TI12 tlZV3 ATiO 0SS2nVEt SUNDAY MOIUNINU, AUGUST 17, 1819. 6 Society ' bill ajd L , There's little spat It the mewitaias, I'p scar a blue, whit sky, When BUI tall, Though w'r ot eo ely, Catch fleecy deads ss they're flostlsg byj 1 Ail we barest a cart that's hstf at deep At flows is a sat, (ben young bird alecs. ;.; " - At daws there's a shower ef aaashlae there Like yos'll lad ia a ether placet It makes duat af gold And of diamends staid, Iff tba light of God'e owa fact As Bt smiles es the things sirs see m to shnn, . Ia their aasta to do what ia eeoa -: sadoss. We're gathered tba flowers together, Jsst Bill aad I alone, Thongs wa'ra growing grsv, Our (cart itill play la ths rollicking brook that run far ' aay, OS t aa aabaows, voiceless, tea, lifting our souls to ttcraity. At dash I wait for tb shsdows, ' Thinking at Bill he's dead Dog aad honest friend. Sbame-feeed aad deep, 1 band My heart to yoar humble bead. Hoplsg U meet my klaiter, aa you will, To aa that highent seat, where all ia till. ALFBED EQQEB8. Omaha, Keb. Uissri Belle and Esther Allisos . will leave today for Suabary, Pa. MiM Everya 8eara will leave la a few dayt for Wright itill Beach. MiM Helen Ilatehelor left yester day ta vilit Mrs. W. L. Duke, af Hea dartoa. V, Miss Blaoeh Btorkard left Sat nrday for her homo is Saxapahaw. 8ha will visit frienda ia Greensboro be ' fore eriliin to the elty. , Miss Margaret Batehelor and Nata lie uiii tcivti Monday for Oreaa Vlr ' . Miss Margaret Smoot, formerly of this rity, iHit now of Washington, D. C, passed through Haturday on ber way Miss Lillian Betts will return Mon day from Blowing Bock, where she has been spending soma tints. '-Mrs. Patrick Bay ii visiting friends ia psrbam. Mis Fannie Powell ho returned to tht elty from Asbeville, where she bi bees spending ame tints. Miss Frances Cheatham, of Hen derson, as S visitor in the eity yes trrday, i Mis flrncs Wynne will return today from Wtigktsville Beach. ' Miss Lais Dixon and Miss Mary ' Beyal, af Wake Ferast, are gaosts of friends In the eity. Mr. Wiley Smith, of Darlington, B, C, is visiting ia the city. Mr. William Corhitt, of Henderson, arrived la the eity yesterday to speed the week-end. 'Mrs. Charles Boot hss returned from West Durham, where ahe hss been visiting Mr. W A. Erwin. Dr. Irey Lewis, of Woodshele, Mass., is the guest of his father, Dr. X. H. Lewis, at Cloverdale. Mite Antiirt Louis Manning re turned from Warsaw yesterday. "Messrs. Tanner Rnnderford nnd Ovid Mangum, of 8m It h Held, spent yes terday in the eity with relatives. Mrs. K. B. Adami and Mis Flor anea Adams were visitors in the eity Saturday. Mrs. B. E. Maxwell ia visiting friends in Asherille. Mies Margaret Wilson Boll left Friday to spend the week in Durham, a th guest of Misses Irene and Annie Burst. - Mr. tea Mills, of the Internal Xsreaue Department, is spending the week-end in Boeky Mount aa the guest af Mr. Tom Suitor. Miss Vehwa Stalling, left yesterday t visit ber Bade in Suffolk, Vs. Before . Engraved Wedding Inivtations Visiting Cards t CerrtapoBInc Stationery Writs for Sample aad Prices Edward & Broughton Printing Company Printers, Publish are sad ttsthssaro Steel and Copper Plate Engraven Mssufsetarera af ANK BOOKS AND LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS RALEIC4. N. C MARRIAGE INVITATIONS Announcement Monogram Stationery Visiting Cards ENGRAVED W CORRECT STYLES Bead For Samples aad Prices J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO. nrirriAU..T. AU.