!. -. . .- ' : . . EYE TWELVE DETECTIVE STORIES 1QI By ARTHUR STRINGER II i II M M ft- CtwprVM, Jf 11, H IM MoCMrd yepsr Syadloets. D A VIIL WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE ' Balmy Jtyouki. tpetMl an jMraNv or IM faMtsrV FreeR AOiakc. M JPo trk, iftwtf storte or IM mems!. of 1fihts, ' tlr. Winkren fate, to front It kin IMI elfMngh appear Mrs S0Mv M ld Um. Bsletg WS IMlttM ff ftSspUoL wMrc M hW trehittip, because M Id A?ele Forento. yeans fftliaa tcM M4 killed SU Sttewthearl end Mounded Mattel, escape. M later learnt IM M M0SM (M lalcf. it st leseo ff grew gem tJWettte, llfttr flea, or IM AlHonce. pecs Balmy IM e tUoMn tM third Wppest AMmI m Asuwte. CM etc the Ic M r fitted, triad end tent I i ImmwUsfWy MsMed. a IM tfrinpt I (hit UM Misery M etooroftwmi IM ovmirr 0 IM diamond, M it Infer found 444, (M IM en b 0ow from IM eM M gees f MM U. TM MMI M letST rmvared from Curat flam, a eMB-ftaoire M tk4f. TM ft Mill of wit i etvt IM feet thieves m4 M rprmtatMt of W Sna" order, coca one Mee stories tsfta M foreefut aMftaer IM eatooM o IMs laterestmp eweewnl Vs. Tocsep AIM it sool-pS or IM Alliance w SAT on ft llt-oler4 chftlr. In I Mac-colored room, waiting (or the fifth wlthlet omS In America. AM I Md t their eweillng Mr. Obdeh-Belpont for melir thlrty-flv mintltM. : t WU attll wftttlflf with my witelk In mr Mho, Ilk tlmehMpcr at 4 trftok aid, Mn a QuIcK ruitlr ol ltk mad m look up. I aaw myattf Mink lnit by thin aad'erVUi MH narro etiaakboan and an Iron Duka nM. EM waa at laaat fifty. And I kaw at net that I u faa la fa with Mra oWn-BIpont Tau'ra tha yuh 14y frm tk Tim tpartmhtt thf demanded. 6M toM brlakly, paoelm only a mo Beat, apparently to d'fMt her eheck at flhdltif a klrailn of lha law la a Duffodofdoa rrMk and a Tpp hat i -itaroaty,'' 1 amended teienint my real (aellnri behind a rather lantnid antU. ' . . "Than who TP the betan fllfhtiy elevating her thinly penciled eyebrow. tfc Mill Rymal,- I aald. "And I wil aent her from the Protective Alllanea offle. "But yW wart to aom on the two flftf.flve train a ad rtockln waa aent to meet yaO aha announced with, a aota o( latent reproot "Taa," I amUlngty started. "Hut, fell ,. It wa with' the aarvanU' carryalL Aad t rather faaeled that yoa't overlooked that I might be crowdlnt IM Mw aaaand aaak and the ear wiper." I Bad th eatlafacUon of aealag her tafCM t kad Intended ta make her tart, at Ua none too muffled rebuke of mlM., But In k mamant'a lime ah wa completely mlitr of hereelf. "Mlu Blanchaa attenda to those thing.- h arpiaihed. "Ml Bltnoha I my M. retafy." "Thn h ought to be dtmUd," I promptly announced. 1 Ml givt you prclly fifteen m In tea," wa th unruffled ttmnt of Mr. Obdn-Blpont. .."That will be aufflclent, I think" I told her, atm amiltng. lipving teored polAt I eeuld afford to be magnanlm aoa. . . "Than how did you get from the tatianr ttked the tut abetraoted rd woman. "A vary kind old gentleman In flan nel oeemed to waken to tin humor at tha altuatlon and brought m hr In a tanolored eano-roadtar. That. 1 might add, WM exactly thr-qurtr of an Boot ago." "That mut hav been Ferrl," ihe mdlutlviy oberved, and then -Ad mira Trevor Ferrl. And crowding a reradmlral muit hav aaomed more of novelty than ccok In watanett." I had tha Qualified satisfaction of knowing Fd feraod th claw through th Velvet. ' "But tat lan't what were Mr ta talk aver, I ttr uggted my h oaten. "8o will pan h good eaough ta tell m what you know of thl er , "I'd prefer that yen tell me," I countered. "Ill explain It very briefly. My daughter Natalie I to be married here at 'Mtramar nest Friday at high noon. Eh ta to marry Captain XJoyd Bher wtn. Th arrangement ar not, of course, firapl. On robbery ha al ready oceurrod. "Then y ar antlolpating anetherr ' That la scarcely how I should phraaa If earrteted tha .mdr. Td prefer stating that I'm extremely anxtoa to prevent any such occur renoa. being