7 10 HIS N2WS AM) OSERVEIt SATURDAY MORI ONG, AUGUST 9, 1919. RATES 10 Cents Fer LIN E HELP WANTED MALE COLORED BARBER WANTED FOB white trade. $23.50 per week; guar- uim witn straight percentage, wire or writ. Plumbers Barber Shop, lit tleten, N. C. , 9-lt PRINTER WANTED AT ONCE FOB live Virginia wmHjt for month ot ; permanent; . $30.00 per week and transportation. ' , Wire or write Thomas B. Harrisoa, South Hill Va 9-2t. WANTED -JUNIOR.. DRUG,. CLERE BUte salary wanted aad furnish ref ereaee. Box oss, Winston, N. C. ' 8-10t WANTED MAN OWNING SMALL sawmill, tea ta twelve thousand ea peeity, to log aad saw 00 contract wi uve minion ices pine limber, ear Newa and Ohaamr. t.ni V ANTED WORKING FOREMAN, wool working (hop 1 mod place for right man. "B-3," eare Newa aad Ob- .j WW. 8-2t PANTEDYOUNG MAN TO- TAKE charga t ladies' shoe department, ad assist la resdy-to-wear. Give references aad salary wanted. J. K. Hoyt, Washington, N. C. 8-3t WANTED EXFERIENCED tarn aalsssasa. One who to ca pable of Siting ladles' aad chll reals eassa. Perauaeat posi tion aad toad salary aanred. Address Nertk Carollaa'a Big feet. Beet Deeartaeat Star, B. COPLON SONS, New Bora, N. C. POSITION OPEN rOR BOOKKEEPER 'and omoe man; good opening for capable young aim. If you have ex jwrienee ia lumber, that much bet. tar. "B-4," eare News and Observer. - -2t ' - , HENDERSON, N. C. Hosiery Company, Mill No. 1, wants capable men ai - FOREMAN AND FIXER. Good salary to right man. State ge aad experience In first letter, If you write n, and how tooa eoold yon come with u. HENDERSON HOSIERY CO., Henderroa, N. C. 7-9-10 W AH TED 18 MEN AND BOYS TO operate cut-off and rip aawa in box xanory. uaoa waget; regular work. Jeffreys-Myers Manufacturing Co., ; uxrora. w. i". , s.-t .CLOTHING SALESMAN AS MAN acer Of eaa Of Bur branch TOt have Mid clothing at retail hrr. u a chance to graduate from mere ruugery aaa make your ability eouet. Yon will hare full charge; win o unnampereo ae lona- aa vou : atkk to aouad idea. You will hae a caaaee 10 uaa to your own ad ren tage your owa initiative and "gel-to-itiveaeas." la other words, here is aa opening that many a man hs ought tot ia vain for years. We . are sot looking for a "world-beater"; Just a nlain. nritla.rv "nnali" i. 7 wuu kaowa haw to cell, and whatever else aecaiui ke doesn't know we'll teach him. If you're him, address to P. O. Boa , Durham. N. & 8-:n. WANTED V THERE 18 A UVE WIRE MANA GEB IN THE STATE OF NOR H CABOUNA WHO IS SEEKING A GOOD POSITION, ADDRESS S. COPLON k SONS, Vacua CaraUaa'a Blageat, Boat Doaartauat Star. NEW BERN, N. C. M KEN WANTBD FOR WORK IN LOG , WOODS. ALSO S3 MEN FOB WORK OH LUMBER YARD. HIGHEST WAGES PAID WEEKLY, BUTTER IA7MBER CO., I'" 'T'NM.VN', N. C. l-4t WANTED THREE FIRST CLASS AUTO MECHANICS. MEN WHO CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. NO FORD SPECIALIST NEED APPLY. PHONE, WRITE OR Wir.E AT ONCE IF INTERESTED. " CALLOWAY-HAGAN AU TO REPAIR CO., AYDEN, "N.C WANTED JUNIOR DRUG CLERK with preeeriptioa experieaee. State aUry. B-t," eare Rows and Ob aereer. .r WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST for mall towa. State salary. -B-l," care News aad Ohserrer. T-7t. aua ULUK WANTED FOR EXCLU v SIYB SHOB STORE; YOUNG MAN PREFERRED. COULD l?RI MAN WITH GENERAL STORE EXPERI. ENCE. APPLY IN PERSON. PAR BOTT CREECH, COLDSBOBO, N. ' '' T-7t JUNIOR, DRUG CLERK WE RE. qulra aa aaakUat. State experience, refereaea and aalara mi - nuj " aptaiaf for a pubis young .waa with chsace of adraaeemeaC Smith's Drug Store WUmlagtoa, N. C - ' -' : f-t. WANTED AT ONCE-A BEAL LIVE INDUSTBIOCS BOY TO DELIVER A XEWB AND OBSERVER ROUTE. APPLY TO -TBB CITY CIRCULA. TION MANACER BETWEEN AND 1 TODAY, '. . . . ll , , . COUNT S CyBIIWO lMIIIDUTI 180LTfS5a jj 1 I -- " - - n-rrrnn.ninji. ujl.iaiwuuh iruxru .itj-u-li n. nrl r --TuT.iijnj'.x-j-.T.r.TTi.nruurir nrtrin r -ft.