THE NEWS AND OSSERVEIt THUHSDAY MOrJZ.'G, AUGUST 14, 1:13. RATES 10 Cent , Per LINE 1! WANT AD RATES THIS IS THE REGULAR "WANT AD type, (S point). Tb frit liae ia tat US point light cap, for which a xtra charge it made. Tbe rata for tbia type i 10 teat ;er , Una. - Tka rata ia baaed aa tha count ef ais (0) average length worda to the line hyphenated words count aa two words, no abbreviation siiowea ia , tha body of tba advertisement. Every nameer Initial ia tba name end ad dress counts aa a word." Always eoont the name and amlres. for your convenience, tba coir of two r mora lines foraingl iassrtioaa aad 7 IM 8V consecutive insertions in tegular want ad typa are flgured below i t. , v -'t Oaa Seven On lata. Words. Time. Times. Month. t .20....81.28....8 MO . .30.... !..... 8.10 . .40.... 3.52..,. 10.80 . .80.... 3.15.... )3.S0 . .00.... 3.7H.... . .70.... 4.41.... 18.90 J90JJJUt5-04.1.. 21.00 .80.... 6.67.... 24.30 1.00.... 6.30.... 27.00 Tba 10 per cent, discount has been de ducted oa tka above qu"Satiuns. Tha above 7 and 30-tim rates apply 'only for consecutive dsy -by-day ia- . 'scrtions. These rates DO NOT apply oa Sunday insertions alone, area though ordered for eonseeutiva Bun days. . If tha Sunday only Is-used tba rata is ' .10 a line eaeh insertion, regardless of tba number of Sunday tha adver tisement appears. THIS 18 a POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE -BATE IS DOUBIJJ THE ABOVE OB SO CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 10 POINT LIGHT ;CAPS. THE RATE IS ' TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR 30 CENTS A LIN E. THIS IS 12 POINT LIGHT CAPS. RATES $1.00 PER ; INCH OR -40 CENTS ' A LINE COMBINATION OF 8. 10 AND 12 POINT TYPE $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEXED AD TAKEN FOB LE88 , THAN 60 ( ENT8 WHERE THE AN SWERS ABB TO BE MAILED THE 'ADVERTISES. NO AD TAKEN FOB "LESS THAN 20 CENTS. CASH, MUST ACCOMPANY . i.: ALL ORDERS, A' .discount of 10 per rent ia allowed for terir CONSECUTIVE DAILY la L aertions.' Whera white apaca ia de- 'aired abots and below a charge, of, 10 ' cents per Una ia nade. Classification wot guaranteed after 6;'.0. , HELP WANTED MALE WANTED JUNIOR . DRUG .CLERK. State salary wanted and furnish ref arise. Boi 599. Winston, N. C. 8-lOt WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST for amall town. Stst salary. MB-1, ear News and Observer. 7-7t. WANTED i t THREE EXPERIENCED HOU8E-TO-HOISE CANVASSERS ' rOR ROAD WORK. MAKE WRITTEN APPLICATION, 1 " GIVING AGE ' . AND' EXPERIENCE. ADDRESS E-, CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. Wantedfirst class man to - faka aharga of bicyela aad gua re pair ahop. Good salary, steady work. ! Experienced maa only need apply. Gaskin Cycle Company, New Bern, N. C. f 9-7t WANTED 10 BR1CKLAY ERS AT ONCE. APPLY -COOPER WAREHOUSE CO., HENDERSON, N. C. 14-2L WANTED AT ONCI WHITE COOK for small logging camp. A good ma a will find a good place. Virginia Lum ber aad Boi Co., Ooldsboro, N. C. ' . - 8-7t WANTED .THREE GOOD 1 . ' BOTS. UVE ENOUGH TO GET UP EARLY EVERT MORNING AND SERVE ' NEWS AND OBSERVER , PATRONS BEFORE BREAKFAST APPLY TODAT BEFORE I O'CLOCK TO CITT CIRCULATION MANAGES NEWS AND OBSERVES ' W A TED - AT ONCE, AN EXPER1- accd oda dispenser. State salary expected and giro refereaca la flrst letter. Address "D-7," ear of News snt Observer. ' 1'-3t, I ) iMta , WANTED STATE AGE, nurricd or ainglr, salary expected, "hat you eaa do fa first letter. The raufort News, Beaufort, N. C. 1 ' - . 