6 niE fWS AND OERVER. SATURDAY KGaaWTtG, AUGUST 9, 1019. I. Society IDIAKPIIIIL , A ehild, I played the aid, aid game, Feratr w. sid rrt tka me ) Aad lairkDf fled frost ana -ba aoogkt t'ltil kw kasda my ts kindi etughC i Ak, tktf wis irt lid yirt aft) - J Ytt ttill tkt tkrUUas pi ma I kw, Far ktrt, la tkla grim tity ttrttt, A pliymttt tip my Jaded foot. I ktrd Ml nockim teiiRhttr kik A tM wptBr tkaadtraj by, A4 fflt kU breathing stir my kilr Jill II I fained the trailing there i ff Un inclifi 4M I 'stipe, USkarmed, aateukd, kit tteilthy .-. shape. Aad pit, ailik tka eld, aid tm; rareves iw, yet itill thi km. I aevtr tur the taliln rnunil ad bant my eager playmate do; He matt pursue, I must Arc for it ii Death who plan with me! $ s-FJnrenre Vaa Clravr, in Kew York . Mim Aliria Ashe hit returnH from Charleston. S. (. where she was the jruett of Oapt. and Mr. Alien Rogers, Mr. Rirhsnl Tift, of Albany, Ha., the giicst of Mr. and Mrs. San Ashe, Jr. Mm. Robert Rridgrrn aid bliss Ellrabeth Brirtgers have returned from Hoy at Wrightevllle Beark, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter tf't Friday for a visit of several weekt at plowing look. - ' Mr. Will Morsnn. nf the Highway Commission, is spending several dsyi a the eity. -Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Uwit, of Tal lahassee. Fla., are the gneajs of Dr. A. B. Hawkins on Blount street. Mesdarati ft. O. King, T. R. Jenet, Robin King and children left yrtter lay for visit to Ocean View. tl I f l I . X from a stay at Virginia Beach. Messrs. Rufus Hunter, Bill Uiins ! den and Haywood Kdniendton bare re f tarard from a visit to Wrighttville Beark. Miss Rusle Wenwk Taylor lsvt . ; today for a visit to New York and At lanta City. i Miss Ler McAln hat .returned , to krr Immo in Garner, after a vtat to JJi 'lolli- A'Vn n line street, -Mrs. J. B. Culliai kit fnas to Cae llvnr.v, Curritiiek and Prin eest Ana eountirs. 8hr was sccom aaid by her ehildrts, Doris, Mildred tad .'.nlirk. Miss Myrtle Wiggins will leave this morning for Charlotte, where she will visit ker aunt, Mrs. F. P. Pegrain. Mrs. S. N. Parrott and her daugh ters. Misses Marl tad Kmma, loft yea- ' terday aioraing for Columbia, South Carolina, to visit Mrs. Psrrott's mother, h Mrs. B. F. Btarr. Mrs. Priestly Mangum, of Wake For est, spent yesterday ia the eity, Mrs. W. V. H. Smith tnd daughttr. little Misa Nell, leave 8undsy for a visit to CMpel Hill. Major Gordon Smith hat returned from a visit to New York. Dr. Louis West and Mr. James Mr Jtlmaion left yesterday for a motor trip to Henderson ville, where they w ill spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Benton have returned from a visit to Ocean View ltd Virginia Beach. Miss Rail if Bensoa it the guest of ker brother, Mr. B. B. Benton, 3IH W. Hargett street. -Mr. tad Mrs. W. X. Junes. MUi An nie Jones, and Mr. William Jones leave today for Buffalo Bpringt, Vs., to spend some time. Miss Howard, of fialemburg, ie tba guest of Mrs, A. M. Ogleshy in Glea rood. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Douglass, Mr. C. A. Douglass, and Dr. and Mrs. U T. pachanaa and baby have returacd to .the tity from Beaufort, where they hlt bea for the past three werh. The trip arts made ia Mr. Deuglass' ear. Miss Vera Herring it visiting friends in Blue Ridge. . Mist Mattie Bailey leaves todsy foe fleodcrsonvillo where sht will spend . aevertl weeks. Bora. