THE NEWS AND OBSERVER THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1919. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1919. -k ' ' ' ' EVE CRUSHING BLOW Cincy Reds Administer Two Defeats And Are Now Lead . ing 6 t-26ames. New Tork, Aug. 13. The pennant i hopei of tbe( New Tork Nationale re ceived a crushing blow hero today, wheaT Cincinnati, won. both garnet of a 'doable-header and advanced ita lead to v 1-8 garnet 'in' the National Letcue championship Tace. Tht Bedt won the first game, 4 to 3, and repeated in the ,' second, t to 1. The' crowd that aaw the two garnet hat aTr been approached hero before, , outside of the world tenet garnet, and vit exceeded mott of thote. liong be fore the first ' camt wat over the en tire, grind ttaad wat told out, while thousand! ttood in tht titles. Then the spaeioas bleachert were crowded, the entire crowd being citlmated elott to 0,000. .. .- Seathoawa Do Work. The Oiaatt fell before tba tkill of ; Cinernanti'i two left-handeri," tht Youngest Buether. and the- veteraa Bailee. Buether boat Nehf, the newly acquired left-hander, ia the Urtt rims, tie from Dous-hs In the second same. It wan the firtt time Nehf and Doug lat had appeared on tba Polo groundt . in- New York uniforms. New'Vork got off to a two run lead in tba aecond inning on ainglet by Chase and Zimmerman, a wild -throw by Koale and a tingle by Snyder. Nehf went wild U the third, when Cincin nati took the lead by aeoriag three , runs. Ruth walked and Daubert wat " tafe on Nehft wild throw. A patt to Groh tiled the batet. Koutch then hit aacriflce fly. aeoring Ruth, and when N'eale wat hit, tiling the batet again, " Kopf tingled, tcoring Daubert and Groh. Groh hit a home run in the fifth inning. Tht Giantt teored their third rna in' the eighth on Fletcher! bate on kallt and Chase's triple. Two ten satiooil ahoe 'ttring catchet by Kauff featured. Glanta' Errata tartly. Errort by the Giantt lost the teeond tame for Douglat, tnd Cincinnati'i two runt were made in the fourth ia slog on Giant errort. Chase fumbled . on Roush, who advanced to teeond on Keel's aacriflce. Kopf wat tafe on an error and ttola, teeond. South and - Kopf teored on Magee't tingle, the i Tetcmn'i only hit of tho day. Bailee p'tched remarkable game against hit old comrades, at only twenty-eigni Glanta; went to 1 at. He permitted only three Jiitl. Two men were thrown out Stealing, and Gonzalet teored. He doubled in the third inning, advanced to third on a wild pitch and ttole home y. Pint Gtmt. Score by innings: S. H. E. Clete. . W. , L. Pet. CkJcage "... (1 M . Jl Detroit 37 41 ' JMS Cleveland 4...:..,.... IS 41 Mi New Tork ............ M 44 Mi SCUaU ............. 31 4S Mt Boston 4( II .474 Wahlngtea 49 M .4M Philadelphia ......... 11 , O j: I Cincinnati 003 010 0004 II Newark 020 000 0103 Batteries i Buether - and Baridea XeafTttobue and Gonzalet. ",isi;(; - ' . ' - Second Came. Score bv Innings: B.H. E. 'Cincinnati .000 208 0003 5 Kew.Tork 001 000 000 1 3 3 Batteries: Bailee and Wingo; Doug lat and Oonzalee. MAM AUX WINS OWN GAME WITH TWO-BASE BLOW. Brooklyn, Aug. 13. Brooklyn lott the f rat tame to Chicago today. 4 to 3, but won the aecond game, 3 to 2, in thir teen innings. Wtrd tingled in the , thirteenth, took teeond on Miller't out and teored on Mamaui't double. Flack waa kit on tba hand by pitched ball ia the third inning of the flrtt game and retired after tcoring a run. Ward batted for Brooklyn in the third in nine:. 