SUM) AY MOrJwiC AUGUST 17, 1919. the news akd observer. 11 Combination Dimmer, Evan- celfst AndY. M.C. A. Secretary Confesses GOES TO PRISON AND WILL lANt Uf KtrUnM WUKK Charles Hugh Wilson, Son of a Scotch , Minister, And Bit Many Intertitinf Marital . " Adventures And Desertions Of Women Whom He Deceived - ' . (By Th Associated Press.) , Kew York, Aug. 16". Coovlcted of bigamy on his confession that he liai aevea living wivci, one of whom he married twice, Charles Hugh Wilson, 48 year old. former Y. M. C. A. secre tary, evangelist and traveling sales man, was sentenced Friday to three years and ail months in Sing Sing prison where, he announced, he will take up prison reform work. Judge Wadhams told the prisoner ha would have given him five years, the maii- nium sentence, but deducted 18 months, the period spent by Wilson in a Wis consin penitentiary for a larceny which another man afterwards confessed to having committed. Wilson commenced his matrimonial career on January 22, 1900; when he married Klizalieta May Stanton, of Davenport, Iowa. After three children were liorn he left her and in July, WOS, married May Bailey at Wythe ville, Va. In lessthan a year he em barked on his third venture at Deca tur, Ala., where he married Ethel C. Moo re iu March, 1909. Four years later ha was united to Louisa Davis at De troit, and a year afterwards be went through a second ceremony with Miss Davis at Pittsburgh. The following year he sought a New York bride, and was married to Caroline K. KorrU. He tried Philadelphia neat and took Wil helminia C Jnggard of that city, for his siith brido in August, 1915. His final venture was in New York, where he married Fay Jeanettc Zlff, in November,- 1910. ' According to a report by the Park hurst Society, to which his last wife appealed nfter ho deserted her, Wilson was born at Barnesvillc. Mo., and is the son of a Scotch Methodist minuter. He served ns a Y. M. C. A. physical iuatruttor or secretary at eeilalia. Mo., Daveiiimrt, Ioivn, Kaaxas City, Mo., Knoxvillv, Tenn., and Burlington, Vt. Wina Swimming Championship. Siverton, N. J., Aug. 16. Eugene T. Balden, n sailor nf the Great Lakes Nival Training school, furnished one fir II CAST HARGBTT STREET New Arrivals Every Day of -Dresses, Suits, Coats, Sweaters, Etc., Etc. Our fall stock Is rapidly growing and should be seen-by all ladies and misses desiring the newest creations. Buy from Freah Stock ON THE BUSY CORNER r Cool Clean Convenient Rooms Rates At Reasonable Cafe Service Unsurpassed Giersch Hotel and Cafe J aiisberg's of the biggest surprises of the season when he won the ten-mile national swimming championship in the Delaware river lata today, setting a new record for the event. Hit time was 1 knar, 50 minutes and IS acooad. He defeated 28 nun, among them some oftat best swimmers ta America. FARMERS' RIGHT TO DO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Washington, D, C Aug. 18. 'armers throughout the country were appealed to by the national board of farm or ganisations u protest by petition and ballot against "the unfair and uaAmeri eaa methods being aaed against farm Otganiaatioas -engaged ia tha collective sa' of their prod art." Congress r.nd 8tata legislatures were called apoa to clarify the purpose e'f the anti-trust lawa In order that tha "farmer shall have tha right by analatakablb Unas tn do collective bargaining - in accord with the original latent of tha law." Tho immediate cause of the protest, it was said, wae the arrest ot August ninth of seven farmer acting as .ep resentative of the Ohio farmer co operative milk company ia the sal of milk ! t consumer in Cleveland. The only "offense" committed b these farm ers, the statement said, was that of "collective bargaining,'' as they made no attempt to secure inordinate profits lurongu price agreements. Helps Make Strong, Sturdy Men and Beautiful, Healthy Women 3,000,000 People Use It Annually As a Tonic, Strength and Blood-builder MAKE THIS TEST If you are not well or strong you ow it to your self to make tho following test: See how long you can work or how far you ean walk without becoming tired. Next, take two five-grain tnblet of ordinary Kusated Iroa three times per day ff meals for two weeks. Then see how much nervous, all the Clothier Yarborough Hotel Bid jr. OFFICERS DISCOVER QUANTITY OF WHISKEY Wilson, Aug. ltti Wednesday