14-dt t. .... 12.,.. I...... !.... -'' at 24. a 30.... ....... 36.... f ...... 42.... ..,... 64 !..;., 60 m tBBIMO IMMBDIATI B B IPLT113 T HELP WANTED MALE WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS BAKEB - to work ia a aWll modera bikcry; good salary. Willis Baking Com psny, Washlngtoa, N. C. iQ-7t. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TRUCK body builder. Apply Haekacy Bros., Wilson, N. C. 13-5. FIRST CLASS CAERIACB AND AUTO painter wanted at once; custom shop, steady job for right man. Stst wages, wire or write'. Jajsaf a McGlrt aad Co., Sylvester, Ga. 8-7t WANTED IS MEN AND BOYS TO . operate cut-off aad rip saws ia boi factory. Good wages; regular work. Jeffreys-Myers Manufacturing Co., Oxford, N. C 8-7r. WANTED GOOD AUCTIONEER FOR small tobacco market. Address "C-7," cars Newa-and Observer. 11-M STENOGRAPHER WANTED 8EPTEM ber flrsf, male, -with some railroad experience preferred, "i'-,' car News and Observer. 3-5-7-10-12-14-17 WANTED INTELLIGENT, 1NDL8 trious white farmer for my farm, three miles of Raleigh, preferably man who can operate tractor. May begin now or 4y Christmas. Clarence Poe, Raleigh, N. C. 14-2t WANTED TWO FIRST CLASH UNION compositors, aad two good job press feeders; giva full particulars, ex perieaee, e, salary expected, ate.. Drat letter. Barber Printing Company, Winston-Salem, N. C- 14-3t WANTED AT OM'K, GOOD SEWING machine tier. Weldon Cotton Mfg. Cnmpnny, Wotdon, N. ('. 13-3t. WANTED FIBST -CLASH COOK FOR cafe. Address H. C. Ottimaa, Snow Hill, N. C. 13-7t. WANTED COMPETENT COLORED MALE COOK AT A. AND E. STATE COL LEGE. APPLY AT KITCHEN. 13-2t WANTED GOOD MATTRESS MAKER. Apply at once, Eureka Mattress Co. Raleigh. 1.1-.V. BARBER WANTED AT ONCE. 1S guaranteed or 65 per cent straight. Wire B. K. Bradshaw, Union Barber Shop, Wilmington. N. C. 13-gt. ton, Elii WANTED EXPERIENCED CLEANER and pressor. Good salary to right . party. Address tha Farmvills 8team luadry, Fsrmville. N. C. J.V7t WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS white barber; 70 commission. Ap ply to Crystal Barber Shop, Golds boro, N. C 13-7t. WANTED ABCHITECTUBAL draftsman lor tbe State Architect a office, Raleigh, N. C. t pormaaeat poei tioa, good pay I aead references, state whea could report for work. Address Jsmes A- Baiter, Btnte Arehlteet. 14-3t HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. One with experience ia law office pre ferred. Apply ia owa haadwriting stating qualifications and experience and salary expected. "D-10,'' News and Observer. 13-7t WANTED COMPETENT COLORED WAITRESS AT A. AND E. STATE COL LEGE. APPLY AT KITCHEN. 13-2t TIMBER FOR SALE IN SOUTH CAetO- lina Seven to twelva million, mostly pins of fine quality, directly oa rail road, healthy locality, aad flao mill site oa railroad. Reasonable terms to good parties, or would let contract for logging and sawing to responaible parties owning proper equipmeat. Ad dress BofS69, Summerville, 8. C. 8 7t WANTED MILLINER ; MUST BE thoroughly experienced ia making aad trimming. Experienced need only apply. Address mail to P. O. Box 335, Burlington, N. C. 12-3t HELP WANTED (Male and Female) 192 month; age, 18 upward. Experi ence unnecessary. For free particu lars, writs J. Leonard (former gov ernment examiner), 1038 Equitnble Bids;., Wnshingtnn. O-at TEACHERS WANTED WANTED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER of English. Liberal salary. Address r. U. Boi 911, Kochy Mount, N. C. 14-.V WANTED TWO TEACHERS, ONE for fourth, fifth