-1-, Ccw,U &Ea OPEN Hickt-Crabtree Company Uptown Storo Pheate 1 OS 107 WAKE DRUG STORE' Photvte STERLING SILVER For Your Home Tba vary gross durability f steillag silver makes its parsbaae ana of true economy. It aeed never be replaced through wear. When yea key silver for your borne, buy sterling. , At Jolly's you sea pat terns of great beauty i- ampler af wonderful erafte manship ia the working out of artistic designs. For more than a gene . ration this stare has boon known ua the sil ver shop supplying Ike homes of teste end re nesteat. JOLLY'S KtuUlilwS II Itars. Jrflr A Wbm Jtwtlrr C- 1m. US FarettHltle tt returning home she will go to Ocesn View and Beidsvllle. Mrs. B. F. Johason aad little sob, Frank, are visiting relatives in Nor folk, Vs. Mr. and Mrs. E. U Coble left last sight for New York, Niagara Falls and Detroit, where they will attead a florists eenvention. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ourganus, Miss Xaary Taruey and Miu Lillian Our ganus, of Tarboro, motored here yes terdav, aad are the gueits of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wnrren, AOS North Daw sin street. Miss Etta Terry hss returned from a visit ta Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. Oaesr B. Teague, Misses Eliza Leach and Katherine Sher wood will leave Monday on n motor trip to New Tork and other Northern points, Mrs. W. A. Myatt Irsves tonight to visit Mr. and Mra. Q P. Myatt, In New York City. MiM Mauba Vaugliaa will leave to day for New Yark. Mr. II. Oalt Braxton, editor of the Rinston Free Pros, was in Rulelgh yes terday on his way to Birmingham. He will aeeompany home his wife nnd chil dren, who have been ia Birmingham, several months, visiting relatives. Miss Mavia Hngwood retnrned to, the eity yesterday after a Visit to frlewds and relatives is Creed moor nnd Bur lington. Miss Lizx'ur King hss returned to Raleigh nfter s visa of several weeks st Norfolk nnd Ocean View. Mrs. E. K. Chapin snd children left this morning for Norfolk snd Oresn View to spend s week. Mrs. Louis N. West, who hss been spending some time st Hendersonvills, returned to the city last night. Mrs. Hsvwood White left Inst night for Ocean View to spend soms time with her son. Miss flarnh snd Miss Lois Vessey, who have been visiting Mrs. B. L. Kaupp and Miss Madeline Kaupp, have re turned to their home In Spartanburg, 8. C. --Mrs. James R. Vaughn, of Peters burg. Vs.. is visiting Miss Madeline Kaupp. -Miss Margaret Wilson Bell Is spend ing the week-end wttbjdistes Annie snd Irene Hurst, of Durham. Mr. snd Mrs. J. A. Nemmett snd little daughter, Eleanor, whs have been visiting Mrs. U K. Whitaker, left last night for Atlnntn on tholr may to their home ia LaUraage, On. Miss last Wyuue ,of Birmingham, Ala.. Is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. H. N. Wyane. Mrs. Wynne also TODAY 228229 baa as her guest Mrs. T. L flordoa and daughter, Margaret, of Norfolk. Mr. aad Mrs. B. B, Aetoa and chil dren bare returned from ft viait to Osaaa View. Mrs. J. F. Oleaa has retaraed freea a visit to Bevea Springs. -r , Mra. B. 0. Morrow and Miss Ireae Kaett, who have bees vleiting at Oceaa View, have retaraed ta the city. Tayhsramlthi , Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith bare a a aouneed the approaehing marrings af their dnughtor. miss lbiiio- omun, Vernsa B. Taylor, of Balelgh, ths wel ding ta take puce oa Augusi u. - Miss Smith has beea with the T. w. Woolworth Company, and Mr. Taylor has beea employed with the Campbell- Warner Company. The young couple will make thoir bam ia this city.. a i ' ' Marriage License. t i iMiioit esterdav for the marriage of Miss Jauett Ruth, 20, lad Mr. John Frsssiia unagers, v, do ef Balelgh; Miss Anale Epts, SO and Mr. Henry H. Birkt U, both of Ml Cullers. KsUtgh Beys. On exhibit st Quslity Bicyels 8hop is the wheel to be given away to tke hay getting eighty subscriptions . ta Evervwomnn's Magaxine. See tke wheel today. (adv.) t , Auxiliary ta Meet. