TIE YS AT CrCVEIt. niunsDAY r.;orjz;a august 14, isia The News and Observer Tn KtWI AND OBSERTIR FtJRLISHINO company ; MWIlUt lAXlUX Psssiesat , PWWt A OIUBTSS BOIUNM . UMII Wss ...Iff una tm AHtwtn mat . m mM FN b ceMlaatvev anauTsd to the aw I WhUIiiIIh W Ma aMeatnM see to II toM WW WM SB tM )IW Ml MM BM mm www pwiMii BWMB. aa ncaai te 1 MM of eases dsmwawaihesam se mm rcU. AMOCUTKD rtxu -a- retorts QfKllf flUH PRJCSi WttK ........T. fte lUatta U Om Tr H N Or Maatai LM .TVa Martha IM Om Manas .. J ao Tear .. MM im Maatas .......tit The Mws aad awearaar Is Mhml to census to Mtffb 4 . at MUM MM mc tn M s. hater (Mr, twatve emm-mxr-waakr itfc PmCHm a bMA Mm Carauaa, MORNING TONIC ADora Greeawell.) v1; There is la all thing aa ideal, divla prla eiple, revealing itself ia tpit of eoatradietory elemsats sorasthiag which it only eaa be ia a tuddoa transitory flaih, as aa ordinary faes will : ia Mm momsnt of satisfaetioa, of sxsltsd feilinf, ,,be transfigured into beauty aad aobleaeaa. ; UNCLE WALT MASON ENVIRONMENT. ' I hear msn say, aemetlmes, "Groat Scott! Thla M Uo Tillage Cod forgot! Thoro Is a chance for to to' rise, la thla old berg of aaaaabaek guys." :. thsa they go forth, apoa a day, to liirtr pastaree ; far dway; aad thoro tiey lad telega Jnst at bad aa la their owa abtadoaod trad. It cata ao - Uo where swale dwells: wellshreys Bee H wesr lafi holla. Tha sua who has tho goede nay to to ' dsssrt waata or arttla aew, aad thevw haag aat hid atodoat alga, aad ha will gad that trade la too. - Oara la a qalet, dreamy tewa, hat It woald hold a follow dowa. If some yeath ahawa tha proper Ira, with wroath or hammer, brash or lyro, u draw tholr work for half a day, to htla hlai if ward aa hie way. Whh aroaer ataMac la year J hoad, thara laa't aay towa aa dead that yoa aaa't Uat a awath rlfht there, aad alaetaea Uadt af ' Itareia wear. Aad la tha deadee), freyeat tewa a ' i aa auy wla a world roaawa. If yoa, fair mdvr, where yoa are, caa'l hitch year waged to a alar, yot aaajla't da th (rich la Chrk, Id Beataa, Jeatla - a Naw York. ' If 70a lad a proatier tell him what yoa tkiak . of him. It will halp leilue tha aoat of Ut1b. ' 111 haada are calling for tho aealpa of tha food hoardera, and rightly ao. They juitly belong iu tha' category of "the meaaeet aaM." Two hundred thouaaad atrlkiaf coal attain ia - Torkikire, England, alaa hare rottd lo go back tt work. The thing la getting contagtoaa. Shoe retailere aay tha people won't boy ekcap , abaca. Thia may be daa aot ao moth ta aipeaeiva taataa at to tha fact that ia tha caea of practically aajr tort af wearing apparel the beat iradea are tha eheapaat la the loag raa. f Tha Bumaniaaa new aay that they anttred Bucharcit ia aompliaaea with what they bettered ta bo the wicket of tha Alllea, which iadieatea that there may be aomathiag ta pay with tha power 6f aaderttaadiaf af tha Bumaajaaa, Senator Poiadoxter, af Waahingtoa, hal takia another fling at arraigning tha Prealdeat- That ia tome Bepublicaat' way of raMlaiag aolid with their eeaitltuiata, bat wonder if It laat oome. thiag ia tha nature of a boomerang. Oawaora of aom af tha State hare aotilvd tha federal Dcpartmeat af Jnrtit that "amaalng fttBtitleaM of food are beiag held ia storage ap parently waiting higher prteea. Plalaly eaongh there are plaaty af tha folk ha ara aot alive ta the enormity of tho greed of lome of their r fellow citiaea ia thia country. .. .' , , . . Tha Senate Foreiga Solatloaa Committee ia, arged to haitea actioa aa tha peace treaty. Sin- aUt Fall aaya it aaa't be doaa and it la a fact that there la ao way af getting back tha time that . ha been waited ia a eaia effort by tha reprina- tatiri of Mr. Fall' party to make political capital out of tha diaruuioa of the treaty. Tiatoaat Edward Gray, tha aew Brltiah ambaa (ador, la favorably kaowa ta tho Amerioaa read lag public. It 1 recalled how earaeatly he atroTO ta prevent tha war which Germany waa beat aa aalaoaiag oa tha world. Comparatively few Amerl fau eaa peraeaally welcome thia great Engliih eiaa, but ia tpirlt million of them will do ao. . One aatharityblamaa bad debt waata with a part of. tha retpoaaibility for tha high cost of living. - Tha rnaa whe get aad doe aot pay I a dreee and tha drone have alwaya had to be carried at tha aspenta af other. A atrietly eaih baaia for boil cm would frccte oat the droae, put them to work tad tku iaereai tha productive capacity of the ropalatlon. , . Oaa af tha witaetyaa la the atreel car iaveitiga tioa at Waiuingtoa Hid that the thruit which brought hi tyitem aear death waa