. THE fi&WS AKD OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING,' AUCUST 17, 1913. ' , 14 c-rn: niieniMpn OLiiiUUO UMII Soy and Velvet Beans Attacked By worms; veterans ' 'Have Reunion ' Ntwt tad Obtefw Burets, . , - 104 8outh John Street, , . . Telephone 304. By ENMETT R. BROWN. . QoUaboro. Ant. W. Aeaordlat ta tt port reaching thif eity, eerioua damage it malting Iran wovaro mm art ma in n not tha lea vet of tha velvet and , toy baa at ia eome tee ion of thl ccnaty. It U laid lKt ataav lld af beaat an already araatieallr mined, doa ta tht fatt davalantatat tt thia cut. . About twenty Confederate tttrani wara gnattt of th eitiaena af Calrpto Thtreday at a oia-raa&ioate iaroeue. Aa tnttrtatiag addrau wat delivered ty Captain L. D. Giddtnt, af Goldt . boro, rteeatly returned ttom everteoi ' aenrlet, A barbeeua diaaer wilt ha temd t Confdrata vwterant at Wit court aauat equare ia Ootdaboro atit Thnrndav at tha noon hear.. Hoa. B. r. Beaaley, wba will addrria tha elUoeai la thia titjr Sunday art araoaa at tha aonrt houat at 4 o'eloek, aa tha gtaeral tubjett of pnblla wel- fan, will tlae ba tha principal tptaktr Monday Morning at tha formal open' in a of tha Warm tonnty Juvenile court It la Mid that eeveral other prominent trteaktrt will alao matt abort talk, oa -what taaonrwHl -eaean-Jot tha wej- fara of tha tounty. Ineludad among .thtaa tpaakara will ba Jndga Bland, of Goldibora, nad Judge Goo. "W. Connor, wbt will praaidt om a two nteti' tarn at Superior aonrt, wnUJi aoavtatt hert Monday aioralng. Darlna tha Mat two week not a alnfla aioonahina atill hat bran eapturtd ia tkit tonaty, and arrnrdiog to tha oplaioa af Sheriff R. IT. Kd wards, block adiag U greatly on he riecreate in Wayaa aiaee the recant rnfda made tbrongheut tha county by revenue offl eern, who captured and destroyed about 30 aUlla. Gntdaborti Onneil No. Jr. 0. V. A. U., will hold open eeaalon in their lodga room neit Thursday evening at I oeloek, ft whirli time the rntarged portrait of three defeated member! will ba preeented and aeerpled. An in tereating program haa Iwi arranged and the public la cordially invited to attend the eeasinn. Tka ftunday arbnol elanari of tha Pre Will Baptist shurch held their an nual pienie ThuriicVv nt Orny'a mill pant, a feature of which n the aorv Ing of as old-faMiioned barberue dinner. A ihrewd employer allowa hi men -to d their rork in their own ny to long at it mnkrt money for the ron . ccra. A FINE HEALTH TALK FOR SICK Urtta Sf and Sana Treat ' meat Which in Thouaandt f , Caaea Proved Right 'So many men and women become old looking and feel worn out all the time It ia tins a to call n hnlt and reiiicdy the eauaoa which are lending to this condi tion. Ia tha hurry, worry, work-a-day yaara to come the render ought to give ' Mrioua thought to the eonacqupnees that reaull from too little exercise, too much to aat and too much worry and work, without auttirient aleep to rountrrbnl. anea tha awful drain upon the ayitrm ad nerret. Aayoaa troubled with indigestion, bil loutaoM, ronMipation, pnina in pit of itomaea or chest, nervoutnrM, head tchea, loaa of appetite, atrength t'.d waight ihould not hesitate long and con tinuing tha down hill alide. In the first place, tha ayatcm should at once lie brought bnek to normal in order that aatura may have a fair chance to gunrd Helf againtt diaeaao and premature Ulnaaa. One the vital organa of atomarh, kidney and liver nra working harnio ainmly agnin, aueh troublaa like rheu watitm, gout, lumbago, aelaticn, and kindrad allmenta of tha blood awiftly disappear, tha appotitt picka up and with food wall dlfeited etrcngth, vitality ind energy will trtnra Nt not befora, according to many teata. ' It, therefore, brhoovea tha ntan ur womaa ao troubled to at onca begin tha proceaa of rebuilding