repeated. I can't hav Katali worried by knowing about thta. Eh la an aitrmly deltcat girl and Is already under what f eonalder quite ufflcient atratn. Thea who know about ttr "kfy hustand. of cure. and Miss rianrhan, and Admiral Trevor Feme Bencmoy. my nuur. Th wd-i-g glfU Jtav. of eouree. Men om here. Earlier In tha week, rm fraid, w war mor rare let than we r houid hav boon, a number at thing bad beea laid out on th top of a eraad piano In the musia room. They wr evea left alone tharv for a few t omenta, When I want to ask i -nctiiey and Mia B la no ha a to r nr them to th waU.afth Madid . mond waa maaetng." TMiat wa It vaif'1- STRANGER IN THE "To a thief merely a" few hundred dollar at th mot Bat Its historic valu la quit anatMr matter. It was an antique Florentine ring, once In the possession Of Larsato d MedleL" "Who discovered tha theft r "I dld.- "Wbom do you tuapeotr The que- tlon seemed to ttartl her. "I have nied my suspicion on no particular person yet, M van- nouaeed with qulta unnecessary dig ally. . "And you ar willing to let m go about thl in my awn weyr 'Td prefer having sow slight Ink ling of what that way la to be," she Anally averted. "II would make my work much easier if no one in th house knew whr I lul hero." Thl seemed .to (tick In her craw. "Then you already hav a suspicion as to to who th guilty parses Mr' 1 hav concluded that II I what w call ah meld lo I said. "How many aervaata hav yen hrf &h did a quick sura In mental arithmetic. "Seventeen of my own. Then there' Owendotya d Haven's maid and Hallie Ralelgh'e and Ferrle's man. That make twenty, not counting the chauf feur and th seven men Mr. Obden Bolpont keep an th yacht But I hav already told you that all of. my servant ar above suspicion," asserted th mietres of that manorial retinue. I Wat tempted la remark, with a alKh. that they alway were above suspicion in a ease Ilk this. "Then that leave only the guests." I said In my most matter -of-faefman-nr. 'Tm afraid they, too, will haf to be included In my list of exemptions." eh aid with Icy yet forbearing patience "If yoji ar willing to leave thl oat entirely in my hand." I said, Td like to M free to move about without em barr earnest. So I'll telephen for my maid to M her om tlm befoH din ner." "And yoe mean ta any, you--" 1 mea to say that I propose (lay ing at 'Miramat a your guest until thta case is entirely cleared up If you ehoo to kava it cleared up," I caul see her line old face harden. "Realty, yau know ' But that wa a far a ah got. Her speech was cut short by a atiddeh Interruption. "Mather, Unci O Wynne's emerald I gone!" cam from a reedy young voice fro the doorway. Th next mlnut a girl of tweatv entered tM rosea. - "Ooaer echoed th nother. "I had Ml Blanrhan bring tM emerald and 'th Morgan1 lavallwr that Just cam thl morning out t th lunrootn ta ahww owendoiyn. t put tham Ml) on the round willow table thr. And when w ram hick, In two or three minute, there was only th leveilicre left- "Hav you spoken to the servant about thlar asked Mra. Obdn-Blpont a Mr aye met mla. "I spake t Baaehley, mother, but h been busy tlcphonln to th caterer and know absolutely nothing a soux it. Th older woman tupped across th room and touched an electric MIL "Thl la my daugnur. Mla Rymal." h said with a tmil which, rm afraid, waa just a tittle faroed. "Mto Rymal i i be our guest during the next few ray. Natalie. whu rm aur ah'U understand that w mnt five her a treat deal of aur time, under tM lr umctaneea, I do hop w make aer viett a pleasant ," "And a successful one." I added. That will M eMrming, of course, sain tn abstracted hridetebe. Sh wa already turning away when a maid In a service cap and apron entered tM room. "Horten, Will yog pleas show Mis Rymal to hat room, tM first room in IM Lerlllard wing," eald th mistreat or Miramar with her auav ami! AM left le Mmg rvcd on th terrace. I Mla Rymal, la half as Mar. I hope