r niurwDAY ix??:z, august h, 1:1a ' - wm STOCK EXCHAIIG IE- Dill HI GSNARRO Offerinci Light And Buying Not Greater Ease" of Money Call Active; net low 48 - " Lcn$ Most Reassuring ' To ea Pointi . : Feature of session w NOW Yfk, All. 13.-fttke a'atOlly Nm Yrk. An. l3Trtdi oa th Mfly 0ll0B Wl fotlra b B IRltD ItMk IHkUM toda Ml eitretnelv . broah la tk eottoa market today, with I tupersclal and agala rettrlcted to ipe X October telling off fro 9li3 te ll.W, I eialtl, apart Iran furtbet activity eea doling t 9U2. Tk general liil it eeuipinenta, aile aad allied sun eloied itMOjr at A Art deelia ( at Itlwhltk km bco th. prominent feature 09 pOlttl. ; i J f tMU MMiOM. Tk aarket bn4 irm at I ed- Wkll considerably la ef yea- Aite t If i IV points ta fpo4 Ufday'i moderate turaever, tM tolaaa to relativity atetdJ tablet lift Hbont of bttalaeta afforded 4 ttrlklug toatrast of further film la tutiri bolt 1 to tke'leat eueecMioa of daya wktA itinae. Th buying U tot active, but operation Iterate 1,500,000 charea, ee Active moathe aold about if ta 82 impreetlvo total. Beiata Bet klnher before tka and at I f ka ait' reaaaartkn feature at tka tb first htur with December touslilng I elA tl th greater eae of moaey ism add daauary 81.27. Tber was I call loaai paiag at os4 ta ait per , eontldorable rcalltlng at this level, aid teat, bat thidiag apptoilabljuaftaf utiaV tailing became a little more kitiv i day aa aa vr aauaaaae ox offering. nftat tka ttttliUeatina. . at tha kaabl I Enrlntlnf Baldwin thick katrlollr mti bt tb treathef iurea'a, tadi-1 aUfmibti (riitctday'i lubataatlal gala tauna tuai ma iron aaa ataoa nit i in ui tar aoata m nnoria m xarar protfreat la ttont Icellubi 6f thl blt, abla retabitaliaatioa, oalyJo react ab aatapt for. plMoi whet tbi ntafall ruptl later, aid AmcrtaA Telopboaa, bad bMa ateculv, Prhot nf fairly wkara a farther decllao ot i a palati all laitkikad oa rttetloat ta about artarapaaled adverao dlTldoad ruMora, lait alakt'a aloaiaa laurea d aria a the then wtl little ot aa obtfoaa ekarattor airly Mrtanmrkat- iatar aa aanttled 1 1 faraUa aa1heeaU4a oUhat iit lijr teporta that tka Uiaad for aa uo. ; Uaai tat oa bf ta nasi ai inraaa aa Tradiat ai aaoit aeuta aa aini ifc-lttbir tlrelH aad that Oerataay, t eohf ailki la the Baal kottr, wbea itotki aifport iiibaat ratet, would aot pr ot ta tarn elaoa laond toatrarlly, aa tit Importer to pat far good ia let! lrfef ulir t hury ton prvaUlB at . tkah tear 'a tint. DaaainHai braka tho aloM. t ii m aad JioMry to 11X9, at aa uaitatviutoa bum aaa nuiatea t 73 polbtl aot luwir, akd the llbae atMtl aad alto tho taili retarded adai ai otaly a fe aniati an fraia the ataai aaotatioaa la the anal retinal. lotttt oa totctiaf. A promlaiat aoatk. tka teaatioa aaoaf otkir, leader, ia weiw auttterity nikei tkt midnekth uaaui vraeioie eteei aaa uaiawia uy ceadltloa Ot tha trop M.1 I0lat 6B.1 ebktoUr raaginj from 3 to 0 poiata. twM tb aqd Of July, rrivat n- uifi