tha wag award of tha War Labor Board which had take the poU tioa that it wa aot concerned with the flniaclal itatn of the (treat car eompaait bat ealr with what conitituted a living wage for the mta. M payiag a living wag put a-cqrporatioa aear diath, it la a cjucitioa if it wocld. o b batter for It ever ta hav beea bora.' - ;, TM COOO 10AOI ASSOCIATION. , Tha North CareUaa Good load Aaaociatioa acaaioa thi week at WrighUvUle Boach ha beea at) laportaat factor ia road pregreee U tha Bute. IU aetirltiea auggttt the qoeaUoa aj ta what the 8Ute weold do, ta what ctteat IU progreoa would ba impeded, if tha various voloatary argaaicatiaa working along different line of eadoaver ahaald decide to autpaad operataaa. Mack af tha headway that ta made la the Stat la mad purely from tha aslaV aad pabtie tpirited activitie of a few af it citiuaa. Let a admit that aome of the worker get a ccrtaia reward in-the eclat which attacheCU tha publicity attending their activitie. Bat thia if aaly partial reeompente and for it aome af the boat worker do aot care at all. The fcreatett alagla eoaeldira Uaa it pride ia the good aid State aad ?he datir ta aea her take her proper place la tha froat rank of tbo eommoBwealthi. Thia toacera for tha Stat maaifeiU itaelf ia many argaaiaatioaa who aim embrace auay af tha forward alepe which a State eaa take la aa age like' thi wherela aew aeeda era conitantly arlalag. Of the varioua State aeaeciatioaa one of tho noat robuat aad virile haa beea for maay yeara the North Carolina Good Boada Aitoclatioa. Aa atatcd, it baa beea one of the reaaoat the State ha taken aa advanced aland la road construction. The good road anociatibn haa had delBita aim aad vigor men (alio on taergeti womaa) behind those aim. A eaa ia point that ia fresh ia the mtnerye maay-waa the good road Jegltlatiaa af the laat Xeglilatur. The good road aawcla- tioa did aot get the aort of road law that it wasted, but it earn Beanr getting what it waated than a lee ttclout aad determined argaaiaatiaa would have gottea. It wa faithfal ta iU parpoa aad it aied vry legitimate meahi of attaining them. rerbapa It wa aot to be expected that it eouU attain tlioie purpoaca eompleUly. Aa argaalxa. tioa devoted to a peifiq aim aeeeaaarily will al way bt ia advaaee f the roat af tb population aad th Lcgiilatare onght to reflect the withe of tha people at a whole. Tki wok tb good road aaaociatioa will adoft a program for the eoming year, aad it will be program of tha advanced idea and lively State pride which have alwayfeharaetcrixed the organ!, nation. The good road people la their enthuiiatm and their tntrgeUc effort to pat Berth Carolina for ward in th great traduce af read building act aa example to all lover f the State. Observing their activity, North Carolialaaa lot already engaged ia tome similar work should feet aad act upon the imrmluc to go and likewise. VKFUICHASABLB. Tke great righta af lUtehood poeaaoaed by th mailer Statea of the TJaloa have beea tha (ob ject of criticism maay'tlmea, aad there la much la the record of these Statea ta upporthis. How- aver, though abuses have maay times grona to large proportions, yet invariably they have beea curbed in time. A particularly atrikiag iastaaee ia afforded by tha State of Delaware. It i small la site. It fa email ia population, and its wealth eaa hard'y be considered preteatiaua. All la all it has offered a most Inviting prospect for the furtherance af tha ambition pica ef ma of targe meaa. Thia ie recalled by the reoeat death af i. Edward Addieka,' kaawa a tha Oa King." Begardlcss of hia pur poses or method, hi peraiateaey la seeking politi cal honors ia the littler' Bute eaaaot but excite certaia aort af admiratioa. Three timee he tried to overwhelm the voters of tho State and three times his efforts were rejected. Coming from a neighboring State, Mr. Addieka seemed to have cultivated interests la Delaware for the deliberate purpoae of promoting himself to the United States Senate. It seemed easy. The Legis lature wo email, thua making it necessary to petsaade but a few. 80 away back ia 1899 be tried his hand tret and made a fairly good show lag, toasidering 4he rigidity of the poll tax ro Qolrement. Again he sought the toga from the feoplo of tho State a few year later aad agila ba failed. Nothing daunted by these defeats, he essayed aaa last aprm effort to gaia tho office he wished SO much, Th whole country remember that effort how meaty wna speat like water ia addition ta every athsr influence to cajole the voter but all id val. The more flagrant aad nascrupolons