: wATurj)AY Monrc.g FUWYFIUir Joe Collins Successfully De fc fended His TItlQ AsfiddlinV Chimp Against AH Con:cr v Tuque Bprlnen; Antr li "Wdli' 3 Colllae 1 still ta iMiwiW Use of tli fiddler af mm tkan , half dosen eonnties J this part af tk Btatc. At th biff etivtatWt U ta local Khool anditoriam last algkt, - whirl! was filled t. amiewiaf ."fid. ' dlia' Joe" aueeeasfult defends?! title aa champion fiddler agaiaat aiwert flddlera from Cumberland, Wake, Par liam, 8ampaoa, Harnett ad taer. aa. tic., j v l, . ., No. inch playing w mi ftaaH h thii aectioa. The ehainpiea trot plsjra "Arkansas Traveler," tad as ft aeeend, ply4JMNaebj,Udf tk HilL" B waa aceonpaaied by Will rkft, baaja picker. V ilr. Hrnrr T. FauwlteVesefsJei Vy - Messrs. W. H, F-uertt aad Will Ore, "r" aeroad fiddle aad Baajo, playa4 ' 'Miuiwlppi Sawyer." Mr. W. H. Ian - ett played "Cindy aaj kia eplaadid rendition of thii familiar favorite woa ni'ick applause for Haraatt'a register of deeds. Mr. 8. H. Stepheaaoa, of Swift Crack, assisted by bis brother, Mr. . A. X Stephenson, on' the (altar, - played Army Number One" for kla (nit, aal -Sewanee BiTer aad "Blaia" for kh) eetond piece. Mr. Add Buiee, of rnyatUrlU, i trodueed as the "Crimaoa-arwted Gladiator of the Cape Fear , played for kia first piece "Whistllat Bafua," aad for hu second, "Pop Ooe the WeaatU" Mr. Cal Page, ef Kennebee, the hone of "white lightning- aad food - - tddlin', assisted by kia son, Will Fata. made quite a kit with kia easy old time fiddling. - - On of the most enjoyibla featnrea at ' the entertainment waa tk aantoally i nis nurrouirna is aesiznea esTjeciaiiv tot use in ssi. w -jc i "- - 'small retail stores. It can,be bouarht on terms. i " f v X fyA , "X if desired. Price t W3 UioV 1 'r, I W " 1 ' , . ... ;..... . . . .... .m.wJr. . ' : v .'.. ' ." . 1 .;';',;" You-Uon't Want to Offend Customers by Ovcrchnrgci, r You Wanftd ICnow Your DaUy Profits. ' v ( Ypu Want Simple Bookkeeping With ' ; BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY Raleigh OfSce: CAPITAL CLUB BUILDING Vp J . - Phone 167 - august z mo. akUlfuI playlag at Messrs. Will But ler aad L G. Jackson, of Fayetterill. Mr. Butler has long been a farerit la this aectioa. Hia first aeleetioa waa "BUI Boards," aad kia aacoad, "Ocean Drop. He waa neeompaaiad by Mr. Jaekeon. , ."' . ,,- - . Mr. Jaekaoa.. played acleetione of kia owv aoniposition, "Sagged Bill," aad "Down tk Boad." Be was assisted by Mr. Will Bntbr. An unusually inter esting thing about the playing of Mr. Jaccaoa aad Mr. Butler waa th fact that each u toatoadlBg tar tk asm ktiaaa, aad aaa playiag tka aesoan pantraent for tka ether, waa trying t kalp tk other ariavla fact, it la aid, that asUal ranakka kd bat m aa tka proposition. Both bet tka etksr day' work gala ft lea dollar bill that ka weald win tk priaa. Mr. Jacaaaa lost, bat kia nuatarly Staying at tka gaiter, aeearapanying r. BUr la pUyiag tka Oaelia Walts eertalab eoatribottd la . a amaU degraa t tka winning at third (Tina by Mr. Batler, Tka alec dameiac eenteetaata earrled tka konse by storm, Ur. Hoary ipeare. t uiuifton, 14 an, aaa gar aaea a askibitiaa aa ia aeldoe aee la tkil day aa tlaaa at