THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. , THUItSDAY l.:orjaTa AUGUST 14, 1S19. ' 1 Society - FAITH-. . , To have had our faith and bold it "Gainst ill odds of doubt or fear ' Is to know the way me .conquer And rebuild the walla of cheer. To hare bad dream and beld it ''Gainst all shadow tad all gloom H to life a living gardea Of some old, enchanted bloom, Wealth aad power eaa yield ui nothing To compare with faith that sings Jo the soul with pong imradrtal . Whea tbe tempest spreads its wings. And to dresm and in the dreaming Keep the heart of dreaming youth, .It ia this that brings the sweetness . Of life's solace and ita youth. Bentitonn Bard. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Urovensiein 'tad children will leave (his morning 'for Savannah, Ga., to spend a month si Type Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett and . little dnuirhlnr. KUa ' Ga, are visiting Mrs. O. K. Whitsker, " of 19 Pesce street. l Mr. John Sprngue returns todsy 'from Wyaeille. K i -Kr.lMrt Gatlins returned yester day from Wilmington. i Mrs. William Corbctt, of Hender son, is visiting in the city. -. Mr. and Mrs. Fab Brown and Miss ; Carrie Mae Broom leave today for Vir , gtaia Beach and Washington. ,' Miss Jane Pescud leaves today for , a visit to friends in Richmond. ; Mrs. E. F. i'eseud leaves today fpr business trip to New York. . ' Misses Bessie Hinton, Louise Wright and Mary Watson leave todiy for Kanuga Lake, where they will spend . some time. Misses Hulrfs and Ma Jones and ' " Mies Budie Mae Baker, of Durham, spent yesterday in the city en route from 'Washington, D. I'., to New Hill. i 1 Miss Oil Branlinm is the guest of Miss C'oraleigli Bec'.on, of Fremont. Miss Breton lies also as Iter guests Miss . Bailey, of Smitliflcld, and Miss Howell, of South Carolir.i. Mrs. J. ('. Marahburn and dsugh- ters have returned from a three weeis' villi in ninsinn. i ncy were aeeom . pcaied home by Mrs. Coi. ; ' Mr. snd Mrs. W. A. Linehan are visiting relatives in New York. i. ' Miss Loula Thorn, of Airlie, was a visitor in the city Tuesday. Mrs. P. A. Tillery hits returned f, from Washington nfter visiting her s,!rr. Mis Virginia Puekett, of Sniilh- (Hd. was a visitor in the city Wed- nrsuev. . Miss May Bay left Wednesday for Durham, to visit her sister, Mrs. Hick i man Buy. ' Mrs. A. B. ViiU and children Are Upending some time in Farmville the guests of Mrs. Brarboro. I Mr. Boy, Belts i has returned from 4 visit to New York and Atlantic Ci'y. ' Miss Mattie Moye Adams and Dr. C. ( A. Ailams, Jr., of Durham, were isitors in the eity Tuesday. ' Miss Eunice TETHott, of Linden, who ne been spending some time in Mon--rat is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry London.. ' --Mrs. Lynn Wilder and Lynn Wilder, . ,tr.j have relumed from Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Baltimore where they have been spending the summer. : Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Spencer have . returned from Asbeville and B'.ac-k Mountain. They will leaveytoday to visit in Eastern Carolina. Miss Joyce Hand ridge, of Charlottes , ville. Va, is visiting Mrs. J.AE. Clark. Miss Maude Stanbark, of Missis sippi, who has been visiting Mrs. J. F. Rtanhaek, returned to Washington. P. C., where she is engaged ia war serr .,. ice. Mr. J. F. Rtnnback has returned from Mount Gilesd, . Mrs. Annie B. Ellington his re turned to the eit sfter spending some ' time at Ocean View and Old Point - Comfort, Va. v Jaa. Po Bailey Honor, x Mrs. Jas. H. Pou v. ill entertain on Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock t her. home on N. Blount street, in honor of her grandson, James H. Pou Bailey. AY FEVER Melt VapoRub In spoon and Inhale tbe vapors. VICKSVaAPO your BODYGUARD" -30 OO", T.W.Dobbin COMPANY Foriaerly Dobbin Ferrall . . talelgh'a YARD GOODS 8TORI - '. August Sale Curtain als , With- our other - curtain mkteriali w are showing a splendid line' of new Cretonnes, 35c to $1.00 a yird.Housekeepers should BeMhem. . .:, We Bell Jew Cash aad Mark Oar Geeda,at Cash Prices. LBjia, Materi fj VtI The Smart Costume , Demands , JEWELRY , The clever woman eoa lidera jewelry mora thai a detail of the cost a me. With (i she galas that elusive touch of style which makes her gowns smartly distinc tive. Experience hi taught her that the new designs in the very latest fashions