- - i .1. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED EXPERIENCED TOPPERS knitters aad loopers. Good pay; steady work m good, live small towa , Coat of living below tbc average. Crystal Hosiery Mill, Holly Springs, N. C. ' , - -7t WAMTEDi-REGlSTERED DRUUGlSTt young man to manage business ia ' small towa; good salary. "Z-10," eare News and Observer. 6-St WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLER for grist mill. Give age, experience and salary expected. . Box -373, Rocky Mount, n. ;. 4-7t. WANTED MANAGER NEW CASKET xactory ; ive reierenee and aalary ex peeted 0rst letter. Chamber of Com meTce, Henderson, N. C. 2-7t CUT YOUR OWN HAIR. SEE AD wrtmement under Agent Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED MALES man Sept. 1, for dry goods and shoes, young or middle ged man preferred. Plrsse give age, reference, salary ex pected and name of pnstor. Adircus "Z-5 care News and Observer. .t-7t EMBALMER WITH ELEVEN YEARS' experience. 33 veara old : mnrripil: wants . position with undertaker; will consider imying interest in business. "W-10," .care News and Observer. 30-1.3-S-7-S WANTED - AT ONCE FIR8T-CLA88 white barber, 70 per cent. Wire, II. M. .Henna, Bicks Hotel Ilarber 8hop, Rocky Mount, N. C. -3t WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED DRUG clerk, give references and all pa die 11 lars in first letter. Address W. O. Uartwell, Druggist, Newport News, Virgluis. .v ll-:tt WANTED TWO WHITE BARBERS Must bo first -class; best and most up- to-date shop in tho Ktuto. Wire gr come at once. Hale and Pate, Rocky Mount, N. ('. H-;tt WANTED FIRST CLASS MAN TO take, charge of bicycle and gun re pair shop. Good salary, steady work Experienced man oniv need annlv. Uaskins Cycle Company, New Bern, . . 9-7t WHITE BARBER WANTED AT ONCE Biu.tK) guarantee to expert, who is swift. ''B-8," care News and Ob server. 9-2t WANTED AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS white barber. Mee shop in good town: 125 guarantee. L. . Weathers, Wendell, N. C. i-3t LINOTVPE OPERATOR WANTED Day work; 8 hours; steady job Write, stnting salary expected nnd when could report for work. The Sun Journal, New Bern, N. C. 8-3t WANTED AT ONCE WHITE COOK for small logging camp. A good man win nnd a good place. Virginia Lii ber and Box Co., Uoldsboro, N, C. 8-7t b'lKST CLASS CARRIAGE AND AUTO painter wanted at once: custom ahon steady job for right man. State wsgos, wire or write. James McGirt and Co., Sylvester, Ob. g-7t WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSI tion, linotype operator and combina tion operator and floor man for newspaper. Union; typ salary; when can you report. The Evening Tele grnm, Rocky Mount, N. C. 8-2 WANTED MEN FOR ROAD WORK COMMON AND SKILLED LABOR. ROAD-ROLLER MEN, CONCRETE MIXER MEN, TRUCK DRIVERS, HOISTING FNGINE OPERATORS, BRICK - DROPPERS, AND CONCRETE WORKERS. STAND ARD WAGES PAID COMMON LABOR, GOOD PAY TO GOOD MEN ON SKILLED WORK, LONG JOB AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS WORK TO START IN THREE WEEKS. APPLY IN PERSON OR BY MAIL TO T. L. Hir.CS. COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER, 336 HINTON BLDG-, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C 9-10-13-15-17-19-21 HELP WANTEDVFEMALE WANTED A GOOD COOK. APPLY 21S N. Harrington street. 9-Jt WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper and typist; one who hat had experience in general merean tlle line. W. C. Keel, Merritt, N. C. TIMBER FOR SALE IN SOUTH CARO- lina Seven to twelve million, mostly pine of fine quality, directly on rail rosd, healthy locality, and fine mill site on railrosd. Reasonable terms to good parties, or would let contract for logging and sawing to responsible parties owning proper equipment. Ad dress Box 2t, Summerville. S. C. 8-7t rOR SALE ON k NEW IRON SMOkI stark, 30 lncbea in diameter, 7 feet high. Piuehurst General Oflic'e, Pina hurst, N. fi. . gt A REAL, GENUINE EXPERIENCED talesmdy wanted by one of Raleigh's best and most popular ladies' ready-to-wear stores. Givt references as te character and ability.