aw-faagld danelng. Ha waa followed by Mr. Jiarat Law. rente, ef Faqnay, who oarpriaed kla ladBf-rotka:wB"in aorta ftlatfy atcfa, galiopa and glide. Jit eara at 0. .ttfpkaaaaa. ckarapiaa fddlar at ataat dayat priaa baaja pkker aad alog dancer par nsaatbae. Mr. Btephensoa atartad f lit a "Whit ataaratr," aad giaecfally added aaa frilll after aa ther until ka bad tka .wbel koaaa gaaaalag aa which foot k wu atead iaa it aa eitker. Chart) Adaarat at Aagfer, a loggr from clog-town, started afl Just like a rip-taw, aal tag aadieaet diont anew what ka waa goiag ta akaka looe first lit gar a good ihlbitioa aad won libtral appalaaa. Tha priaa, In dol lata ia gold, weat ta Mr. 8Upkeao1U . Th Jadawa of' the eoateot vera Messrs. Zeke Young, of Paatner Branch tawnship, Wahe county; D. H. Me- Callers, Clayton,' aad Mr. D. M. Bpeare, of Faqnay Springs. They awarded Srst prise ia fddling ta Mr. Jo Collins; second, Mr. Cal Pag, aad third, Mr. Will Butler. Tint priaa for bast banjo picker went to Mr. Will $125.00 : . Y Page, who put up a fine performance. Mr. W. F. Blount, of Fayetteville.-wM taster f ceremonies, and kia witty re marks aad . skillful handling of the ecaicsteata ket tka targe crowd ia ex cellent humor.. Mr. Blount himself waa forced to respoad to call from the andienfa for severs I selection on his Addle, and daring tha iatenniaaioa he gave a number of stunt, ranging from i family concert from tha pig aty ta a true-to -aatar imitation of the water being forcai through aa old rusty pump aad tkta naalag keek down "bo tora yaa aaa get tea dipper aadat tk tjput Mm. Bloaat aaaampaaied away af tka clUas aa tka ptaaa. Hia tatioa at wild goo wu alaa laa, tad their preseac added greeny ta p ;; T. M. C AMaft BataVaa. . Kw York, Aagust ML M. Br4ry, af Farm-HUe, K. Oh ratnraad from tea maatka aerrieea araraaaa teda". Aa ft secretary for tk Amerlcaa Y. M. 0. A., ka ka made aa aariabla rteerd for kl self ia karga af tha btg Bed Tiiaagi Bat ar ta Boeballa Frnnea., . . Tk tut young man always raikat hU best W gola dowt ftUfcJv Dcift Brocto . It Often Leads to You Will Nritr B Curoi by Ueai Trefttratnt With Spraya aad Dfttdttft. Catarrk to ft aoadlUoa af tt blao4 tad aaa aet be aarad by laea) applW natioka at tpwjn nd donekoaj tkto ka bwa prom by tka tkaaaaada wka bara talaly raaortM to tkto method at treatment. Catarrk should aet ba atgleoted at axperunentea wnn. in wrong irwv meat ia valuable time lost, during which tha disease is getting a firmer balT upon ite victim, aal making It mor difficult far am tha proper treatment to accomplish reaulta. Tkouvb Catarrk make ita first ap pearance la tka noitrlla, throat aad air Veil Don't Want THE iWS AM 0ERVE& EMPTY GUN PUTS STOP v TO SHOOTING AFFAIR Ttiboro tfaa Donatei fifteen Hundred Dollars Tor Play, J frovnd Equipment Tarboro, Aug. 