f- 1 hiipay r,:orj;g august e, mtv rm raws observer , MIDDLESEX DEFEATS BAItXT Uiddlrset, Aag 1-kUddUeai saaily defeated Bailey o tha local diaraead thia aftaraoon, JO ts I, nhich wtald havs been, a abst-ast aeept far eaetly tha gsau tr rsaaisg catch 97 "Bill' Bieaette and tha pitching of "poa" Uwis far th kwU. , I,f you would retsia year f riaada doa"t rank ties eavy yen. Tstrt deviee ta laa a bat 0M t key ft open thst font rsl g carpet. Widow sad spinster aatarally ap poee asea who do not propose. vraea the Weal. The fastsrea of Co-Opcrstivt Undertaking "In FayctfevIHe To Promote . Growing of Tobacco ' rayettevllle, August A mertmrtl far tU fftblUba( ct co-operativ marketing warebosae Uhe ears e! tba rapid) growing acreage af tobaee Iwiag grow is CuwtrU)4 aoaitjr if taking shape hers. Tba ov l tel. tiated by W.' J. Broehlagtoa, eoanty tana deateaetratlsa agcat, sad baa tba backing of tubatantial bnsiaei men. Mr. Brocklngtoa ia spending ' vacation in South Caroliaa aad as bis retura tat la U1 bf vigorously pushed. Bevort hundred farsara U Cysjber . laud ara so growing tbaca, accord inr U Hi. Brocktagtoa, and tba enltl ratios ef tba weed would bs taken up by many etbara if they bad srarby market. Tba preient high coat af pot ting us luck a building aa would be required ia moro than offaet hy the high price waits tobacco ia bringing, say tba promoter of the co-operative project. Tba warcbouae ihoulH built bow is order to giro the new plantar ample time to prepare for tbe growing ef tba weed Beit year. - - The advantages 0f tobaaes grewiag , which will be presented to those asked to enter the plan are, Irieflv: the ten. tral laeatiea af tbe FayetteWlle atarlwti tbe considerable income far tba grewer at a time when he bsi little et to market I tba fact that the greater part of the work and marketinc ia doaa fur ing a period when tbe farmer has ai relaxation from the cultivation of their other crops; the increased value gives farming lands, sometimes as high as SO or area 100 per east fend the addi tion of another money crop besides cot ton at a safeguard against tba coming of the boll weevil. Private George W. Ward, oCmpaav D, 119th Infantry, 30th DivUion, whose home is in this rit.v, bis been awarded the Pitting aished Conduet Medal by the British government. The citation con veying the award is signed by James U. Hnrbord, chief of staff of the A. K. f., by com mas 4 of General Pershing. "This soldier," aayi the citation, "showed ea reptional bravery and devotion to duty by working bia way down along the Ilindepburg line, in tba attack of hia regiment in the Bellleourt area, on 8ep toraher 29tli, 1918, and killing with bis bayonet nine of the enemy. Although wounded, be later charged a machine Sun post and killed the gunner with hie iMtyoart, He was continuing bis ad vance when again wounded and to ne ver fly that he had to lie taken to the rear.' Private W'aid had previously Veen awarded the Distinguished Rervire Cross by the United States Army. Ha is the youngest son of Thomas Ward, of Fayctteville. RATIFICATION COLOMBIAN TREATY AGAIN DELAYED Washington, Aug. 8. Aroused by a governmental decree nationalising tba petrolrum resources in Colombia, the Ke-.r' Forrten Relations Committee de " , -T t''"v To withhold its approval of the ptndiug Colombian ' treaty until i mik ilctiuiiu ssHurunce has beea given f ir the promotion of American inter est in tbe Southern republic. The de cree, a copy of which was laid before the com mitt e by the State Department, invokes irovemmental deelaratioa of 1820, holding that all miniug proper ties in Colombia belong to the republic "in fee simple,'' ami proceeds to set up an intricate system for eiploltation if petroleum lands under government permit. Pointing out that there are heavy linerlcan oil interests in Colombia, committee members nt today's meet- S li;g expressed a fear that the decree 5 might develop a confiscation of foreign jS property paralleling the conditions in( tferfco, A