I. ; THE NEWS AND OBbERVEIL SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9,1919. PROVIDES RELIEF FOR THE DISABLED $?P3tor Simmons Finds No , , Piscrimination Against The National Army . DiFECT IS IN STATUTES AND WILL SEEK REMEDY aor 0eiiter Protases To In, ' troduce - Bill Increasing Amount, T, B Paid Disabled ' STibLfi rroies,! AgUM. Tan on . PRACTICAL STATE Washlngtea today oa business. ' a.,J. P. Vitk, of BoeeHill, Duplin canty, is vlsittpg friends is Washington. Alias -u Lee, mi has beta viaitiag Mr. ad lira. William Little, will leave for bar heiae la ftaleigh tomorrow, bit will atap aver U Biehmond for day. " lira. Caroliaa Land, tua oaring editor of Judge Frank Cartcr'e weekly, ia speadiag some tiaia at tba Katioaal Capital. . . ' Mr. Wyers, of Yadkin'ville, ia viei- tot U the Katioaal Capital. Mra. A- H, Landia, wbe js -war worker ia Washington, baa gone to Dur hat for a visit at tba born o Dr. and Krp. J, M- Maif from Durham Mra. mdia wilt visit dsford. Beey'e Borond Samme- GROVE'S BABY BQW. MEDICIXt will aerrsot tha Stomach a ad Borl Troubles tad it ia absolutely harmless. Caa U glvea ta iafaata rrib perfect at tba oottle. Potash JT.e Seat aad Observer Bureau, District National Bank BMg. By 8. B. WINTERS. (By Special Leased; Wirt.) Washington, D. C., Aug. S.-Some-time ego, IV fill be recalled, that Sea. tor Bimmont became interested in the gpparcat difference in tba benefits eon- : (treed by tba government upaa disabled oflircr end nan of the regular army .at against diaabltd ofllaeri and man of the Reserve and National armies and the National guard. Tba tanator hai bad tha matter up both with the B;i- T lata War Bisk Insuvanse and with tha Wat Department. He Snds that the difference prices from the fact that the licaeSts given disabled officers and mm - at ha regular army ara by way of re tirement pay, provided by State, and ! the Uaoflls that" are given disabled officers and men of the Kaservs Na tional army and Notional guards are . ealy these provided in the war risk insurance act. fkaie kaa torn no effort or desire U gay quarter t j discriminate- in mat- tars. Tha difference hat existed siaf ply because of tba different statu un ties which these beueHW wese reeeived. leaatot Simmons baa becomo convinced after an investigation, that the beee itt provided for the r.fficers and men vf tba National arsuy and the Heserve. . end the National guards ia the war risk insurance a-t ought to be sub ptautially increased. He is iatrodueiag la the Senate bill amending the war risk insura'aee act end naich provides substantial increases for the men who J bare become disable I in the aerviee of their country. Among tha inrreases la the benefit provided by the bill are the follorlna: What Bill Provides. ' For: total and temporarily disabled Increased from 130 to Co, where 'he Soldier has neither wife or child livii where he ha? a wifu but no eh. Id Ms monthly compensation is increased from $49 te (73; where he has a "i'e and two children Lis monthly benefits are Increased from nii to 3. If he la,p a rife aad three or more children ail benents are increased from 73 to !100. Whets be has one child but ao ivlng wife hip benefits are increased from, $10 with 110 for each additional phild VP to two to 173 w)tk tlQ for each additional child up H two. Another change "wiada by the bill is that ia case of total sud permaaeut disability where the rate of romensa tea ia itQO per month, the bill intro ' duced by Senator Himmona provides al lowance of ISO per month additional for a aurse or'&tteimant in esses where the cjisabled person is in tonitaot need ff such attention. ' fke changes are substantial and will rave of much benefit if the bill is en acted into