von wUI M abU to Join u there. And Hortenae." added Mm. Obden-Belpont "connect th extension there so tMt Ml Rrmal raa telaphoac Inu tM lty for Mr maid." And M I smiled it was not altogether la triumph, hut more at the thought of Tooaey Attmt late of, Chatham Bquare, Ming Installed un der tMt stately end solemn roof, A I tupped out on the terrac to Join that gny-aalored group In duck and flannel aad sMatung silk clus tered about tM willow tower table and tM green-trimmed garde canopy my puis count wm juat aMut one hun dred and twenty. For I really believe t was mare afraid or that cluster of amiable men aad women than I weuld have Men at s eoneotloa of gangsters awaiting m On tM darkest corner of Heirs stltcMn. So I dissembled my rvensneca by areppmg to net an of IB deer-heundi which trotted eon fldenuy up Maid m. I ."Fin animals, hr off-hinaedly re marked man who promptly area from on of tha eiub-ehalrt in front of i.-1 at one taw .that it waa my .aw friend, Admiral Trevor Ftrrta. It Mmd natural enaugh that h should tva ma hia ehalr and then explain that a deer-hud wa mameatai hut sot verly MUlllcent Then, a younger man en my right Mgaa aniargmg an th intelligenee of tM ZoWer polntera, and a fat man furtMr around the tlr l (poke af th elvrna at tM mm view scout-dott, and that reminded ma of what td aoen tM dog IS th New Tork Folic Department da, and be fore t knew It I had that tntlr circle listening tsmy description t how a polls do could M trained ta make an amen by avsrtaking a prisoner and holding him. . i at there aulta at my tt rather 'altered because a brick-colored Apollo wm all the while trying to talk to m around tha corner of Ferrle't flannel shoulder, at th same tlm that th young man who liked Zelglsr pointers kept forstalling tM roetman in nsjans. Ing lumps of sugar an my sauocr Mm. Thl seemed ta annoy a languid-eyed vouna lady In ergandla who drifted ever la aur direction and meltlngly. yet polatedly asked me where I'd ever oome to, know o much about police eon. It waa Ferrl whft pok befor I had time tonwer the question my tit "Didn't you tell m. driving out from town Ml. Rymal. that you one tried your hand at aettltment work," blandly interposed. "Only a an amatsur," t Just a glibly fabricated. I had anly time to reals- ter a vatru imprenslon that thl woman, who ham I later found t be Gwendolyn D Haven, wa in way my enemy and Would M well worth watching. For Just then iad us aad saw another figure ad vancing toward us across th cloee erppd turf. It wss a very dapper flgur, for All It height, a flgur In soft gray Aannsl with a comfortable looking cheviot Ihlrt and whit buckskin shoes. What mtd me -euddtniy lit up wa th taet that th nwcomr wa Wlnkfrad Baland hlmeelf. There, Sot mor than ten steps away from me. stood my Winkle. calmly shaking hands with three summery looking gin wM eoood about him ilk waod-plgeon. Then he moved on and tapped ahort though M Md Men Wtnkic arid' I LoolcaA ii a1) - ; aiwi'awii vkmiii aw a mm uw ms a j-a t mw eacn ot her Long vnd,thou that P'or his eye had most unmis takably fallen en me. I Wa Jutt wondering what to do ta waMa my poor . bewildered Winkle whoa Admiral Ferrl got up put of hit rlubchalr and swung th nswoomtr aMut by hi elbow. "Sit down here and talk to hi lea RysaaL" ha said. "whit I go aad gat my btrd-glae Ton know Mla Rymal. af course well, it you don't It tlm you did." Mad Wlnkl very woodenly shook hands with me and subsided trance like Into the chair at my side with sort of what-ln-the-name-of-Qod-t. the-snoanlng-of-all-thl look on Alt troubled face, I waa rattling On ta Winkle and th young man on my left when a rather faded looking tplntter bore down on Wlnkl and thanked him with any ef fusion tor th copy of Tagor. Thlt woman I found waa Mis BtanoMa. tM aoelaj crury at Miramar, and tM had a fam Ilka a horse. at, liked Mr for casting demure, yet odor Ing. glance at my Wlnkl even mar