be grew the more determined became those who had moived that the honor of the little common wenlth ahould aot be bartered. Thua wa proved that though a maa might acquire aa exceedingly high standing ia th commercial world by the same tokea he eoald aot ruthlessly aelse public bonori, aad Delaware triumphantly vindicated her eonitltutioBal right ot membenhin ia what hi beea called the "greatest deliberative body ia the world." BLOCKADE LIQVOR. The persistence with which blockade liquor stills are raided in North Carolina might indicate a growing Industry ia the illicit' traffic, or it may meaa, aa it probably doea, that tha reviaae officer ara mthlag more of aa effort to root out the ob jectionable business. Thire 1 aot th (lightest doubt that tho maaa- facWr ef mooaahlae Hquar I growing tnor ca psular every day! Ia the few yeara si are the Stajs became dry mia have drifted away from ahiihey, aad ia doing it-have gradually realized the drawback of druakoaacse. Now ta be drank is te be objectionable. Atdrankea maa ia not desired around by anybody. Ha ia unreliable as sa employe, so th employer waata whiskey pro hibited. He la ebjeetieaable aa amighber, so th neighborhood waai whiskey prohibited. Ha ia a aulsaaee aad the eemmuaity waata whiskey that out. Thte aeatimeat ia mora aroaotiaeed even- day, aad eteadlly th willlngmtt grow ta help th oSeer break ap the whitkey traffic. . It I aot laag aew aatil tha amendment take effect, aad thta the Federal sjoveramot ill 1 after whirtey with a more determined' iatcatiea la have tha law eeforeed. Whoa it become aa offense agaiakt th Federal govrasaat, trith te morMleta govtrament mrhal'oa tha Job th maa whe arill think ta play tbs gam aad get away with it from the busy sheriff will fad that thr-y have laid eat a Job that will aot work. " Whiskey ha about had If dsy la North CareUaa, and the twa certaia reason ara that pabtla aeatimeat and Fed eral authority r both nit It, Either eaa aloe i rather competent Influeaee, bat bo'h together are Impressible. " v ' j. : ;- ; EXIT STKIKEB. ,;(. Tha shopmea ef th Southeast have called off the strike, aad gradually what for a time threatened te be a Hvely stem has been settling down ta a welcome ejoiei. - - .; 'v-' V'c'. V U that brief parted dariag which the strike was aa, the whale eaaatry haa bhraod soma thiag. Tha people hare come to aeo that labor ifU suia s warwax, aa roat w must givfaemo at tea tioa, ta fha caadittoaa against which tb mo are prtetiag, W eaat dismiss Uelr demand with Us ausukea aotioa that the trouble Is ovor. Temporarily It ia, bat la the actual fact it la aot la the slightest ehaaged. Tha railroad mea hav their Ideas about their work aad their pay for it, aa4 they are aeeest la their coivictioa. That being tha ease they are aat goiag t quit aatil they haver either btubN what they are after tr hav baea shewn tha fit is impossible. We are to hear ere af thi scatter. But aa tha other head the railroad mea have aotieed by thia time that the people have some views oa every topic that coaeeraa the public welfare aad that aa tha people pa tae bill they ara quiietlyjMTaaging to have a wIcIm everything that ia'doae iavolviag outlsy of "moscy'from the public treasury or from their owa pocket. The whole affair passed aver with so little noise that we mast not snake the miataht of thinking It was aot a detcmOnod move oa either aide. . It was the limit af decision. The railroad mea hav oallod ia their fore. So have tha people. Both sides are rsfermiag their liacs, aad both have seen the strength of the other. It is to bo hoped that this measuring af strength will also iacluda the wiadora of diaerotioa which amy prompt aot ta tavite Its test. RELIEF SHOULD BE GIVEN. The story ia the Washington dispatches tivj morning with respect to Csmp Bragg disclose a situation that should lead the delegation la Com gross- from thia 8tate to come to the relief of the people there aad at ease. Everybody la North Carolina will be glad ta See Camp Bragg eoatiauod, aa it is a highly desirable additioa to tha 8Uto's hutitatioB. But la additioa ta tha prestige the camp would give the State, the condition of the people ia the camp area ia each that almpla justice should lead Congress now to conclude the pur chase of the land that haa beea appropriated. It is well kaowa that tha people of th regloa taken did net want ta sell their lead, bat a large amouat of it ha beea tahea aad auit haa beea brought la the Federal Cowrt te eoadema the re mainder. Of that tahea much haa beea paid for, but several thouaaad acres la