law. While maay people thiuk that even larger sums ought to do auoea m inro rases or Oisuuun.v, . h is aeeesury to take into consideration ' the eitent to which Congress euay le willing to go. The al'uace of (till larger sums might, it is thought, mili tate against the peonage oi tbo bill. Ckarlotto Osleer Honored. ' A substantuil honor hss come to Msi. John A. 1'srk, of Charlotte, in bia ap pointment as a member of the War I)e pertinent's claims board of final ap ... peals. Tha chairmaa of the Iward is Hon, Benedict Crowell, Assistant Bee rotary of War, and the other two mem bers ef tha board pre M:j. (ieorge W. Rurr and Brig. Gen. It. XI. Lord. The board of which the Charlotte eitisen ia member h ftpal jurisdiction by wsy ai appeal and review ever all the claims pgeiaat the government whose rhaunels ! af adjustment is through the War Do , partaiapt. Major Park has beea eon . aected with the office of the Judge Ad vacate Qeueral in Wsihingtoa for some time aad his promotion is In rerog- ; altioa of kis aerviees. His friends here ' PAPER BY WILSON (Conlianed freaa Page One.) ef the land. The message ia a very great etate paper. It ia a challenge to every member and Senator to quit play iog politics and to get ta work ia per fecting leglalatioa which will lawer eoet af living. "It was eae of hie very greatest ut terances," eoid Representative Zebuion Weaver. Jt ought to have a steadying god sobering effect on the country." "The ieecli wae very fine," aaid Rep resentative Kmall. "It should have a salutary effect In the ratification of the ptaoe treaty, What the President had to say about tba uncertainty of economic and industrial coaditioas should quicken the action af the Seaate ia ratifying the peace treaty." MILK AND ICE FUND 13 BADLY DEPLETED JULY IS BIG MONTH FOR RALEIGH BUILDING $tl,55l of Constriction h ftartod ia City Duriaf " Pat Month " With 32 permits for 173,53; wortb of construction, last month arae the blft goat thirty-dy period, ef li!4ei ae. tivity that Baleigbiiaa enjoyed within the past four years. The permits gvpr aged over one V1' day. After a long period of Idlenois or account of the war, Rfleigb'e construe tion program promises to again reach high mark. The buildings stsrted lnat month represent mostly residences, and they are located in widely scattered lee tioas of the city. The largest building eapenditure is 10,000 for additions to a building at frt. Mary'e aVhool. Tba smallest amount iavelved in laat moath'l per mits waa $100 for a garage. Eighteea of the permits were for resUeaeee, eeetiag from $3,000 te $1,900. DR. OSCAR HAYWOOD TO PREACH SUNDAY Will Dajiver Homing and Kignt Sermocg At Baptiit Tabtraacle) Public Aikad To Make Oontri butiong To This Branch of Cbaritj Work The milk and ice fund of the Asso ciated Charities is down to the pittance of pfl.OO. Money is urgently needed ia order that the needs ef the poor of the city for these hot weather nei-rs-siliep may be mot. There are a aum brr of tubercular patient, being as sisted by the Associated Charities and the amount expended each week ia doubtless a good deal more than a casual subscriber to the Associated Charities auppoaes. There are some very generous givers to charity pur poses else these demands could hot be met. Mrs. John W. Itrowa, 21:' South Dawson atr-ot, is chairman of the com mittee on milk and ire for the atocr. Contributions can either I scut to her or d sect to the Assorinted Charities ia the tiki building oa Salisbury street, j She urges, that the gencrous-hearU'd people of Raleigh respond to this call without further notice. NO CHANGE OCCURS IN STRIKE SITUATION Local Shopmen - Eeceiva Ho Word from International Officer-; May Rear Today Witk no word from