than i disliked Mr tor th wagonette. Aa -I eat there watching Winkle with tM little shell t a teacup balanced oa hi big brawn hand, I couldn't help re calling that one hla Up kad whkrprefl HOUSE to tn through a vail bt athar: "Art yo staying elaaa, yos girt with tn gray eyes 7" And wha he waa eon valMoing is th St Andrew's tun room, befor hi married itr had whliked him eft to Pasadena, h'd van lifted my hand (Juat s little bleached with bichloride) up ta hit Hp and said: 1 den t see. Orey Byts. how I ean vsr llv without ymn" But that seemed a long tlm ago. Aad many thing had hppMd tine then. From tlm ta time, new, t no ticed that ha looked at me with troubled eye. I could sec th an nks auet(on . en hit faa. My Winkle. I oould tee, waa autptoleua of me, He no longer Mlltved in s. And J remembered that t waan't in a esltlon to explain thing ta him. If it hurt m a little ta feci that he couldn't at least give st tM benefit of a deubt, I still Wrung s tcrt at biaek Joy out of hit bewilderment. - I didn't tee Winkle again until that night when t rushed down ra a fever iihly altered Faqula dlnn-gew. Then I taw Wlnkl at a llghtly Closer rang than I had expected, for It so happened that I wa aaatad tnat night at dinner between him and Rear-Ad- mlral Trevor Ferris, td thought far ens foolish moment that Wlnkl might Ilk m In my unexpected Queen-or feheba get-up. But In that I made the mistake of my life. Instead of malting with, admiration, he looked m ovr with a cool and scoriae eye, relapsing Inta s morose and troubled ellenee from which the fluffy debutante madt reptaUd hut ineffectual attempts to rouss him. That dinner wa far from being all play t ms, far I kept going up and down that doubi Una af prattling grand, pondering whloh on of them ouid be a gem-thief and what reason that partisular person oould hav for purloining a poor llttl Drssdsn-chln heiress's wedding gift. Again and aTIT till again my attention wont back to the self-obliteraUng Miae Blanchaa. aad I decided, at I mi there, ta find out n little mere about that long-jawed maiden lady. I aleo feu rather Inter etted In Owendoiyn De Haven. And I also decided, as I sat there, to tele phone la to Sloan' omo tMt night for two or three d lota phone and a neld-bridg for He ten Ing In on the house wire. It waan't until dinner was almost Over that Winkle awung aMut and faced me. "Whit are you doing heref he skid quietly, yet with a note, of finality tMt waa anything but pleasant Tm deing what everybody els here teems ta M doing enjoying myself," waa all tha satisfaction I would give "So It seems!" ho said. With what couldn't possibly M , called knightly TM nsxt two days ware anything but Idle day tor Tooy end me. I mad ft camera-Inspection for finger prints, and attached my Mid bridge to thS ho circuit and, using tM de ratora a a creon. erafuiiy planted three dictaphone where I thought they'd do tM moat good. tlm moat I n I if., ":r-'C 0 , mA a1 " ft . lVtfl?CtM. thoroughly looked over th waH-tafe, which proved ft partly enough vault for which a Tudor fireplace had Mas aerlfieod. TM entrance to this, pro tected by s four-tumbler combination look, waa ratMr cleverly aaneeaUd. But after I'd persuaded Mrs. Obdsa Bclpast to stsw the Jewerty sway m that safe t aoeretly wired ft anat In front at tM sat door and hat It sea nected with ft butxef beside my awn bed. . Bealdec all this. While t WM busy lit my and el the line, Toaaty wm eorre tpohdtngly occupied In ft urraptitlana IntpVotlon and appraisal of tha foreet below aulr. We had worked thor oughly, but wa had worked fmRhitsly. Kot a, thing out af the ordinary had eoettmd. And sot h,clu hag bean unearthed. There at 'Miramar It has Mton lshed me to And out Mw aomptt Uf eculd beceme. how ruled by procedure and avium, and ieonvnUon. Tha thing wa tM hit for me. It tended to Subjugate me, to leave me a bltt erkted U Mis Blanchaa hsmlf.Md become. And st