' 10 N TUZCDAY f.:onrLNG, AUGU3T 5. mimm iLYBURNED Former Chief , of Air Service Appears Before Investigate . , Infl Committee whingtoa, Ant. . Deal! that lay aircraft of thi A. X. T. was waatoaly 4tryo4 was Bid today by lluot It Pttrlek, former hlf of tat air $etiU$ brd, pprig bofors a Uow wat investigating eemmitt. -That any plane wr burned need- . WMiy-r wtlttiuny i incorrect," de- Jar fatrMk, Bw colonel of cngi aeer who, whra ehlof of the A. K. If, 'Ur eervieo raid aa Major (ieneral. ';. "Xono that it woald be economical to ketp war dtrtroyed." Destruction f the machines followed affort t sell them, which failing, re sulted U the salvage al junk of parte. Keae was offered for aale of destroyed, ramcs earn nam after aa inventory bad proved their worth lesiness. Coupl bplcd with hie testimony rcaardine? the dtruct:oa of pints, the former tklef .of air service aald that when the tralttie wai signed, that the Uaited 1 .ante aa about one fourth the aum VALL STREET SEES A VIOLENT CRASH Securities -Suffer Under An Avalanche of Liquidation; Rails Hit Hard CLOSE OF BRITAIN'S PEACE CELEBRATIC III New York, Aug. VStoek brok with I rh to da ander aa avakaebo of Uquidatioa aad abort oelllag which m braced a a eaormoue taruty af taauei nd aggregated alnott two million karoo. Tk break, which ranged treat Iro to alaioet twty polnta la tbo re cent market leader, u precipitated primarily by tbo Bailway. ehopmen'e atrik aad the attitude of tbo railway brotherbooda. laeludiac tbo reommee- da t low of the anion that tbo railroad bo taken over by the government. Bbread of the movemeat arainwt hl'h Uviner aotta alsd sv impetus to th decline, which waa lb ttot awver of any araaio aitic th beglanln) of the sun move eni eta moatnt go. Uueh of the tolling waa said to origi nate at lnfortor polnta, where tbo rail road aituatioa evidently canted creator apprehension tbaa la New York. . Hero a largo part of tbo offering waa ered- Not Since Victorian Era Has London Seen a Water Fete of Such Magnitude :br ol plaaei on fbe rrdnf ttar6outilftt0 prrfeatloasl loterettk v been there, considering tbo nice of the front line army. He gar 70 planet aa the number of machine actu ally tt the front, of which 213 were built tl thia country, falling dona in tho traiainc of avia tor rather than inability to get planet MUa to insufficient force, Colonel fatriok aaid. Training of the men. he espUined, waa tedioa and alow, but he aia Be did aot "impute a fault to any 0, adding that M, like production, wa tbo retult of a "alato of affair over which we practically had no control." Colonel Patrick alio ported out that , th American policy of troop movement aorooa changed when th Germaat begaa their apring drive latt yr, In faatry "kndartillcry men being rushed broad at th appeal of the allies. DHaviland four, equipped with Lib erty aiotora, were tho only Americas built machine to b tent abroad dur. iltf fh war, Colonel Patrick aaid, de claring them aa "serviceable" machine, ia tbl tonqectinn, Chairman Freai read iatO tk record etatementi mad latt yr by oth(r officers criticlaiag Ik Sehlaet, together .with aimilnr eom mtat by Eddie Bickenbacher line tho. Bahttaal Coaatlpatloa Cared la 14 to tl Day OAX-FOS WITH PfPSIK 1 a pooially-prepared Syrup Tonte Laia- ti for Habitual Constipation. It re lieve promptly and ahould b taken Mgularly for 14 to tl day to indue regular actios. It Stimulate aad jUfulate. trry riotssat to Take. 60c Pf bottUAd. ' , . PMr Of B.U Kia. Vionaa, luguit 4-Bela Eua'i fnm . Of OoiBli. iiriti tk j.j v - " ' . ucim, iu mai aaown, nia Ught U maintain power during- th laat font -, atoath bat been a continuation