'V. Wednesday aft erneoa atiteggetta, Mr. Arthur Foua tala and, Mr, Wiley Fountain bad a alipuia vf l$ba Para. Tbaradty woraiat affair wa takea ap by Mr. Frank Liggett, brathtr. Beaiag Mr. feuataia, ka iteppad la ft Hara, bougkl rVlatal aad atarted ta ' attack Mr. Fouateia, who, Wag .Sferm," took teiuM la iU rtsldtae at Mr. Xurik Oamatoa. Mr. tugena Aftibrook later ferad. wkrepe Mr. Lrgtt Irtd twie at kirn, tanieting a alight wound in Mr. Allsbrobk'l thltkr Mr. Charlie Feuataia then aae ta tka rescue witk aa aid tua (wklek waa aald aet to ksT ohi leaded). Mr. L(att Ul Flfteaa kundrtd dallari worth at play groaad qulpnnt, donated by Mr. (teerga Howard aad tka towa, li rapidly Dread Consumption pass gee, tbt dltaaaa beeomii mora aad mora aggravated aad finally raehei dow i lata tk luaga, aad aryoaa re- agalaaa tka alarmiag aoaditioa that re tulta whea tk luaga ara affected. Tku Catarrk may be tha fareruaacr af that aat traadaj aad bapeleat f ail dis ease. aoaiuBDUoa. Ka local treetment affordi permaatat relief. Experieac kaa taught that 8. ft, 8- to tha aaa remad wbleb at teak tk dUeaaa at Ite aWee, Jh blood, aad predueei satisfactory reeults in even the worst eases. Catarrh suffer era ar urged to give 8. 8. 8. a thorough trial. It ia sold by all druggista. Yon an Invited to whte ta the Mtdieal De partaaaat for erport advice aa to how to treat your owa ease. Address 8wift IpaeJIa Co., VH Swift laboratory, At; lanta, Oay-Adv, ' to Low Money by Errors. being placed la tk commons, aad for the pest week the commons, with ita magnificent trees kaa been filled wltb children of all ages, awlngiog, eliding, 'awing, in fnet.'doing nil the num erous play-ground stunts. The commons haa always been a Joy ta the towa bo cause of ita beauty, and now the ptaaa- ie win gtvo wui aouMty increase it value. The paeseat plaa ta to have a paly-ground instructor, who will di rect the play so that the greatest amount of good may b derived from I. . -v - ..AmriqtiL.LlmMtoneComp&ny: Knoxvilie, Tennessee. "" ' . . - " Dear Sin: Pleas6 ship us at once, at Dswion, N. C, one car MASCOT "SPECIAL" in 100 pound paper bags. You will have to prepay lreUM, aj wgon is a pre , pay station. There is no agent at Dawson. We are selling this car to th sme people who useat tha) eat last year. It was the very first Limestone ever used in this neighborhood Everyone seems to have been pleased. , - We used a few tons of it on our own farm and are pleaaad with results. Youra truly, . (Signed) J. H. MXWBORN & CO. MASCOT Bone Dry Finely Pulverized Readily Available American Liemotonc Co. Knosvilla, Tftnanax. ' ISO 'lg . Eliiabetk City, August 1-Word ka reached her from the Bureau of Mar kets at Washington, that tka Market Kewa Berrien eaaaot be furnished tki aectioa daily during th sweet potato eeaeoa. Tba funds available for thla aorvie liav been reduced ia the agri cultural appropriation bilL The gov ernment kopea to furnish a semi-weekly serviee later. Mr. Carroll Shumaker, of the inspec tion uapartamt, to baaily aa tka Job . Kiln - Tennessee SlnttoB, N. Market Mewa Servte. 4 k ONE aaalag Uat awt patataaa ar prc; arly graded and report much improve meat thla see so a. . t : leumatirm la eompUtely washed aut af tka eysteai by tka eelebrated Shlvar Utaaral Water. Positively guaranteed by loney-back offer. Tastes fin) cost a trifle. Deliv ered aywher by our Baleigh. Agenta, Fartat QaavX. Co. Phoa thmAdv. 1 Dried Rock Lime C (R. T. D.) Mattk 17, 1919. D.E. MacCARTHY, MahTCcr

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