in variably ore to be had at Jolly's. Whether she seeks Inexpensive or costly orna ments, she knows her de sires have been anticipated here. ' " Diamond Bar Pins i' Dinner Riais Pearl Necklace Brooches Lavalllerea Wrist Watches JOLLY'S Brtahliahri II tsara. J.llr a Wrnae Jawtlrr Ca, Inc. f is rrtUYlll Si. 9 , Mrs. Moseley III. Mrs. C. I Moseley continues very ill st her home on North Boy Ian avenue. Undergoes Operation. Engineer Benton Koontz is Improv ing, following au operation st Hex Hospital. Moved. Mr. and Mrs. Turner 8haw have moved from W. Jones street to N. Wil mington street. Improving. Master George Elliott london in im- proving after an operation for tonsils i "d adenoids. I ' Footer's Dye Works, expert dyers and I cleaners, of Cumberland, Md. Agency I at Llndlcy's, 19 West Hargett. J)ry i cleaning, dyeing, pressing. Phone 395. ' Dt livery service. Adv. Circle No. 1. Circle No. 1, of the Central Method ist church, will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. E. Budy, 4UH i N. Bloodworth street. G I ION-JON E8. Weddlag of Prominent Con pis Solemn ised at New Bera. New Bera, Aug. 13. A wedding, dis tinguished for its beauty and the prominence of both bride and (room throughout the Old North State, was 1 solemnised, in Centeaery Methodist church last evening Tit nine-thirty o'clock, when Miss Mary Louise Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones of this city became the bride of j Mr. John A. uuion, also of New Bera. Mrs. Garrison Farrow presided st the SLOW DEATH Achat, pains, nanrouanass, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL Mnff tosck rottW and oftsn ward of Osadrr dlsissis. Known aa ths aauonal vesnady ef Holland foe nor than 100 years. All druggist, la tare at. Originality Hsmessed into the than nels of good taste account fdr the popularity of Crocker's Footwear. Note the model shown above. It is made of White Washable Kid with 2i jnch Louis heel. Price $10.00 organ tad rendered a delightful reejUl before the arrival of the bridal party. Miss Eleanor Freeman, of New York, intimate friend of the bride, aaag sweetly "Calas aa the Night," by Rohm. At niae-thirty o'clock the atraiaa of Loheagnn s wedding march broke apoa the ear, and tbe first brides' maid. Mis Busaa Guion, and flrst groomsman, Mr. John Haywood Guion, Jr., proceeded dowa the maia aisle of the church. afThey were followed by the four ash ers, Mr. John Haywood Jones, Mr. Jer P. Zollicoffer. of Henderson; 1f. Robert Drane, of Edeaton, and Mr. William Griffin. The brides' maids. Miss Cora Mungcr, Miss Laura Ives, Misa Bophie Hollister sad Mis Cammie Hod mas, of Norfolk, Va., entered singly. The brides msids wore rose moire taffeta gonna, and carried bouquets of piak rwuaraey rose and tern. - The dame of honor, Mrs. Joha A. Joars, mother of the bride, wore handsome gown of black lace with jet trimmings, and entered alone. Mrs. Jones carried a bouquet of white roses and fern. The maid of honor. Mis Julia itryan Joucj, sitter of the bride, wore a turquoise blue satin gowa with flower decorations, snd carried snowsr oouquet or yellow roses. Youni Misa Leah Jones, sister of the bride, as flower girl, was dainty and sweet m wnite net over a blue frock. She earned a basket of pink Killarney roses tied with' tulle, and immediately prcceaea tne bride. The bride entered on the arm of her father, Mr. Joha A. Jooes, by whom she was given ia marriage. Her elenni bridaf-rohe was ofr-wfcrt satin with duchess lace, and court train. Bands of pearls ornamented the bodice, with a pearl tassel falling from the drapery mi ma docs, anu ine aecorauoas were of orange blossoms. The net veil was worn ia coronet effect. The laea of which the coronet was made was pre seuieu by tlio groom, and was msde in i ranee. The veil was fastened with a w.eath of orange blossoms. The bride's equisite shower bouquet wss of white orchids and white roses. Her only ornament was a platinum and dia mond lace pia , Ihe gift of tbe groom, The groom, with bis brother, Cspt. W. B. Bodmaa Guion, as best man. en tered from tbe aide aisle of the church, ami met the bride at the altar. The 1 Rev. Hillary A. Humble, nastor of the j Centenery, read tbe betrothal, and ring I service of the Methodist Episcopa enurcn impressively. ine organist discoursed soft, sweet music during tbe nliehtini of the troth bresking into the