aad alxth grades: one for seventh aad eighth grades, 973 per month. For a six months term. Apply W. E- Kooace, Comfort, N. C. 14 7t WANTED TEACHERS FOR FIRST fifth and autk grades, also French History and English teacher for high school. Good salary for 8 months term. D. W. Maddox, Sunt., Jones boro, N. C. 11-13-1T WANTED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER for Griftoa State High School. Good , salary. Apply to 8upL W. G. Col- train, Griftoa, N. C. 9-7t TEACHERS WANTED FOR RURAL schools. Prices ranging from 8123.00 to ISO par month. No healthier-le-catioa ia North Caroliaa. Apply to superintendent, W. R. Thompson, rlTWnOTO, H. V. -7t POSITIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPER. EIGHT YEARS' EX perienee, five years ia wholesale a-ro- aery, wants position 8ept let. May ot interested ia taxing stock. "F-l.' esra News aad Observer. ' 14-4t WANTED POSITION IN BANK OR office where ability eoaats. Hsvs had tea years' office management, and . two years' banking. New employed as cashier. Good reeommeadatioas from all employers. Good reason for wast ing thaaga. Address G-1," tart News aad UDservtr. , : -- 14-41 CONSERVATORY GRADUATE MUSIC teacher desires positioa, Reftreaces ' gives. Address "E-S," tart Newt aad Obsemr. .' . 13-3t. COUNT WORDS ? - torn LINE im - POSITIONS WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGI8T OPEN FOB positioa Sept- 15th; good experloaet; doa't mind wort. In answering state salary offered. F-4,'' cars Newt and Observer. 14-17 WANTED LOGGING POSITION BY experienced men. Will consider con tract or salary. Apply T-3,'' cart Balelgh Newt aad Observer, P08ITION IN GENERAL 8T0BE IS desired by young maa of 20. Cans as sist ia office. , Am a bookkeeper, Caa use typewriter. 4'F-2," care News and Observer. 14-2t AMY YM MAN WANTS JOB AS COUNTY WELFARE WORKER. "A-4," CARE OF NEWS AND OB SERVER. 6-8-10-12-14-16. WANTED HONORABLY DISCHARG ed sailor desires positioa as sales man with shoe or ready-to-wear cloth ing store. Good school education with knowledge of bookkeeping. Three years' experience in office work. Bert references. With to commence work September 1st. "E-10," care of News snd Observer. 14-3t. DISCHARGED ARMY CAP TAIN OPEN FOR POSI T I O N AS COMMISSARY MANAGER; HIGHEST REFERENCES AS TO CHARACTER AND ABIL ITY; FAMILIAR WITH PAY ROLLS AND GEN ERAL OFFICE WORK. AD DRESS "D-8," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 14-2t. EXPERIENCED DOCTOR, JUST BACK from overseas service, desires loca tion or contract practice. Address "D-3," care News and Observer. 12-3t WANTED A POSITION AS HALES man and buyer January 1, ia good general atore by experienced young man; now engaged in other work. A-l references as to ability and character. "E-5," cara News and Observer. 13-2t YOl'NU MAN WITH EIGHT YEARS' business training, desires to communi cate with good concern, either whole sale or retail. Future will be con sidered -more than salary. Address fcF-5," rare News and Obserw. 14-2t DISCHARGED ARMY CAPTAIN OPEN for positioa as eommisaory manager; highest references as to character aad ability) familiar with pay rolls and general office work. Address "D-8," care News and Observer. WANTED TO TEACH ENGLISH, ltin or Algebra by woman, college graduate, of eleven years' teaching, experieneo in largest cities of tbe State, and holding a high school priacipal's certificate. No salary un der 1 ,600 considered. Address "D-t," care of News and Observer. 