and nt tha aame tiana tat Iraa, aiarriaa more, gat plenty f food alaap and cut out tha abutea tad aicetaea that cauaa these troublea. ,.A abort treatment of Milnm, tha tonic that haa received auch high endorMment luring the past few yean from people I! ovet thia aertion. proves wonderfully attcient in tuck cases, and aa a tonic ayatem eleauter, and builder nt the pratent time hna no equal. It contains a dangerous druga or alcohol. Oct a bottle tonight at your local druggiit for 11.00 plus 4e war tai, or tend direct to Narman-Perry Drug Co., Wintton Balem, N. ('., for large bottle prevald jpon receipt of abort price. Kate.-We bavt the well kntwa tenia Mllam-J. C. Brantlev. Adv, St. Mark's Sckool RALEIGH, h. C Now ia 77t! Annual SosaioQ Largest resident school of the EpUcopal Church In the United States for the education of young worsen and girls. Addrata Rev. Warrn W, Way Bactat. " L IVESTOCK MEN IN Die Roanoke and Tar River Asso ciation Holds Its Annual Convention Tarboro, Aug Jfl. Thurtday at tha Cotton Valley farm N)f Ur. Geo. A. Holderneaa the annual meeting of the Bonnoko and Tar Hirer Livestock Ae toeiatioa waa 'held. President Slrvlton welcomed the meinbrra of the asso aiatiou' in a brief aptcch, and S.-crt-tary Jneocka rend the minutet of the la it meeting. Benator Uolderneaa in troduced Prof. Dan T. Gray, of tht agricultural department at BaltUih, who gave an interesting addrria oa tha lire etock induatry. Treaidont Bhelton then .introduced Major McKinaon, of Robcaon county, w(jp madt a brief tfllk. Mr. 0. A. Card we 1 1, Induttriol and agricultural agent of tht Aeltnntit Coast Line, (aid i high tribute to tht da si of men nrea tnt, laying that tht Miration of tht anlioa depended upon just auch po ?le. . lir. M. 0. Mann, eaebler of the First Nciional Dank, apoke of the work of tht Kdgecombt Cattle aad Dairy Aiao elation, whose object ia to tench far mer boya tha ueceaaity for having pure bred anlmnla on tha farms. County Agent Zcno Moore and Mr. Famous Actress She Uses Beautify t . i ft a y X : w.j J1 ?ts Mia BTUKL New York-Miss F.lh.l Clsyton. the iWw Vouna aclreM now surcvMfully rrrinir undvr thv rsrmnfiunt hanner, fs fsmous for hr brautilul nmplion. Wlirn htr friends In. auirrd nUiut it the itiil, ' IT. all dw hi toilet preparation tkllrU tl-rwillo which I um twira daily. Th vxivrlenra I hava had (iiompt. mi to mak my trrrrt puhltr. Thia oniWrlul itrrwillo inaUnt'v lrai.tiad my .kin an.t t fnn-tMi.'l un: littiv maU M ratulta ixrmanant." Whrn Ma Ktlna WiUlar, tha wall knowa hranty iariillat, waa lat.r- tawad n rtfrrawra to MIm ChtrtM'a remark able rampllon tlatad, "Anron ran hava a baauttfal romptralsn atlMi tkajr know haw. It a very .tmpia nrocaat. 1 uae tha tana arttrto (n my work, entf until yau try it u hava no mra af tha marralona ratulta. rhe van ftrat apulkalin will aatanhh roa. Go ta the t a Hat eounter of any lroe or daaart- wawt aaaea ta at a boltia af derwille, than make tha followlna taat: Eiamina your ihln rritieally kvfare yavr mirror, nolo rarvfullr Ma attpaaranoa. than apply d.TwIlla aa alr.i-tnl. After yoa have matt tha trat appliaattna t Hi rir mlrrr aaaiH anj aota tha lurprtalnv rhanin. A laarh-llke eahf mounl. Ih mart, i a baliy aoftnaaa comaa ta the akin ; jtmitiiiimttuitr uutiumiiiiittrtfiMntttitmtititittnititMrtmu .Atteirafioini! TOP BUILDING UPHOLSTERING PAINTING , and TRIMMING Excellent Work by Experts I Welfare Auto Company Wilson, North Carolina iiiiniiiiiiiiniiniiHiiHiitiiiiiiiiitM For That Only Headache Ramady sold in the State recommended by phyatciana. In 10-25-50 Cent Bottles and at All Founts Try Bro-Mal-Ginc Just Once 'Twill Win You. Df C If iahM tkt arntra with I theota af Irat claat K 91V klattiag Barer, tntagh to Uat a year. tl-H tack; kj niAVTrn Hrtel poet, ULUT I C R BEND IS YOUR