of hi atraordinary career during th war, ia a Jew witb a tnl ft Twrkiah blood, according to hi frWada. - H i Omali naa, uaimpoalng pbytieally, Duf (aid to kavo a pwallof pwr vet men aad aa ability to Kif tkd Haul !! W H,r f --y Tho OoUf.rg, it w.i Mid, oWyM bint with a blind faith althwgb may aevef aaw hi. Several titae tbo Aoeiate rreok eorretpoadont wi abla t p mllHary Uaei, with kuarl Ightturr, "" iraa pencil on a pier f uauifip(risjpn-w)irt ether TtMperti wer aot weogtlatd. LANglNfl BtroltK FOREIGN RCLATIO.NS COMMITtll. Waakington, Aug. 4. Secretary Lan. oing. wh wai th had of tbo Amer .. leaa delcgatfon at the peace conference after Prealdent Wilaoa returned home, will N qtitttloaed by th Meant fr. oiga folatioaa ommlttN Wdady re garding th political eafttrei of th treaty, He dlo 14 eapeeted t b aaked qvemion regarding th leagu of a tiont. MlatTING OF COttRNORS TO ( DISCUSS MOB UW PROPOSED. r "-"-' "'T wamea L. lie VullOch, edueatloaal ceeretary, and Ed W C. DlnWWdW, of the governing boari of th Boutheui Sociological Con. greo aoaouneed, tonight that oa behalf of tie ceagreaa they kad aaked Pmi. fovdrnort .t diMUM j.Ua aad meth-1 w. vi Pr.Tennng BOO taw in th tailed Stat. They i.ikd that tbd pro' poMd eonforoaeo aiHt ia th fatufe. t Coaaltaaiat Leader Killed Aa 10 Ned, i4aaa, Saturday, Auguat V-(By Th Aaaodiatod Pr.)-1'lber 6amMelv, one wf tk molt prominent of th Hanga riaa Comnaaiat ltader. wa thn lad kiltoltait aight, while he wa cremi th froatier afar Fuerateafeld, by a guaft nM brOthef, a .farmer, Bzauely hid had teated. A he wi dying Biampely ttclilrked: "l wa th only enemy of th tneaii tu me nrnuttaritf " ""'-' Progrooo of Pteifle -fret. , 0., Aug. 4.-Maklng .r Hm(inaa aaa Dee leaed!. va.rDef fleet will anchor of tk Corjnnd; IalaaUt, Sohthr dillfori.il, Wedaetday mofning at 8 o'clock, ac JOrdlag to a wireleu meaaago received taia aneraooa from Admiral Hugh Admiral Bodmaa antid.i ... 1 U ktm abeid of aft&iehediil pre viouily inboaned. uirgo kirUr will 0t.7a'i,M ?,,U moratkg, " iMM m1 Tbea geertary 1 J ,ur- Bl nn aa offirlal Prt7 "IU to to th aachomg of tbo V iTi;,' -a meg , aarbof aboirl Ibi deitrovet Ckauncef, t en eklly Jf9iM th rettel a UA them (it thg htbor. ALLltl blDft't iTlBT ' TOP filial ugv .(,By in- AMoeiated rrew.-A- diapatck from Buchar. "i""" reeira la Vienna today, indicate that it k aot th pur pw of tho Rjimanian tp hm 0r. aboM gaiU tk BolgafUa. Th dlt pafch aayii; .,; ,.,mm.K . W waited for ho aigaal from the Entent to itart Ui expedition ad win aot notice my ii(nai f0 t0p n AnothW Buchlteit iipf. y thnt Ianab teimhip ecrvic between fi'S'l, Bnmin-u, M VM will ht The decli ttortod moa rails, but almost immediately eiteaded to every branch of th atlve list, including aharea recently much In ipeeulative favor. Wore than. :i00 different iiwiica were traded in during the feverish es aion, the ticker carrying quotation! con tinuing to operate until fifteen minute after the market'a close to catel. up with the eale. Among the more aevere price impair mania were me invevtment nils, afeeia. motor, oilt, equipmeatt, thlppiag and utilitiea, final pricei in general being the Mweet quotation of the day. TOOi CIGAR-MAKERS STILL OUT ON STRIKE. Tampa, Fli, Aug. 4. After eeveral meotlnn ef both aide ia the e'.gnt makera' etrike here yiia afternoon and tonight, the lituation remained aa- changed, with the manufacturer1 de claring they cannot inereaae their com- proa: offer at 15 Der cent iaereaee a haadlwork, and tea oa,mold work, ad thi igr-makr dying they would aot accept ten than their demand for a (trnight IS per cent inereate. Tk cigar-maker thi afternoon