sub-committee was apiminted, is beaded- by 8enator Fall, Republic: i, of Iff -New T.lexiro, to take the situation un der advisement. Ulster Will "Praps re." Belfast, Aug. 8. (By Tbe Associated Press.) After aa address is which Sir Edwsrd Carsoa, leader of tba Blstar Unionists, told the Ulster Unionist Council that it was "neeessary for Ul ster to b prepared t prevent any en rroarhmeats on ita liberties," it was decided today to revive the Ulster po litical clubs which have been abandoned during th war, and eelcbrnt : Covenant Day September 21, with a speech mak ing campaign lei hy Sir Edwnn" Carson. Ksockad Bilbo Down. Jackson, Mis., Aug. 8. Walter Dent, Assistant Attorney General of Missis sippi, today knocked Gov. Theodore Bil bo down in a list right in the office of the Secretary af State. Joseph Powder, who with other ameers, separated the men. KOC0V7 OWNERSHIP FOR W)LM1KGT0H CHAMBER Conimtrciil Bodj Jtesolates At I!, for Kotira of JUiL , read To Owners WBasUgten, Aag. Tha WiUsJag tos Cbspber ( Coatawrta today adopt ed reaolutieaa pruig th brotherhood plan t take mnt tha railraada as tba graasvd thai individual enterprise ha built (seas and made tbaaa tha mast c eldest to th arawbi and their aeaiiri tie saw said hf s greater sanjher of people thaa thaa ef saw ether isdae try, beeansa abase Is manage meat ar sow strictly twgsbjted br government, beeasa tha proposal tend toward das diatisetjs 4 aedemilaee . Dams cratle institutions, becausa BatJeaaliza Horn af th roads weald meaa s politi cal machine that would destroy equal ity of sit ita aa, bacaise inch aa addi ius te tha pabli debt would impair tba aredit af tba gaveramast sad da preaa aecaritm baagbt hy patriot l cittaasi daring tha Liberty Bond asm. psigna, aad because tha proposal won Id revelation ize tha eoaatry'f indaatrie sad areata alaaa privilege. Th right af warkmea ta adeoaate aampenaaties aad s voie is werkiag aosditioas ia ehecrfally tend4; eon Kraaaiaaal represeatstjie ara called as speedily ta return Via read tvfeir owaer with saeessary aafegnsrds sad aaaet legUlstias t provide reagiait aeswica, dca.aata wage, fair rata sad raaaasabat retnra ta railroad security owners. THREE TWIN CITY STORES ENTERED BY BURGLARS Winttoa-Calem, Aug. 8. Three dry goods stores ia tbe business district were brokea into but night aad cloth ing, ate., valued at 11,000 ar more, steles. Entrance ia each case was af fected through wiados, Th emeen have n clues, Oscar 0. Elrd ha accepted s profes sorship is th law school af the Uni versity of North Careliaa. Ha will grad uate is tew at Harvard Uaivrmity Sep tember 1, where he is a member of the special clsss formed of Harvard law students recently discharged from the army. II. Oilbert Petree, soa af ea-Shsrln: sad rVlrs. 8. J. Petree, of Btokcs consty, returned hem s few daya ago from China, where h spent two years instructing the natives la growing and rnrieg tobseeo. Mr. Petree aay it is aecessary to go armed ia China aa a protertiaa agaiast baadita. lie declare that be witnessed the beheading of 13 bandit at ana time duriag ki stay ! Chiaa. Held Fa Killing Neighbor. Aabeville, Aug. 8. Sherman Oweaa and twa sons ar being held without bail in th Brevard, Transylvania county jail, charged with killing Wis dom Patterson, a neighbor, following an altercstioa caused by some of tha stock of the Owens' fanners running as the hind is charge of Patterson. One af tha Owes boy it charged with having fatally shot the Patteraoa man. JUDGE STACY ADHERES TO HIS ORIGINAL DECISION Court b ftm of Opinion TbaI Karot4 Stock Owaori Mutt Pay Taut WJJmiagtea. Aug, hWiidgs W, f, Stacy today again seadad ows pisios is tha rabaaridg f tba 'C ssaat, that tba isdividaal issrasaidara ia ts AtUatie Csat Una mast pay tha tax asasaacd agaiast tbeir holding by th Cornoraties Cammiaaios. After bia (ormar declaios ta tki affect ansa arl vwr the sharcbatders, C. W, Tillect, of Charlotte, sad i, 0. Carv, of WU mingtoa, Had additional brief sad asked that