after noon Sheriff B. E. Howard and Deputy Joha Mercer unearthed a fifteen-gallon keg containing about twelve gallon of fine distilled corn whiskey. It was locked ia a tobacco bara guarded by a dog, oa tha plantation of Mr. . Isaac Williamson, about four miles south of Wilson, aad Sheriff Howard is of the oplaloa that It was placed there by "eity bootleggors." Thursday aight between 11 and 12 o'clock a packhous on the plantation of ei-Mayor E. F. Killette, near the County Home, containing the rop from eleven acres of tobacco went up ia smoke. The origin of th fire is undetermined but the supposition is that it wss th work of a fir bug. Loss 13,000; no in surance. When th news reached Wilson Wednesday morning from Washington that it is notunlawfnl for North Caro lina farmers to - manufacture and sell eider many tillers of the soil were in Wilson. They hurried home, brought tn light eldor presses and bog a to shake trees for the fruit. Noted Sneakers Secnred. Asbevllle. Aug. 16. The Southern ' Baptist Assembly at Bidgecteat has been very fortunate In securing xer its sneakers some of the most noted test your strength again and you hav gained. Numbers of run - down people, who were ailing while, have most astonishingly Increased their strength and endurance ia 2 weeks' time in mauy instances. Manufarturer', Najj? Nwuud Iroa wklrh It tin Mrihttl aial fMoaito4t4 far ahyaklafu to MM Kin rmftli Hit an whir. It wHl known to driM farrauarc. tamta ttw older taorsuie iron metro H it rtallr aaMallatrd and Sow not In fur Hit trrth, maHt thM Mark nor unwt lh stomar-n. Tht manutcturrrt tuaranlM mkttwu! atid 9 nttnlr MliaTtMorr mult la mn pirrtltm or tbrj will rW.iml luur maun- It It dltprllMd l til road drtiMltlt. It Is Pleating to Observe the Higher Tone and higher ideals of business life throughout the United States through the individual work of some one man here and there, who sets a new pace to his city or his village. The quality of the man has much to do with the quality of his store, just the same as the character and conduct of the doctor or the lawyer makes his clientele and affects his success. The people recognize good quality and are not satisfied with old-time cross roads stocks and storekeeping, or the indifferent attention given. The teachers, preachers, physicians, bank directors and legislators will "lose out," to use a political term, if they fail to give a full quality of service wherever they are lo-: cated. The public has the right to demand it. This store work shows greater efficiency in several directions. Come in, see our store, try our service, you will find it . "Just a Little Different," "Just a Little Better." i- Trank and Willia" KING & HOLDING Haberdashers It minister ia th eouatry. Tha list It headed daring tho eoming woek by Dr. Clarence Dixon, of Loudoa, England, who speaks toh Baptist three days, Tuesday ta Thursday, Inclusive. Dr. Dixon was a former pastor ot tho Frst Baptist-Church of this city. Other speaker of no to" who will address the large gathering at th Baptist assembly grounds within th aext few day are Preside t Dement, af Mew Orleaae, who spesks tomorrow morning to th assem bly, and Or. A. T, Bobertana, of Los Is ville, sty., who speak Monday aight It la easier for a girl to belies a man who tolls her she i pretty tha it is for him to tell her. . i The barber belong te shaving set. When a sailor fall out of. his ship he feel as if ho wer ail ia. KODAK F I N I S H I N G The Beat la la Sta ' 24 HOUR SERVICE Write .for price list or Just mail ns your file and wt will ad statement, - Siddell Studio "Dept. i,- KALt'CH, N. C jniiiiiiniimimiiiimiiliiiiiiiiiimimiii: S N-k r.Miin.'. Musical Center - - ! Pianos I i Player-Pianos Ampico Reproducing Piano Sheet Music tarn i Music Rolls I Darnell & Thcnias asm ""J J. T. BOWLES, Mgr. S S RALEIGH, N. C s niiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifT Hatters Raleigh, N. C. SCORES F, Freaky Idea of Diet Are Cause of Much Trouble, Say Kozak Man ABUSE OF STOMACH " LEADS TO MANY ILLS Person WhefeCets Stomach Out of Order Drags Through Ex istence Only Half Alive, and is Often Tempted to Try Foolish Notions of Diet Which Do Much More Harm Than Good. Another assailant of th "fasting- ear" advocated by many so-called dietitian, has developed ia the person of th "Kotak Man, ' ta original wv it era character