tha tlma ter tha much-talked about and much-written aMut Serwln-oaden-Belpont wadding draw nearer I mor knd mor ritd X how bsrbsrie the matlng-rite at a ht and-she-thlna of tM human trib could Mcomi once fOu looked at4t through the cool light at reeeen. Th making ready for theso rites was still converting sertals part of "Mire mar" Into ft eros between ft green house and an oriental Maaar, and be low atalrt wa a humming beehive of aetlvlty. But the house Itself teemed ratMr empty of guests tMt day. and : f luncheon proved an extremely dreary affair. Ferrl, I found, had flitted off to Newport tM night before, so It wM with oonaidembl surprts that I ma across him under a slump of maple lata that afternoon. He was dressed In knleherbocier, and Md a fleldgtaai In hi hand, and m4 in tent en a study of the aiur hvn abov him when I Interrupted hie aeanoa, Me stood for quite a long time staring off. through tM heavy foliage. That' moat remerMble." he paid as h (lowly put down hi glatsca. Tm bar Mt w a Canada Jay I saw there periaereua canadanslt, you know." . "A blrdr I naked a I tat down en a rustic bench past Which a tiny brook gargled ahd danced. ' "Tea. a bird," he aald aa ha tt down (n front of mo on a collfvpcible ramp steol of steel aad caavaa. "Sometime railed th WhUky-Jtek, or th Veptooa Heron, or the MOoce Bird,, or evereJ other name. 1 lev to atady Ood'a fa nocent llttl featMred creatures. And a place like 'Miramar gives them auch splendid harborage. fomwMr through the thicker cover here yea may run across a Hungarian pheasant or two I brought over myself for Mr. Obdea-Belpont" ! . TM aouad af that same MimieT to cautt him to laps tftta alienee. Attar a minute .or two he turned to me. '"Who did Itr M abruptly demahdod. Did whatf I ask4v "Carried oft that De Medici HngP . f - A ' TM handsome, old tec grew tud denly farrowed. ; TMs tMre have been two thefur he aald.', "I thought yea knew tMt Ar"any feature of tM aeetet Mug withheld from sm I asked him M I outlined M htm wMt hM already bee told sm m th oasa. - 1 " . . -No; that- an w know irtrrery. And t watat tout f tM son than. TMt makes thlngt mora tartane . Tatt ms aMut Owehdelyh tM Haven," i ventured. Tmpeaalbla,1' ho aald with tha K moM decision. Then Mis Blanchaa t ebatmoed. Again he shook hh head. - TM Mw SMui Bonehlayf Re smiled almost oommlaerathrely. TtB quit clear yon son t knew th redoubtabw BenchUy an M We've com to know htm. h would Mji bit ahMrd to aacrtflce ft forty-four-yeaT rooori for honesty, a life stats st nbM rota inttgnty for a three or bur hus drad dollar trinket Thar what rve felt alt ahsg. i skraacLNAa4 at th aam tlm thaf I why R M impressed me M an lnaide Jab, IV realty tM ami of snatch patty Bhtakthwvlnt Mat a weakling r ft mental defective might M guilty at "htra. Obdsn-Betpont :a he wank Ung Is her retlsnet" ht SrMUlmed, That's what tve Men at oonslder ftbl pain to verify," I acknowledged. Thcs tMt take ua back ta th guest. srtr an.- h Sold with a chuckle. "But what- I that to wort on there r . . ' Tvc hots wonder log about young Balanfl." m Mstured. la a healuting pwioiway. -Hasn't it struck yon tMt ha1 rather worrmd-looking and lu-at-aetr Then h looked at ma out of th ar ar hi ahrewd eld eye, "How well so y know himr . "I dost think t know him at alf t Isally MkMwhgad, Then I turned sag asked point blank i t yea think eten too jewels r 1 am aaiTW to have to say it" he matured without looking at me. "bat I knew Of aemetkmg he ha Stolen." "Wfcatt I demanded, ii-.l Rear' Ad miral Ferrl didat aaawef that ques tion. Instead, ha caught u hie Beld- gtae and Mveled them through th tas-flltrtat leafage, Nat long afterward aa I returned aaroM th glowing green terrac I aaw under tM eoot shadow of the carriage entrance a big plutn-belortd sextan ornamented by two human caryatids hi plura-ooloted uniform. 