n, v DETACH THIS SECTION AND PRESERVE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE 4 . CLASSIFIED ADS Easiness Chances, Help Wanted, 81 (nations, laUenua, Agents, Etc. REAL ESTATE feeds, ' rUitt,' rrodace. Live Sleet, Pealtry u4 titesnoUIea. T3he IM ew amd O bse ir -st en? THE BEST NOT THE CHEAPEST WANT MEDIUM IN NORTH CAROLINA VOL. CX. NO. 48. RALEIGH, N. G, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1919. PRICE: FIVE CENTS- WANT AD RATES HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE POSITIONS WANTED AGENTS tits THIS 18 THE REGULAR "WANT AD" type, (S point). The first line U Mt ia 8 point light caps, for which bo extra charge in made. ' Tho rate for thia typo is 10 eoata ,r lino. Tho rata ia based on tho count of sis (6) average length worda to the lino hyphenated worda eonnt aa two worda. No abbreviations Allowed in tho body of 'tho advertisement. Svery ' name or Initial la the name and ad drees eouata aa a word. Alwsys eoant ' tho name end address. for your convenience, the eost of two or mora lines for single insertions and 7 and 30 consecutive insertions in regular want ad type are figured below: One Seven One ' Lines, W.'i,;. Time. Times. Month. I ..$ .20.... $1.26....$ 8.40 IS JO.... 1.89.... 8.10 4 , 4 40.... 2.52.... 10A0 30 50.... 3.15.. .. 13.50 6 36 .60.... 3.78.... 16.20 7 42..... .70.... 4.41.... 18.90 8 48 JO.... 8.04.... 81.60 9..."... 84 .90.... 8.67.... 24.30 10 60 1.00.... 6.30.... 27.00 The 10 per cent, discount has been de ducted on the above quotations. The above 7 and 30-tiuie rates apply only for consecutive day-by-day in sertions. These rates DO NOT apply on Sunday insertions alone, even though ordered for consecutive Sua daya. If the Sunday only Is used the rate is lOe a line each insertion, regardless of the number of Sundays the adver tisement appears. THIS IS 8 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE SATE IS DOUBLE THE ABOVE OK 20 CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 10 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE RATE IS TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR 30 CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 12 POINT LIGHT CAPS. RATES $1.00 PER INCH OR 40 CENTS A LINE. COMBINATION OF 8, 10 AND 12 POINT TYPE $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEYED AD TAKEN FOB LE88 THAN 80 CENTS WHEBE THE AN SWERS ARE TO BE MAILED THE ADVERTISES. NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20 CENTS, WANTED TEN BRICK LAY- ERS AT ONCE. RATE 90 CENTS PER HOUR. J. E SOLOMON, COOPER WAREHOUSE, HENDER SON, N. C. 16-2t WANTED FORTY CARPEN TERS. BEST OP WAGES. APPLY HARRISON CON STRUCTION CO., COOPER WAREHOUSE, ON AUG 25TH, HENDERSON, N. C. 16-10t CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS A discount of 10 per rent is allowed for sever CONSECUTIVE DAILY In sertions. Where white space is Ue sired above and below a charge of 10 rents jjer line is made. Classification not guaranteed efter 6: 0, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED JUNIOR. DRUG .CLERK State salary wanted and furnish ref erence. Bui 595, Winston, N. C. a-int WANTED t THREE EXPERIENCED HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASSERS fOB BO AD WORK. MAKE WRITTEN APPLICATION, GIVING AGE1 AND EXPERIENCE. ADDRESS ME-9' CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. WANTED 10 BRICKLAY ERS AT ONCE. APPLY COOPER WAREHOUSE CO., HENDERSON, N. C. 14-2t i WANTED ; THREE GOOD i BOYS, LIVE : ENOUGH TO GET UP EARLY EVERY MORNING