.' ii:itj:day i..6rj,a august h 1910! T112 r,vs aj;d ozzmvtst y -1- mmm tfejcnt 'of Association ; of Manufiiturers'Thinki , It Dfiftfierow wtaaiagtaa, lag. ii-tka tlun pka ftf MftfaniMtloa tf tat raUraafla ra ' ' auraattriatd -M tai Srtt ttiB tkraagh . ttt tMwiy 41 Suta ilUui ta tit . oaaittioa at traaMtrtatlaa tad ladai try aadar a Strict eeitrql," lit ft Itatf auat laknuUta. today ta tht Boom la , taratatt Cumatw Ctfeatittta bjr Sta M 0. Haaaa. aratUta. at tat Katlaaal Aftfttlatlaa l Saaaalaifairtrt. ' Ta anociatioa, with membership of if lliousand, conteaded that it ni not all tat right, but tha duty of Coo fitt ta utteM iU aathorityaad filt thl limita witbia which aaittttsa aM or working men, capital Sr labor, tatplcy.r Ar tmployi, may go In threat Iftlaft tha transportation of tha nation -ai Meant of compelling aeeepttMt at . a4tftli demandi or politic) polled'1 "Otatrett.'lt Hdld, "matt ltbr alt ittiirt the prottetioa tl ta part ' atauat Intmtt of MI public it tht ton . tiaaad operation ef tht railroad! ar diMta iU regulatory authority t Mlflih ant lrrtaponiiblt Maablaatioa tf prl - rata person." v SANDHILL FARMERS W URGE CAMP BrtAQQ f (CaatJaaid frasa Pag One.) prMulgattd by tht railroad adminit tra: - ' , fit director gtaeral all tttutd ln ttftlotioai for tha traaaratlaa and flu "Sag tf tariff!' Which will provide for A Hat of ratea apoa export traffic from point in Ohio, Indiana, Illinoli, in eladlag cltlra located on both banal tf tat) HiMiaalppi river from Dsbnqut, low to 6t.' Louis. Mo., inelnstvi; alM frta polnta in the Southern penin aulat of the State of Michigan to the port! of Wilmiagtoa, Qeorgttowa, Clatletton, Savannah, Bmnrwirt, Jack. aotvlile, PenaacoUi Mtblle, Gulf Port an! New Orfeani. tht ftaeflt bale t bt mploy-B in arriving at the ratei U the Mew York domeitie rate, or, in Cthtf worda, subjinatially tht tame MtM on export to thtst South Atltatll aid gulf port! at apply to New York if0ia the tame pointi tf oflgla. Tha ts p9rt ratea to Key Writ will bo the arttl diffcrcntiil above the South At lattU porta." 'Hovemeata ti Tar Btala. 0 fll ofilet of Bopreaentative 8. it. Bfiatta today obtained pMiporte for tM tdmiation into tht United State! of Mfa Snikery Salem an., four children, U Ire now reiidiog in Syria. Mr. BnltM it a morehant tf 9w Bera and hat fete a citizen of thia country for aiat yeara. Whoa hit wife and children reath New York it -will fcr tMIr flft obfettatioa Of America. i!lttor Kenneth MeKellar, of Tn 'ttetatl, baa definitoly accepted an invU Utitt to addreu tht tltlMhi tf Ottlds boN, tht date of the apeakibg tt bt flitd later. Senator MeKellar aertpted 'thjrnvttotlott extended him by Hopre. aettative Brinann lad he wlll ainwtf tht tbeeeh of Senator Jamei A. field, wM apoke in oppoeitioc to the League ef Kationa in Goldsboro tome time ago. - fflfatt Art'-Hir Fou, of tht Sixth Ma tlfl Keghaeut, ii a guest of his ui:cl, XtHeaentative E. W. Pou, at the Shore baB Hotel. . M. Allen, of Louiaburg, was a visi tbf it the Xatio:iut Capital today, tobacco Shipment Imbarso. iehltor 8imnioa and Smith of South Carolina visited tho Railroad Adiuinit trotloa thia afternoon nnd presented to him tht seriousness of tht so-called embargo upon toLareo shipments from th warehouse to tht drying houses. Aftef presenting the facta they were - ttsufed that immediate action would h tiket with ft view tt relieving tht lit ' tatita. KldtlXG DEVKL0P9 INTO iKfilOtll SHOOTING. -"fttrit. 