their Grand Lodge officers, tha rVuhoard and Norfolk Southern shopmen, who for a week have been on a strike, took no action oa the proposal thai they return te work pending nn adjustment of the wage questioa promised by President Wilson. Advices tre looked for early todny. It waa a matter of marking time yes terday, wkilo the strike vote waa be ing taken, buUlhus far, tha local shop mea are not officially aware of any change in the situation. There was much talk here aad there among the men oa the questioa of going back, some holding the one' side aad some to the other. President MrMaboa early expressed his opinion to nbidv by the advices of the Oram! Lodge officers. With every indication that this advice will be ta return to work and await the settlement prom sod by the President and Director Oeaeral Mines, the eon- dttioas look favorable for a return, Dr. Oscar Haywood, Calvary Baptist church, New York, will preach at the Baptist Tat "made fiuadny morning and evening. Dr. Haywood pseashrd last Kuaday two strong aermoaa te large eoiigrrgationa. 1 He is filling the pastorate of the Tab eraacle during the vacatioa of Dr. Westou 1r oner, the pqstor. NEW OPERA HOUSE FOR HENDERSON IS STARTED Hcadsrsoa, Aug. S. Ground has been broken for Henderson's new opera house and work has been etarted on the eonstruetion work for the theatre building. It is Wine built by (.'. D. Biggaa, and will he located on William street on the old Massenburg hotel property,' aad adjoining the Vauce Ho tel. It ia expected that the building wiH be completed aad ready for occu pancy during Christmas we?k, provided all goes well aad labor and material ran be secured as it is needed. The building is to be 80 by 140 feet In dimensions, and will have a seating rapacity of 1.200. It will also have one of the largest stages in this section of the couatry. There will be also a mala auditorium, all on the ground floor, and one balcony will be built arouse' the rear and to the front of the huildlng on each side. Mr. Riggan stated that approximately $70,000 would be expend ed oa the building. WILL MEET BOY SCOUTS TONIGHT AT THE Y.M.C. A. Mr. Pope Denmark will meet all the Roy Scouts who are going oa the camp ing trip to lkeview next week tonight at the Y. M. C. A. at fii.io o'clock. There are a number af things which must be discussed , with the boys be- (ore going pad final arrangements for ravleg anusi be hiade. , Ceaeequeatlj, he requests thpt a full- attendance be '.ad. ANXIOUS TO RETURN TO THEIR SOUTHERN HOMES A well kuoua colored man of Raleigh has just received froaa a eolored womsa in Baltimore a 'letter asking hira te try te secure for her sister, now living ia Chicago, a position ia Rnleigh. The Baltimoro woman writes: "The riote ia Chicago have made it extremely hard for negroes and mnny who left their Southern homes are anxious te return.'1 REV. FRED. COLLINS u, WILL PREACH HERE Will Occupy Julpit At fallen MgBjorial Chnrch Sunday !ev, Frej Colin, of Ahoskie, wil preach moraiag aad aveaing at Pul- sp Memorial Baptiet ehurek Sueday, it w announced yesterday, Mr, Col lias, a graduate of Wake frt Col lege, ia one ef the ptreagest ef the younger Baptist ministers ia the rJtnte, and will be keard here with p great psai or interest. He is a graduate ef Wake Forest College, and is remembered here as ene of the best debaters the college put aut. Bp appeared harp ea team witk Mr. Baatford Martin, private see. retary to Governor Bickett, is a debate witk Randolph Matea in 1908, wbea tap ethodieta were worsted. SUDAN WIDOWS' FUND RECEIVES ITS CHARTER Will 9a lenpflt fond For Mm. bri of ludan TfWplt A, A. 0. X. M. I. Incerporatiea papore fled with the Secretary ef State yesterday iaeliidcd. the