- Salary aa ob ject to the party who eaa dellrer the goods. If sot cxperieaeed, dout aaswer. "ZS," tart News aad Ob eerver. STENOGRAPHER WANTEIWEVPCRl nc nor necessary tf fast aa machine yad able to read Botes. Stat ta flrtt Utter salary expected aad wht eaa fPrt;. ConUaentaJ rianl Co- Kit- HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES WANTED IN EVERY' CITY and towa l North Carolina to takt orders for our magaxines, told oa easy monthly payments. Pleasant work. Good pay. Turs your span time into dollars. O. L. Dymond, 204 Lyrie Bldg., Richmond, Va. ' g-3t WANTED SALESLADIES Ready-to-Wear, Mllliaery. Cor . act, Dry Goods aad Notioas. Only .the beat experienced need apply. Permanent poslttoM aad good salaries aaaured. S. COPLON A SONS, North Carolina's Bifieat, Beat Department Stan, v NEW BERN, N. C. THE PRINCESS WANTS A DKES8 maker. Apply In person 120 lay etteville street, Balelgh. 5-7t. CUT VOIR CHILDREN'S HAIR WITH Tho Duplex Hair Cutter. Sec adver tlsement under Airents Wanted. HELP WANTED (Mala and Female) CENSUS CLERKS 4.MM NEEDED. !)2 month; age, IS upward. Experi ence unnecessary. For free particu lars, write J. Leonard (former gov ernment examiner), 1038 Kquittshle Bliig., Washington. -7t WANTED AT ONCE, COLORED WO. man to tic tobacco; twenty new houses just completed; rent cheap. A. C. Monk Tobacco Co., Wendell, N. C fit. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS WANTED TWO PR1N. cipnls, salary $1,200 for eight months; one, salary $100 for seven months also primary and grammar-graile teachers at 65; term six to eight months. Address Herbert W. Early, Hupt., Windsor, N. C. 9-:tt WANTED A TEACHER FOR His tory and English ia the Bur Raw High School. Hslary 85 per month. J. E. f'mtchHeM, Burgnw, N. C. 9-lt WANTED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER for Grlfton State High School. Good salary. Apply to Sunt. W. G. Col train, Grifton, N. C. 9-7t TEACHERS ONLY: KEYS AND translations bought, told and ex changed. Send list. Save redtape. Teachers' Exchange, Greenwood, 8. C. 8-31 TEACHERS AND SCHOOL OFFI cials, send for our handsome new cataloeue of achool unnttt.a. man. globes, desks, blackboards, etc Lowest prices. Special estimates for year's supply. Report cards and registers. rsnerldan Hchool Supply Company Greenwood, 8. C. 8-ilt TEACHERS WANTED FOR RURAL school. Prices ranging from IU'5.00 to SO per month. No healthier lo cation in North Carolina. Apply to superintendent, W. R, Thompson Fittsboro, N. C. -7t POSITIONS WANTED WANTED POSITION AS CLERK IN Store, experienced; A-l references. Box 3; route 3; Lumber Bridge, N- 9-lt WANTED POSITION BY EXPERI- enced shoe salesman. Subject to per sonal interview. References upon re nuest. Hox M. Wallsce. N. C. 0.1t WANTED POSITION AS MANAGER of large general store or eommistarr, 13 years exoerienre aa aalm.n hilycr and manager; sge 38 and msr- rioa; gooa references. Box 81, Bocky Mount, N. C. git W A N T E D POSITION AS BOOK- keper and stenographer by young lady now holding responsible position with big concern. Competent and experienced. Address "A-10," News and Observer. g-2t. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE MAN, NOW employed, desires to make ehangc. Address "A-9," ears Newa and Ob server, e-.tt WANTED POSITION AS TRAVELING salesman or maaacer of wholesale or general merchandise store. Have SO years experieaee as wholesale and re tail merchant, also one years' as traveling salesman. Guarantee to please or no pay expected. If vou wnnt a good man. Write box 972, Win slon, N. C. s7t LADY, WHO CAN FURNISH GOOD references, wishes position in some hotel as hostess. Address "A-3," care of The News and Observer. 