gnat boada, aotaoiy auwa ia hlei MBOrtaa 'rathei a rxAra thaorful I (too, find tho fortif a trout) lad tho feeiiht la Litarpotl over British libor UMtnr moea aiao abadinc mchur AFFECTS MARKET Corn Price Changes ' Narrow And volume of Dealings' Small; Provisions Down : , Chicago, Aaa. 13-Notably fkllla oft Ik tka toinart at doaUaf forme! th prlatfpal falar of the tola kurket today, lad wai geaarally atetiaed to tb Baeertalntie afteadlag thl labor iltaatloa ad U oiat to lattail tk toot of Utiaf. frloe ahaife were anor -tkaa bioil Tk uom wai aMttlrd, 8-4 act lower W l-a ad taaee. Data flaisbed one t t I'M OP ad protUloaa at decline! at M t 42 ffct - ' . , Opea. Bigk. Low. Clote Sept. .... M '-MVa 1 Dee. .... 1.33 1.83 IM OATBt ,t, .... .WH , .tJ lXe. .... .II '4 JT POHBU Sept. VtM VM Via LARDi Sept. ... 31.tr II A) 11.11 , 11.11 Oct. ....31.13 11.13 win Sept. ....Ufa . M70 M.40 IS.40 hditloa. Clotiaf bid i Hick October ....... t.,...B3..0 leceaiber .. ..12.40 Jaiaary 18.41 March ,MM Xtay 3IJ0 3U7 iM SUA 81.43 Aaiaetria Oaa Akk 01 aaa Jpt eottoa quid i anlddliai. 81 JO. AaatrUaa . I II I Tl ..IAi HEAVY SELUNQ PRESSURE 014 V. B. boada were aaekaaftd oa L Clot aalL - 51 JO Mil , , 9SW JSZSSSm 31.M 31.48 I tiara.' Law. CtMO. SIM ilM AfceMeaa ttet .... tik .? , tt F. ...... till UtH m2 SENDS N. 0. COTTON DOWN fumes Cloud 45 T 86 FolnU Ket Lower; Spots, Aat BmMtMc aaa JW1. if .Mrkaa-aarat ...V.. Ill Aa' Sejaatra Too .. U Aatarlou feL kM Tat tSSaf.rfrr..:::: ob aa w. i..., ia aHwia Imitative .... ii aus ai S1 4tH Kw Oriel nt, Aaa. 13 Heart tellinf I Mri:uro appeared ia eottoa today had Rahttmt in Okk.... thkftan atari at aaaua rWka ...... It ntral UatM Jft aktaiMtpbla.... IT a BL P aaa rae.... b.rket Ml akder it. after kakiag fTii'i:::: ? moderate ftet gam in the early trad- Car read arte , 11 la. One 0tt the dotra tftad thin were A reccliions of fonaeqacbe aad toeit r pr.cet wpTb reached praetically oa the cloio under the report trot Weshlagton that Concrresa had beea aaked to la- - !ado wearia apparel ia th food raw. Lowttt prlcra iliowkd kit loeteitet 441 to 88 point aad tk do wai 49 to M Mlata act lower. Tli opening wai higher aad th ad , tao teauaacd ta good Llrarpool rable and th rain iaVtk Mitera ' belt uatll th trading aioathi wir ta to 84 point up. 7k weekly eofa re ports from, tho goveraaient at 10 Hock wer ndch more favorable thai tfpMted and were lullotrrd by fairly aeary cell lag which bit th market to a alt de . ellac. During th day oelliag lae Mated on weiknes ia tk foreign nhang m&rket aad flmlly oh th report from waihiAgto rogatdlng treating apparel. A private barea report oa eoadilioa of eo.4 pointing ta a crop ei 1100,000 Mid wai cbnitaerid beariifc aad ia treated offorieg to o extent. High, Low. aot. w iw ......... Ck eoirar ...... ffVBl PlWlaa-aaaoa -tt'cu.-:::::::: b Matara ........ tUk til 9tmi HartM. .. .. Qraat NorUMra Ore Ctfl Oaif atat an Illlaeta OtaWal at. Mar. Mar, ..., lit Ta 11 Z It 1M i M . 