-llIURSDAY.MOSNLNa AUGUST 14, 1919. THE fiZWS AKD OD5RVER. MASS MEETING -r . FORr.1e.10i IHUl L SEES REVIVAL OF ROr.lAII EMPIRE Goldsboro People To Get To gether And Discuss Plans ' : For Building " ,J Ntwi and Obttrver BurMU, . . , 104 Sooth John 8trett.f . .v.;. --', ';,, Telophoae !9.. By EMMETT R. BROWN, ' Goldsboro, Aug. 13. At a largely at tended tad fery eathusiastia meeting laid hut lifhl by th Goldsboro Cham ber of Commerce the chamber, tart . naanimous endorsement lo the report of th licaoml Building. Committet ap pointed Jointly by the Chamber of Com merce, Board of Aldermen aad County ComaiUaioBera to devise sraye aad meaaa for the building of a memorial building it UoMsboro aa a tribute to tho toiea of Wayne county who served and gave their Uvea' for liberty during the world war.. " t--' ' Following the adoption of the report It waa decided to bold a big maaa meet ing ia Goldsboro at aa early date' for tho purpose of submitting the pladt of tho foregoing committee to the people of the county before final action ia the matter was taken. A committee waa appointed to decide oa the date for this '. meeting. . la discussing the plant for the e- mortal building last night Judge W. B. Allen, chairman of the committee, stated ' that ba waa confident that there were as 1 many aa two hundred and fifty citizens ia tho county and probably more, who would willingly give ii,ow eacn toward tho erection of this bnilding, and that 1 tho people all prer the county were taking a deep interest ia the project. . For some time past tbiores bare been purloining automobile tires from 'he ears of local citizens. The police have ;beea keeping a close waUh for these thieves and yesterday John and Will Tiner, two negro brothers, were tried . before Magistrate J. W. Thompson npoa the charge of stealing aa automobile tiro from1 Mr. T. I. Sutton. They were fonnd guilty and' their ease sent to the ojSea isqjont 'senof tqy 'lino? iuno was fined $10 and the costs, npoa the charge of whipping his wife. Barton Clark, a well known news paper man of Baltimore, ia a cordially greeted visitor ia Goldsboro, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Creech at their home oa Park avenue. Mr. Clark will spend several days here before re turning to Baltimore. . The quarterly meeting of the Fourth Dint rift Medical Society was held at the court house in this city yesterday after noon and waa largely attended. The meeting was called to order by Pr. E. 3. Nobles, of Selma. The following phy sician i were elected members of the so ciety: Dr. T. L. Ginn, 'Goldaboro; Dr. B. N. Johastoa and Dr. C. A. Woodard, of Wilson. Four well prepared paper were read oa tho observation of am- . pyema of the pleural cavity, the T,homs aplint, the effects of malaria fever tox ins upon the kidneys and the complica tions of Spanish influenza, by Dm. B. , O. Willis, of Rocky Mount rG. W. Mitch- 'til. of Wilson; J. C Grady, of Ktnly, ' pad C. F. Strosnider, of Goldsboro. Be fore the meeting adjourned arising vote of thanks wat extended to the local physicians by the visiting physicians 'for the royal manner ia which they had been entertained during their stay in the eiry. It was decided to hold the ' next meeting at Wilson Tuesday, Nor. 11. Lett yesterday afternoon tho viait l"K physicians were the guests of local members of the society at aa old fash ioned barbecue which was served at Herman Park. A delightful outing and picnic was given at Grays mill poad yesterday in honor of Mrs. J. T. Whitfield, of Kin stoa, who is visiting' ia Goldsboro at the home of Messrs. J. G., W. C. and Misa Mary Spenee. A number of other guests were present, including Dr. E. P. Spenee and family, of Greenville; H. D. Speace, J. T. Whitfield and Mrs. Alex ander, of KiMton; Misses Ora Raper, Wilson; Julia Austin, Clayton; Lurie Brogden, Mrs. Roxie Saaaer, J. B. and I. I Pate and families, and Bev. 