who vtas let enutlng o much comment la BaleigH by his com mon sense health theories. A continu ous stream of caller at the Tu?ker Building Pharmacy, where ha is making his headquarter ia Raleigh kept him busy yesterday afternoon and late into th aight, but he found time for the following statement. Ho said: The human body is naturally healthy. It should be considered s p strong, well hnlanced machine, aad run intelligently, but all these health fads are pure nonsense. Such attempta to Interfere with th natural, fuactioiis only throw th whole machine out of gear. Thb craze for fasting, 'so break fast fads and th like ar apt to bring upon the experimenter th worst curse which caa fall upon him stomach trouble. Dlaeaa Begin Ia Stomach, ""It is well knewa . physicians, and health student that nearly all disease begias with a deranged digestion, aad the reasoa for this is simple. Food is of ao use to the body nntu it hss been assimilated by the blood, and if diges tion is no good the food is turned into poison instead of nourishment by th stomach. That is the reason llitit an illness begun by neglecting simple in digestion often runs into rhrumatiam nervous snd blond diseases, catarrhal troubles, ulcers of the stomach, laally death. "A person suffering in this wa usually drag through eaistenre half alive, never quite comfortable, tor mented by headarhrs, ,,as pains and un certain appetite. In this state he falls into all sorts o health fads and f rea notions, which only make the matter worse, when a little plain, comsnoa sense treatment would put everything right and give the body a chine to be a splendidly healthy aa it is intended to be. BeasM for Kosak Success. The wonderful Success of the Kosak treatment ia due entirely to the fact that th treatment is based on the most advanced discoveries of medica science. It is only reasonable to be liev that tha combined intelligence of oi en of science who hav each devoted a lifetime to the study of human ail ments is more apt to bring successful results than the mere theories of people who usually knov nothing of the science of medicine and chemistry.' SCIENCE CONQUERS ILLS Digestive Diseases Are Most Dangerous Enemy of the Southern People "Stomach trouble 1 th commonest and most dangerous complaint of the Southern people today." That was the statement made yeeter day by th "Koaak man," an original character from the west, who is meeting the people of Raleigh dall- at the Tucker Building Pharmacy, Fsyetteville and Martin streets. The "Kozak Man' con tinv. d . "It is a surprising fact, yet one ge erally admitted by the medical prof's- sioa, that most of the common diseases have their origia ia disorder- of the stomach, intestines or catarrh. Catarrh of the storasei eanses all sorts of havoc "The dolicaU mucous membrane lin Ing of tha stomach becomes eo:.ted with catarrhal secretion and fod ennnot digest. Instead it ferments literally rots aad forms gas which belrhe u la th throat and causes intense pains la th stomach and abdomen after atine. "Constipation invariably results from tomach trouble aad this in turn causes piles, oft times, aad usually wrecks the entire nervous system. Th person ho la the beginning hsd nothing but stom sch trouble now becomes extren.cly ncr vous, Is subject to fits of temper, cannot sleep, hss irregular sppetite snd attack's of headache and menta, deprcssio Lven the eyesight often bee cs a feeted. tipot before the erei -n) dim vision ar often symptoms of this dreaded ttomaeh trouble. Bo-called rid aey and liver complaints ess also be traced 3 th on eentral cause--stomach trouble. "These ar all eommoa-enourb facts, yet it is lamentably true that ere a thousands of persons right here in R leigh who nre suffering from tro-.l arising in the way 1 bare described and who have been doctoring for yen la all kind, of wr and who lould find health at once If they would c after the real cause sad remove it. . "Th eeraoa I came te Raleigh reaeh is the aa who is ia this hslf-ick condition. Th ma or woman rho feels tired and droopy, all run do, vbr not ,sick aaoagh to tak to bed, vet who vry wkiag day is t aishtmi re of doll, wesry, weak act aad pain. To that person I say; Ther is hope hope at setter health, hop af a haimirr lite, hop af eucceos in business lift aad so- ADS STOMACI iai affaira." Adv. - hue miro WELCOME RALEIGH FOLK