16 THE NTOS AtU) OSSERVEIt JUNDAY KOiVCriG, AUGUST 17,1513. THE PRIVATE LIFE ' . OF THE KAISER (CoatiM4 frees Tw Wteaa.) ($30), videi late 14 gold erewst tad I double erofM, tested. Courtiers tad ethert sear William vsea eo rejoiee ia the solitary maal festatioa of roval good will that aelpcd l recemeat tie bonis betweea Use ud people. "Will it pleate Tar Majesty ta ( ta year usual Santa Oaut expeditioi this eveaiji; befere, tba treat are lit I takes' Court JXtrtaal Coast Eultabtjn it aeeoad breakfait aa the day prated is Christmas. est eertalsly," replied the Kaiser, "anj, by the way, direct Mleisner to tarnish me wit a silver coins, initead . tt goli, this tUne 14 thaler aad 8 or I live-mark pleeea. You see," be added, tddreaaiat aimteif te 1 tba Empress, 'I bar beea thinking about tbii f Mas away of 'tenotome poor aeni, whem ( try to benefit, might arooaa suspicion trees b offers ray Christmas present ia , payment. Tbat element of ait trust and iaager J will eircumveat -by speeding sely thalers among ray needy friend hereafter." "Hew tkoogbtfnl" ef yen,' lisped tba Empress, devaurlog ber tuabaad witb Idmirlag glances. Wkea Tba Poor Are la lack." "Tour Majesty thinks of every, thing, said the Couatetaes jroa, Brockdorff and von Bassewits. And "of everything, particularly bia pocket," whispered my neighbor. When the Kaiser came to take leave of Her Majeity tbat evening te drew fro oi bi overcoat pocket the ibabby little mount he bad doeided to speed, 67 raarks ia all. "Tba poor are ia luck tonight," be said- "JJiessner selected tba brightest tbalera ia bia treasury; they ire really vary pretty," aad the Kaiser laughed as tba hapless riaoesa Lsmballe raay bava laughed as aba exclaimed: "If the poor bava aa bread, let 'tm sat, cake." true, young Heheaxollerai are aet liable to bo togged aowadays for tpeadiag a few coppers uanecessarily, ss Crowa Prises Frederick (knowa as Frederick tba Great) was whea ha gava a rayal servant 13 easts for briagiag kit dog from Potsdass to WBtterhausea, a distaace of 20 stiles (his father beat aim "for having ao tore aeaes tbaa to pay a man wbo merely did bis damned duty"); but ' area Willie) a'- parents ksiatcd upos bringing up the heir to tba throne without giving him a chant 5 to ac quaint himself witb the power, the temptation, the misery aad the jay that the possession of ready money gives. ' At the holra in the Greek philoso pher's toga denoted vanity rather tbaa Contempt of worldly opinion, so the patches oa a youthful Qohentollera's trousers indicate not Spartan frugality but a falsa aotioa of tba principles of economies. The Kaiser's seal wars aet taught that it was eeeeatajry to economize 1 order to be liberal ; tbey were ' merely deprived of things ther liked good clothes aad cub" la obedience to a boary delusion that baa peopled the thrones of Europe witb spend thrifts or niggards far centuries. 1 bava ' beard - tba former Court Uarshal voa Liebeaaa Bay that Wil liam whea at college never bad a topper over and above bia expenses, , all of which were disbursed by him, liebenau. Btlagtaess A Characteristic. "When wo entered active service that id baoa-peaury hovered over the lieutenant, eaptaia and colonel; bis en tire income was made over to me" every month, aad as it was always spokea . for ia advaace, ay young master eves aspired ia vin for a pocket-piece, a double gold crowa (t5)r Wilhelm, baviag beea unable to ae Quire iatimate actuals taace with 'money, almost showed a child. a at titude toward financial questions, and, having all bit own wanta attended to a a matter of course, failed to under i stand or appreciate what was due to there. , "Has anybody beard of the projected English tour of the Meiatngeatt" asked the Kaiser at luncheon one afternoon - Voa Egloffstein had heard the Heredi tary Prince say that be aad the Prin ce u iateaded ta accept aa iavitaUoa ' tj Windsor Castle. ' "But the coitl" en-claimed the Kaiser; 1 1 '! "i wUl be at least 10 marks (I2-S0) a bead every day they are absent.'' ' The, very next day, at aeeoad break fast, the Kaiser's menu earl; en' which he titit ikat-hk "the t ,iur. aAntk ffnnt 1 of the tattle witb the aarrruadiag ter ritory," waa pasted around. "I am glad to aaaounce," be said, "that I have perfected my plaai for the improvement of the Bcaloss. After abolishing .the popular amuse ment of looking ' isto the Kaiser's wiadowa," be referred to the dis mantling of the houses opposite the royal residence, the Schloss Freiheit; "after routing the sweet plebt scrota tba way,, I have decided to erect agetber barrier betweea my self aad publicity. As the sketch shows, terraces will b built adjoin ing the south front of our palace, aad 'they will extend far enough to place within the royal precinct that part of the castle square that lies between the Schloss aad .the great fonataia. These terraces," added the Kaiser, "will at the same time aerve to deadea sotte of the noise from the incessant traffic. Throws Away Twenty Millions- "Will the city be x willing to sacri fice the spacer' asked the Prince of 8aseAlteaburg, wbo waa the guest of honor thgt day. "Wjtb my permission, certainly," replied the' jiaiser. . "But the scheme, if pushed to such length will involve aa outlay of twenty millioas." warnea (be Minister of the iloyal JJoii3e, Wi!l. ''Maybe, mere tt less-" The Kaiser said it with a from, but Immediately r.'