114 3 47 17 1M IM 101 II ' yt lot 1 si! 11 hi 4 a t a IM. KWttl IT larwaatifMl Paaar .... It lUKkrilii" HOC tort i.t 40 iKi'to.:::::::::: K$ IbaavH r)B f ! jut a a t kifM Aaat amaw 5 5?2 Evi avt lToVi 177 IT U414 4 1741 oaateai ..... t T. N. H. ana aatt II l orftlk M Waitora.... 11 IM 14 artbera KctBa M Stt l mtwrlvaala ........... I Uli 44 lli.buM aa W. .. 144 14 14 s S si Sf fi! JT N4 Mfi .1 : a5 111 14 1 14 ' Ml 111 Caa. Cappar ...1.. fral'ai'kiii'!!!! Itaaiale 0. aad M..... eaa4M. . aa4 I.... BaatlMni PseMa fcaathara Kailwar ...... rthm nallway, afl.. October I1.M 81.08 ZlM TenaaMO Oaaar 114 ke 31.M MM Who Jlli !2 IM. ajtaati .... IM ... IT klirek 81.T9 81.11 11.00 Way 11.84 81.88 30.98 (toot lottoa dulet and unehinaed. Bfllei oa th ipot tit bli to arflv, Too. Low mlddllRf, M.13 middllag, lull good middling, 8131 j receipta, Wiuj toca, mfiwt, KoitrOLK TOTTOSr (Bf BlmH Dawoa.) Norfolk. Va Alt. Uvkfiddllaa cot '4a. irt 1J. aifbt low. fa u, ..rV.t 1Au.i wiiun laoun a. 14 AlaaM a Ma IttaA ItubW .a e: is. in Inriaia Oar. 'Mtlukoa ElaaUle .. Wllbtrlaad ........ It Aau lrtfl Caroa. tM pat cium. tM Ml Toll let ioih 114 114 tH It at. tr; A tH 5 8 ,11 MH i4 . . fart Memat Nw Orloaaii Middllag, klilt Miptt, W10 atetrta, 1,4401 halo, 817 1 took, .VUJK9. Oalveitoa: Middling. 81.60: receipt, 4,144 ttpetta, 11488 j taiaa, 137 j toek. 13020. ' kit bllt t MiddUig, 11 AO i Htoipta, a. ..1. . 11 a fiavaaaaki Ulddllk, I1J8 Hoeipta, 1.7191 itoek. 257,190. . Charloitoai Middllag, 11.90 roeelpta, II: itoea. 8E.447. Wilmlagtoat Middling. 80J0; re ceipt!, 10H; tok, e,173, Teial Cltyi Stock. I8S. . Norfolk! Middllag, 30.85 1 roeelpta. MSI UK tTirr bArlit valves. ITiirarA. Ant. l3AtflUtioa ever tka klgk cost f living ka aot leprttoed tk barley market. Oa tM toatrary, tk prU a4aa4 I U 4 et a bahl today, tad balea wre mid at 811, th klghett prie thl keato. kUliten have beea th mott hitlve bayr. Th imprtiilaa prevailed tut there kkva bee etteaeive eaiei of atall to tarope. By Jamped fritk barley,, aad eloaed t i 14 t I atl alraaee. Etnort parckiklng ot ry today wai imied at IfloOfiM bitaheil. California barley U Miag Wld for (ipert at about It a kandred weight, fre Ok board Vel at Oalf botti. tkt prlee i fir abv tklt dt klck birier worn tae ceatrai wit eouid be offered tree , ea betri vneel ia Atlaatl prtl. ' .T4i 1JS214 .7 VIA TiAfilMt. IN KIW UkiT BTOCX EXCHANGE IATVSDAT Maw Yirk.. Aa ll-for the iklrd tlne.tkii uAmr tka govctaiag com' mittee of the eteeft eackni, attint oa a petitloa t lie member, Voted today to taipend trading laturiay. Foltowlat their aiail euateai the toa- eolldatad ettbaaa aad th lurb, or ouUido mirket probably Will take, elm- liar aetiaa. Broker aad aahimUaioa koaiea generally (till ar hr behind U their tort ta catch ap wna th eonaettioe of offlee detaill Ntnttint from tbo tremendou activity at th laet tit ttoathk, partleatarly tka nor- eaont bniikni of jaae aad Jaiy. . Dee