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Moore, of Rsleigb, R. V. D. No. ), a ! ilaoguter, Wednesday. August Ith. UeMUla. Miss Mauda Uuito Mills aad Mr. Dakota C. Lee, both of Raleigh, were married at 3 u'cioek yesterday aft rrnoou in the offre of the rrgister of deeds. Justice of the Petca M. 1. Med ia perfurmed the ceremony, ' YOU CAU HARE YOUR COHPLEIIOn SOFT, VfHITE AHD YOUTHFUL Br thw Um f tht Fopul&r BLACK mni WFITE BmuI TrMtment ' Waeaen viwai wsnt to took 1L Tsw , aistasw tattoM her sktn. x Hwwt wsml wa Un mwiy.! f c r er m miwt nui a vlTir skhi aa4 a MuM aoaselniM. www n (km, mil, lath isii Ifc aahf mm tSrlll hlat m smh tka v.aUr kw. tt mm tkwvbw. km) ksiM, frwkk Ua. ewakani m1 swke r Oark 'f". maaar alMtM warm, mas k aaa aft kv tho m at ! th hwh aa iVkh IWowt n at tbe lb aa TVkh. baswtv ktth s ttti at Oiatawat ai ItataMM a aaat at aUk.wMaa4 i ataralaa. - It ta Jittaiaai laMsnam. waisa w Km a .Ta OmtsMM aat marataa. It ts inna tram h tahai ag raas takit tttt ant astwv a hats latta. MsajM as aM aaa arae atara far lit Skin Maw Both black 'tan as baanM a earkasa. af tat aunafartaii tba atiaak pastaaw en raarhjt at arte. Frat eoasaV M4 Ulantare hf aaa H , ant wttl ll ml stall this to . MUm Ba4 VV krle. Bas lit, Utmpkm, Ta..-lU, i Protection tor " Your Watch ; ' la Hitaaier vkea one goes without vest, t Waltloiftr r other lonsj tbtia Mnot bt wted MtitfaettrUy.c Yt tkl watek requlr guard fvsa asort tkta tka at other times, Maay men prefer fobs), otktri eoat cbaiwa. One of tktM it asstatltl if tu sat your watch properly protected. A Mia really should kavt bath, lor there art timet when It it wiueh, more eoarenlsat la tarry a itsh la a taat ratktr tkia tbt trauton ptkt. .Volly'i thawt variety of P 1 1 1 1 m I ia both toit ehsins and fobs, solid told and bttt quality gold plated. Ia appears net ltd qqality they satisfy thl mast dlterimiaatiag taste. COAT CPAIN TOR CHAINS Maaogrammed fab made to order. JOLLY'S EiUkHtk4 II YMrs. Jotlf ft Wynne wtlrr Co, la. tt rarsMetfllt It- Gaea To Visit Matbar. Mr. I K. Butter left last night for Elisabeth City to visit his mother, after which be will go to Norfolk on busi ness. Oa Northern Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bronn will loave todny for New York City, Phila delphia tad Atltntie City for I two weeks' trip. Gets lilt Dlcherge. Lieut. Jeffrey Btanlitrk, who ht re cently returned from overseas, where be served with the unitary corps, hat received hit discharge tt Camp Pit. t Mist Grovensteln Entertains. It bonor of Miss Louise and Mitt Lurlle Bentty, of Charlotte, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. J. U Coble an Boylsn tvemo, MIm Julia Orovemtein Thursday evening enter tained I number of her friends. Two hours were devoted to garnet and eon tend, after which an ire course wat served. ess Bridge Party. Mrs. W. 1 Persons, of Rockingham, delightfully entertained at bridge an Thurs'sy evening st the borne of her parents, Oapt. tid Mrs. N, W. West, oa Uilliboro street. Aftor several bourt of bridge, a' salad course and ice eourae were served. Those present werei Metdtmes John West, W. H. Snow, Murray Allen, W. N. H. Vmith, Mam Ashe, R. Y. Mc Pherson aad Mitt Hal Morsoa. e Mrs. Albright Hoateas. Mrs. R. M. Albright wat hottest at a charming bridge luncheon on Wrd nesdsy morning at her swuntry home, south of Raleigh, Mite Hal Morsoa wat awarded the prize for the