I1: TUESDAY KOItrSNG, AUGUST 5,M. ; ! I-ill ill ' i 'I f. IE fSWS AND OBSERVER fl. .1 . II ; FULLBROTH ERsirr msmm "J " H ; Australian Commander in Chief of War Forces Pays Tribute To America - ' GREATEST SINGLE FEAT s UY, MEN OF 27TH AND 30TH -hi Armj, He Explains, Over threw Th Hinde&bturg De fense System at Its 'Host Strongly Defended Point"; 'American! Had Capacity To " "Delirer The Ooodi" t of Australian and Aatcrleaa has rett ed a very real sad laatiag friendship between eur two democrat iee 1 Toe foaadationa of that friendship had al- ready beea laid man years before by the Yiiit of the Amerieaa battle fleet to Auetralia. , " "I eaa aesur you that Australia at tache sauea importance to securing aad maintaining ' the friendship of America. ; Wo look upon the United 8tatea aa our big brother la the Picifie, aad If any one of you haa reflected- oa the problem of the Pcifle, which are foing to ariao ia the future oa the fin tore, he will know what J meaa by that observation." I II NEW BERN TOHAVE NEW CHURCH SOON Indon, Jaly 4. (Correspondence of The Aaaoeiated Pre.) Auitraliaar aad Amerieaa aoldiere are "full-blood bro- ' titers'' ia the epiaie. of Iieateaant General Sir John Uonasb, eommsnder-la-chief of the Australian fore ia the war, because the Americans were never ( placed, ia any position aor called upoa to perform any duty, when, aa the General expressed it in an Independ ence Day speech here tonif ht, they did aot "deliver the roods.1, " Oeaeral Monash aaid he first reached this conclusion ia the early dawa of the Fourth of July, 1918, wbea for the first time, Australian troops, fighting: aide by aide with the Americans ia the Bommo sector won the battle of Hamel aad' gave to the Allied arms' the first success they had achieved since the Germans began their memorable ad' vaneo on March 21. This battle waa the turning point of the war," said General Monash. "It waa a brilllint aad unqualified success, ;. aad ita effect upon the morale, both of the enemy aad of our own men, was electric and startling. It became the model of all subsequent achievementa ja Frante, and it paved the way for the great counter offensive in August. Aa Eicltiag Tww Hoars. The American troops engaged, the General aaid,. were 1,000 mea from the 33d division, commanded by General John Bell. The 33d division was then undergoing training. General Monash - said be had asked and obtained, per mission to employ 1,000 of the Ameri cans ia the battle of Hamel, but on the eve t! the battle the permission waa withdrawn. " passed a strenuous and cxciti Jg "!il n ' iti" oil Ccv-nl fqnasb. "So far u I could learn the un.tr or.L-KU i ia uic i:i s.i.i.ii . standing at American general head . quarter as to the state of preparedness for battle of this division. 1 could aot afford to have my bat tle plans ruined at the last moment by the ithdrawal of a large fraction of my assaulting Infantry, so I went fo my ommander and delivered aa ulti matum. If the Americans were not allowed to remain ia the order of bat tle, thea -the battle ia the morning ' would be off. Unless a decision was giewa by six o'clock that sight the bat ths would go oa with the Americans ia itjas planned. We managed to inter cept the commander-in-chief and he ga" the" 'order, 'Carry oa.' "Those 1,000 Americans covered them selves with glory, and I eaa pay them no greater compliment than by saying that 'rom that day oa our Australian : veterans took them to their hearts as full-blood hrothers." General Monash declared that the 1.1 1st American Regiment of the 33d Division, in company with the 13th Australian Brigade, "fought a moat gal lant aad successful, series of actions which resulted in the eanture of Chi- pilly Spur when the great countcf-of-' fensive was munched by Australians and Canadians in the Pom ma sector oa August 8, 1918. "This," he said, "made i iMv'loft flank thorerlw aaahllHif ! me to get astride of the Valley of the Rom me aad hunt the enemy clean out of ft for twenty miles. Greatest Single Asnoricaa Act. General Monash bad uadcr his com mand in the closiug days of the war the whole Second American Army Corps, more thaa 60,000 mea of the 27th aad 30th American divisions. Tnia army, he aaid, overthrew the Hlndenburg de fense system at ita "most strongly de fended point." The share of the Amer ican divisions in these operations was characterized by General klonash as "probably the greatest aingle American feat of arms achieved in the whole war. ' The operations were completed on October A be said, and it waa on that Bight that ."the Germane threw up the sponge and declared their willing ness t make peace on oar owa terms. ."I have. been asked over and over again to express my opinion of the Amerieaa troops," General