AND SERVE NEWS AND OBSERVER PATRONS BEFORE I BREAKFAST. . APPLY TODAY BEFORE 9 O'CLOCK TO CITY CIRCULATION MANAGER NEWS AND OBSERVER PRINTER WANTED STATE AGE, married or single, sslsry expected, what yoti eaa do ia first letter. The Beaufort News, Beaufort, N. C. ' 14-4t REGISTERED DENTIST WANTED AT once write full particulars and aalary 'expected in 6 ret letter Dr. G. 8. , Smathere, 8 1-2 Biltmore avenue, Ahe TilJe, N. C - ' ' ; ,:- JMl WANTED - CASHIER. APPLY TO "Bank of Kaightdsle," Knightdale, N. C Btata aalary and references. I6-3t. HARDWOOD. MACHINE MENt GOOD PAY. STEADY WORK. PERMANENT MEN. NO FLOATERS. H. 8. 8TORB CO., RALEIGH. 16-2t WANTED - EXPERIENCED BROOM maker. Good position and pay for right man. Stock if preferred. Caro lina Broom Co., Varina, N. C- 16-2t WANTED fSIX GOOD GABAGE ME- ehanict immediately. Nona but best apply, People'a Garage, Goldsboro, N. C. 16-2t WANTED THE FOLLOWING GOOD musicians for land sale band: Cornet, trombone, baritone, tuba and anare drummer, from Sept. IS till Christmas. Must be gentlemen on and off tho Job. Btata salary. I pay board atad trans portation. W. F.Crouse, 212 N. "read St., Winston-Salem, N. C. 16-4t. W AN TEDLOG CUTTERS, DRIVER8 and mill bands. Come to W. L. Nofers Mill, Battleboro, N. C. 15-5t WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK FOR cafe. Address H. C. Ottimaa. 8now Hill, N. C. ' 13-7t. WANTED A GOOD, AUTO ME- chanic. Come or Write Slvson A Eaton, Hookerton, N. C. State salary. 15-6t WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TRUCK body builder. Apply Hackney Bros., Wilson, N. C. 13-5t. WANTED THE TALLASSEE POWER COMPANY, BADIN.N.C. Desires tho services of one sign painter; good wages, best of living conditions and permanent job for tho right man. ADDRESS J. H. DEVEREAUX, EMPLOYMENT MAN. GER, BAD IN, N. C. 15-10t REGISTERED DRUGGIST WANTED to buy some stock in and manage drug store in mill town. This is a good opportunity for some hustler who wants to get into business for himself. Very little money required. and a chanco to let tho profits of tha business pay for your interest Write to tiood Opportunity, 206 E. Hen driiRt., Greensboro, N. C. lR-.lt. 100 PAINTERS WANTED AT ONCE AT LOUSING CORPORATION JOB CRADDOCK, VA., NEAR NOROLK NAVY YARDS UNION JOB INSIDE WORK KALSOMINING AND FliAT PAINTING NO LOST TIME LONG JOB BOABD AND ROOM FOB 110.00 PES WEEK APPLY ON JOB TO J. G. MOORE 16-7t JUNIOR DRUGGIST, WITH FIVE years' experience, wants position after October 1. Not afraid of work. "F-8," earn News and Observer. 13-7t WANTED GOOD MATTRESS MAKER, Apply at onee, Eureka Mattress Co, Raleigh. 13-St, barber Wanted at once. 925 guaranteed or 63 per cent atraight. Wire B. K. Bradshsw, Union Barber Shop, Wilmington. N. C. 13-5t WANTED EXPERIENCED CLEANER and pressor. Good salary to right party. Address tha Farmvilla 8team Laundry, Farmville. N. C. 13-7t WANTED AT ONCE, riR8T-CLAS8 white barber; 70 eommissioa. Ap ply to Crystal Barber Shop, Golds boro, N. C. 13-7t. WANTED AT OXCE-A TWO-THIB- , der, maa or woman, t help U our printing plant. Write, atatiag eipe rienee and aalary wanted and when eaa come. Burton . Brothers Auction Company Printing Department, Wil sob, N. C. 16-4t. MAN TO WORK THIS CITY REFIN lining chandeliers, braaa bads, auto- . L . ( M J 1 oouet, uy new meuoa, oiv anuy, without capital or experience. Write . Gunmetal Co, 126 Elm, Decatur, u! W A ITED REG I8TERED DRUGG18T; give experlnece, reference aad aalary expected. A good place for good maa, -H-a," can News aBd Obserrer, 17-St WRITE THB WORDS FOB A 80NO- Wa write annsla aad guarantee pub Usher's aeeentaaee. ' ' Submit Doema. patriotic, love or any subject Cate rer Mime vo, isob Bo. Uearbora, Bolte Chicago. . t,, YESIP YOU HAVE TWO HANDS Prof. Branning will teach yon the barber trade; good wages; thai a of shops; position guaranteed. Atlanta Barber College, 14 E. Mitchell St, Atlanta, Ga. 10-lt. STENOGRAPHER WANTED 0EPTEM- her first, male, with some railroad experience preferred. "Y-6," cart News and Observer. 