'tad died to' Robertson before it wat noticed that only eight Cubs were ia the Held. Magee went to right and Ward batted again aad wat thrown -lit by Holloebtr-- .4 Pint Game. Score by innings: . B.H. R Chieag 022 000 000 I Brooklyn 000 001 0203 6 I Batteries: Vaugha and Ktllifer "Pfcfftr aad Wheat. Second Came. Score It lno!ngt: B.H.E rbieafo ....000 000 020 000 0 I 8 1 Brooklyn ..100 010 000 000 13 14 'Batteries: Hendrlx. Bailey, Martin "ad OTarrell: Daly, Mamaux aad Miller. 1 HOME SITN DEFEATS KOBINI IN 14TB INNING, ' Boston, Ang. M.-Bouthwerth't home ram to right center oa the first ball Ditched by Budolpn in toe rourteenm gave Pittsburgh a 3 to 8 .victory over Boaton ia tne nrat 'game or int se tiaa today. . ' . - 8c art by inniags: B.H.E Pitttburgh .000 010 010 000 013 1(1 x . Botton ....008 000 000 000 008 9 Batteriett Cooper aad Blaekwell; Bu dglph aad Gowdy. NEW BHOOTINS CHAMPION, Chachrt. EL. . Aug. 13. rrank Wright, champion of Now York, won the ' American amateur trapthooting tingle targett ehampionthlp today after a tie nt 199 ont of S00 with B. D. Morgan, f Washington, champion of the Distm of Columbia, and Joha Williomt Akard, of Tair Play, Mo.. 7 ttala.4 laaaaa steUnoi .iaalalatnttaa. '. V Announce! Roond Trip Ezenraion Fart r'f v : to' . " lV"! KASHOBE RESORTS Norfolk Southern Railroad SUMMER, EXCURSION PARES v,'. ' : to : , ' - ' . TblMa tihdi. Ye. Hwmi CNy, N. C T Capo Brr; Vs. iMofort. N. C . ' Norfolk, Vs. Ku'i Hoaa, N. & , 1 1 Masrtts, N. C ' Tltkets aa solo eslhr tatU Ssptnsnw It, itlt, gaol limit lor roten Ottobor li, lilt. - - WEEK END KIOnUHON , ' , raiu. , , To stoot aataol tolirta, TMtot oa oolo oach Botwday one Sanaay an til nrw Wr T, ItltAftaol llmrt tot rotwa to Tue aar Wtowlnt .0 of Hit. - for OftoH brfmotlhr, oaly to SMOMat tlcaat trrt or writs VoaoroJ Tl Standing Of Clubs NATIONAL Clane. v - W. L. Pet. CladaaaU ........... M- 31 .W7 New Tork 11 33 S2t Chicago 13 43 Ml Plttabargh .-. ...47 It AtU Brweklyn 47, II AM Beaten ... 87 U . MZ PklladelphU ......... 38 IS JS9 St. Loan ............. 33 IS OSS AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL. . INTERNATIONAL I Onba. v W. L. Pet Baltimore ............ 77 II JM6 Tertato Tt 43 -' .SJ Bafalo aT M J63 Newark II 14 Ml Blaghsmton 14 87 .4 Rocheater ...A (47 41 M Jeraey Otyl ...'4i H ... J6 Reading .... 34 71 Ml SOUTH ATLANTIC CUhe. W. L. Pet. Charlotte 44 32 J7S Celambls 43 32 MS GreenvlUe 41 37 s J2 Charleston 40 36 J2C Angatta 3 4 74 Spartaabtrg 23 31 V J2 VIRGINIA. Clabe. W. L. Pet. Richmond 1 Alt Newport Newa ....... 17 1 .513 Norfolk 1 " Jll Portamoath 13 1 .194 SaSolk 13 ' 1 .481 Petenbarg 13 18 Mi e 'y Where Tliey Play j NATIONAL PltUbarg at Boaioa. ' Chicago at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New Tork. 8t. Louis at Philadelphia. AMERICAN Open date. Baseball Summary NATIONAL At Phlladelphla-St. Louie, both gamee lain. At New Tork 3-1; Cincinnati 4-2. At Broehlyn 3-3; Chicago 4-2. At Boston 2; Pittsbargh 3 (foarteen inangs). AMERICAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Milwaakee-ladlaaapolia, grot not wet. At St. Paul 3; Leaitville 7. INTERNATIONAL. - At Reading-Rochester, wet groaada. At Jeraey City 2; Toronto 8. . At' Baltimon-Blnghamton, groundt wet. At Newark ; Bafalo I (ten lanlagt) At Jeraey City II; Toreate I (teren inniaga by agreetaeat). SOUTHERN At Memphis I; A tit at a 8. At Little Reck T; New Orleans 1. At Nashville 2; Mobile 8. At Chattanooga l Birmingham 12. Virginia. At Norfolk-Petersburg, rain. At Safelk 3; Portsmouth . At Newport News-Richmond, rata. I SOUTH ATLANTIC ..At Greenville 1; Charleston 8. 