Monash continued. "I am not going to bo so foolish as to attempt to do ao here aad now, I am only going to say ia your wa expressive vernacular that at all tiroes and in every place where I have Used them, the Amerieaa troops 'deliv ered the goods.' "You may well believe that this close aaaoeiatioa ia war of such largo, bodies Christian Denomination Pur chases Lot On Which To v Build Edifice ' ' New Bern, August 4. The Christiaa church of this city, which, has been without a place of worship of their owa since mat Deeembsr hntlidr .edinee was destroyed by are, haa recently our chased a lot oa the corner of Broad and Bura streets from Messrs. Hymaa and McKeeL The church will at an early oats award the contract for the eon atruetioa of a handsome building on this lot. Sam Fiaher (colored), who has been working at a local stationery store, waa apprehended in the act of aelling'goodi stolen from the store. Be is said to have admitted having made a practice of taking auch thinga aa fountain pens and selling tnem to his friends for trifling sums. Be asked to be allowed to pay for the articles. The privilege. was withheld, aad the negro placed in jail. , A solid ear load of steel office equip ment haa beea shipped to the naval air station at Camp Glenn by the White hurst Company, of this city. The ship meat constitutes the entire office out fit of the station. Bids were asked for oa February 20. The award was given on July 16. - Mrs. G. T. Eubanks, of Claris, died here Saturday night at a hospital, af ter aa illness of several weeks. She was 31 years old. The deceased is sur vived by her husband and the follow ing sons and daughters: Mrs. L. H. Taylor, Messrs. Jerry and John Eu banks, of Claris, aad Mr. T. H. Eu bsnks, of this eity. , TAR HEEL SOLDIER GETS IN TROUBLE IN RICHMOND DBACGO WORKERS L T TIE All Differences Between Union and R. J. Reynolds com-. pany Are Adjusted Winston-Salem, Aug. 4. There will be ao strike by the tobaeee workers la this eity. All matter ia controversy be tween the local tobacco workers anion aad the manufacturers have beea set tled. Not ante will there be ao strike ia the plaata of the B. J. Reynolds To bacco Company, prominently mentioned in connection with the negotiations, but an agreement has beea reached closing any further discussion affecting the to bacco Interests of the entire eity. At a meeting of the local tobacco manufacture ra with the representatives of the local tobacco workers union, a proposition from the Beynolds Tobacco Company waa received by the" anion representatives. President A. McAndrew aad Secretary E. Lewis Evana, of the in ternational tobacco 'workers union, or Louisville, Ky and the local organiser, who have beea conducting the nsgotia- TnTBf ' ' mi1"!!"!! m - Briefly etated, the tobacco workers are granted 48 hour week, divided iato five nine-hour work days, with three hours work oa Saturdays. The stipulations aa to the wage scale grante an increase of practically 80 per cent. All work required by the company of ita employee in excess of .48 hours per week shall bo paid at the rate of time and a half. No discrimination will be made or permitted against aa employee because of hie membership in or non membership ia a labor union. The pro position also states that the basis and rates proposed shall be in effect until Jsnuarv 31, 1920. , President McAndrew stated that the local branchea of the union have deter mined to start at once with the organi sation of co-operative stock companies for the purpose of operating co-operative store under what is known a the Boehdale system. President McAndrew also stated that his organization, and labor generally, is heartily in favor of the improvement of school conditions and particularly endorse the school im provement plaa recently launched in Winston-Salem. Be further stated that at the meeting of the State Federation of Labor at Baleigh oa Tuesday, August 12, a resolution will be introduced, und he has reason to believe it will be car ried, asking legislature to enact a law providing for free text-Doou lor h public schools of the State. ? ' WEST LEADS IN CAPITA AUTOMOBILE OWNERSHIP Nebraska" Hat One Auto To Every Sight People; North v Carolina Forty-four . The. West lead the nation ia per capita auto ownership, according to tig are compiled by the bureau of pub licity of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce. 1 , The first nine State are west of the Mississippi, namely, Nebraska! CaU foraia, Iowa, South Dakota, ', Arizona aad Minnesota, : ' ;"-;, Vvr. -Michigan, ia tenth place, ia the lead ing State east of the Mississippi. Ia Nebraaka thire ia aa auto to eery save and eighth-tenths . people. - Ia other words, if it were necessary for th entire population