8-3-7-10-12-14-17 WANTED MEN FOR ROAD WORK COMMON AND SKILLED LABOR. ROAD-ROLLER ' MEN, CONCRETE MIXER MEN, TRUCK DRIVERS, HOISTING ENGINE OPERATORS, BRICK DROPPERS, v AND CONCRETE WORKERS. STAND ARD WAGES PAID COMMON LABOR, GOOD PAY TO GOOD MEN ON SKILLED WORK. LONG JOB AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. WORK TO START IN THREE WEEKS. APPLY IN PERSON OR BY MAIL TO T. L. HIGGS. COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER 336 HINTON BLDG., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. 9-10-13-13-17-19-21 WANTED AMBITIOUS, EFFICIENT stenographers for responsible posi tions; 81,000 to H300 guaranteed. Po sitions for students from 60 schools. Tuition, less trainfaire, paid from salary. Catalog, attractive proposition. Piedmont Business College, Lynch- bur-, Va. WANTED EXPERIENCED STOCK security salesmen. Good proposition. State your eiperienee. R. 8. Free' maa, 703 Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Vs. 17-lt WANTED LIVE, ENERGETIC, young, nnmarried man, with good education and address and with the ability to sell a complete line of high- grade garage equipments. Garage Equipment Compaa U 110 8. Blount : Street. Raleiffh. Jt. 17-Rt EXPERIENCED MANAGER WANTED FOB FLOUR MILL. Wanted an experienced man ager for a 75 to 100 barrel flour and feed mill; ona thst will buy four or five thousand dollar worth of stock. This is a nrnnrr chance for the right man. Write TROY MILLING CO., TROY, N. C. Iii.AKN AUTOS TRACTORS. B!g demand at big pay for trained Auto, Truck and Tractor men. Oldest, most reliable school ia V. 8. A. En dorsed by factories snd garages everywhere. FREE big 173 page cata log. Coma to Detroit. The Heart of Auto industry. MICHIGAN STATE ACTO SCHOOL 1.16 Auto Bldg., Dftroit, Mich. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO do woodwork-and who csn handle snd operate machinery. Good pay to the right man. Corhitt Buggy Company, Henderson, N. C. 17-3t WANTED 100 LABORERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION GOOD WAGES PAID APPLY ON JOB WE8T CONSTRUCTION CO-, KINRTON, N. C. 17-St WANTED COUNTRY PRINTER OR two-tbirder In newspaper office and lesrn in run linotype. Johnatonian, Selma, N. C. 17-lt MEN STOP DON 'T LOOK FOR jobs; well teach you barber trade. paying positions guaranteed, chain of shops. Make money while learning. Everything 630. Toole free. Greatest Southern college. Send for catalogue Jacksonville Barber College, 822 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. 27-3-10-17 LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED IM- mediately. Top wages. News, Ham let, N. C. ' 17-M. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOUNO LADY 6TENOO rapher, thoroughly efficient and caps ble as serving as private secretary. Phono 334 17-2t W A N T E D THREE WAIT RESSES. APPLY YARBOR OUGH HOTEL, l6-2t HUNDREDS WOMEN 18 LP, WANTED. U. S. Government census work. SI. 000- 11:600 year. Eaay office work. Com ""won: education sufficient ' Pull nn- necessary. List positions free. Write immediately, Franklin Institute, Dcpt 6S9-S, Rochester, N. Y. H-te-10-5 GlRLSi LEARN MILLINERY BE IX dependent. Demand for milliners i creasing daily. Good positions aUays open. Start aow for fall season. Making and trimming taught ! four to six weeks by artistic milliner. Full . course, S25, 8par Practical Mil linery College, 4, Whitehall St.. 'Atlanta, Ga, . Jones wanted to know. Nobody could blami htm, for good ttenographef meant smoothly tunning day's work. Smith told Jonea In a confidential whisper. .What 8mflh said was 1 h-h-h-hl Listen! I put a Want Ad la th Daper and she was number itvtn. Bcren, you know Jonesy, It the perfect number." And Smith smiled smile of tatiifaction. And here's mors of Smith's secret. The papef ytu thU paper. Why don't you try Smith's plan? Or, if perchance you are a stenographer, a Want Ad maytfind the particular place you want. Tha best employers read them. Try one. That An Effectiv Little Meetaget wT5rfc w. hriskt H la UU it pup pU pp4 pp- tow svnr,a Mwie aa.. tn PW MM PI IllWh TPS. M imi Mi 1 111. one itwa fsraM nslr. J AoiiauSi Tha best Employers newspaper to find each other. It is an excellent practice to Read and U$e the Want Ad in THE NEWS AND OBSERVER . Tht Best. Xt the Cheapest, Wait MedUm la pa m. r. M ' - - North Carolina" HELP WANTED-FEMALE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPEND NEXT winter ia Florida on the delightful Pinellas peninsula t Work in our orange packing house is open for a dozen women packers with outside employment for twenty men pickers. Good wagca for good workera. Pref erence to experienced men or women, but experience not absolutely neces sary. Work starts about November 15. Write Orona Citrus Growers' As sociation, Ozona, Fla. 3, 11, 17, 24 WANTED NAMES AJkffllTIOl'S Wo men, 18 or over, wishing government eensua positions. 4.U0U needed. 1,000 year. 'B-106,'' News and Ob server. HtoW-5 WANTED EXPERIENCED MILU ner. State age, experience and salary expected in first letter. References required. S. H. Kress t Co., Rocky Mount, N. ('. 16-2t. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. One with experience in law office pre ferred. Apply in own handwriting stating qualifications and experienro and salary expected. "D-10' News and Observer. 13-7t WANTE D TWO WHITE LADIES WITH GOOD HEALTH TO DO COOKING AND OTHER HOUSE WORK IN PRIVATE HOMES AT PROVIDENCE, N. C. GOOD HOMES, REASONABLE SALARY, PLEASANT SURROUND INGS. GIVE REFERENCES. W. L. STANCIL, HAR GROVE, N. C. 17-lt. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY who wants good home and ia willing to asist with housework to go to Norfolk, Va. Address 4111 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, Va. 17-lt WANTED TWO GIRLS FOR DINING room. Experience not necessary. Wire or write. Farrar Hotel, T:ir boro, N. C. l"-3t. WANTED MIDDLE AVID LADY TO assist in copking sad housekeeping. A good salary for the right person. Box'l, Nsnhville, N. 17-t. HELP WANTED (Male and Female) WANTED-A RESIDENT AGENT IN each small town tributary to Raleigh, to take orders for a beautiful and useful line of sanitary brushes and dusters thst every housewife wsats the moment she sees them. You can earn a nice income devoting all or spare time to this work. Address Manager, Box 606, Raleigh, N. C. 17-lt RAILWAY MAIL AND CENSUS clerks wanted; prepare for coming examinations. We prepare you for $5. No extras. Pittmaa Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. . .1-6-10-13 19-20.24-27-31 YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A long We write niuie and guarantee publication. Submit poems on any abject. Metropolitan Ktudios, 'Dept. .VI 2, 014 8. Michigan, Chicago. TRAVELING- MEN. WOMEN, BEST aide line m the world; 1,000 monthly; nothing to sell or carry; in formation only. J. ri. Walker, Boul der. Colorado. 