?tiaed bis seinl-bantering tone aud aided ligbtiy: "f euaps I will author ise Yeur Ixc-iKtncv to arraage another lottery, or to take up a loan that holds 0't lerro prem'time, sj tbey do ia Aus tria sd 0ebia." With that be turaed to the Ceuntent Brockdorff, whom be detests aad ordi BtriJy treats witb tbe severest indiffer eaea, sad, by the way of changing the subject, told ber a risque story across tbe table. Tbat it tbe Kaiser all over; it worriet him to thiak that any of bia relatives should spend 10 marks, and be disposes of tea or twenty millions of public moneys as if tbey were old bricks or oyster shells; ia fact, the Kaiser has no notion what ever tt tbe value of things. Tbe municipal council eeu!J not of fer any objection to hie plant, "no matter what the cost," for he meant to give the terracea over to hit tons aa a playgrouad. Besides, the ter races would offer a formidable bul wark tgainst tbe plans of anarchists morning, aooa aad tight. Aad as a fiaal trump: ''We will promise to prolong the annual stay of the Court in Berlin at least one month or six weeks" arguments wor thy of the roytl impostor, who rniied the meinself-und-Aod piffle to the dig nity of a eult. Give up one-half of a public cqunre -the most impoaiag is town as a play ground for bit half doten "kids," some half-witted, like Oscar; others with criminal tendencies like Eitel Fritz; again, others mere Clowuprincely trash. "Bulwark against anarchists!" Woll, the ex-Kaiser should gate upon bit castle now! And be would prolong bis stir for twenty millions aad a public square, lie would, indeed, until bit bones drop ped from tbe gibbet erected by his lov tag subjects I "The greatest foelt are also the great est charlatans and liars," laughingly re marked Prince Bismarck to Duke John Albrecht whea he related the facts to him. Kobbed a Defeated King The Ouelph Fund represented the se questrated fortune of King George of Uanover aad his beir, the Duke of Cum berland, aad Its history is interesting. After aaaeaiag Eaaover In the summer of 1809, Pruua restored their private fortune to the deposed Guelplis by the eoaveatiea of September 19, 1S6T, but there was a string, or rather a steel cable, attached to this apparent act of restitution, pointing out that tbe poor blind man whom he had vanquished might utilise hit money te raise an army against victorious Prussia, Bis mark, with tbe consent of the Diet, seised tbe private property of the royal Hanoverians a aeeoad time, pleading that its aaaual interest was seeded to ward off the Cuelpb party's secret in trigues. So tbe Guelpb Fund leesme the Hep tile Funda geldoa trough from which William's friends aad tbe Government's leading mea fed for Si years, the Cbaa- eellor laying a lilt of disbursements be fore the Kaiser at tba ead of each year, whereupon tbe receipts were destroyed- ' - More imperial Joclwvtag . , v Coart gossip fixes upos tba Kaiier'a unwillingness to give Bp so large a fortune to which be might have re course occasionally as the principal cause Of his frequeat breaches of faith, bat I have never succeeded ia tracing evea a solitary Guelpb Fund million oa its Way to the Kaises's pockets. The Prince of Wales (afterwarda King Edward), it was whispered, bad written a letter to the late King George' of ; Greece, telling him that the' Kaiser "gulped" down the whole of tbe Guelpb Fund,, bat "Uncle Bertie," instead of sendiag hit lettcs to Athens direct, for warded it to Copenhagen for approval by his mother-in-law and Qneea Louise, caused the conspiracy to leak out. But, in a burst of confidence, her Majesty tbowed the letter to Prineet Valdemae, wbo bad stirred up tbe imbroglio "be tweea Bismarck and Cxar Alexander aot to many yean before. Those Royal Coesipe That Marie d 'Orleans-Bourbon oa her' part was unable to constrain ber triampj at the hope of seeing uermanya xuiser humiliated ia perhaps not to be weader ed at, for Ber Boyal Highness detested William ae heartily as tbe adored France. Bo, with true feminine acu men, she Mt down and telegraphed the sweet morsel broadcast to all