' 1 . TiiurDAY i.o?jc'G, august r isi9. T1I2 tSWS AND OBSERVER, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE WE GET RESULTS. ; LET US SUBDIVIDE AND ; SELL - YOUR FARM AT ' AUC ' TION. CAROLINA REALTY CO., RALEIGH, N. C. 10-7t FOK SALE-SAW MILL SLABS. CAN ship several can pet week. Write me for price, I ev vuva, Apex, n, v. WRITE US ABOUT SUBDIVIDING sad miliar your farm -at auction. . We get yoa beat rotulte. Lama Land ' Compaq, Greeaville, N. C. 21-30t ' SCHOOLSCOLLEGES BOO KKEEP1NQ, SHORTHAND THOB- School, Greensboro,?. CV far Csta- XlOO.f EIOUt-EOOM BBICK-VE- aeered home; - fall cemented bast ment; full, attic Large bask lot: for CMcteat ana garaent fruits, ah moa Cm eenventencea. Apply at 209 Bill - .crest afreet. " ! - M-tt LIVE STOCK POULTRY rOS SALE TROROTJGBBBI 8TAL- liofe Rock Castle, registered. Mum. , Pr 49923. A goad aire; well ,msn- 1 aerea; f arc-tea to ait aarncas; i vleaaaat driver. T. B. Bruce. Cam ' daa. 8. C. 1-Tt ii 1 1 i LEARN AT HOMH OB rXJHOOL Shorthaad, "Salemaashlp, - Boekkeep lag, aa credit. Positions guaranteed. Kdwardt College, Wiaetoa, a. c. , a-' .. - ft-l-ar. PERSONAL MR. R.' 8. MOBBIS PLEASE BEND the "Want Ad Departmeaf bU id-i drctt, News and Obtefvef. GENUINE RD BELGIUM CARNEAUX - Pigeons s oat dollar tar 'pair. - T. N. Bast. Nashville. N. 0. 13-Jt. lOR f ALE REUISTERK4 ULBUC ira weeks. 110.00. next tea days; tot ft back" if aot Blessed. Oakdaie v Farra, CrftdmM.i, K. f'. -7t WhILB ' WHEAT MIDDLINGS ABB ' acarea aad high, buy oar velvet Hog ' Feed for ken aad eowt. It naket neat aad milk 110 toa cheaper thaa anlddUagt, aad goci Jutt ai far for : feed, ttatisf action gvanateed. 1 COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, J v Norfolk, Va. MSt BOX ;i7 - BOABIKO BIVEB. BICE yeang maa owning a tilver mlae with a alegaat borne overlookiBg a beau tiful river, witbei to eorreepoad with aa intelligent young ladj. OBJECT MATRIMONY. ; SUPERB A TH E ATRE , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRODUCE GROCERIES OCBERNUT TEED MEAL GUBEB- , nut reed Meal, beat feed ea earth for hota aad eewti hlfkeit U protein and fat i M-00 per toa. Cash with or, ' der. . Wiaitoa Orala Co., Winston, ' y. c. u-7t CUBAN MOLABSEi THAT OLD awaat bkek olaaaea we old kiddlec ,- war raited oa; tX) galloa barrala, 25c ' galloa guaranteed to keep tweet all ', austmer; cask with order. Winstoft Praia Co., Wiaeton, N. C. 8-7t 3cVbAN MOLASSES" OLD FASHION "Cnbaa MolsMce," tka kind we "Old Boys" were raised on ; guaranteed to keep all during summer; 00-galloa barrels, t5s galloa j cash with order j this price for one work only. Win. etna Grain Co, Winston, N. C. 14-ft CLBEKNVT FEED .MEAL BEST feed oa market today for hogs, eowt and sheep aaalyais, 13 per ecat pro teia; 5 per cent lit; tts too, cut with order: for oae week only. Win ston Ornin Co., Winston, N. 0. t-7t AITKNTIOK MB. HOBSEFEEDEB While bay it aa abaormally high try our roughage feed, "Fifty-fifty,1 which takei the place of hay. Wilt sett oa at 130 per toa. Better feed that bay. Cash with order. ' Winston Grain Co- Winston, N. C. 14-7t BUT HOUSE AND MULE FEED MADE by Colonial Cereal Company, lor folk Va., snade fresh trrery day. Tou get It qaiek and good while the atolasset are atlll tweet. We sell Blue Head Barroll Feed molasses, Scratch Feed utiTj zeea, uau aaa uracaoa vera Batiafactioa gnaranteed. Norfolk. Va. W7t . SEEDS PLANTS FALL AND WINTEB HEADING CAB bag plaatt) alto collard plants ready for ohipmeat Parcel post paid, 100 for COe; 600 for it; l.oot for WM. ' By Upress, 600 for il.60; 1,000 sni ever, per lflOO; 8,000 and em, A tS per 1,000. No plaatt ahlpped e.td. F.B. Hull, Bock Hill, 8. ft '-MM. BUBB CLOVER, Ue POUND; CRIM V clover. Ill bueaek Turnip seed Boathern Prise, Bevea Top, Purple . Top, White Globe, Buta Begs. Large WkiU Norfolk. Yellow