6na of these figure suddenly circled tba car and awung opes tha plum -colored door. At th ssme moment Mrs, Obden-Belpont hereelf stepped eat to the sedan. SM stopped short M ah Mught tight f "ou haVMt succeeded vary well Mv your sh remarked. Her tone wm vary quiet it made ms think of S bnlfe-biad bUMed is roe leave. "Why hetr I Mkad. i Beau ft diamond hftr-Mn. t Bnd. hM juit been stoles from my daugh-J ters room." quietly retorted tMt mag. Ibtarlal flgur. And the plum-colored factotum twunf shut tha pim-ciored door and left ma tunng rather emptily after that gllttening equipage aa It wov It purring way out along th winawg gravel snve. AMut tha third jewel robbery at "Miramar," I found, there waa little that wa novel and still Us that was known. The night brought nothing new nor did the mbrhlnf, "Miramar." Is tact, wm preoccupied with a bigger movement than the on which had ushered me Is through Its eobbie-aton gete-piners. And an dty long . tM sver-thtrtlng army of pfepatatton cam and wtnt "Bay, Balmy."' Tooaey remarked after aft obeervaties of certain ot the! eetlvitkM. "I wouldn't M that bride for all tM Oath Juak that ever came out of the Kim bet ley Mine." Tceeey, what' tM matter with yout" "It bm't me. It' the hou." "WMt't going to happen to thle houotr . Thsre's'golng to M ft death In It" wm her eetomn-noted reply. "What makes yoa Sfty absurd things IIM tMtr wa my aoaa-too-paUcnt Inquiry. -"Balmy, when s hlrd flla Into a house, that mean death! It never talla. ASd ft bird flew 1st thl house. And WMt' more, I saw It Ther wr tlSM When Tooaey was Impossible SSul t WM glad to slip sway into the eonooltng quietness of the leafy woodland Myond tM shim mrlngroofd green hou sac and reet gardena, I wm homesick for some thing that I couldn't define even to my own heart Aad I wanted te M alone. Yet te be alone, appareatly, waa tM one oomfort denied me. tor m I atruck deeper Into tMt wooded, solltuds I found mytelf confronted by at least two unmistaMMe tight of human In trusion. One wa a ateel-roddcd col lapstbl rampsteei sad th other wm a palp of Mld-glfttt. a I advancer deeper mto tM woodland I spotted walklhg.stick stsaBlnff Bprtghrm tM ground. Os I. hung a brown Norfolk jacket It plainly belonged to Bear Admiral Trevor Ferris. But tMre was ns jrerrte la eight 'I had takea tMt Jacket up. during my intpectlon. and fully Intended to hang It Mck ever the walking atlok juat aa I Md found It TM oaa. stuck la the ground by It .'errule, went lowly, over with tM weight of cloth. Then I gatMred up the coat shook th duet and leaf-mold from It, and stooped te pick up ft linen handkerchief which Md felieft from n of It pockets dur ing the activities, t disco v4 three thlngt oarefulty wrapped up in It On waa ft. diamond bar-pin. Th other waa an emerald la platinum netting. And tM third waa aa antique Floren tine ring. I tucked that handkerchief back la It pocket took possession ot tM three bits ot Jewelry, aad looked carefully Shout Then I started tor tM gray green gabtta of "Miramar." I Md crossed the empty golf oours and turned mto ft long pergola when I tame faoe to fe with tM one man I should Mva preferred ftvoldlng. It was Wlnhfrtd gJeVr", Hla morose 1 questioning eye em barrassed m almost a much aa tM marnory bt wMt i waa earylBg ta toy right hand. And la trying rtneeal tMt embarrassment t exaggerated It ' , rWhat m kr Be tartng l,te pointedly st my tightly (closed Bat. TM black Joy of hurijng him ewrged threuah ma at that hrutk command, I opened my hand and dlseloetd tM three ttolea pie af JeWsiry. ng i knew by hla face that hundrstd exactly what they Were. , "Where did yen get tMalT ft aaked after ft fuU moment ot sCenoa, 1 stole them," I said, looking aha tralght la th eye. "Hadn't I Mttar take thece?" he asked attar ft long aliesoe. "It would sum It Mtier tor you. wouldn't itr ' and t sotioeg that the note ot iron, Md gon4utet hie vole, -f ttughi rA llttlel , bttf pHIOrWlHfcl eeuldat ad thj humor ot th altuatlon. I