latt oa tka ttoek etehiif ee fir thli year approilmiU 198,000,000 aharee. er eoaaiderably Mre thl doabl u Miat ret ta orripoa la warUd at 118. Tradla la konda akaw klmoet aa equal inereaa; th total to date aggre gating almoet 2,000,000,000 ptr relue gainiet f33oo,ooo a year ago. JtBW YOBK MONBT. - Kaw Tori. Aat. ll-MirHktil p prn 9 1 to I Mi tterliag 90-day kill, 4.28 1-t: eommirclol 90-day bill oa bank, 4J8 1-4 1 lommertiu eody euit, 45? r demiad 4J1 1-8) eeblM, iM 1-4. , rranea, Memaat, 7.7B tibue, y.r. GUldiri, dieuad, It 14 J tabl, IT Lima, lamaad, fl.00i aablel, 8J0. Mark, demand. I 8-4 i cakl, 9r 6ovramat boada, oaayi rillroid boadi, eaiy. ' Mltad loaaa. 60 dae. M loe aad atoathi, 9 ptr ett toll ttroag. Call moaey ay ( baak aeeeptlkeet, l-a. LIBERTT BONDS. Kaw Tork. Aua. l3-ilkl Liberty bond prie tedayi I 1-fi, ODMt Srat en, M.105 aeeotd it, 93.00 int e i-n 4.10! aeeaad 4 1-t'i. 93,11 third 1-4't, 4J0; foartk U 14.14 Vie tor? I M', 9941 Victory 4 l-4'l, 99 JO. Sand and Gravel For Coekcre)t Bad Bttildlag FttnosM Prompt Bhipmenu PETC SAND it GRAVEL CORP. Petenburj, Vt. wmtxif livestock. Ctleat. Adas llSoa kioetlr (3 ieati hlHer tbaa yeiurday'i Average 1 top. 83.B0 hHtry, ll40JH.4fl medium, tl.S0Q230; light, tl.50Q23.50s P8- Cattle unsettled. Beef ttecr. choice. 14.75 19.25 1 median, 9.75614.75; com mon. 10561.1.001 batcher cattle, heif- an, 7.75 15.50 1 eowt, fi014.75: can- aert. 9.3517 JO 1 Veal (awe. 20.000 11.00 1 feeder ateira, 8J513.T5 Itoek r tH, TJOiQllJS. - BMp (trong. Uttbl, 14J17.50i enlll, 10.00814.00 yearling Vtcthert, 10.50133; ewet, 7.75(59.78 1 culU, 8.007i!5. If AVAL STOXU. SkHaakk. 61.. A. 13. Trnatln Irnt, 151 141 tale 170 1 receipt, 109 1 tbipaiata, 131 itoek, B.ine. Boila ateadyj aalea, 141) roeelpta, ana I inijnaenia, ovo aioea, a,9iw Qntl B, 18.98 1 D, 1.M B, iTM I F, 1715; 0. 17.50; E, 17.90 I, 18 JO; K, 20.00; U. 20.75 N, 21.25; WO, 81.75 WW, S2.25. COTTON SEED OIL. t . i-. W..L 1 fn AmAA All rf tWW .Dr., .UK. WWW wmm iiier Bdr Uqaidatloa by Joagi, ia- dated by" tho fceavlneae la lard aaa tottoa. riaal btdl ward M to 40 polaU act lwf feel, 4,000 barrel. Prime end nominal; prim eammar yellow, ipot, 88.00) September, lOJOjUCtoocr, W.28 Marek, 2845, : ; t t: )AY A CO.1 COTTON COMMENT. New York, Ant. 13-Partry la re ipoatl t better cable from abroad aad torn aafatrable ffportl from the caitera belt, price advanced early about 30 polkta, but OB lh-Urine the South beeeme eeller end trltk laerMMd realiilag ii the email aad atrro aarkei a 'declln wi on brought : about, with snal pricte to politi below yiitcrdav. Thl wwkly wither report w4 better tin a tk trid etpeoted. At th ; proarat Hate tier i A argfbt demaad to take ar f Ike feaiialng aad hedg rale. 3. vt. jay a ca , COrFEE QUOTATIONS. New .York, Aug. l.V-pot eoffe fair octant! Bie V. 83 l-4 fkatot 4'l, 89 14. ... t J. W.JAY & CO. COTTON MERCHANTS ktMStaii New fata COHea Bttheae Naw'Otkaaa CattM BaahaMa Ml Tart pradaM