charter of the Widows' Fund of Sundan Temple, A. A. O. K. M. f., p benefit fund for members, ef the tern pie, reeeatly established. The imor. peretors are: W. A. French, Wilmlng. toa; W. 8. Smith, Raleigh, aad J, H. Aadrraea, Fayettevllle, and others. , Other charters filed included : Kast Caroiiua Bealty Company, of Lumber ton, with $50,000 authorized eapitul and pt,000 aubaeribed. The incorporators are Robert , Lee, Pr. T, f. Costnp and J. A. Carlyle, all of Lumberton. Chemical Investment Company, of Charlotte, with $123,000 authorised capital and $.100 aubaeribed. The inr corporators ara Chase Breniser, H. L. Taylor aad J. L. WillUsas, all ef Char lotte. Death Claims Little Girl. Lena Pool, the eight year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. Melvia Pool, of B. F. D. 2, did yestorday uiorning at tM o'clock, Ths funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock pt Samaria oaurch. Lous was pa unusually bright and attractive child and many besides lisr fond parents grieved linserely te hear ef bet death. First Pater My boy'i Utters from college always send me to the dietion- Heeoad Pfcter Tliat's nothing. My sou's always send ma to the bank. Rostoa Transcript. WOULD ORGANIZE ... " cap l nr PinrcH LLiHuUL urwiiLO Hugh McRm, of Wilmington, rrcsenw wvic nan to cnam berjof Commerce ' Bubmittiag a plaa fer the ownaiza- tioa of , municipalities ia the South eastern ' States into "A Leaa-ue of Cities," Hugh MeBae, of Wilminrtou, yesterday aipeared before the direetorp ef the Chamber or Commerce and in vited tha Raleigh civic body into thp ergaaleatloa. Rapid development of the export trade through the chief North Carolina seapert aad more uniform ateamihip rates fo the laterier cities, are the principal purpoies for which the Wil mlagten people would have the North Caroliaa cities ergeniaed into oae civic and eommercia' body. He explained the eld fight for cheaper aad we-e rorm water rotes for Wilmington aad "Id the direetorp that ev important city in the State would be benefited by a systematic plan of aggressiveness oa the Part of the "League af Citiep." The idea did pot take well with the directors who were prompt ia remind ing Mr. McRae of the present rate fight started by the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce,. Several of the directors vaieed their opinion that any new rate agitation might interfere with the f.cht now before the railroad administration. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce several weeks ago contributed $220 to Wilmington, as a fund to help that city dorelop a stronger export trade. ' he directors think that is far enough te go at the present.. . Associated Cherfylea Bestead. Superintendent Stephenson, of the Associated Charities, has responded to the appeal far help from Murie Jones and hor infant. A colored nurse was assigned to the ease and yesterday the mother aad baby were carried to St, Agnes Hospital. csr h Beuvans of wafer Ijrins! Have the Long Beautiful Hair that is Rightfully Yours i r km. Short, atcrtggly, umightly hair is more of a habit than anything die, : Hair must have intelligent cms. - Merely combing and wwhirrg will not keep it in healthy condition, and tive .you the nbundance of hair nature intended you should, hvc ,V $JibrobTcrp!cId2 should te used at frcqueftt intervals, because k keeps the scalp free from dandruff and ntrmful matter dut to , perspiration. Herpieide keeps the scalp in healthy condition permits tin the hair to have its normal growth and sheen. It is astounding; how many men and woman will go through life with little or no hair and with what they have in n very unhealthy condition, when at a very small cost, they could get Ktwbro's Hsrpidais and