111., Aug. 13. Two members of tht Keystone Wirt and Steel Com pr)yj where rioting occurred today whta strikers elashfd with deputy thtriffl, were shot Ind aerWusly in jurtd when they werd leaving tht plant ttaifht. A watchaua at tha plait alto waf Inot in the back by snipers. Armed strikers flrtd n tht plaat at intafvils, according to reports. Deputy sheriff! declared they had despaired of leaping peaea and Sheriff Hinea con- fertfd with Major G. W. Russell, of Ootlrftor Irtwdaa'l ttaff eoaeeraiag tht need tf troof. ni - - PEABODY ALtmoaE. MD. N Vf)l Bneoint Mwtotl iMtOnknt. OmritM iralM iiTiss la ui if i1tt i UWt IB.IW 6 1 1 r. klti OlN-IM iralMlw. CTmurt i liiiiiiiHiiimitiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy Nortk Carolma'a Muaical Ctmtor Player-Pianos Ampico Reproducing Piano , Sheet Music Music Rolls' J ... ; i,-', Dzrcell & H:zas i m 4 m X J. T. BOWLM, Mgr. 51 Piaiioss Road Convention takes New - Hold Oft Its Problems ; ' " (CMttattd fro Fagt One.) ' Ctkfrlsa,' fattlvtd tht tadoratmlat tf tht thrlt ptahira tf tha tfttmtoft etalta, Uett beiif altary t), IhirWy, MareUry tf tit Highway laduttrltt Attetistioa cad rtdtrai Highway Cmd ail) M. O. tldridfft, dlrtetor tf Baadi tf tht Ameriaa Aatomobllt Aatttia tion, tad A. V. Johnson, consulting highway llgiaetr If thl PUnd C ttent jUtotlatioa, s ; . Mr. thirlty'a idea tf hatlag froa twt tt four pef cent tf tht highway! tf tht country Wilt aad cared far by tha federal governmont, at pravidtd for by tht Towanad bill, and tf kat lag from 11 tt 13 per cent tf tht prei aat ttBitnprovid roadi of tha eaaatry Kflatrutttd liil malntalnld by tht ButM, at yrtvidi for partUlly aider tht present federal aid plan, met with the approval of-the delegate! and. tha association trill psst aamt resolutions aionf thla liaa. . v miltlait lew st try. ' ,'fl. -v Thi Otad load AtaacJatiaa f at !t telf ta list ftr mora iattatiti work ia tha fnturi by deeldlaf to ip1ef ft wholl-Ultit tettittryt wht will hold lit trlet nuttings, tad conduct a itreaaau taaipiigas for mimberi, whka Dr. Joteph Hydt Pratt, predated a at tonititutlon, whleh will flva thl M latin tammlttet tl tht .ntMotatttli brotdtf.fowari, thlt will U toted oh fridy Preildint W. L MoOlrt rallol iha eoaventioa to order at 11 t'lloeh, tha laroeatlta btlag offired by Btv, 3. H. Shari, ef Wilmington. - Addresses of welcome were extended by Roger Moore, of tho Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, and Mayor thos. H. Wright of WriBhtavillt'Beaeh, and appropriate response wort feada by Otl. H, B. Ttr air, of Laxlhgton, for tht Oood fetadl Association A. M. MeDoaald at Charlottt, for the county commlsaionert, aad President C. M. Vaattory, of tht State Antomobile Association. "Tht best evideac tf tut appraeia iita of your witttma la that we tome Igaia aad agsia Ind will tontinut Id eorte again again," declared Colonel Varner ia a half-minntt addreat that la claimed as a world record for th6rv nx on inch teeltiaal. . Tha conHntiln got In working ardor la a hdrrt with tht readiag t thl Mrtarv of President McGlrt's annnal report. It war a glowing picture tf road progress that ha pictured with twenty mlllloa dolltrt ia aoaai itr nignway construction voted during tht tht past font taoathtj Prtildent MoGlrt taw ia thla a challenge to make Ust of tht "tfrmeadotfl poaflblllMel" of tha fntuft and arged that the association take steps to tNurt legislation which will commit the Stats to a system of hard surf aM roads, eoanllting tht principal county leati aad principal ritiei of tha State. The eoavittitn quickly begaB put ting tha preitdeat'a recommendation into operauoa by deciding to nave a whola-tlina seentafV. who will Coaduet an active campaign for members and wba will conduct dtitrlct meetings tt further interest in the cause. Ov&tion for Miat Berry, V.nni tn thm MllMt work at Mitt ft. M. Berry, thl aatirilg secretary of the association aanng me pan year, wert vociferously tpplaadid aad thl wi foEForl to bow her ackaowledaw- mentl of thl eratloa. Misa Berry presented tht report of the secretary and treasurer, which told a story of enduring work done through the strenuous effort! of herself and the undaunted