triumphant strains or Mendelssohn s recessional as the bridal party left the church. After the ceremony, at the home of tbe pride's parents on Broad street, a reception beautiful and informal, was held. The colonial residence presented a scene of brilliancy and splendor. In the spacious hall were stately palms, fetns and asters. Mr. John T. Hot lister ia black satin, Mrs. R. B. Nixon in white georgette, and Mra. Hayner Jones in white chiffon, greeted the guests at the door. Notwithstanding the inclement weather the reception was lsrgely attended by friends who showered the bride snd groom with congratulations and blessings. The bride is one of New Bern's most Early Fall MILLINERY BRIDES AND Ii S 1 ' Misses Badger & Denton Second Floor OTr T. W. Dobbin Co. Frank J.Moore,M.D., D.0.,D.C. GRADUATE PHYSICIAN SURCEON OSTEOPATH LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR Practice Limited to Chiropractic Adjustment. Specialty. Nervous, Chronic and. Spinal Diseases Associated in Practice With DR. F. T. HOFF, Chiropractor 217 Commercial Bank Building Phone 330 a C. H. FLEMING i.. Drugs We want your business. Give us a "try-out" on your needs or wants in Drug line. 1. ' "SERVICE Our "MOTTO Prescription work t givea careful aad preaapt atteatioa. A full Una ef Drags, Toilet Article. Btiadrie, aad Stationery. TRY OIB "FOUNTAIN" ON THESE HOT DAYS. CaM ar rasas' ... . . i V ' . "Arwara WelesaM" At FLEMING'S . C FUCMlXG, Dragglat J ,. fasa ITS, Raleigh Betel Bldg, popular and accomplished ybusg ladle. Wb possesses a snsrvelous voice, aad hss been a much appreciated soloist for the Ceatenery eoazresatios for sev eral year. . Her magnetic personality una ncr quoeniy oeauty commtad the admirstioa of all whs know her. 8h i aoted for her activities ia Bed Cross work s chairmaa of the New Bera or ganization, and her interest ia what pertains to eivie affair. ' The groom i a soa of Judge lad Mrs. Owea Guioa of this eity, and is a young and promising attorney, asso ciated with Guioa and Guioa. He In herits ths qualifications for a success ful career. Courteous and genial, he win the esteem of all with whom he comes ia eontaet. The marriage unites two of the oldest aad most prominent families of Eastera North Carolina. As the bride ascended the atair she threw tbe bouquet which was esught by Miss Monger. ' Tbe bride and groom left on the midnight train for New York and Nia gra Falls, where the honey moon will be spent. The bride's going-sway suit was braided taupe trirolette with hat to match. .. Marriage Aaaoaaced. Wilson, Aug 1.1. Announcements as' follows hive been issued: Rev. aad Mrs. R. ii. Von Miller announce tho marriage of their daughter, Adelheid Amelia, to Mr. George P. Clnrk, on Tues day evening, August 12, 1919, Wilson, I N. C. i At home after Angust 20th Hominv Heights. , -Named A Minister T Ptagwer- j Washington. Auar. 1.1. Ouni tih .1 K irolvi. iormer nremisr nf Hunirarv who escaped from his country in a row- boat after the signing of the armistic and later was imorisoned in Czorhn. 8lovakia, has been appointed minister from Huncarv to Pram, aeenrfins in a report received at the State Depart-' ment from Pramie. hasjut nn. ro. ' ports there. It's all riaht to meet trouhln half wv but don't go any farther. A DISCOVERY THAT BENEFITS MANKIND Two disooverie have added greatly to human welfare. In 1835 Nlwton originated the vac uum process for condensing milk with cane sugar to a temi-Uquid form. In 1883 Horlick at Racine.Wii., dis covered how to reduce milk to a dry powder form with extract of malted grains, aruaoaf cane sugar. This product HORUCK named Malta! Milk. (Name since copied by others.) Its nutritive value, digestibility and ease of preparation (by simply stirring in water) and the fact that it keeps in any climate, has proved of much value to mankind as an ideal food-drink from infamy to eld age. Ask far MOItUCK'S--AvM tasHattsM Husrh A. TKomnnAn. M. IV I iuoum aw mum ntnra to SUMfk - r i - - rami nsuus is Orthspaedia largwry IJ tarwtss mm4 swtfNaullMS W toss Msl aad ' 41S-41 ComiMrrlal NatiesaJ Bnk Bid. VUWKW M, UH 1X71. For VACATIONISTS Simple and Elaborate Styles 11 WILMINGTON RECALL NO? YET UNDER WAY Wilmington, Ajg. 13, The petitioners who want to recall Mayor P. Q. Moor and all six eouaeilmen, Including three eouaeilmen who are favorable to them, at last have compiled a