6-7t. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS Posi tion as planing mill forma n or saw yer. Address "X-9," eare of News and Observer. 2-7t. SALESMEN . STOCK SALESMAN WANTED WANT organiser with full stock sales force to handle industrial issuo in Carolina city. Amount between two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand dol lars. Srvea per cent, cumulative pre ferred, with bonus ot common. Prop osition now earning enough for pre ferred dividend requirements. Strong ly barked -and "should be fast seller. If you have organised stock sales fores it eaa bo handled ia sixty days. Wi-e or write E. M. Lowman, Orsnite- burg, 8. C. 9-.it SALESMAN WANTED WITH SMALL capital, to handle big selling auto mobile aecessity, A big money-making, business opportunity. AutoUre, 210 E. Lexington street, Baltimore, Md." -. ; , g,, SALESMAN FOR COFFEE BT . - long established . well . knew -roasters: cat positively. only consider experienced salesman, bow successfully selliag rets it ' "grocers Balelgh territory.' Give " full partieulars, age, salary, selling record aid wkether cam drive Ford. Permanent aad do . slrable positloa for right party. ( Beplies coafldeatisL Address . ' "W-4," cart of New and Ob WW, .;i,,;VV;i!,i;;.lWOt. . Rooms Nowadayg no on thinks of tramping "ths streets till his heett are tore to find room. The modnn method is to turn to the Rooms to Rent Want Ads in this paper. There you will probably find just what you want for nearly vtrybody with rooms to rent know$ that the quickest way to find a roomer is through our Want Ads. . But if you shouldn't find Just what you're look ing for, put Want Ad of your own in this paper and watch your returns. State clearly what you want Use Want Ads Bkt these: ' ;. WaXTEO-BM Mtk SaarC. ta 4 nnsaalu naSV 7 iMnlal ruaUr tt rtliai aa awwrMl artM MMUs fna u Wa . - r. . lii sum. aMwa u mm. rr l U Ikaa fcalfa aSW M m. Umm ImuT wttkla Uw Mhs mmtm ar w atta. o,rm Malts of sum aw Baa, A- Bafwaaeal Una. ADUBBM: Our Want Ad columns are a great central mar ket. Remember that to find rooms or roomers , Read and Uce the Want Ads in , THE NEWS AND OBSERVER The Beat, Not the Cheapest, Want Medium la North Carolina" I 41 SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WHO ARE calling on merchants in small towns and general country stores, to sell our new 5c punch boards on com mission. Write for salesmen outfit Lmpire Manufacturing Co., 125 W. Plume Bt., Norfolk, Va. 7-9t. WANTED A WAREHOUSE AND SALES MANAGER To take eomnlete charea of a waroknuan to bo located in Greensboro. Wa man ufacture sheet mcjsl roofing and aid ing, steel ceilingfetc, and will cover western Aorta and South Carolina from Greenaboro. The wirtr secur ing this position must have selling ana executive ability and furnish' the best of references. Pr fer a man not over Jo years old. A splendid onirar tunity for the right man. Make ap plication in writing giving full in formation concerning experience and saiary a an tea. THE CAROLINA METAL PRODUCTS CO., WILMINGTON, NOBTU CAROLINA 8-4t. AGENTS THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE nee The PnDlox Hair Cutter. Just comb your hair and it euta it at the some time, taner than shaving. Guaranteed to ssve ite cost many times everv rear. A child can aaa it. Worth W.OO. Samples sent postpaid for only $2.00. Send today. Diaplex nair v utter, Box 75, Kaleigh, N. C BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAWMILL AND STANDING TIMBER for sale. Also gravel screen and ele vator. Apply Lassiter's Mills, Bal elgh, N. C. . 