leaders of the good roads forces of the State. "We didn't get the kind of road law wa wanted for tht State and while we trl aot repudiating it, ttill wcra tot ' -X. B Careful What Yen Wath Your Hair With Moat soaps and prepared ihampooi Contain tot muek alkali, which la ttry Injurious, Is it drlM the tealp aad BUkes tht hair brittle. Tht beat thing to aU ii Malallltd e loanut oil shampoo, for thl! ll part aad entirely greaseles It'l Very cheap aid bests anything else all to pieces. Toil can get this at any drug atore, and a few atlftcM will last the hol family far m on thi. Imply moistta tha hair wHh Water and rub It in, about a teaipoonf ut it all that it required. It mukea aa abuad auea of rich creamy lather, clean set thoroughly, lid riasee Out easily. Tha half dries aniekly ftad ttialy, and is toft, freah looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to bandit. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dladrttff. Adv. New Arrivals ' - . - Every Day Today It Was J A They are magnificent. and in all colon. We hive Sip -over, Silk ind Mohair Sweaters. $5.50' $9.98 Buy from Freah Stock , Sms:. i'-Z'i -V;-" ON TIIS CUSY CORNER ft Ellisberg's II tAlf RABttlTT ItHItt 4 f Sweaters brtnf ftbout It, laid Jud'gt PfalcU D. Wlnltoa, ckllrmia tf tht ItgialaUva eommittea, wht boldly challenged any aft wht thtafht ht Maid tecart a better State road law tat tf ft Oeatral Assembly tt tomt forward immediately. . Chilrmia MeDoaald, of tha segiilatlvt tlmatittta tf tht State temmiaaioatn, wai glad tt report ht had gottta through hi bU tt auk! haakt pay taaM la thi aititt aad toaatiet ia which they wait located. M. O. tldrldge, or iS riart with tha Valtad Butta Bartaa if Good Btada, bt twatly rtalgatd tt htttmt ft dl teetir tf tht American AattmtbUt Aa tteiatloa, wu lahtdaltd ftr an ad drtia at tht morning itetiot, hat a lata traia delayed hit arrival, aid ht ipikt la tht afttraooa. . Argaea M Nallaaat Highway. Itartlftf Uh Otorft Wuhinrta, tha advocated tha Cumbtrlaad road thriagh Mary bad aad Virginia, apoa which tht Federal government spent seven million dollars ia Jtffertta'a ad ministration, Mr. Eldridgt showed that a national highway system wai la tht minim ef tht founders tf tha glvera miatt Hi couldn't grow eathuiiastie Mr tat ftreaiat rederal aid Blah, bt Man it lift tht iaiaiveahrd thrd shr HUM it left thl latitiativt " tt tht BUM aid Id tat maayicaset to tht taaatlaa thtaatlvaa. Hot could ht bt lama aptlmiitla aver tht present vogue fhaildlag dirt roads. Hinry 0. Shirley, who galaid aa (ianal reputation through hit wdTk ia building a States system of totda ia Maryland, Ulked facta aad visleai with icjual facility and iloquenee, aad wot iaihaaltl WrpotH from hit an dleaee, la each field. . Two ad a half miliioa miles of roads will inehtdt all uaimproved highways in tht TJaited Statea, he said. Classification If road! wis hit theme, lad ha pointed tat that tot all tf them Seeded tht aamt hind ef imptovemtnt Mapping tht relation beiwtia Ittloa, State and eoaaty, ht exptaiatd that ft billion dollart a year for tht aex4. tea tr flfteea yeara thould iva thia country a msgnifleent tyttem of roadt, "Toft lly yta art tot poftr. U ihontld, Iftor admitting that 11 wa! at ambitious program. "I say yta mutt build in self-defense if 'for Bt tther natoa." Oood raid! actually meaa better rt Ugioa' ht Malataiaed aad backed it up with a ttatemeat from aa Episcopal church paper. "They pat peoplt la eoa tail With tata athtr, they mafca foUl lesa atlflsh and more iattrtafid ia each atbtri welfare. "Whit wa need ia visloa,' ht declared. "Tod may say that thia ia a dream of a dretftttr. Think God tht peoplt who havt dreamed add hava aot btea dead GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, tAN ,N Try Hi Makt thlt lemon Mltn to wtilttn your tanntd tf fVtahltd akin. iduaata tht juiet tf two lemtat into a bottle etataiBing three anattt tf Orchard White, ahakirell and yon havt a quarter piat tf tht beat freckle, tun barn aad tta lotioa, aad eompltioa wbittntr, at vary, very small etat. Tour grocit hat tht lemons lad any drug atore or toilet ewintar will aapply threo ouufet of Orchard White for a few cents. Maetatt thil sweetly fragraat lotioa tato Ut fact, aatk, ami and hands and ttt how qnlckly the freckles, lunbura, windbnra aad tan disappear thd how dear, toft lad white tht alia become. Test It il htrmle s.