highest score. At the close of the game a coursed luncheon was served, Mrs. Albright's guests weret Miss Hal Morion, Mrsdamts A. H. Arrington. W. C. Harris, W. B. Now, Murray Allen, W. N. H. Smith, sm Asbt ltd Y. McPhcrson. Mian Rnf Hoaavaa. Mrs. L. W. Lamiistcr was hosteis at a hearts dira party oa Friday after noon at bar heme ea South Boy la a aveaue eemullmeslsry to her niece, Mits Edith Bay Buff, of Atlanta, wko It her gueat. The honte wat tttrae tively decorated In cut flowers, the tolor asbtmt of pink being usad ia the score rtrdi and iee coutM. Then playing were Misses Ruff, of Atlanta; Maa Htvphcntou, Msry tad Aiiet Guerkiw, Maude sud Pauline Mil ler, Natalia Coffey, Rutk Oldham, Mar ion Otrvin, Ken man, Ueadamet Karl McCarthy and M. T. Mitla. t ralajae 8tr Party. On Wednesday evening, a group of personal friends of Mr. Joseph Young, who has just returned from two years' service In Fran, gave him a most delightful aad unique alarm atrty tt HOTELS AND RCSOKTI VlrginU Mineral Spring HOTEL and BATHS Craig Cs Va. A thoroughly modera aad up-tt-datt Health aad Pieamre Beaert, aa tba Appalachian Divide tf tba Allcghanios. Caty of teres. Rnioaabla rttts. Ask tar booklet. J. D. FORSYTH, Manager. Ripley Springs, P. 0., Va. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE8. aamajawaaajsaamwaainsasamBim niiiif lit t'ttttt iii tit ttittiiissts t strews lniinirtt It Itllllltimtltttl ROANOKE COLLEGE SALEM, VA. V at I'm" iMmavealtassaH 'tjl ' MltSCf ReCtO &. COt v5E. JmSF7SJ$tt i rnatttvlll. Street KiZ." Showing of Fall and j , ""Zl Early Winter ' l. c weathers H STYLES caiaoropr a h obthopipici ' M tu' u ,rm Practict limited tt Aagwtt aad Septombar Iridea Willi PWttsea aw4 Dtfannlttaa tf tkt rati I . pgo.M Sll UTH layettevllU bX Baltlgb, ft, a oakci anb conciit Dr Dtxtcr Blanchard orchestras j Dentist Mml tatwsihat tor H oalta. Stlstm at.tSftM af Udh .a ONkmtra el M . -i. D At rtrU Wl Wawieataa 4 Mm Vara. Strktlr Uatsa. T acker , RALEIGH, N. C ITOWIO, Maaagtf BalUUag :, BoU Phon i w J 14 IN , . lUMga, bt. C - "T bi komf oa West Jtaet ttrttf. Tkota Drtunt were i Misa Josephine Band, wi'k Mr. Joseph Yovogi Mist Citheritt Alien, of Littleton, witk Mr. Brainard Whiting; Mi Ida May Alloa, f MSdtkailaatli ia pralat of a atw tool, aa ik Mm Allirt Harass: Uuii. l.i.- tletoa, with Mr, Albert Barai; Mis Rutk Joiiet, ef AtltaU, with Mr. Ray tnoad Mai well; Mist Catktrint Knoi, with Mr. Jtobln rhinips, fnt air, naa dolnb Jdiie, of Atlanta. Tlit evening wu featured with danc ing tad gamet, aceampaaled with tpecial string wusit by Mr. Whiting. Refrtshmoatt of cream, ctke tad mlntt weri terved at in tftcrwatb. Raw To Pleb An Employer. from tht Forbes Mugutlne, "The best boas, asid Mr. Babla, prf' dent of tbo Guaranty Trust Company pf New York, "it tht ant wba it least of a boss ftht oat who gives me a tht full est opportunities to develop thepieelvea, to grow to tht limit of their capacity, Tbt 'ne aa concern canagt amount tq much in these days of big things. It takes a big, strong, well-organised taam to grnpple with modem eonditions, aad to Turn tho wonderful present-day op portunitiet ta proflttbla account. "The active, ambitioua young maa thould try to beok up with aa aggree aive, progressive organizatiea where be will bt givta g chaiiet aea he dmoa ttratva tint ha mtrits It to tbotr what Is in him, a ehanco to shoulder rupoMi bllitlet, The large organiution, -a-erslly