12-3t. PHYSICIAN; 37; MARRIED; 13 YEAR practice, wants location in town of 1,000 population or over; where roada are fair aad good man is needed. Reference as to rhsracter and ability. "D-5," eare of News and Observer. 12-4t. YOL'NU LADY DESIRES CLERICAL position. Caa use typewriter and adding machine. Experienced. Good references. Phono 855-J. 12-7t. BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED ON Carolina tobacco markets, desires position with good bouse. Writo V. E. Bush. Brookaville, Kv. Ifl-Tt. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WBO ARE calling oa merchants in small towns aad gaaeral country, stores, to aell our new 6c punch boards oa com mission. Write for aalesmea outfit. Empire Manufacturing Co., 125 W. Plume St.. Norfolk. Va. 7-0t. SALESMAN WANTED IN SOUTH Carolina, to sell oil, paints and roof ing cement. Big pay to tha right man. Box 402, Wilson, N. C. 11-12-14-17. LIVE EARNEST AGENTS WANTED in every towa ia your Stata to aell ac cident and health insurance (covering every injury and illness) on annual or popular monthly payment plan. Cash compensation and liberal renewals. Johnson A Adams, Southeastern Man agers. 595 Southern Bldg., Washing ton. D. C. 10-13-14 WANTED SALESMAN WITH AUTO mobile to tell Edisoa country light- - ing plants, water aystoms, ete. Must devote bia whole time. Exclusive ter- ' ritory given. Lira wires only consid ered. Address, with age, references, experience, Virginia Machinery and Well Co., Inc., Boi 1122, Richmond, Va. ' WANTED LIVE-WIRE SPE CIALTY SALESMAN, NORTH CAROLINA TER RITORY. ADDRESS F. E. TIPTON, 103 W. MARTIN ST., RALEIGH. N, C. 13-7t AGENTS COMPLETE HISTORY OF WORLD War by March; big book; best terms; enormous salt for fall deliveries; outfit 25c, Southern Map Co, At lanta, tia. l3-7t. CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH .THE Duplex Hair Cutter, tbt greatest is- s veatloa ot tha age. Sea it at Flem mlng'a Circle Pharmacy, Raleigh. Prlet 12. Worth 83. Price wiH tooa bo H You eaa cut your twa hair at esiy a yoa caa shave. Just comb year hair and it cuts at tha same time. .Just tha thing to keep your , children' hair ia perfect trim Pay for itself ia a few months. By wail post paid 82. Tha Duplet Hair Cut- ftr, Boi 703, Raleigh, N. & AGENTS THE GREATEST INVENTION 01 THE ; ago Tha Duplex Hair Cutter. ' Just comb your hair aad it cuts it at the aama time. Easier thsa ahaving. Guaranteed to sava it cost aaaay times ovary year. A child caa maa it Worth 15.00. Samples neat postpaid for oaly ,82.00. Bead today. Duplex - Hsir Cutter, Box 705, Raleigh, N. C. SALESMEN OB AGENT8-41C0 WILL start you ia a business of yoor owa that will asm you 8500 a month. Simply say: fc8how mt." Magia Metal Co., Richmond, Va. ' 12-7t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARDNEB TO TAKE ACTIVE AND half interest is thoroughly equipped tent aad awning factory willing to move factory to Raleigh,. If inter ested, address P. O. Boi 801, Greens boro, N. C. i 13-7t DO ' YOU BEE THIS AD I OF COURSE YOU DO. IT IS printed to show yoa how easy it is to find aa ad if it is sur rounded1 with plenty of whitt tpsce. NEXT TIME YOU WANT AN sttrtctivt "want ad" try thro blank lino above and below like this. Also tell us to girt you whit space on etch aide. BLANK LINES 10 CENTS A line. I'm white space. It will pay you. FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) ARMY GOODS FOR SALE U. S. ARMY TENTS TENTS, 16x16x11 FEET HIGH, 8 FOOT wall, guaranteed 12.4 ex. ttandard duck, 819.95 each. OFFICERS' WALL TENT8, 9x3 