ORDERS. " PADS JL W. Shook, manage af Cotto t VaUoy farm, both w1i tulKar a taa arivt aooa aaaaioa .Mr. Milh r, af tba bef tattla department of U'MMugtoa, in made a most mi'ru.tl'o addreaa oa tha tottla iaduatry. Oot of tht moat intereatiag feature! of tha day waa tht btrbecua and Bruat wick ttew dinner. PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR ARMY OFFICERS This Qualification Will Be Sated On the Records, Army Order Says Waahington, Aug. 10. Tha war aat ing demonstrated that "phyeieal itaeat" aa aa essential quality of aa efficient officer, hereafter thia qualineatioa will ba rated of tht mordt of tbt. army eomoiaadera, ta order to tbt army to day taid. It it peculiarly a aelfmpoaed duty of every officer ao to rcgulata bit man ner of living tod to preacribo for him tolf anch court of phyaleal eiercito at to bt at til timet phyaically It to perform any duty to which ba may bo attlgned, or to meet toy reaaonable teat for demoaatrating turn Staett. All officer! below tht grade at briga dier general will be required to devote half day in each woek, ia addition to Saturday! and Bundaya, to phyaical tiereiee, according to tht ordert. They must apend on that day at leant two eonaccutive hourt at walking, awlmming, tonnia, golf, baaeball, rowing, mtdieine hnll, Imndhall, horrback riding, foot ball, track events, or gymnastic. Teste Tells How Denvillo To Her Complejdon CLAYTON. It make! th akin roar-wkita, valvatr and radiantly beautiful. It It wonderful for a dark, .allow akin, thlnr noae. fimklea, tan, oily akin, tun apota, cum porta, piwtpka, hlarkkMda. rhapnad, rraah akin, rwldlnaaa, wrlnklaa and many other facial blamaino. DerwIlla-aMthod It abaolat.ly karmlaaa and will nat trad oca or atlmuUt nrawtk of hair. It U auparisr to faaa powaVr, aa para. plrallon doaa not affart it, therwtora at atari btttar, Thouaanda who hart uaad II have had tha una reaulta aa Maw Clayton, and I am aura if von will hn it a fair trial you will beeoma juat aa enthaaloatla aa t am and alwava uaa It In prrf.r.aca U any othrr POwdar ar baautinar" MOTE- When a.kad about Darwillo an of ur kadlnit drairalata aaJd, "It h) trahr a wonderful baautlflrr. away ahaad at anrtnmt w hava avar aotd bafora. We ar autharrwd by tha wvanufarturara to rafund the aaonay ta anron who it dtaaatktfted, and w vM not permit tha uat of our name unkrta tha I I OLUet antaaaird tmuatuil wtrrit" tt la aald in ll.ia dry tiadrr a lrrfi-ld wMMiay ba k Ktarantaa bp ail daaajrtmawt .tore and ua-to-4ata drnUt. Inrludtnt Wm. H King and Henry T. Ilickt. mitntntuttiittttiiiitiiiiiinititttttiuiummwttiiuuirnfitirT Headache al-Gitie will t giea In January af each year at determine whether oflUcra hava aaain taiaetl tha iwtjaired aUadard. , ' Jtew Bpiacopal Bacta. Kimatoa, Aug. . Bv. rraaelt J. Coffin, new rectar af Bt. Mary 'a Epiato pal church hero, hu notified tbt vfatry that aa htpoa to arriva ia Kiattoa befora BepUaber L Ha it at at tht Chareh of tht Aaceatiea, alontgomtry, Ahu Tht new rector It a youag clergy man. Ht waa born in Chieagt.Sa yeara age, Ht haa bees connected with St. Uatthtwa church, New Tort 8U Jatatt' I am Sincere! Stop Calomel! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Listen to met Calomel sickens and you may lose a day's work. If bilious, constipated ot headachy read my guarantee. liven up your luggiaa liver I fetl flat and ebtarfulj auka your work a plaaMrtt ba vVgorout and full of ambt Uob. But Ukt aa aaaty, daagtrout ealomtl, bacauat II aukea yon tick and yon may loan a dayt work. Calomel la mercury or qnlckailver which eauaoa aaerotla af tht boaea. Calomel craabet into tour bilt Ukt dyutraitf breaking It a p. Tbaft whan you feci that awful aauaca aad eraaip Ing. Littea ta taal If yon want to tnjoy tha nietot, gratleat Uvtr and bowal eleaatlng yon avr