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the ftood Shepherd will meet at 8 o'clock Monday afternoon. Gayle-Cole Wedding." One ef the most beautiful ef Bat sigh's mid-summer weddings, was thst af Miss Elizabeth Marshall Cole, of this elty, to Dr. Robert Flnley Gayle, af Richmond. Virginia, which took place last evening at Edentoa Street Method ist church. For this occasion the ehureh was ar tistically decorated with a profusion of pines, ferns and lighted eaadles. Preceding the wedding a number of musical selections were played by Mr. B. Bllan Owen. The bride entered the church with her brother, Mr. John N. Cole,' of New York, who gave ber in marriage. She wore a robe snd veil of rose .paint lace. Her bouquet wns a shower of shaggy white asters. ' Miss A ire Cole, sister of the brMe, whs timid of honor. Her dress was of white tulle over silver cloth. She car ried s bouquet sf piak roses, pink as ters and blue delphinium. The gToom was. attended by Dr. Beverely Tucker, of Richmond, Vs., as best man. The groomsmen weret Messrs. Joseph Young Gayle, Urhannt, Va.; James Q. Davis, Durham t Henry Puryear Cole and John H. Booshal, of Raleigh. The officiating ministers were Rev. Robert F. Gayle, the fsther of the groom, nnd Rev. Plato Durham, of At lanta, Ga. Mrs. Gayle is ths daughter of the AY FEVER Melt VapoRub la a spoon snd inhale tba vapors. VICKS VAPO YOUR BODYCUARO"-0.60 Pkone 235 For Quick, Neat and Satisfactory Printing M. J. CARROLL Three-in-One At Our Fountain PURITY . CLEANLINESS SERVICE . Thej 3tor Wharo You Meet Your Friends. The Reasll Stare King-Crowell Drug Co. BP HAGUE SILVER, Mgr. Phono 95 Kodakers Attention bond at your alms for dsvelopiag aad printing. Wa guarantee the best pictures that your Sims will produce. iWa smploy aa Inexpert eaeed help. All yoar were done by Mir p.ofeesionll pbotogrnpbers. Ws develop your roll fllms free when prints are ordered, elai! orders giv s prompt atteatioa. The Capitol Studio ISstt rayettevllle Street BALEIGB, N. C DR. J. RICHARD CROZIER . Osteopathia PhysieUa IJH rayettavUla Street - Hours: 10:00 ta JtOO, K0 ta 1:00 Uffic Pbona ISIS r Boa. Pbone 1818 mam lata Rev. J. M. Cole, - - prominent Methodist minister af North Carolina, and for a am ber af years head ef the Methodist Orphanage, aad Mrs. Cole af this city. She is graduate ef Baa-dolpb-JJacsa College, aad aiase ber graduatiea hss been a member af the faculties af the Wllaoa1 aad Balelgh schools. . ' "' . .. Dr. tiayle is a fftdUAte; sf Biabmsad Ucdif.il Cellty, aad for several years has bees associated with Dr. Beverly Tucker's Baaetariom la Biokmoad. Following the wedding a brilliant re ception was givea at tba Womaa's Club. The alub, was beautifully decorated with yellow daises ad go! do a red. Re ceiving the guests at the door wns Mra. J. Crawford Blgga. Ia tba receiving )iaa wca Mrs. I. N. Cole, mother of the bride) Mr. aad Mrs. B. T. Carle, mother aad father ef the groom; Dr, aad Mra. Robert Fiatey Gayle and Mr. John Cola. Tba dining room was pre sided, aver by Mra. Aante C Bridgets, assisted by Miss Alston Dnrgaa. Serv ing were Misses Elisabeth Crass, Julia Russ, Carolina Dargaa, Ethel Marshal, Margaret Hunter, 8usaa Linshan, Nor ma Freeman aad Mildred Jenkins. In the punch room were Mlsaea Ellmbetb Brldgers, Gladys Williamson