Batkaaya New Tar Cafe lad Baaf tea ABBOCIATI BIBBIBIUl "Wakaad- a .BiaaaaAm AAaaaA VVfJOTBt IMaPBlpwSBB9Jwl afaatamaaaaa aaaaAAaaiaial Bat. aaaakakumaLa ama1 - mm VTVBBIV SJKlVnBBfi IwT AJrVaSSBV WK Wmm mm ttta aad aattaa aaaf all fat JaTarl aa Uttrr. luteal eOaa.ai aaada la laal a. taa tar Utmt. Carra U BBOAD BTKEST, laritaa. MEW TOll C J. TALLMAN, . CoBtfuctioei Engineer evnd Contfaetof WILMINGTON -NORTH CAROLINA LOUtSBURG - , CoftcHt Brick, StBl And T!tabf CorutructloB Work. TtME LIMIT WORK SOLICITED COBB BROTHERS & COMPANY Brokers Member of New fork akd Norfolk Cottoa Btekaage. Prompt etUaUoa te telagrapkle aad ha ardor. Okttoa, Btoaka, Boada, Orala, Pre vUUa. Private wtree. SSI Plam Street, Norfolk, Vlrglakv. ThiiJ. B. McCRARY CO. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS - H NAtW) Bk Bldg AUanU, (U. Plaay- daiW. tlmkte, inane and iinitruct Water ' Work, ElMtrle tight and Pr Plant, BanlUry aad Storm Swri, fftre! Paving And Improved Hlgkway. More thai'' 900 contract uMfaliy akd faithfully aeuted. Writ ftr fiitalli at ur plaa . B-B 1 n . - , 40 1 itoek, SMS. Dan altlmorai Stork. 4.T50, DMteat IftddUaiv tt.ilt .leeelpte. S401 ttoek. 9.800. PblladIpklat Middlleg, 98.10 Itoek, HIV TOBK BdNDC (Baatkata.) l . - reaanaeea ....... OTwjpaa ...... ...... ........ iVart'bte la. ItalaWVa U. 9. Mavsflieia s eaasa ......... J 8. 4a, Maa 1IH arkn TaL aad Tat ft, Oa., ...... 10 . . Aaale-rnaah 8a ? jaat LWi'M a.:::;";";:? t , aniM oeoki v. 41 Caawal Ualhar k f Chaiarttae aaa vaie r. aa tlTVaad r- Jakrt i. J tH at hirla a "It" Ealata a4 Baathar Nf. 4lia 4 Bmw and Ata tlraaOt nf. la....... hZLjalaa a CaaA 1 UMlk.. ...... MT4 iH 5jii:H:E fa I OHO aaanwm wm. aa. a- , aaA Uaafa at ............... tilUaad Waalwjllj am. a...... Jl .arL faaaaa-aad Taaal tat .... 44b 4 Faat. en .. e3 ia. New Tork Central waau Marfattl and Wa Narlkara rarllM Paaaarlaaa CaaaalUata 4a. VTtt i tH tW"""', frmwrtaala tea. 9. Wta N New rWkrkflddliagr liJS) ttoek, V0 ?U'k'i.'iiiiii":: e& El iL 1 B4. U and Baa frae. aaj. ..... 04 Miaor Pwrtai Siook, 98.40L - 'T.tal Todayi Blpto, 9411) - tXEZ Kmu V!!!T....3 1 - grta. 18J0T ototh, 1.000,438. : . latarlar Movataeat. , Houaton t Middling. 91 J0 roeelpta, 1,830; hlpmata, 4JI1) la let, 1J15 eteek, 130J39. - kit mp all i kuaduag, sejoj receipt. Aallwar la .'.....4 s BaUwaa' aaa. 4. ........... 4 Tvua Oeavaaav a. It 101V taiat aa PaaMa Irt...... M) iiaaai paa-na aa.4.. ....... ....... . aa v. a. atari aa .......... ............ - vaatatt oar. gatmani aa ........ i Wakatk lit 0BV19 BKOS. COTTON STATEMENT. New York. Ant. ia-Tb weeiiy weathtr report today waa favorable la Hi ihlpmiitt, 1449 Ml. 730 Mock, V 148,971. .' ' laaualai httddllatf. M.IOl raulnta. M; (hrpamu, 1,078 j n), 1 itoek, torn leeUoaa, partlealarly Boatk Cat 118,993.. ' I ollaa, bat -wry aafavcrabl a to Boll sr. LaaUi kaddliae. 88.00 1 reerlDta.1 Wevfl damage eatlrely roe the v im akinmanti. l.TSAt atoek. 