16-30t CENSUS CLERKS 4.UOO NEEDED $92 month; age, 18 upward. Experi ence unnecessary. For free particu lars, writs J. Leonard (former gov ernment examiner), 103$ Eouitsble Bl.ll. Washington. O-'.Ot TEACHERS WANTED WAXTED-LADY TEACHER FOR TH and th' grades t good - salary t $ months term. Address Bos 47, Wise, X. C . J 16-2t. IE pnutipcp ItaaiPf Pw mv. pp. pt. m IP pprlli ppa tab, pa Cap pmII. ! 11 MMf. PM ilf aBapt I pm pUiim. Hwk 0mp1 ADDSuUSt and Employees use thl$ TEACHERS WANTED WANTED TEA CHER8 FOR RURAL schools of Richmond county. Snlnries range 70 up. School terms: 6 to 8 months. Apply to Supt. I J. Dell, Rockingham, N. O. 16-3t WANTED TWO HIGH SCHOOL teachers. One for English and an other for Latin and Algebra; liberal salary. Address P. O. Box 014, Rocky Mount, N. C. 16-3t WANTED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER of English. Liberal salary. Address P. O. Box 914, Rocky Mount, N. C 14-3t WANTED TWO TEACHERS, ONE for fourth, fifth and aixth grades; one for seventh and eighth grades, 175 per month. For a aix months term. Apply W. E- Koonce, Comfort, N. C, 147t TEACHERS FOR GRADE AND HIOH school work; principals aad auperm tendents, music, domestic science, ex pression. Demand greater than sup ply, riplcndid salaries. Nperial enroll ment fo August. Sheridan Teachers' Aecncv, (Ireenwnod, 8. . lu-3! TEACHERS AND 8CHOOL OFFICIALS send for our new catalogue of school supplies, maps, charts, globes, erasers, crayon, ink. report cards, registers etc. Special estimates for year s sup ply. Sheridan School Supply Co., (ireenwood, H. I . 15-.lt WANTED TEACHERS FOR i'IRST fifth and sixth grades, also French. History and English teacher for high school. Good salary for 8 months term. D. W. Maddox, Supt., Jones boro, N. C. 11-13-17 WANTED POSITION AS CLERK IN hotel. Can furnish best of refer ences. Address "11-1," care at News snd Observer. 17-lt WANTED PRINCIPAL FOR THREE teacher rural school. Salary, $125 per month for eight months; two princi pals for three-teacher schools, snl art $100 per month for six months primary teacher with knowledge of music, salary $73 for seven months' term. Apply to R. H. Clayton, County 8upermtoudont, Hillaburo, N. C. 17-.lt WANTED LADY TEACHER FOR 7TH and part 8th grades in Norlins high school. Good salnrr. Apply St once giving full particulars. Box 1, Nor linn, N. C. 17-4t POSITIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED BANK MAN DE8IRE8 position. "G-l," csre News and Ob server. Ifl-flt I WANT A JOB IN A BARBER SHOP, one year's experience hair cutting and shaving. Not so well np on shampooing and massaging. White Iem Gaskins, Grimesland, N. C. 16-21 WANTED A POSITION THROUGH September, October ana ovemrer, as clip carrier on Eastern N. C. to bacco market, t.sn give reference, Address "W.M.H.." c;irc of Banner W. H. Co., PamplifQ. S. C. t5-.1t POSITION WANTED AS HOOKKEEP er by young man; married; now em ployed, but desires n change; with good references. 'F lO," care Nees aad Observer, Raleigh, S. C. 15-7t BOOKKEEPER, EIGHT YEARS' Ex perience, five yesrs in wholesale gro cery, wants position Sept. 1st. May be interested in taking stock. ''P I," enre Newa and Observer. 