tied ap aad aot paid for. That ahould ba taken at onee, that the people might have their money. With tho community de stroyed, their land has loot Ita value to them. Fairness require that Congress dispose oT-lhii starter now in tha aaly way that I left. All over the territory tracts are tahea, aad ether tracts toil with a a agreement to cell, leaving tha owner ao righta ia the land, aa money aad no certainty of what ia to be don. He eaaaot make a crop. aad many have already gone ta other location, having little or aa crop thla year. They are all loyal people, deaerviag of a fair deal at the hand of the government, aad Congress hoald give it. - 11 1 FVBLIC OPINION, Eoglaad ia raaaing a neck aad neck race with the Coifed Statea aew in finding the coot of living, and it may be tahea for a fact that by tha time the inquiries are finished public eplaioa will have fixed pa the occasion of the high costs. It is pos sible to pall the wool over the eyas ef aa In vestigating committee or over aa ladivMual or a few, but it is a difficult matter to fool all the people whether la the L'aited States, England or aay place else. We have started te find the eoat of living. It !s possible it is toe high, or may be it ia aat too high. Sentiment says ws pay too much for what we get these days. Sentiment aaya that la England. No doubt ia the rest ef Europe where sentiment says living ia too expensive it Is a faet. But evoa there it ia accounted for. Sentiment haa said we must bo givea lower price. It i public sentiment that ia going to get at tho bottom of the else, ' Public opinio wiQ then when the facte come in say whether the evidence warrant th claim or aot, aad If public eplaioa say price are too high wo may be satisfied that pablie opinion will order the penalty. Tha present climax in national affaii ia interesting. But ss n crisis it hns passed. Pub lic sentiment has tsksn hold, and when publh; sentiment atcpa lata the box a master .is there. A GREAT TRAFFIC OPPORTUNITY. Carolina porta wia out la. their aa before the Railroad Admlaistratiea nnd now freight eaa come and go from Wtlatiagtoa aad the South Atlantic The rate will make it possible to route freight froia polnte in the West and Northwest a far aa Ohio, Indiana aad te poiata well aorth ia IlliaoU aad Iowa to Wilmiagtoa aad 8outhra porta, aad if the railroad will accept th tttaatloa and heir to divert traffic thia way a big flow of battats ought to eomc to the Carolina porta. It the people of the coast from Wilmiagtoa ta the Gulf will take up the nutter, they have in their haada the biggest traffi opportunity North Caroliaa ha vr kaowa, aad coating aa th keel of the uprising ia the shipping aiUiatioa at Wil- mtagtoa it I roaaoaable to look for better con ditions aad ia aurked degree. Favor expo sing nil food profiteer," Stop at exposiag 'ear- , ,Whtf Governor Davis, addrraaiag ths Virgiaia Legis lature, In special session, advocate among ether things better schools aad more pay far teacher. This u good doctrine aaywhere la the Ualted State now. v .. , " . vreshy la labor rank. But tho avenge of abed' isaee to general order ha bein high. Te the extent that tha labor law governing matters af this character are Igaered by tho worsen the offleaey af organization la weakened. Ia absolute aaloa only is there strength. Disunion through lack of obedlaea means wsakaess U both effeu aad defease. ' t SPIRIT OF THE PRESS , Lrlsaalea Aaaemg the Ibeamoa. Washiagton Star. While ia aome places member af the railroad shopasea'e orgaaUatloa are returning ta work in obedience to tho orders af their national leldcr aad in compliance with the deauad of the Presi dent, else v. sere these worker are laslstlag upoa tho atrike, defyiag both organisation order aad presideatial ultimatuaa. , The Presideet s com mand to, of course, effective aaly aa far aa It estab lishes a condition precedent te eeasideratioa c-f wage demands, Bat tha orgaalsatioa order are appoacdiy paramoaafc The apeetaela of a large section of the shopmen refasiag to hoed ths com maad to return ta work gives by their national orEeers'mast bo disquieting te leader af organised labor. ' Perfect diseipllas haa aevar prevailed aal- Metbec. of Malatalatag Peace. (By William H. Taft.) Siaee tha prime object of the Leagus of Natloa Is to preserve peace aad te rasp the benefit of Beae-Jet us see how the league will operate te accomplish that purpose. ' V Ia the first place It will sock to remove the aula eaaes af war. By th formation of aa lateraa. tioaal court it will create a means for the peacefnl Settlement