'ArCharWtte 2-4: Spartaabarg 1-3. - At AagneU 3; Colambia t. Victor upremacy The enormous pub lie demand for . Victor products -is an endorsement of, their supremacy.;1 This demand ( has for some time far exceeded- the sup ply. Let us reserve aVictrola for you.' . RALEIGH Tzlkhg Mackhe Shcp "T let or Bpeeiallete . Ill fATETTEVILLI STREET MAKES GOOD WITH RED SOX !.' SHANHOM Maurice Shannon, second baseman of the Athletics, who was traded to Boston and has greatly strengthened the Red Sox at the keystone position. . . T 00 MUCH HITTING BAD FOR ATLANTA Memphis, Mobile, Birmingham And Little Rock Winners in Southern League Memphis, Tens., Aug. 13. Memphis defented Atlanta hero today, 9 to S. Sixteen hits for a total of 3 batet on the part of Memphis explained the vic tory.. The entire Memphis team batted in the first inning. Score: B.H.E. Atlanta ,000 000 011-8 11 3 Mcmphit ...521 010 00 9 1 0 Suggs, Thorburn tnd Higgint, Htyiet; Canavan and Bischoff. NORTHWESTERN STARS TO MEET AUSTRALIANS THIRTY-TWO HITS DIVIDED ' BY MOBILE AND NASHVILLE NashviDe, Tcnn., Aug. 13. Mobile took tho opening game of the series from Nashville today, 8 to 2. Score: R. H. E. Mobile... 000 100 001 000 8 18 1 Nashville 100001000 000 02 14 O Ellis and Coleman; Hodge and Street. LOHMAN IS VERY EAEY POR CHATTANOOGA HITTERS Chattanoom. Tean., Aug. 13.-eBir- tniagham hit Lehman at will thia after noon and easily defeated Chattanooga in the openiug game of tho aeries, 13 to 5. 8core: ' K.U.K. Birmingham 070 800 02112 15 2 Chattanoon 000 907 015 5 12 3 Crewt and Pet era; Lobman and iveid orkorn. LEDBETTER VICTORIOUS FOR LITTLE ROCK CLUB Little Bock. Ark, Aug. 13.-Little Rock kit Bobertt hard today and with Ledbetter -pitching in fine form eaaily won from New Orleana ia the first game of the aeriet, 7 to 1. Score: K.H.E New Orleans 000 000 001-1 8 Little Bock 001 203 10-7 12 1 Bobertt and Agnew; Ledbetter and Brottem. NO RACES AT MONTREAL. Montrenl. Aus. 13, Independent race track ownera at a meeting hero today decided to abaadoa the idea of eosduetr iag race mceta here until auch time at the Federal novernment repeals the or der jn council which definitely prohibits betting. Newton, Mass., Aug. 13. William M. Johnston aad C. J. Uriffin, Northwest era title-holders, defeated Maurice E McLoughlin aad T. C. Burdj, winnert rf the California sectional tournament, in the temi-final round of the National Doublet lawn tennit championship here today, v The acort waa 4-6, 14-12, 8-0, 8-0. Play wat fast at all timet, particularly ia the deeond set which required 26 camei before a winner as determined Germald Patterson and Norman E. Brookes, the Australians, defeat"1 Fred B. Alexander and 8. Howard othel, the New York team, who held the Tri-Stste title, 10-8, 8-2, 14-12. niiijiUHi.' ii'ii'i.jn mm Cigar Give yourself a treat today I Smoke a Sight Draft Cigar 1 If you're a judge of cigar values you'll award verdict at first puff to this mild, fra grant perfecto. "You can bank on a Sight Draft." It's a quality smoke. J.B.UathmJcC. C IKf a aXaMlalart p. TROUBLE E PREXY B. JOHHSOM Must Appear In Court And Tell All About Alleged cieve land Interests New Torki Aug.' 13-The New Tork American League club announced to night it had obtained from State Su preme Court Juttiee Lydona? aa order compelling Ban Johnson, president of the league to appear before a referee neit Friday and testify concerning the nature and extent of hit alleged la tereftr in the Cleveland club, 'in connec tion with his tutpentioa of Cnrl W. Maya.