14-4t WASHINGTON AND LEE GRADUATE just released irom tha service; ono year principal of a atats high school; desires principalsbip of a school or professorship of English or History. Address P. O. Box 117, Candor, N. C. 16-.1t AN EXPERT DICTAPHONE OPERA 1 tor snd typist desires position in Ra leigh at once. Salary under $75 not considered. Address "G-3" care News aad Observer.- : .lt ii WANTED P08ITION IN BANK OR office whero ability eounts. Have bad fiS yearn office management, and two yeara' banking. Now employed as eaihier. Good reeommandations from all employers. Goodjreason for want ing chtege. Address C-1," care News and Observer. 14-4t WANTED LOGGING POSITION. BY experieneed man. Will consider con tract or aalary. Apply T-3," care Raleigh News and Observer, , WANTErrPOSITION- A8 HIGH school teacher. Three years' experi ence in high school work. Two aa principal. State high echool princi pal's certificate. Best - references, lG-,'' rare News and Observer. 16-21 WANTED POSITION AS COUilER elal teacher. Three years' experience in college, high school and commer cial work. "0-8," care News and Ob server. 16-2t yOUNG LADY DESIRES CLERICAL position. Can use typewriter and adding machine. Experienced. Good references. Phone fCio-J. 12-7t. BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED ON Carolina tobaceo markets, desires position with good house. . Write V. E. Bush. Bronkiville, Ky. 10-7t. POSITION WANTED AS CABLEWAY legging superintendent, with 12 years experience; Al reference. Address Box 34, Henufort, N. C. 3-10-17-24 REGISTERED DRUGGIST OPEN FOB position Sept- 13th; good experience; don't mind work. In answering state salary offered. "F-4, care Newa and Obaerver. 14-17 ARMY "Y" MAN WANTS JOB AS COUNTY WELFARE WORKER, "A-4," CARE OF NEWS AND OB SERVER. 6-a-l0-12-14-16. A STEADY AND THOROUGHLY CA- pable young lady deaires a position as doubly entry bookkeeper. Not a stcn ographer but can use typewriter and posting machine. Box 217, Raleigh. l-3t ENERGETIC MAN GOOD AT FIG ures; also pretty good penman, wants either position or job in tobnceo warehouse to learn tha busineaa. I alao like plenty of work. References. "G-?, care News and Observer. 17-2t DO YOU NEED AN ADVERTISING writer, Mr. Business Manf Ona who can write claas, "punch" eopyt Try met Address "H-7," care Newa and Observer. 17-4t ANYONE DESIRING SERVICES OF lady stenographer with six years' experience in genernl office work good speed in shorthand and type' writing, write "1-1," eare Obaerver. 17-lt WANTED BY MAN WITH 18 YEARS experience with all departments, position as manager, assistant man- sgcr or steward in good commercial hotel; would consider leasing good hotel. "1-3," care of News and Ob aerver. 17-lt AGENTS COMPLETE HISTORY OF WORLD War by March; big book; best terms; enormous sale for fall deliveries outfit 25c. Southern Map Co.. At lanta. Ga. 13-7t THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE sge Tho Duplex Hair Cutter. Just comb your hair and it cuts it at the same time. Easier than shaving, Guaranteed to sava its eost many times every year. A child can use it Worth $5.00. Samples sent postpaid for only $2.00. Bond todsy. Duplex Hair Cutter, Box 705, Raleigh, N. C SALESMEN OR AGENTS SH0 WILL s'art you in a business of your own thst will esrs you $500 a month Simply say: "Show ma." Magic Metal Co.. Richmond. Va. 12-7t EMMETT SC0TT8 AND KELLY Mil lers Negro War Histories outsell them all hotter now luin ever $40,. 