotbor most encouraging feature of the meet' ing pf the board ef directors Thursday night waa tht reatort of the new industries committee, which announced thst it had, iaformation of a number af aew industries that soon will opea ap ia thil tlty. A committee wa appointed by the director to ttnttigate the feasibility of fanning a housing torporation la Henderson whoso object would M the erection of tuitabl heuae for the score tf fanjilie that cannot at present get aecommedttttta. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS lag Cream aad Soda rhilAdelphia totord. Tk high cost of living to coming down witk a rua. The Bcpvblkea party pledged itself to r. pl test and reduce the eott of living, and it to grandly redeeming it pledge. It hs voted to Uke tke war tttot off ice cream tad aoda. The ceit of living ia hot weather will promptly detecad. But the task htt beet tihauatiag, Coagre, af court, feel ujrtd oftor removing tho taieo a ice cream aad aoda, aad it aeod to rest aad reeuper tto. Ob Saturday it will take a recess for five weeks. It kaa aot eiactly cleared ita docket. It kat aot redeemed all th pledge oa which it wat elected ; but the repeal ef the taaet oa (a cream and aoda hav left it wtry aad pvtr.kttted, tad it i absolutely necessary for it te relet. Mo one realiiea how very soon a Republics Congress get very tired. Mr. Wngo, of Arkantaa, katrtleealy remiaded hia Republican colleague that tkey went to the country on a promise to repeal A let ef Use. Mr. Fordney "came in here with fertaiA repeal legit lation, and what hnppad to that! The Steering Committee kicked him out? And then the un feeling Mr. Wiage proceeded te y. You got thia Haute under felae protoaoao. What have you donef Tog have ergaaited a few smelling committee gad growled at the Preeidoat, and you nre investigating the high coat of war. But you are dodging like a mule oa tht highway the high eott of living." - Thia ia aot quite just. The House kat takta a firm hold ef the high cost of living aad reduced it by taking the war taxea off ico cream And aoda. There arc other tasks befort Ceagreto; there it railroad legislation and th Soldiers' aad Sailor' land bill the wtter power bill, tht budget tyatom, srmy rcorganixatioa and shipping. Mr. Moadell docs not deny tbeaa thing, bat k replug thtt the weather 1 hot tad Congressmen are tired, tad they will woirk better when they get back from g vac tion of five wek: "If th House wet la session during thtt timt ther ar varieat measure that might be taken up and considered, but we will be ia better tea. ditioa to work when w return," .... Last witter the Bepwblicaa Coagvcetmeg waat on n atrikt against the government. Thry Wt th appropriation bills unpaaeed ia order to ooarpcl the President to call a special seaia Immediately, They were only partially tueeesafal. The etna session wt sot called immediately, but It bd to be called befor th end of tho fiscal year b cause tbe Republican hnd eaerlflced the aatloaa interesta to their own partiaaaahip aad left tho government without resource. So tbe special tot sion bud to be colled, aad after dawdutg along for a few week Congret ttkee a reccee for five weeks, which kw hew orgeat it regarded th reason for ta itra eetsiea. But tt kaa achieved oae great remit; it bt voted to take the wa taxea or ice cream til toda. 10-A Oriental sward or saber with II jStreWrly eArwd blade, r " ; New Qaeatloaa. lWhat ita bbyrlntbt ' t Hew many aides haa aa octagon t J-Who wa Edith Cavelt d-Why ia Ford's theatre, Washing ton, D. C, famous 1 Americaa history! ' 5 What to th meaning, of the phrase, "the solid 8outV Where to Fiumo which has be come aa international boa of conten tion! 7 Whnt to th meaning of tho e preatioo "to FleteherUe"! S What ia a totem poltt 1 A What it a rhapsody t 10-Wtat it A fetlock t A rr eat Crottee Seaeatioa. (8peial to News and Observer.) Burlingtoa, August 1. Arrest aarly this morning of jack , Thompson and Z. I. Curl, th tw mea charged With atcaiiag Mr. 0. P. McGlaney't Ford touring car yesterday afteraooa at Bayne' store, during th progres ef tho Ifaeoaie dinner, by Chief of Police Patille ead Sheriff Story, created quite A tenaatioa. Thompson wo located at hi boarding quartera this morning early aad Curl' arrest occurred on Main street. Both mea acknowledge tkat they had stolen the car and were immediately placed in jail. Definite whereabouts of the machine though tkey were aatblo to tell. Sometime a man remains in the bachelor elate bectute