FEET, used but serviceable, 125.95 each. SHELTER TENTS, 83.95 EACH. TENT FLIES, 9x18 FEET, 110.95 EACH ; 12x16 feet, 814.95. WAGON COVERS 10x14 FEET, USED but serviceable, 814.50 escb. CANVAS PIECES HEAVY DUCK FROM government used tents; could be made up into wagon covers, engine and auto mobile covers, stack covers, etc.; -35 cents per pound. U. S. ARMY REFRIGERATORS GRAND RAPIDS, 5C0 POUNDS ICE capacity, 2 large compartment, each messuro 6 feet high, 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep, nearly new, worth 8350.00; our special 8112.75 crated. ALASKA, 3 COMPARTMENTS, SIDE feed ice chamber on top, 800 pounds iee capacity, tize 8 feet high, 5 feet wide, almost new, worth 8400.00. Spe sial 8150.00 erated. U.S. ARMY BEDS BED CLOTHING COMMERCIAL COMFOBTS, FOR schools, road work, jails, etc; 25 to the bale as they com from govern ment, used but eervieetble, 835.00 per bale. STEEL COTS 8355 EACH; CANVAS folding rots, 83.95 each. BLANKETS, USED; SOMEWHAT torn but ia serviceable condition. While they last 84.95 each. Some of these blankets cost 87.00 to 812.00 each. KHAKI BREECHES, WASHED AND serviceable, 95e pair, 89.00 dox. WOOL BREECHES, USED BUT 8ERV- ieeable, $14X0 dor.en, $2.23 pnir. U. S. ARMY BELTS, SHIRTS, SHOES, BREECHES WOOL SHIRTS, U8ED BUT SERVICE- able, $14.50 dozen, $1.95 each. WEB WAIST BELTS, NEW, 25 CENT8 esch, $2.75 dozen. ARMY BELTS, LEATHER, HEAVY and wide, brand new. Last a life time, $1.45 each. CANVA8 LEGGIN8 USED BUT SERV- iceable, 20 cents a pair. USED FELT HAT8, CLEANED, $1.00 each. ARMY RUSSET LEATHER SHOES, uaed, but repaired and acrviceablc, $2.95 pair. LEATHER JACKET, SLEEVELESS, wool lined. Tor general winter wear. For farmer, sutoist, teamster, ete. Al most new, $8.50 each. U. S. ARMY TIN CUPS, KNIVES, BAYONETS. TIN CUPS, HEAVY, ALMOST NEW, $1.00 dozen, 10 cents each; SADDLES IN GOOD SERVICEABLE condition, $18.95 each. McCLELLAN SADDLES, NEW, $2853 each. AXE8, USED, LIMITED NUMBER left, 50 cents esch. ENGLISH KNIFE BAYONET, 8HEF fleld steel; whea ground make a won derful carving, fish knife, haunting knife, etc.; 75 cent each. 8TEEL SCABBARD TO ITT BAYONET, 60 cent each. POCKET KNIVES, SIMMONS MAKE, new, worth $2.75. special $1.85. GALVANIZED EXTRA HEAVY WATER and fire buckets, cost $2 JO; our spe cial 93 cents each. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS WITH lid, 'excellent condition, worth $100; while they lat $2.75 etch. . U. S. ARMY RANGES. HEATERS, HARDWARE. REGULATION RANGES, 8 EYE, 33 inches wide, S3 inches high, 52 inches long. Large oven and warming closet, also water back. Cost $161.50. Con dition excellent; $59.00 each f. e. b. ear Grestville, S. C, or Charlotte, N. C. Galv-ilzed water tank to con nect with the army range; 83 gallo capacity, almost new; $2455 each, f. o. b. ear Greenville, & C,r Charlotte, N. C. HEATERS, EXCELLENT CONDITION. For office, school, hone, fsetory, tc, $12.50 tacll. HEATEBSV RADIANT HOME, HOT blast. Excellent condition; worth $70.00; our special $33.00 each. FOLD MEAT PAN WITH LID, FOR . camping, Boy Scouts, ete, 23 estts each, $2.23 doten. HEAVY LEATHEB B ALTERS USED but serviceable, $1.45 each. : OUR TERMS CASH WITH ORDER. PLEASE YN- elude postage whea ordering good mailed. . , Your Dion;- back if aot satisfied. -Writ for bargain price list. BRADLEY BONDED 1 WAREHOUSE CO. -: GREENVILLE, S. C. . a-Tt '. : AJ c ITT- ,.J2' " "" ,r - Save i It h tbe ocm fricta$ commodity. No food bwlnemajo,wotnjtocMem Want aids wiS $Pt it for yoa. A Want Ad ia this newspaper