-- ; . The New York elub ewsert added they intended to question Mr. Johnson also concerning "the extent aad nature of the Cleveland, club'a indebtedness to him" aad "the elrCumstaaeea of hit controversy with Mr. Frazee of the Bot ton club." The Yankee official! also announced an order had been served on Mr. John soa forcing him to appear in the su preme court next Friday morning to show reason why the temporary injunc tion now permitting the New, York elub to nte Mays, despite hit tuspention by Johnson, should not be made permanent. In connection with thlt order, Mr. John son ia rcttrtined ','from using any por tion of tht linking fund of the Ameri can league of . professions! baseball elube fot or la defense of the injunc tion proceedings now pending. . : One of the affidavit! en which, the order was granted wat made by Charlet Comitkey of the Chicago Tyhjto Box. POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Chicago Aug.' 13. Butter ' lower; creamery, 470521-2; eggs, lower; re ceipt!, 13,079 canes; firsts, 404L Poultry, alive, springs, 33; fowls, IS. Potntoet weak; arrivals, 87 cars; Minnesota early Oaios tacked, eatlott, 13 cwL lllinoii, Kaaaat aad Jlissouri ditto, 2.85t3.0O; Irish Cobblers, New Jeraey No. 1, tacked, earlots, 4Z5 cwt"; ditto Kansas, 3,90. Many a fellow hat been blinded by hia dazzling prospceta. Ia fact, that'a the troublt with moat prospects. They dazzle. .' tpfieshing V ; PLENTY of undwichet, 41S & ' caket and other dainties 70011 II l and cue of PEPSI-COLA UUm" ' party Jit Jbr the god , The children lore thia de- J t V liciout beverage, for men and ''rtr U l . women It baa a aatlsfyinir r 'l tang; jutt the atimnlatlng 1 dath to make it the ideal A. oftdrink. ' J) .e3S J ,outciiUaUt Drink f w) 47 Vt "" J ' Raleigh Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company W. J. RICHARDSON. Mgr. PHONE 544. !i0)l!lUJll!i!i0llitltOlOIIJ!H)llllifii BS Trankait6Wlllls ANNOUNCE their FIRST 'SHOWING of . Women's Silk Hose Of course, it goes without fay in? that they are right in har mony with every article of ap parel sold here. Finost quality, full-fashioned, high spliced heel and toe. Therefore they are "Just a Little Different," "Just a Little Better.". King & Holding Clothiers . : Haberdashers : Hatters Tarberengk Bellding Opposite r ostoffi ce III rayettevllle St. , Raleigh, N. C. 'Ride a Dayton AND PAY AS YOU RIDE Do not allow the matter of full cash payment to in terfere with the necessity of your riding a bicycle at once. Not only is a bicycle a convenience, but bicycle rid ing is a health-giving, time-saving practice. Our easy payment plan meets the pocket book of every working man, woman, boy and girl, helps them to avoid increased carfare, congested traffic and delay. Come in, get your wheel, ride it home and begin to save today. Ten-ma To Suit Your Convenience , Quality Bicycle Co. 107 WILMINGTON STREET. ' bl::X ;', --TV..., - r t V Ataot, rMa, Yt. . . . .