Atwraeca, ponad, 5 pounds, 13, postpaid. Job, r. wyatt Sons Co., Baieigb, N. C 13-10t, . AMERICAN SEED CO., Ill EAST Trade Bt, Charlotte, N. C. We are prepared to fill your erdera for re- cleaaed Field Seed. Clovers, vctck Wheat, Oatt aad Bye. Our aeedt art tested and guarantee germination. Writ at for quotation. Mail ardert ..M kMMM, ,117,. CABBAGE PLANTS - BUBEHEAD, PrumhetA, Flaidutok; alto Mlltrd I plants, H-30 thousaad, fb (rawing ' tutwn; out taonaaaa anra, oy par eels post Quality guarantee. Ml i eiah Plant Company, laltlgh, N, . ' le-Tt MOTORCYCLES ' - WE BUY AND SELL NEW AND SEC end band motorcycles. Bepairt for all snakes. Wa eell oa time. Fraaoia Motorcycle Shop, 131 8. Wll- wiiagtoa Street. -3Qt BUILDING MATERIAL PILGRIM JQ11ES IS v. - i ' t ri APARDOH Over a Pairof Shoes Gets Liberty WANTED ''A WIFE . ( PRINTING MULTIGRAPHING WE DO JOB PBINTINO OF ALL klada. Propmt terviet. H. 8. Btorr m Company. Phono iM. Pilgrim Joata, a Waka aoaatf acgro who wat eenteaeed ta 1915 to serve Jwoaty year la the State's prisoa for tkt murder of Tom Clegg, wat ynter day grkattd a eeodltiomal pardoh by Governor Blekett. ' " ' T ahooUaf took place la North Carolina aad followed disrreeateat boiweea the two acgroea oa aecouat of a pair of shoes. Ateerdiag to tka evi dence of Aaaio Clegg, wife ef Tom, her husband waa shot by Pilgrim Joact aa ha at oa the froat porch of thai t homey Bat about a year ago, JLnaie Clen la a dying eoaditloa, nude a eoafetfloa ia wrltiar witnessed by sev eral aetroee. that Pilgrim Jones shot bar husband after the latter had moved to draw a pistol from hia shirt. Recently, another aegro womaa, the only other persoa present at the time, hat been found, aad the eorrooorsxea ise aymg deelaratioa of Aaaie Ckgg stating that whea the picked ap Clegg from the ground pistol fell from hit shirt. Tor these reasons aad for "a mmber of reeoameadatioat lneladiag virtually all the local officials' of the Seaboard Air Line far whom Pilgrim Jones worked, the pardon waa granted. No objections were made by Solicitor Norria. . . Elder Henry Caaatagasm. Klastoa. Aug. IS. The funeral serv ices avtr the remains of Elder Henry Cunningham waa held yesterday aad interment followed at the nmuy our Inr rraund in Deep Boa. . . . . . . . ... Elder Cunningham aiea atoaasy nigni MULTlGBAPHINGy PEBSONAL LET- ters, addrening, mailing, lists xur alsbed. Special attention givtn par eel pott orders. Carroll Latter Writ Inar Coinnarrv. Raleigh. " 6-90t k,a Knn ttiittr itrWco'iAnir I following illness of aoarty twa rtd a vux aiuusuAotu - ..,, tt.:i V(. r...i..k. M. ltv.nnn.l l.tn. Mall nMart nail ItKl. ... LIBERTY' BONDS STOLEN FROM N. Y BROKERS Total Value $223,000, Taken By "Messengers" Who i;' r Disappeared New Fork,-Aug. 13. Liberty bonds valued It 9223,000 were stolen yester day from" two brokerage firms .la the financial district hero it wat learned st police headquarters late today. The stoles beads la each Instaace had bei-a eatrasted to messengers who hare disap peared. "-" Blchard Whitacy aad Company were the victims of, the larger theft. Thil firm dispatched a messenger .. with 9171,000 worth of bonds to the offices of KiddeM Peabody Co., brokers, across the street from me maitaey offices. The bunds consisted mostly of victory notes, although among thorn Were soma of the earlier Issues. Tiie wesseager, a Doy, did not uoiiver me boadt and the police are searching for him. The other theft waa from Bimmons aad Blade .whose loss totalled 945)00 ia Liberty bonds of the second issue. They wero stolon under circumstances similar to those under which the bonds of Whltaey eV Co., were takea. VIBGIN1A GOOD BOADS BOOSTERS AT RICHMOND Richmond, Va- Aug. 13. More than 1,000 good roads boosters from various parts of tho state gathered here to im press the aasemuiy mat tneir aemnnas for Better roads must be met It was an nounced tonight that efforts would bo made to name a successor to Judge Stafford G. Whittle, preelderK of tho Supreme Court of Appeals. A bill directed to regulating ofoa in storage as a step toward reducing the high coat of living, also was offered. SECURES SUGAR SHIPMENT FOR ASBEVILLE GROCERS. 