000 sales last week. Agents wild over success. Boat terms. Patriotic pic tures free. Express paid. Either out fit free. Both 50c. Be quick. Mulli ken Co., Uimiiertnn, N. ( . AUENTS ONE CENT INVESTED IN a poatal card brings you clean, honest employment proposition worth 910 (1U0 a week. Specialty Manufacturing Association, Division 210' Madison Wisconsin. AGENTS BIG PAY AND FREE AUTO mobile introducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture-proof, Ave year spark plugs and other economical auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Hall wey, 551 Sta. F, Loniaville, Ky. AGENTS MAKE BIO PKUF1TS SEIX- ing our Extracts, Perfumes, ('old Creams, Fart Powders, Spices, Med' lcines, etc. Beautiful High Qrade Una. Exclusive territory. Sample Soap free, lacassiao Co., Det. 141 St. loiila, Mo. 8 TAILORING AGENTS WANTED Sell men's mnde-to-nieasure suits and overcoats. Earn big money. Only producing sgents wanted. Fall sain plea aow ready. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago. HOW MANY NONSKID a0xJ!4 T1RES- Oooilycsr, Goodrich, U. 8., and Fire stone, Fik, Kelly-Springflcld, Ajax etc., could you sell at $11,701 Other sir.es just as low-priced. You could isvii money for your friends and make money for yourself. Handsome commission on every tire. Agent easily earn" $20 a dny. No stock, no office necessary. W rite for this at tractive proposition. Famous Tires Corporation, 346 Uabcock St., Buf fnln. N. Y. 3-10-17-24-.il AtifcNTS MAKING $J0 WEEKLY, Everyone wants it. Formulas for 2(H) Homo made beverages, Book form Send $1.00 for copy and territory proposition. Buyers Export Agency Inc., 447 Broome St., N. Y. 17-24-31 AGENTS $8 TO $13 A DAY EASY 250 lightweight, fast selling, popular priced necessities, food flavors, per fumes, sonpi, toilet preparations, etc.; agent s outfit free; write today pwtick, now. American Products in, TJS American Bldg, Cincinnati, a AGENTS MAKE $50 , WEEKLY 7AK- Ing orders for fast selling Goodyear Rnincoat and Fountain pens. Han- , dreds of orders waiting! $3 an hoar fat spars time. Barri made $17. ia I hours, palmer made $146 ia one week. We deliver and collect. Sam ple coat and pes free. Write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. .Co., 123 Goodyear Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. a-t-f. AGENTS OUR "BUSINESS GUIDE" containa only cotton calculator with pricea from l-40e np to 60s pound. Also cotton seed and picker's tablet. Best terms; outfit free. . L. Nichols Co., Naperville, 111. I 15-17 AGENTS MAKE GASOLINE U GAL- lonj $5.00 hourly absolutely guaran teed. Others making it, you eaa too. Write for positive proof. Federal Chemical Works, 20 West Jackson, Chicago. . AGENTS WIRELESS UNBRELLAS; wifl pay hustlers $2.00 an hoar to take orders for this newest invention. No investment. Write for five-style out fit. Parker Manufacturing Cos, 2233 Wall St., Davton, Ohiol. AGENTS $8.50 A DAY TO START selling newest hosiery. Guaranteed to wear 12 months. Bigger money for full time workers. Writs Guaranteed Hosiery Co., 121 Ames 8t Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS $2.00 AN HOUR SELLING guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron. Needs no laundering; sell to every home. Dainty, durable, eeonomiea; big money; sample free. Thomas Apron Co., 121 Camp St., Dayton, Ohio. AUENTS $1.00 AN HOUR. NEWEST kitchen tool. Every woman will ass 20 times daily. Easy aeller. Big profits. Sample free. Thomas Manufacturing Co., 1521 Bath St., Dayton, Ohio. - AGENTS ACT A8 OWN REPRESE.N- tstive in your