will make thousands otlmstntu calls tot yon while yon are making one. 7 A Want Ad will bring butintsi to you instead of you hav ing to Auiti for iU Think what a trtmtn&out tavtng this is. And the cost ia 1W. ' , Get Btaineu this Way oa ttra snje IP r4CTOT. Hk. rsMM wiuhmmh DBBMl Use our Classified Advertitlnf Columns reely and you will savs Hint, Increase your busintss and make more money. Rtad and Use the Want Ads in THE NEWS AND OBSERVER "The Boat, Net the Cheapest, Want Mediant ia FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOB 8ALE CORLISS 8TEAM EX Xine; 100-horscpower; good condi tion. Reason for selling, replaced by Fairbanks-Morse crude oil engine. Address Bo 81, Baleigh. 12-3t FOR SALE ADDING MA CHINES. GOOD SECOND HAND MODELS AT BAR GAIN PRICES. ALSO NEW MACHINES OF ANY SIZE TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., RALEIGH. 3-tf. WAR MATERIAL FOR SALE 25 FLAT TOP DESKS. 150 GARBAGE OB ASH CANS, new. 1 700 UCED AND NEW WOOD or coal burning stores, ; at tractive price. Camp G-eene delivery. Address WAR EXCESS STORH CO., Charlotte, N. C. 8-7t. WANTED TO SELL ABOUT 7.000 OB 8,000 pounds of bright tohaeeo; un graded. R. A. Overman. Corinth, N. C. M-2t. FOB SALE STOCK GENERAL MER chandise; will rent store. Reason for selling, bad health. Box 18, Wake field, X. C. lS-7t ONE DOUBLE DOOR 7-IXCH WALL MARVIN SAFE EXCELLENT CONDITION FOB SALE Insid 40 inches high, 27 inche wide, 16 inche deep. Approximate weight . 3,550 pounds. Sub-treasury 8 inch by 8 inch. Inside steel doors. QUEEN CITY PRINTING CO. 14 E. FOURTH 8T. CHARLOTTE, N. C. GOOD PAYINO BICYCLE BU8I.NES8 for sale. Address "B. D., Box 93, Durham, N. C. 14-7t FOB SALE NEW 15-HORSE MOGUL kerosene engine, or will trade for auto. Box 294, Henderson, N. C. 14-3t. FOR SALETWO GOOD HOttHE drawn funeral can and one good botf drawa com. ambulance and eaaket wagon, all ia first -class condi tio ; rubber tire and up to dat. J. Will Baxter, Hartford City, Ind. 9-7t FOR SALE ONE 8 HORSE-POWER V"cr, 110 pounds steam pressure. Boiler will give good service. Reasoa for selling, are replacing boiler with larger size. Bargala for quick de livery. Lenoir Oil and Ice Company, Klnston, N. C. 10-7t A SAFE BARGAIN tFIRE AND BURG lar proof aafe, with book apace 84x21s 1 7 inches ; burgler proof vault 18 inche high by 34 inche wide. Outside di mensions, height 81 inchest depth 39 Inches; width 44 inche. Suitable for Jeweler or -bank. If interested, let us hear from you at once. L. M. Church A Company, 434 Cov ttreet. Norfolk, Virginia. 13-7t FOB SALE ONE 40-HOUSE BOILER, 30 B. P. engine, mill and awing saw, complete. Also oa "Four" Side planer. "E-7," tart New aad Obser ver. 13-4t ' v WANTED:: ' y. (Miscellaneous) . WANTED KNTTTINQ MILL TO Lo cate ia. good towa with plenty of labor; will bay machinery or will assist outsiders to get located here. Address D-9," cart New tad Ob sewer. ' ' 13-St WANTED TO BUY ABOUT A Fir-teea-ttool lunch counter sail back bar . for same; would eoaslder four or fire four-chair table, coffee ura aad bt ehea range. All must be ia frit -class conditio. 8tatt quality aad t mount of ttuff and lowest price. "E-4," re New d Observer. 