tba ess b re- p aad for farther argument, Tbis revolved around 'th wast mo tion of tha aet where it axempt indi vidual shareholders whaa tba earpe ra tion has paid any tax to tea gtate. Th shareholder epstesded that is th car Kratioa said aay tai aader tba word g af tha act, tha Individuate war a empted from paying additiecat tax. Th tag affieiala claimed that this i p plied only to domaati corporation which paid all tba tat. Judge Stacy take tki viaw sad tha rasa goes oa to tba Suprema Casrt. VALUABLE ADDITIONS MADE TO LIBRARY OF COLLEGE Trinity ColUg. Durham, Asg. 8. Dr. Dred Peacock, of High Poiat, S. C, a trustee af tba College, notlfled Presi dant Few several dnyt ago that Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Terry of High Poist, had made it passive for Trinity College t com late poaacaaios tf th valsabl library f th lat Prof. A. H. Beitmaa, who waa far maay year a professor is the college. To Mr. and Mrs. Terry and the other members of Professor Heit man's family the college is grate ful for tbi gift, which ia priced both for ita intrinsic value and" for reason of awntimest. Another recent valued gift to tha library is a large collection of pern- ?hlet and magaaise presented by Mr. '. D. Jones, of Durham. This is on of many gift by -Mr. Jose, who with her fsmuy haa long been intimately eon nee ted with tha College. Mrs. Jesea ia s lister of the lata Jas. H. Soutagate, who was for many year ehairmaa of tha board of trustee. lea Plant la Sold. (Special to tha Kw and Observer.) Elisabeth Citr, Aug. 8 The Eiitabeth City Cry rial fea aad Coal Company changed haada this morning. Tha plant Is sew in charge of E. C. Coager, of Eden ton, and tba Cryital lea sad Coal Company haa baas purchased outright by kjr. Capger sad s number of buei nee saociatea. Th deal, which hat bees es for about sixty days, was con summated yesterday. There ia s report which teems rs llabla but whjeh lack official confirma tion that tbaaa associates ara W. 0. Gaither and C B. Pngh. Tha price paid haa not bees gives est, but it is gen erally understood that th smosst was upward af as husdrtd thessaad dal le r. MIIMn Izm Pccpli Are fHiwtfcb, Half Sick, Tired All tha Thai fbey Da Mot Kaew What Is the Mat ter, aad Thai Phyaiclas Caasat Kama tha Disease. . Ihere are lust lets aad lets of - who ire sick (enamel? sick- rt wha nwnsae ta . ir UiRHtzk their wek ear alur 4r. Thw aot kaew wket is Um matter with 'b-jn and tatlr hilU cannot nuw tbe .'' .-Pise that mlsenilila, "tired sU the tiase" u-A'r.t. ! -In nest eases, the real saawe sf thia state t poor naalth Is that the blood ia cloccod with lurttlta and the bowels, kidneya aa4 ethor 1 1 orssns ara aa aetlas proserlj. A ra blood taaie Is netsosanr. Prttcriptloa C-lttt Is a blood pari (lor of .'jjval merit. It at slld roadr erovarod i concentrated torn aal ,lo ta sa taken ta retail doses, I net eelr etoansas and awoopa o-tt of the blood, all the fcmpuritlas that ere tiiiHlnc 111 Wealth, bet tanas as the arstem. Prescrfpttea C-I21I eeatalM ne asonury.' -ia. aMraUna. eklersl ar strychnine; It ae mtmsUr the rraaeriptlea ef a smmlaeni aby lician, ssad ist bis srsctio the Iraataaaeit ef dltordors ad the blood. If eea are miserable and half rkk, set a tl.t kettle ef Prestrirtiea C-mt rrosVraw nMiast-dran storo. ae the C-1231 Laboratsrr. - MnnpbkH Vimm will awM sww a aatUe am sa4. eeliis of ante, vim an nsau saw aaisnias ssont Is free literature. ii 0. L. Hopkins, Inc. SPECIAL .98 Sale Including- torn Of tht most attrac tive values ever offered in Raleigh. Minaea' Ginghaun DRESSES, good quality gininmr,, fast colors, sizes 14 to 22. Sold regular for r . J 6 and 14.98 ' Sale Price $2.93 LadisV Cinfkam DRESSES, guaranteed fast color Manchester Gingham, sixes 38 to 48. Sold regular for $4.98 and $5.95 Sale Price $2.98 Pr-Shnmk Waal. SKIRTS? Solid White N. . Jty Stripes. Sold regular for $4.98 and $5,98- Sale Price $2.93 Silk PEmCOATS, in Wash Satins, Taffetas, Jersey Tops, with Tafftt Flounces. Sold regular fot C3.08, $4.98 and $5.98 Sale Price $2.98 mtftitumni 1 uinwimimwiuTB BRCOLIS at a Reduction U aaaiU U cenU Naoata I da. It.N each I12.M da. das. 11.15 each tlt.M da. 1.M das. Sl.ll aaah , fll.H de. Quality Unsurpassed for the Price. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS iUUiigb. N. C Til 116 aUKOWAM KKN eee'eeeeeeeeeeee. oaeeeeeeee.pecooccceelwn CONCORD HOLDS BIGGEST - CElEgaATiOil 1M HISTORY Judge I, 0. Prttehard, of Ashe, rill, Hade Address at Home ConiiBf lUtrdses Coaeord, Asg. aV-Coneerd today bad th blcivat aslfbratiaa (a bar Hatj. Twssty-dv tbosasad paepla ere bar. Aviatar Wentlake, it AabevUle, gsre t. basstifsl achibttpeaa, Parade was three miles tang sad eery inc. hocks Mill got drat aria aa commercial float, Kirsvsecosdi D. A. B. irat sad Ked Crsai taeosd a cswarsaitjr; Sast. Kiev kaigbt la big tarnaaat and V. A, m ws rtI. V. CsldsaU M pad, f Brass third aria. Tba bar bar a va great, tares theaussd saldicra partaking. JUeuleaant HartselJ intra dsced ladf Priuhsrd te tba aadieae. Us aud flae apeeeh of as hour snd sal aa rsannstruetion lasues, belsg (requestir spplssdcd. He made a na triatie epeerk, srofassdly American. Be aaid there la rser patriotism In tba oath thas aay where else, and paid s great tribtit ts tba aoldiara. Tha great day fa seed of without a Jar or accident, HAVING your house' wired by folks who kaaa their bnaiaass is not a thing ta bt drasded. It ess be dona ith far lea runs sad fuss than yen pat p with la having tha a ease aapered ar painted. W csa wlr yoar ksaae ia two ar thre day aad leave not s sear oa yenr wood-work or plaster. Thar' aa dirt, nor any ineon veaieae ta yon and the coat is la thaa yon'd aipect. Wa will coma and tell you ex actly what It will eon If you wlh. Walker Eleltric Store 1M W. Martla St. Phone 11H - ---,. ft -. i GlearaiiGe-Sale Hats Long To Be Remembered In 'Raleigh. - Today25c 50c $1.00 $198 Ladies', 'Misses', Children's Hats Slaughtered , P to t 1 TabU Udisw' HATS, vglue yp bo Oe''7.95. Cboiea Today ....... ..,114 to Lot aA dP II I TabU Udi' HATS, values up to $250. Cboicv Today 25 and tOt ' 1 TabU Ufjiaa HATS, values up to Lot Trinuwaal HATS) and Uwt StrgtW $4.50. Cboict Today $1.00 Sailors In all colors. TODAY (SATURDAY) Uk Day of j OUR BIG TEN DAY CLEARAMCEi Each and every department is filled with bargaUs nod big values awaiting the hundreds that will shop this last day. sr Final Clearance Limited Number LadieV COAT SUITS f One lot m Coat Suits, st- 1 AC f One lot Hi Cost Suit.at nft rfi r lea rear l6ea7l clcsrsnc t.- ...V-aWa) On lot 130 Cost Suits, at tlfi Q- I CmU nd P' at QAf , clearance ...9lUea79 clearance P.7e7) Palm Beach SUITS Mas' Palm Beach Suite, Clcaa-Up Price P-41 snd $4.29 On big lot Men' Pairs Baach SulU, to fC C A clean up at aawJW . Th. big aad beat lot Ides' Palm Beach tQ AC aad Cool Cloth kluita, Oeaa-Vp Price.... PO.aFsl A big value for your money. Men' t A CA Ptlm Beach snd fool Cloth Suits JlV.aJU Straw and Fvnaxna HATS Mea's Btraw Bata. M sad 340 f ftA vshwa, Casas-Up Price. .j. . ay lw Ktraw Hats by the boi, CVran-Up OQje Price, aach tie, Sc ansj......... VOC htcn'a Plain Btrsw Hats, M sad ttOO AO values. Cltsn-Ua Price -7aWa7U Osva big lot plain Btraiaj, 5.00 Hats, aA fn 9eJeIV d BOW HUDSON-BEUC CO. , "Th Big Busy Cash Store Sella For Lau For Cash" A New Creation W We are constantly striving to give our patrons the very best in ICE CREAM thus lliite's Oelidit A new flavor we are offering Sunday for the 6rst time. Its richness and flavor together with choice fruits will appeal to you. Order Today for Sunday Extra for Sunday Harlequin Brick, composed of vanilla, orange ice and strawberry cream, 50 cents per quart at trie plant We do not deliver less than one-half gallon or accept orders after 10 a. m. Sundays. WHITE ICE CRE AM CO. We Will Buy Tenement Property The PaRKER-HUNTER REALTY CO. laaaraaea sad Real Estate. ' Frescfiptron; Uric Acid Tnubk . )

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