--Adv. One of the AT 6 c (ofolCCKd; KC. ; 250' Middy SUITS Thdle that sold up to $9.05 Colors: Rose, Tan, Nary and Cadet Blues, White, Green, Light Blues, Gold ; lllade of best Quality Middy Jeans, A An Reps and Pongee. For the last call sale tj)i a a O ' j 1 1 1 t : iODott PUin Voilei, Stripftd Vollai, Orfindie; i qq values $2.98. Last call sale only, each . P 1 1 170 T I HE TO THINK ABOUT . KEROSENE TRACTOR ENGINES HUSKERS AND SHREDDERS PAPEC FEED CUTTERS CORN SHELLERS FEED MILLS , v CORN MILLS WIRE FENCE , v WAGONS ' tat Banhela Now Cm Criatata Cltvat' getd tad One llwaaaad Ptaadt Taralp latd J net Btetividi Writi ftr Prteaa. 1 ' vt tverythlag fat Farm and CJaidtm, JOB P. WYATT ;& SONS CO. RaIeiSh,N. C atleep havt beet tht people who hive advtatod tht world tt ita preaeat ttage tf progrcat , 1 . Following tht tddrett of Mr. Johaaoa. wht talked eoairett roads, aad proved that tat caving la operation tf trucks ta them from gasoline alone - wonld futtify tht building tf taeh roads at hoflM a mile,, CoL Jotcph Qydt Pratt aude tht last addreea of tht afteraooa. Aa lavlutioa tevatttad tht State eoaa ill.tt bt held at tht falversity of toiik Cartliaa September 15-20 wai Ix aded ta behalf of tht lastitution by ltl Uvt librarian aad thief publicity maa, Dr. I B. .Wilaoa. tht profettor iavited tht good roads' people to come aver aad learn at first band from State officials just what tht Ltat General At ttmbly did dt and how taerrolatt the laws tt make them word to beat ad nata. President McOIrt backed up tt. wilsoa'l rtetmmeadatloiii, taking tha temmUiloncn tlpecislly tt ba ta hatd. . Chalrmth Pig aad tlhrr offlclali tf (ht State Hlghaty-comalMloa ara tt teadlag tht convention. Btyat BaterUlafteBt Col. Jim Cowan, tha hunting teert tary tf tht Wllmingtoi Chamber tf $ommett, brought down a wagoa load tf tigari this morning for tht ielegitit and RqtaritB'Ocorga Galvia, who ruai a maaufactnriig establishment between timci presided at ana of tha new aty't Stomach Out of Fix? Thone your grocer or drtlggist lor a doten battles tf thii delicious ditejttnL a tlati with meals givea delightful relict, or fte chirte.iot tht krtt doaea weed. Shivar Ale fttmt oltuilvt aHaiJict aitn IHIVal tHICIAl WATII III tincti Nothing lik tt tor reaovating old wora-oat itoenacKl. Coo retting food iOio rich blood and sound fleth. Bottled tad laaraatted by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring. Shel tat, & C. Ii vowr regular dealer ; supply you telephone PORTER CANDY CO, Duanmnttri ftr Maleigh, NOTICB. K'orth Cirolina Wike County, la the Superior Court, Frkneea Hicks Petersou verini Frank tVtersoo. Tho defendant above named will takl tot ice that an action entitled al above has btea commenced la tht Superior Court of Waka County, North Caro lina, said action being brought by tht plaintiff for tht purpose of securing a decree tf divorce from tht dtfand aat aad tht said, defeadaat will fur ther take aotie that ht ta required tt appear before tht llerk tf tht Borterlot Cowrt tf Kid county, on Mtaday, the 8lh day tf SapUmbtr, TtftS, at tha oarthouie tf the laid county in Balelgh, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint la Mid actioa tr tht plaintiff will. apply tt the court' for relief demanded la said complaint. Thia 13th day of August. 