13-15-17 WANTED 6EVEHAL GOOD SECOND band swing log wagon. E. E. Wei lett Soa, Littletoa, N. C ll-4t 3 Time FOB MLB-tril VkMl hl rtMtfiif wf,a sir ? !!. wuS a It ! la - ' . f in k.. , Mimtfao. A Mfl asvoat Mas. WANTED (Miscellaneous) FOB 8 ALE MY RUBBER STAMP business, including good will; my rea son for selling, too much work, or will take ia partner. Address Box 139, Raleigh, N. C. 12-7t WANTED 8 CB 8 SECOND-HAND cold frame ia good condition. Ad dress Bos 139, Raleigh, N. C. 12-7t WANTED TO PURCHASE A SMALL general store ia Eastern North Caro lina; party willing to invert 85,000 to 910,000. Location mutt be good for prosperous business. Address Box 612, Tarboro, N. C. WANTED RED CEDAR POSTS, LOGS and lumber. Write ua what you have. Earthmaa Lumber Co., Murfreeaboro, Tenn. 9-7t WANTED LUMBER WANTED AT all times, gum, poplar, ash, oak maple, juaipcr aad pine lumber. Never aell your lumber without eua ulting us. "There's a rcawa." We pay 90 per eeat cash oa receipt cf (hipping paper. East Caroliaa Lw ber Company, New Bern J N. O. gp-ltt WANTED TO BELL TWO TWO story stores, brick, withia two min ute' walk of depot; business eaa tir; price reasonable. Apply to Wes ley Jones, Burgaw, N. C. 8-7t CALL 638 FOR' WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. MAN WITH LONG EXPERIENCE AND gilt edge reference, would like t buy anull atock of mereaandU on time, or would handle same for a part of the profits. Address "A-5," car of New and Observer, 10-7t. ROOMS-HOUSES-FLATS (For Rent) ( r FOB RENT FURNISHED BUNGALO, for oa month, perhsp loager. All modern conveniences. -Immediate posseeaioa given. X,"'er of News and Observer, or Baleigh phoa 2213. 14-1 1 FOB BENT: TWO BOOMS AND kitchenette. Phone 901-Jf. : 12-2t FOB BENT FURNISHED BUNGALO, ive months, perhap loager. AU modera ' conveniences. Immediate possessioa given. "1," care of Newt aad Observer, r Raleigh phone 2215. 13-1t. FOR RENT-SEVERAL ROOMS, TO settled tged ladie ef good character, good health aud no children ia ex change for any kind of boos work or. ea th lot if needed. Here ia chance to make, a living, nie heme, good location aad plenty ef good water. Caa take ia work er go oat ia towa and work back home whea ia need of rest Mrs. Phoeha Royal, Benton, N. C. 13-St WANTED A FARM WITH SMALL acreage aad good improvement, eloso to the city, address "D-C," ear New and Observer. 12-3t CALL 538 FOR WARREN'S ., transfer. auto mo biles for Hire. 5 TO TWO GENTLEMEN LARGE front room, bath practically private. Apply after 6:00 p. m. Apartment 8, Boynter Apartments. . t2-5t ROOMS-HOUSES-FUTS . (Wanted) - : WASTED - NICELY " FURNISHED front room for gentleman; must be centrally touted to bosiaets district. Telephone 87. 14-It WANTED - BY CHILDLESS AND homele couple, one, two tr three ; furnished er unfurnished room with private bath, Sept. 1st. Phoa Mrs. Berry, 1320. Writ Bos W, West Bal e'gh. - ' ' 14-t WANTED TO BENT FURNISHED : room and kitchenette for light house keeping, or wat -board for tv men. Box, 4. Raleie. , i J4-5r. - . AUTO REPAIRING ? WE PAINT AUTOMOBILES AND cover automobile top. ' Joka W. t Evaa Sob, Baleigh. . 23-301 J USTY FABM3L VEAI BAILEY F FOB BENT-ONE 1-BOBSi FARM AND ONI t-HOBSX FARM . CONTAINING ABOUT ,60 ACBES-4 SITUATED WITHIN ONB AND ONE ; HALF MILES OF BATLEY, TH1 . BEST TOBACCO SECTION TJf THg STATE, LEVEL, CLEAB OT STUMPS, r EXCELENT BOUSES AND BABNl WILL BENT FOB STANDING REN1 OB ON SHARES AND BELL TEAM '. WITH ? WHICH. TO !- CULTTYATl -, THESE FARMS. ' APPLY JO X 3, , PERRY, BAILEY, K. a . 1WI-14 REAL ESTATE WANTED W ANTED-TO BUT A f 01 T-BOOU . avma, wall located , with modera 1. -provtatita. Bos 178, Balaigh, N. C - ; lMt, WI.SUBVEY AND SUBIVEDB" ' latd, lay tire eonnty highway and eity property; ifteea yeara leld as perieae. Territory ulimitad. Addreai Lock Boa 3, Middlesex, N. O. ' 14-41 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NICE LOT 173x150 ON HILLSBOB0 ' street, just' ea block outside ef city limit for tale. Bargala for qnlei ale. Phoat 677. ,. '1M( FOB SALE A HOUSE WITH 8 BOOIU sad s stor. Thi ia a. good budaeaf proposition aad a good investment Seal Estate A Trust Co.