10 EM A SPEEDY DECISION personal solicited. Balelgh Letter Writers, 60S Cltlrent Bank Bldg., phont 1311: - 11 slOt AMUSEMENTS AT THE ALMO TODAY A DOUBLE BILL. TWO -stars, Constance Talmadge nnd Chaa. Bay. atriekened with illncat be was very ac tive at a mialtter la tho Free Wilt Bap tist church, having tskea np the work whea ha was onlv SO wean of age. Thd deceased was nearly 80 years ef ago. He was well kaowa at oae of the eona It's best eitisens. For a aambcr of vesrs he served the conaty, M com miteioaer from the Deep Bus section. l FBIDAT CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN ELECTRICIANS MAY TAKE a v lr . i av a i nr...L . SraStr.. PART IN TROLLEY STRIKE SATURDAY THE LAST CHAPTER OF Bath Rowland ia tho Tiger s Trail. "The Great Gamble," a 13 episode aerial, the most exciting motion pie- turo ever made with Anna Cuther aad Charles Hutchinson. Last but not least. "Fatty Arbucklo" a a roar- Ing comedy. " OFFICE EQUIPMENT Wa Make aad Sell Nations! C 8 h Registers tBy of the street eara. The strikers are and Credit Files Wlnilon-fialem. Aug. 13. Report ia current here toaight that the cloctri elant la the employ of tho Southern Public UtiUtiea Company have orga laed aad that a meeting was held this aveaing to discuss what part they should take in th street railway strike It it also reported that tha elect rieiaas .v issue a atatament tomorrow aa to what oert they will play ia the game. No effort has bee a maae to operate Lowest prices. Small monthly pay menta. . No interest charges. Written ruaraatee. Old registers repaired, ro bulk, bought, sold, aad exchanged. J. E.' O'DONNELL, Agdnt The National Cash Register Co. 107 W. Martin St,' Phono Bell 20 TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT. WE bay, Mil,, exchiage, repair all makes. H. & Starr a Company, 122 W. Martin Street. LAUNDRIES TRY THE NEW CAPITAL CITY Laundry, West Martin street. Both phoaot 74. Careful and . sanitary work. Prompt deliveries. U-30t CLEANING-PRESSING THE JAMESTOWN TAILOB1NO OOM- pany will make your old salt look like new. Bell Phone 1745, Raleigh Phone 608. LLNDLEY'S DYEING, PRESSING. Motorcycle delivery, 19 W. Htrgett. Telephone 395. 9-Tt RUBBER STAMPS BTJBBEB STAMPS WE MAKE THEM. H. 8. Storr Company, Raleigh, N. a 'AUTOMOBILES For Sato Wanted) v T0B SALE-1918 BUICK ". BUN AJOO0 miles. Boi 134, Saaford, N. C. 13-fit. WANTED FIVE PASSENGER fOUli ' body U good condition. H. X. Hsm ' llton, Oarasr. W. & M-ft- lOB BALaVSU BRAND NEW FORD ami rise eara. $T2S each. Claytoa ' Oarage, Fayettevtllo, C. 10-7t tlREX-TON WHITE TRUCK EQUIP i aed with body, cab, ate la perfect eoaditloa.' Cash or Terms. Bn 717, ' Bland Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. ' 10-7 FOR SALE-81X BRAND NEW FORD ' touring eara, 1700 each. ; Claytoa 1 Oarage. Fayettevllle, N. C. 10-7t. Atai la sit, M FayettevlUe CAPUDIfJE AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE PERFECT eoadUiea; good raaaoat for aelliag. Annlw nhoaa 119. ' " 7-ltt ' THE. HANSON "SIX" HAS ARBIVEU; - See it at Brum ley Motor Company, aid South Baliabam or at Blaekwsl) i Motor Compaay, Orteatboro, N. 0, Ateta diatributor. I-30t ' LOST-rOUND-STOLEN L08T LABGE BED IBI8H 8ETTEB dot, wort ttnddtd collar, aasae put : inscribed Lsdd." J. t. Delmere, - Sumter. & C. " Finder return to Dr. B. 1. Freemaa, aad rewire toward A Itj.T jrfv!lB MODEL-NO. 1(0 North Carolina Llaeaso No. 54$ ; 1919 geodeL Right-hand back feeder , dented front view, equipped ;wlth -Ceodvesr tires all-round, baa extra Nta-akld Fisk tire-ea back with black tiro eorer, back eurtala of top bat small hole punched ia it and tewed ' with heal, ear practically aaw, hat tooa raa about 1,700 miles. Hold ear ' and maa aad notify C. E, Carter, "Waldon. N. C for reward. r - 9-7t i OaUSiZjl QUICK MELItr MO, ACKTAJHJef EASES HEADACHE ettaa, tMIFf Mai ,FtU,Tr K v . Trial maCHo 101 aaaa ..