be to shy either of tola or courage. . &J A. Guawt THE CREATIR MlhlXUa. I rocket wkea life It doae' . Aad we look back tcroot the year To aoo the goala whlck we Bare won ab eoun our varymt " ' teara " '" ' " r " 1 V -"" Tho greatest joy that wTl recall Will tot bo thoao et iuu or augnt. But childrra romping it the hull Aad little game w played at aigat, The whoa our 'life U big thlnga, through Will be tha little one of Bow; We'll prise those moment ia review ... When never wtt a troubled brow, Wkea eyet witk love were all aglow Aad mother tang her lullabjott Those restful, htppy ceae we kaew At night wnea meoa atu liar afava. I fancy tone af a will year a Ta igkt enr battle oact. agaJti , Or would onto thia world rttura Ta triumnh a er our fellow met," But wt might brave the way ef earth Aad live oar many trlale e'er, Te hear our children' shout of mirth And romp with them apoa the noor. We ahall not value glory then . Nor think of wealtk aa aow we dot We'll prite those glortout momenta - 'whea Contentment tad delight we kaew And looking back acrott our year Tht merry tcene of borne well e Through eyet bedimmod by eryttal etr. And wish (ueh Joy tgtia tould bt. . (Copyright, 191, By Edgar A. fluett) , Aahovlll Ta Sell Boada. . ; (Special to Jfew and Obervr.) -Ashevill, August LTbt city com miasioners yesterday pasted the fret readingda a motion to tosue ilMfiQQ worth of boada for construction of vow streets and reconstruction af eld Ote . in tht erryv The program, which will bo carried eut by the great bead totue, will call for the paving of mtay of tho streets of tho city which kavo beta ia need for torn time. It to understood that th bond issue resolutiog will probably paaa, at all of the eosnmto sieners hv pokt favorably Of it. The bond are aot to bear evtr I per cent iaterett ahd art aot to rat ovtr twenty yetra. " k Nowaday when th truth It crush ed to earth t howl for ta investiga tion, t Safety- te one of the fcreatest confcidera-' tions in choosing a suitable place for dne's savings. With over a million and a quarter 0! assets, with' a mrplus five tiroes Urfer than our capital, and backed by the Citizens National Bank, we offer UNEX CELLED SAFETY TOR YOUR SAVINGS. 4 Interest On Deposits Tt3 Rzleigi . Sayings Bask & Trust Co, WMEBB TUB MOrtlT flBOWS" Whtt't To PoUowTke Vkalotor Philtdelphig Becord, The time to ripe for teme hitherto aakaeww musical inetrument to lota lata popuJartar, Tkat sort of thii geoe by waooa, aad wo are aow ia tho trouab of the tea of melody. Wo need come- thing to cheer ua, and it to oaly Meeowry for somebody to ittrt oomethiag to mtkt tht trowd fall ia lit hlltrioatly, " " At thia tin two year ago ia the midsummer of 1917, to be exact youth eojeureiag by tha md tea waves or ta the broety gad ftthieaisi mountaiat wu aot considered t be completely equipped anise fco ctrrtod a BawAjlgA ukulele. Tke tinkl-tinkl of-the etriagt waa evetywkora ia tho laaguoreut gummer air. It PtSMd. tkaak the god 1 ad tke tiay menotoaout melody did hot ourvivt tht aaewt of the aueectdlag winter. except la ear tela aheltartd eeuntry plaeoe where they atill play plagHMtg gad Oddle-de-winka, ' There are eome of aa wko oaa remember whew the banjo wt part of tkl fwbjotablt young aua't lummcr, btggite, aad mtay aa eld duffer ettll preserves a group photograph af kimaclf aad aoma dtiea or two otter young tube ia nil dres guitg, raoefully Ingeriaf the ttritgt-tht tolle glee tad baajo tlubl ' . Thaa camt tke aither. aad other varistt too numeroaf ltd to painful ta meatiea. Whtt't to follow! Mutt ft be tlwiyt a atrlagcd iattrumeatf Well, there' the htrmonlca of bid, which might be revived Sd improved apoa. Bat Betvoa pro aervo aa frea tktt, aad tke wketsy aetordleai L THE NEW ha BIG-SIX THE unrivaled beauty of its sweeping stream line body, its meaiiicai txxel knee and remarkable road capabilities, and , the completeness of its sppoiutroents bave established the New Studcbaker' BIOSDC as a leader amoni the finest rooter can of the year, , Standard equipinent includea Cord Tim, , shock absorbers, Gypsy top with beveled1 plate gUsj-wmdows,,genuine hand-buffed " kather upholstery, 'Silver-faced magnetic -tecdcTOetw', ammeter and jeweled 8-day , dock, glove box In back of front seat, and extension tottheatt light CARR E. BOOKER, Dealer . 103 W, MajUt Bt; BALEIGH, M. 0. COBt'BJJ MOTQB CAB CO, Dtotrfbatar voarpLK, TA. f . m. a 1 i: I fs- 1 j : CxMlALA Ny jAJJLAA AJ 1

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