tent a com mittee to Mtaar fi. R UcK nA kd im to'dS'wi.t k eoald to eM oottUmeat. About evta tboansd mea ar out. A few of the imall fae- toiie have accepted tho ttrikert' term. NASH county negro gets AWAY FROM ARMED POSSE Vance County Colored Man Es capes from Deputy Sheriff and Policeman A Na couatv aegro, arretted ni a charge of attempted criminal attack on an aged white woman near Taylor' crowing, eteaped f ron aa armed poeco ! Of IS men. ae:c dire to Me. ft. a. Nichola. of Silelg who retaraed taot aight after aa aameceitful effort t pica wp the trail. Of th darkey with bloodhoad. Mt. NWiola on 8aday took hi blood1, hounda to Vane county tad ran dawn Begre mrpected of itrtiiag lg ittto-BtWfe.-H(Macrtiaedl yeterdsr-thtt the negro had made his escap from a ffepnty iheriff aad a pollremii. H wa aaked to bring hi dog over, but couldn't arrange ft eaat of hi pr lon l(fcmeat ia Stt couatv. , Tl Sh lanaty darkey- hid bea toearely hladcuffcl yad given a pre llmtaary hearing befer a mnglatrate, aceordlnf f Mr. Niehol. Th poe tarted with the aegro to Naahvllle'to pine him in jail. "I tella yo' I'ae gwin to get away," the negro ia aaid to hive ciutioaH kia captors, repeating hi warning later. Probably tho mea thought he wa Joking! ay way he i mid to have watched kia opportunity nad to hav renrhei a clump of wood bofor any body e ou Id get the range-. 8kopnta' Strlki at Colambla. Columbia, H. C, Aag. 4. Southern Bailway and Seaboard Air Line shop men here (truck Monday. At the Southern (hep 600 me walked out; a( the Seabvird shop, which are mailer, (eilty4v mea hid dewa their tool. Tbo ete were ii ken at both thop earl tki moraing ' t wa (tiled that tke itrik it it i pathy with ahopmea at other po.i ua thi two tyitem. LodUoa, Auguat . Cbrlg multi tude cluttered ea tho bak of th Thame tbla afuraooa aad Vritneascd a labort river pageant with mUk Enaland Peace celebration cam to eloo. Moro tbaa ISO boot, hoadod by tho Royal barg bearing tho King and Queen, the Prlne of Wale aad other Boyl parsonage participated. .It wa a deatoaetratioa of tho unity achieved during th war by Great Britain' naval forcet, the mercantile marine aad the maritime resource generally for th aatio' defeat aad upkeep. ' Tbo aiao bridge aider which-th proeetaio moved, the mile of em bankment aad thi riverside park proved-4nopble of accommodating all who drove for vantage place. Tke gaily dretwed vetnels moored bctweea Tower bridg aad Lnndoa bridge ahd dozen of barge aad wharvet rwirmed with peetator. Along th entire coarse th tpettstorj brokei th ky I'm of house top oa both ide of th Thames. 'T Mnny thousand who were unable to obtain place from which to vw th pageant were farced tv cmtent them selves with a view of th Boy a I party driving from Buckingham Palace to the river. Both house of parliament im pended session for th-day. tbo mem ber going to tk fimou terrace which was thronged with fashionable light eer. N(H iac th VicUrlaa period bit London witnessed a water fet of such magnitude. Last minute change added to the procetsion two decoy mystery ships used during the war for chasing IT-boata and an old see lighter filled with aaomben of -the Women' Eoyil Kaval ervire. After the "King disembarked it Ckelset pier, to review he procetsion tho Lord Mayor led it back to fh atarting point at Toucf bridge. The re turn wa enlivened by race of naval cutter. Airplanet hovered overhead throughout the celebration. Lieutenant K. V. Car in ess, of thi city, it in Raleigh on a 15-day lear from Camp Dodge, Iowa, following twelve" months service overseas at regi Steat.il adjutant of the Third Pioneer Infantry. He it visiting