speakiag, offers the largest oppor. tunitiet, baaaus it eta tommmd tba capital, tt wall as tlit braini. to iccoro plish new things, often along new lines. "'To make money, go where tba money is,' in an old and true saying. The fellow who hns ability and courage nnd confidence is usually not afraid to leave the small, sure things to tackle the larger thing." i Make Fools Of Tbemaelvet. Forbes Magnzine. The Henate of the United Stales kat hoiattd itself up to universal ridicule. The whole peace treaty "leek" ialddent exhibited American polities at their worr.t. The guilty Benntors palpably were inspired by eagerness to bespatter President Wilson, not by public-spirit- edness or patriotism or n sense of duty. Even Senator Lodge, from whom the public would have expected better things, hat tarnished bit reputation for statesmanship. The excited unheav irigs of tho 1'nited Htntes Henate did not revrnl a mountain of villainy not even a very small mouse. President Wilsjnn ranic out of the mtidsllnging without a apot. Nor were ''tht Wall street interests'' shown to ha,vt utilised the full treaty at the basil for making millions in tpeculstlon. The only per sous who emergad from tb episode covered with ignominy were the 8ea tors who were reipentihle for it. n n in Yhatawtyl she doesrrtknew that Resinol Soap wculd clear her riun "She would bt a pretty girl, if h wsin't for that pimply, blotchy complex, ion!" But tht rtgttkr uss of Rtslnol Soap, aided at first by a little Resinol Ointment, would probably make it clear, fresh and charming. If a poor skin la your handicap, begin using Retinoid Soap and aeo how quickly it improves. Km! Hal Smr t4 tniwl OinmeM ' M tf sll !' SW. F ttm wmIi mt mck. wnx le bsnl. v-H, Inst. aetasMft, kti The Fragrant Odor of onr Coffee le tempting In Itself. The very emell of It cooking tt aa Invltatlaa to taste, and the lever It dellcloaa, the body aatiafylng. What In mare, It la aa economical Coffee becaaou eo little af It la aeewJw par tap. After the grit trial yea woalt' not tire far aay other Caff. Ct a atmple aa"d todty aad begla .0 know what rtHy tnjoytblt Coffea la. C D. KENNY CO 108 FayattevilU 5 treat Both Pboae 121 i . m "t r r m I r. I J NEW TOOL BORES KJL'ARE i . . HOLE (ft WOOD OR IRON Muter tsacoaaiet art aaid t kt ft- auger to bore tqutro kales, reeeatly perfected by Carl H, eekmidgall, a tool tnanufaeturar of Peoria, Illinois. Aa cording to Jtmet Anderson, who writes aa aecoaat of this rtaolutioaary-iavta ttoa far tho Augurt 8t. Nkkoiw. it will gt through wted, Irea r tttte witk tqntl aaaa aad twiftnew, aad aaa bt mtnufaetared very abaaply, eoa sitting at it dot af aaly a doata parts. Also, the idea it adaptable ta varia tioatwhieh will make it possible to bar kolea of any detirtd tbapt, regv. tar or irregular. "That metaphor for foollakaeaa ia tbt cgllcga classroom, Jeit of tba ma ehlae shop, aad basy dream of the seri. ous. experienced tsglneers," tayi Mr. Aaaestoq, aa auger to bore square boles, hatlita perfeeted by Cart V Belimidgall. a young Inventor of Peoria, Illinels. ' "Not only kit kt completed tht con struction of a working model, pf hit machine, which werkt ita way by rotary ration through wood, iron or stone, and obtained letttrt patent from tht United Btatca patent ofllce, but ePgi ncuri in oat of tht leading universi ties of tht country have approved it It a practicable, cheaply manufactured, tlrnplt