'G. T. Adams, of Goldsboro. , FISHERMEN TO HOLD MEETING IN NEW BERN New Bern, Aug. 33, Fishermen of this city, Oriental, Morehesd and Beau . , fort are to meet ia New Bern tomor ' rowMn a big session at tht Chambe of Commerce rooms. The oecasioa will be to hear William 8. Downs, Production Secretary of tho U. 8. Fisheries Asso ciation, headquarters at New York in aa address. This organisation it ear- rying oa aa extensive campaign to ox toad its membership along tho Atlantic Coast. New Bern hat been selected by tho president of the Association, Ken- Beth Fowler, the man whom Prealdent Wilson called to his aide daring tht war to advise with him in regard to tht fish . ing industry. Tht tims of the organiza tion are to pat this industry oa a basis with other big industries of the present ., day. . . ; A campaign of publicity is aping oa ... ". ' At present, and it it expected that sev oral hundred fishermen and dealers will be present at tho Meeting tomorrow evening. After tb address of Mr. Downs, there will be a business session ' proposing aa organization for this tee- -tion. : :"- . -.. Canadian Preacher At Falcon Camp Meeting Bases Pro- -phecy on Words of Daniel Faleoa, Aug. 13.-That tht Bomaa empire will be revived is the conviction of Bev. A. p. of Petcrboro, Caa- ada, ) a Misaioaary Alliance preacher who is one of tht leading apeakert at tho Faleoa tamp meeting. Ia a atrmoa oa tht subject he baaed hit remark oa Daaiel J;21-45, and described the1 rite and, fall of the four great empires mentioned in this passage of Scripture. These four poWers, ht said, represent the various forms of government that man hat employed, from monarchy to democracy. Tht wild, tribee of North era Germany overthrew and subdued tht Bomaa Empire in 3M A. D aad algaifl cantly art now tht thief lnttrument o the revival of the old Soman powers, composed, of England, France, Belgium, Spain, the Balkan States aad Northern Africa. IUly, to loaf obseuro, U agaia premiaeat among world powers. According to tht speaker, the proph ecy of Daniel, in the second chapter, tpeaka specifically of ihe overthrow of all other powers and tbe ultl -ate set tin J up of a kingdom that shall atand forever. Be predicted tht nal alliance of recuperated Germany with aa aroused Russia, and the restored ond prosperouspeople of Israel back ia the land of Palettina representatively, sur rounded tnd attacked by these and other nations, stung by jealousy ari prompted by greed, till God Himself shall arise aad . slay them by ht spirit of His mouth. , Tht camp meeting it composed of an astociatioa of . members tf various ehutehes who meet here annually, this being the twentieth year of tht eamp. Itt adhertnts maintain a profound re spect for the Bible, and teach that it is annlimhla ta (ha nretent tl 't at to any. former time. They have no hesi tancy in praying for the tick, or con tending, for any other phase of truth kv m in tha Dihla. , ' The founder and president of the eamp is J. A. uuioreta, easnier oi ine First National Banc of Duan, and ni tha nrnmlnent a flea re are D. H. Hood, well known druggist, of Dunn, W. 8. Foxworth, banker, oi Marion, 8. C, and J. M. Weeks, a planter, of Clinton, N. C. Some of tho outgrowths of the work are the Falcon Orphanage, an unde nominational home for destitute -children; the Falcon Holiness School, which ta a MMnhinad aradafl and hiffh school! and the Falcon : Publishing Company, which issues the aposione &vangei! ana other literature. The town haa the ii.lmi, Amt inriinlt nt hminr a nlace where tobacco and "dope" are not sold, being practically pjohiDitea oy eevere uoense. the camp will continue till next Sua das snd a apeakrr ia expected from New York to address the atteadantt on the need of relief for the Armenians and others ia tho Near East. After all, there is nothing that af fords some people more real pleasure than agrceablo work. - REMAIN PREPARED JELLICQES ADVICE British Admiral Says Safety of Empire Depends On ; . Sea Safety Sydney, Australia, i July 9 (Corre spondence of tho Associated' Press.) Admiral Visceuet Jellicoo preached a policy of preparation for war in some of tht speeches he hat delivered hero while vliitiag Australia to inform tht Australian government concerning mat ters of naval policy. "When discussions take place oa rack subjects at the League of Nations or the question of