town, calling an auto mobile owners; either wbola or spars time. No samples, no investment. Good commission ; easy aeller. Kelley C'o., 475 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 17-lt. NAPHTHA WASHING TABLETS SELL ia every home; pay agents immense profits; sample free. Peerless Tab let Co., Llgonier, Ind. PORTRAITS ANY FINI8U, GROUPS or single, $1. No black shadows, ac curate likeness, prompt terries. Send trial at once. M. A. Beall, artist, S131 Van Biiren St., Chicago. ' ' AUTHORIZED NEGRO WAR BOOK, 744 pages with peace terms by Kelly Miller, of Washington. D. C, aad aa assistant of the war department j best book, for colored people ever written; 150 pictures; price only $2 JO; selling like wildfire; big agent's outfit free; get the big book. Act quick. Jenkins Publishing Co., Washington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED FOR RADIO-LITE for Ford cars. Price $3. Gives in creased light at low speed, aad does not burn out bulbs. C. H. Roebuck, Btokee, N. C. 17-24 AGENTS OPPORTUNITY OF LIFE- time. Scott's official history of tho American negro in the world war. Greatest seller in yeara. Photographs of colored troops. Best terms. Com plete outfit postpaid, 10c. Get busy. Sherman Press, Atlas Bids;., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL A new article just out; good proposition to Tight man. Address "G, ears News and Observer. 16-71 WANTED LIVE-WIRE SPE- CI ALT Y SALESMAN, NORTH CAROLINA TER RITORY. ADDRESS F. E. TIPTON, 103 W. MARTIN ST., RALEIGH, N. C. 13-71 SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED Something new in temperance driahx; livo wira men earn $JU0 per, month net; liberal commission contract with $15 .veekly drawing account, . Bed Cross Mfg. Co., 502 Title Guaranty Bldg.. Dept. G, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN TO SELL HlUH-GRADsJ package and ball gum; also vaading - sehines. Splendid proposition. American Gum Corporation, Memphis, Tenn. ' 8 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED IN EVERY town for Speedoline; quart sqosls 53 gallons gasoline; hustlers make $300 tu $500 per month; particulars free. Speedoline Co., lallas, Texas. SALESMEN - NEW CARBURETOl for Ford eare. Simple, not amoving part, Installed la thirty minaret, guaranteed to double your milesgt and atart in nero weather wil boat heating or priming. 13 day Free trial. Our St. Louis maa sold 1400 la t months; Salt Lake City maa sasdt $1,200 in ona week. Writs U. J. Carburetor Co., 503 W. Jackson Blvd Chirngo. ( THE SOUTHERN DISTRIBUTOR FOR the "U-C-WHAT-U-GET" Visible Gas oline Measure wants services, per manently aad excluaively et sales men of clean business record an! - proven sales ability. Big opportunity for the right men. Exclusive terri tory ; liberal commission, with good advances and drawing neconnt. Fw particulars address Can E. Booker. Raleigh, N. C. 17-$ SALESMAN WANTED IN SOUTfl Carolina, to sell oil. paints and roof ing cement. Big pay to the right man. Box 402, Wilson, N. C 11-15-14-17. WANTED AT ONCE-GOOD, LIVI salesmen, fnmiliar with the snetal culvert business, to eover Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and . Georgia. Good opportunity for ths right men. P. O. Bos 553, Salisbury, N. C. 17-lt INSURANCE MEN SHOULD WRITE for special agency proposition from the largest company apeeialixing ia Accident and Health Insurance. Doa ble your income. Openings through out your State. Johnson 4 Adams, Southeastern Managers, 593 Southern Bldg, Washington, D. C. 17-10-5X