too, and bt bat beta offered a tottiderabla turn for hit patent rights. "Tbt tool It really (vt augeri ia oat, four little eonical rotary-euttters mill ing out the corners of the square as tho msin shaft links a hole through the lumber.. In boring through Iron or ttont .two operations take place: first a round hole It drilled through, aad then the four rotary sutlers mill out the corners at a tingle operation. Drill tng a sqqaro hole through a one-iarh piece of marble by. tbt usual methods takes four hours or mere of egreful work by a skilled man, By the new invention it can be done, and has been, done in five minutes. "And yet the square auger ia a SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. For Women Confmtheb. A.intl0,5. dtpett reprwenting tour yean ol gonulna oolleRw work, bawd on fourteen uoiti ot kigt) tchooj endit IMplomai awanle4 In Art tad Muiic. Library facilitlag gxoal. lent, Syttcmatio training in phflieil duegtion. Courti for Unnis and baakatbtll Location in centre of ' the Capital Gty gjvea uQuaual advabtagca. Room and board, literary tuition and minor college fees 235 to $310. fOt CflUUOfcJt ot lu.,..., ut. formatioa. gddretf Charlet . Brewer, Pre. fUlcdgr.ri.Q St. Mary's Sckool lALIIUk. N. C Now m 77lN Annual Sttaion ' Uargeat realdeni school of the Episcopal Church in tht Umted SUtea tor the education of yount woman and girls. Addaaaa JUv. Warraa W. Way Hot Weather Drinks It'a easy ta got refresh las. tairbliag, iavjgor a 1 1 a i kvrate to gether with goaa ear. vice., Jat "lrop la" at tb "WAKE" aad yaa'll M t tbe feaaUIn the drinks af year (hole aorvad last rigM. Whether It'a a tlaia aaca-eola ar aa aliVrata tanaae, tba aorvletjl tanltary an tatek, WAKE Drug Store rhont :ti-i SODA i DRUGS t CIGARS timplt mtcbltt with aaly doaea part. carefully adjusted, aad awarding to aa porta aaa bava ta mined and tetttd it, eaa be manufactured at a compart, tively low pritt. v By making simple variations la tka thape of tba suiters, it it pottibla aa tht time principle to makt tht anger kort boles tt glmott any imaglaaUi thape, key kolei for doors, vi), axr iidd aaa irregular kolea. ,"Tka laveator kit beea working apoa kit idea aiaea kt was twelve yeart eld, wkila leiming, at tkt aamt time, kit tradt af machinist in bit fither't blarkimitk ibnn, Ha It bow tweaty aint gad opentet tbt biggest kaad ault tool shop ia llliauts autald of Chicago. Master mechanics frosa all parti of tba United 8tatt already ban beta to viait him gad tot kis atjuart guger at work." ft Army Oajbtara Want ka. A eeuntry-wide eampaiga kt beta started to reduce tba aumber of ua employed es-artsy afflsers, by attract ing tht attention af American employ ert to the splendid material that it be. ing waited while tktto men are aut af work," it it isaeuneed by Celoaal Ar thur Wood, astlitgat ta tkt BeertUry of 'ar. Thl chief difBenty gt preeeat ft tkl piecing vf ea-army officers la, poeitiets HDITES-STINGSI irVl WuD tbe aflected II J J eurmca with bosuo hold ammonia or warm aalt water, than apply VICRS VAPOR! "YOUR B00YfiUARD"-30.60i LALLEY LIGHT An Actual Economy in Farm Use Lalloy Light Savca Time and Labor It does so by providing better light and electric power. Ita light is always ready always reliable at a very low operating cost. Its power is always there to run the churn, the separator, the wash' ing machine. In seven ' years every plant sold has . t u r n e