watched him la alienee aa hla big brews hand took possession of them, It WM IS alienee, too, that I want aln at hla aide a he emergtd from tM pergola and start sd acre the taws. AMut tM tan-duck garden I no tleed tea wa Ming etrvtd. i eoult Wlnkl crost over to Natalie and draw Mr te one aid, There wa won der In her pallid little- face, and th three stolen Jewels In the cup of hot hand, aa she turned hack M th eenopj and It company. - - "Mohtr," th cried. "They've Mel found!" They Mve .been returned," an nounced Wlnkl with S fee Ilk i mask, "strictly oft tha undftaridlS that so questions are to b Mked." I fwna watching Wlnkl4 tac M el1 that I failed t notice Ferric ad b JolMd tta. I . ' 'We've found ihe tBIot explained Owtndolyn De Haven. . "And Jost Who wkt the thieff tM merited the russet-faced did Admiral, "Tea can aay I waa Winkle, as seunced. -Not By a loni shot," promptly tn tcrrupted my old friend. . was aa accomplice of mm. "What aeOtaplle1" flemanded Winkle, perpleaed by tM tranquility of usy face. ' ' "A gunutmsn who bear th name at Whisky John." retorted Ferrl. "But known to Adirondack lumbermen a the Canada Jay. sad eometlmea aa th Camp Robber, the boldest maraudeH tlr, of ail the Jay family, whom I've Sftsft enough aeen ttcallng front canoe knd wigwams la the North Woods." "Ton mean ft was S blrdf demanded the empty-headed Owendoiyn De Haven. "Kxaefly," replied Rear-Admiral Trevor Ferric, browning me with hla kindly old smQe M complete under Standing. And for th second t':ne that day Wlnkl and I looked kt each other long and thoughtfully. A BOGUS HALF-DOLLAR. A Stan wh looked seedy sad bunged up boarded, ft trofJoy ear and laid hla Mad oa the arm of tM conductor and aid: i "Old chap, let me give yoa ft tip. It little eld woman with ah iron jaw tries to board your car today ring the Mil and leave Mr behind." "But why chould IT" was queried la reply. v "Beoaus she was Hdlng oh thta route yesterday and torn conductor passed a bogua Mlf-dollar oa her. fehe wu m mad about It that aha didn't tlsep ftny last night and an hour ago the put en her hat and walked cut She I going to .board very ear OS tha Ntte. She will take you by the keckUe end giv yuf head tnd neck a twist and demand a good haif-dtUar of you, tmt yea look guilty and gasp for breath and try to stammer out tone excuse. It you do shs will think yoa u the man, and yoa will go to th hospital fop two weeka before She tU -through with you." TM conductor Mtured the man tMt he would spend the rest of th day looking for'tM Mttl old woman, and tMt it he aaw one ht would ring the Mil for the motormas to start up. at a gait twenty milet as hoar. . k - WHAT AN ABMIrriC It. Utt Joneo waa reading hla heweV paper and Mra. Jones waa reeding th ether, whan aha suddsniy looked up and atked: - ' ' "My dear, what It aa armistice r "An armliUo la is " slowly re plied Mr. Jenea, hut came to Mlt - "Is wMtr demandsd Mrs. Jonsc "Well, I dunno at I quite understand hut tt la thle way: when two na tkna get tired mt fle-htln mm kini, ky:krbas about what It called aa anniiuo. - i -., . . . .-. , We. I know, hut wMt la Itr per sist a Mr, one. - ."Why they etep fighting tAd knilng and go to Jawing and differing. On is aa Md a the ether, end one lattt aMut M long -a ihe other, and one disturb th world aMut as much aa Ihe other. It I about aa evea thing wMtMr they fight oa or Mve aa armistice." ti Mr. Jonss read oa for a few minute aMut tM Paris armurtlo and then re piled ...... o , "Mr. ioaea, X agree with you!" - VALUE OF tALVAQC IN A. K. f, Th vslu of matsrlal salvaged by tM A. X. F. Salvage Sarvte for thN thirteen months ending with January amounted to M.:si.0"4, ot which !,l0.e wa material collected ea tatUefleldl. Doring-". January battle field collection covtred material hav ing an original east of m o.oo aad ft aalvage value of U.ftOfl.OOft.

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