bit parent!, Rev. and Mrs. D. N. C vines. CHICAGO I! rats INDICTED BY JURY Charged With Rioting and Mur der; Judge Instructs Rioting Wai Anarchy ' Chicago, Aug4. vnta hegtoe were charged wlth-jUrting aad murder ia Indictment voted today by a ipeeial graad jury Investigating : nwe riot which Jar dvo day last wook held tbo South Bid of 'Chicago la a reig of terfor. - Tko ladletmeat will b i HSjM befor. iud.ffe Robert E. Crow ia lo erimlaal court tomorrow. Whil city, county sod State author! tie eoTnblaed la foeklng eautes that led to tho rioting la as tadeavor to Is respoaiibillty, ala thdusaad atato troop, 3,000 poliema and IflW deputies con' tinned to patrol the aegro quarter. - Toalght ofltial reported tk riot toao ejuiit. Judge Crow (a charging the jury to day, characterised race riot coadltiona ia Chicago aa anarchy and oshortcd tbo jury to deal with it aa oaarehy, Be promised speedy trial for all persons indicted. Th poliee today ODfJdiiadTriportgiJf throatonlng aaoaymou letter received by aegr fimillea living oa the tdgo of ihe aegro diatrlet. Th negroes were waraed V th letter to move wltbia two days or their horn would bo burned tnd bombed. liG&NfairtBiII TIC "ISSLES" IN VIRGINIA POLITICS JUST NOW. w i rrve' - s t dtieo, Biehmond, Va., Auguat 4. 'With aboli tion of the Htate prohibition depart ment and antMrt legislation a a meant of reducing th cost of living in Virginia a th chief loauea, th cam ps lg a far nomination of aeutori and repfeseatative t th Stat legislature cam to a close toalght and primarle will bo conducted tomorrow. The cam paign Jits been noted by tli reversal of former "wet',.f "dry(" and vie versa la many in sis ace. Omni N Vigoroiti Men And Women are in Demand If your mMtt aa Wt you, ur ksppl mh hat ton fetevee mke ya Ukt d hikii Ttf B IAS Vat etsT, Wslw Oeuc Store, W. H. Kin Dm Oh. TockvV uUdm Pkarmuv's misnifieent off to rttwid rear fern? en me ant ko purchased ht Wen dell's Ambttioa PUIs do not fut yoar tnttr system I M eoadttloa and (tv ye it Mtrcy yifor ra have lost. Be mMHw, he slraM, ke vkjama, Brin IM nitt IW ef feeatlk t tour etwsh aa Hm raja sparkle that Osaotat ptrfelt iia hood aa woaBanhmi I your ayas. WU-s AatMe PlUa, th trait Berve fcmi. are ephmOM foe that Mrai iasllaf, aar vot tnuUaa, pat blooi beaiackea, BewrSlata, faatiaammt, trtmhlm. aervous krastrMlaa. awaUl depnaaloa. Iom of appaitt aa kM aay ar Hvw aeaiplalau. Yaa take Um wltr thla aadtnUOdin that' In two days yaa will fal batiar. Ia rill fan Baa. aad aft taVIn ana b you will ka mar Ld.i .iZu. aa aasMmi ae the onwaiat will rahia tk iwlet ef the ho. Ba nrt and nt H out of Um rat. '. Druet Eton, W. H. ght a I rant boa today and Mawwiow mess Uptown r " "n Dtora, w. a. am Brua Tatkor BuildlaeT fkarwxay an 4w tX ) wnaansea to (uaraatat maaa. Dobbin COMPANY Formerly Dobbin I Ferrali RaMgt'i TAKO COODS STOlt The Attention Housekeeper! Is Called to Our AUGUST SALES of Curtain Goods These goods were bought before the recent rise in prices and it is well to take the adranUf e our low prices are giving. Wi Sell ht Csatt asd Mirk Oar Good at Cash thm. r t jane, Vera. Dear Metkart I kav fomd tMOethmi WUlrfut. r it m TO w . Ova a aM-tuhlaM t. ia5heek Wfbt tarn UsM kef.-. JkZ7JSHZ $nmilj, I Sot I have k.naO Mvaa m aar wana tait MlaalW Who 1 a Oka I east Aran ay a a ha waaaa-w aarral. letl taojki kaaw akaai tk. kJ, ; Wkrtehaut Alkonai AatkMMla PmA Ju. m ear nns water Wtm mm milu aaa art aa asevaiav MMM. t Ii woman waa ha afciVlrm. r,'"1" rar aaactlh eutbM ra the hataa. Uaa ""0'aar la an this tnakiMaa aa I wiu an aaa in t fwata Satan, aa at " " aJ;!fcl.,',, waae aw mi wNIi their teMJil. elsawlna. A 0 it Wlittrtiissi " - v h .L. . . . ' lev ht fcatfl," v - , n sUhti ruxaAiT. . . loan All OXFORDS & PUMPS 'Reduced Nd Old Stock WOMEN'S IT.M Sid i.M patebt ramna Hh Louli heel, pi,, tR AC iosgat, buckled ySk. )04D tIMkkt dull k!4 PuMp, llh Louli keel, plain," ffl J rf ioagud, buckled ....... P0$O K.0O pit tnt t turnp with Louia 3T!.r?:.;...