Says Local People' Give Him Encouragement For Big Success MANY CAROLINIANS USING TREATMENT Genial Westerner Says Ho Will Soon Publish Testimonials of Local People Who Are Now Taking New Medicine for Upbuilding of Run-Down and Half-Sick People With Bad Stomach. Many North Carolina people are now taking the famoui Ko zak treatment for stomach trouble and kindred ills, al hough the new remedy was Urst introduced here barely ten days ago. All during last week and late.Saturday night a con tinuous nream nf people called to meet the noted "Kozak Man" at his headquarters at the Tucker Building Pharmacy in Raleigh. While most of these visitors came principally just to inquire about the new medicine, most of them went away with a package under their arm after talking with the genial westerner. Many mai inquiries also poured in to the Tucker Building Pharmacy and of course these received prompt attention. The "Kozak Man," in an in terview, said : "I am very wel pleased with my reception in Raleigh. I am frank to admit that my first week here has been more encouraging even than my first week in the big city of Norfolk, Visginia. Ac tually, I have had more callers and more letters of inquiry here than I did there the first week 'It will take a few weeks more, however, for the peopl of North Carolina really to 'wake up' to what a truly re markable medicine I am intro ducing. You can't blame peo ple for being cautious about trying any new medical trea ment because there have been so many things placed on the market for which all sorts of claims were made that the peo ple have natural'y becom skeptical. "But just you wait until I begin publishing the testimo nials of some of the prominent Raleigh people who are no using Kpzak ! I know what it is going to do for them, and I know that after a few weeks' use of Kozak they will back to me with the same won derful statements about the medicine that the people of Virginia did. "Kozak gets such splendid results because it is the very latest word in treatments for the stomach. Not every person who has stomach trouble knows it, however. People have what they think are liver troubles, kidney troubles, or nervousness, or palpitation of the heart, or general weakness, etc., but in niety-five out of a hundred rases the whole trouble disappears soon after they begin taking the Kozak treatment. Kozak is not only a digestant, but a splendid tonic treatment for run-down folks. People who have been dragging through life all worn out, 'just half sick' as they ex press it, are astonished at the new vigor and vim that is theirs as soon as they begin to use this modern new medicine. "On this page today, I am publishing some of my ideas about stomach trouble and health matters. Read them. If my theories sound reasonable to you, why not give this new medicine, which has helped thousands, a trial? Remember, you take no risk, because I pos itively guarantee that the full Kozak treatment will give you satisfaction or you get your money back." WHERE TO BUY KOZAK IN NEARBY CITIES. Th lollowlns orunkti In nrsrbr rltln sr aeents ! Kotak. If yo einnut rem ta lUMsb mrrt th Kotsk Man in Pr. we call m th Mtml dnwsht llstnl be low. Knll tlrertions for tailrte with earn paakarc. DUKHAM-HsrwooJ Boone. OOLDSBORO-Wllllaim Dni Store. WILSON f'lte won Drus Company ROCKY MOI'NT Standard Dras Co. TARBORO-B. E. L Cwk. HENDERSON H Don, OXPORD-J O Hall APEX-W A Whlttaktr. FAYETTIVIIX6 Hoorn A Son Drus Rtor. SPRIN CHOPS A. C Yarborouih Dm Company. IUlBBl!KO-8foilflna Drus Stor. BL'RLtNOTOK Krwman Dru Comnunj. GREENSBORO Far rh-Kltrta Drs tt. WIN8T0N-8ALEM Thomptao Dru- C. Nat is DaaUra AMttlaaal ssvacsas far KOZAK afm AMraa Ik KOZAK MAN, RaMa-h, N. C Oalj recwlar drarsfets- urn ILllL '.IE A DISEASE, Morality Hinges on Mentality, and Mentality on the . Health NDIGESTION WARPS MENTAL ATTITUDE Says Chronic Troubles of Kid neya, Liver, Bowels and th Nerves Can be Traced t Stomach Trouble and That They Disappear When Up rooted by Kosak Treatment For the Stomach -.. ' Is crime a diaeasef Doe ajorality hinge a mentality aad ia a maa ei womaa food or wicked according to hit health I Th "Kosak Man," who is ftM beeomint th talk of Boleiffa vita hit new health theories asserts that po di gestion aad Us atteadant HI upsets any one and ia more thaa sufflctont cans lor the morose, sullen, mental condition ot