1019. VITRUYTU8 KOVSTER, CWrh of Superior Court tf Wake County. s Last Call. ban, tef which tttft tefved lei cold lemoaadt aid traagt tda-Hiil frt. tlaudt Elam, wht it dewa fot tha summer directing tht trlhtatra far tm mlaa ptvilioa, had hit moskiaal avtr ftr tht morning seatiea tad tha mum claai liveaed thlagt ap with teat lltily tariea. i : ft ;,,.--. Tht big aodlttrhim ta Harbat tilaaJ, whii'k ia brofdiely decorated with p trlotie eolort, likeWat baa heal be decked with auneroul poller which, bring meiagea right htntt ta tht dele gate. For laitiael, thtrt'l "Build ft Bighwiy from Xtt Sara tt Wllmlng- HUDSON-BELK CO. "Threshold Prices" is the new expression among the trade It ftieft.nl that, owing to rapid fluctuation in markets, prices quoted A prospective purchaser are not guaranteed after the purchaser crosses the threshold going out For Those Late SUMMER DRESSES We Suggest A Lovely FLOWERED VOILE Our Voile Sleek CrailaU One lot Voiles, flowered 35c and 50c kind, now All Voiles thftt formerly 48c, reduced to , . - , lnBhy lt" ' - jiaw"' Why Vi ICaro (Red Label) and Vi Sirjar io Better Than All Sugar for Preserving FREE The toi tettft tawaUM the wttt tot ka tht aa Maty tiaUt aaft Can rraSatta Cetk Stoct. ShtnttfttBy Ulaatrattd-aad tuxaarJafta pfton ft aratwtlria, att. Itltaaa. WriUM today ter K. onariougar I Makes berfedk . jams.fcUies and pmsrves. M '. ' -T-- r:r.r. -.-.., :".": hv'?' ton Peaair lad Nt ' fittorer Cat Help," paiattd la boa-car Itttert big tatugk for everybody tt tee. THri'a It be etislderablt doing to mertott, end tf tha big treats being a tour avtr New Hanover county in tht afteraooa and while en route witnessing damtiifratloaa tf hew tt get rid ef metqaltoea by dralaagt tnd how to build . aid maintain roadt. Sevtra! ttatapt Irft ta ba blow a ap by dyaft mlti at a aaft dlstaaea from town. A watirmtltft feast comet at tht tn.l. , Jimetrflw la turaed aver to tht com mlseloairtT They aill itart th day of Platda, Flowera, Stripea, etc Select From. and pltlds, th )0- All 65c Voiles ment of colors, reduced to. ... amt7L Our Voiles flowers and now sold for 39c i Mtqr mere women would do home-prcsetv-tog If they could be sure that their telUet wouldn't run to liquid or get "candied.' -The way to-be sure is to use only half as much sugar as the recipe cafis for said fill up the measure with Karo (Red Lbel). Karo is a wonderful help ta preserving even to the most experienced housewife. This fine dear white syrup has a natota! afSaity for the fruit juices. It blends the juice with the upuH'riftf out the full 'fruity" flavor. It insures a rich, heavy syrup In c&rmed and preserved fruit and firm, mellow jams and jellies without the slightest tendency to grow tough of candy in the glass. Karo assures even the beginner of producing rich, smooth jams,' jellies and preserves that any woman may be tmi rCatsaiarhlraeai , laMaf a-4 CaairlMrJdB Kara (Jtacf Lbl) It attft la mlUioot all ceoatag aaft baalac aaclpitaat Karo tnaitad ai togar. It ia twttt, 4 dalkatt Saver, tnd Maga eat tbtaataral flavor tl taa food. corn rRooycTasmmo company r.aSaalf MntrtrftCila T. B. NORR1S, Smh$ KrtmtiM 1711 Hurt BtBdlag AtUata, C. with aa tddrtti by Corpotatita C. mimlonef A. i. Maxwell, "wht la t'- t to talk oa revaluation of taiabit prow eriy. Thtrt will bt nulla ft few ad dreeara ta ttaaty prtblimt. ii completely Mined lut tf tad tytUm by. thi ealtbrattd ftkinr ftUaarfti Water. Positively txaraatecd by waey-baek offer. Tattea Int) ttata a ttlflt. Ueliv t.ad anywhtrt by tar lalilgb AjSBU. Porter CaoCy Co. Phtaa thl nu -Adv. About 2 00 Pieces to with A large tsiort- iQm thftt sold for 75c include novelties, CO rm. 'iJaC proud to serve. tl btotta. In I ' itttstWtMsaStstMlliMWtsiiu K7.

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