and EUra both Kitehln. s. During the evening uasie was fur nished by a leeaj, archest ra. The following out-of-town guests wero bare for the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gayle. Miss Msy Gayle, Urbane. Va.) Mr. aad Mrs. Pla to T. Durham, Atlaata, Oa.j Mr. aad Mra. Norwood Boyde. Warrantee ; Mrs. W. E. Homes, Boydton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Powell, Henderson; Miss Edith Burwrll,' Miss Lucy Burwsll, Wnrrenton; Mr. Grnham Woodward, Wilaoat Mr. and Mrs. Edmund White, Warrantee Mrs. Henry Armistead Boyd, arrenton; Miss Garland Allen, White Plains, N. Y.j Mrs. Wright T. Ditoa, Boydton, Va.; Mr. and Mra. James Q. Davis, Durham. Viaitlng la North. Miss Mildred Simpkins has gons to Tit rot II wtta Bins Ribbon Vanilla and the memory W delteimn Cmrt, will llnavr when aUwe thinp sra foiwnttan DistincUve, OlUiews Cavw. "Bt anC Ukm Im. ' Hugh A. Thompson, M. D. iaaouaem bis nsnnaneat ntarn e BsWlsb Prartks UaiUN Ss Orthopaedic 8urgery (Diii is. ninria an mstfsrautlNW mi baaas Mau aa4 mawlM.) 41S-41I CoaimsKUit Natkmal Bsnk Bltt. ii oaice sia. bhh in.. Dr. Dexter Blanchard Dentist 4H- Tucker RALEIGH, N. C Baltdlag BeU Phone i 119 L C WEATHERS Doctor of CHIIOPODY aad OBTHOPEDICs' Eractks Umited to Disessss aad Defarasttiaa af the Feet 117)4 rayettevllle 8t, Bsleigh, K. C. LUD WIG'S DANCE AND CONCERT ORCHESTRAS Musi furnbhwl tor all occasion.. Southrn msnsnrawnt of Udlnf daaos oKhwtns of Waskiaaton and New York. Btrtctty Union. H. F. LUDWIG. Mnnager a ISS Ssldffc, N. C. Pathe ST-.- 3 "V Admission Leasing, Mich., where she will spad as uasa with her aister, Mrs. w. r. Aadersoa. Bus was met ia New Tork bybcr sister sad they will speed two weeka there before going ta Magara Falls, Hamilton, Oat, aad Leasing. . , e The eanditioa sf 8heriff I. B. 8esrs, who has beea seriously ill far several days, showed Improvement yesterday. He is suffering from malaria fever aad aa eSeetioe af the liver. While his con dition may mesn hie confinement for some time, there is aa fear far any tara for the warns..,. ; - , . Try FLEMING'S Everrthinf in . Drag a, Sundries, Toilet ' Articles aad Stationery Prices Right Quick Service A ( trial will eoaviate yon. Phoae yaur wants, lsrgt or email, we appreciate aad give same atteatioa to both. "We strive to please. Be convinced by out Delicious Sanitary ' Drinks C. H. FLEMING DIICCHT Phase 27S Under BaUtgh Betel Kodalc Finishing We have the largest and only fully equipped Kodak Finishing Plant in the Stateand die equal of any in the South! This enables us to give you positive service on the following schedule; FUm left before) 10 a. m. ready at 5:30 p. m. same day 4 Film left before 5 p. m. ready at 1 p. m. next day And You Can't Get Better Work! We receive mail -orders from all over the South. These receive the same at tention as our local work. Suppose you write for our price-list? Or just mail ua your film and we will send statement at once. t Siddell Studio 126-B FsyetteTille St From Rek Beach's Famous LaARRY SEMON COMEDY- "THE STAR BOARDER" News Monday World Kinogram News MONDAY -AND TUESDAY Every trimmed and untrimmed ht la the house will be placed on sale Mon day morning at 9 o'clock sharp, ; Your Choice Every lady la Raleigh lcnewg what bar tains are obtained at Badger & Denton'i , $1 sales, so come early. Misses Badger & Denton Sccead Floor Over T, W. Dobbia Co. L Story of Thrills and s MEIME a) tmtCv1MvHtMtWHWHmTlttrtMtrTtlTmttttttTttmtW'nm '"Vi'.ii"- ALE . 1 RALEIGH, N. C Mystery Tuesday 25 Cents V "1 U lsecsutu(tssaUcasiH i ii(Sissia(sstsiattsS4Utiia4tliUt(suta