2-7t. FOR SALE 'Miscellaneous) CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE Duplex Hair Cutter, the greatest in vention of the age. Hoe it at Flem ming's Circle Pharmacy, Raleigh. 1'rice -. Worth a.1. Trice will tooa be i. You eaa cut your own hair as easy as you eaa shave. Just comb your hair and it ruts at the same time. Just the thing to keep your children's hair in perfect trim. Pays for itself in a few months. By mail post paia w.. me Duplex Hair Cut ter. Box 7(l.'i, Raleigh, X. C. FOR SALE SOLID OAK ROLLER TOP desk and typewriter. Gaa water tank heater and piping. One large book case witk double glasa doors. Bell 'phone 812-W. 7-10 FOR SALE STOCK GENERAL MER- ehandise. will rent store ; reason for selling: bad health. Box 16, Wake flebl, N. O... ft-7t. FOR SALE TWO 71 HORSE POWER one hundred pounds working pressure return tubular boilers. The Pine Level Oil Mill Co., Pine Level, N. C. S-7t FOR SALE GAS BOAT, DAPHNE, 41 reet long; a ran. feet; cabin with lavatory; 24 horse power Lathrop en. gine; in first-class condition, 1,500 cash. Will make trial trip. Joha L. Hoper Lumber Company,. New Bern, N. C. JMOt. FOB 1ALE ONE M-HOBSE POWER Morey Cngiac, praeUcally new, ia good eoaditioa. Joha W. NewsomN Ia Grange, N. C. S-7t FOR SALE ADDING MA CHINES. GOOD SECOND HAND MODELS AT BAR. GAIN PRICES. ALSO NEW -- MACHINES OF ANY, SIZE TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., RALEIGH. FOR SALE-ONE I HORSE POWER New -Way gasoline eagine, mounted steel trucks; used about 30 days, splendid value at I1S3. A Swala . Brc,.Cary, NC, - - 4.7t "... . ,v W JT 11 to Rent BOB Wt Lars, writ rmlahag swans toni. Saa 4 DI1CCS: v FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOR 8ALE TWO GOOD nOItSH drawn funeral ears and one ood horse drawn com. ambulance and casket wagon, all in first-class eoadi tioa; rubber tires and up to date. J. Will Baxter, Hartford City, Ind. 9-7t FOR SALE SANDUSKY. 10-20 TRAC tor new, never run, can save yon 300. Write J. A. Bizxell, Bland Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. 9-.1t FOR SALE ONE ee-SAW LUMUS GIN and one 60-aaw Smith gin ; also cotton press in good condition. Apply to Cary K. Durfcy, Executor, 304 Tucker isuiiding. e-.it FOR SALE HAYNES ' GOOD AS new; run less 4)00 miles; perfect condition. List price t-',4K; first certified cheek Sl.750 gets this ear H. A. Stanrill, Conrtoe, N. C. 9-2t VALUABLE TIMBER FOR SALE; MM- UtH) feet extra large original growth pine, 73 heart; 300,000 eliori leaf pioe, and 200,000 feet oak; situate 1 1-2 miles from Apex. N. C. and on improved roads. Plenty of water and easy logging proposition. Address inquiries to MrLendon k Hod rick, Attorneys, 313-15 Geor Building, Durham, N. ( . 9-;it FOR SALE GOOD PAYING BICYCLE business. Address "B. D., P. 0. Box 93. Durham, N. C. 7-.1t WAR MATERIAL FOR SALE 2? FLAT TOP DESKS. 150 GARBAGE OH ASH CANS, new. 700 USED .AND NEW WOOD or coal burning stoves, r" at tractive price. Camp G-ccne delivery. Address WAB EXCES8 STORE CO., Charlotte. N. C. S-7t FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN WITH counters, electrie light fittings, in good condition; will sell at a cri See te move at onee. Address "B-7 eare of Newa and Observer. e-3t FOR SALE ABOUT ONE HUNDRED toss of Scrap Iron, four return tubu lar boilers, one 100 horse power, three 80 horse power in A-t condition, one gas' boat. 48x12. fourteen borsenowor Lathrop engine, will carry ten tons inorougni.v sound and solid, good speed ; will sell at bargain. D. I. Martin, South Creek, N. C. ' 9-3t FOR SALE ONE PULVERIZED chewing gum machine; good ns new. Box No. 44. Black Creek, N. C. 9-4t LAND SURVEYOR'S COMPLETE OUT- St for sale; good aa new. Addreaa IM Box S.1, Middleaex. N. C. 9-3t WANTED (Miscellaneous) WANTED RED CEDAR POSTS, LOGS and lumber. Write ue what you have. Earth man Lumber Co, Murfreesboro, Tenn. . 