to leave the 8tte it could to done- quickly without the assistance' of railroads. The State of 'North Carolina ia ia forty-fourth place, with "one automobile to every 40 people. There are 62,073 automobile to a populatioa of S.4&S, 000. ' ' . ' ' It ii mighty seldom that a maa falls from grace without fracturing some of hi morals. , A pertinent query 1s a kick la dis guise. ' Richmond, Va., Aug. 4. Wearying of waiting on the government for the first instalment of his disability allowance as provided in the $10,000 .war risk in surance policy earned by him, Meade 8. Boyle, 27 years old, B. F. D. No. 1, New ton, who says that he was felled by a machine gun bullet wound in the hip i September 29 last, the same day on which Captain Dickson, Baleigh attor ney, commanding Company K, 130th Infantry, 30th Division, of which' he was a member, whil b waa helping to break through the Hindenbnrg line near St. Que n tin, undertook to equip him self with a civilian outfit here Satur day evening with worthless checks but wss arrested before completing the trick. ' Moved by bis story of service over sea, Justice Crutchfield today showed a spirit of leniency and agreed to re quire only a bond of 9300 for six month. Hoyle wa remanded in de fault but he expressed the hope that he could furnish the surety as soon as he could communicate with his brother, O. T. Hoyle, of Leo Hall Vs. A Clean Cool Scalp ParisUa Him Itehiar. Kt Um Seal CmI Piwwiss Daariraf . Ahaost vwykod owadart know that Parisian sast, the tavitrorstini hsit rastoru', is 'uanatM U remove every tract of dan druff, sto falling hair and runts scalp, or th eost, small a H k. will U refunds. But yew thaaM kaew saera about this marvelous kair crower. You avekt to know tkmt it femmodiaUly dostroya all odors that sra bouaa to som fraas the tamtiona of tka scalp, aad ia trm aslnutas after aa ap plication, no asattsr bow bat tka westbar, your band will fati cool and somfortabl. Everyone should Jtave a bottle of Parbiaa saa-a bands ktcaasa it Is sack a pleasant and askilaratln hair treatment. Ladks ose it baosass they know it is delicately nrfusssd, not sticky ay sroacy, and sorely dots make the kair boautiful, sitter and abundant Here's wbat a New York Wo. saaa wHtasi "I kaea assd Parisian amt two weeks only, yet M that thaw Sad my kair baa wonderfully Increased in basuty, therksiaas and linrurianca, but what sur prised saa wieet waa the dsssssssaiaaea cf sU dandrat." ' - A lame kottla af Parisian an aaa be obUisMd frost J. C. Brantley ar at any ood aran or touat eoaatsr a s not (A.) Is2 FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Haw Bess Care That Anssoi Caa Dae . WttheaS Pi sifaet a Lees a tisse. Wa kaea a Mew Method that swr and we want yoa so try it at any ssptsaa. Me asattsr whether yaw eaaa si at Issssauad. In ar rsosat oWvalotansat, whether ft k eras ant as smile aal or ckraaia Asthma, yoa should asad roe free Mai of ear seethed. Ne naattst to what cUsnate yaw lira, aa asattsr what year aaa or acrapatiea. If yea era treacled wnb Asthsas, eaw astthw ahwakt IS lteee rea preenptlr. We oapoi lolly waat as eeed It as thoee as Craatly hsyslsse sues, wheat ail rertsa al ss lere, deeches. opkus preparatioaa, Iusms, ateat fetes." ata. have (ailed. We waat la skew mrysaa at ew owa sapinaa. that this new BMthod Is daaeroed St tad alt diftcalt brea thins, all wheeeiaa. aad all tkaa tarribla parasysssa at anea aad (ar eg teas. Thai fret arTer is toe iasaartaat to neeiset atari ear. Write new aad thaw heals th aarthed at aaea. Bead ao ssanay. Biaspiy ssail Da It Today. mi TKIAL.COCFON mONTIIR ASTHMA CO Itcees H g Kiaaar aad Haehea lav. BatTaia, X. T. ' lead tree trial af few ssathod ttl S eeeeeeeeaeeMeeeeeeeeteeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee For ' BARGAINS m Oxfords r v Come to Our Store" i ' i : .. '.' ' , Guess & Ward UL Baraett aUreet 3ur skin- Clearv Maevourface a business asset That skin-trooble may be nor than a source of suffering and embarrassment -it ritay. bo holding row back In tha business world, keeping you out ol a better job for which a good appearance k required. Why "Uke a chance' 'when Resinol Ointment heals skin-eruption to easily t asiayls free. Dept. HI, Reeiaoi. BiWaaere. Md. . ., uCm1f'm0mf ?trw- -ef Constipation Results When Hot Weather Stops Exercise YHEN the system hat bexome accujtocved to a certain daily W routine of exercise and food, health is quick to tuffer if thai rout joe it interfered with. The bowels are first to notice the change. , Difieresi water it easMgh Is coaoti psta. Chsafss oi iood wksa trnvcaaaj, mack siniaf by tbam acosslotstdtoloiaj i walks will de it, It is especially true that whaa elderly peopUchethe Msiine I Btry quickly bscosae eosubpelci Yet