of disputes' between motions. Then it will seek to compel th astlon to msk ass ef this court. That Is nothing mora aor less than aa D plication af tha rale aad custom governing In dividuals la civilised communities to the relaties botweea aatioaa. Secondly, tho league will seek to' remove a grsst temptation to war by the general agreemsnt to re duce the else af armies aad navies. This will halt tb race for military aad ami sapremscy which was largely responsible for the war just onded. The amount of armament aay natbn may maintain will be strictly eeaned. Thai ifwUI be Impossible for oaa country te overwhelm lie acirh bor by unexpected attack, ia the way that Germany crushed Belgium and would have crashed Francs had not tha other democratic aatioas goaa to Ui aid. Ths ids ia that each country mey keep an army aad navy large enough ta enable It to fallrj Ita responsibilities ss a member af tb leagus but ao larger. Ths Uaitsd States, for example, probably would b expected to keep a oheek en Mexico aad tha stats of constant turmoil In thit country would bo taken Into consideration in de ciding how large aa army we should need. The third important ssfegunrg which the league will set up is a system ef penalties. This will msx an outlaw of aay aatloa er group ot aatloae which goes to war la viola tioa of the rule of th league. The outlawed aatloa will be boycotted by all the ether member of the lesgus and will find itself cut aff from both business tad social eomsjaalea tioa with th rest of the world. . ! Who Struck Billy Patterson? By SAVOYARD. Certainly it waa at Riehmoad, Va., and possibly it wss whsa Joha Marshall was a young lavrytr, that at a email gathering of eitisoBS there wss an altercation between two gentlemen that resulted ia fist fight, ia which one of them, a Mr. William Patterson, got much ths worst of it. He wss dowa scd greatly disfigured, whsa there arrived oa the scene friend of Mr. Patterson, who assumed a belligerent attitude nnd ia a provocative aad in dlgnaat teae of voice full ef aggressloa loudly demanded) -- "Who struck BUry PaUersoaf No answer waa given and he several times re peated the Inquiry, growlag more truenleat in de meanor aad more savaga in tona all the while. Finally the adversary ot Mr. Fattersoa whe hsd knocked that gentleman down stepped forth sad fiercely exclaimed : - 1 struck Billy Patterson. What coneera Is It sf yours and what have yen to say about itf To that the volunteer champiea mildly mar. mured: -All I'vs got to ssy Is you hit him a hell ef a lick." a Aad then tha incident wa dosed: but unfor tunately th identity of ths geatlsmaa who struck Mr. Patterson Was not disclosed, and it has been subject of curiosity snd speculation for mors thsn a esatury. . . , .' ' J . . Some time, during the winter or early spring of 1912 somebody struek "Col." George Harvey, of the Caioa at large, who at the time fancied himself a master werkmaa la the craft of President-making, and there Is no possible denial of the faet that he gavs "Coloasl" Harvey a hell of a lick "Colonel" Harvey imagined that be wss a politi cal Warwick aad ha waa resolved to mskd a Preal deat ot ths Uaited States. He waa exultent 1b the fancy that he waa tho Mark Hanna of the period, and he chose Woodrow Wilson for protege. Now Wilson ii fsrther fromTWng a William McKialey than "Colonel" Harvey is from being a Mark ilauns. Wilson is prodigiously self-reliant ind enormously self-confident, and Wilson, tutored ly Harvey aad led by Harvey, would bring (.bout a sltuatioa such aa would have been disclosed if Thersltes had taught Hercules how to work his mighty labors. It was told la Gath that "Coloner Harvey ad vised Mr. Wilson te annex certain of ths "inter ests'' of Wall Street and get their support, sad thtu sad there At. Wilson flatly and emphatically rejected the counsel sad bluntly told ''Colonel Hr.rvey that his efforts ia behalf of ths enadidstur st Mr. Wilson for President Were in his opinion liabilities rather than' assets. It was a stunning truth and a reminder of the lick dealt Mr. William Pattersoa whea we see the effect ot it in the reviling "Coloae!" Harvey heaped on Preside at Wilson ia Ifilfi aad since. Just now the "Colon Is blttsr ia his opposition to the League of Nstlon. He Is not flgln the league. That is a mistake, though "Colonel" Harvey, to whom it it simply im possible to explnia anything,, possibly has per suaded himself that he 1 opposed to th league. Certainly he ie infatuated with himself, and no doubt ia soma sort ot vsga Aad vain way hs Imagine! that Woodrow