$tS5 M.00 Whil Kid - , ff 7C Touguo Pump tpDelt) HM lid U.OD HtnJ, .in J.touU aad military heete, patant, i koko eelf, taa and ir nr? black kid ,.9Ja7 8am ia 15.00 valu J g Ho Odds and Ends . MEN'S i $S.9S. Blucher cut J4.9S 5.W ipoelal,' black, sA nt Engll.ti. bluekrr, battoa d MJO Ctlf.Mia 0ffd ., Cilf gkin oifordi d-M tagiiih ua Osfordt st aad JJJUJ 1B IMtlo . ' tCMiMm kraal si ititk oa sol. 5 am re e onoe oto 111 1,'ttllmlagtei ItriM iiAct, tatkw iTTExono to t lOMmt sC.Ii NORFOLK FIREBUG MAKES SIX ATTEMPTS' . ' TQ BURN APARTMENTS , -auaamaa ' - Norfolk, Va., JLug. 4-8ia attempt were mad thi moraing to bora tbo Hoarictta spaitmenja, S Sve-atory building ia th heart pf tho downtown actio, by uakaowa ptnoa. Tk frit attempt, mad shortly after midnight, was foiled ty aa iamato who itla guisbed th flam trkll th ubqnat attempts at two-koar interval, war dotetd by pelleo and firemen. All of th 8 ret began ia a pasteboard bos Slled with (having! ia a- hall elot oa th thlrt-JovT. v - ; : XVUVt riXADS el'ILTY ' ' TO SIX Or THC CHARGES. New York. Aug. 4. Th eourt-martial appointed to try Lieut. Denolt 1. Ellert, If. S, N, aecaaod of lecepting lifm la bribes to provide tomfertabl berth for young mea ef draft ag leeking to eacap ervic oversea during tho war, today- accepted hi plea of guilty to li tpoeileatioa of tho Iftr-ono charge mad against- him, -and tho remaining were dropped upon tele graphic instructions from Attlttast Secretary of tbo Ravy Booaevelt At least two more naval officer sad rrhsp a doaen enlisted men will b rought up oa charge almllar to those audi agalaat Ellert, it wad learned. J " ... ." " 1 Wavy Baa Mo roodataST to toll Waakington, Aug. L Th navy hi practically a irtti foodatuff or other war (uppli oa haad, Acting leiratary Booaevelt aaaouaced tonight. All of tho lorplufatoros on hand at th toadutioa of hootilitiet, including largo tjuantitk of ataaed good, ttaplo gracerie, tea til and ho, wtr dipod of to American baalae toncera at fublie (uctloa. :.: ; , -V - . LswUs Baf a Cbaaco of aUoovory. . Lo Angclea, Cai, August d.OKSr lawltf, former isslataat U. V. Attorney. Oonortl, who wss riouiy burned ytc terday Is a Sre, following a bomb o In. ! ah vklt. a.Mi.bj1 kit, k .Ml kaa S banc. f reeoverv. ieaordlna to hit phyileiana tarly today. They (mcd eertaln al tho reeovary of Mrs. Ltirlcr, who alto wa badly burned. SKIN ERUPTION CAUSES - - ; UNBEARABLE ITCHING Sctattbmt .Inwtas U IrriU- turn of Uw OallcmUSkiB :i' T i "1 TtsstMi.. ; feu taa flaw yuf mailt lata your ikia aatil it' bleedl, ia a effort to ob Ula rollof from tko flery iuhjng aad burning eaund by akla ilaoa, but you ly ijicrcaoi tk irritation and pals. Aad yon eaa poor oiataaoats, wive and lotloaa by tk.galloa oa tbo irri tated pats, without obtaining laythlng but temporary relief. Juat as too a th itrength of tbo ouatr Irritant give ut, your pais and tortart will ro tura with Increased vlolnc, becauM th local rcmedie hv pot rtaehad tbo soure of tk troubl. ,v . Tho real aourct of all akla ohuraa Is th blood wpply. Tbo blood bo- eomc Inf octod ih OOCBO impurity, int th diieaa germ break out through thi It. M... MM I appoar as oeaems, tetter, boil, pimple ealy ontptlon, caused : by 4iaN germf ia th blood. Th ml cur, therefor, mutt b Jl rectcd through the blood. , Aad so rout dy hS yet bee dieoverd that o,aak 8. 