petitioa carry ihg enough aames of qualified voters to demand a a election. Tbe recall, how ever, isn't yet under way. It is hinted that the machinery for holding tbe elee tion is inadequate aad there i belief that the whole thing will go into the courts. ' , - ..' t..,i . The reeall movement be eaa when after voting with them on aevera) prop ositions, it being generally understood that' he owed his election largely to them, Mayor Moor began voting aeamst the labor element s wishes, and finally ia a eity hall hake-up, ousted the two leading labor eouaeilmen from tbe police and fir department and de- Don't take 'chance with the bablea. Have something In tj HOCBai, ready at a mtn tito's aotloe: '"First Aid" that IStSi lm baby-a Ii' ' whU yea r waiting lor a doctor. Dr. Thacher' DiarrhoM Mixturt An old family doctor's pro cntKMO I or mw trou bles for wools family. All atores, e. atuns.i H. II no rsltef. hi swwfssra an rta T W sV ItSAVnaVn Ps.aaVtssVa'" WW ChAttanoofaV Tcniw U. S. A. HOTELS AND BE80BT8- Virginia Mineral Springs HOTEL aad BATHS Craig Cs, Va. A thoroughly modern and up-to-date Health and Pleasure Besort, oa the Appalachian Divide of the Alleghanies. Easy of access. Seasonable rates. Ask for booklet. J. D. FORSYTH, Manager, Hipley Springs, P. 0., Va. L. C WEATHERS Doctor of CHIROPODY aad ORTHOPEDICS Practice limited to Disease aad peformltle of the Feet 117H Fayettevilla BU Raleigh, N. C. Missei Reese & Co. lH Fayettevill Street Showing of Fall and Early Winter STYLES Aagast aad September Bride will Sad all they deetre to select front. PHONE ttt Dr. Dexter Blanchard Dentist 4SS-C T acker RALEIGH, N. C Baildiag Bell Phone t 815 . r KODAK F I N I S,H I N G "The Beat la the Bute" 24 HOUR SERVICE Writ for price list or just mail us your film sad w will send statement. Siddell Studio -Dept. B." RALEIGB. K. C CHAS. RAY A. ILa iMi Today Charles Ray . Constance Talmadge "THE SHERIFFS SON" "HAPPINESS a la MODE" - ' ' . - WHY NO T S EE T HIS PROGRAM AND SATISFY YOURSELF moted them to inferior positions ia the administration. Local labor feel that it elected the ary4h aad expected hint to do anytbinc they wished. :t now de- tnaads that ha be recalled, and if aa leetioa is held, labor ia expected to ga sgainst him aad three of the council ajea. " : ' No Date Far Beariag. ' '" Washington, Aug.' 32. Procedor of tha Senate investigation, isfo Mexico a affairs, caused by a recent resolution, was discussed today by the foreiga re lations subcommittee beaded by Sena tor Fall, Bepubliean, af New Mexico. No date for beginning the bearings wss set,-pending 'consultation with tU full committee. ,, 'K ! . i'V-tlf-"'- , Baa'Ts. "1 vaderstand tha-alimony elnb has agreed oa aa economical plan of liv ingt "I suppose a alimony club bas aat- tFirai; Fall Mts&Cwts We Were Fortunate Enough to Make An Early Purchase of Coat Suits and Coats Which have already been delivered to us. We have them on our racks, at a price that will save you from $5.00 to $15.00 on each suit. These suits will last only a limited time and you shouldn't do yourself an injustice by waiting to pur chase later, when such bargains are offered you for early buying. EFIRD Superba TOPAY WILLIAM "The Mints of Hell" With the Big Thing f tha Take aa tha Bachgraaad. fATHE NEWS S tha News Happen. Smiling BILLY PARSONS Cotnady. FRIDAY aad SATURDAY PAULINE FREDERICK .in. "The Peace of THE BIG BILL Two Stars You Know Them. A Double Bill For The Same Money. A Rare Opportunity t rally t husband its mcsss. Balti asore Americaa.'.-; ; ' -- C"'i J '.' i I Anyone Now Caa Have ". Pretty Curb aad Wa.ves v J Hare's a hair corliac eaent that is st ddtdly "worts, while." At Mtjaae affhr a Httl HasM atlsBtrlas srtlh . elssa tosU , brash, srawfcaa Uw Sown the hair trass seat to U. Ia the sssmma wass ivt htk at ssar saimr tws srTU bs aatsshhsd aad ae Hatrtas to An Mr hair as artoi to a SMotlfal cwrls as jae ae vsra. Ths vairtoM will took as nstnral as ss will wass K was srtiaciaJly SKOstras. - Yss caa satais Uaat sflsMilns at mmr Srae stats and s few onaeas will hut a bo It is aaitbsr stick war arasay as atoaaast to ass. It is daaM aasfal baaaas s( aba sarHna a a haseSiilal araMiaa, ka- in tha bair saft. silk aad sastraas. aimt ana trial vaa will aar as back to ths bar. barsas sarliac irsiw (Adv.) .-, Theatre DESMOND .in... Roaring River 7 Z Constance TALMADGE 0