Wilsoa is a rery bad man, lateat en evil, and If aot balked, he will jut our glorious Uaion la a papsr sack snd throw It an the ash heap. ' , A: thia writing "Colonel" Harvey is ia league with Chairman Hays, Of the Republican National Committee. Ths "Colonel" writes voluminously, tie chairman circulate hia preachment, nnd they are seattsred over the land far and wide. Whether they are worth the postage I matter that might stimulate polemic ia the miade of those who care to read aad ponder them. Of one thing, how ever, all are agreed, aad that is that Wilsoa gave "Colonel Harvey "a hell of lick" In 19)8. Former President Taft has again shewn what a guileless saan he is. He writ n letter aad marked it "Personal aad Confidential," aadraddresscd H ta the chairman of the Republican Nstionsl Com mittee. Ia it he declared he waa for the Lesgus of Nation just s it is incorporated ia the treaty of peace, but he suggested some reservations or in terpretstioas to assuage the vanities of 8eaators, slid adversely criticised ths President for going abroad and for aot inviting prominent Republi can te Join the Amerieaa delcgatioa at Versailles. God blew th great big heart of W. ft. Taft I He actually believed that such a letter, addressed to the party It was, would aot lad Its way to the newspapers, aad whea It wa printed broadcast, William H. Taft wa the ealy man tn oar glorious U nioa th least UtUi bit surprised. Tersoaal aaj Confidential,'' Indeed I . ' - : v Mr. Tsft Is rldlsulouily Inconsistent. If hs dis approved Wilsoa' Journey abroad, what wa doing at that meeting ia New York last w later whea he spok from tb asms platform with th President and expressed hearty approval of his mlisioat Caa It b that the presidential be ts again in th big fellow's bohnet and that he Is Irvine ta 'nlaeata tha act lad hr Hearv Cabat Lodge f They will never teach him with the tongs, because for month he has beea in hearty aad ah sotuts secord with Mr. Wilsoa regardiag the League of Nations. 1 .., ..N ' And ef fill th 'silly stuff yet Invented, the silliest Is that suggestion that President Wilsoa erred la aot associating Senator Lodge with him at Versa 1 lies, Lodge would aeree hare agreed to aaythlag Wilsoa proposed, tad tker would hv beea a treaty at all. Washiagton, August 11. United States Man-of-War Was Tcssed About like Toy . In South Pacific Waahkgtoa,' D. C Aug. JA-Di. patches stating that six dreadaaagata of th Pacific fleet were shsken by aa earthquake off the toast of Mexico re ealla aa amaalag incident la tha aaaal of tn Amerieaa navy ia wmiea a unite States man-of-war was carried oa the crest of a tidal wave three miles ap th toast, two nilos Inlaid, aad est ddwa, eatlrely aahsrmed, open th beach, withia a hundred feet of the Aadss, say a bulletla from the Wash Ugtoa headquarter of tha National Geographic Society. f - This thriUiav Incident ia recounted la eomaunleatioB to the society by eaa af the participants, Boar Admiral L. 0. Billings, U. 8, N retired, follow: "la IMS I Waa atmehad to tha U. & & Wstsree, thsa oa duty la the South Pacific-one of a class af boats built at tho close of oar Civil War to ascend tho narrow, tortuous rivers of toe South she was termed a 'double oader,' hav- Sg a rudder at each end, aad wa quite at-bottomeda - aotif ormatloa ' which, whilt It did aot add to bar seaworthi ness, -laabled her ta carry a Jargs bat tery gad crew, aad eventually saved oar lives, la ths eatastrepht which wa aeoa to conic apoa as. - -1 . Lay Qalotly at Anchor. "August, 1868, fouad aa quietly at aachor off tha pretty Peruvian town of Ariea, whither wa had towed the old Uaited State stereshin 'Fred oa la' to es cape the r .ragee,iof yellow fever-, then desolating Callae and lima, "There barked the ever-present fear la the native salad af aaotbar earth quake, for Ariea Mimed a aort ot 'bead eeater for sweh seismic disturbances, baring beea twice before destroyed, with great loss of life. "While the aneherage at Ariea was aa open roadstead ef almost aaltmtted ex tent, It waa partly protected from the prevainnt winds by Alaeraa laiaaa, small sad apparently a lump ef rock brokia off; from the Morro by eomc prior eoirulsloa. All the mirehant- mea were clustered rather closely nader the lee of thia island, asar the Morro, maybe a quarter ef a mile from the usual man-of-war anchorage, aad about the same distaaee from the shore. Ths mea-of-war anchored more abreast ef th towa aad possibly halt a mil dls- taau . v "It was August that th awful calamity came apoa as, liks a storm from a eloadlece iky, overwhelming