9J08. I atkrB Bortioa f the belt, from , x Atlaatai Middllag, 81J5 roeelpta, Twa to tka AtlanUa. Bualn la , 461 thipmenU, l,085j aalea, 950 Itoek, pot eottoa contlnuH tight, therefor eiJUA. . . . . ldemiad for future la tntll aad f -' Littl Bocki Middllag, 11.00 re J tare marketa give oaly kalf-heirted re ceipt. 114 shlpmeato, 435 mm, 221 tpoaiei to ahfavorabto crop feat urea. . ' . m. .1. i . I . . Anna aaAttatoa . . r. rvA , atoea, 10.13U. ' , Total Today! Xeceipta, 8J12; hlp menu, 11JO0; ttoek, 444.015. 0BVI8 BB0THEB8 AND CO. W ' LIVERPOOL COTTON. - j Llvtrpoel. Aug. 13. Cotton, apot. NEW TORK DRY GOODS. I evUtl Briee. ' Anat food mlddllnf, New York, Aug. 13.-Cottoa good 80Jfl tally mlddUag, tOMI middUng, wire vroak todny aad price lower ea print cloth aad (ktlng. Salet from eead-haad wr' preeaod -with bay ara heldiaa off. Wool good were quiotor, aad raw dlk aler. ; Burlap wr quiet wltk eome eauag nported la eecoad-aina auea. 19.441 law middling. 1741 1 good srdl aaa IM fat. ah4(n-.. ) k R.1. ffUlaa. 4.000 balea, including S.000 Aaterlcaai reeeiirt, 18,000 bale. talddtag 3,900 AnMrici. Putare !oed quiets Bep temoer, 10J3 October. 19.93 ; Jiauary 80.11 Marck, t0.U May. tOJL Subject to Prior SALE W Ottr th fellowini Boada i 910JOO AauUwa Pewr 11 8' die 1M at J3. ' MM A. ft L ty. 0aral le due 1994 at JtH. ttJXH) WU, N. C tlietrie Ught Boada SH due 19)0 at 104,19. Durfey & Man INVESTMENT tXCfJEITIES 404 taeker.Bulldlai EALE1CB, N. C Pullcn, Hender ion McKinney & Company CtMTIPlEb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (V.) An sdequAU forct of experienced and qualified Accoufltlnts for service in Attditinf I 8retmAtliin i AccoUittihg B1CBMOND. VA. LTrTCAAtlAtt, VA. Ml AALSiatl. N. C FM.l MACTOERY RepAtred by Experts, New Parts Mido if Neccisary. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Halolgh Iron Worlco PatBders aad MackiBtata it KALEICI, M. C. llIICEfli The First : " National Batik Begs to ttinounes to the PUBLIC, that we have Just completed arrantfamems, 'Jointly with MESSRS. BERNHARD SCHOa 4 COilPANY, Bankers, No. 14 Wall St, New York, whereby the CAPITAL STOCK of the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS of DURHAM la to be Increaeed to NINlC MILLION SIX HUN dred and ten thousand dol lars. : . :;;;:',::';-;: Particulars relattnf 'to this taeniae are being mailed this day to the Stock -holders of record. . - , Under these net otiationt THE CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK becomes REGISTRAR at the Stock of the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS and the BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK will be the TRANSFER AGENTS of the' Stock of the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS, . Application will be made lttmsdUU ly, to list' both the PREFERRED And COMMON STOCK, of the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS Upon the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. May we be pardofled