ssyt and beautify their hair. Herpidde is sold and gusrantced af drug and department stores every, where. Applications at barber shops. Senaf 19 awetfs faj efwmjee ejr aem aWav far sample evsej bookht oei thm car if (he Aotr. AJdnttt Tht HarpHUt Uh Dept. m-B, DadeWf, U.S.A. Sure Relief ELL-AM S ffQn INPI?G9TON ERNESTINE ALL1H IS BIRIED UEBK THLR8DAT The funeral services of Rraestine Almeta, the six yr-ar old child of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allen, were conducted at the home on 513 X. Boundary street Thursday at five o'clock by Rev. W. W. Peele. The eboir from Kdontoa 8trcct church sang, af ia the Arms of Jesus, Stomach Out ot Fix? 'Phono your grocer or druggist for a doien bottles ' ef this aVlicioue dixesUiit-Hr glass with aoeals gives Wefiphtful relief, or ao charge fer the first doiaa) used. Shivar Ale fuaa eituiiva aaoMAiiu enia SHIVA MIstaAL UAH 4ga pi MCI Nothing like H far esaovatmg eld worn-out stamaohs, eeavertiaa food into rich blood aad eeuad flesh. ' Bottlee lad pusrsnteed by the cele brated Shivar Miueral Sprihg, Jbel ton, iC H reus regular dealer cannot supply yoy telephone PORTEK tANUt CO Distributors few Haielga). Gilbert C. White CONSULTING iNtilMKUl Mem. M.C yarRRwoaaa light ANn POWft, fTRBSTS) s Just Received New Stock Of Handsome BRIEF Cases Full Leather, $5.00 to $15.00 NEW FICTION Cup of Fury Rupert Hughes, . . , S1,7R Dawn Eleanor Porter , ,1.50 Tin Soldier Bailey .$1.50 Love Stories Rinehart ,.$1,60 Jungle Stories of Tanan Burroughs. $1.40 EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Orders Promptly Handled. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. AlEjlN. c tho shmnnen havin. wn. th. Int "f,ur ",,B " . -. ! battle and the rest. a fins prosiect of winning EIGHT REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RECORDED l and . Christian's "Good-Night." Thp pall-hearers were Messrs. W. M. Up rhurrh, Wrsy White, A. B. Ooeta and W. 8. Cox. The interment was in Oak wood cemetery. Tobacco Opening Poatpoaed. Real estate transfers were recorded .lxt" g T Pera yesterday in the offl.e of the Register ' 'ul'afC0 arV ' "f," Bsptomber of Deeds as follows: i of, as formerly anaouneed, W. N. Hutt and wife to K. O. Hud- J ueWt The postponement crnoe j.p ; rr'4i ui nv arisiyrq Qpf ainyr or nf t ottar big markets in Cast r a NrH rr$lin. It kaa btn tlfiniUl tUi 1 BVAM Ik.l ikasi aM.km l. Ill W. A. Mystt to 3. W. IVnmark, Jr., g " " property on L'ait Krnnklia street, for ( $10 and other ronaideratinns. I Stoch Law la Defeated. R. D. Russell and wife to Kenneth Elizabeth Citv. Auw. aVTSa atni.!, mm ' are eoagratubiting him upon the honors ; sou, house and lot on Maiden Lane. voted him. West Raleigh, for $14 end other con Oppose Duty On Potash. aiderations. Na decent excuse for imposing suob i S 4UW as that I have heard kuggested ' kaa beea offered, aad I do aot believe tha Republican nia.iority of tho Wave . . J XI. ,..;... . 1 1 L . L . i ,1 a r tl-mrtr nn Via fan at r. . ... ,lAe...l . . I - 1 1 an i I aerve ta report a bill which will of' lt) n"d other con.id.-rations. ' by the Intense opposition of the country greatly raise the price of Imported t Mrx' Roeengartea and wife to Nkk ' people and by the apathy of Eliiibetu ,'petpsh, if indeed it caa be imported Ihoy, two lots on South Maunders i City. at all," declared Representative 1'oa 'rt f,r $10 end other consideration.'