9-7t WANTED TO , SELL TWO TWO- story stores, brick, within two min utes' walk of depot; business cen Ur; price reasonable. Apply to Wes ley Jones. Burfsw, X. '. S-7t wanted ws.eee PIEDMONT box fronts. D. T. Moore Aoa. .1.7t WANTED WHITE MILLING CORN; small or large quaatities; give ua your price. - Hocky Mount Milling Ce, Bockr Mount, X. C. " 4-7t WANTED TO BUT FIVE HUNDRED leet second-hand four-inch pipe ; must be ia good condition. M. C. Mc Donald. West End. N. C. . S-4t WANTEDi - GOOD LOCATION FOR auto repair aad tire vulcanising shop, aad first class auto mechanic for partner la name. Geo, Kittrell, Heath' rille, N. C. ' - " 8-3t WANTEDi TO RENT GOOD - HOTEL or boarding house . aer ggod high school Uee.4 Kittrell, ' Ueathville. X. C 8-3 1 TIMBER WANTED I want that timber you hsve beea thinking about selling t please write sse today about it. , G. Morris, Ashehoro. N. C. . 7-4t WANTED FIRST-CLASS MOVING picture outfit. Answer Bot 133, loperKi&.. . -?t. WANTED V (Miscellaneous) WANTED SECOND HAND JEWEL er'a safe; state weight, size and price ia first letter. Bos 124. Wilsoa, , WANTED IRON SAFE. STATE WHAT , you have aad price In first- letter. - Box 843, Zehulon. ' WANTED A HORSE TO DO LIGHT driving for its feed. Address 402 Liberty street. Durham, N. C. 4-7t WANTED ' LUMBER WANTED AT all times, gum. poplar, ash, oak maple, juniper and pine lumber, Never sell your lumber without cb . suiting us. 'There's a reawa." We pay 90 per cent cash receipt cf shipping papers. ast Carolina Ldfmr . her Company, New Bern, N. O. 29-1 it CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. ROOMS HOUSESFLATS f ? (For Rent) ; FOR RENT UNFURNISHED APART- met: two. large rooms; lower door. 107 E. Lone St. ' -lt CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO. BILES FOR HIRE. ROOMS HOUSES FLATS (Wanted) ' : COITLE, WITHOrT CHILDBEN, WANT TWO FURNISHED BOOMo FOB LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. "B- 5," CABE NEWS AND OBSERVES, WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED couple S or 3 furnished rooms. Address "Y-8." eare News snu Observer. 8-7t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE SEVERAL NICE FARMS near Apex. Good roads schools, churches and fine tobacco market. Prodrrc tobacco finest quality, as well as cotton, corn and small gram, Tonus ariaaged. L. 8. Olive, Apex, N. ('. -30t FOR SALE THREE HUNDRED AND sixty seres of land iu Harnett county near Camp Bragg and Manchester; over a million feet of standing tim ber; good location for farm or stock and poultry farm; health conditions ideal; near railroad. For further in formation write P. O. Box 492, Wil mington, N. C. 9-3t. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE; THE best farms in Nansemond county are being placed on the market at low prices; with good farms to, be offer ed. We have one farm of 100 acres near Sulolk, nice 10 room house, electrie lights and water; on county and railroad, with depot on farm; fine crop of tobaeco on thia farm; reason for celling or renting: I hsve automobile business in Suffolk. Ap ply with stamped envelope to D. G, Wilson, Suffolk, Va. HOUSE FOR SALE IN RALEIGH, lit Houth Harrington street; 5 rooms; .bath, electricity, gas. W. B. Wright, Administrator. 7-7t FOR SALE IMPROVED DAIRT FARM with modern improvements; five miles of Raleigh. "1-1," cars News and Ob server. j-7t FARM FOR SALE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 100 acres; 03 acres cleared; peanut, corn and tobacco land. Midway be. tween Richmond and Petersburg; one mile from trolley line and rail road station; on good road; close to school and church. $75.00 per acre; will make erms. W. C. Trueheart, Chester, Virginia. 