limitation of armaments, I trust it will, never be forgotten that tht existence of the British Empire de pends absolutely upon the safety of Lite sea communications,'' said Viscount Jellieot at Sydney, where ha addressed the Nary League. Before the wan he said, Great Britain suffered from a lae kof insufficient ships to guard the long lines of communication between London aad Australia aad, he added, "it it up to tht British Empire to see that we are never ia want of sufficient police men afloat ia tht future. Speaking of the "deadly risks' rue ia tha last five years," the admiral said, "tne can only hope that ia the future sufficient provisions will be made, both by the mother country and by the over seas dominions to insure the impos sibility of defeat of the British navy." After giving same information to snow now long it took Ureal Britaia to prepare for Germany's submarine campaign, Viscount Jellicoo said: "The lesson I am trying to preach is prepare tion for war. 1 would like to say very seriously that it seems to me the con elusion it forced upon ns that the British Empire depends bow more 'that ever upon naval supremacy. Leaving Sydney ' early in July, the admiral started oa a month's tour to Northera Astraliaa ports aad for tht eoast oi cw .uuinea aad adjacent it' lands. DETAILS PUBLISHED OF MEXICO LYNCHING Mexico City. July SC. (Correinond- ense of The Associated Press.) Details of the lynching of Juan Galvan, a prom 1m nt resident of the village of Zara goza ia the 8tate of Saa Luis Potosi, have just been received in the capital and El Democrata, in publishing the story, declares this h the first instance of lynching recorded in Mexico. Galvaa waa publicly accused by the pastor of a church in Zaragosa of being the person who robbed the image of virgin in one of the churches of gold, and jewels valued at 10,000 pesos. The words of the curate inflamed his hear' ers, who dragged Galvaa from bia home, built a funsral pyre aad upoa it tor tured the unfrrtunate man until he died. The curate has been detained by the authorities as the author of tho crime. SINGING CLASS GIVES DELIGHTFUL CONCERT Children From Odd TeDowr Home Greatly Please The ' People At Franklinton Fraahliatoo, Aug. . 13. Tht pinging elan from tht Odd . Fellows' Home, Goldsboro, under the management of Misses Tull aad Tucker, two of the teaebere ia that institution, gnvo a de lightful concert In tht auditorium of the graded school hero last night. The entertainment ' consisted of ainging, recitations, etc., aad was greeted by a largo aad appreciative audience. It wat givea aader the auspices of the local lodge of Odd Fellows, wbica one or the strongest organizations in tht plaee. The offerings last sight ware excellent. Dr. J. W. Carter, who eamo hero to practice mediciae after ho was released from the army, has decided to leave here and go to Lumber Bridge Jo prac tice. He will leave the latter part of the week for his new home. He and Mrs. Carter made many friends here during their short stay, who regret very much to see them leave. Mr. Robert Speed, who was with the 120th ia France, and who has entered the drug business here, will leave in a day or to for New York where ho will take a course in pharmaey. He ex pects to be away from home about aix months. Mr. M. A.' Huggins, of this place, who wa with the 81st division in Fraaee, aad received aa appoiatmeatment to the University of Paris aad received bia dis charge aboat three weeks ago, has been elected superintendent of the graded schoois of Scotland Neek and he will move to that place ia about tea days and enter upon hit new dutiet there. It it understood that Mrs. Huggint hat Dottl worry aWiyourJdn Resinol cleared mine completely 11 yen are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, unsightly complexion, try Resi nol Ointment and Resinol Sotpregvlarfy for a week and tee if they do not begin to make a bleated difference in your skin. Raaaal Soip u4 It arias! SfeTS OtaaamtnHUbraUtrat SYI r. TrrOaaiwaMahM, S I laitdj BUiKlM!,t, M aba batSar tt hu. toe. L Piedmont Peanut Oil Hair thai Everyone Admire ' Hair nspondi msrvaWy