- . ; 12- FARMS FOB SALE I HA YE SEVERAL . attractive farms in Nottoway county, Virginia. Splendid bright tobaeet aad graia lands. Bright tobaee fa . mers from Carolina are rapidly buy. iag up the farm. If you reallj wuh to bay farm and will eomi to Durham. I will take yoa to thee Virginia farm and briag yoi back t Durham without cost to yoa . Doa't come nalesa yoa meaa basis ess Write mt before ttaitiag. J. M M Gregory, Durham, N. C. ; 8-7t A BABE CHANCE TO BUY A FINl . old Colonial horn and a good farm at bargain. Larg eld Colonial house, contaiaiag 19 rooms. Bath, hot and cold water; all kinds of farm build ings. 161 acre of good land; 80 aerei ia cultivation; balance timber. 40 acre feneed for hog; 10 in alfalfa. Larg orchard; oaly 30 mile from Richmond, Virginia. Price, 16,500.00. Easy term. ,Anton H. TMermaaa, Richmond, Virginia. FOB SALE SEVERAL NICE FARMS near Apex. Good road, schools, ehurchca and flat tobacco market. Prodrrcr tobacco finest quality, a well a cotton, corn aad amall grain. Terms ananged. L. 8. Olivt, Apex, N. '. 940t FARMS FOR SALE WRITE FOR LIST of seventy-five deairabl farm w are offering for tale in Wyn and nits other Eastern North Caroliaa eouatiea. Various sixes. Jo A. Par ker, Real Estate, Goldsboro, N. C. 1012-14 FARM LAND WANTED WE WANT several larg trtcta of land in North Caroliaa, improved er unimproved farm or timber land cuitabl for ubdiriding. Prefer dealiag .direct with owaer. Give location, price and term. American Realty Exchange, 333 Southern Building, Washington, D. C. 11-71 LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GUARAN TEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST CO., RALEIGH, N. C. 14-7t FOR SALE THREE BBIGHT TOBAC CO farms, located ia Diawiddle eoaaty, Virginia; two of them join ing, with three hundred acre each ; eae of two hundred acres about one mile distant; all have new dwellings and outhouse aad bow in growing crop. Price eight, tea aad twelve, thousaad dollar, if sold by September flrst, as will rent after that time.. For further informal ioa, address the.' owner. N. B. Bryant, Stony Creek, Va. 14-Tt SATISFACTION IS A BIG WORD FULL OF MEANING BUT MY PLAN FOB SELLING LAND IB "ONE -WAY,. SATIS FACTION OB NO PAY." D. F. FORT, JR., , ii RALEIGH, N. C. . FOR SALE NINE-ROOM HOUSE ANB large, lot, tw block of eapitok Bay from owBerr oa easy term. Apply P. P., Box t, Balelgh, N. C. ' 14-71 WB SUBDIVIDE AND SELL-ClTr, suburb a aad farm prpperty tt gue- Mom. Wt goaranteo aatUfactory re- , suit. Write today. Qivt detail. Atlantic Development Company, Boi 82. FayettevUI, N. - . S-141 '. i .. ,:v .: . -; REAL ESTATE IN PLACING YOUR LAND ON THE MARKET . YOU NATURALLY 'WAFT A M A "A OF EXPERIENCE, ENERGY AND TACT TO 1 H ANuLE IT FOR YOU. , I DO BUSINESS ONE WAY SATISFACTION OR NO PAY. ' ' - WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE .- ME. ': . . .;v: P. F. FORT, JR., - RALEIGH. N. C. WANTED BUVEB FOR FINEST farm ia Lee county; 713 acre; locat ed ea eapitol highway; 50 acre ia ' cultivatioa; dwelling house 100 yards front station; six house; tea tobaeea ' barn. Very fle crop grdwing now. rirs eoo.wu. au v ceve, Rsa t.A v t ', ... ' , " . . j ford, K. C KAfCt CO .... ' - f 4 WIU r.