7-9-10 FOR SALE VALUABLE SEVENTY aere tobacco farm, Pitt county; neeea ssry buildings; on highway; near high school, churches; $200.00 per acre. " Owner," Box 71, Balcigh. 7-9-10 FOR SALE: VALUABLE SEVENTY aere Tobacco Farm, Pitt county; nec essary buildings; on highway, near high school, churches ; $200.00 per acre. "Owner." Box 71, Raleigh. 3-9 VIRGINIA FARM FOR SALE,- lit acres, id cleared, balance In timher? two dwellings, one big barn; on man route, o miles from three towns; excellent land for general farming: tobacco, cotton, corn, peanuts: orae- tkalty level. Will take $17.00 per aere. A. F- Kubrock, Yale, Va. -7t FARM FOR SALE 113 ACRES, S miles northwest of Benson, N. C., on public road, near good school and church; 60 acres cleared suitable for cotton, corn and tobaeco; will sell for $o0 per acre; cash or good terms. Write or see J. D. Coats, Boots 3, Benson, N. C g-7t FARM FOR .SALE. THE J. F. COWELL FARM, CONSIST- ing of 200 acres of cultivated land, adjoining the progressive little town of Baylmro, located within 40Q yards of the Norfolk-Southern loading; 400 yards of good school) 800 yards of court house. This farm has been long known aa the most productive little farm ia Eastern North Carolina; has one good dwelling and six good ten ant houses. For good prices and terms, see " ' . RAWL5 A TINGLE, AUiance, N. C. 8-10t. NICE COUNTRY HOMES FROM TWO to 1,700 seres, from $13.00 per acre up. Excellent laudi fer general farming, grain, grass asd bright tobacco j 000,000 feet original growth timber; Excellent land for general farming, Owing to the cheapness of our Isnds, the North Carolina people are pour . ing la and buying them. Write to 2. V. Robertson, formerly of North varouna, Biacistono, va 10 x 4.1. 30-3Ot. FARM FOR SALE 75$ ACRES, 27S .cleared; nicest home ta the county; good tenant houses, lost of timber ' aad good wood ; three miles to a good town. A bargain; price, $80,000; torms. If this is not what you want , we have it write us. R. W. House oro., uai Vyi is.-v. - - SMALL FARM FOR SALE M ACRES lead cheap for cash oa R. No. 1, Now HU1. N. C. Address Mrs. J. A. Patrick, New Hill, K. No. 1, N. C. - . .. g-2t THE BETTS FARM NEAR ROCK Quarry read subdivided will be sold at auction oa the- premises ea Moa dsy, August 11th, at 11 o'clock. Carolina Realty Company, Baleigh, .&-. -9x REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS FOE SALE I HAVE SEVERAL attractive farms in Nottoway county .Virginia. Splendid bright tobaeot aad graim lands, Bright tobaeco far mere from Carolina are rapidly buy , ing op these farms. If you reall; wish to buy farm and will corns ; to Durham, X will take yon te see these Virginia farms and bring yo ' back to Durham without cost te you, ). , 1 , juon t come unless you mesa ousinesa, Write me before starting. 3. M-Jk Gregory. Durham, N. C. - kwt. SlJii TOBACCO, FRL'it AND CEN4 eral farm lands for sale at bargain 5 rices. Write me your wants. A. O. lartin, Carthage, N. C." " S-7t SEE ITS BEFORE BUYING. We sell easy terms. Aay le , eality desired. Beata aad leal Eststt. D. T. MOORE SON. I-Tt SMALL FARMS IN JOHNSTON COUN ty at auction. The Jennie Barham farm, bow owned by E. B. Galley, sear Clayton, subdivided, will be sold at auction, oa the premises on Tues day, August 12th, at 11 o'clock. Tree barbecue dinner and band concert. Carolina Bealtyj Company, Baleigh, N. C. 8-10t REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED BITTER FOB FINEST farm in Lee county; 715 aeres; locat ed oa capitol highway; 250 aeres U cultivation) dwelling house 100 yards from station; six houses; tea tobaeco barns. Very fine crop growing now. Price $65,000. U. C Beeves, Baa. ford."N. C. -7t WANTED TO BUT 8MALL FARM IN Eastern N. C, suitable for tobacco, eorn, cotton . and early vegetables. 