royal Wil-helm-haters, or prineet tbat she con sidered sympathizers, aad all wished the undertaking Godspeed all except CeutiB I'erdinaad of Balgaria. This Aueer iaditidaal, eager to oblige tbe Kaiser, betrayed tbe confidence reposed ia biro, hoping thereby to gain William's gratitude. " Ferdinand bad a rude awakening out of that pipe dream, for only a few weeks later William called him sanies tbat figured largely, is tbe correspond egee of the late Marquis of Queensbury witb i certain English poet-dramatist. And te Ciar Nicky s face, tool Aad yea should have beard the Kai ser's estimate of Ferdi's true character a week. or to before Bulgaria's caving in, ,"Dirty traitor," "Jew bully," "Mur derer," and "Crowned Shyl were tome of tbe milder epithets flying about. And tbe Kaiseria aad ber daughter Louise fully agreed that bia Balkan Ctarshlp wst a "swine." At best, the Berlia court waa a ver itable botbed of ill-natured goseip- Ia the morning oaa of tbe Kaiser's adju tants might have good story to relate that, without Involving a breach of faith, keyed a perplexing situation while letters from other courts, the tfittlo of princely visitors, correspond ence of high aristocrats or statesmen, a ministerial crisis, a sudden lapse ia the routine of royal employment as a visit postponed or a "headache to order," completed the chain of evidence that linked together of ita own accord, as it were, and is tbe end revealed hidden LsprUgs of actios aad private views aad uvtrvea of iadindwua affording a better aaalyais of tba salads ef historic per eaetes thaa a whole library ef ordi nary aoatemporaaeoas aceoaata, writ ten by eotaide apeetatora, wbe faith fully copied each other. . - Except for tas details, sere first "re vealed, tbe Guelpb Fbb4 story is an elt,t history, but is important as a precadeatt ' Biaea Germaa . atateasaea tboaarkt it incumbent npoa them te sequestrate tbe private fortune ef a cue-horse king ia order that this ex mosaic might sot ate the money to stir . up trouble against . conquering Prasad, it ia 100 times more important to confiscate tbe ex-Kalsers billlone te prevent bia breaking tbe peace after ptaee has beea signed aad sealed. - "But William it a broken aid maa," say sis apologists. .' We are sot sar af that, William be ing a consummate aetor, but eves ad mitting that, personally, saja out, of tbe running, be bas sit stalwart seas, tbaa whom ao greater aeampt, in triguers snd wasters of bamaa life walk Capudine - I ok u Quick RtUKfT sThlA A.emss. .... C , NO DOPE NO BOOZE IT'S RtUABLt rt)R HEADACHE Germany's toil, or tay ether. , All six will bava millions aad a whole skin alt aiz enjoy health, liberty aad com plete freedom ., from conscience or scruples of say kind; all six will have millions at their beck aad call if tbe Allies permit I , -.- , . , Will the Peace Conference by . -fusing to confiscate tba Hoheasollera fortunes foraiah them the funds for future political aad military propa gaadaf Have American, English and French Uvea beea preserved by the armistice only to be put ia Jeopardy sooner or later at tbe sweet pleasure of 'burglar' William, torturer ef Eitel Frits, "womaa-atealer" Oscar aad tbe ... ' tUraet Sf eV Vault fx ' Ult aM then tttMt. Kwamstia. Vs. eta, tL gwraa, Pne. ea4 star. rettt .. - " Aa tbe Kaiser did te the conquered King of Hanover, so the Allies should do to the eoaquered William. He set the precedent Take tbe Ho heaxotlera fa ids as the Hobenaollerat took tbe Guelphvund! . .' -(Copyright, 1919, by Begal Pub. Corp.) . it be eontinaed sen Bunaay.j gtimrati&iiiiimhiminiinniimmnuiitiiiiunmiitin a A. HOEN & CO. : Lithojgraphers - RICHMOND, VA. Show Cards, Labels and Card Work, Letterheads, Billheads, Checks, Etc. WKITf FOB SAMPLES B simiiiiniiinwimiintniuinunwumiininiminimiiis ; Tv) , V aawisee as aaa I tmtm -ewe m V M ar-a. 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Corbitt Tracks are) made in six atica one to torn capacity. Let oa prova to won that a Corbitt Track will earn and saves money for you. v CORBITT MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY, Henderion, N. C. HACKNEY BROS., Automobile Department WILSON, N. C, Local Dealers, Corbitt Trucks 11 E3 H Corbitt M otor Trucks TfeiCT rs I tt S3 C E vi s iiiinniiiniiinniiniimiinmninimmiinininniiniiiniimiiniiiiiiimniniii I J Call 457 ilci "We Serve Proraptlyw JOHNSON COAL AND ICE CO. 109 W. Martin St Wfcol-- Ketatl Wyatt't Quality Field Scedi Get your supply now while stocks are complete. ALT ALFA ALSIKE CLOVIS JfD CLOVEB ILWDiOTH CLOVEB TIMOTHi EX EDS GKXSH OBCHAKD GSASS TALL lIEADOW OAT GBA68 KENTTJCST BLUE GSAS8 i D. E. BAPS . , ' laecalare fer Clovers aa4 Alt letsmee Is Sleek. 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