txperleaord, jutt takt a tpoonfnl of knnaltat Dodaon'a Uftr Tana tonight Tonr drnggitt or dealar aella 70a a battia af Dodaon'a Clones of Quality. V Mens Caps 69c Men if you even think you'll need a cap and every man does especial ly rainy days here's your oppor tunity. Not .cap in this lot that can be bought for $1.00 today. MEN'S Trousers 25 Off Every pair in stock ' included in this jAcriflce. tad Bt, Andrew'a, Oreenvllle, 8. C, and tha Montgomery ehurth. Ht haa Vttn proaehing eevta yeara. lit will aaceeed the Brr. John M. Griffith, now of tht Weetert Carolina dioettt, at rector of Bt Mary'a. Tht latter. left thia city ia J81J afttr 20 yean, aervict. JtORTOLK COTTON MABIET. (Beported by Boltnet and Dawion.) Norfolk Aug. 10. Uiddlinf cotton, thirty; ttriet low, twtaty-nint market aaitt. Uvtr Tons for a few tenia uodtr any peraonal money-back guarantor that eaeb apoooful will (lean your alnggiab Bvti bettor than a dote of 'naaty calo mel and that it woat makt yon tick. . Dodaon'a Uvtr Toat it real Uvtr med icine. You'll know It fetit morning because you will waka np feeling Baa, your liver will bt working: headache aad dinineee goat ttomacb will bt twtkt and bowela regular. Dodaon't Uvtr Tont it entirely vege table, therefore harmltat and can oot talivtte. Givt It to your ebildrra. Mil itant of people art uaing Dodtoa't Liver Tone instead of dantrerous ealo mtl now. Tour druggist will tell yon that tha enle of ealomtl it almott ttopped entirely htrt Adf, IcLeod Big CL EARANC is attracting scores of shrewd buyers --men who know genuine values No sale of clothing in the pasfHveyears can compare with these re- ductions. Come early Monday morning before stocks have been "picked over." These Suit Prices Can Only Be Compared With Prices 0 Five Years Ago They art undoubtedly the most remarkable suit bar gains. Especially when you consider the quality of M & W suits. Only famous manufacturers contribute to our stocks Hart Schaffncr & Marx, Aleo and Collegian. All-Wool Suits Ot unquestionable quality, good styles and fine fabrics; have been divided into two lots. v $30.00 SUITS $25.00 SUITS $22.50 SUITS $20.00 SUITS $18.50 SUITS $17.50 SUITS $14.90 $11.90 Palm Beaches Kool Kloths and Mohairs Reduced As Follows 15.00 Talm 1 1 OC 1T.30 Troploal Wor- Beach ca now iViav ttedt now at 110.00 Kool Klotht now , $7.50 $9.40 18 JO Mo. 1 J Of? hairt now..ylta4il $22 JO Mo- 1-QQ bain now.. a 10.00 $120 Kool Klotht now.. IISJO TropieaJ War- St.$12.151 23.00 Mo. hairt now..aUtlU Straw Hats Any in Stock - Included are Panamas; Banboks and t Lincolna. ' ,, , Spatial Attaatiaa Clvta . to Ont-al-Tawa wat Before You Them Away For the Fall season be certain they are spotlessly, clean. Moths do sometimes get into cedar chests and least on greasy spots. , Our Perfect Dry Cleaning n - . .ti-t neiuuvea evciy yatuvio renews the life of most PHONE OB WRITE Raleigh French Dry Gleaners Corner Morgan and Blennt I Phont 781 & Watson Co. Semi - Annual Urn T ' '-Win : i - y ( $13.10 Men's Shirt Prices Are 1Q 7C Deeply Slashed Oaa Lot af Men'a Hna Ptteata SHIRTS with aUff euffa. Bpltodid aaaortment, allowing neat atriptd atterni nnd wnart ahada. Former priet QQ-' UO, now .HOC Mtn'a Signal Warn SHIRTS, ttrongly ntdt of high gradt Cambric, noma with Hue found with whitt pia itrlpcs, otbere aolid blut. All hart twt donblo ttitehtd pockttt and ttllart to natch. (1 QQ Begular prh-t H50, now ...tl.O Mtn't Sport SHIRTS, madt of high-trad. Pertal.t ia neat at ripen and Sg-urea. Cut fall and O0 eomforUblt, Cltaranct priear CH. aad IOC Baya' Sport SHIRTS, made af tamt quality Par ealt aa tha njen I, la ahadet : - t 1 Lay auu aiiiu fabrics. WW 1 r.emm ra -One Price to All SEE 1 M7 r7' f .i lultablt patttmi and T"!.69c COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY ; RALEIGH, N. C