alderty people should be parbtulwly caraful ta keep aSeii bowels opea, eapaci ally durst Iks hoi BMaslhs. A better leavcdy lot Um parpoes can. aot be fouad en a oVaggist's sbeK thaa Dt. Caldwell's Syrap Prptia. It it a wj aaarJa lasatira herbs with pepsin which bains the stomach ic lot to do then work aatarsily so that edifinrs caa be ckapented wilh. ' Oshr a tasaB doss is needed, sad uaUt ksitk physies and csiharnct, it acta gently and waboat piping. A bottle ol Syrup Peraaa can be bouaht ax any cbue stost rot 50c sod $1, the sitter th iaauly sins, or a be nisi bonis will be sent ea receipt oi yoor address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 480 Washington St, MoabotUo, UL Pepsin (pfie Perfect Jhxatwe law U wse' I "'f JO. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Both Phone 74 "Raleigh's Skopplug Center " B 0 YL AN -pE ARGEQ 0. The Seasorts Most, Important DRESS SALE A Clearance of. All ' Spring and Summer Silk Dresses For women and misses, all high class and attractive models in six special lots. Lot One CA for Dresses j'ri.OU that sold at $59.50. Lot Two $32,50 $45.00 and $49.50. Lot Three for Dresses that sold at $25.00 $35:00 and $39.50 for Dresses that sold at Lot Four PIJ.JU that sold at $25.00 and $29.50. . t 3 Lot Five $15.00 for Dresses that sold at $22.50 arid $25.00. ' Lot Six OlL, that sold at $19.50. Don't Be Deceived When You Buy Linoleum When you go into a store to buy linoleum, make sure you get , ' it, and not a felt ptper product that closely resembles linoleum and which is frequently sold under the name of "Linoleum, "Felt Base Linoleum," "Enamelled Linoleum," "New Process Linoleum,' etc The Federal Trade Commission has decided that such felt paper floor coverings are not linoleum, and that their sale under the name, "Linoleum, deceives and misleads the public, and hence it a violation of the Act of Congress approved September 26. 1914. The (Commission finds that the word, "linoleum." has a defi nite meaning, and may only properly be used to describe a floor covering composed of oxidized oil and gums intimately mixed with ground cork or wood flour, pressed on a suitable fabric back. The Commission further finds that floor coverings made of felt paper saturated with asphalt, with a pattern painted upon the surface, axe not linoleum, and must not be described, advertised, or sold as linoleum. One manufacturer of felt paper floor coverings has been ordered by the Commission to stop using the word, "linoleum." in connection with his product and to discontinue its use in the name of his company until such time as he may manufacture linoleum. Linoleum enjoys an enviable reputation as a tough, wear resist , ing and sanitary floor covering. There are three easy ways to dis- ( tinguish linoleum from painted felt paper floor coverings: 1. , Linoleum has a burlap back. 2. Linoleum does not tear easily. 3. The edge of felt paper floor coverings is always blacL . - - . Th6 public is invited to report any violation of the Commis sion! ruling, on the part of any store, to the Federal Trade Com' mission, Washington, DC', or to any of the undersigned manu- v factumi of linoleum. ' Aran Cat Ctw 1 latitats Deaf. Tba Maim Ibsaltejss Ce y. . 4. A O'er to W. Itlabaa miaaotvki. Fa. .Cask's Unalsss Coatm Trtality . eV . I ' Theorae Fetter, taws a I milaatlnaia. Fa. we, VVflt a raasaaa Atw lark City Just Received New Stock Of ? Handsome BRIEF Cases Full Leather, $5.00 to $15.00 ' NEW FICTION Cup of FuryRupert Hughes $1.75 Dawn Eleanor Porter $1.50 Tin Soldier Bailey $1.50 Love Stories Rinehart $1.50 . Jungle Stories of Tarzan Burroughs $1.40, EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Orders Promptly Handled. ALFRED-WILLIAMS & CO.' RALEIGH, N. C 1867 Liberty Bonds Bought We wish to buy Liberty and Victory Bonds. Market Price Paid.j', The Gity Bank Right la the Heart ef Everything. R. G. ALLEN, President t H. H. MASSEY, Cashier 0 0 BROOMS at a Reduction IS cents ttdi t S.lt iot. M ceata each..... . ,7.2S in. N teal each S1S.S iot. fl.S each Ill.M lo. SI. 15 each SU.8I if. Sl.JS each $1J.H e"o. Quality Unsurpassed for the Price. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS Raligh, N. C THE BIG HARDWARE MEN Attention! Soldiers!! Activities of Business Ufa Now Calls To You , ' ; ; "Over the Top.'" Aa se or U Daloa Cantral Ul UiSuraae Co, offer Unities jpat-' , , sibilitie far job to build a bosiaees. ' ' . " ' '. ' This aompany liberally Insarad th tghtlag tta, Wss eUuae sow sllssl , atL ... ,..''' '"'.'-A ' All sitra war premiums refunded. W eaa aw BJfty SMrjeUo, sapabl . Writ a at e for territory. . . - .. r -. -. CAREY J. HUNTER &BRCL II KALtlGO. N. C (140 j TTR AGENTI

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