care ' - tiW aasMt .OaA Hakr Tonio . iavty-ahatVi4itTto ant apolicaaan elwwnsw in tight trim, 5opi,yhchin of ew scalp aouriaSas and pesssrves aSs half snd prrvmMs It from railing am. '" Fo tile M all drug swat and whsrrf ' ' tver Mtlat goads art told, " V Haaslg-EJJla I A V V , Chomwa Ten ia ao clelicioua tKat you don't ktwe. to cul tirate a taaie or it. You will like PIEDMONT the fir.t time you try it and forewer after. ,- - A.k for PIEDMONT Tht food oil with the nut flavor muSX no HAVING yoar bouse wired by folks, who ksow their buslaest is aot a thing , to be dreaded. It eaa be dona with far test must aad fust than, yen put; op with ia having tht house papered or painted. " . VYi eaa -wirt ytur bouM in two tr three days and Uava aot a aear oa y e r wood-work or v plaster.. '' ';:! ' .. Thera't at dirt, aor any iaeon "vcuisnct to yoo and tha cost it Itsa than you'd expect. . " 4 , W will come and tell yoa tx actlv what h will cost U you wish. , Walker Electric .1 Store' .'. : IN W, Wartla . fkoM UU THE dealer who has an eye to the future is building on solid rock. That explains why so many good dealers h a n d 1 e Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires. To you it means reliable dealer service in addition to unequaled tire- mileage, which takes much of the worry and expense out of car upkeep. The best tire dealer in your locality is a Firestone dealer. Get acquainted with him. TIRES Most Miles per Dollar also Wi elected at oao of tht teachers l tht Scotland Neck tchoola. . Mr. Earl B. Bikes, hat beta elected to teach ia tht department of. English ia tht high tchoola of Durham. Mr. Bikes was with tht 8. O. 8. in Fraaee for twelve months, , and vreeeived an ap pointment to the University of Greno ble, where ht studied for four months. MEXICAN ARMY HAS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN. Mexico City, Aug. 13. The strength df the Mcxicta army it placed at 17 725 officers and 11933 mea ia aa ar ticle recently published by Captain Francisco Laxeano who is referred tt by the newspspert htrt at being in a position to speak with accuracy. Ac cording to his figures, which are based on reports for ' tht month of April, there are two generals of division, eleven generals of brigade, forty-eight brigadiert and 843 Jefea (chiefs), whose ranka havt been recognized by the gov ernment as permanent. There are, however, V0,46i generals, chiefs and subordinate officers who art serving temporarily. Prospective. She "Hod did you dare tell Papa that you have' a prospect of 430,000 a yearf He Well, 1 have; if I marry you. Boston Transcript. 6BCILANS Hot water Sure Relief gELL-ANS taafrOR INDIGESTION For BARGAINS in Oxfords Come to Our Store Guess & Ward II E. Hargett Street "Raleigh's Shopping Center" Boy lan -Pearce Co. ;:-:V:yj ijou ever see ; ' ' . so mamj , ' (Tool Summer BLOUSES Not a worthy Blouse fashion or fad but what is represented here. Some among the finer sorts are real bits of art. Beautiful Georgette Crepe BLOUSES White, flesh, and colors, dainty and new, featuring pretty collar and cuff effects of lace and self ma- f1 tfA terial, $4.95 to V DoOU Voile and Linen BLOUSES Just hundreds of beau tiful Cotton and Linen Blouses, all fresh and new. No matter if you wish a fftain tailored model that may be worn high or low at the neck, or a fancy, dressy model, you will find it here; d' y tti prices $1.50 to tPlefitOU DC C If (cb leather coram with sheets of ana tlata H OIV blottlag paper, eaoaga U bat a year. II J each) by BLOTTER PADS parctl poet, f Lit. 8E.ND IS VOIR OHDERS. COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY RALEIGH, tt. C MILLS TIRE CO. Distributors for FIRESTONE Tires in Eastern North Carolina. 3264 FayetterUle Street.' tt t RALEIGH, N. C 1 f 1 A tt ,.;. ( N. t-e 4 a Reliy-Springfield TIRES Only a tire dealer can appre ciate the mileage delivered by Kelly-Springfield Tires. The owner knows only what they have done on his car, but we know what they have done on hundreds of cars. AUTO TIRE REPAIR COMPANY Steam Vulcanising, Tires and Tire Accessories E. S. JENNINGS, Manager 108 W. Darie Street Phone 1230 n tit