8. 8, for any diaorder of tho blood This groat old remedy rid thi blood o: ovary trae of dleeaao grmi, and eleari dp.th complexion aad give it th . ruddy glow of pert Oct "health. Got I bottle at your drugstore today, sad yt will sooa bo rid of your tormntln ski troubl. Alio writ at one foi oipert medical tdvle regarding youi owa cs. Addrtsa, klodlcal Director, 263 Bwlft " Laboratory, Atlaata, Os Adv, . . Feleph Conditions one While the property has been properly maintained, it is not the same property which theTgovernment took over on August 1, 1918ov It is not as adequate for its job or as well manned as it was. That it is not, is in no way the fault of Federal control, which was eminently fair; It is due to causes for which neither the government nor the companies are to blame. ' , A year ago today we were at war. Labor and materials needed for both telephone operation and con struction were turned to military uses. Some materials were so vital to the carrying on of the war that even the work of providing telephone facilities for the govern ment was retarded and no part of them could be spared for commercial telephone purposes. No less, vital was the government need for those skilledto create, maintain and operate the vast inter communication systems necessary in modern warfare and in the conduct of the vastly increased government services. , Thousands of telephone men were already at the battlefro'nt. Thousands more were under arms, and still telephone experts and filled operators went into the service xf the government and contributory indus . tries by the tens of thousands. "ThTreserves drplahTrSu Were drawn upon until they were entirely used up, and the expert enced staff was gradually depleted. To And others to take the places of those who had gone was difRtjult-io train them takes time. , - , - , .. During the year came victory and the' armistice ; and instancy the business world sprang into intense ac tivity. The demands for telephone service passed all .former records. ' To replace the exhausted reserves which had been carried for just such purposes and to replace the skilled 'forces to meet this unprecedented emergency, there began a rush for construction, for readjustment, for high pressure repairs, for feyerish extensions. All these must be continued with increasingeffort. - The return of the property comes in the very midst of this race between an overpowering demand, and an upbr Ing of a system whose growth was heldback and whose i'orces were scattered by the vital needs of var. Much, progress has been mae in the upbuilding of this system, but far more is still required to meet thr swift growth of business; and also to give fifsfaid'- to every other business and every other service struggling -against an unprecedented demand. The prosperity which creates this emergency in service creates also a scarcity of those desirjng employ ment in the service. . : Under such conditions telephone service generally has not been and could not be up to the pre-war stand ard. It Is beyond human power to immediately over-; come the handicap which the situation impdsea. . There are ho people in any rjublic or private en-. deavor Who are working more tirelessly or strenuously for the common good than those of the telephone com panies. Service has always, been given, more of it must ' be given and it must be improved. s That improvement in some cases will take.months. -Eventual service must win the race with demand, v v SOUTHERN BELLxTELEPHONE AND .TELEGRAPH COMPANY & - ; .,'

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