- , , , - - r . hea poked tod;nv a to his views oa the ', Ro'tca and wife to O. B. suhjest af placing a duty oa potash, i reaay, nine lots oa Roscngartea street,! .The eubjoet is uppermost ia Congre-4,'1" lrt nna 0,,,cr usideratious. ! ah. ntwiiKni'a ana wuf ig sirs. Ula HuauieutU louse aad kit oa tsenth 8wain street, for $10 and other consid erations. Alex. Rosengarten. and wife to C. V. York, house and lot oa Kouth Swain atrcet, for $10 aud ether eonaideratWas. Akx. Rcscagartra aad wife to E. U Warren, one lot on South bauaders street, for $10 sad other cousideraliwas. aaa orta lairwiina farmers ere par- tkularly interested ia seeing that potash ill Imported into this eoeatry without restrictions. It'ls eaid that eertaia deposits of agrieultacal potash have beea discovered ia this country while the war was ia proneee,' says Rspreseatative Pou. Xesr we have the proposal to impose doty moot prohibitive oa imported The next time you buy calomel ask for hli V, DISTRICT BANKERS , force the America f,rm.r te ue tht j MEET TODAY IN NEW BERN iaforiof etulf found, la thtp country.' Bureiy ip eaaaot he accessary ta wy New Bern, Aug. l.-AsscmbUng ia .that I, for aae. will oppose the placing , tbia city oa the evening af Saturday, , . a aiuii A. it A SiU.a L ; a . . ft . -.. . . ( -f Wa-l -a, iiimuwi .HWliNlU1 V, S-:r-r ! Tffi 91 0i m the thrd district, known as the third group of the North Carolina Bankers Aseoeintioa will effect a permanent or ganisation. The occasion will ba aa elabornte banquet givea by the bank of New Bera ia honor of the viaHwre f rtm alT over tfta third, at tha Uaateai hotel. During the aveaing pro mi at at baakere of this seelioa will addrose the ptheriag en matters pertinent to M meanp aa ' inach to the agriculture of . A? . ' Waha Farmers Proteat, AoproaimaUly aae thousaad farmers i Wake eouaty have protested the plac ing af a duty ea potash. The petitioa is headed by Saasoa Uiatoa, of Bloom. el4 Farm,. hoc r laUtgh, and J. R. . Chamber iaia, of RaJcgitv Vr. Cham. berlala Me ea ivtewtt Iw a potaah plant I 41 Sll.ll. Iftt. . . ... ;bee, with ep,ta(iv, . TO'lrtT? W. V Eby. of Hamlet, waa a vieitet ta, Washington today. Be ia a ntUse4 maa pad ia iateapsted ia tba iatpeediag er :.' Mr. Lby probably aemaip ip Wainctoa for a week-es tea dare. ' 4- V,'C14.eH, atCUateV j ip -a. ' . Mr. W, W. Orlffea. cashier ef tha local aatlonal bask, was appointed noma time ago nj the Ji. C. B. A. to the ca of temporary chairmaa of this group. Vader tie aupeniaiaa a par. maaeat ergaalaatioa will te affected Saturday, at thp bi aeesop Tlu punfuMj p rafigMd loeoet UbJto that ara naaKaWaa, at and $vrv MedMnal Ttrtuos retain. d and fanprored. M enljp in aoaled packaffv Piica 35, MASCOT. Kiln' Dried Tennessee RockLime A Little nn a cp ft ir ai on Every Farm Mmicot Don't buy the so-called "Just as good" kind. MASCOTEone Dry Finely Pulverised Readily Availithie AMERICAN Limestone- Co. KaosvUla, Tannaaa . ( ; Raleigh's Busiest Department Store Final Wind-Up of All EFmD'S i mm ir n nB yIT0llQWD30 High Coot of Living Smashed at Efird'o Stock up now against higher prices. Go through our big stock and supply yourself with everything you will need for some time. ' 16c 10c Calf ata'p 30c Talcum 1 g Pawdar .IOC Ahr Float Talcum 1 Powder C 150 Cornts gg Embroidery Cloth 34-inch Embroidery Cloth, worth 35c, to go 1 C for IDC Bungalow Aprona-$2.00 Bun-1 ifl galow Aprons at, , leO Mea'a 31.73 Uak Suits fj jg Men's 10c Hosa, only five vair to customer 0C Man's $1.50 Unioa Suite to be QQ. closed out at OOC 75c Brown Shsotinc Yard-wide, good quality Brown Sheeting. . . . LacJias' Cotton Hoaa, worth 25c, to go at, , Man's 2$ Hoa, only five pair to " A customer 1UC Middy Blouaaa Middy Blouses, In pure white and blue trimmed. , Ladies' Hoaa 98c Ladies' Hose in Black, Cordovan, Gray, etc., high boot, short lisle top, worth $1.48, jjg 30a Ora as. Ci-tghams on table t $1.50 Veil Shirt Waists, reduced to , , 1M Voile ShirtWiifts 17c 88c 1WI YcmI. Shirt Wap , OO W. '.'.. ' " " ' 4 - . . , 203 FAYETTE VIIXE STREET