- ' Mad to Grow Long, Straight, Ml atM Stiky. EXELEtJTO j auttrrag aoaAsi AralLrwaaCfecaM saJatoiaaars setthehaiai Stase aeree, Oasaaaaeemsfc eg awa ew veab eg k. AMMTSIWANIB tzxuxTO Rnncrjtca, ATUiTAi. keening Quiet, and no trouble ef aay kind is anticipated. It ia reported that one or two of tho large, industrial plahtt it figuring oa operatiag several larra motor tracka la transfer their employees wko live out of the city to aad from their work . ACTORS' STRIKE EXTENDS'' ITS SCOPE OF OPERATIONS. New York, Aug. 13-Witk a. claim of 1,100 additioa to their ranks since yes terday, ttrihiag actors celebrated today a f reek triumph wkea the eleventh play house wss compelled to eloee Its doors through tho walking out of tho com pany. The Maxine Elliott Theatre ia the latest to bo affected aad tha strike occurred Just before tho matinee per formance waa aehedulod to begia aad after most of the aadienco had been tested. This victory came oa tha heels of the announcement by the management of tho Aitor Theatre that tha p realise of a resumptioa of tha perfotmaacea of East is West" tonight would have to bo witbdrawa. t Trace At Chicago. Chicago. Aug. 13. Performance ware held toaight at all th-blg Chlca go olav honaaa by virtue of a truce ia the actors' strike, whieh last alght clos ed the Cort Theatre and Cohae1! graad opera house, and threatened to spread to other houses. Both tides la tha oatrovtrsy agreed to hold tho hostilities antil peadiag a court hearing. PROPOSE TO RAISE 949.9M TO ADVERTISE A9HEVILLE. (Special to the News and Observer.) Ashevitle. Ang. 13. Tha Asheville Board of trade has decided to start campaign for tho raising ef 940,000 which will bo aaed for advertising tho city all over tho world. It is tha belief ef .officials that Ashsviiie can eater taia aa maay viaitore as aha prepares for aad they expect to peepers for largar seaaoa aext year than baa ever bee a experienced by waatera North Caroliaa. Thia year, tho largest ia tha history of Asheville, baa shown those laterrsted tho real shortage of aecoas modationt ia Asheville aad it ia tho plea to make ready for more tourists here each year. Another meeting will bo held lo week, at which time the directors af the AshovUlo orgaalaatioa which hat done anaea to boost tha city will fdra definite pinna for tho raising of the largo turn for. promoting tha city. " I TO RESUME CAROLINA LIKE. P resident Williams Baa Twa Beats Ftasa gAiaaUul eara. Baltimore. Aug. IX President Matoa L. Weemt WUliams, Maaday aaaonaeed that tha baeiaeea at tha Baltimore and Csroliat Steamship Compaay, betwaea Baltimore aad WUmlagtoa. h. c aad Ooorgetowa, 8. Cn with a probability of taking ia CharMatoa la to bo turned next week tha United Statee ShiDDiaa board having allocated to hi two ateamare. The ateamer Abrigada will be tho first to ink ap the anal ess ef the liae, to bo followed by another aot yet teloated. Preaideat WUImmt rsa the Mae to Ooorgetowa aad Charleston eatil ho withdrew his ships aad begaa by eetliag tha Matilda Weema to Orooka Tke Oeortaaaaa Weeas had ta tack ether basiaeea aad la aaw aader charter at New York ta load far Loadoa, having beoa filling a charter to Swedea aad porta la Europe. - Mr. Williams' trouble aow ia getting the city ta accommodate aim with a wharf, as tha oae ho had Asheville. Ang. 13.