for aayini that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, prides Itself upon its connection with these hlf a trade New York BahkdS that snsbles the FIRST NATIONAL! BANK to com ntete these arrant entente which we feel certain means much to the future pros perity and welfare of thl City of r Durham. " The FIRST NATIONAL BANK is greatly pleased to announce officially for the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS that immediately there will bt erected upon the lot formerly occupied by the Hotel Carrolina, a Splendid, Most Mod ern and ttp to date Mill Buildint of , Steel and Concrete Construction, for the manufacture of HIGH GRADE SILK HOSIERY for Men. Women and Chll draft, whlch will rive employment to SEVERAL HUNDRED OPERATORS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK is also pleased to declare officially for the DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS that m larre addition will be erected at once to MILL No. t, which will furnish employ men. to SEVERAL HUNDRED more employees. Remember if you please that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK standa al ways for DURHAM and the Welfare and Advancement of DURHAM. Most respectfully yours, x First National Bank DURHAM, N. C JULIAN S.TARR Prealdtal W. J. BOLLOWAT Caakler Don't Forgwt- We Kttenr Yemr Wahtl And Want Yew BaeiaMA jyysiiiijijsivtvois 1 8 w yy AUDITS B i srsma GEORGE R. DOBIE - Publia Accountant : ROCKY MOUNT, i N. C Announcement , . MR. T. C. REDDEN Formerly of the H. W. Johns-Manville Co., becomes a member of our organization ori August 15th, as Vice-President and General Manager. . ' .. . We art confident that Mr. Redden's knowledge and experience, gained through his seven years with the Johne-Manville Co., will enable us to give our customers greater service on Reefing and Sheet Metal Work. BODD-PIPER ROOFING COMPANY ",,. - Durham, N. C ''.' I .rVVVWVWWWUVk aa , .- . : -;...,..?-.'-.-.-.'' BONDS and STOCKS 1 want to buy from $1,000.00 to $50,000.00 State cf North Carolina Bonds. ' r 139,600.00 liberty Bead any taa. ' M,0O0.0O to tmflOOM eekool. Bead er Cauaty Boada, aay ouaty . ia Nertk Caretlaa. . -, . Will buy Baak Stock ot ay Baak ia North OanUaa. ' - If you want ta buy Liberty Bead, I will eell tbem to you. O0e Aver neUbmaa'i Big Dry Oeedl Str. OaoCfr A.M.UT P. M. , FRANK THORNTON -SA Dealer In Stocks and Bonds rtONSIM i PAYtTTEVILLE, N. C. LIBERTY BONDS W er TODAY PAYINO tk faltowiag gricaa foe UBEBTY BONDS I First SVgl 99.60 for $100 Bonds - , Third . 4ti$ 96.00 for $100 Bonds v Fourth 4 U $ 94.10 for $100 Bonds . .. Victory .......... $100.25 for $100 Bonds Otker deaemlaeueu aad laaullaatat tetpt ta properttaa. . CAROLINA BOND & MORTGAGE CO. , 10tk rwof , Ualoa Baak Boildlag . ! . . COLUMBIA, S. C ' it,. , P10NB 8: : It PM ktr-mS ef tke wapee tea4 Ik ClaaaiSod Ad today, yet kave atad a gt-1 r j. ... l r -

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