as au la oaa commoa ruin. Violent TrembllBK Felt. 1 wax altting in tha cabla with oar commanding offices, about fi p. m- when we were startled by a violeat trembliag of the ship, similar to the effect pro duced by Jetting go tbs aachor, Kaow lag son id aot be that, wa raa ea deck, Lookiaa shorewsrd, ear attea tioa was instantly arrested by a great cloud of dost rapidly approaching from tho southeast, while a terrible rambling Eew fat Intensity, sad before ear, setoa hod eye the hill seemed to aod, aad the grgund swayed liks ths short, choppy waves ox a troubled sea. "The dead enveloped Aries. ' In stantly through it$ impenetrable veil arose eriee for help, the crash of falling houses, snd the thousand commingled noises of a treat calamity, while the ahip was shaksa as if grasped by giaat head 1 thsa the cloud passed oa. "As ths dost slowly setusd we rubbed Utar eye aad looked again and again, believing they must be playing as trick: for where but a few short m ments before wss a nappy, prosperous city, buly with life aad activity, we be held but a . mass of shattered ruins, hardly a house left standing; not one perfect, the streets blocked with debris through which struggled frantically ths lesst wounded of the unhappy wretches imprlsoaed ia the ruins of their onee bnppy homes i while groan, cries and shrieks for help rest tho air. Our prudent commander, however. gavs ths accessary orders to prepare for the worst. Additional aaebora were let grt, hatehce battened dowa, guns Secured, life liacs revs for aad aft, sad for a fe.w moments sll wss the orderly eea fusioa of a well-disciplined msn-or war preparing for action. Many hands made short work, sad la a few moments ws were prepared for say emergeaey, Teortble Ncico Heard. ''But our troubles then commenced. We were etnrtled by n terrlbls nolss on shore, ss of a tremendooe roar ot mus ketry, lasting several minute. Again the trembling earth waved to and fro, aad thia time the eea receded antu tae chipping , waa left straaded, while a far to araward a oar vision could reach we taw th rocky bottom of the eea, never before exposed te kumaa gaxe, with struggling fish and monsters of the deep left high aad dry. The round- bottomed ships keeled over on their beam ends, while the 'Waterec' rested easily oa her iloor-like bottom; aad whea the returning sea, not like a wave, but rather aa enormous tide, sweeping back, rolling our uafortunate eompaaion. ships ever aad ever, leav ing soms bottom ap and others masses of wreckage, the 'Watereo' rose easily ever the tossing waters, aaharmed. "From this moment 'the sea seemed to defy tbo laws of aatura. Currents rafi In contrary uirectioaa, and we were borne hero aad there with a speed we could a.t have equaled had wo beea steaming for oar Uvea, At irregular ia- tervala the earthquake ehoeke recurred, but aoaa ef them so vloleaf er loag- centlnued a th fink. "Th Peruvlaa aua-of-war America, said te bo tho fattest ship ta ths world at that time, had hastily gottsa np steam aad attempted to tot to eea. She was well oat when- tha receding water left her partly afloat aad broke her back, of course destroying her engine. With her fuunele' still vomiting black moke and apparently auder full com mand of her people, she backed dowa toward tho helpless Tredoaia', which waa thea rapidly setting In. towsrd ths Menwt as if Intending to help her, ' , FrodeaU ts Crashed. "Lieateaaat Commander Die'i oa mending the FredouIa' saw Ihe man euver, and, thinking the 'America Was eoming to their aid, aad that A aehrer approach would only involve them both in destruction, raa ea the poor 'find hailed the approaching ahip, thea but a few yardst distant; " 'America ahoy I Tea eaa do nothing, for ns our bottom Is crushed. Sar ' yourselves. Good bye Then dowa to his atatioa tmong hli sflsat, anshrtakiug srew he v raa again. The next 'moment the Fredosia wa crushed, aad ef that ill-fated com- Ba) V2&ax A. Guest ' WHEN A YOUNGSTER'S ON HIS KNEE. Whsa a youngster's oa bis knee, v Man's 'aa good aa a eaa be; Thea it seems his soul takes hold Of hia tongue aad taraa to gold All tha words ho utter low Telling tale af laag ago. Thea iia thooghta ara alwaya eleaa. Never selfish, never mesa, Thea hia touch grows, geatle, toe, Aa he runs hia fingers throng Silky curia like onee he had . Whea ha was a little lad. Whea a youagstere ea his kaeo , Man's as fiss aa ha can be, . Thia tha atrong arms that have tough) Bitterly for things they've sought Throb with tender aeas aad Twee, aot like aagol arms above, . Aad hs's proud that he eaa place . Kisess oa that little face, . A. '. his swoetaess babbles ap " Just liks wins witkia the cup. ' For-thoss few glad moments thea He it iaaoeent again. When a youngster's oa his kaee, Maa ia what he yearn ta be. Thea he turn away from strife -To th happiness of life Tarns away from oalfiah thlnaw .fa tha Joys which kiadaeaa brings; uiaage m laat merry hoar From a man of force snd power To a teacher, wise aad good 5 alking, living as hs should. -Isn't a groat as he eaa be ' With a yonngeeter oa his kaee, ' Copyright, 1B1, by Edgar A, Guest Anawora to Teateawayt Qasatlsaa. 