-Charlcs M. Britt, a local broker, bat jott returned from New York, where he arranged for the purchase ef four ear loads of sugar from officials there for local wholesale grocers. There have been two car loads of tho sugar snipped, ana it is ox- nected to arrive here the latter part of the week, to be distributed for local eoaeumptioa. 'For about two weeks this City hat been experiencing a sugar atortage, and it is becoming more se rious each day. The city authorities are trying to obtain sugar from tha aatioaal sugar distributing board, and have tent several telegrams, but noth lne- has been heard la regard to the matter. . oaanwaam I I i mi i Virginia Highway Legislation. Richmond, Va., Aug. 13. Eight new highway blUa were thrown into the leg islative hopper today at the opening of the extra session of the State Legisla ture, i Governor Westmoreland Davis delivered bis message to the Joint bodies la persoa and advocated the re-creation at tho entire state highwsy ma chinery, also suggesting increased taxes as a meana of providing the funds nec essary for the high road program. J. C McAfee Golf Wlaaer. Asheville. N. C. Aug. 13.-J. C. MeAt fee, ef Maeoa, Ga with a score of 79 wat the wiaaer today of tha medal for tha low qualifying score is tht annual August lnvltatioa Golf Tournament be ing ttagsd in the Asheville Country Cluh. The entry list is not as large aa expected. A. B. Harris, of Birming ham. Ala., waa the runner-up with a score of 77. Tomorrow the defeated eights in the fourth, fifth and sixth lighta will play. Wilson's Postmaster Eager To Turn Office Over To His Successor Wilson, Aug. 13. At last, it seems, that 8. W. 8mith, Wllsoa't postmaster. it soon to havt a tneeossow Several months ago he tendered hia reeigna tloa and hopea that Representative Kikhla't desire ta have the matter disposed of at ones ia aot a "pacifier1 to hold him ladedaitely. There aro tea eligible!, fire out ia the open aad five dark horses. ' There's aaothtr matter that Wilson iana would like to see Mr. KiteBia push through to a finish, the Federal building for thia city. A site haa been purchased aad appropriations made by Cougrese long before the Vaitad Btates catered the world war. Demitr Sheriff Richardson. Deputy Marshal Ramsey and Deputy Sheriff Pearson arrested Ell Lewis, aa old of fonder. 8 'miles cast of Wilson Tues dav. while making whiskey la a ten galloa outfit oa his klkhsu ttovc. They also brought to Wilson a wMte man Jodie Webb and Gray Jenkins. All had a herinc before United Btates Com mistioaer L. D. Knott and were bound over to Federal court' in Itouds of 9-tHi each, The aewly elected county superintend dent of public. welfare, 8. E. Lcoimrd, of Red Spring, has arrived in the city aad will ass"me tbe dutiet of hit offlrt at once. The old C. W. Nurney property, for merly used as a coat aad wood yard, has been purchased by tbt Carolina Building Compaay. with mala offlett at Rocky Mount. Eagaged aa Pahlle Health Norso. Winston-Salem. Aug. IS.-MIss Talla Moose has bee a eagaged to do publio health aurslng ia Forsyth county. Tho selection has bee a ap proved by the local authoritiet, aad the is expected to enter upon her work here September lit. Miss Moosa has been engaged la public health work at the Erlanger mill village, ia David son sounty, for soma time, aad shs will come to Forsyth with a splendid record for efficiency. ENCAMPMENT OF VETS OF FOREIGN WARS Arrangements. Ifjide Jor Meet ing of ltth Event in Provi dence Rest Week . Nc York, Aug. 13. Final arrange ments for . the eighteenth aaauai en campment of tha veterans of foreiga wart of the United EtMes to be held ia Providence next week, will be made at a meeting here tomorrow .afternoon of the aatioaal council o( administrs tloa of tha organixatloa, it was ta tou need today. More thaa 3,000 delegatet from all ever the Ualted States, the Philippines, Hawaii aad Fraaco are expected at the t encampment, the repreaentatlvea from France being mcmberc ai the Rock of the1 Marao poet, which la made ap of officer! aad men ef the 38th In fantry, U. 8. A. ' Army prison cruelties, prohibition, Insurance, vocational cducntloa, lead allotments and promotions ia tho army aad navy are among the questions ca i.linnment will, act. A aplrlted contest it expected ri .it. i tut) selection of tha city it which to hold the encampment ia 1920. Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, Syra uae. St. Louis. Atlantic City, ChaTH- aooca.. Deaver. Colnmbun. Ohio. At lanta and Asbury Park ire being ad voctted at meeting places. No, Maude, dear j we wouldat advise yoa ta depead apoa the ship t log, as a life preserver, . BOUSE WORKED WITHOUT quOEUM ON PRINTING till Woahlagtoa, Ang. ltAftC Scp:t- Hstative Blantoa, Democrat, of Texas, had witharawn at tho peraonat requeir ef Republicaa Leader Moadell, hit point of order that ao quorani wat ia attend -aaee, the Hooat worked aearly fire hours todoy and passed a bill rsUtltg t tho printing af pVblic docasscata. Thara were leaa thaa a haadrdd bera ia tha chamber Whea Blantoa look ed over and said tha number wat toe tmall to transact buiiaess.' It wat acid toaight that members would laaitt to morrow oa a qaorum, aad reatw the fight for three nay ipiiAiicrA!;; f Asm cjTw S'eniiil fM m all tmnm t GMl.kriMW NanlU nd LaMka it tuawkwUMla,MrtiaeM Ui .an eraifMa, rWMlDe.lnalUsMlmaaig.T. Much Boose Coaflecated. Cleveland, O., Aug. 13. Nine men were arrested and 910,000 worth of li enor eon II wa ted today, when John Saw kin, special agent of the Department of Justice, stopped two trucks just out side of Youngstown, which were Carry ing the liquor Into Ohio from Pennsyl vania. One truck waa loaded with ISO cases or beer aad tbe other with one hundred cases aad two barrels of whiskey. Tbe theory that every cloud bat a ailrer lining ia poor eoasilatioa to tke maa who hat forgottea hit umbrella. PHONE owell 41 - 41 clea Cleaning Co. s 262 4 4 'A TJa4U DViAfiM ' uuut a xivua . 262 - ef I Cleaners and We are the r Service Cleaners and Dyeri 'V Highest Prices Reliable Hid and Junk Co. Ill W. Caharrse at. Aiiuca. m. c OlbertC White CONSVLTINA sWOlirEU , WATERWORKS, UCBT AX rOWSS, tTREXTS occupied for maay years oa Pier I, of Pratt street, 'aac eea Uiea, itiiilliiilWlililiiwIlilllilMiwwiJIIiwwH MHMMMIHMlt An Artist With . QtM Naurit!. htrnflkt l u:. RifM Hand An artist with neuritis in his drawing hand thought fate unkind, but it wasn't fate, it was his bad habit of gitting with one elbow on his desk and his weight on the elbow. This position was re fleeted in tha condi tion of his spine be tween the, shoulders, .where there was pres sure on the nerve ' leading into the arm. A Chiropractor re moved the pressure by adjusting the spinal joints affected, anVl the neuritis dis appeared. . . No Chargo There i. no charge for consul tation and It puts you under no obligation. ihiF.T.HOFF, cHistopeiACToer , . BtfCB-mm (Ml tmk bMmff VMJtt awieec ANAtVTCOfwCg MBVWVaNOANT avmtttcati V V I It I The :fews aiii Observer Wishes to meet One Hundred C Just Starting to School ' and to Present lyFREE Absolute A Water-Proof - BOOK BAG LIKE WE USED TO WISH FOR WHEN WE WERE CHILDREN. . They Are Here NOW Come and Get Yours. The only considerations are: It must be the first year of school and each child must be accompanied by one of its parents Nor an adult member of their family. These Bags are made of excellent waterproof material and are not the cheap kind usually given away. We only have pne hundred, c Come and get yours at once as after the supply is exhausted we can nonsecure more. .. ; , I -"f- : " ' " """ ' .... ; : 1 -j OtiHaacHMmMIiMfMtMtlMMte.ttm(tlMertHsacW 1 s '-1 i i X M f ! ! i i i 9 f j ! i i i r4.,....,...: .. ..... ; . i'""