'Good terms. Geo. Kittrell, Heath ville, N. C. S-3t BLUEGRASS FARMS FOUR HUN- dred to forty thousand. Good roads, schools, churches. Catalogue free. B, F. Perrow, Remington, Va. l-es-30t. WANTEDi TO LEASE OB BENT farm for 1920, adapted to growing cotton, corn, tobaeco and early vege tables for market, with privilege of purchasing seme. Geo. Kittrell, Henthville, N. C. 8-8t WZ GET RESULTS LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL TOUR FARM AT AUCTION. CAROLINA REALTY CO, BALEIGH, N. C. 8-tt A. WANTED CHOICE 298 TO (OS-ACRE farm, well located and with good im provements, price must be attractive. No time for correspondence. Give full particulars first letter. Plaster, Box 531, Bennettsville, S. C. fl-7t WE SUBDIVIDE AND SELL CITY, suburban ana farm property at auc tion. We guarantee satisfactory re sults. Write today Give details. Atlantic Development Company, Box 82, Fayottevllle, N. C. 314t ABSENT OWNERS OF PROPERTY ia or acr Oxford, N. C, give me sale price oa sams. Box 220, Oxford, N. 0. LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM- AT . AUCTIONWH GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST CO, BALEIGH, N. C 7-7t WRITE US ABOUT SUB-DIVIDING and selling your farm at auction. We get you best results. Lane Land Company, Greenville, N. C. l-30t WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER, FARM in eastern fiorta Carolina, contain ing twb to five hundred aeres. Must be well located with plenty of road frontage and necessary, buildings. Boa 302, Balelgh. N. 0. 80-7t LIVESTOCK POULTRY REGISTERED DUROC JERSEY PIGS for sale. Eight weeks young, weigh ing about forty. Satisfaction guar anteed.. Twelve dollars each; twenty a pair. Osamentha Stock Farm, B. Y. Collins, Prop., Holly Springs, N. C 9-3t FOR SALE SEVERAL FRESH COWS from 3 to 8 years old, 3 to 5 gallons milk per day. Write me for dessrip tion and prices. L, 8, Olive, Apex, N. C. 8TFto8-28 FOR HALE REGISTERS J DLUUC pigs 8 weeks, $10.00, next tea days) n.oney back if not pleased. Oakdale Farm. Oredmci.i, N. C. ' t-7t WHILE WHEAT MIDDLINGS ARE scarce and high, buy our velvet Hog Feed for hoga aad cows. It makes meat and milk $10 ton cheaper than middlings, aad goes just as far for feed. Satisfaction guaranteed. COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. -32t FOR SALE 1 FRESH HOL8TE1N COW six years old, giving four gallons milk per day. at $125. ONE FRESH JER8EY COW FOU years eld, giving two (2) gallons per davat$75. ' TEN (1$) HOLSTEIN, GURNSET AND , JcrseT Heifers eominr frash anna FOUR PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL Calves from one to seven months eld, nearly white. All guaranteed to please. Ivery Day Dairy farm, O. Q. Walters, Prop., UOrango, N. C. " PRODUCE GROCERIES WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SECOND- Land anrln ln .... V B 11r .- v " " a ""a " S4. IT Ol- le Son, Littleton, N.C. ' Bt WE OFFER "DIAMOND" IWI1T feed; guarsnt.ed 65 per cent, grain, at, for three days only, $56.00; cash with order. Winston Grain Co Wins- ton N. C. ' 8-7t. CUBAN MOLASSES THAT OLD sweet black molasece we old kiddies ; were raised ea; 80 gallon barrels, 60e gallon; guaranteed to keep eweet all , summer; Cash with order. Winstoa Praia Co., Winston, K. C. S-7t GUBERNUT FEED MEAL BEST feed oa market today for hogs, cows - and sheep; analysis, 13 per cent pro tein; S per seati $18 tea; cash wilh order; for one wag oaly. Win ston Grain Co., Winston, N. C. 8-7t " BUY HORSE AND MULE FEED MADE by Colonial Cereal Company, Norfolk, Va., made fresh every day. Yon get It quick aad good while the molasses are still sweet. We sell Blue Head ' Barrell Feed molasses, Scratch Feed Dairy feed, Oats aad Cracked Gem. Satisfaction guaranteed. COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, Korfftlk,ys. . .... I