1. A mule driver. 1 BeeauM of the fnr, which ia "grU aled," or a motley at black, white aad gray. I. A Bam applied to tha Argonauts who crossed tho Amerieaa coatiaeat to the Paciffc 4oaat ia 1849 following the sensational discovery of gold. a. A local name applied to a district ef resorts that formerly floariahed ia Saa Fraacisoot aa called boeaaeo Bailors returning from long voyagea were ac customed to excesses ia this district. 5. A two-auuted vasael, aquaro-rigged, with a foro-aad-aft mainsail. .Ox. 7. American educator; fameaa aa Su perintendent of School , of Chicago aow deceased. 1 Wlseonain. I V. The sport of sheeting with bow aad arrow at tt target. 10. The milk of eews and goats.' V How Qaeetiema. L fa What familiar expression does the name ot the city of Vewexurtls oc cur! - t Whe wore the Draidaf What tasigala does a Bentaaant eoloacl ta tha United Statea Army wear to deslgaute hie raakf ; ? ' 4. Ia arehitoetoT, what la aa arialf 1 Who la CoL E. M. Howost 1 What la Ue Lose Star etatef 7. What ia the capital city of the Re public ot Mexico t 8. What ia a haversack f 9. What are the six provineet af Canada! 10. Where aad what m tho Smith soaiaa Iastitatioat paay aot oao waa saved, while a couu-ter-eurreat catehiag th Peraviaa ahip drove her rapidly ia another direction. "About 8t30 p. m. Ue lookout hailed the deck aad reported a breaker ap proaching. Looking seaward, wa saw, first, a thia Uaa af phosphoresesat light, which loomed higher aad higher aatil It seemed to touch tho sky; iu erect, crowaed with the desth light of phos phorescent glow.-shswlng ths sallsn mssses of water below. Heralded by the thuadering roar ef a thouaaad breaker combined, the dreaded todal wave waa npon a at last. Of nil th horror of thia dreadful time, thi teemed th wont Chained to tho spot, belplceTto escape, with all the prep s rations mads which human akin eoald suggest, ws could but watch the Boa ster wave approach without the sustain ing help of actioa. That tho ahip could ride through tha masses of water about to onerwhelm aa seemed Impossible. We could oaly grip the life-line and wait the coming catastrophs. Bariod Under Water. "With-a crash oar gallant shin waa overwhelmed and baried deep beneath a semi-solid mass at sand aad water. For a breathless sternity we wore sub merged; thea, groaaiBg in every timber, th ataoaeb. old 'Waterec' atranhM again ta tha surface; with her gaspiac . ..in , .... . iuu cuaging so ine ure liaec eomc raw seriously wouaded. bnit aad battered: aoaa killed 1 not aaa am missing. A miracle it eeemed to as thea, Sad SX I look back throavk Am mm it seems doably mlraculoua aow. : ti mornint ana broke aa a amaa r detolafWa seldom witaoasod. Ws fouad oarselvea high aad dry la a little cove, or rather Indentation, ia the coastline. Wo Lad been carried eomo throe mime ap the coast aad nearly two miles ia- uaa. tbo wave tag carried as aver the sand dunes bordcriat tho oeaaa. stress a rallcy, aad ever the railroad track, Wavlag aa at the foot of tho sea toast raago ot Ihe Aadea. Oatht near ly perpendienlar froat of the mouataia ear navigator discovered tho marks at. the tidal wave. aad. by nsmmnk found it to have beea 47 feat high, not incmuing in como, uaa the wave car ried aa S00 feet further, wa anal u. evitably hav beea dashed ta pieces against the mouataia-side." , ' . Waaer party fa Tutors. Creedmoor, Aug. 13-Mrs. J. H. Pan. " gavs a delurbtfui diaser aartw evealng at her beautiful conn try home, la honor of the visitiag girla ia the community. Those enjoying the ecca- a i"MT, ,U," Pntteraoa, Apex; Sadie Thorlagtoa, Darham; Mar. gsret aad Rath Faama. CV.t..A. r. Ruby aad Flore ace fuller aad Loretta' Emory, Meotra. Joha Emory Foeter.aad Raymond Fuller and .Carmen Maatum. all of Creedmoor. , Mrs. X. H. Perry has sa h week UiMt Marnret and Bntk r.. of Oxford. ' T leara to bo content , k. -- ,. to lubside into a colorleaa - apathy. -V -- - , , ; - 1 "

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