d out to be an economy. Ask Us for a Demonstration. S. W Brewer & Son I1I I1T a. Wilmington St. Soutkern Atelier For Designing and Fine Arts Technical illustrations. Pattatt drawings, Mapt after Seldaotaa, Orasmtati sad lettria fat diplomai, etc. Artlttlt tigu sad ads., Painting of reproductions. Designs for interior decoration, Snt arta, monuments, tte. afodtlt for ornimtntt and of buildings. Perspectives aad kird-yo-?iwt ef baildlaft, faaterioa, maps, ttt. Laaiataa architecture. V A rncisi Uarckaata Jfailoaal laak Bldg. P. 0. B. 7S8. RtUigb, K. C. DR. T. E. WILKEHSON Has rwttraed from Ovesaea Servlea - la tba Armr. Offkas M-OT MaMkiava Oltiai Haurt --' . mrii ..ii ,r i u te i-a t a rd flu HT Oftlo t IMS tomparaple witk tktiy tUading aad ability. Tka affittri of tkt American grmy kv gained all eerti af axpav rno in kaadling area and tituatiopt ad tkay fe that they art rntitled to inch mpluymtai will giva them aa apporlanity to esereita thir ability, But potitioat af this kind are not pa numerous as tba jobs ordinarily in da maad for rataraod toldiers." Hpeaial aflaara kavt bea detackrd tt tntwvle nnhnis vtia mirhk Aaa. tibly ptaoa tsrmi efleeva, aaa Celonol vtooat partttntariy requettt that tu employers having Work for inch mea eommnnieata with htm A i rM 1 w ( . der that their placet might ha f iled with ina greatest postinit aaptstltlaa. Rheunm&m la eompletaly washed ant af tka tyttata by tba aakthtatfd Ihlvat MJatral Water. Positively guaranteed by eeybath offer, Taataa at aom a ttiflt. Oalia t.ed .ajwbera by aur Ralalgh AgeaU rrta CaaCy fja, fktaa theavAd?. 'wamaaB-laWtWaaaawtmF aBBmgay emsamaa mammmm p fW maaBmaa mnf aBamaBajnBajgpaamWBBja "FATTY" Mm ...in... "A DESERT LM3ER0" You'd tmink u MFttyH was rether soft, to leek et hitn, wouldn't you? Wall, kVa pot I Ho'a th toughost. hardatt, revgheat Wtstsm cum that ever Ihred, in "A Datort Hare" I Ho eats 'an alive t Breaks rocks with his teeth he's aeenery I Aad then to show that he'a not all bad be turns right around, calls the person, and ties right up to the claasiest Salvation Army lass in that rip-aportin Western burg. ALSO PODE ...in... CYCLONE SMITH PLAYS TRUMPS. And "TIGER'S TRAIL" TODAY Louis Benni.on in "SPEEDY MEDE" A COLDWTW COMEDY la Five Part. Topics of Day from Literary Digest HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY, A JAZZ HONEYMOON Prizma Natural Colors "Kilaueas Lakes of Firs" Something Entirely New. SPECIAL SIOW TODAY 11 to 1 P. M. far Children; Admission IS Cts. Monday and Tvosday . Stuart Blackton's Big Production "A HOUSE DIVIDED" With SYLVIA BRIAN EK aad HERBERT RAWLINSON From Ratb Holt Boucicault'e Famous Kovtl Tkt Bubetanc of tha Hontt" (LOVE, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE) Hi TO CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING, WATCH OUR WINDOWS Royal Baking Co. 109 S. Wilmington St. Liberty Bonds Bought We wish to buy Liberty and Victory Bonds. M a r k e t B rice Paid, ThejCity Bank Right la that Peart Everything. , R. a ALLEN, President 0 J. i t Safe Mills .For bfantt 'iScIanlidt Ro Cteksig A NotrWoot Dtet for AH Agef Quick twrb at Home or Officj Al t-w,L-, -4,Snbatlhtte( HwH A. THotftpsoBa M. D. Aanssitms hb Sfraurat sars) aUktfk Prastmr hmttoj to - -OttbaaaoeUa Sargary Wnmt, mMM ami msMsrmsttsaa x af team Jetats ta4 mattiwJ 4IM1I Oomnnnfail btaUoaal Bank Hi. ogkeut. Betn His. POLO mm UPERBA'; t H. H. MASSEY, Cashier 1 1