th average criminal. , While meeting hi nsusl round af callers ah com to him seeking a way out of their half -sick condition, k asld t "I believe that ninety-fir per at of all ill health is caused by stomach trouble. Aad I believe th tomaea affects tha mind and that tha eoaditioa of a man's thinking apparatus soatrol - his conduct as a citizen, experts aa criminology prove by statistics that practically all crimes ar committed by individual of a weak mentality aaa poorly "nourished bodies. Medical re cords show that a disordered mental t- - titud results from a disordered nervous system. A man doesn t have to eat too little to have a poorly nourished body. A poorly nourished body i far mor apt . to result from eating too much. . maa stuffs himself with rich food, falls to tak txerelss as nature Intended, and' then get dopey, droopy, tired aad half sick, lie wonders why. Womaa ar th same way. It is as simple a A B 0. " W ith such a mass of food U hi stomach this, poor, overworked part af tho body liai an overload, won t work and he gets no good from his food. It does him actual harm. He has bad dreams which shews It is affecting his nerves aad brain. Ha gets a warped view of everything. . . Wa all kaow the dyspeptic is a greuch. Th whole world seems to be against him. If this has been going oa for years, h ia pretty sure to get off th track, becom morose, sullen and Anally a criminal. "I earn here to Raleigh just t in troduce a treatment that I know will put a stomach In a normal, healthy coa ditiok in from four to si week. I bara talked with jeople taking it until I kaow positively what it will do. Not on person ont of twenty knew what they were troubled with. By actual ob servation I know chronic trouble of kidneys, liver, bowels, nerve, etc, caa be traced to the stomach and whea yoa get right down to the cause and uproot it with the Kosak Treatment you got on the rosd to recovery. "I also know that this Kosak Treat ment tones up th digestive spparatus of people who use it because they tell me so. We know that peopl with good digestion are seldom sick, for with di gostion working properly health tomes and disease vanishes.' . I PACE TAX Housewife More Victim of Conditions Than Smart " Set Leader v Novel theories about modera social conditions and the cause for them wer advanced yesterday by the "Kosak Man'' who is now la Raleigh for th avowed purpose , o( revealing maay little-known but common sens fact about health matters,. He taldi . i "Modern social Ufa la a tremendous, tax on the vitality of th nation, Th woman of that splendid physiqu af our pioneer days who wss ths mother nf the nntion is fast disappearing front our recollection. The woman of today is an anemic, sickly, always tired aad exhausted type. She lacks ia life, vrva and healthy ambition. Housewife Worst Victim. "I claim that ths woman of moderate means th wife of the business msn, artisan, cUrk or working man ha Just s many social responsibilities of th kind that tell on her health a th pam pered woman of fashion. The fact that i . i . i . i a . aim nil Bousenora 10 uo 4na pernap children to look after tends to make aer life the harder. "Women come to me who ar suffer ing from all kinds of disesses o they think but in reality they don't kaow what is the matter. They have head ache I and dizzy spells aad scores of' them think they have nervous prostra tion. They suffer from gas oa th stomnrh, foul breath, constipation, kid ney and liver trouble an 1 hundred of other complnints. Food Rots In Stomach. "The fact is that their stomachs ar impoverished as a result of their mod of life. They est too much, to lrreg- . ularly and do not take healthful outdoor exercise as nature demands. Th di gestive orgsn are stuffed un, clogged and can't work. The food lie heavy aa the stomach, sours and it's harsh to say but it s true it literal rots. Oases form and poison Is pumped into th blood. All kinds of diseases, of eoam, re bound to follow. ! "This new Kozak tr.atmeat 1 As signed to ton up the digestive organs, cause proper assimilatioa of food aad in. aloe eaaea out of tea restore a run down, half tick, anaemie person to tha full bloom of health ia four to tight weeks. 1 ass her to meet th peopl of Balelgh fae t fact aad rv my theorle to them. mi IS HIS ODD TIIEOriY CIA IE mm

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